r-lJ-L . L III III' I I I '! WHIP MI SCHOOL TAX RATE $23,729,000 Needed for Next Year, Beard of Education Is Told NEW BUILDINGS PLANNED TV Uennl of Education till lhavc i'.t i. nnxt vrii- n undertake hnllillng operations thnt can be ffnm .In" I carrle-J out bv the BHMIng firnirtmrnt. wltb tlic same nlne-aml-Ml?-mill )n rate that was levied ter the current year. Tlil iriiieuncement wn made today bT William IHck. secretary of the lXir.1, ii fpednl mtlng of the II nTnce Committee te dismiss the budget ter the year 1021. The total budget There have been demands for the rfwtieu of new school building, and Vmierintetiilent Hronme lias asked Hint i nreKni'.i "f bul'tllng rotiHtructlen, Jhlrh will cot about 91.1,000,000, be adopted. .,.,....,. The iielinriincui ui nuiiviiim-iiuvirei; hn, wtlnintnl that If S.0OO.000 ran ......1 mi m.i-mniienl Innnn Him .,.. f.ir tniiiniveinciits. the program can I renipletcd In two 5 ears. Mr. DIcK said nun me increase et mil estate nt"-eMtient8 and the saving na' . . i. ...III l.-l.. ll,. Im.1 en certain imn m " - ". roeugh addltiennl funds ever last year te nlliiw leans te he tleated for new bulMlnpi. Such leans will he put en (lie market, its the money Is needed for contract payment. "I,.i't j ear. card Mr. Dick,, "we lied a seteii-elghths-nilll tax levy for ,lcht M-.ice. lcht service, which is the piiymcnt of interest mid sinking ...! . i, ,,!. nn nil ncrmanent leans. enyu nil mirage of about !?S9.(K)0 ll jrnr for earn ?i,iiuu,uuu oerrowcti. Te Sate In Seme Departments .fi It i vitliiiiitril thnt this- mr n total "t Si:. t. "0,000 can be appropriated for debt lemre. nils is equivalent iu nn liiercn'cd tax levy of one-sixteenth (,f a mill. It c.m he successfully done wltleit any iietual iiie:eitM en the total tux letv by saving in ether items. "I a!-" i'i"-t there will en at least sr.Oii.wi tliat c.ui be ap repri.ited out iif uirrriii i-.'teiiue for 'anils and build l.. Tlii.1 will allow the erection nf up T t . new M'hen s without a lean. Tlic r'M'iiiiiiiii'iiiintieii ei ur. uroeine, cliu.r I',,.- tin. extension of nrtlvitlpH nf certain ilpartini'titx. en led for a total .... ... . i, imiImm nf S'HI'l. 11' Dr. ltr.iiinin .I'l . I s - . , fjpMintd that some et the recommen recemmen iliitieits hail lieu held ever from last jiar. The Imilget is an incrcnt-e of $1,!ISI, O.i-.0. eter thnt for the current year ami ?ii(l.,"..'lt mere than the total re ceipts for the "urrent yeir. DicU IMiniates Items According Id the report of Mr. Dick, the Item for teai-hers' salariis, addi tional teachers, inere.'i'-es for these who ire tint al tln maximiim allowed en 111" Finrgnn schedule, and the Ineiil school bennl's. share of contribution te the State Tenehers' Retirement Fund will amount te .1.",4."0.-1SI).2.-. Of this the Ktuts will appropriate a little mare than JL',000.000, leaving it manda'ery en the heard te raise $13,3a).48!)."-"i, tthirh will take a tax levy of five and fourteen fifteenths mills. The money fur current operating ex prn.MS fir (lie school plant, niliuliils. niliuliils. tratieii". supplies, land and hu't'ding.', transportation, summer ami ctenlng rchoeN, phi) grounds nnd the like, ac cording te tiie .State law, must come out of n tax levy of net lcs than two mil one-half nor mere tlcin three mill". Ker these epcnscs, SII.M1M2-! OS is licMeil. Tills will require n lax levy if te and eleven-sixteenths mills, or a Inial 'evy tif nine mid one-half mills wliieh will make the school tax for nevt jenr the same sis the ley fur this jear. "Tiger" Denies He Is Militarist Crnllmiri from Piikp One ttntcsman declared liis sin 'pai'ticulnrl.v ilUtre-slii!:" mil ten was li!lt'lti.itlnr1 .I!-...-...!.... .t ... !" ' .. i, ..i-! 1 r-;.i. filllll' HI I I'ntmn In. I. ...I t .. I !n...i. .... '"'" .ii; mm nn'ii mei llllU'l'iy I'llll- 'i'nj "for Ikivjib n-!-e. fr mi tins Ger mans le-s than I emjltt te." Will Kxphi'n .Mere Cle.rly When he wt tehl that some of Hum rfiiatnis at Wnliiugten had s.nd thej I Verc net aide tu undei-.tand cii-ml). from lit t.M .uilw. Iiil. ..1.... 1... 1 " ' ri ' ' ' ' Ml 't ,1 llll I II'' .. illll ii . of America, the "Tiger" s.ild, with a1 sieiiin ill ins tyi,, linn . thu tight thev witi'd :iti,w .lfter liis mires, tlijs after- ' lenn in Tieiiieut T.'inp'i. the mi mid fur 11I hiii.f.li ,.t l.t. v. ......: ' Vl Mill- Tilll 1 , mi. Urim-iici,.),! iecfiei his interview !1J ''.' '"' r n at the home nf - L. .. .MtlK-'i II, .11-., V.IHI-e no n sta.Miti: Willi.' Ill I llln city. l j. v,,,,.,. hj., ipimt Rraj ciitnwnv suit, and hi.- cinv skull "ip.vns per-hed en his l,al,f liead. Vntiii',. luniM'lt in n blue casv chair, lie sniil : "Nw. put any iinctinns ,eii liKe, Mill I will niiwpf Ihelii." jijle inn mew 11- ,,,,, , ,( , ,,, Mlijict ,,f il. Washington cnUri-ut-.. u1" '"' Miiil.d ami shrugKcil. 1 I liail made a iiuliit net In debate nit 1 nlli-,.,1 i,. Ainericii." lie "'I. lint I have said 1 will answer "ll, mi 1 mst an-wer. Gits Raeli at HKclitiirU , "I an .hid te l.-II .Mr. IlitcinecU l,c " n th Senate enl, f,,,. f,.w ,.IVs. "Wing te the M,te." lie 1,,1-an. lefei- I ni? te tin. Nehrishnii's ncent 1lefe.1l ' Or re.elpet,,,,,. 'I'lierefere I think I'll I w excused f I ,,,,.. 1,;,,, 1 r. ep1 and if . finds any one In nn Cll n '"' oKe '"'" who sa,s I ,n'e T" militnilst then I'll ..we it. int- illVC Ml"'rcil much from JS71 te ur.! 1 "'n!'"1, ''"'"K militarist. I ir:i.,l iiillitnrlst when the war broke hi J, fei'' ' l"1'1 ,",',1 milltarllst te he extent of extending the inigth of inllitiiry set vice in I'rilliie. In. 1 ! '" W,'""'t '"" ,""1- if '' "' 11 ',"," "I"' I he Geimiiu fienr '"'11 l.ns'.iud nnd America appeared." lin,. I ,",',,,s', Hilchl ink's ii.,. niii 'hn" ,iM,i U(l, M Defends Uliult Troops lilmi" .."'" 11,.st l.l,,u'1'' ""'f "re " Ien r,0'.r '""'" "''" "f occip. eccip. lace r "1" C'"''"'' .,' ""' -''''"1 flr. Tt,11!"1" Ir'"" "", ' -'""'I I'" iiAj ' ,,r,,vcry. ten. with , f,,,""rM'- this has nothing te de m ItnrkUl,,,S,i0M r tvlielhlT we lire ., ","1" s "', 't. II is nu nlteuint I Plan.. . J I'roeaijaiHla te eppus la re! Tk" '! .A"1"'' '" ! "hM-ure wluu "Ti . H'Mi iiies,fi, had i'l,. .'1,',",'""S "'", "" "f "" "" au lieen I I,L. .,,,1ItEt f ,... ... , ari?v,,,'. ,''" .lack ,',. Id. g '- leni'-w" W ,r"w W''-' ''""I Ji.;M1,", "inl" nlwniT. "IO," !,,'"'li Hildlcrs w,. bi ?"""' '."' .'" '" "''' ","- V"'. "J", wl"" '''""''' l'-i.'l.. Is tri,.i ,. "i"'" ' w"' ,l'"11' dlM-lidlll " Miicler u,,,,, ,mv W,(0 ,,.,,, , 1rePda Ilia Cause in,i0' ,1,mvc wn pnpers of German I """win,!,, u.,,.b l' sunne.se insnired 1 flM " '" i ;.i..ii ,lchc0k 8 "nylngs, nnd I cun ny ether candidate in the whele cite 11 ..2,7 "?y thpy nrc m ,nn".v Hcs. fien. .. . .. -". ".." . .vib .,i..b lie...., .. .H.j uKiure i leu i-arm nenru I!!nL i0Tif would be employed je, prove wn were n mllltarlftlc people. nj iisKcii cue eincini people te give me pin in information. I lue answer wan that there hed Mciitlii Harber, been only one established case of n r Cbllders w educated nt Trinity Col Cel Nenegalese having mlstrcnlcd n German lege, Cambridge. He served In the woman iu n-un iiisiiicri'ii nnu sen- iciiccu ny a military tribunal." Relict c While Troop . The irnwii l,t..rk trnnn. , ...,t iiie reason blitck troops were sent into the eeciinni en wine ni rs. Clcmcnceau saiii, was te provide a few I months of horn, . leave or the white ' iron p.s "that had Meed the lire for years until Amerlm eeiihl reme. nn.l i were rather exlmuated." "We innliln't feipvpp " tin snlit ''bat It wmdiulMnere u,c uer nans .tna i te lie rcnti in whose towns they bad been gnrrieued. When We Iraitipil it wns thev van withdrawn. "The German objection tvns mere of n surprise because they employed black troops, nnd If they did net bring them te the front it was because no means of hrinelne llipm cnnld be found. Tliev did find means te invade Hc.giuii Conge with b.neks." Replies te Berah . Then the "Tiger" came te Senater uerans statement that he, Llcmenceuii .. . - " . wns respensiuic ler most et r.urenc s woes, because of the treaty ity or ver- eaiiies, I ijecinring tnnt the criticism was e- nctly the opposite in his own country, where he was nssnlled for net demand-1 "I was received ns a friend, as n son, no Fain, "ttna lever happens in Refreshed by his night's sleep, the "Tiger" nppenred even mere jubilant I ninny innii lie was psteriluy ever inei eniniisiustii! reception given I1I111 liy Rosten and ether cities between New Yerk and here. He declnred that even If his "nils "nils slen" of winning American hearts for France failed which he was confi dent it would net lie always would treasure the memories ,if the welcome he had had en this "last mission of Ills life." There was nothing en the "Tiger's" program for today except the speech. Rut what lie would de no one it, his party could sny. Yesterday lie declnred he hud wanted m see Runker Hill ever since bis visit te America fifty-seven years age, nnd it wns net improbable that he would summon Colonel Stephen I!en-al. tour conductor, and deniatid In be taken there immcilliilely. Fnnetiil Hall, tlic "I'niille of Liberty." was smother point he Imped, te visit. He bus been invited te two football games 011 Saturday the Crown-Dartmouth -game ,,t Cambridge ami the Yab-Harvard game at New Hut en. He wnnts te see both, but it is uncer tain whether he will be able te attend cither. Childers Executed; Aide of De Valera Continued from Tnicr One military stralcgist who planned the operations. It was te Childers that Winsten Churchill, former colonial secretary, recently referred in a speech ns "that mischievous, murderous renegade, that Knglisliman who Is in spired by an equal measure of hut red lxth for this islnnd ami for the. one in which lie new has taken up bis abode." It is believed here that the Free State authorities could lay their hands 011 le Yuleiu ut any time they desired but that tljry did net wish 'te de se in 1 lew of the possible iiftermnth. The question which immedintelv sprang into the minds of Londoners Interest, i in Irish affairs when they heard (he news of Childers' execution was whether the Irish Republicans would nitenipt reprisals, and it seemed te he thought net unlikely that these would have te be reckoned with. The Dublin coriesnendont of tlie Press Association notes that De Valeri the ether day made a threat .ha. hloeij would flew if Childers were executed. ' 'I he situation iluiiug the next few d.-iv . Is lilely te be pregnant ttitli tig'lvi"' pe limine;!. i miners wn- 11 mysterious ligure whose net it ides liuve never been fully tcualeil, although he i generally re garded us having been tin- most ex treme nf the irreconcilable-. Childer- was' 11 nephew of tlic late Hugh Culling Kiirdley Chlldeis, Chan, ii'l'el- 01 the Exchequer under Gl.nl--tene. He married an American wom an, i,c daughter of die late Hamilton 1 i.-gnnil, of Mo-ten, who is a confirmed ilitalld. She ul-e is rejieiled te be a ltepuhllciiu sympnthiei, and when 1 iiniicr- wns eiiitiiig in. ;,iun ,, n Mull. tin ami turning out ithti-l'iiglMi 1 pn puguiiilu ii wn- -aid .Mrs. Chlhler.-I wns liw nmanueii-i-., Clilldeis, t, In, nt one time wa- 11 clerk in the Ill-it i-li Heuse of Commens. -neil in the Smith African War iimi a.- wllh the n.itnl nil- fnlce dlitiug tile I'uiepi.iti War. being awarded the Dis tinguished Sen ice Cres for his achieve meuis. He attained fame as the author of (he Get 111,111 set slert. "The It'elill,. j.1- .he Si.mls," and wrote many ether , CHILDERS AN ARDENT IRISH REPUBLICAN Ft-skliic Hinders, n lieuteiiant com cem mniider In the Irish Itcpuhllfnii iirmv and one of the ilglit'liaiid men of Kiimeu ib' Valera, tun placid ..r.- dial before .1 military tiilmnal in Dublin en Nevembei li en the cluirge tliat lie had 1 pi-tel In lii pe-M Ien when nrrested at tt IcKlnw liy lice Mate feice- en November 10, The trial la-ted two da.ts. Chillier", who was fifty. two vears old, appealed through counsel f,,r writ of habi'iiK ceipiis, whl -b was do de nied yesterday by the .Master of the Itells. He then appealed te the Court of Appeals fin Southern Ireland, When Chi'.'ers was cipiureil he was at the Ii e of a relative, Ilebeit Mai teu, situated in 11 weeded and pic. luresqiie -is den of Wicl.lew, Twe ,.,d iiiiius of National troop- biirreiindcil the Marlen liiiiise 11. diiwii. one of the KOIIIiers inn, 'I'll en me uner UIKI was nnVttcied by n imilil. The MM-vuni wn ... i l... .1 ... t iiiisi uf i e mid ll detuc imeiit of the etpeililieu cntcreil tlic house. t'lliblel's Wlls liiUIIU III III) iilihtiiira beilrnniii. He. attenipti'il tn draw pis. Inl, lull Wlls uM'IpiiWei'cd, (,i Ws ' iiikeii le Wicklow ilni mid lalcr In I'liitiiliellii llariacks, Dublin. Hubert Hurimi, one of the nignnteries nf the Ausie Irish Treaty, biter turned ilgillllst it, , I'lild'is j an ti i lt nt U'oieiiiiiit of nn Irish lepiiblic ami nl mul.t iiimM'i iitllli -.iilen e' die treat) selling up die , . i .i . it, !""' ,l Kn'ic1, t tecStt ffi i nniuniciii, rvciiviug rower votes than, irii.li rice mine en ine greilnii thnt it "'Let theso tvliii snvTnVkcd ten much '""' "M"B singie-i cck iimcniiivs, wiiitu . tiewani, me latter athletic officer lit en tn V,,.? M,ii i.ii,." ,1, J'pp weu,d r,,n from Ocrmantewn te Rex- the Nnva Academy. Reth officers ac- fnan fdeXud '""' .Tn" f,irc ?" ?,"w '" hc' companied the tmen the train from wberJ It can K win " 'V.C "S "nt,chn?nl. T i he W,r,a?S Annapolis. The eJlieer.s reported that Clemene?au (lee ared his reception I.i troey Tl "l? c,Ti',,,, VUCU "EK" ,hp f'l' ''' hwlft, pleasant nnd Amerl?rinsUbee,i "Krentcr than 1 wnl 2-X St5h T " tS y" ""ffv,"" . ti1n,l . -,. ii 0 CCnifa TlIC ISMV.V leilln un elvnti a r tier ntr iiiit eiifiiicTii. iit nftiiiiiiini !. lilllUM'U 11 I'llFH l the cm!, I never shn forget t. Rut worked out te reduce the number of 1" . ' , v ' , tw D,!V lnlCKH i . . ' ...., " "lr nnl' ,"n" .S"'. "Lu ,p!?!n 'VW irw-ffi ;- aft r "."Ke S .wB.fte;S. f,jr,""ti0" fdlewcd l&i&VtiXMF1' Clenienceau was up at diwn te.lnv!ffl,nnn P2Z! Ir'nnnTse Xrs t the s.atiei, ,lhty cheers for the "two seta of men who play against iiiitlinc l" f iNI,"i onclies ni tin "or-' rm Hp, mi ni ,,nwe"ww m and the p!ncrs i cemhrs m- each ether tomorrow were chums and tour, which he , t ileliver at 4ln)tll throwing stones across tlfc street, "'Ph.. ii.lds,i,.nie, can sv- . thins te i'?ftlll 71 tfw " o'clock this nftcrnoeu in Trcment . ,u. (uiP weuW celm. imd tell their t but a fourth Nnvv tlrterv Ii n row? if" , ' v . .. . ) m V.,"'"1 1"" (,nr',,ey' Temnlc ' .,...i..i..tu .. Aim ,.,.im.w1 .n... 1....1.. i 1 ...'.."',: '. " r.ew: of the avy. who will oiipese each ether WIVt.i' - itJfjl . ff-rJftt'VKifi-r Early in the next month he was rc ported te be erganising a band of In- cur v in nil1 iiexr miiniii nn wim ru- I Mirgcnts In the Uub'ln bills nnd later anil inicr the hand in the summer commanded tin f irreutilars wlui cut the cable in Va European war as n lieutenant com mander of the Royal Navy Veluntcet Jfe'S"" between Tamiary and May, in nnrt the Distinguished Herv- . ,,,. i.i. M.rvlen with thn nntl- ce ress ler ins eervicc wun me uim rMiii, . ihn n.itlm nf Prnl ,J2L,MTL 11 .. 2&$nL vZSS! Z"iumU..it"rXu,fnitimi w?r" ?' ome !. Volume V of, the i'nm(,s..i .iil.. i, " ,i,m ,. 'iv ' war, "In the Ranks or the C. I. V. '"" " Jir,,,sb -' Mitten Explains 10-Cent Bus Plan Cnntlnnrd from Pne One city and also te West Philadelphia and ether points." Mr. Mitten then diverged te the transit situation in ether sections. "I recognize the need of the down town. district," he said, "and also that -. - . ..wF . ....-. ............. the streets will have te be freed nf , .tracks. A bus service will hove te take. j their place sooner or later nnd with 'thnt same nellev. n eeat for every pas- sensor " n .'ni He told of a proposal for another bus One-Man Cam In Plan Mr. Mitten said a it an must "Wp could' pre'bnhlv' rfach some telu tieu of the matter." Mr Weitleln breucht thcttepic hack te the Helil-vaid oils line. "There arc several bus lines operat ing en the Reiilevnrd in the inernlnK and evesiliig hours under 11 certificate nf' (.miveiiipiiPi. i?rnnlPl liv I lip PilMlc 1 Service Commission," lie told Mr. .Mitten. The P. R. T. chief said that matter would be simplified by the purchase by the company of the equipment used en these iiidpppndeut lines. Handed Geld Itrirh. Sas Mitten "We are net showing one hundred dollars 11 day mete in p'ess earnings since tlic Frnukferd L started," said Mr. Mitten. "In fact, we tire showing n less of SItOOO 11 da. from our suifm.'e lines ns a result uf diversion of traffic." Mr. Milieu laii'rhed nnd added: "Tluit is wlieic the Mii.mii' handed Hie a geld brick. And new. In addition te that, lie wants te Itil.e un. our one man cars, wlihii nrc necenry en the lilies where tliej are il-ul." Jlr. eii Tagen icniarki'd : "If then is nny one who can hand ,ou 11 geld brick. I 11 in ter him. "Well, the Mnyer did it," Mr. Mlt Icn responded with 11 smile. Hefercnce te dip "geld brick" brought a gvueral laugh from the group. tl- Majer joining n.s heartily us tin tin ethers. Mr. Kesenwnhl. of the Sears. Koe Kee buck Company, -poke briefly about t in fills line proposal and the transit situa tion in t tin t section of til city. "V.. -pent !511,ll(M),(Mi( in developing our pliuit." he suid, "but one great tiling hindering us is the lack of trans portation. Tills lius service will be an excellent thing for us until street -car triinsportutleti cm he obtained ut fares eqiini te ether sections of the, city, liven tlien.it might lie u geed Ideu te hnvc the bus line remain s nu auxiliary service." After the Ileulcviird inspection trip, the party went te Geruiniitewu avenue and Kit.enlietise street, where a single deck hit- was waiting. Frem there the vehicle proceeded out lJittenheue street te the Lincoln Drive, te Clive den avenue, te Walnut bine ami thence te Ilidge avenue, ltnxboreiigh, the pro posed terminal of the route. Mrs. J. B. Harriman Enters Business Firm r.. ... . ?"" '"" ;.rre Pn" 0n Adinlral ( enverse and a grist f ether -jiisiiiiiciii till, kn Ffl ft.,. iriilnnii Mr- Harrimnu's po-itlen hnte gene. ... ..i .iiiiiij; mi, I'MUIC. "OK 11 recognized power in tiemo tieme crude parly politics, Mrs. "urimiiii has recently mudc her heu-e r-illtlng '"int for die Iciders et her 1 ,i her Ihursdny evening supper parties, which she gnte during the -unimer 1110111I1-. one used te meet nin- of the deserving Uenucrats" in Wusliinsten, as well 11.- visiting party lender-. fhe's n twrn organizer, and her friends say she eusht te ' an etc lent bu-iue-s executive. The linn -lie lias T . . leuiei-eil, ttlilch snec a b 111 ermi- iiii-iiuii iieiues ler iiinn lOIIICS for Ilium m 1, n mm. m'al people, used te he W'e-tiett vc :, ' '""''"-'e ttestcett nnd .lelm P. Story. ,Ir ...Mrs. Harriman maini 1.11- 1 house m Washington,, ,-bnrniiiig old li-iu-e wltb a garden lu that s.ctieu of F -trcet, tin- -'(HM) IdecK. wllleh 1- ei. iming 11 .."I "-.1 11. u 01 ns inn-nun giert us a I lashieimbV ic-ldeiice di-111. 1. Hew-",""'''-. '"' spends n geed ihal of time 'In .New Nerk or mere pnmerl. New ' fill?. ,,.,-.y , W, j J-m.-hter. Alls. 1 I (ll -el! , Nanu-il fr Yuiiiigcr M-tri- ! 'J'hc Francis Shoe, uhili Mn. I.i.!. lu- limincei! nnd wl-idi 1- named i.r ' uer jeunger sister, .Mr-. Jehn Ilallan " itnev, who was .Miss Frances ttliiiains, is under the acw diicei ion e! two women Mis Charles u'Den- 1 lull Lee ami .Mrs. Ouii-hy .MiC.iiniiien. who are both "well .ine Inveinblt 1 Known ill smart Milieu. Airs. Chailie I Hume isus-u, j,it,., wj,, then. tee. ...1-1 iiiim-rse nils male a gieat mh (,s.s '"J a maker of hii.hi frocks. Aiatiy 11 tashienable bi-ldn h 1- -he dte-si'd fu' lll'l- wcuuing. Mis Susiinne Chase, il.iiighter of tic late nptiiin Velnet . Chan', I. S N., and Mi-s Elizabetli Meacli, daugh ter of the .Morgan l'..ulies. have inei" leernt Iv -ii m. .. ,i.,.wni,il.-iii,. ...1 .1.. lishiueut, nnd, although the re quite new ut the game. ilic liatc almn-,' inure wein Uiail tliev 11,11 1I11 ami III liirning out mine deli it.ihle Inicl,-. Elsie Cobb Wil-011, a si-tcr nf Alur- ray Cobb. s nnlieutill.t known a- tin , Interior dccoratei. and Alls- Move ' lil-eeit'. i nei' n.i.i ..I I nniU'ii Ailnliilniw . . ' ."'""1 "- ; i-...- (,,l,"'-v' ,""' Arctic ctpl.ucr, lain taken reiiinilng nfier M'v- "' . ' i-ciiie urciiiiei uuc, te AVtlshlnetiin frn.ii ttostell crul .tear.s tepraetiee her' prufcs.slun IIITC, Mini)- SiM'li'ty Teaniunis As fur die icainnais run by Mie'eit tteineii, tlieir mime i legion. Mrs. lielle Hewell Itnliti. a daughter of tlie lute Admiral Unwell, who iiitenlcil die Unwell tnipeilu ami wniibl hate I n a millionaire If die l! ssian lievei'mneut had imt blutvii up, has the "lelluw Diiigeu Ti-aliinise." .'irn, .iice .ti. iiiiiciiiy lias tie S""? "V'0 and made a huge tweeem of it, Asse- .Mrn, Alice Al. I'urcliiy has die in iEiTSS fc'i uZlvA Ls-wvAZM mm '. elated with Mrs, Hafchty 's charmln Kathleen Rvnns. whose shcclnl Prev inui- .n inn miiiiii iiiiirriirun Incc Is the Hentli American coffee room. tucked away In the left of un nmuslns little converted stable. Mls Mx'ans Is a cousin of Colonel nnd Mrs. IMward T, llrewn, and for a while she inn the tearoom at the Cav erns, near Newmarket, Vn the Mnm Mnm methCavcs which the Hrewn family own nnd which they have been develop ing of late and opening up for tourists, greatly te the dlcgust of the powers that be at nearby Tjurny. no, alter nil, Airs, llerriman is hardly u pioneer, though her plunge w somewhat of n shock. Navy Team Arrives in Tew of Fair Rooters Centlnurit from Pace One a short rest was en the program, with practice following en Kranklln Field. Field Carefully Guarded The big playing field where the two teams will strive for the champ ionship tomorrow was carefully guarded all day se that no one might enter and find a hiding place Whence te view the practice of the rival teams. Kver.V entrance In Ihn field wna watched and guards were posted in the ,, , Kymnnluiii bulMiint se th.it .. nnn ,m,i (lu cenvniiptit window from which te view flip nrncllcn The siiund from Annapolis Is under the orders of Lieutenant Commander It. I'. Perry and Cemmniider Deualns send-off in Annapolis thin morning. The team and ether members of the I a confirmed habit of victory ever the a rmy. West Point's squad spent n quiet morning lentim: outdoors ,,t Green Hill Pit mis, Overbroek, though some went metering. The Ami team II self is holding aloof as much ns pes-lblc from popular en thusiasm. Majer Charles H.ily, chief coach, is Giving his charges a thorough nst in preparation for the. biggest game of their j ear. Majer Daly get his men up n little before H. nnd gate them n irenkfiist of grapefruit, ceieai, ham ami eggs, toast nnd coffee and premised them u leguhir meal of broiled beef-teak to morrow morning te put tliem 011 edge for tin? contest. What They Had for ISrealtfasI Majer Daly pla.ted it game of indoor golf with his little son Da:i. the team's nine- car-old mascot, at Green Hill Farms this morning alter breakfast, while some of his inei. engaged in such gentle pastimes ns croquet or knocking a geii mill aneiit outdoors. A Imlf dozen of them departed for 11 walk will. Mid Cuvaiiaugli, their trainer, wli.i t.-rd te light under the nniue of IlilljGlnver. nnd Is lieNlng in-tructer as well us trnluer nt West Point. Visitors were notably rib-cut from tile team's headquarter- today. Green Hill Farms was che-en by the team managers because it Is in the leuntry, away from the nei-e iid dust ami e citpiiipnt of a city hostelry. The couches believe their team will have 11 big advantage In the game tomorrow ,c-ciu-e of the restful conditions sur rounding die nun. The llrst visitor this morning was a .teuthfiil mid feminine one who came te see "Pep" If-, the -ci-iib center. She was pointed out by ether grinning members of the team as hi fiancee, but "Pep" blushlugly lefu-ed te reveal her Identity. Cadets islt Alts. Stotesbury Tin- uieii wh.i went metering -peni a delightful iiiniuiiig, clioe-ing die place.-, they most wi-lied te see. Seme cf tl-eiu went te (lie Navy Ynrd, etlicru In Valley Ferge, some te llnverferd 'el'ege. One group nt sit, Mi-cids-cr. Alulligmi, Sm.v tli. Sinrck, White and Aliteis. wele driven te die home nf All-, i:. T. Stete-bury at Whileuiar-b. At lir-t the buder would net let them in. sating .Mr-. Sietc-bury was "out.' Tlie pl.i.M'f.- were m-i- flit . nnd (lie liuth'i- llnally took their mimes te Jlrs. 'teli -luii-i , who came down t see hem. 'I'll" bun been iiitiuduieil te her 11-t .Mar by General M.-u Airhiir, former .-lupcrliuciiili ut of We-t Point, who iiiairinl Air. Stett.-luii. '- daughter. .Mi-. S-etL'-biiry g.ne it Chinese 'luck., but.' 11 bemitilul inlaid nffulr wltli this e trays. ,i tin, 1 long and about i Indies wid.. mul a- ninny deep, ceiitnining Cblne-e gauiis and puzzles. I. tin- pl.ijei--. Tlic.t -liewed it with much pri'l te tin it- tiam mates en their ri 1111 n te tlic Fniiu-. All sut down te-1, light liiiicheen nt lUtilll ii'cleek nnd then were taken te Franklin Field fur the afternoon's light practice. Practii-e lie. 111 al L' o'clock. There was no scriinm.iging. the phi -ers merely tes-ing the ball about, punt ing ferwutd pusses, and generally "iiiulierin,' up." mi their mu-i les would lie in geed sjuipe for ,1.1. game tumor low. The Navj eleven tool, the Held I'm- practice at .", :,'!ii. 'Squad 11." uf Hie Ariii.x. the scrubs who have helped In I, the stars into .shape all .tear, aimed at the Mending Terminal at HI :('." n'cieci; today. Thev were greeted liy all eulhlisiilstle crewil vim gine tliem a- gl ni u hand us llmt ,-Memlcd In the --Squad A" ye. tenla.t. The "Squad II" pll,es, lui'ly j, number, marched te the Adeliihiu Ho He tel, where lliey will slat. They will be en Franklin Field tomorrow-, but will net be in In .lb. ill uniform am! , ill 1-1 1 I.. .In. .a. : .... 1 .... . I, ... 1, .11 I IK' II, 'I'. I IT., sM'1(,, 1 ,Htl 11 ip 111 a 01 uv is ,1 rew.ini te,- their hind work during the plu.ting teas,),, with much -went and little glory stive among their fellows The.it re Pari for Army The strict broken this u "let -down t i-ii in iii" routine will be I" Kite the men Hi'1 gallic,- wi, iiiajiageiueiu ..1 elllilU, In I'l 1 . .t. The u theatre pur Hie I!. 1 . Until I be'ilie 1 i H, ., ,1, team tt it Ii their substitutes, eflleers com lies iimi ttalnefs, te vi.-it the iiln.'.' lllills for the ' 1 evening periitrmnnci ''is was nn annual custom in d,P 0(i "" "Inn .-t Point ami AnnapeS l".cu ir 111111n.11 nan rlllsslu ;,t Finnkllii Field. The Nnvj li'ue and the Army gra.t ttid lie prominently ,is. l'la.t ill ami (he theutie -puial'.v' ilet-ii- riited for "Ai-m.t ami Navy Night. " 11 U IC In. Wl I unite e.lllv nn.l , - . -uve w . il.ii , per erniance htttPt,,IB I'reiuptly at s; n'clnel;. The players will '"' ll!!' ! I" .11''1'' hotels nn.l In their beds J mil; ii.'inie ill i hi" II. Ill ni-i. . ....... den for the haul test nf their endiirunce leiiini i ntt ill 1 1' i u.inii. Lieutenant "Hill" .Inties, one of tlt. Aunt cniuliiM, thinks the teuius ,,1 luatclieil, "Si I'm as ut) oliser-:ilieiN go," . said, "the enme should be un even Stiphen ulTiilr. Tin re :ue etccpti,i P'atus nu e.ieh i mil. I might miv ter the Aunt tint, we hatcu't an indhidiiul tar HI the team, I'nhwll ,um .,,.,.,., leiim diwn ut Aitiiapnlis. On,. U(jy, are detti'iuincil. ns cvc,y Army team ie, n, ninnim ue ll giTiu gllllie." Cuptnin McKwan, head line coach Id: "HuTlng secu the Navy Iq a' nnl Mk J )mmmmimm,iWm &mmBmm&mRmfflmmaM&'Viwm ftulur game it Is mj opinion that they mvc n remarkable team. However, we have gene through n f.ilrly hard sched ule and hnvc remained undefeated, which spenka volumes for the fighting qualities of our eleven. We are In excellent shape and the Navy is In for a mighty busy afternoon." Many Stars With Army Team Heme of the greatest Individual stars of past years in college football nre with the Army team tin conches. Fore most of them, of course. Is Majer Daly, twice AH-Anicrican quarterback in his plnyiug days. He Is perhnps the only man in the history, of the game who was barred finnlly because he was "tee gend." Ills active, foot ball experience gees back beyond the days of the one-year eligibility or four year playing rules. lie Is 11 Harvard graduate as well as n graduate of West Point. He plnyed work et hlkhart, Ind., aheps. The four years with the Crimson nnd three decision was thnt of the rallrend tele with the Army. Toward the end of graphers iignlnst the Great Northern his playing career he was such an out- i Company for one hour overtime for a ntandine star that snorts writers, ac cording te West Point tradition, were known te score n winning Army game as "Daly, 14; Navy, 0." The Navy finally protested against permitting him te piny, nnd in his last year he was kept en the sidelines. The men work ing under him sny lie ns geed a coach ns he was a player. The Army's aerial attack has been coached largely by Captain K. V. Prltchard. regarded as the greatest passer West Point ever had. He teamed up famously in his own playing days with Mcrrilet, All -American end in 1015. Jenes Greatest Tackle Majer Alexander Hurlrs, bnckfield coach, played en the Army team In 1008 nnd 1000, when the Army defeated the Navy In successive years. The line players are under the tutelage of Cap tain .Mi'i',vnn and Lieutenant Jenes Captain McKwan, who played center at the tackle liosltien, were teammates ns youngsters it, the Itreu.x High Scheel, New Yerk. Weed, the powerful Army fullback, and Harchct. the Navy's greatest Individual star, who pla.ts the same position, were students together in Jehns Hepkins I'nher.slty In linltl linltl mere. fjalely .Makes its Apprarance A day in advance of the game, Chest nut nnd Miead .streets today showed nil the preliminary garnishment nnd gaiety which are historic settings for the grent football classic. Every hotel is decorated in colors of Army or Navy or both; tings of both great schools fly frin muiiy of the :':.,,MV."?i iiilliilings or dressed store window . The street fnkli's, who lire 1111 indispen-able Part " .,..',". v...""':'"'. of the picture, were nu the Jeb early tedav with ctery conceivable souvenir of tlic occasion. One of the most popular of these seemed te lie a bright font her benring the "A" or "N." Little footballs pendant from lililie,, colors ul-e were popular, a- wen- tin- time-honored! bamboo canes with pennants nt the' end. I Luncheons In honor of ti.-iter- te1 me Kiime were in elder today nt every one nf the hotel- and rcsluiirants. Few tables leiuuiti for dinner tonight, and Ptactic-illy every theatre will be the scene of dej-eiis ,.f theatre parties. The Mieliil end of the game, always as lm lm pettaiit a- the nth'ctic end, is getting 11 1 most un livhlcd attention today. The biggest crowds nil day were ,-u tlie Adelpliia, the Army's 'downtown he.idqilurler, mid tlie Mcliewtc. where the Navy phi ers mid their fi lends. lengregate. At the Aibdphia an ini'ierlant meet ing was held of the cii.-iches and .-tra-tegl-ts of the Army team teda) . Sev-ct.-il of the tutor.- of tl,i t'-n'- ",.- gaden enme in from Gt n Hill Farm, te sit in en the strategy conference. Ticket senlpers seem te he doing a I nor business, though tliete nre plenty if tickets tn he beiiglit if any one is v illitig te pnv the prices ashed. Tic'-e-s ma.t be b.id for 11s little a SK) apiece, theiiglt mere of the .-peculators are ii'KIiig .s.ill Ter a jiair. The greater' number of the tickits available nre in tin- ea-i and we-t .-land-, although , there are some te he had for die north , ami -I nth .-lauds. !" of the bisce-t of the ticket ii.'i" " - ii.iui.iiiu''-u miiay 11 11 ir nnu tin tn Kel.s tin- sale, as ll efs(.i lt bll.t .int tickets until it ciiulil de se al .1 1'i-ice that would enable it te sill i" patrons jeasniiable ligure. netting Is Ktrn The betting se far n.s the Army Nntt 1 niwd in concerned is and baa been at even tiinney. The I'enn statical- are covering nil the Armj money nt even up, ttltb the Navy as die win ner. I'lie betting conitnis.sleiiers nbeut tnv 11 are also laj ing even money en the git''- with tb lectien up til thn iiinn ilmtig the betting. Secretary of Wnr Weeks, when be nrri'i- l.i'e tmlav. is. expecteil te gn tu (ireeii Hill Tarius tn join the party with t!i" riny team. Sii'tet it-j nf the Xuvy lietihy nnd .tils, liiiiny, legellier tt 1 1 1) tlieir son, l.llWIII .11'.. Will irrite nt Ii MO 11 V ncle' Ibis i rutin 'irnl uill l-ii I.. rh.. V..., Vlll-.'. winle they will be the gtlesfs nf bull 1 Hid Mis. Il,l I. Perter. Mill net in tthn Mill be Tie- M',is,,,mtn ..u t. clinic riis'.(it 11,'iriiiiig, lliiabb in ai.eiiil tlie gnun Women Voters Beam ... SI w-.. Oil UOVeinOr'&ieCt , - rniillniiiil from T.ice One ' iillcg. era I i; get I in iiup.irdnllf between a gen his miner and one who i 'I'll! ic.uly te put it en. It ln.it litii'.il .1 i.ite started nut te be a pe- isinn 'hat h.iuiiiet ut the I'ciin-ll.i'-iis, te wliiih the League in viied i! ...ruiir Sptmil mul iliflerd Fin het ii Ii-' r gue.sts In thi- end. die j int i ii i ii i. mini Its tt.ty m. Tb he guests of honor called each ether! ben I'li-i iimiies and lauglii'il nt each by th ether s u mini ll lel.es, Hut there .IMIM.,nV!-.!i in the mom win sl. n, tn.il.lll.. Ill .... v.n.,.,11,1 1 than die witt.t sullies' warranted. It wa- in ii certain sense valedic-! tort- ler lioterner Snriuil at least it wiis tnli-ilii (of) for him w itli the tieiuen with wlii'iu he lias worked hard. He uliied tln'1'1 nter tn his Mici esser with l-.li e fin i III genii s;irit. 'And. lilft'eid. 1 don't Knew but tvhnt it's a better tiling te liate been thilli te be about tn be," 1m saji, "It makes a tine paragraph in )niir blngrui lit mul a geed Hue en .tour teiiibsl.iin , bnttetcr, "ll i hi te hate been disappointments ami ills, .nit-agenieiit.s, though, there haie bei n oiiipeiisatietis," A fin minutes later he was adjuring the women le rail) le the standard of (intern t elect I'lnchet. Fellow ing the f,et eruer lis U speaker, the tlut.innr-eleet mliuittcd tlmt he ttnnleil die women's help, "Tell un where I'm going wrong before I uei leu far wrong," lie asked. "I tt iu,i mil ice, guidance. I can't prenu-e in tnke ii ulwu.ts. but i want the women of Fcniisylviiuiti te help inc. Have patience nnd understanding be cause it is I tvhe must take tba tt-ipeiwlblllty." Sfmm R. R. LABOR BOARD INSISTS ON COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Puling Helda Railroads and Em Em peoyes Muit Maintain Contracts Chicago, Nev. 24. (Ry A. P.) That the principle of'eollcctlvc bargain ing will be upheld and both empleyes nnd railroads held strictly accountable for their contracts was indicated by the United Htntes Railroad -Laber Iteard by n denial of a rehearing en one decision nnd nnether decision made pub lic today. Denial 6f the rehearing was thnt of the Federated Hlieti Crafts against the New Yerk Centrul Cem pany ever the establishment et piece ticket agent. In the r.lkhnrt shops 11 niece work basis hud been established after shop empleyes hud voted for it. In the claim for one hour overtime the Laber Heard held with the em em peoyes that the organization agreement must tnke precedent ever an individual agreement. SHOT ON WAY TO HOSPITAL Frank Lern ma Received Fatal Wound While Going te See Sick Mether Frank I.emmn, eighteen yenrs old, 4048 Trenten nvinue. who died In the Krnnkferd Hospital Net-ember 10 from fgunshet wounds, aecidentnlly received his Injuries while en the wny te visit niB meiner who was sick in the same hospital. This wns developed when u inquest wns conducted today by Cor Cor oner Knight with the death of tin youth. It was testified thnt Lemiun. while en the way te the hespilul, stepped nt. the store of I lurr.x Diernback In Orthodox st reel, Diernbaeh accident ftllv knocked a rcwilvei- from n shelf nnd when it exploded the bullet struck ' Iemma. lie died several days Inter 111 the Frank foul Hospital. Dleriibiich was held te nwnit the notion of tin. 1. 1,1ml Jury. An effort will be made in hate him released en bail. CAMDEN MAYOR SWORN IN Flrat Democratic Executive in 18 Years, Takes Oath in Advance Victer King, who will ln Camden's first Deme. 1 am Mayer in eighteen years when he officially assumes his duties daiiu.il 1, mdu.t leek .lie eatti of office in the presence of Mnrri Odell, city clerk, ami Ilurrv Simpsen, nssistnni city dork. Mr. King was paying an infennnl visit en Mr. (Mi-il when the latter sug gested that leilnt IS IIS geed lis nnv ether" for the ndininls.ru.ien f tfc ,ath. "STAR CHAMBER SFSION" TN POTjrr TtTTJG PROBE Police Captain Van Hern made a "stnr chamber session" in City "Hall this afternoon out of the attempt of Jeseph Bollena. Jeseph Santore antf Feiix CiarduUe, dm? peddlers, te entify twenty patrolmen who the pcddleis say nwe thc-m 'pvetecticn." The cetirt was cleared of even court attaches Ijy Van Hern', orders, iTTeush .fudge JlcSuvitt and Assistant tiitccver Tempcsi treter.ttd they knew nothing about eidcis hai. n? Lecn issued te this effect. The suspected patrolmen were given seat scattered among 150 ether peiicemen and Uete-ifwts and the peddlers vere told te "pick 'em out." LATEST RffCING RESULTS BOWIE Third Fly By Day, s?4.03, ,-J.eO, 32.50. .en; Co Ce mixa, .?5.30, S-1.50, second; Amusement. 51. -10, tliirtl. lime, 1.14. Pew Wetv. Carmen Pautage.s, Lady Llyra, Spiuninu Tlnx nnd Sunday Bisl also ran. BOWIE Feuith All Over, $4.40. S2.70. SS.-JO, wen; Jehu Paul Jeus, $ I, $-1.10, sccc.d; Super. ..LiO, Jl i . r.ni 1.51 2-5. Sliunery Elm, Queeret-li, Sailing- Aieug and Xary Putricia. STOKES DENIED HIS PLEA TO AIR NUPTIAL TROUBLES ; j Court Won't Allew Turfman te Of - fer Arguments In Open New V.th. "sin. L'l. il'.j A. I'. 1 A plea bt I' 1. St.. I. v,..trix reiilln, !, 1 'iiimati. tb.r ib.- n.mt bear open n-giiiueuts hhi'iiumi.' alii d.ivitK lilnl l.iui :u iniiiie lien will die leng-st.iiiiliitg Iitig.iii.in giewi.ig out of liuitiliii 'iii.i I ilitiieullii's wnli lii wifc, Helen I'iw.mhI Stiikes. was de. Ilieil te.lav li. S inein I'miit .lu-lii" Mnili. Appi. ' "'g i's hi- "wn l.iw.vei. Mr. Stokes -mil "Fer tttentj -"ii vein's I Ii.im I. deiietincisl l-i t' i'ii -s nf !,,, . r 1 ,i n bluckgiiai'ii .nel I iw !' 11 iiiisi - r. -sentisl. mul l.ii -1. nel ii in' b ng.-i I want the ttbe'i irulli n'mii int 111. li ters te come 11 1' I'M I ll.ite ,,,,., l'l ...... ..I '"". I'liers. .1 ll ..l,l I1.H1' (il-ileteil nl,l ll.ll.' nrileli ! ic III. il' ill ii'i sealed. I M.i, M court, m the m.i the truth." The impels earlier In the tt legeil MVailllalell' I. Ige u; knew , , , , 1 . ni il.'i.'M s,.,,(., , ""n"",;,.;,1.. "!,, them. Justice M.i is s,. that n b iirgiiments wet., t.. ! Limb- m "p. n i court, the object ni ..eallllg the st.m.l .'incuts would be f.us.n.t .1. Mr. Stnk.s. ngreed te n heitimg in h.iin'.ier s Monday, " GERMAN FUGITIVES CAUGHT Men Who Crossed Atlantic as Stow aways Arrested in Cleveland t'levekind, O.. N.v -l H A. 1'.) After making a i r Atlantic un stew.ittni- p- tin nt' nu, pnteitj ", till 1 1- i tin!, it I IsfOlll I'.' s ami pb-llileil '. iiain. I lleild .tilling men tn e.scnne '. s'ricl.en conditions ,u i,. i mitite Intnl. were di-- . w , ' when thev were till., n re by immigration it ni 'i ' li.il. I Cm il, ,..,.,., .;.. ,, l.rl Wl'h elli.cls te nllnw'thi'lii t Ml.tlllg till') "would llltl. I"'r'' Il,an llu '" tleimatit ''"' stnwnwnys mtid tnant hud been sinuggled into tb .. I I ..Ills I ..III tl'l Itlleil ti is a ship nn'ii i- since tlie wnr by u tt.ll gang, at wiint-e lieml, thet mi .stewiiid nf u (iermuii passe. !.- i due nf the men. Wllhelm lc u dentist, ami the ether, M,ut 111. I;- art, was cisiiier In a liuiiK m 1'hm ild, liermauy. Het h were held iiti.l. i sjnim lietids peniliui; nn efiicini mil i inm W'aslilugtnii en ', (piestieu m il if tatlnii. Hew the Navy Team Linen Up Tomorrow Tlie elhilal line-up nf the Natt team is: Left end. 1'urr: left tnckh. Helies; left guard, I'arue) ; cent, r Mathews.; light guard, Viukin-. tight leekle, Clyde; right end. Tn Tn '.ei ; ipiurliiback, 1'enru), cnitain. left lu'lfb.ick, Ciillen; right half back, McKeej fullback, Barchet. T Jj?.l - ABDUL MEDJID EFFENDI I BECOMES SUPREME CALIPH Prince Formally Invested With 8a cred Mantle of Mohammed Constantinople, Nev. 24. (Ry A. P.) Prince Abdul Medjld Kffcndl be came supreme caliph of the Moslems today, He wns invested with the sacred mantle of the Prophet Mohammed In the famous Topcupeii Palace, overlook ing the Gelden Hern, with a latishness of pomp and cerf ninny reminiscent of the days of his Imperial predecessors. He is the thirty-eighth successor te Mohammed in the house of Osmnii, and the first Turkish caliph without tem poral power. His elevation te the cali phate gives him the title of remmnndcr of all the Mussulmans and defender of the filth. , , The most picturesque features of the ceremonies, which were attended by ........,..,,., ,...., .-.Ii ..f Viitlnnntia, TnrlM. ,11'Hi, "ir v . ',,'- . .................. ... " were the handing ever te the caliph by a delegation from Angera of the Heard of the Prophet and bestowal upon him of the Prophet's sweid and green ling. The ling signifies ine power of the cnllph te declare holy war. P.irU. Nev. 124. 'I he French Foreign Office cenlder.s ns most serious the news j that Abdul Medjid Kffcndl today wns fermnliy invested with power ns Caliph! of Islam nt ronstnntinepip. iJewuiiig Street will tnke the snme view. This crowning of the new Mohan. Mehan. mednn "hope" would be less important if it were net backed by ail of I-lam. India nnd French Morocco have con tributed efflcinl support te the new Cnllph. What the consequences will he efiicini today ventures te fercenst. no HELD FOR FATAL SHOOTING Samuel Gressman Committed With out Bail by the Corener Snmuel Gressman, Fifth street near Catharine, was r-i.mmiticd without bnl' by the Corener following nn Inquest to day into tin- ib-nth of l.etiis lienjetshy, ULT, Seuth Fourth street. ltenjetsky was shot and killed In Gressman, en November ID during ; quarrel with nnether man. Mourned by Wife's Relatives Bosten, Mass.. Nev. 1M. I li. A. P.) A woman who -aid she was 11 sister-in-law of I'r-i ine Childers, who wns executed in Iiiiblin. telephoned newspaper effiies here iinxieus inquiries as te the authenticity of the news. Assured that th. atiiieuneement was official she remarked: "This ii ter rible." Dr. Hamilton O-geed. of tlil citj;. father of Childers wife, died m- -erat yenrs age. .Mrs. 0--;oed was guest tedav at the home of nnether daughter. Mrs. FIske Warren. iPINCHOT'S INAUGURATION WILL COST ABOUT S5000 'Plans for Simple Ceremony and Pa rade in Hands of Senater Smith Harrlsbiirg. 'n -.'l - Sen.i.ni Frank A. Suiitli. liauphiiu r.-untt. cliiiirniiiii of tb. lig.slntite In.i igtir.i (''ilillllittec, tinl.it b.j.ii tii-raiigetiier.is f"- the f.c-in.'ll ilnlll' "I 'll into iilliie til lilTiird I'llii lint as ( !ut eruer nt I'eim s.tltuiiln. In .-,( 1 nrilmi. 1 with tin- ib -sire of the (levi-rnur-eb-ct. all 1 Mretis.-. " , will be limited te S.'niKl. " I The program will -;.ut at non ,,. " front nf the I'uptti.l. .mil the iur.id. Will fnllntV. "ll -II tie in tt I intern ! has reviewed it lie will :... t.. die in tmi'la nf die I 'api.nl fm .1 pub,:,' 1... i-cptinli. A'liutnnt (ienernl l'l.-ius. 1 1. It.ai . lias bieit named cliief marshal ut t1. . I p.trndc. Infiiutrt. envnln .i.I iiitll I' icrt anus et tnc .Mitlemi 1 ill. ii.. Stir' 'l D..1 11 t ,:... e ... ..nil', '.. iiiiii .nil i-i'iniis, .'ii, 11 nf all tui, pnlitic.il clubaiul the Hi, ' r'-"urg lire iieparnneiit will tnke pu,i Nn nit Itatimis tn tin. iii.ini-i ....ti, ' will be s, m nut. 1 ' FAIR WEATHER FOR GAME Weatherman Forecasts Ideal Condi ',u"a ,ul '"morrow Fair, i rl-P t.e.ilher. ulel f,,, f, ...i . nan. is ,, i.c.i.-i ,.t u,.. tn itlterinni, ler totiieriott utiirtinnn, whin die Arint and the N.it.t .'liiin miue te grins nil Franklin Field ' In leieiit .ten i. w ben t'e t.-,m l,,1Xl met lu New Yerk, it usi,n) rained or limited thietigh s,n,.r,. jk t-if.cl RECEPTION FOR VICTOR KING There tt ill In a 1 1', .. ti., i, tuml,, git. ii tn Vn tef King, Mi,),, , .,.!,., , ,,, I 'mi. ib ii, ut Weiss' Hall'. I" i ri n w I'anideu ; .1, tmes McN.illt. Mat ,.i -,., , nt dlnui-csti r. an,! ,S. lta.tmniii'l liii,i, 'oil in il, nnu -elect nf die I 'mil lei ir ' Ward. An entertainment ha- In.i, planned in . njiiti.-t k.ii mil, i speei Ill's. tthlill Will begin a I S, ..u n'l let !;. TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES l; .lu'i l J Si )i.il...ua I ni.' I .nn , i ' I I'. t. I lUslillii if, n i", .., r , U . I. hi A tt.i.l.ii ;j, s -, ., , , P ri Hun liiim :..'t s ITUi n Mil. I i I l,i s,.-, .-. M, ,! , ,,, ,, , , I i l in 1.117 s ,., , tl ii. i J lin-.ii, , III . ft ur :, ! ,,., tt, II- l uni III ii llui J i. .Ii i, utin m .'t;"l s ir , Ht l lUn-ia ll.ii li.iri -.".Bft .s n.,,,1 , t ill. i ( liiinli-k, Ki.iniiM i n tt i ! I'.uhrin M.iriln 11.1,1 ',,u p, IViink J l. urn-1) ,-ijin I,,,,. ,, r in, ,, . I..iii'ki Jiiliiirni. -Ji'T . i.ij ,. Th .ni.is I. ttii . limit ,sg li.mh. r.- i ..II. I I.I M.ltl I'.fH .ll, J,ll , j,,,,, , iiiiniii i uiiiiieniiiin i-iiitiiiiil ii I , 11 1 tl. 1 1 - -s. 1 Hi, riHl.iiri; ".' S.., ,1 lUl-l , in i. u , in,, ,, ,, , p l I lin K i Mi. run, ,-,i I I .Ilk Ml'.. Mill Is, l . ,,, tl.ilkil.t .tt, l.l, it, I Is..." s, ,;,,, , I ll.il . N Vl . I I IT tt !, S ,, l.l. Un jsiulih lllli'.l He. kl m.i m I milk .tMI.-Mikiiii 1(1,11,.) ,.,,1, ,., tt in Miii. itn,.in iiM-rln.. k p. mul .' I I " i Ii H.-riiM, in i.ii ni,),, . s tt n.1 i 1.11 s s! 'i.i ml I I Lu J 11 t'linn Jr 511 t lliti. iii,.uk, si .ml Id leu t I'l.ine. as tt ",,, ."h, ri,.. iiihA MiNuniiia Uill S' ,"7. 1 i tl turn K, Duiiin. Merchmiit I le. N, j ' Bn,i iiuVii j. Hn.ii.vr jx..' i? ':... :..". ".""'' t inrpii si. si.inrin inn , .... i ... r" iinturlii m.. JliSIMteL, VI MS-. ii.i Jfjra . " X"4?,?'!. i .i'A iV.fPTfr "' l'fcv';,;j 1 ' ' i I Skin Treub Seethed With Cutlcura fxmiXz&sz&ZuZm';, .. . s , ..,.,.. mmmmiimmmimmmmmmmmmmmmm yVjlU Office and Si I C Da Danksuppiiiies Appropriate tnit Artistic Xmas Cards Girrpany A Street J n vinraaini lairan J29 Market . I WANTED A Fighting Chance by an experienced advertising; executive who has the common sense te tnke Instructions and the ability te direct ethers. His work has included Mer chandising, Copy, Layout. Plans, Sales Promotion, Heuse Organ editing, Business Letters and Direct-Mail Advertising; in all sorts of businesses. Write, him Bex A 025, Ledger Office. l&g a-SeSKS-A .- .ill 1. u. m; - BtrcmE . Arm Thl- wnnilppfnl nrvnttmtliin fcMfta lntr nt hew jii'l mint It Nutlnnc rue hcfpM the mnit c(HI- trrr Mtr In nr nmltlnn H m ifi. ri- Mn .tfnrTl with tkf Ilrd Stnr nn ll;e lnl.i'l. TIitp Is nnnr J oft Hien. kcmxI. Fer (tie at ill Pruc tni (Mrt tnrnt Rler. Manitfnrturil bj- Marrel Artl-li Ofc. fnr . M7 Vniirtti Atp.. I'tttf.'irgli. Pi. Grilled Sardines en Toast Split the fifh and cook in the oil in which they conic. Scrve,en toast and season with LEA&FERNNS SAUCE THE ORIGINAt WORCf STER8HIRC Business nnd Advertising Manager wanted for live American daily newspaper published in Teltie. Thp first qualification must be that applicant is n newspaper ad-vertis-ing: salesman. He must be sinplc. Should be about 87 years of age. Must pos sess executive ability and general newspaper training-. Mu.st se out te stay at least five years. Must be capable of accepting; big- responsibili ties. Salary entirely com mensurate with qualifica tions. Fer further details apply Bex Ne. A 928, Pub lie Ledger Oflicc. Lach Egg Guaranteed ! Big, Meaty, Selected EGGS 40c de In all our Stores unrwri II STORkLG Cufi CSSasrpj 7 The only Phono graph Stere in Philadelphia where you cun compare ami (elect one of the A lend ing mahci "TT from $25 te $1000 Very Liberal Terms Call in arid iar thtm Largest astort astert ment of records in Philadelphia. Ah for Our Club Plan GOODMAN'S 327 Girard Ave. riuinn Krn. MM) Open Every Evening VICTOB 11)1 IMUIA KIIIHON Jmf NX IS? e V T -4S. I J ti L r vc MNOU m. ',v v . i'liiH Martha t. I .- &dj,$l, . Ar. Jt&?AV&1.-,vk,.,"d V - 3.h '". .A-& . 1 Jilarssrft K, McKe'nnul nnl