"7 if y ft ( V W i-4 i t J . ' ,j- -i . , em FIGHT FOR SEEN MINE W pit Owners Claim 8emt of "Rescued" Were Net In- stitutien Inmates the Bcnti Btrinplnf Mine ramp near1 -ume t.r-CH uy .cnnBTivaniR BtBTC trnniwra iinH nhln Welr--. ,..!..... curly yesterday Is net a closed Incl in-iu, eui win de innen into tne courts, it was announced today at the offices of the company. Officers of llente Brethers were In conference with their cenhicl today and later will go te Columbus with a view te entering the courts of Ohie. Seme of the "boys" who were rc moved from a box car bunkhouse and taken into Ohie, never were inmates of tlie institution for the feeble minded, nccerdlng te Bents Brethers. ynimiiiriiiii Japanese Seprano Scores Success In Excellent Production of Puccini Opera THE) CAST Clo-Cle-S'an. duiuki Lieut. Plnkerten . Mharplemi , . Kate Plnkorlen . . , llore , YnmKlore inu uonze Tamakl Mlura .Anita Khnera uennare iiarra .........Marls Valid ....Francti Moreufnl Franccice Cure) J Conductor aliener Franchattl Vita! riatre lie c 4 b rvl tail sail film m HAiiniiiu CONDITIONS DECLARED BAD BrVTA0AMA BUTTERFLY pj Aeclatt& Pre Celumtau. 0., Nev. 24. PosslWl PesslWl lir thnt n lepal battle in Ohie courts might provide a sequel te the spec Scular "rcBCUP of fourteen former Km X. of the Ohie institution for IU feeble-minded from the bunkhmiw if a (.trip mlne near Turtle Creek. I'M.. rly M-fterdny, was being considered 'Tleetaring that the fourteen "boy." ktd been inveigled away from the In stitution and put te work nt the mine for little l'n.v nnd under unsatisfactory nindltlenK. representatives of the Ohie Welfare Department with rcnnsylvnnln mite police swooped down en the work inn, bundled the boys into automobiles nnd I whisked them ever the State line into Ohie before court action te detain them might bp started. While no active resistance te the ceun was offered at the mine, the return of the "boys wn iuuuweii uy oiuiu eiuiu tnent at Pittsburgh from Frank J. Bentz. manager of Benta Bres., the Columbus firm which operates the work Ines. te the effect that he would seek rpfeiirse In Ohie courts. Bents an nounced that the, 'Iwys "had been ml Judged mentally $M physically compe tent by repatablefleians." One of tMtjMr taken away from the mine. jtf.-BeftbkdecIared, had been employed t fotfeeven years, sev eral ethers for fenrr five years nnd the remainder for seVefcpr eight month. Thev nlL'eume voluntarily, he assert ed, nnd were paid regular wages for the work they Aid." He denied that living conditions r.t the nierntlWS-were' deu. LAMP FACTORY A Lm m 331 MARKET STREET Sgffl 8 fc 8: kmum cut Branch list vonanfe nirtei, nega 0pMiint- g Yi will be LttertttM. hi tl SjttUl Fri., Sat. and Mop, Biff Sale! It selvesthe question, "Hew and HO.00.tMi Mia aw t II a r Mil martaat ever . tha Trna carp mas where te buy In order te save Ji. . tunllfnl ...II inita a .... " :--...:. Mara, vnu will aava one half what ether stores ehargs, be- BHU s n V3 liaA cause w aw manufacture!- an ..?.." can save ou both the wholesaler' and the retailer's profits. White no consent en Mr. Bentz'a nrolieeu ncuen was uyuuuuiu Here io ie day, DirectorMacayeal.tef the State Department of Welfare. In an an-neiim-ement last nigh:, declared that in ildrnt closed se far as he was con- rnrnpri. He wuiild net prosecute the Bentx Company, Jincnyeat sata, Decausc it was prolmble thnt it could net be proved that force was used te tuke the "boys" lrem Columbus. Statements of the "boys," whi., ac cording te Welfare Department efflcinls runee in nge from eighteen te forty, were te the effect that they had been Induced te go te Turtle Creek by prom-' Imw nf liich waces "and a eoed time." The return of the fourteen State wards te Columbus marks the conclusion of months of effort, it was said at the Welfare Department. The situation first as brought te light here last August and xtnee that time negotiations with vnrietm branches of the Pennsylvania Btnte government have been carried en. After conferences with various a.gen cie, co-npuiatien of the Pennsylvania Btnte police was assured, it was said, and the rnid plunued In order that long rie!aM through court action might b? avoided. Today the "boys" were back at the Institution here and working en the Jobs they had before they departed. The Ohie tigents snid last night that the raid hiih a consequence of official (leclnriitleiis that the young miners were wards of Ohie nnd were working for low wages under "terrible conditions." Sergeant Creps, one of the ngeuttt, sata he made it perianal inspection two days before the rnid and confirmed the charges. "Seteinl days age," said Sergeant tiep, "1 went te the enrep te nscer tnin just what the conditions' were. J. Donevan nnd II. H. llnult. of the Ohie Welfare Department, gate me full de de Kcriitien of the missing boys. "When 1 nrrhed then1 I found the fourteen jammed into n small cur uwi as a himkhunsp. They were t-e dirty t could net identify one from the ethrr. I returned te Hip barracks nnd' reported. Donetnn nnd Hauk shewetl me their warrants and we decided te raid the camp early jcterdny. I "We found tin feutleen twys. nil dlit., niiiip dressvd nnd hiii.c uitdri'Hsei!, ling two abreast iu double bunks. Sani tary conditions were terrible. The Hents hrethers canm out of a heuce ner.rbv and vigorously protested. "Tlic heys seemed glnd te get awnv. Kome said they were paid M a week. Others declared they lecclved $S." Pittsburgh, Nev. I.M. (Ilv A. P.I The removal of fourteen "boys" from The San Carle Opera Company cqn tinued Its Philadelphia success at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse laat evening with an excellent performance of Puc c ni tragic "Mndatna Butterfly" wmt the Japanese soprano, Temaki Miuru, In the title role. The part lias 'been nng liere by greater voices than that ib iiiiiiii million rttie- i.hib aiAitaa t.i fermance carries a conviction in every nntn nu trail am Ih .... .hIIm. t.M the auditor is hearing a genuine Jap- nuree iiuerpremiien or me reie, notaeiy in the detail of the acting. Her voice is particularly true ns te pitch and excel lent as te quality and blended well with that of Iiarra In the great love scene nt m ciese ei tne nrst act, ana uise with that of Mme. Klinova in the beau tiful duet in the second act. Mme. Mlura has evidently made a very care ful study of the part both from the nationalistic nnd the operatic stand point, as her finished performance shows. Mr. Barra was fairly geed as Lieu tenant Plnkerten, better perhaps in voice than in the action, although the role is both difficult and ungrateful. Anita Klinova made an excellent Suzuki and did especially geed work with the ducts with Clo-Cle-San as well as act ing the role well. Marie Valle, who substituted for Richard Benelll, was thoroughly satisfactory in this part, as he is in all the roles of his large reper toire, and Pietre tie Binsl made the most of the short but intense purt as signed te the Bense. The orchestra played the difficult music well, and the stage settings were up te Mr. Onlle'H high standurd. Sig nor Frnnchctti conducted. Meet year lamp nets tttkt art tamjrfaf. rer m imall rfapMit mill hU thtm for yae wntU Chrlttma. Te WfctkMlers, Jobbers ft Firaitnre Dealers Taka advantage of our special selection of lamps at greatly re- 'mere are numerous i ana nnisnes. ODDertunltv for stock. iTJiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiirtittitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirni iiflilL j JIMsiqJH!M S?r.tvi.. SB" n"!.' M , li veir 11.10. Reeelal .. a Chrlstmaa iiiuiiiiiiiiiu. , (f0illllllll!llllllllllll llllllllll!t fUl illli III I iT iBHVSTIH 1 pa Y I WIElmmM I fl rlTBm-f- i 1 --PV ;Mm nk inrii iP- - - -1 f I HI B HHrPHLHL-LB. & i m miMiwnmu'mmjimuK w n 2mwAmmMnw)vA yM3mKmKmi''2Bmm ii rnanLLLLI yHm LWIAi V t -'VI L'W'l it ry V5 J .-'i :"Shoer-Treds" Invigerate: TOW I POWER? Watch these deep-grooved blocks of the Goodyear All .Weather Tread SelldTire take held and hang en and drive the truck forward full die tance at every turn of the wheeL It is eaw eflkt eemptttt lint cfGdodyter Truck Tires sold andsttrietd by your Goedytir Truck TireDtmltr. GOODIE AR Fer Sale by O'BRIEN & HOOVER, Inc. nutrihuters 22d and Race StreeU PHILADELPHIA SHOOR-TREDS" The Greatest school shoes ever made DUT your children in "SHOOR-TRED" Shoes. There's double wear in every pair and your mind can rest assured that you have given the child the most scientifically perfect last and shape that a growing feet could possibly have. Prices en Children's "SHOOR-TRED" SHOES Slxte High Lew 5 te 8 $4.00 $4.00 8J4-te II 4.S0 4.25 Wite 2 5.00 4.75 IVl te 7 6.00 5.75 Shee prices are going up buy NOW! KThe "SHOOR-TRED" Last has been carried out in shoes of every description for growing feet Brogues, strap pumps, Colonials, party slippers, house slippers, gymnasium shoes, and even in our famous "Foetlite" ballet slippers, endorsed by lead ing professionals and amateurs. Children's Threa-quartar Length Weel Socks Three Heather Mixtures, Fancy Tops 1.15 lTke?er-Qry-rnQu,lh0.,l 1230 MARKET 1308 CHESTNUT (Shota and Stocking for Ail the Family) 19 S. ELEVENTH Quick-Service Men's Shep Every Feet Professionally Fitted Three Geuting Brethers Supervising rpHANKS te the Stern policy of "Pay As Yeu Earn," you and all of the family can be warmly and fashionably dressed this Thanksgiving. Ne great outlay required. Thousands have come te Stern & Ce. for all of their clothes for upward of 25 years. Make Your Thanksgiving Selections Tomorrow Everything in smart coats and suits for street wear for Women, Misses, Men and Beys, and everything in dresses and party frocks for mother and the girls. See our big clothing department. You'll be surprised at the low prices we ask for highest quality standard goods. Second Fleer Men's Overcoats. S25 ud Women's Fur-trimmed Coats, $35 up Beys' Overcoats, $15 up I cWK ill rlrrWTJ rl W PJKa ffirtta iwi'riffi?Ff, in !tf i'jii-i raaaaadawsMM The Best Is Always Cheapest in the End! hmMmmmA for Thanksgiving at Victer Catalog Prices Yeu will net be disappointed if you buy Victer goods. Victor Victer Victor Victrelas unquestionably are in a class by themselves, and assure the best music reproduced the best way. We carry a complete line cheese your Christmas Victrela new and we'll set it aside for delivery later. Our Street Fleer Salen will interest you these days. Come in and hear the latest records. Sec Our Big Victrela Depart ment en the Street Fleer. Ne. 100 Victer Victrela, $150 Ne. 210 Victer Console, $100 Founded in 1865 The Heuse that Heppe built Inaugurated the One-Price System in 1881 I C. J. Heppe & Sen Central Stere 1 117-1119 Chestnut Street Uptown Stere N. W. Cor. 6th & Thompson Sts. Your Victrela This Christmas should be a Console VICTHpiffl. Easiest of Terms Victrela Ne. 210, $110 With $10 worth of recerila i'ay only tl.ii weekly Victrela Ne. 280, $210 With $10 worth of recenli Van only tt.iO weekly Victrela Ne. 300, $200 With $10 worth of rrcenls I'uy only is weekly Victrela Ne. 330, J300 With $10 worth of records i'uy only $i weekly 48ffijfe. B The Due-Art made only in the following planet: Rtelnway Weber Steele "i Wheeleek Stroud Aeolian jfjjTN fewU H HOFMANN We aUe sell the follow fellow follew inp grand planus: Masen & Hnmlln Henry P. Miller Kdeimrd Jules Weber Stock Heppe MnnvnnHTC mazz a cortetJJ All 1-kM. -.aV fivfiafa nmir v-k lfa 1 piano records exclusively for the ff" nueyugr PIANOLA-PIANO All the present or future recordings of such great artists as Paderewski, Hof Hef mann, Bauer, Cortet, Powell, Ganz, Grainger and ethers will be available f k - s eny en ine uuu-aki. xi is new BAUER I tneIr en'y recertling raedium Hence te 9 enjoy their playing you should select a DUO-ART. This Week is DUO-ART Week throughout the World ..-, LB J , POWELL H II 10-Piece "Windser" Suite '225 A wonderful value. Beautifully made of AMERICAN WAL NUT. LniL'e China Closet. Buffet. Server. Oblenir Table nnd five chairs and an arm chair all covered in 0mart tape.itry. Sixth Fleer SAtMtsraxxn: ---- "" - s - H This "Marie Antoinette" Suite $QQ rwo-tene American Walnut. Suite includes a -iS-INCII DRESSER, sitj J Tv UOW-EN'D BED, LARGE CHIFFROBE and FULL VANITY. Fifth Fleer s- r sp HfeK &8IB,S?S ? (tX&&wtWL-mm M?l!x:StCca1i--er'Ji'' "-- PWteilBf al v'afcllil,fillr Acn7-ftCJWl-Wap4lL-lBPir m ri La2NaSMkaSCTltetaK7'Sdnn9 VNMbil iTSlr "4H 1 mm PEQfihiSM " u lr . MM1I , , , , " 11 . iAI ftCftttlS0'T STHf I 7 f f :-la-wrMm5ijS f2!s2i HI Sold Exclusively hi Stern (C- Ce. u &Kiij "Rex" Meth -Proof Furniture $1QQ "REX SANITIZED FURNITURE" is n new idea in luxuri- i u,ly upholstered furniture. Loese sprinff cushions, deen coil "Mm invu r11 nrm nnn iinfiiiritui -.ill- . . will net ruin these suites. Germs will net stay in them Fourth Fleer J GIFT t EWELRY Mahogany Cleck and Candle Sticks ItlA.sn m m mmu IJ HffS fa J$?lt ii jC?- .- s. I Illinois Watches $ f RINGS $50 ?. 20.vnr -imr. . nnteed case,$0 7 justed movements. for this I.Tiltes" Dlnnieml H.iik in 18-kt. White Oeld. rf-'l jn i-1 iQ u z Women's! 4 kt White Geld Wrist Watch SSeSS merit "Oneida Community 26-Piece Silver Set 15.95 This is an exceptional offer- $ ing ai Strict Fleer at ee Delivery by Aute Truck Within 75 Mile. era 4 Ce 712-714 MARKET STREET Oj-i W M1 tv m ri :meriea'8 Lagrest Hemv of Furniture-. mHmmmmmi'!mmmmm'''mmmmmim "i .VtfS-fc-v.. JivA. L. it vj SliW.. ' ' JtKlAi.r.