? W&Jt1WkWW'lnP!f!F&!!CRI!BHUmMMK3BWV!lkwKE rwrwwsmtiPWt P XSftWS PX.AJJV'.Y'U.rf nT'tiTJT "V kr " r - nf : 'i. rftf WWtSM mm- 22' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; PRI t) A Y NOVEMBER M im .iil 'i.i . ....4mMM'' a! '4AMW - . ' mf TV WBW M Wis w u! & sift IM' ussr. M Fi IH'-JW 11I,;I m im ,T 'TO OT U ; M '1 Kt fti fee v HYLAN CALLS FOR ROUND-UP OF K LAN Mayer of New Yerk Sends In structions te Police Chief CHINESE IMPERIAL BRIDAL PARTY WON'T COME TO U. S. I Frem Indiana CLASSED WITH THE REDS PASTORS ARE TRANSFERRED llcllililicm, I'll.. Nev. - At n spc pliil hc-Meii of Hnst lVnn t'lnsslx of Hut llnfnrinitil f 41i tl tjli tinrn. 1l.it' .1 11. Jlnceme Burning In Templet Men-, KeiMcher of I'nliuerten, was dNnilxsp.1 arehltti Brina Qlfti " 'he I'MiiiKHMiHiia I ihmh, te become "te,",, i ,.,m,, tuA tun-ter of t. Vincent Church, In Spring P-MiiR. Nev. . 'It Ih unlikely the ' ,. i(,v. .,. ,,. nll(.K ,', ri.cV-lvMl l.nipcrer will vIMt America fellow in j from !,0,,ruwn, riii-wii. Ohie, te be- his iiuirrlime. 1 rli.ee l.-iilte told a ,.,,, ,m,ter f the church nt Mount porrcM'enili'iit yc-tcnl.tv afternoon. ,.t,P1. ltcv. II. S. Kclim win re- I'llnec T-nlte, who Ir the I.niperprV , ....i.,,.! fr()M, tJpttVMlnim PIuvsIm tn he- uncle, nnd heart of the Imperial clrin. come pmter of the church tit Palmer 'and who probably would he regent If ten. the empire still cxNtcd, received the cnrrppendpnt In III" palace, thux i hreiikliiR nil preceucni I Incense U burning night nnd dny In spvcrnl of the itnpprinl temmp mi limit line of monarchists nre bringing Rift" i Fer travel we mnke a special hand woven "topper" that is warm but net bulky. ..Sttip!ittet 1305 Walnut ONI Or rHIUOtlFHU'S IUDINQ TAIIOM r 'I'lie nnrcrtv of thp imnerlnl heuc French I. Ill,, I ml.. Nev 21. -Miner li 1 1 Imt ni'ciwMtntcd reducing the cest1 ITyliin lintrueteil 1'ollee ("mimlmleticr of the tniptinK from . .000,000. whleh HW llllll.l"l "illllVU III 'VUU iU ifUUUi - I 111' f-r IVfl- rr .mil 1 ur m.ii. itnl tile ilH t Enrifiht bv tplpctntn csterdn te a after the Ku Klitx Klan nnd drive Its lti'-mheri nut of New Yerk before the or ffnnlr.itieu enn get a foothold. Disturbed by report reaching him before leaving home, the Mayer told the l'oinmlsiener te run down clergy men or ntn ethers trWng te ergitnie the Kl.ui titttl trrat them nil a If they were nnaichlsti nnd bemh throwers. The peine hne nmiile power te pro pre reed under the cunnplrne provisien1! of the pctinl law, the Mayer ttntc-. He criticises President Harding and the federal Administrntlen for net tailing n firmer stand In the Iuilnna ease. Mr. Hylnn's telegram aid. "The dtspntches from New Yerk thU morning indicate that the Ku K1m Klan is getting buy In our eltv. it this is -e, 1 de'lre veu t tre.it thw group of racial and religion h.i ers n ou would the ltcds and the bomb thrower. "l)rie Them Out of nt" "Drive them out of the mt i- rip ly as you discover them -un e v liiem 'expert detective- te iln- weik. nnd as jeu -ecure the nain et any 1 the ergnniwrs or mcmWt uf this -e. ' organization be sure th their n.un -lire siven te the pr-ss. -e th t ctti7.ens of our uty niav knew , 1 .r. Hpperting this villous nnd deMi-u-M Kecret secietv. . , "It is unfortunate tn.n the I pi'.v Cnverinnent dn! net take it tu re tn 1 position in this matter when Mi erner et i.eui-ian 1 uppean-u 1 cellencv. rresident Harding. eral aetlen. "The Ku K'ux Min or anv -. society of lrnllnr char.icer pee is a menace te our rie XiitinM. 1 he Tieelile New Yerk will net telerite their p -ence within the pentine- f our 1 1 oils. Iave Ne Stene I iitunifd "De net leive ! -tone tint urn. ferret out the-e de-pnible. .1 -lej 1 1 r r gent. who are atteiupiini: te ..lei'u'e 1 eecletv the aim- and puri; -e- of v li c. are of siuh clwracter tint vv.r thev te prevail the foundation et our ..mti'rv would be de-tre.ved. . "I noticed in yesterday morning -World tint tip K" D" '"' K , fttraten and the Uev. O-car Ilevwoed D. D.. of the Calvarv I'.apti-t ( li'ir h are alleged te 1" ceniUMted in -eme Tvav with this -ecret organintien. It this is e a little ne'iee nttentn n along this line would net be our of order. "Oe after the Ku K1'"C Min at . de net let them get a foetho 1 in N v Yerk City. It i- te be tesr-fted iM' tnen of the i leth r : denomination, would lmv iinthi'.g de xvith an organization who-e purtm Is as vile as that of the Ku K' iv K 1" These people can be deal' with undtr the con-piracy provi-Ien of t' e penal law of the State of New Yeik.' Washington. Ner. 2 1 - P..'P-' t 1 bold nttenint- of the Ku Klu K'an t Interfere with tli I nitcil Stat.- m. -in I)iii-iana and Te.i- ve.'er i brought the organization into i.n... conflict with the reibral !eer 11 t.f Agent" of the I)e)iirtrn i of I ''" Hnd of the Po-felhcp Department Ae Ht once i-.sigtl'sl te invt-'iga'e t'.i- le velepmeut. whnh brings within Federal juri-dictien. Details i f the r-peit' I mt't' with the mail- in ' h. ing w tl ' It WM- -t lleil .it tin i" p tire that rei or'- w n gatid nml had a.n i" 1 the l'e-t 'til' ' 1 1.11 Tl e i einplaiiit- . r. I'lliellj wi'h aetivitii- I' inside the pui il -1 1 v 1 deln or withl."''1 u r e Jn sum" in-' it" - i" 11 ' te lin.e been le-t 01 1 . LOSES TEETH IM CRASH Philadelphia Mcte-istr Cell cie W.t Oklahoma RepreiiPtatue'i Aute Wa'diingteu. 1 In ti 1 1 f 1 -' T ilu 1. 'i ' tl t in. I .1 ' i-i 1 ill -1 'i I. tie Ih ir 1 ! t iv tive M. flint II i, !lll .! Mil" II ( I II. II I'l 111- II The Phil I el' ' the I i-n . 1 II -tu -11I11. tin 111 1 ' 000. LIONEL REDUCTIONS en train. Frcth, elf n (toedi. W kecu your train In repair. We hare larger quarters this jcar. LIONEL TRAINS Ne. 159 Outfit Complete.. $4.50 Ne. 164 Outfit 12.25 Ne. 37 Outfit 12.95 O Gauge Electric Curved Track 10 G2 Scmnpherej 60 O Cause Lionel Swltehei. 1.69 A Small Dcp.' W' Held Anr Outfit Until Xraaa Oi'en Evenlnrs Entabbsheit 15 Year WM. H. BECKER'S 46 N. 11th St. Thanksgiving Special OF ROUND, OVAL & HEXAGONAL SILK SHADES 7.75 and I Our Second Fleer Im overflowing with a large assortment and a Rreat variety of different colored Silk Lamp Shades. Every shade in well made of nllk, with inner lining and one or two toned fringe. Hgured and plain de signs. 18 and 2U inches. $8.25 j "!. 10 uiiu .u Hunt's. w,ssSvT1 A plain or decorated mahogany stand ) en " for the table, complete, uml one of OU 0Z&4k tripsin slindna I untl l55!?fc?7 these shndes The sanie shades with I he same shades with a black luster &1 1? 00 vnse or any ether color -1 SfitSw SyLlri Complete Hnr of appliances suitable for Xmas ff(M of very low prices, SI T 3,c XlVtJffO N- E- Cerner 13th & Arch Streets fiyfiSK 11 en B19CK from neauinir if rminai, 9 diecrj from Bread St. Station. J " 1 1 open wen., wrq. c;. UL'ily.. ,m ,'tXI: I M1 WmmnmSMM nimm I 1 KHfil''" 1 r. I Fn. anl S-u. Evgs. Free dellTery aervlce. RADIO Sat. MEiS IWiSrASflKHi Special for Fri., A Men. 3000 OHM HEADSETS $0 CA Hi. J3.S0 J.vJU 2200 OHM BRANDES SUPERIOR HEADSETS 7 Re. $8.00 OttO 3000 OHM DICTOGRAPH HEADSETS $C AA Res $12.00 U.UU CONSOLIDATED VARI0- SO Cft METERS. Rer $6.00 fcetJU FISCHER VARIOCOUfLERS $9 CA Rej. SG.0O LUJ U. V. 200 RAD10TR0N JO J,C TUBES. Re?. $3.00 .... Ortd U. V. 201 RADI0TR0N 9 A AC TUBES. Reg. $6.50 td 45 V. EVEREADY "B" BAT- $0 O A TERIES. Rej. $5.50 d.OU WESTINGH0USE "WDH" $C PA TUBES. Rer 8,00 0DJ RADIO CALL BOOK, 1()C SOCKETS FOR "WDI1" TUBES Mail Orders Filled Promptly EUGENE G. WILE 7 North Tenth St., Pbila. flavor! CARVE YOUR TURKEY IN NEW CLOTHES but nOW PAY LATER THE MOST LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS IN AMERICA ARE AT YOUR SERVICE Dresses Trlrellnes. I nntnn rreiiKa twill an I M3- Spert Coats Muiirl limtlur net turca 11 ml ml e 11 n t , tielMti, vnleiir, rte. 13-5e Fall Suits IN tret In lll. I rniiUlrjtlH. M I niri, trlcetliifn, $ J 750 Men's Suits & Overcoats II 1 c It erad" linnd tnllereil, k I n c 1 e nnd ileiilitn breutcd tiinili'ti. Alterations Free I $1 A WEEK Wrtfft I Gately & Fitzgerald MS MARKPT T r.nt i'in.ui. w. ( p $25 TO $50 Heme Open Saturday Evening! ICJf fi Asce has that smack of coedness that is at once perceptible in a cup of delicious coffee. The delightful flavor seems te penetrate the walls of satisfaction and make you call for that steaming second cup. WANGERS Everything in Radie aroma! T Net the aroma that yen wish te n sniff hesitantly, but the kind that makes you fill your lungs in order that you may net miss it. Before you have tasted Asce, the aroma tells you that it is going te be geed. v ' .' v 1 1 1 1 in 1 ST r HEADOLTAKTErn? "riryns y' Every Artielt CumranteeM ' ? Exptrt Radie Advice Free Watch for Our Weekly Specials SPECIAL Your Burnt Out Tube Takun In txchunge for a New One DETEC'tOK ..$9 25 AMPLIFIER $2 7 BRANDES SUPERIOR HEAD SETS Rtc. i.3 00, Special KL0SNER VCRNIER RHE0. STATS. Rer. $1.35.. ACME TRANSFORMERS, Res f 5.00, new W. D. 11 TUBES 1 ''j Telti. Se?. 8 00. Our price M0NRAD" VARIO COUPLERS Ret $5 00 MON'ttD" VARIOMETERS, Ret; J5 00 B BATTERIES, larie size. IT V. P.ee. JTOO 13 PLATE VERNIER C0NDEN5ES 1-it lit" endi complete vuth !ij $8 5 Vt ':i..rj At the Allegheny Avenue Station WITH the Frankfort! "V in operation, thl bank is 17 minutes from City Hall, and 8 min utes from the FranKferd Terminus. We offer bonking con veniences and the most complete facilities for the business interests of the entire Northeastern Sec tion of Philadelphia. MS Allegheny Av. i m 'll"l Hi ll'l'H fc SEES MARKS ARE EASY MONEY Wlien you use them in such cases as these chased at a vast saving in these three War Department auctions. Careful search through these lists will reveal many such werdseach and every one packed full of profit opportuni epportuni oppertuni ties for you. Mark them all! Take as much time as you need te comb the lists thoroughly! The busier you are, the mere it will pay you te miss net a single item Grinding Wheels, various Rivets, ussertcd First Aid Packets Cartridge Bexes Heeks, asserted Stovepipe & Joints Wagen Bews & Bottems Weed Feed Bexes Driver's Seats Wagen Sides & Tongues Wheels, front and hind Hnrness components Cellars Halters At Philadelphia, Pa, December 15 Gauntlet Gloves Bebbinette, gray, 48 te 72 In. Unbleached Braid Convalescent Cleth, gray Cap Cleth, O. D. Puttee Cleth, O. D. Duck, various shades and weights Melten, O. D 8 te 28 oz. Shirting, cotton and flannel, O. D. Thread, asserted Cutting Steels, all kinds Rhenred Tin, 22-gauge Kepc, all kinds Buckets, G. I. w covers National Cash Registers Canned Fruits Dental Cream Cigars Shee Polish fi SOMEWHERE in these lists you arc going te come upon n familiar word. Mark it! Use a red, black, blue or green pencil but mark that word, and mark it se it sticks out like a lighthouse! That word is the name of something you use in your business, and behind it stands a vast quantity of goods that can be pur- At New Cumberland, Pa. December 8 Harness, nil kinds Apnrejes, cargo Hairs, saddle, grain, feed Bits, bridoen, curb, rein Saddle Blankets Herse Cevers Ilridles and Cellars Currycombs nnd Brushes Halters and Ties Traces nnd Straps Saddles, various At Columbus, Ohie December 12 "Feed Bags, new Jersey Gloves Ha, ersacks, various Mittens, 1-fingcr lea. Beeswax nnd Clarified Shoemaker's Thread, asserted Lasts, various Table Cutlery Stock Pets and Bake Pans Beiling Plates Razors, common Shovels, intrenching Cans, G. I., various. Meters, 5 te CO h. p. Lamp Shades, mctnllic Transformers, G. K. and Moheney Terry Steam Turbine, 1-10 h. p. Controllers, 220 volts Beiler Tubes, .J in. tet 1000 lbs. Steel, bar, strip, sheet, cold and het rolled Other commodities, in piofusien, are shown in the catalog. Perhaps many would Interest veu as much as these listed heie. Request te the Quartermaster Supply Officer, First Ave. and 5!Uh St., Brooklyn. N. Y will bring the New Cumberland nnd Philadelphia auction catalogs promptly. The Quartermaster Supply Officer, 1819 W. Pershing Read, Chicago, 111., will be equally Klad te send you a catalog of the Columbus auction. The Government reserves the right te reject any or all bids. '&fejllll fr 'MM nJilMMinai J I iftrr-Dinn a cues 3?I nn pi I The enebeil n cnnl jienps nml nillcil blcked tin that en light of clulis. T l tlie bvt'iiiKi nea lubH." Picking '.-;..,. it was the kiin; r!$t..t VAiuihlnir the reii 'kilIK ,iWl. llU b. t VJW", . j 2jjrj2 Ih P2i nil? UsM jbl n -ti. tj. "jm. e krjj T Knew it as Asce ; remember it as ff Asce; speak of it as Asce; and 1-. alwav-- 'irder Asce. That's the d $j 7C " ". .,"" ; ;, j-.r '""": r T ' . SETS Rer. i.3 00. Special 0,iU .'"" . Ji me u..tv,- ' eTN , .,". KL0SNER VCRNIER RHE0. QC- I L Ai 1 aSOO Coffee U $1.75 JfiW. f$4 s1.50 C '541 jsw ttm id c uv i ... . .... ...n..n. . ... ,- .ra fiAtm n ' r y t: li ( i : :.; tLAir. v-irte'i. (.u.-iut'i-tna, r ict "arra xUkWr-lJakw 3 h y? G ti, ' , j, i'h hirrl ruLicr end- Re;. 51 C T&tMlSSm "P g V &, j mil. - J150 Our nnce IJ fl IfjL TRIPLE SOCKETS. Rej. S3 SO. SI Pn Bil B ; " I ' Our price l.OU V& k , , ' l " r" SWITCH LEVERS Speei.I IP,, ' jj PS - .,. . - - a'rIAL3 100 ft 33c lD Ml 0Uf QualUy StreS 04 IT I rirhs We have all the parts for the fl fv netv Flewetlmg Circuit. w I . Hy rT7 ' ' ' "T'ler. IT,., mi, i'l', I V. si , j tVAJIA-3.T,l t..ftH N i.V J uui. mm. .1.1 u... i iiiiu., i a. SLSKMetfliBBSaBJiiI3itilgI KtH ? Vnitl fOliEarjJHHHiJJJJjHHiHI I V V rr-rn SiSv - -v 8-mnr&f i I'm ffmimrjffs n Hs-tiiis 3 snvhcl li rAl $21? ! be-n the unfailing help for , ' d&XSk BiiM. v. S SP3 ' mi.liens troubled with f.euRhs ;' i-'jKf "''SlLslJiWSv.' ' 1 r "iv ' ana irritated threats. New XS x- II A .. v!lv!iCTATiW,,!KCSlii S U W JAYNEX comes! -iJLiScQfi-, X'c'S4IffSk i JAYNEX s that same 92- J$YmK''' l C year-proved remedy but in ir2 IZzz 'V v 4a. c ''srSiBl" 1 fc. aT '. i " . ., sr,-;ii"-Apr s;i.i r,7 ",. sa 4KV I P a TABLETS. JgL- WS&ftfr W JAYNEX contains no nar- --r k. fWiU' V f cetics; no habit-forming drugs; f Ns. 1 tt it is safe te give even te chil- ' V ; ' ' I S h dren; nnd you can DEPEND v 1 & '"' ' vAi en it. Get it at your druggist's. -k Pwi''C'', , ' f l J Ililn time limps, tlie - y. Kj', "W-HZWJ. V, a k 1 , n ,..., ii, ,n t 01 r"y &; H h7Z4 peiiiiriiii,r, imwewr t w ., - a, . -.--- l r y fcv'j en one of the ..tin i P m Wfjf JmL bk X zta rwk faUl? Aftm Lvx "two of sp.uii'- ii. BT Tfz Jr . m I w awM: 1 nl uml -a w it wi the mm Jy ' irV. ra B M m AwlulL '5 H ' 'euchliiK the mp 1'iii'i a Av-, k Qi U H T r 'A lrrjj p, ne riiiii'ii -eiKiu in m r u n "" m 3 rv- i i up the cnnl, he Ntn AW m M y" U . m 1 fcg "SqI muw mi of diumemu. Then. M m B E I . m B T vSJi. I two of hdhiIph. he i v mm m ; - ; v A il ' t?H9 ittmtT a rr ." Thus (it M M m B - k I I L VrMflUI IM . the three curds I y V m mmmt k m I II Aw 4 fk. I Di 4tJkmA ' F, l 7 iZ" "IB m 5ft JL r ti-af,' r '.' PlCrv OP EACrt CAJD Acrea nminci Ne. 327 N.iiiiIiic ilic C.inU A puck of eiuiK i e it im. il ich pllfs. Teiuliini; the tup , ml ii i no pile, the H'l I'm mi i ' ill-' out tli ri , in. pf ii card (mi t w ii vp.eli-i I then picks up tlinl uml. 'li i 'in; the lop Mini of the in vt heip I nil Ollt "I'Ullt el clllli illl'l pH k-. up lie nird. Tem hlns; the tl.ml t mil. li iii.'v "klnit of ill.niHuiriV' nml pli k- thii Cnnl. lie then I.ih the i ,ml tun. up Ml the table. The i ml-, .ne the two pf epiule, eight of i lull- nml Unit; nt iir.liieniN . the er iiikN he nnned; llefeie ileilirf the tlh It, tin iitm in r lecretl neteil the top cml of the i h. k. ft'lilch wits the two of i-pnile-. Winn (he puck wax cut nu of i-pnile- wii CrewLevick MOTOR OILS and GASOLINE make your car's work easier 219 North Bread Street 9 .KI h (llainetul I (low named. Yd if" &A mit'wu,,.! . .,.L.. t AnV.;tAv.lfSt i