Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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Geed Name Gene, Toe, Breker
Accused in $450,000 Check
Case Says
"I've lnl cict.vlliln.: l.nel In the
Tierlcl, Itiilmlliitf my kwhI iinine. b.v tills
tiling ami I'm nn iiuhe (jullt.v of it tlmn
you nie."
.Tnines It. liiiiiti'ii. MMiinr member of
tlie l)iinliiiit breki'inpc tlrm of Itmclcn
& Kniililnui'li, who with Ills pirtner,
Krnest A. Kneliltueh s under MO, 000
txti en '1iiip'i of cnibivlpnii nt grow
ing out of 'lip illmipc,ir;itice of S l.'O.OOO
from tln linn'- SiuiU loeottnt, innde this
tnteMPiH tedny.
Tliemni K'icliiiii. Wlutc, ntternev for
Mr. Itiirdvn is inaUine m -di "f the
hooks of t tit Htm tnd.ij In nn effort t'
clcnr his client wlu'ii the civ tomes
up for a fiiithpi' hen tin hcfmi' Mas Mas
istrnte Cevv.ird Veilneilii.v
Mr, lterdpn'- hull iin turn shed In
friends who nttetieleel vestr nhi's heir
lng. Iiumedliitel.v ifter tin- nfusnl of
Itulffe Stern te reduce tin- he.ivv. bull
fixed bj tin- inns Miate lin t he ens-1
wns carried before him en hnben ceiptis
writ. $.2.00n in c:ili wis mled and
deposited with the I'tilled States l'i
dcllty and Dunlin tee ('mpnti. uliu'i
nten.l bend ainl ehtilnml the broker'
MLln,' Sl.'n.mm eitRht
Majer Wjiitii e'lief of the ceuntv
detective", and private asents eticiKed
by Mr (!rny are . entliiiiine their search
tedny te hnd some truce of the $430,000
which dlsappe.ued
At the time r in tdid KneMiilch
Is snld te liuve dlvipiienred from the
office for two div.. pree .lit) tl arrest
Aiviiidlnc te Mr t!i..v he is the brains
of the alleged attempt te defraud l?or
den l- beliiK held, the l.iuver sajs, be
cnite the transactions were m the thin
Ilerdeii and KneblntiPh line net
spoken te eaeh ether for sir inoti'h ineti'h
and nt the heirlnc before Misl-frate
Ceward icstcrel'iv no sicn of noon neon noen
nltion pn'il between them.
lieth Rerder. and Knoblauch were re
leaseil from Meintiietisini: l'rl-'Ui upon
futnlshliu: bend esterda l'erdrn b ft
the prison n short time after he w i
taken from the lifirtiic before Mag
istrate Cew ml Kiiehl.iueh wns re
Vnel late lit nlelit. his wife having
found n betuNtinn for him.
Mr Rerden diseussed the cie tedav
111 a voice tiemblliu with emotion.
' I in .in innocent i tun in this
nffntr. ve siM. "1 am in ibeut the
same pe it! 'ii as a man wle spends n
nifilit in a lenelj i.ibm ,ind net morn
in.' t'niils his companion dciil with a
bullet thieuch his hed. Hut I am
cent'dv tint 1 will ! abseUid when
the i asp Kimes te tilal.
"I had no w.n ri prevent the thin.-.
When I get bnik te nn ethce after ati
Illness and vw the shape nffaiM were
In, I tr ed te stral.diteii them out and
nave the firm, but it was lmnnlble
IJfe SaiiiiEi Hene
"The life savings of myself and mv
lfe are ifene and eerythinc eli-e we
possessed was lest, tee, een my Reed
nume. but I will clear that when the
ease comes te trial. I am as innocent
s jeii. 1 hnd no chance, though, te
Kjive mjself from th" accusations that
have been made "
'I will he glad when the real facts In
this ease come out."
At the home of Knoblauch. In
Swarthmore. this morning. Mrs Knob Kneb
liurli. wlff of the Recused broker, de
illne te discuss the case een te the
extent of saving whether her huband
was still In jail
"Mut there is one thing I de wish
you would de for me," she said, "and
that Is te correct the tatements nude
In the pnpers yetenhy tint my hus
band Is the son of Hust.iv A. Knob
lauch, who conducted tlm Reading
Tcmlnnl restnurant for manv ea-s,
'1 felt dreadful wl.n I read that te
think that our miiertutie huhi be
placed upon the hnilder of that fam
ily Check for StoO.enn Called Mid
The deal for wr'e'i , r 'en rtncl
Jvunblaui'h are h M Kik p a ,. l-nt
Trlda when the IVnusxlmn. i (u -tmiij
ler Ins'iranei ,n I 'i,s md i.ruur
In. Annuities instruaed Knnhl.iueh te
uidiflse for its acfeunt ?4."e iiiki of
1 mted states Treasurj eertilieutis.
Kmdilauch. it is alleged, or lered th
reitltieates fnm Kean, I" 1 r Ac C
in New Yerk, and stipulated thir 'h v
v ere te le placed in the Keiieril ite
f.ere ban1- In that cut te the 1'ernisu
.mia tm Tin s credit
He then went te the latter cenn inv
for payment, and was .jlven a clink ter
S4,"i(,(iOO after the purchase of the se
curities hud been checked up hv '. n.--lUstnnce
telephone Kneblau'-h iicnrd.
n; te Willum i-ay. arterne ter
Kean 'Iniler iV Ci the pros( ent(,rs
1'ien dejiesited the mi in 'he Herden
V Knoblauch niceuni and ent a tirm
i hei U for it te Kenn. Tin ler ( Ce
When eftiilals of the ei Yerk cm
leni attempted te ensh the cheeU they
were Inf 'rmerl it w is worthless
A e1untarv petition in bank-nptcv
wis filed yestenlav bv Mr Menlen
listing liabilities of the firm at 1 021 -;Os
and asets of $1.1111, HSO H .!,)
Knoblauch refuse,! te join lum In m
tltutinK the preceedlncs in bankrupt
I'ellnw-InK the filing )f the pet tien
Walter C Dougla's, Jr. was np
pointed refetee. Last night Mr JenK.
Ins appointed as receiver" n i'hr
ence Miller, of Hleren ,1 Ce., nd
Ilnrrv Nathans former n.i.rvlt te the
president of the Cci-nmenneii'th Tit
and Trust Cempam linn s ,1IW
fur the reeelM'is at v"e (urn , a , tj
Features for Tomorrow's
Public Ledger Boek Pages
T. !.. pnys tribute te Henry
M n r k e n t b a u ' s iiutoblegr.i-
phy. "All In n Lifetime."
Iii-ubledir Page )
Hey lifts veil In 'Speaking of
the Turks" (Hiiffield.i
emmends "Fnthtr and Sen," ,
Philip E. Heward (Sunduy
Scheel Times Company i
t'AEM'M. I. I)., calls "The
"llecotistnictlen of Religion,"
bv Claries A Kllwoed (Mncmil
Inn), "one of the yeur's notable
books "
biography, "The Adventure of
Living" (Putnam I and Uarrj
Kemp's '"J ramping en r,iv
(lleinl A l.iverlght) are ewilu-
t,'t1' . ,
REVIEWS of latest fiction. In-
eluding May Sinclair's "Anne
Severn nnd the Ficldings ' (Mac-
mlllan). E. Temple Thursten's
"The Miracle" lAppleten) and
"Emlnnd, My England," by D.
II. Lawrence. (SelUer.)
W. 9. T.
tiii ffrfrTTm7r,T '"-' " ,""t ''' "Tg,MM;
Although emis ll.iii 11 il Is son of the West I'elnt football coach anil
official nustet of the elfen, he Is net Immune ftem setting-up exer
cises. Nunc of the cadets are shown putting Dan through Ills paces at
(ircen Hills r.irtu. (hrrlunciK, where the soldiers are rest lng preparaterj-
te tomorrow's gauie
Section New Bounded by 23d
and 36th, Market and
c...a c
Tlie "tie-iarklnc" nrei abuit l'r.ink
lln Pietil fur the Arm? -X uj same to te to
merruw was extended teda by Su
perintend'MU of Police Mills and order erder
lsvucsl te preicit a traffic crush ever
the Walnut street bridge.
The new atea where nil parking Is
forbidden Is embraced bi I'wentj
thltd street. Thlrtj -sixth. M.uket and
Spruce streets. It wns previeulj an
nounced the area would bein at T!iirt
second street.
All automobile traffic originating
north of Olrard .nenue Is te go out
trirard avenue te Thirtv-feurth street
and thnnce -etith te Franklin Field.
Mr. Mills ordered.
Traffic eri'iuatin-' between f, Irani
aenue nnd Spring liaiden street is te
Erecnd . esr en the latter thorough
:ire te Thlrt -fourth street, whn
traffic between Spring tlnrden and
Murket streets is te use the hitter
All mofercirs pnrked weit of Thirty
sixth street are te be headed in the di
rection the driit rs will take after the
game. Moterl-u emin from points
west of the foothill arena are te move
east en Chetnut street te any point
betwesn Thirty-tl.ird and Thlrt -feur'li
street-., (ij-c'i trge tlieir jijis-engers and
then go wet en Wain i' Ntrtet.
1 h- p.'li- hue ai"ingcl wiM the
P. It T te di.ert 1 1 ilU enrs ' Ii
ruii'Mst ,,n i eiil.in i tn-nieanl tl en
proceed n.t ,ui W.dr'it Mn"t te it
the Wn'niit -treet bridge lii-ween 11
A 1 aid '" I'. M. temrr'W t'ie trol trel
lejs will h- diierted te ether streets
ter the eistw.ird run.
I antn'n ilnrrv ; nuiir wu nnve
charge of traffic ,,ntr.d tomorrow Five
hune'red feet patrolmen. l.M. mounted
men and twentj -five motorcycle , atrel-
,.,, win be en dutr
I'nntn'n Harry .- Imltr will have
Sen Alleges In Irish Court Tammany
Chieftain Died Intestate j
nublln. Nev CI ill A I i At-
ternejs for lln hard i"p kr I- renat
Initiated in n I'-sitnite c our- u iir
te have , endeiTitml tin
alleged 'i
of Ilichard c rn'cr. r
1J. lOlU i.n.hr whn '1
I Ii (Viol
in Fl-
Mrs ii
meiisnti l - il.er widn'V of the lute
Tammany ihiif' in I'mnis te l;e lus I
se e legatee
Mr f r ker In. m that h' ti'hrr
died ntis'ate a 'l nsks tl i- icttirs 'it
.idi.iin stratiei le ran'ei1 t h in .is the
s 11 nnd me the next of kind of the
Action Begun by Rival Seprano
Adjudicated Out cf Court
Vcw tirU. Nev Jt (Hv A. P -
Pi sent lu'amst c.nnu WnNkn. iiitrh
-Jiger, who recent' wn marri'ii in
Hareld F. MiCermlck. of Chlenke. and
Jules iJaiber her teir manager 'nstl-
ited bv Mine I lelln Mell is rrlora rrlera
mm soprano te restrain Iiiiihc r from
handling Wnlsk.a's hoc Kings, i tn
cC'tt'.ed c(jt of ceur', u was nnnincel
Mine Melu s n'lcged that Daiher hnd
been engaged 'e hlili lie her ti ir hut
hw tclic'i te Wnlskn Terras of the
settlemenr w.r- n n made kriwn
Patrolman Sas He Bought Whisky
In Her Heme
flrnn' flnrrari twm'v-thrce ve-.i-s
I C'i1 I Past s.,,ln, r,.t treit was
1 1 Id 'ti s.,Vlli ball fir nun bv Mci-
rvie 1 wirl in tie l etitral Stu'ien
teilm, cbnigeil wi'h i(f,l.itlng the Vd-
Mm 1 Law
the was arrested bv Patrolman
Jehnsen, of the lb Igr.aeb' and deartu-ld
streets static n who testified he had
purchased whisk fn m the weninn in
her home
Warned Net te De It Again
After Tumble Over Cliff
Ms Ant'clis, N.,1 Jl rih A I'.)
- Oliver Miiiics, fcnirtciin, Ml clicnty
- , t nv r ii Ml in I Ivniiiii l'.irl ci '
tlicn vvtill'.cil ilevi iitnu n te tlie receiving
hnsiiitnl te mh iviictncr no
had been
Police Snrireen tela him he was
l,-nlte,l mill t-cnttclitil n little. Thev
"-- ,---,...' ', aT i.'
toere cureiui tvnere ne piayu.
lln rk nVIDiir
iu rmum
evenim? public
,a: -- aap-p
ammmaummmmumtmummm in matea
Seme Will Carry Water for the
Sake of Seeing Big
r.ame cr.a
II.O . .B
Leulers in r-impus nctUitle at theiinlisted them In battle. It is said te
Tvriir of IVnnsx Ivnnin will nnnenr
en 1'ratiKlin Pleld tomorrow In the
cnpTcit of usht r. "het deg" salc-
nc n or te pcifer manv ether duty which
will enable them te sP(. the Army
Xsi v game.
Members of the Junier and Semer
honorary societies, mid members of the
I't'dergradu.ite Council, all aristocrats
of the campus, will npieur in the rob-
or uglier iuui program salesmen ami talcen in ttie uetense nmt suppeit in tin
consider themselves lucky at the opper- ' chiistiun programs of lower. We urge
tunlty te thus see the game without I all Christians te make confession with
l.uincdewn from S10 te SI0 for an us and te enter Inte u period of world
admission ticket. ' wide and co-eperutiie restoration.
Salesmanship students from the "The second corrective' Is the organ-
barten e hnel will take care of the
selling of het dogs.' popcorn, pen
nuts ,md uregrams. Others have np
plied for jobs te carr.v wnter te the
Army mule nr, the Navy goat
l'ess Millet, captain of I'enn's var
sity eleven nn I mamu'er of conces
sions at Franklin Field ns well, has
teen besieged for the last two week
bv students anxious te de an kind
of work for an opportunity te -ee the
In addition te the lit of special em em
pleres made up from honerarj seeletv
men and campus leaders, the reeulnr
L'dft .indent ushers empleved for tli tli
seasen will he among the luck ones,
as will also the I'niverslt.v Ii ind It
ns t.ecn invited ti play between pe-
I Kills.
With til" ee. neli of thesi h go
lobs mi the tleld few I'e'lin s' ulents
have be, n able te gtt tickets ter th
'clas-n event, with the exception of th
- - - -- , -
fc'"r- who had the privilege of buying
l"'rti.n of the ,000 tiek.ts te ri
"'n" which th I nl.erMlj r.-.ue.
found i readv sale te fncultv members
and eiecutives of the University.
Deaths of a Day
Edgar Stltes Eldrldge
The funeral et Edgnr Stltes F1 1-idge
who died 'luesdav, was heht te lav nt
lis home. I' 'CI Itejal streit iM'-iinn-ti
wn Following the i-ervi es m h's
I une intirment was made in W et
Laurel Hill 1 'emetery Mr Fldndge
was an elder in the Wnketle ii Hnjif iw
Church He was a meu.h: f tl .
Knlghtr of the Gelden Fakle anii the
Muinfss Science Club. He was x
enrs ehl A widow one s n nnd
four i'n .ghters survive
Miss Martha M Pance.nt
Miss Martha M. Pai.cejst it','.' j;,ist
W'nliiur lane, Oerninntewi ,,, jn
evenlig in the (iernuinti in II "nitnl a
few hours after she iu tui-en there
suffering from hi art 'reihle M-s
Pnneeast is the dtughtrr -f th late
Charles Stacey Pancens' and lary S.
Paneenst. Her bret' er Is Dr Henry
s Paneenst. of Ciertrnntiiwn
Jehn H. Currier
Jehn II. Currier ' esi,,te agent,
died vesterdny at hi- tmre, n,"'i" Long
shore street, T.vmi H was .ei -intv-tvve
jears i i 'Jf Currier was
vlce president of t'-e Pennsvlvania
Stnte League of Hi' , nnd Lean
Associations ntu h e.ni.r 0f the
Philadelphia Reil I - ie It aid
Dr. Irvlr Huff
Scllcrsville, Nev 24 Dr. Irvini
Franklin nun a ihvsirim wide
known in the S'n'e r Mir-al profe-ssten.
died at his borne 1 re Tuesdnv ftt the
age of clxt ' i ienr-1 Death was
due te acute bro ' ,nl athma
ITe is survived in ,ls wife. Mrs
Isabel Kistler If iC ,ir. a son, William
K. Huff, exi-uMe direi tc r of the Phlln
delphln Porum n tntlier Charles C.
Huff, of Peft-lle aril a sister. Mrs
nitner Krai.ss of ll,n,rtewn.
William Perter
Cupe May, .1., N'm Cl The
funeral if William Perter, who die,
here 'I ic-lii t ivir took place tedny
The dcieii-i I w,is 11 f rinur member of
the New lit-c I.egMntiire president
of the 1 1 iril f ( Itientlen of tills city
nnd for 11 111 veiird citv Cletk. The
flags en t' e eit linll unci the high sg,hoel
buildings in 'h)s em win I,,- nt le.ic
mast for thirty dnvs in memory of Mr.
IM Tflf WANT a. 'i.Kii crrnuiniir.
. Th -l.:.in.a i-i...-. -V .."V.V'i'.V'.
te t round in ced cwa en mi M.idv.
LEDGkByHteAiifcpmA: flraiff
TO USEg,18B,812
Methodist Episcopal Leaders'
Session Approves Year's
Appropriations totaling S5.1S0.S12
were nnureved thin morn I off nt the moil
session of the nnnmil meetli. nt ,tu.
Menrd of Heme Missions nnd Church
Intension of the Methodist Episcopal
cnurcli in the Mey lluiltllnK, Seven-1
tcenth nnd Arch streets.
Of this sum, $2,014,444 will be used
In the maintenance of pastors and mis
sionaries In scnttered nnd sparsely pop pep
ulnted districts that de net possess the
funds te ndequntely support n church.
Erection of new buildings and obtaining
of properties for 1200 churches will use ,
up $2,105,074. '
The report of Dr. r.Agnr .T. Helms,
of llosten. executive secretnry of the
flood Will Industry League, showed
that a business of mere than $1,000,
000 wns done Inst yenr. The league
maintains sixty-tire stores In twenty
one cities throughout the country. '
Ten Thousand Persons Employed
The league Is especially nctlrc in fur
nishing peer people with employment
nnd aid. such ns the renorntlen of fur
niture nnd clothing. The reports showed
that 10.000 persons were emplejed dur
ing the enrT",An appropriation of
sl.l.lKM) wns nppreicd te carry en the
work of the league.
The afternoon will be deeted te
Rerrices. with the Her. 'NV. W. Voting
son In charge.
The hlhep today Issued an official
declaration en economic, social nnd re
dismnaine",",? Their stnteZnt fellows!
"Pacini? the secinl. nelltlenl nnd seir-
1 ItunI problems of the world tedav. we
I cell for a frank renpprntsai of na
tional and racial motives nnd practices.
Christian secletr Is based upon the
idealism of its founder. The altruism
ind e'f-sacrifice of .Tesns Christ are
'he professed motives of our modem
associated life. Yet the growth of per
sei'al and organized greed has limited
nnd often defeated these Ideals. So
ciety often stands in grnie danger from
pagan methods of gain, ease and con cen con
trel. See Chaes Following War
"We leek with profound concern
'upon the havoc wrought bv our rcenl
, war Four jears aft
fter the armistice
d et bewide ins
, W(, 1( ,
i chaos. Mi, Mens of European", Aslati
nwl rnftrlp.ln nutlie iMl'rt Ctirtf lttp !lf
the can 0f idealism." cv.tiniy ti,e.e
i of us who live should hnu the courage
, te practice the ideals for which we
ceniempiaie t ne poss,,,, j m n,r ,
laiitu died in vain.
but sadder still
that we should new Hie in vain. The
world waits for that he-ole hour of per
sonal, national. eccleI.istienl abandon
te Christ's program of confidence nnd
geed will.
"Tlie first corrective of the world's
woes is sincere repentance'. Therefore,
beginning with our own personal Hies,
wccall for ltiiliviiiuai ami nation. ii pm
j fence for winterer share we may hae
i7ntlen of political nnd social life ever -
where upon the basis of the welfare 1
all, instead of privilege for the few.
Here nnd here only, iles release ftem
the military heritage of the past nnd
fiem the present economic causes of
war. This program means broadening
of brotherheod: the substitution of serv -.ce
for reward; the discovery of the
spiritual value In laber: a policy of
fiiedem In speech, press, conference nnd
contact; toleration and co-operation in
religious, economic nnd secinl organi
zation. Such a program will se meld
pelitlcnl procedure by the principles of
Christ us te ninke It meet the bnie
economic and social needs of the entire
' We deplore the unjust accumulation
and Inequitable distribution of rewnrd
of conquest m the form of governmental
ue uopehis nnd territorial control" for
perenal and selfish nchuntnge.
Deplore Conquest Rewards
"We deplore the investment of taxes
hi nrmament and pompous display, nnd
urge the nations of the world net only
te limit, but te eletre this bulwark of
hatred. It is our solemn liidgment thnt
nothing short of the actual appliance of
the principles of Jesus In governmental,
economic, religious, educntlenal and ra
cial life today will meet the need. The
whole world stands appalled nt the co ce
Vissjil failure 1 if ether programs. Let
us new frankly and honestly practice
the teachings of Christ.
"We pledge ourselves te co-operate
with all governmental, social and re
ligious bodies that seek a practical pre-
OAHIION At Wn.xUiurr. N. J.. Nev
13 11'.. LEON AIU 11AKKON, ed
nr R-lttvs nn t frlindi r lnvlti)
" sttr I furfrat MenclRy Nev.ST. 2 He
l M i-Fittnc" S2 N'-wten vt , Woodbury
N' J Ittcrm-nt private, ngltnten Ceni
N't I ' 1ST Nev. !3 1M2. MART B.
r- V imil wife et nebert P. N(Ultn
R'H aurl frl-mlM urn Invited te tt-n 1
Jut ml V! t !k I P. M . at htr laid rl-
Vllliif dre-n Iinlnwars ereunty, Ph
' rit wl mis-t nenn train at Qln Rleldl.
a, se trolley ut Milten read, from 12
-nil l.'3i nsen Irfrtn'nt Union Mth
edlct Krlicetval im-t(r. Walltniferd Pa
rrt-nrtd m cull Sundai ev-nlm, 7 te 9
KlinwiO..' AX Vln'.Iand. N, J.. Nev
:3 1M2.' .MAfllA P . widow of Samuel A
Krnn Tun-rat j-rvltn, Bll K. Park
n. Pii-ub iki-n J" J at 13 neon. Satur
lu sei .J Intermmt Mount Slerlah
SMITH Su3d-nly Nev 28, 1922. KI.I.EV
sviliu Vi tietlc of funeral will li
ivr from rMnc of hfr nephaw Mr
IVt a Itnsch tlU'i c-,rrltt at.
WIKK.NW lien nn Nev 28 1939. JOHN
Mj'ianl "I ih Ut Harah A. Oraanwoed
i sir-unensi aicd S2 ara Kalatlifii
ni I frl-ri'lH a, je Ali'lia I.edfa. Ne 1. and
n? jus of A J lttch Ce., Invited te fu-r-m
nerMcde en Jl n lay aflarnoen at 2
el c-k al hi late rmlienca, 2802 N. 8md-
st lnt-rmnt rrlvatn. Ilamalni may be
1 fiiirlay i-nlnir from te 9
in r.NNni 1.1. Nev, 21, 1922. MAHT E
Vi'cis'Vi M, Hiatlv and frlrnda am
Inv ti 'e att-nl f urirul arvlea Monday.
3 I' M at 'icr al reildnca. 821S Mount
--iier nt Interrnunt private.
sivii r t Sii(niv u, hlu lata rMllddnr
1-44 W I.ehlk-h ave, Nev. 2S. 1922. DH.
JC'HN f FMl'I.I llflattv! and frlnl
ar. m hi t attend funeral rvleaa Mnn
liv il A M. tyrerHely. at tha IJavId II
s, nu i" it 'g iireal ana uiamone an, in
irrri t irliat
IIUIHIIII - Nev 28 1932 ROSE.daufh
tfr t Mary ant tha lata Jnaaph Harnmar
(nee It utanieM tiiM Ifl yara. Belatlvea
ail 'ricrdu le m-mlwra of Hely 1-amlly.
r r' i e attend funeral. Monday, 7 80
M from her lata raildenca. 2234 Ceral
hi lie iulern niaea at St Henlfaca a Onurcn,
a A M ltuarmnt Hely nadternar Cematary
Until Helen
UTRAYFR'S SOT I'hutnut r"t
J I w I t-rv J Til), H(,it umtnFM Scheel,
I1 iltlem cnnrniiifcd mtr new': ilav "r n'8''t
1'INK !r 1.'U Mviiik
Trrnlaiw L' li.ilre inn
Picnn vvim ei-n
bath and kltehan,
innl.rn tn the Iat cletalj..
sii,inu.iN(iSweniL5Lij 1
TivDutiN avi: fi'iichM f';.;,"!',11;! 1
lath i.tl tnnvuucnc . J""-""''? ' '"'
ern llri-plar. jnolek.i pereht ""Mf, .2
let. 4111'., erlce $1.1000' frarna, ounniew,
. : VemJ Vatr ill meckrn renvlilnc. I.el-,
water heat. aarara with Jlvjn2"r l"'
rrlvat almmlncr peel! 480-tt. front. Jiric
7.0 liaddnn avt,. r'P-J,'.
Inrnm te lienl the suspicions nnd htM
which wound liiiinklli
il tedny.
iilggc-lletis are IipIiik made.
Ours M
i.itl nn eU'iiiHivp voice.
"Cenfptence H ensentlnl. Therefore,
without legnid le Iraditlennl ilhlHletis,
we me eager te join hands with nn
ngeney which will take adequate, de
cisive and Immediate nctlen. Thin 1
the hour for nil Christians in broadest
i harlty te ny : 'If ou love what I love,
If .intir vision Is mv vllen, If your
heart is my heart, then give me jour
'America utiliesllntlngly should ac
cept her full responsibility for leader
ship in the restoration of a broken
world. She should net acquiesce In Im
perialistic policies and tempers that
make war Ineligible. She Kiieuld re
fuse te sanction nny war except for
Ktiletcst self-defense or the defense of
humanity. Khe should continue te ml-
universal disarmament and
should net hrsitllte ill nsltlnc that nn In
tei tint letuil conference be cnllcd for this
8rw,t purpose."
Democrat Charges That At
tempt (s Made te Thwart
Will of People
1 w
Tlu AiectaltA rrcis
Wiishtii-tnu. Xer. 21. Widely con
flicting i lew as te the wisdom of n
net lng the Administration shipping bll!
were presented te the Heuse tedn by
Kepublienn nnd l'emecrntlc speaKci
llepiesiiitulhe I.ehlbnch. New .Ter-
vey, a llrpublleiin member of the Mcr
, " '- - "ntry would net hv.e
n merchant marine unless the plan pie
posed In the pending bill was adopted
Referring te the cost of gei eminent
operation of Its merchant ships. Mr.
' cMli-Hi asserted that the Shipping
Heard "by eternal vigilance" hnd cut
leun operating costs S.'o.nne.ooo n
c.ar. nnd that all that was asked was1
a new kind of subsidv which would ,
further reduce the subsidy new being,
"Opponents of this bill have swal
lowed the shipping enmel nnd new strain
at 'the gnat," he stilted.
Ilcchirlns thnt the Administration
lls trying te force the measure through
., Cengiess elected two years age when
subsidv was net nn Issue. Iteprtiscntn
tive Iais, Tennesvee, Iemecratlc
member of the committee, told the
Heuse "'it wns representative fSoverii fSeverii
ment with a vengeance."
"It Is te be pas-ed." he added, "hi
the present Congress.' nearly 100 of
i whose members were defeated, te pre-
vent action by the new Congress fresa
from tlm people, who have expressed
their e iiden as te this move te tnke
millions from the treasury for the bene
fit of the shipping interests."
Previsions of the bill which would
give the Shipping Ilenrd jurisdiction
ever both maximum nnd minimum
charges et inteistate water carriers will
be st ticken from the measure, nnd
hearings will be held en tlie question
of ceistwlse rates, it was announced
bv Representative TMmencl, of Phlln
deb hia.
The section wall put in the bill be
cause it appealed tlie business ijvalr.v
between the Atlantic and Pacific had
become se strong that a number of
eemp, uiies were npprnnchlng financial
distress, he said, adding that requests
had been received from the Pacific coast
for hearings en the subject, hewevii.
and it was thought best te strike out
the section until it wns determined
dellnitel.v whnt wns wanted.
Fnder the men hunt marine net of
10C0 the Shipping Heard was given
authority te fix maximum coastwise
rales, and the present ihll ns written
expected this nutherit.v te include mini
mum ehatges in order te prevent tuiti tuiti
ons rate slashing.
ir tT'i a rr.n ArrnMenur.
want jeu'U find It en rnc 30 Adv.
Toe Meddlesome, Says Fermer
Colerado Representative in
Speech Here Today
Congress should cense medc H"8 n
mntters which hare been 1eHdJrrt':
trusted te ether branches of the ov ev
ernment nnd should amend Its hi es se
as te facilitate clenn-cut tltllpn en
Iiu1,,,li-n iifnnnnls. according te r.U-
ward "Kentlng, former tengressnmn
! from Colerado, who nc dressed "bJ
I of the National MutHcl-nl Lenguc at
their finnl luncheon tedny In the Ut
I Club. , , ,
"1 entertain n ery renl respect for
I the ability of members of tengrt".
Thev are net Mllputlnns struggling
I., i.i. .i... ..,i, .. t n ci.iiiUnr. but men
llll III," i.isi.n ... ,. -.-- .
I who will compare very favorably, from
any point of view, with (he leaders
or the cliurcn. llie our nun "--,
ness wiuld," snid Mr. Kent Inc.
"There wns a time when 1 lmng-
' ined that nil the devils were In I hi
Itepubllian I'nrty and nil the ungeN
... ,i... n,.,nxi-nilc I'nrtv. Ten iears
In Wnshlngleti bine convinced me that
the devils nnd nngels are pretty evenly
t lltrlliti1 nnd that whatever may tic
the matter with Congress no one pelit-
I leal pnrty Is responsible.
Toe Much Power
"The fnthers of the llcpublle un
doubtedly Intended that the legislative
should be the most important branch of
government. It was glien the exclusive
right te enact laws. It was made cus
todian of the purse-strings of the Nn Nn
tlen. While Its own members were nn
uwernble te no one but the people. It
had the right te Impeach nnd remere
eeuld decl.ue wnr nnd pence ; could net
he restored without Its sanction.
"Clothed with these immense powers,
there wns every reason why Congress
should satisfy the expectations of Its '
creators, but It has net.
"There is nothing in the Constitution
of our country which clothes n Federal
I In, I., tvlili nmi'nr te set aside n statute ,
....... ,. ii.. .1.- i-..t...i 1
1 ciTinniiiii m inn iicii'i r in- iiiii-ii .
"Net only de our courts claim the I
right te be 'the sole Interpreters of the
writing the statutes enacted b.v Con Cen
gress. This clearly unconstitutional
procedure has produced some grotesque
Calls Situation Intolerable
"I submit thnt the situation is in
tolerable nnd thnt If we nre te have a
legislative branch of cecrnment such
ns the fnthers designed, we must In
sist that our Federal Judges shall con
fine themselves te the duties nssigtied
them bv the Constitution of our coun
try. "The executive branch of government
hns followed tTie example of the judici
ary nnd has established vvluit the diplo
mats would probably call 'a sphere of
Influence.' j
"If we nre te permit the executive
te write the laws us well as enforce
I them, we should substitute bellboys
1 for Congressmen and nrm em h of the
'acN with n rubber stamp. ,
"Se the first thing T would hnve
Congress de would be te reclaim its
, jurisdiction. Th It should cease
I meddling with 111.' s which have been 1
1 cletinltel.i cut te the ether
branches 01 . 1.
"Following that Congress should ,
amend its rules se as te facilitate 1
clean -cut decisions cm legislative pro pre
, pesnls.
1 "The Committee of (he Whole should
he abolished and whenever 11 reason
aide number of members of the Heuse
or Senate demand n r'dlcall It should
he granted ns a nun 1 r of course."
Thieves Reb -in Apartment '
Thieves cr.teiel tlie npnrtmrnt of
Mrs. Rese Ceiner, en the third fleer
of 'J 10."i Chestnut s'reet, last night while
1 she wns nt the theatre, nnd stele jew
elry valued nt SC0O The jewels tnken
I we're a sapphire bar pin of platinum
IIIIPU lllll Kill. Iilll ( m-.l ((( nun '
nnd two diamond nnd platinum lunce
lets. I
for any Player-Piane, if you can boy a new, high-grade and guaranteed instru
ment for less, en easy weekly or monthly payment, with several dozen music
rolls, a bench and cabinet thrown in?
A waD-made Player-Piane, If carefully handled, will last from 25 te 85 yearn
and be a constant source of pleasure and entertainment te its owners.
The (mnirigham Player-Piane is manufactured with the celebrated REO-
STYLE patents, owned and controlled exclusively by as, in our modern, well
equipped factory. Se perfect in construction is this instrument that a child can
play with all the expression of the master composer himself.
Every Player-Piane we manufacture has a doable valve action and metal
tubing. De net let anybody talk you into buying an instrument with a single valve
action, as it has net the power or endurance If it had, why should we spend twice
as much money in developing a double valve action?
The very fact that for ever a quarter of a century we have been efferin
$10,000.00 for a better piano than the MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM sheiildlS
sufficient proof of its quality !
All our hHtrnments are priced from SO te 30 per cent, lower than any dealer
anywhere (whether large or small) can afford te seD. Terms arranged tATtha
11th and Chestnut Sts.
ana ssi
Opca SreBiafti
Factery: 50th and Parks id e Avemnes)
D'Oller Puts Task of Raising
$20,000,000 in Hands
of Committee
Colonel D'Oller, president of (lie Scs-quI-Centennlnl
Association, today np np
peinted n campnlgti committee of secn
te rnlse .S20.000.000 necessary te
finance the fair.
The members of the committee nre
TMwurd llek. Krnest T. Trigg. Kills A.
(Ilmhrl. Davit K. I.udlaum, Jehn II.
Mnsen. Jutes Mnstbnttm and Judge K.
H. Ilennlwcll. They will meet Slon Slen
day afternoon nt 4 o'clock te elect a
chnlruuiti nnd outline Ihrlr cntnpalin.
Mr. Olmbel. Mr. Masen. Mrs. Ar
thur IT. I.en and Colonel D'Ofler at-
tendccl the finance committee meeting
This Jewelry Stere
with its exacting standards is a
logical result of the insistence upon
quality and geed taste always
characteristic of Philadelphians.
Purchases "Reserved for Christmas Delivery
J RCaldwell & Ce.
Se easy te make make
se delightful te drink
WS1 Tea
tJea-tetally Different
cHiccccB'U LHflfteecleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHl
"The One Cigarette Sold the World Over"
Wt arm thm Only Piane Afonu Afenu
fact war in Panna. Famaas for
Sailing from Factory te Heme
this tnernln In th nlt.,..
Wnnamaker nnd H. T. Btetesbury'
Mr. Htetesbury resigned soma tiJM
age ns chnlrmnn of thft Iw.lTtilU
....v...s. umh lUBiHuiuiun meant it4
he wns no longer a member of tueiim
mlttee. lecem.
uAt Jle "eetlnjt the committee ca -sldered
the report of the Wa,.:
Means Committee which wns MiSmiKS
te the beard of directors Tuesdnr
The new campaign committee' l.
been authorized te add te Its nmC
ship as It sees fit. Either mcmb
or non-members of the Heard of W1
rectors tnny be chosen. Ul'
The campaign committee. rt-,
D'Oller states, will work In clSiT1
operation with .Tttdge lienn Zm,'
tembersh n Cemmittee1! which ""
dny reported It has raised ?inO,000
Accused of Stealing Stene Pu
Morten Ward nnd fleerge KnnirM
both of Oleuecstcr, were hdd ii tSJ
ball each today by Maver AndeS10
of that rltr, chnrgeel with the &
of a plW of stone from the rendnMn,i
the Atlantic City Rnllrend. TiT of
nre drivers nntl hnd been sent en, ."
gnther stones n'eng the highways , .2
meant lets. When nrrcstcd tlicy S
removed a pile of stone which the mii
rend hnd plnccd te prevent a washout
HE pleasure that
a man takes in
Melachrines is enhanced
by the pride he hasin knew
ing that his taste is fine
enough te appreciate them.
tcnisjue and distinctive prefer
enet, the world evtr, te the fact
that It is composed only cf the
choicest Turkish leaves nr nr
pesubU te fmiteu or equal
cmUmci j
, 1 ' r&MMjJHAL. .f.a . .M. 1 . .
i. &8M3kTi ?.:z A W- , . M
'Wl i
K .
i jv-:e
't !.,.,
tif v-i
iAa l2.Ji2lvMaii