Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 24, 1922, Night Extra, Page 18, Image 18

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mm?mmm v?:'- wgLi" jl- -m-M'urissEBSrL
,w?" is. ' wvKNiMW iujuiu ijJGiuurniiv miijAjJiuiJfJiiAi biuak NUVJCiiiLDXuA aft. iwiV'r-v' ;r" . -a. e..vyxiB
, , - "" "" , w ti - -- mmKtmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmtmmmmtmLLM
lf" Ifliw
h It Possible te Be
Magnanimous When We Leve?
I it
fpniK In n triangle, but net the vulgnr
X ene of the French fnrcen.
Twe women leve one man, and he
lore both, la af
ferent wny..
It Is hard te
knew just where
' K v vs ',
r . t . if
ftl A"V
Shnll she tell him frnnUy. even at
the rink of seeming contemptible nml
of trying te mnllgn a rhnl?
OHB persuades herself that, eren were
O she net lealeus thnt Is. were hhe!
.". . " . I
z;- x
A n n il la mi
A jiint hciv tnr
-.-& meui "he el
C- e
the man's ulster or cousin, devoted te
honor lies, nnd hli Interests she would feel that the
much suffering U I first woman had pnrtlnlly mined liW
hound te result, life. She knows that for many yeari
One woman, she the woman ha accepted nil Berts of
who must give him worldly favors from him. U mercenary,
up, 1h in the threes ami has prevented him from any mar
of jealeiiHy and rlage with any young girl, which might
tragedy even new. i have glxrn him a happy home. Hhe '
ucertntn doe net tx-lleve the tlaneee net unity Is
tnngn.inl n fcerdld or vicious person, but ".till.
eiwht te M BulfiM tine who would cheerfully I
" be. In fact, Is im. threw him ever for n mero eligible i
cer tn in whether man if she chanced te hnvc a prepnl i
tier irctijcth win from sonie one of wealth. She knows., I
for Instance, that the fiancee Is a llnr,
that she has fnllticd miner facts In
order te put him in a state of mind in ,
which he fee It n Keen obi. nation te
her of grHtltude.
The man Is singularly free from '
vanity and conceit. Kven although ,
loved e frankly hj two attract ie wom
en, he remains Mtnple and hrlplc-"". the
kind of man who an eav prey te an I
HAlll'IUt ni 1 HY
lield out and keen her "llcut. when she
la sorely tried, nnd tempted te speak.
Net one of the three is In first youth :
perhaps that logons the lemnncu nnd
sympnthy In the minds, of our readers.
But, believe us, far deeper suffering
ften Is possible when nun and women
re In their Indian summer !
nfflE mnn tins known the firt woman
J m I. , .,. ,i.ikf unscrupulous adenfire.. If lie ehiinces
associations and ties that bind 1 lm te te meet -uu-h. and belk-u- bee geed and I
t.. IT., hnll.n.vi ,1im- kl-n un nei'ti irue.
a faithful nnd loyal friend in ndver
aity, and that, ns she deitrcs ;e marry
him, nnd scttle down into a peaceful
middle age, it Is the part of a gra
cious and honeruble mnn te wed her
'Hie second woman Ives Mm very
unselfishly and suffers excrirlntiru
pangs at the thought of parting fr-mi
Mm forever. He kes her. tee, but
will net prmit himself cmmi te con
TSn an..,,il r.tin,i lrnrtua tlinfr I?
lic could actually prow- tin' tle first
Is mercenary he would li"t fee I the
strong claim, the noblesse nblige, and
sene of honor. Yet, tf sin- noeps te
vilify a rival he herself ill lese, per
haps, the nebllltj a rd tieltlshness that
hiie eharacteri.ed her be for bim
It is her enl chance of winning bun.
and she is distracted by doubt It
,. .
r ,(.!.
Please Tell Me ,
What te De
t,ntfr te CinfMa's column mtial
written en one mat of the vaaer esltf
and mmt he nientd icMPi the writer'
name and addrcsn. The name Will net
6 Published if the urlttr dot net iclsh
If. Vnatened Ictlrrs find Iftfrr ierlt"i
en both ( e the naerrieltl net b
enjifrt. Writen tohe wlili ptreenal
antwrra that can be Dlvrn n the
column telH rfrnse leek ihcre. e per per
eenal Utters are etitu icHttan uhin abso abse
ditflu iifccssnn.
template atn disleyalt.N te the one who is as though she saw him about te enter ,
he fancies has "sacritlced- many things heti.e afire, yet had no right te pre-
imi!iimit mnnv enrs ter him ve,lt "lm- i
It's pretty draftv en the fleer thee w'ndy di'.s, nnd when you have a
fire engine like thl jeu hae te get right down en the t'oer te play with
it Hit f your mother has knitted you n suit like this in nice warm
Hhndes of hr'ewn nnd tan, or tw shades of b'tie, ou need have no fear
of catching cold. And then ye-i don't lune te wiap up qultu se warrnl)
when jeu go out ei uoers
A Popular Man
Dear Cynthia, We are three girls
about nineteen years old, and are nil
deeply In lve with the same young man.
He docs net seem te be able te decltte
which cf us be cares for most, nnd we
wish you could tell us something te de
te enable us te llnd out. He Is appa
rently crazy about all of un, for as yet
he has show no preference, and our
families all apprise of him,
run jualeus two.
Cynthia's afraid there Is no answer
Don't be se silly.
And Still They Scold
Dear Cynthia Although I take plcus plcus
me In re.idint? your column, "Sparrow"
lias se nreuscd tn Ire I would like te
direct (i few words te him and tliore tliere tliore
fero ni.ike my debut Inte your column
with our pci mission, C.uithU.
"ripuuew," jeu any that liitcly you
llune met uulte a few Klrls, nnd only
run refused (nt ilrst) your accustomed
l.'oed-ulKht kiss, nnd that you at last
' succeeded In Getting It. My, what a
sntitle person jeu must be I And you
icrt.ilnly have qulte a let of confidence.
i in our anility.
i When ou
Seme Helpful Dents for Women
Who Are Going in for Public Speaking
A Suffrage Leader Gives Seme Sane and Werth-While Ideas
te a Class Which Has Been Formed for This Ptw Ptw
pe3(They Can Be Used hy Others
ttimtiL'heut many enrs ter him
The newer leve hns reason te belle?
that the firt woman Is net a noble,
high-minded ehura' t r hut a setrl-il-ventures,
who has lien detriment il
te his best inreres's for a lifetime. u"d
that he Is n dupe, and net bound by
any but funded U"s,
W doing
ilng? After all, h an old tie
snored merely b'vause old' .Soer lin
he wronged the first woman, or harmed
her: It Is net a case of repara'len
What shall the new love de?
1 JL.'F'a . L si J I
Ik- - l I
I i ! "..
ter ?&&
( r
The Reckless Age Blade Velour Bodice
A fine Feitrr, a member of the gal
younger irt. bf'emci engaged te
Charley Tune, tmf ?iefnic he lord '
him. but &erane they irrm ') treu
Itlitril te caeh ethet. tut Ai'i' l
if Mien ieiui; free nnd. serurc i
er fibintii te hi Id l hurley, 'he en
ceuingei the attention of Maien
Lenn, a ere Chnrei rTie-
tfreft't i ciiii Tit .lf'ne. iiml fiwxWyf
ej)A te hr rrleetrd from thftt bar
gain. AUne'i prate iurr a terri
ble bleu: lu! ihmtly after thii she
realise i f 'in" ne m rmlly fallen in
Ime tnth U Hen Leng. What h"
deet net mil ;e U thnt Maien Leng
dari net tekf her nt nil ier!euiti,
end n, ta "w. uimij her as nafrial
for i hook.
Alinr Hears Sema iSmvs
IN THE davs that followed. Aline
waited for Masen te rail her up en
the te'epl.ene, te make some aUempt te i
see I or. hut nothing happened. Phe
was tepiptel te cill him up at his ,
apnrtnint in town, but a 'ecend att'T ,
the iinmiNe eeeurred te her she re-
leetfsl it with senrn.
She weu'd 'iet run after him'. She
would mnke no concessions te him. Why
should she? It had never hn nces
snry before and rertninly she would t
net bectn nnr-'-ing of the kind new.
Perlnps he vris e"t of town, and for ft
day e- se she mnsnld herself with
this theughr, but nfter a week had
passed and "he had heard nothing from .
him. Aline w-ns ready te cry with over ever over
wreueht r.erv
Sometimes she felt that she hated
htm, and when tlis ennvbtmn would
irweep ever ler she would determ.ne te
put h'm out cf her life Srie lashed
nenself vri'h scorn. She rebl herself
ever nnd ever that she vn no better
than Phvl'ls that he was spineless,
wenk, but the fnet remained th-n she
eared for him. that lie had reiisel ((in-
thine In her that in i the pr t lad
lain dertnnn. and 'n n''!i'lin te tut
Aline had never schooled '-erself te de
without nivthing she win""!
Ptiring all this tlnie m- ecxsrle.s
round of seelnl ayet hnd e be en.
dured. Aline was invited everywhere
and she bad te go in order te k'eji p
nppearan e, nit at none nt r (' .iffnl-s
old she i.ieet Masen l eng, and no e'ie I Dy a
seemed ie Knew wnat iiii'i ueoeme c
Then one day a sn "nirageme'i'
luncheon Helen llradlev rishe.; up tr.
Aline eicltedlv
"My dear, I have eme killing news
for teu ' Martin 'obi me lust night.
and I rang you up en the telephone, but
you were ntit."
Allne's heart lnpd up te her hrent
News through He'm's brother Martin
night have semet1 'n; te de with Masen
Leng I
Hlen nished nn with her nrjsl heed
lessness, "It's ahe'i' M ise" Leng, and I knew
tee would be interested Ser-ause you're
the only one in mr crowd who ha
been out with him Martin savs he's
writing novel nbeut tue Hge of jaza.
nnd 'hat's why he's been coming te se
many of our parties, Isn t that a
cream? Imagine using us for cepy: '
Can Yeu Tell?
Bv n. J. i.J A. ir. Heimer
Who Made the Tlrst Steam ETiglne
Heoe'loctions of our school div
would cans" us te answer James Wr.'t
when asked this question. b"t whir
Wntt really did was te make the frst
etiiinn which worked entirely by steam.
former efforts having Involved the use
of steam, water nnd nlr. Wntt in
tented his enclne, b.it many ethet s 1 i
apti'iei' tlie power i f stenm in viir'e'is
w.ivs bef.li' htm In fact Watt's "i-
te-i s .n tie 'isn of steain te deve'nn
power enme nleut tbreush bis ln' s
h-etutbt te him for repair an eruine
mi'e bv cnetber, which bad rotten out
of ori'er Watt was nskcil te see If be
eni'd put it In working order.
Here, of Alexandria. l'Jil years be
fore Christ, had ued the power "'
vtf un te turn a glebe. Mnnv ethers hae
lie.'i mere or les ucc,ss.fnll hut the
tirf figine of nny practical use was
nui ' bt Vottero'ien. This engine bud
in r indenser and for that reason the
steim in tl.e e -ider had te be cooled
hef-e the piston oeuld descend. Tl i
n'v . fooled the e Under, then bid t
he heated ngnln te make the piston
1 in Most of the pewvr was thus 'esf
Ti end It when nei'essnrt a bev turned
a stopcei i; tttiei the pis-ten re wa
The Newest Tramps
Vtpm.K en the anbject of public
VV speaking for women It's inter
eating te leek erer a list of den'ta which
were given at the opening of a achoel
of Doraecrncy for women of Ohie who
had been working for the recent cam
A suffrage leader addressed her clnsa
en the subject of correct dress for
"Djn't be n fashion plate when you
get up te make a speech," was her first
And you knew hew thnt would take
the minds of the utidlciict? off the speak
er's words, especially when the larger
pnrt of It would he feminine.
There's always n buzz of comment,
a stretching of necks nnd n twisting of
heads te sce what the soloist tins en ni
a concert or entertainment if she hap
pens te be n woman.
And that would never de nt n politi
cal meeting "where the business in hand
is the most important matter.
"Don't wenr n veil under nny cir
cumstances." I suppose because one kind leeks tee
frivolous nnd nfternoen-tea-ish, while
the close-fitting Bind weuw tie ridicu
lous for a wemnn who was expecting te
uoemi (tin whole time onenlne and shut-
en spenk of the Rlrl whom i ttne ner mouth.
,"l& iXT -V;!!!' . 'lnele ! A sane woman, thlssufrrnge lender.
TONT wear a skirt se short that
-' veur audience will leek at your
ankles! but don't wenr one se long thnt
the women In the audience will think
hnve the intesc siyic irem iw j
remark, you feel convinced thnt she has
rend your mind and will speak te the
principal about you ns seen as the class
is ever. . ...
And then you have te come back with
n sudden start nnd remember that iM
Isn't n tenchcr nt nil. nnd that you
won't hnve te step, in Mls Bensen
office after school after nH.
It's n great relief, but the episode
hns token your mind off the subject
under discussion for several agenising
T"VO NOT wenr flapper earrings."
-' Thev nre the Happiest of flapper
things; and when n wearer ei tneiu
gets earnest In her remarks nnd nods
nnd shakes her bend, her tlccorntlens
flap se vigorously thnt you' Instinctively
cock your ear te sec If they won't
some time ring n bell, especially If they
nrn mm flwinirimr ones.
They make even the most dignified
woman leek Just a bit tldtettlenif
though en nny ether occasion they i
"..wi'vr m":i"i ana charm. "
--M yeti nave nothing mere te it.
nftcr hnvlng talked a wTille, don't k!&
en .veur feet, sit down." t
There's something te think about 1
That's useful for women who L
no Idea of being public speakers 2
a&ftfejjir who nr8 mak,n "
When you have nothing mere te .
well, there's i only one short rude xitvh
saying It shut un 1 D w7 H
TTOW often we find ourselves ambllu
A en, struggling te oey mere, !!
there's net another thought In our im
nnd we can't mnke another.
Hew we struggle and hem and hi.
te say something, for Instance en tiffiJ
leave of n hostess. wul
We've Said what waa en .... . .
sold the polite thing, the nwKft
thing nil she wants us te de aaTZ
te get out. w
But we stick around nnd keen am
voices Reing auneugn we knew arid til
knows nnd we knew Hint .s. Y.i'a(
thnt wc nren't saving a thing Me2
wbnt wo've said before In n 1imK
different ke.v. I,"nu
Sit down I Get out ! Don't stnnd thm
and struggle te keen en tnlkln ua
. Indeed there tire n number of tn.
don'ts thnt could very well be adanS
te these who prefer private life, IS
ns well eh te these who are new 7
work writing their speeches for the nw
mrpiiniii -
i veti nre
makes me shudder. Who must be some
new Kind ut Cleopatra, for In nil in
acquaintances I am positive thore Is net
one suth an jeu describe. And as for
myself. In all my eighteen, well, nlmest
nineteen years. I can truthfully sav I
lh;ie never ldsseil fi.if l.ev ,-nnil rilirht
.1 ,.i ...... , ". .. 7.1.1 t VOII
maid, but a. tthelc(me. nellte n.inncr i lerK or laris.
JM ' J .S
ty SrJS- i v""" 1 ''' ""'' '' ' !n s"n" ,''' wafer, w b! -a
1 s? ' M r"" "''' t''r 'e'1 n ,l!l, a'''r rOM lellS-
V JJ l"g the strenin. Then while the nrsf
N. . Xs' h". ees(d his stepeuck, il second het
" I j ft ned nnnther one nnd let ii mere
-cini. wrie'i toreeri the piston up eciln
It wns this nglne vhieh win breitg'it
te Watt fr repair. AVl.lle stnltlng i
he observed thnt It took six peiind'
cebl wti'er te condense one peuiifl i"
m, Tlic possibility of Improving i i.
this re:.u ted In the Invention of t1 e
condenser, w! lch was the great featjie
of Witt erifflne and mafi srean en
gines prn-'t'enble
.-! h i l. e4Hs 4 i
Tomorrow Hew
Walls IVadenetl?
Are floors and
Ter the small girl's party frock one
of three materials Is usually the choice
of the designer. Perhaps it is crepe
de chine with much line plaiting aid
drawn work and a touch of lnr,e. Per
haps it Is one of the fniry-llke em
broidered white nets. Mere probably
the choice Is taffeta.
The charming little frock illustrated
here has a short full taffeta sUrt In
rose color, which is gar! i tided in roses
of pink nnd blue tnffetn mingled t! h
green satin lenves The hem, is w
find it e often in thes.j il.rn.nu'' .-
models, it scalloped nnd the .d,'e
fiie meclel is further dlst.nj"!sbvd
lediee which, Instead ,;f being
of self material, Is of black velour
Through this ts run a narrow little
rose ribbon tying in the back lu volu
minous streamers The shoulder line,
exactly like that of elder sister's eve
ning frock, slopes down ever the srras
The ITeinan's Exchange
i -0
What te De With the Hat
T ' "ie Fi'iter nf H'efinn's Pan''
' l" M '' l " I "'III tOU SLlTl.-es -i
' I f cl" mlr.it a light Mu n ,i'.
( . ' i it
I 's cerpld'rah' tnrnlhed aa a cer.
e.j i r,. ei hat-1 a i wn cauuht In nm-
st -t , ni.sm h
V 'i can rlenn t' if tery well bv us1 p
a s , j.i . u( iM-b'ii tetrachloride tt i
r b- purer-is,ed nt any drui:
II s. It careful. y en ihc hat tvltt i
Studying at Night
t , i'nr f Iff mnn, a Pi'ir
! . :i 1-im- Will i Idnd'y tf,i -,
of ' Ik . 'l Is i-i rhlliuP Ipi H V if
h' l -ef's, a se charge'
r.. ti.re i i oheol'i jtlflrir a fre
r .i ' f -r e 11. r. It.
fun t-t a list of thej fr-ni ih
H. lr i "f IMjc.itiri at Nlnft.frth nr I
CI. . fi-.s t is rc-al'v f i i;
te ir ! re i.j se many l.Vi s.-j.f-.!,
hat I. ! ( i.rses You'll be n' e
Pi I e, Lifv -he one nenresr t jeir
1 i 'ifuai ' Ire where I mid e". t
, 1 f t' -i ' schools in ft -rc ,
"t 1 sh e "-ioeIh offer thir !,'
f r, ) " ""pe
A gsestlen, if you're looking for
( 1 1. tt is gl"s. There i nhti.ts
something new in lamps, and thesi
nr" ilii- ;. -t out. I l.e lieruifi '1
I e.i d with Its white wig is attached
te n skirt like a para- il, of rose
satin, wrile the p-tal-'-Hrted lady
Is made of porcelain, dressed In
sl.e ' fif f rq'ilsite color The ttlst-
f il gentleman standing beneath the
s'.-eet light is a quaint innovation
in Inn piand
They All Quarreled
Oe.ir Onlhla. Advice is often the
mother of action, se te you 1 irfme for
inspiration. 1 nm net exactly a flapper.
, tbcugli I bslleve In eiuat lights, si geed
time and evcrythlnrT that makes ene
i happy. This, dear Cynthia. H my
List January' niy Rlrl friend nnn i
met two tieyn. Well, as the saying gees,
ihev fell nnd nearlv breke their necks.
Phis Is tle mean beastlnit. hut the
, honest-to-Jelin facts. Well, you knew
hr w 'tis. We had a quarrel and have
net spoken te them for at least alx
We attended a party at which the two
, honerables were piesent, but still did
, net spcalt. New I have received a enrd
from one, who Is at present aw ay. What
dees this mean, Cynthia? Could I In-
vlte them te an evening fteclal7 Would
i that be acting very ferwnrdly? de
net bellevs In taking the Initiative.
j SELt-nnsviiXE.
Plnce advances have been made by
this boy, why net nnstver his postcard, .
md perhaps you will become friends
acaln, and then yen can lntlte them te
i uine te see you again?
1 Thinks "Sparrow's" Sixteen
near Cynthia As I am n constant
reader of veur column, but never nav-
g the opportunity of contributing te
- r would llke te answer "Sparrow's"
i tter
I wonder what kind of a fellow you
.tie, "Sparietv." and whnt kind or sins
de teu go with? Yeu cannot convince
me fh.U anv decent girl would be such
.i ' Klssinir bug" nnd feel slighted If a
fellow did net Itlss her at least n dozen
times an etenmg and feet as If she i
I ii.nl te coax en te kls her
1 am eighteen yenrs old and go out
! with plenty of, boys for geed times
and they are cellege students and
1 st ran ire te ray, they would net think erf
I isU'nsr tne fpr a geed-night kiss. (It's
geed thev don't) I wonder, "Hparrew,"
v. 1 . re you rend all the stuff jeu write
abeut'' It sounds te me llke the type
of bmks Charles Oartlce and Bertha
M Clay wilte. ,
".sparrow." haven't you any ether'
v'ew In bf than kissing and pettlni;
1 parties" Yeu certainly have my sym
pathy (whether you want It or net),
I wonder hew old you really are?
bout sixteen or se, aren't you? 1 1
have new aired my rentlments and hope
te have seme "Amens" from the mem
1 ers it! tour column. Thank you,'
iti.tbla. Bl.Ui:nmD,
"Never held a beg or pockctbeok In
your hand.
"Never point nt your audience with n
lorgnette, pencil or paper."
Ne, indeed, it gives them n shuddery
feeling of being back at school again. .
with their history only half studied nnd
their geometry se muddled In their
brains that they sit In fear nnd trcm-
l'f you hnppen te disagree In the
smallest detail with the speaker who
points nt von with n hnughty lorgnette,
when putting ever nn emphasis en some
Footprints of
fellow in the wake of every man
or woman wearing the A. X.
Indeed, where guaranteed com
fort is sewn in the shanks of a
fashionable smnrt-loekinir she
can a person be aught but satisfied ?
Ne longer must one sacrifice comfort for Btyle or
style for comfort here are both in abundance.
Shee Company
1314 Chestnut St.
dEWr Milk
HHHpapHia u.
Atlantic City
The "Feed Drink" for All Ages.
Quick Lunch at Heme, Office and
Fountains. Ak fet HORUCK'S.
1ST Avoid Imitations Substitutes
i i
I Philadelphia's I
finest I
W Oa Salt at Leading Slerai R
unit at H
5 M. R. KERST. Stall 822
The Sheps of Sensible Prices
Continuing Our
of Dresses
Fer Friday and Saturday.
We Offer:
SBDresxes of Peirct Ttvill & Sports Materials.
Valuta te $39.78
BODrcsscs of Jacquard Crepe, Crepe de chine, Cante,
Peirct Twill and Combinations.
$19. 75
Valuta te $48
50 Dresses of Satin Canten, Crepe de chine, Duvetyne,
Peirct Twill, Jersey Cleth, Flat Crepe Taffeta.
Making It Different
The jir! vle dei'sn't care nbeut
Mi-jris 'ill I'i.if'k. nnd jet llke- the
.iT.ct ..f n ibi'l ilreMf liki this, if t-he
fin set wini"'1 mi; "iniirt t" relieve it
l'h, will bive t.il Hud; of diivetjn or
irf' uiMi lis il'lit brnl'ci' nnd circular
i-l.Tt, becnil'-e 'hi ntiirix-.ttil bnilluc bus
a narrnw bnnd f wblti- fur around
th iiPfk n r. f ! short lecM'i, ajid it) filee
beniled in -i'er.
n) . c
Valuta up te $59.78
100 Hand-Made Blouses, $2.00
In Other States
Mrs William II. Horten n sixty-one-ycnr-eld
nemnn of ltd i i-ik ia
1 hns just conpleteil th rep.i'n'it.c of tn,-.
fxterleri of thr resilience pi'pertle
she own..
Te rn money with uhleh w com
p!et her "tudlev f 149 Mnrgii"t Nt Nt
tleten, n junior In the Kuasdn H'.it
Afrlculturnl CMlege. pcnt her la'
BiimniT vucutlen werklni; flu aa ns
slfctant county enK!neir.
.rynnrm l"1 . .i ' i -""
"Heme of Service"
A wave 0' 'ieh Intense f-'otlen rept
fiver A'lne that f"r a moment shef f!t
fnlnt nnd Hifk but almost immdla'ely
ahe who en uuard
"I suppose wn ran all leek forward
te seeing the m'rnir held up te rnturef,"
nhe beard hrelf Fnytns venly, and
ulia wnu etna.ej thnt sh could spnk
M celm'v and wiff pe Hrtle fpalln;
"Ne d ulit I 1 hi- i',( r ier ma! cnsl
person in tie In ok becau-!- he's h.ul 11
chance te niwni' nn w ebvh '
"Of ceursi' yi-.ii wl'il"' sat. i IMin
theu?litbslv ' That's prnbably the
reRnen whv be';' been rushing you ir
much. Well, there's- thti te be paid
for the younger "t, ue don't wear our
hfjarts en our leeve, uu up A. inn"'
We may net lie us Mwet and retlnni; us
the slrl.s of tbn last Keiu'ratien, we iij.iy
smoke ciniirettes, mid keep Inte hours
nnd tly nnmml wit In ut ehaperenn, but,
thank hcinen, wen- net in .si j- Mar
tin snyi we're n haul jeutic I f. but 1
maintain that we're merely bin iM
and tf jeu re the heroine of .Muer.
Lenc'ij iiem'I, at I. nut jmi won't be ei.e
of the lnnj:tlwhni, "emlii.i'iitul kind
These women wlm i-euut the world we'l
lest for low make nn ill '"
And with this i.irtin' shot Helen
darted across tin 1 1 nnd seized upon
two ether tirls who had just come in
Aline btetid htl'l where Helen had
left her. All about her were little
greupH of chutterini;, huu'hin (,'ltli,
and seen they would ke in te lunch, and
thtre would no nt leant two hours mere
id all this befern Hlie could escape mid
M alone. Sue teit timi it wniiut de lm
Miss Mary ff!er, eler? clerk
courts, Is the firs.t woman te h
i-euntx etliee ir. 1.1 kins County, Ol ',1
Bv Helen Deri
i fS"
JM 1 4,
PiftNOS "-, ,
Hftn' r.,ki vfco?eias
""" u-c""u,c RECORDS:
When yej tjj- a vir tiiei.a yfi art sure te be
patltjfl"' Nit b'n'pg hi eticr n-HOhl-i" I. a pa-nble.
Sly t.tk- hi c- " .V., !,iv 11 ruei 01 tlta
te eutt a 'iB's ar & pocu-lbei.kH en ihy eauleat
kind ej itti
Machine & 6 Records, 12 Selections
$& f'A Others Up
&JOW te $1500
Open Mnn , Wed. nn
awnqvER CO.
V Upen Vn , Wed. nnd Frl. Evra.
Just ftcleiv
11th St.
1 03K33ChQ5tr,i4 direct.
S'' VtV''
at reasonable prices will solve
your Christmas problems, but
their quality demands time and care,
edfrrangc your appointment neu
before itistoelate. "
1626 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA
Luxurious Fur Trimmed Coats
for the "Game?, Special at $125
127 S. 13th St and 1337 Chestnut St
Z? &
tsf. i . j
b?-- i .xs --";rT7.-
Give te yourself
A puiierittlen at;e men wrre Tuxedo
ccits eiiij te 8t,i jdi'i- lu the evn
nine Tl'i (lau-r.m mei ,.j. tn ltn
accemi'iin.. Iiik wl tt law i bow, pelf,
tied, v.ii worn err 'a .Mt cut erv
low, exhibiting a (ilque embreldereh
bhlrt fr iet In I in i ac with n tut'ii
eye stud." He wretu Mrs Sherwood,
social urblter, thirty yeur'i ase
In our tlm, the comfertablu dlnner
coat may be worn for all but th.i rnent
formal dinners, and for all evenlni? ec-
nnulenrt. ftYeetlnir linll1. itml Itrrv r.f.rtlaii
tWHlble te s-e through with it, and jet i at the opera. An illustrated, the Tux"
T- 1, . ..... . ... 1 1 ... 1 ! ... ,-. .1... Ilnn.. r. .....1. . II.
in uui un ,e.i it. w, . rm;v vuill, Ul
ferentiated from the busbies coat only
by Its Invariable black, and by Uie
button fastening It ut the waistline. A
black tle-tic-w ia
htr social tralnlnc steed her In ceed
-tmMM h.M fft. fill, fltiv lif till. 1111, 1 n,,.
-j. V 9r.M i.v, . ..vfc h,, ... .... . .,u ....-
?IV gulak of her thuuithts was visible en her
WW NMrth 70UUI face.
"vpMl "i ASPVkiVV
worn With a TuxeAn.
a Teat may b white, or or the black ,
X material.
the pleasure that
comes from wearing a
shoe as sturdy and
fashionable as this.
Vj-7 JL17 Weel Shep
tji20 OiQjsbiut S.t
Mum ruMing'
J Fer Holidays
) and Other Days
V"l Has graced American
M tables for fifty years
(ZJ Always delicious and wholesome.
Made after a famous recipe from
( the finest ingredients obtainable.
lJr, ClUS
'heiuctn cf Delicious R &R Bened Chicken
Hurrah for the fun!
Is the pudding done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!
Hurrah, tee, for Fruit TASTYKAKE with its "sugar
and spice and everything nice" and the finest of fruiU
and nuts.
In Pilgrim days the sleigh bells announced te Grand
mother the approach of the guests new the Klaxon
ia our herald. The Thanksgiving of today has lest
none of the joy and happiness, but the feast is mero
sumptuous than ever, when crowned with a Fruit
Packed in attractive blue enameled boxes with re
movable advertisement; in 1 or 3 pound sizes, which
sell for $1.00 the pound. It ia en sale at your grocer's.
De your Chrlttmat $hepp!ng tarty.
uuy one of fficae Fruit Cahei
new, eithtr for yourself or for
tern friend te whom you with te
make a sift that U different.
V 1
feteiiva 6sSwfe.
1 'r"?,
fjjf.- f '
t w-jfy s 't t
' Si . -