tgsXMMM ijZS&EmSiMiMl flffST GOSSIP AB6UTm)Pm Nancy Wynne Tells of the Debut of Miss Annis Lee Tunis Yesterday Afternoon Miss Elizabeth Dale v Willson Will Be Introduced Today mi ONE of the prettiest tens of the nea nan nn gWcli ycetcrjay afternoon b Dr. nml Mw. .leseph l'rice Tunis, te Introduce their dntijthtcr, Annls Lee Tunis, who Is usually known under iiJi second name by the ether buds. She Is the eldest of the Jeseph Tunis Jltitren. iitid very nttrnrtive. lS Is fnlr nml dainty like her ether, who was Miss Annls Fur ?CM; nml were the sweeten frock of irt silk in the most luscious rose-pink Side. It wh nimle with n tight bodice with ruffles , of geld net, 5S3 the full "klrt hnd extended hips, He of the wnlst-llue with n cluster It flowers. She carried pink roses nml looked ns If she hnd Just stepped out of the frame of a lovely old-lashiencd ""sirs. Tunis, who is unite petite nnri bns beautlul wavy lmlr, were u gown ef white fhllTen draped artistically nd cnught at one hip with a bunch of white French flowers. Mrs. Herace Heward I'tiritcss and Mrs. Celcsbury Turves presided at the tea-tnble. The tea was given at the Tunis town house, 111110 Dc Laneey place. They moved in recently from their Chestnut Hill home. TODAY the ether Tunlses, .Mr. un(l Mrs. Themas Tunis, brother nnd istcr-in-lnw of Dr. Jeseph Tunis, will civc n tea with Mr. and Mrs. Kills Kills ten I'eret Hlscll at the' Acirn Club, te introduce their .neice, ' Elizabeth Dele Willson. Elizabeth ' is the daughter of Mrs. Wurts Willson; who was Miss Doro Dero Dore thy Wurts, of tills city. She Is a grand daughter of the late Dr. Charles Wutts, whose home was for many rears at the corner of tiqwiitecrith nd Walnut htrectsv The house bus been razed, nnd the site is occu pied by n business building. It was In that house that Mrs. Tunis, Mih. Bissell and Mrs. Willson were intro duced at teas. They arc sisters of Charles Stewart Wurts, who married Mixs llessie Wister, and of Uebert Kennedy Wutts, whes-e wlfe iwns Miss Kntherine Xewbeld. u t-lster of Mr. Kdward McCullough. Till; Print Club will held one of its interesting tens this afternoon at the clubhouse, 1(114 Latimer Ntreel, I rum 4 until U:.'.) o'clock. Mr. Hub ert von MuschziKhcr will be lmstcs-s. The dill) has a tunning collection nt Kngllsh color engravings en its walls t present. Mrs. Jnper Ycates Hrin Hrin ten is president of the. club. TIIK ether day when I was out at the Philadelphia Cricket Club watching the trynutf for the All-Philadelphia beckey team I thought mere than ever liew icmarl;ab!c 11,1s that all the mem bers of the DKun family excel in ath letic. Of course. Miss Melly Thayer, who'.'' mother wnv n MM Dixen, Is welt known us one of the riiet prominent tenni players in the city, and Miss Mar liaretta Dixen, Mr. Themas Dixen's daughter, is one of the bet of the JellllL'er golfers. Miss Mijrglll'ett.N Bhniiiless, whose mother was Te Sif-iin Dlven, Is M wonderful lee skater niil lb active in the Skating Club. MKs Louise DIxeu, a ilaughter of th late T. Henry Dixen, has wen a great imii v honors nt Wellesley In ulliletics, mid her elder sister. Mr-. Edward Kniinliliiiiir. who JINs Helen Dien, Is president of the Hei key Association of Phi adelphia (I think Hint Its mrrect tiniiie), and a very geed 'me'eev plnji'iv that s unite nn ui.usii ter one family, isn't it? The latest member of t'c Achieve funic in nflili.t i. . Norris. Mr. ami Mr. Iv'u. m N'errU d.ii!."htcr (Mrs. Xm-rls was Mi- Kmina Dixen, a hlster of Miss Marsjaretta Dixen). Emma, who is a sub-deb ami Mill In school, is cnptnlu of the Irwlu Reheiil hockey team ami one of the bert pl.ier. In fact. I have heard a ziciit many people siiy that she will pmbubly make the All-Philadelphia team this vear. which Is Indeed a. great honor for u schoolgirl. BETTY, aged thrce and n half, was going te church for the first time, nnd she was busily ipiestlenlng Mether ns te who nnt! whnt nhe tvnnlil una. there. "Will Hetty knew anybody In church?" "Oh, yes, Uncle Jack uncie .luck passes the plate, dear." "What for?" queried Betty. "Why. for BTjyEMSF s! '" ' wj.;r7L' -'f'it & l Te Be Uuest of Hener. you te nut j our pennies Inte. nnswered -Mether. "Oh," exclaimed 'Hetty excitedly, "If 1 put a penny In ulinl'tl n,...w. .. S. t (!,,..." 1 NANCY WYNNE. i SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Van Hens Hens selaer, of Camp Hill Hull, Fert Wash ington, entertained nt dinner last eve ning In honor of President Miithcsen and Mrs. Matlicsen. Among tlie guests were Sir. and Mrs. Geerge W, Chltds Drexel, Mr. and Mrs. Ilayard Henry. Mr. nml Mrs. Livingston Piddle, Mr. and Mis. IMwaid T. fctetcsbury, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H., Mr. nnd Mrs. (loertro Dalian Dixen. Jlr. and Mrs. Charles K. Itrinley. Miss Slncklcr and lilt T..Aa..l n...l ... 1tlltiuinn ...I... I..' ..... 1itiM-i r illjl. .Ml. .'Illllii-rvii, IU? in the newly elected president of the Drexel tnstltute, was formerly president of the Scheel of Technology nt Oeergla. Mr. and Mm. Van llense)acr, who will ou eu cupy their town limine, 1S01 Walnut Htreet, the first week In December, will entertain In their box at the opera r.11 Tuesday evening, ut the Academy of Music, at the opening piirfenuance of the Metropolitan Opera Company. ' One of the most Interesting of the late winter weddings will be that of Mlsi Kllen StcMlcharl. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Kmery McMlchnel, of Knell Heuse, Deven, and J041 Walnut street, and Mr. Chariet) Oraham Berwlnd, twin t Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. IJerwdul, of Welrwoed, Radner, which will talte place e.irly In January. raB K '''',' ''BMMMMMr mswWy(if.v y':M MSMMMMMMMMMMWr$''''Z &' S'"WLv 1' tMMMMMMMMMm&lfr?' '"' ' " '?' 'Uiw&'" tMEMMMMMMSMffirMv ' 4mmwW, mmumumumummm7'i ,',' J, : fSMSMk' i mSMMMMMMMSMmSMi-' ' mBz"'i wMMMn$& vt ''?(' ''", mMMMmmiW ''' ''''Suuum. tMMWsWMi rwkfr ' ''SuuuuW wm5sWvA sWskWS'H-. BvZBBBBVAty '&?', b f'fr BSIlBBBBn R vt frZ?1 rr gtmi'm ' lit. kni Mk,' Vmi as Heir RkJ, of Washington, D, C. ana Colonel Geerge Wlllcex Mclver, ' of In diana, who Is the father-in-law of Mrs. Maule's daughter, Mrc. Oeerge W. Mc lver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. need, who will visit Mr. and Mrs. Maule for several days, will be the guests of honor at a dinner which Mr. and Mrs. fleerge It. Hvans, of the IJellevue-Htratferd, will glve en Monday evening. Mrs. Reed was Miss Elizabeth Neycs Boyd, of this city. m-rrWWw nwtt, Oft., whan Vr will mam VMt home forth winter. West Philadelphia Dr. nnd Mrs. Samuel P. Hadln, cf Pittsburgh, are spending a few days In this city as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Kdward Xelun, of 239 Beutli Tlfty-thlrd street. Mr. and Mrs. Walter D. Adams, of Forty-ninth street and Baltlmore ave nue entertained a number of their friends Informally recently. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wilsen Cunningham, Mr. nnd Mrs. H. ('.. Tewnscntl. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke De 1fflV0t1. At I eta t'lninnnA VI .,.... . -. Quebec, ana Mr. Floyd Atkinson. MIm r.iiMMii'iMmii n enHHKemciu 10 Air. At kinson was tcccntly anneunied. Mr. and Mrs. nusBell Keteham, for merly of I'lfty-thlrd und Pine streets, recently of China, have goie te Au- Wmmwm Mr. and Mra, William Hanlen Crane, of 4411 Walnut street, are receiving congratulations upon the birth ei a daughter, Jeanne Mcdilnn Crane, en Nevemlier 1,1, Lawndalc lr. nnd Mrs. Cupper A. Nelmnn, of fielfl Hlnghnm street, nre lecelvlng congratulations upon the birth of a son, lienet t Henry Nelman. Mrs. James V. Tayler, of Magce street, will entertain the members of her five hundred club ut luncheon and cards nt her home cm Tuesday after noon next, Mr. and Mil. James Wise and their daughter, Miss Frances WIfc, of New ark. N. .!.. have Mtumcd te their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Wise, of 0425 Palmetto street. Moorestown Mis. Allen Ilegets, of West On tint avenue, has gene te Man Diege, Calif., te remain until May. Miss Florence Clifferd, cf Hedenda Deach, Calif., formerly of Camden, has keen the msityf HrVU&Mt ,Wdl-TMarllii W Mr.' Bhelden Walkt. H.' wTrd, of CheiterftT4erSr time... Percy J. rtll la the director. Mis Kntherine French, of East Central avenue, hna returned from ii visit with her mother lu New erk City. Norristown Mr. William Montngue was elected the new president of the Associated Charities of Norristown. The ether officers chosen at the annual meeting were: Vice President. Mr. Franklin 1 Wright; scctetnry. Mrs. l-rnnk H. Moere: treasurer, Mr. Geerge IL Kite. New members ut the beard of direc tors are Mrs. Charles J. Qulllrnan, Mrs. Jehn Slade Carter and Mr. Mgin II, Lenhardt. Majer and Mrn. Jeseph F. f'eUrell, of Camp Hastes Virginia, who wl attend the Army and Navy football game, Will be week-end guests pf Mrs. Cottrell's parent", Mr. and Mrs. Ii. Percy Chain. The soloists In the comic opera. "The Leve Tlrates of Hawaii," which wn-t nresented oil Tuesday evening by the members of the Trinity Tjeferm.d Church cneir ai xrinny iu " MiSB Viela Kratz, MlhS Hessle) Kel- i ten, Mrs. Harry Itennyren. Mr W. It i frnmssm Mrs. J. n. TfrnHtad. of fhn Hamilton. has returned from New Yerk, where hhe has been visiting her son-in-law nnd daughter, Mr. and Mis. Charles E. Fex, Mrs. A, Ii, Cat-hart and her daugh ter, Mss Mana Carhart, r.f Manches ter, la,, are guests of Mrs. Carhart's sister, Mra C. W. Mell, of 223 Hast Fertinnca street, Delaware County Mrs. Jeseph J. Khends, of Oil City. Pa., Is the ffuest for a few days of Mr. nnd Mrs. William Bhcwell Ellis, of Meylan. Mr. and Mrs. Itebcrt Wethcrlll, of Chester, are entertaining thelr daugh ter, Mrs. Curl Neltlng, of Richmond, Va., for several wefcks, Mrs. Charles) Tomerey arid her fam ily will meve In a short tlme te their new limne en North JnchRen street, Media, which was formerly the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. William Easby. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Casannve.'ef 2110 Pine Ktrcet, announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Elizabeth Casa nave, te Mr. Herbert n. Calves, son of Mr. and Jtr.i. Hvarlate A. Calves, cf this city. Miss Ciipanave Is a debutante of this season. Mr. Calves Is it graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. clasH of 1920. 7 Dr. and Mrs. fleerge Woodward, of KrNhelm, Chctnut Hill, have Issued liuitatlen.s te hear Majer lillbert tell of the "Last Cruade" en Saturday aft ernoon, December Ji, nt 3 o'clock. A tea will fellow. Majer CJIIbcrt was with fiunenil Allenby through IiIh entire cam palgn In Kgpt nnd was present at the u.ipture of liecrshcba, the taking of Jerusalem and the capitulation of Jer icho, Jlr. ami Mrs. William W. Hepburn, of Orchard, Vlllauuva, will enter tain at dinner en Monday evening, Jan- l, in noner et Miss McM chae and Mr. Uerwlnd. xi Mr. aii'l Mrs. O. hawMin Celeman, of Old Hn crferd ie.ul. Ilr.ui Mawr, are i fuvi. Ing uoiur.itiil.illeiis' en the birth of ,i .-en en Wediitsdny. November 22. Airs. Celeman wns JIIss Marlanna W, nenet), daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Francis I. (Jewen, of DeeiitJenc, Chestnut Hill. Thete by Phote-Crafters MimsELIZAIlETtt D. R001JRS Debutante daughter of Mr. and Mm. Charles liencr., Jr., of fJer fJer mantetcn, who trill he the nuent of Aoner at a luncheon ana briilnc party ichich Mm. Maunder W. Wiater, of (Irrmantewn. trill ffit'e en Tuedav, Dtccmbcr 'i record ily te Vmlii.l Mr. and Mrs William Penn-rSaskell Hall, of Doenthotpi Farm. Paell, will nteituln at dinner at the Heltevuu Heltevuu Ktratfeid en Flidny eenlii?, December 2'J, in honor of their daughter. Miss Mary Hall, befete thu Christmas nuet lug of the Saturday Evening Dancing Class. MH Doiethv B. I,e., debutante daughler of Mr. and .Mi's. KHsha Jr. of lTett l.tiust street, and Miss Emily Kalulin llartew, debutante daughter of .Mrs. lb-niy Blackwell liartew. of the lenpacrc. will be the guests of honor nt a hulfct luncheon te be given tometrow by Mr. anil Mis. S.tmuel Dcter Wnrrlner, of 13B Seuth Clgliteentli ntreel. The gutsts will later attend the Army and Navy football game. Sirs. Ellsha leturned last evening from New Voik whero she at tended the Farinlugten luncheon yea tcnlay. Mr. and Mis. T. Williams P.eberts, of 1', nceyil Kami, IJ.ila, entertained at dinui r huit tcnlng. Mr. and Mrs. Pep Yea' man, of 1118 Spuice street and Chestnut Hill, will rntcitutn at a box p.iny en Tuesday e cuing tie.M at the opening perform ance of the Metropolitan Opera Com pany nt the Academy of Music In honor of their daughter. Miss fleerglna P. Yeatiunn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry S. Greve, of 25$ West Tulpehecken street, Ocmnan Ocmnan tewn, will vntcrtiilu a- thelr guests nt the Army and Navy football ganje Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph W. Powell, of Bosten. Captain Leuis McCoy Nulton IT. S. N commandant of the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and Mr Nutten will enter tain et dinner at their home In .the Navy Yard tomorrow evening In honor of their sen-lnlaw and 'laughter. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dean D. Francis, of Hint. Mich., and their out-of-town guests. Mrs. Francis bofero her marriage- In June was Miss Virginia Adams Nulton. - .. t CUrnima IT. Oelst. df Overliroek, have Issued Invttatlens for a .; . ..... r..iini..u.i !. winner nnd dancing nt the Hltz-Carlten en Wed- nesiuy evening, wuceu ucr ,, """ of thelr daughter, Miss Elolse Oelst. The guests will Include the members of the school set. Among' the guests who will attend the buffet supper which Mr. and Mr J. Charles l'rice Maule. of 2217 ltltten ltltten ltltten house street, will glve at- their home tomorrow evening uftcr the Army and Lack ofself-pesscaston is only another way of disregarding details like standing, sitting and walking. They may be learned at slight ex pense. Marguerite Wah The WALZ STUDIOS 1G04 Walnut Street Ballroom, Ballet and Stage Dancing Booklet nnd Rate upon Kequcst Bpruca 8231 ft BONWT TELLER & CO. JAeJpecia6t JJxep ofOrlliatiew CHESTNUT AT 13 STREET CHOICE OF ENTIRE STOCK WOMEN'S CLOTH GOWNS TO BE CLOSED OUT IN 5 GROUPS 25.00 39.00 49.00 59.00 75.00 Dresses heretofore priced from 35.00 up te 145.00 Fermerl) New 13 Dresses 35.00 25.00 5 Dresses 39.50 25.00 2 Dresses 45.00 25.00 3 Dresses 49.50 25.00 7 Dresses 55.00 35.00 42 Dresses 59.50 39.00 Formerly 19 Dresses 65.00 8 Dresses 69.50 8 Dresses 75.00 19 Dresses 79.50 6 Dresses 85.00 8 Dresses 89,50 New 49.00 49.00 49.00 59.00 59.00 75.00 IT A Croup of Dresses Formerly Priced 7S 00 95.00 te 145.00, Nev 'vv This is a wonderful collection of Dresses; many one-of-a-kind models; many copies of imports; developed of POIRET TWILL, TWILL CORD. KASHA CLOTH. PIQUETINE, CHECKED DUVE TYN, VELDYN, PIQUETTE and VELDYN. Embroidery in self-tone and Oriental colorings, braiding, beading, paisley and silk brocades and metal belts are features of ornamentation. Alse a group of strictly tailored modes. SECOND FLOOR w&ze&s Geerge Allen, inc. 121 4 Chestnut Street 1214 1 Established 1837 Hats that Were $15.00, $16.00 and $18.00 Are New $10.00 and $12.00 Every one of our hats has been reduced and it is new possible te get a lovely hat as low as $10.00 or $12.00. Fer The Feet Ball Game tomorrow Yeu will need a pretty flower bouquet te wear in your furs. There are gardenias, violets, orchids and asserted bouquets, 38c te $1.50. Alse ribbons in'the geld and blue of the Navy and the gray, geld and black of the Army, 35c a yard. Here Are Seme Things That Will Fit Inte The Christmas Stocking Gloves Make Splendid Gifts And at Allen's there is such n (reed line of them. Every style is represented and the colorings are very geed. There nre kid, suede, wool and fabric gloves, for women and children, nil at reasonable prices. French Kid Gloves come with two clasps, and in 8, 12 and 16 button lengths, in black, white and colors. S1.85 te S6.75. Capeskin and Mecha Gloves in one clasp, strap wrist and 12-button length. $2.75 te $6.75. Short and long Weel Gloves are $1.00 te $2.00. Lined gloves for women and children are at very low prices. Weel Hese, $1.95 Full-fashioned English Weel Hese are delightful gifts for these who love the out-of-doers. Hand-made silk clocks or jacquard effects and the great variety of colorings make them even mere attrac tive and they are certainly very inexpensive at $1.95 a pair. Camisoles, 75c te $3.85 A Camisole of crepe de Chine or wash satin in pink or white will delight a dainty woman. Seme are tailored with hemstitching along the top nnd some of them are at tractively trimmed with lace. They make charming yet in expensive gifts at 75c te $3.85. Novelties That the Stocking Will Held The woman who likes cards will be delighted with a prettily painted bridge score card, its silver or geld cover decorated with a Japanese design. $1.00. A Weeden Salad Ferk and Speen may be stuck into the top of a stocking. The handles are attractively painted. $1.25. A Knocker of brass or one painted in delicate colors makes a splendid gift. $1.50 and $1.75. Shee Trees and Hern are always useful and may be prettily decorated. $1.00. A child's Jumping Repe at 50c is sure te please. Our third fleer holds mnny ether inexpensive but attractive gifts. Handkerchiefs May Be Pretty and Useful as Well And they are inexpensive, tee, when one can get pure Linen Handkerchiefs with such daintily embroidered cor ners at 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c each. They are all-white and there Is an extremely large assortment of them. Fer men and women both there are white all-linen handkerchiefs, either plain or with initial, at 23c each, $2.75 a dozen; 35c each, $1.00 a dozen; 50c each, $5.50 a dozen and 75c each, $8.50 a dozen. Boudoir Caps, $2 and $2.75 They will make a tiny lump in the stocking but the woman who gets one wi'l be delighted indeed. Fer thev are adorable things of silk and ribbon. The woman whose hair will net behave at breakfast will find one indis pensable. 52.00 and $2.75 each. Smart Beaded Bags In Levely Celers, $3.75 and $5.00 It is surely unusual te find such wonderful Beaded Bags at these low prices. They all have shell tops and the S5.00 ones are hand made. The Bags at $3.75 are the small ones young girls love and both come in a variety of Per sian designs. These at $5.00 may be had also in a unique black-and-white effect. tf Extraordinary Offer for One Week en Advance Orders for Personally Engraved Christmas JL Greeting Cards Jv JiJ The nrfpoe n,.-A l. nn..JA i. . i t Jt v - r.y huuvcu ueiu.v mtiuuc we meei engTavea Christmas cards and the stamping of your name from your own personal calling card plate. These cards are of the finest kid-finish stock in whtte, gray or buff. Seme are bordered in red or geld or, in the case of the tinted cards, in white. At the top are designs In bright Christmas colors, scores of different ones and each the work of a. skilled artist. The choice is se varied you are sure tq find many te please you. The sentiment below mav be had in script or old English. We have divided theBe cards into two price groups and there is a wonderful selection at either price. Price Greup Number One 25 cards personally engraved, $2.35. 50 cardi personally engraved, $3.85. 100 cards personally engraved, $0.75, Price Greup Number Twe 25 cards personally engraved, $3.75. 50 cards personally engraved, $15.50. 100 cards personally engraved, $11.50. g f - If you wish, we can make a plate for you. In script, $1.50; in plain Old English or Reman, $3.00; In shnded Old English or Reman, $3.75. This includes tne whole name preceded by "Mr. and Mrs." or "Miss." The plate can be used for calling cards afterward, WHWevniU DAILY MATS.. 2ilS EVEB. AT lll Amer!c't Forameitt Ccmxillean. NORA BAYES effiSs "TOWN TALK" A Rew. Par Ete.Unnc. TAKES B. CARSON It CO iml Str V""udvllli Prerrum NEXT WEEK nrrwin AunttMTi" With .!. C. Mertnn nml Bi Vaudnrill. Bill VDlf NIOHTS AT S.16 SHARP LI ml Mat. Tomorrow 'f)p.leritful nnerMta around rntname nf rompeu " Inquirer. BLOSSOM B2 0M I A fjlfk Af5 WITH ORKilNAt WKBlNAT I IjMr N.V CAST RCOHK HC'liniKItT'H OW.V MfHIl! HIOHV til'lll IIKIll'H OWN KOMANCB SAMPUnaPHTftFTl! CA " 'vnmws r.T.9 3y .. -..i--." - a uivum jwuifc- rwiijwtnB"5Ai tVES ATB'S wj twusmtikmM IYK.HYG.SIU0' ORIGINAL (TArt- ADELPHI Eves, at 8:20 Mat. Tomer. A 1IIG LAUGH HIT! VIVIAN MARTIN X.YKNE OVERMAN JUST& Iftlft bread sr&r: W HLNKY MILLER RUTH CHATTERTON IN Iin.VHY BATAII.I.r.'S fiREAT PLAY "LA TENDRESSE" (rcMinusixs) S.".t Nut fr Ni-it il lianlglvlnc) V7lc FORRES l-1 EVENINOS AT tile Yi CO MATINEE TOMORROW Charlei) DUllrirl'.am Preterm HI 12-SUr Ktiiirtl Ceincrtv Hit N. Y Ct Inttct Xtra Mat.Tliinksglvme ftARDIflf LAST 3 TIKES WBl SUlf MAT TOMOR. POSITIVELY Tonight, Sat. Mat. & Night THE BUNCH AND JUDY With JehBi.- Deeley, Fred and Adele Attain. D1I. Six Brown Brethers. Orie. Hayes and erlitlnnl cast of 100. MONDAY NOV. V. SEATS NOW l-OIt THA.VKSniVlNO WEEK . i - .1,11-Mifii , 'iiMiiv llH MOLLY DARLING With JACK nnVAHiir Orlrlnat Cast from Glebe Theatre. A.rv .. m ACADEMY OF MUSIC BURTON HOLMES TONIGHT TOMORROW " SCEH'C SENSATION HITHERTO UNnLMED mm thfe T5e, 11, $1,80 at Hrppe'-; 50e at Doer IMA I NUT ?" Tomer" 50c " nHLilU I Night, at 8:15 Sharp SefltS for ThAnksrlt-(n V. e.iii - ----.--...a iun a;vi4ilJip mm K iH.?sll HI7IE7CAU V asaMeZ. FREE LECTURE S WALTER R. HADMEN, M. D.. J. p ' of Qloueeiter Ens. NEW CENTURY DRAWING ROOM 1 18TH 4: SANSOM STS I Under the Amplca rf tlie AmHean Arti 1 Ylvlsert'en Soelotv 22 S lllh ft miDAY. NOV SiTH. S 15 P M m j' IT ft NINKTERNTIt A MARKET 11 A. M. te 11 1. M. LUrkDIUiA W vj. TALMADGE f In 1!if (lorfcenilr MeiinlM Phete4rMM THE ETERNAL FLAME Thankstlvlnr Week Rodelnh VaUntta In "THE Y'N HAJAH" NERO A SENSATION AT THE smmm 16th and Market THE motion-picture world hat been thrilled a never before by the produc tion of the William Fex creen mn.terpieee, "Nere," new being pre entcd II te II. ALDINE 19th nod Gheatnut 50c 11 A. M. TO 11 P. M MAE MURRAY and MONTE BLUE la BROADWAY ROSE NEXT WEEK "THE $5 BABY" WITH VIOLA DANA ADDED BPIX MONTANA In 'Tadlea' Mia" TL&fjtff99 lmeAn a rnraTNti 8:45 A. M. IT 11.15 f. II. JACKIE COOGAN in "TROUBLE" The Kid in a man size role. He reaches for your heart, shakes it te a thrill, grips it te a throb. A thewer of laugh with a iprinhle of tears DAI Art JLTII A. MARKET rALAbCi in a m i ii-in p. M REX INGRAM PRODUCTION "PRISONER OF ZENDA" IcteriaI '! I PTH AS'n MIIKET i ' M. '10 11 15 ! M I ' 5JA!;!"t'eti jH I III ij'll, f WUbur II l I JHbk Steele's Jk II II' wP-j9 'chine- V lllli ! TJ HINA.' 11 1 1' I .Hssiissm KAN " It 1 III jl PM "at M H ij V V Includ" a IIIIU ill jit "IrVJl !'!! jflP e'her 1 jli, y F III KITH ANT) CHEBTNCT HJ A .M iU J I '10 f. .M. ARCADIA ALICE BRADY ads- a, a n I V A I Mil AM) .MAHKKT O II V I T II I FKIhCILLA DEAN In w nt aaw nuncD Turn ci arc GLOBE JUNIPER AND MARKET 11 TO it tut it uien.vrr trsicu. reiiEDY THE SIRENS wrrn jay emvoed and tay nir.L no m'T,T,nr-NniNi; hit r, BROADWAY "THE SIN FLOOD" liROAD AND 8NYDES tf'ie, e-aa. v y. m. VAUUtVILW a fRANKFORD ALLEOHENT in. r at v ALLEGHENY THE MAN WHO FLAYED COD" in conjunction with Vaudeville AQC& KFYS ?.? AND.MARKE? VaudeTllla 2il8. 7 It I EITH'S THEATRE TONIGHT ARMY AND NAVY NIGHT Foothill Squids from Ann.pnll, h V,Vt Point V.MI be rri.ent rerferrunj" start at 8 Sbsre ELSIE .TAXIS AND BIO ALL-STAR DILI, ACADEMY OT MUSIe METROPOLITAN OPERA COMPANY N v8Xt'8 opening night MEFISTOFELE f&l Tlcltets Af'li-mr fc Hpp'. 9 Chestnnt I UNIVERSITY 33D 4 SPRUCE I 1 MUSEUM SATURDAY-3..30 ' Trei. Illiutrsted Lectuni SOAOTINAX-IANDTHrvRNORni I I . I OPERA HOUBE MTS TlU'nS. AMI HAT. METROPOUTAN ; WCEKH MTS TIU'l (MiHERA TONITE. 1S, CARMEN Jarden, I iirrhf ritnuiliik Srett flat Slat JEWELS OF MADONNA lltalu, A'.Wnt. mrtre. ll'ci( I iille ("nt lit ,. , CAVAI.. LERIA RURTIOANA i..l l'AOLIACOt tn U !ji iwt lp mKt I) VI W !. Mini l. MOIIIIMFI: Tiles. nir W"1 I.Ai.HiiOMi uir . tnt w i.i kui i'i, 1 1 i i i in-, t.rri. I'rl lOlirVfilMN Sit Mat. DI'TTER. II I'm. II. 'lllOVVTC'ItB I'tlcci, S3 SJ 00 PJ H fin J 7SP, no,. "it N " t Oi'Tii II nml (llmliel University , ni.e and Orcl.Mtr. Conetrt a,JW J i a. niUkieiMV . J .- if Millie. WrH . Vim in a a. ACADFMT OT MUHIO KILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA tvnnnTn KTriUfsUrevT n- a. Second Special Concert p A" te, urv urn i"' WbiI , Nuv 20 fl la n a .-....! .1- " " . ,Icenlt, JO cents te tllaSi: DE8M0BD "gjVC MAK IJ-snuu nnu ri.aii.-uy IN THE STORY OF THE ROSARY iuiuwii i ,t tl ii I'lmri. ,nt . j;j VYfcLCH Minsb'eU MalifB- NORTHEAST POPULAR BEAUT Monday Evening, Nev. 27, 8 si 5 IKAilUIV .. .. ..iityiiuujr in u mini DUKAK .... "The, B's Apprantlea DEBUnbY Preluda te "Tha AlUraoe Ut aV alUU AINT.SMN9 Bym Perm. "Dans Macakra1' CHARRIFK , , '"Espana" RhaDaedf , TI"Kits it llnpps t and AescmT of Masl . ..i.Miv il ,u V Jill A Ifpnr'. 11, n .1.. ' DHILADELPHIA i .'.Tomer: - f ORCHESTRA! ,f;, Q, 5II1 A Walnut. slat. Tedai Dig Lauhln tlnsatii SinOBonTeni ufffim TROCADERO ?&? & pOMMMilVMMKMKMiliMa avarf ,k s uumis MMkA, OTalZS OOOO BOVTt V. . - HifiUthnn. ', . 2 :. -a '.JU- V '11 .si5ifi ..!. K.'i.r,AV- ''"i