& I MIIIIW II IM Wllfllll MH II I ! II I iwiPw IfeVtfB 'HV '" trnW'tWrV''5, W PSKP' EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIAi THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23.V 1922 'tTrfcyiawvreM.JSs.5KSVffl!ctE?s; HP" 8 - Hpt- Wd r i ii ! i R S3 II. W 1: & Wrl" ,T1 r ?; I fcrl Bv 1 Pi l 1 CU; I AW fl I j Ii pV iMi Vir'ij'Vn AJC3c5c3c5c5c5c5c3c5c3c5c5c LOOK at our ADDING MACHINES btfera you buy All Makes, Lewest Prices g COLLINS, 831 Chestnut St. H Phene! Walnut JITJ K iiS2SiS2S2SiS2S2SZSiS2SZSiS3SZSa 1 URGES BIG PENALTY FOR BAD MOTORISTS -.Wanted:- Something te Sell Have you a line of mer-chnmlis-e that n e i tl s (IekkpH, resourceful soil ing? Let me produce for a "show down." Full do de tails at interview. Ne stocks or specialties. Write at once. A 932. LEDGER OFFICE Necessary Driving, Judge, te Check Reckless Asserts Detroit Visitor Her NO FAVORS TO WEALTHY ERSKINE CHILDERS DENIED WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS Oe Valera'i Right. Hand Man Loiet Appeal Dublin. Nev. INS. (lly A. P.) -A writ of hnbeng cerpim wax iTfusril Kr kltie Clillder". lieutenant of Enaien dp Vnleru, I'.v the Master of the Helt t- ilnr. 'I'n an application liy Patrick l.ncli. Clillrtem' leiinwl, for a flay of (:. ciitien, the judge replied that he could net give it. as he hed no jurisdiction. t'liilder had entered the civil court for protection while preclniinini; hlm-elf a soldier of the Irish republic. SPEAKS ON RELIGION ENTENTE SUPPORT BEI HIND BALKANS I Unanimous Opposition Turks en Question Western Thrace Shown of Business and Advertising Manager wanted for live American daily newspaper published in Tolcie. The first qualification must be that applicant w a newspaper ad vertising salesman. He must be single. Should be about 07 years of age. Must pos sess executive ability and general newspaper training. Must go out te stay at least five years. Must be capable of accepting big responsibili ties. Salary entirely cum mensuiate with qualifica tions. Fer further details apply Bex Ne. A 02S, Pub lic Ledger Office. Motorists- who vlelatv Muffle luwi mut hi" k'vh stiff prison n'lituiices nml heavy Anew if necidellt tn tlie ,M reels are te be reduced. ucenrdlnR I", '.ludfie PHn Marh. of Detroit.! who ndditssed a Itiueheeu In the I'ilv, Club tuilii) in lomieetleii with the twellt.v-elKlttli miillill IlieeliltK of the, , Xn t iittml Miinii'ipnl I.i'Iikuc. , J J-M-i.stie iiR'iiMires me necessary ll the. rei klelli"x of uieli.rtxts I te be cili'lii'il, s.ilil .luilite Mai'eh before the lunelicen, "The police ir.ut be in accord with the law. anil theie imit be no partial ity shown ilefeiiilnntx jtit because they happen te have pull." he mi id. "Then It N Jieces-inry te li;ie a court that l' .. ... A.i,.,ll,,,nnni r wiliitu; te act in Mich eae.. And there j UNREST IN CONSTANTINOPLE must lie a ctimuiiiiilty spit it te bark up j the law, the coin t and the police. ' "We showed Detroit motorists that t It Associated Prrn e meant business when we sent Jehn ' Ijitiv-itltic. Nev. 'j:t. The ipietien of 'lar.iSr1:::!-'--- - u, ..n,N. M!iH. Aieideiiis took mi lininctli.ite de- Men en mllitiiry and territorial mutter-, crease." j at the fuisaiiiie conference today. .I.i.lne Mar-h hud lilijli prel-.! for the ( , f p , InaintftillPll ti. TurkMi seheii.e of taklas motorists who caused I fatal Injuries te perw.ns en a tour claim te Western Ihrace. which he through the nieruue te view the bodies I l1"' forward yesterday. He 11N0 in- let victims of automobiles i sisted that KnniBnteh. aeiess the Ma Speaklnit at the lun. I n. Jude ntzn. from Adrinneple. must be re Marsh mitlitied the r sunii-ntleii SatiM i.s Ini IvIsIIiIp from Adrinneple. 'process bv whuli tlie Detieit leuri The etithuMiiMii of the 'i iirki-h i ele- was lilted iul ei a rut and ptticul en Ki'.te- for 11 1 plebN-he has evideiil l b.en a bound lnsi ei.nsldera'dy damtiened by the ilicnver.v "Siuee the 'ineeptien of ike present "'at Encland. Italy and Prance aie i-etirt s,stem in Detroit." said Judj!e f1 ''." ""'U'i1 "B1,1,l:i1" ,i,llus nf ,lu' Marsh, rriiiif there has dci r-Jswl iu.1r.!,, f" V PS,,1r" rl,rn,,t,- ,, ! per rent. Fer eiirht e:.is Hie people 'he NatlenalNm nre also .oiil.1r .eiil.1r .oiil.1r ef Detroit educated theniM-hes te miiv' the aisnitn aiice of a ineetla of tb' i knowledge of etticienl helf-Kevernment. , Halknn delecnles last nigbt nt which. 'iM,... ...,i-.. i .I..,!- ..i..,i.... ,i,uiii.t.. ir is uniiersioeo. mere was a uiciisimi delm; a way with repeatine ballet-bo stuttinit. resiiltim; 1 TO PENN STUDENTS Chicago Paster Likens Its Study Alene te Mountain Climbing Without Guide PLANS FOR JUNIOR WEEK In tlie work ntlen. L'pen "IJi'IKrIihi limy be likened te meiin-taln-ellniblntr." Dr. Chnrles V. (Sllke.. pastor of the Hyde Park ltiipllst t'hiirch of ChiciiL'e. told a In rite kieiiii of vtudentM in Welslilmnn Hall Insr niRlit. lie was discussing the ques tion "What Is There in ItV" in the! ( t .1 ...II H...I . Il! ... imi In- h Vlrin, Hinder the nnsph'ef ; " "?" J& JUn'"r httn Iln I MFISIInil Aws.ii.ltilimi .f 1... ITl..li-'- t. .""-' --''v was espeelallr Interested nf the Christian Association graduation In 1H03 he toured the United States In the Interest of the Y. M. P. A., lectui'lnp and holding meetings In preparatory schools and colleges. A short time later lie assumed the pas torate of the Hyde Park (Mnireh, which Is near the campus of tin University of riilcaue. He has visited virtually every college in the Middle West and speak" regularly at Harvard, Yale and Amherst. . Dr. Hllkey speaks tonight en the; subject, "What Is its P.urpese?" and tomorrow night en "Will It Werk?" . concluding the series en "The Urcatcet ' Thing In the World." Plnns for 'Junier Week have hern delinitely made, and the various coin- mittees 'are working overtime In have, everything In readlnesn for the big week's celebration, which commences' with the balcony dedication in the "llig ! tjuud" nt 11 A. M. Monday. The cal- i eiiilnr of events follews: I Monday -II :!I0 A. M.. cane march. II :-l" A. M.. chapel exercises in liens- verslty of Peii:is.lvaliiil. i "Mountain climbers frequently meet with disaster when they are foolhardy enough te attempt te scale the heights (Without a reliable guide," he continued. I "it is just ns unsafe for individuals I who scale the heights of religion alone. Mountain climbers are safe only when they are fastened together with stout repci. A church nffillatiea plays the I tame pait In one's religious life." i Dr. (tilkey appeals te college men because of his record as an undergrnd- 1 m.te at Harvard. He was a pitcher en j the uirdfy baseball team for three stars, a member of the tennis team ami the debating team. He completed his work for the A. H. and M. A. degrees in four sears', and was elected te the Phi Hetn ICappa Honorary Society. He I'uesdny 1 :.'I0 P. M.. class picture te be taken en Library steps; 7:0 P. M.. songfest In "Hlg Quad"; S P. M.. smoker in Weighlmnn Hall. Wednesday 8:15 P. M.. Musical Club's concert nt the Academy of Music. Thursday- P. Franklin Field. FrMiix H P Welghtman Halt. M., Cernell game, M., junior piem. Weman Trelley Car Victim Mis Ellen Smith, sixty years old. nf Haverford avenue near Sixtieth street, was wtruck by n trolley car last night at Sixty-third and Callow-hill streets. Her skull was fractured. Miss Smith wiis taken te the West Philadelphia General Homeopathic Hospital. e- '3 .e- faklng iiuii i et the policy te be adopted bv the Hal Hal eo ! hreaW. Van States en the question of Western & u. aHsfied with if our present WATER HEATER? U HOT WATER1 KUmlnatrs ilirt dust aIm nnd lh ItIIv unrry iintl mn 1 l-fintttl at se xtra anil prebnM ls 'xinni'. Write for Booklet Bartlett & Ce., Inc. 1938 Market St. up of the precinct boss stsiem, , "We have been rltb i.etl for the, severity; of the sentences we imiise en certain classes e fellemlci's. l'er ex ample, slwrtls after the new eeuit as sumed jurisdiction we made it nil ill- ' most invariable rule te give sentence-, of tifteeti te twenty or meie cnrs te these guilty of robbery while aimed "Man: of these offender wete quite young Men anil women, who hud net .ieli tlie matter as much the.iglu n li.id, -aid that it was imjiit te deal -e severely with young tirst eflendei'. However, each of these cise urn. 'judged en its individual merits .uid the I belief was strong in the uilnd.s of tlie mdges that an individual se constituted as ie be willing te risk net only the iie of etheis but bis own life for the sake of a plunder of dell. it's was, , whether young or old. one who should, he kept fiem eutertuiniug Niciety by ' prison lestraiut. "The -ewrity of the .sentences ini- 1 peed lias put into prueiis ter a loii leii lime tu come a large peneniuge of tin: men ami woeieu who make up tuv ically (ksperute eluiuetit in any cum- , lummy. I "A man who before leiild net gic , up hii business for two months uatur any would net lie leiced te -erve mi a jury Theretere the b-s imelligeut men hud te be accepted. Nowadays ihe i lass of people we base serving me able te uti.uyie the videiue quickly and t'liui an opinion." t.iil semee men addressed the inui--nig ti'S.-nm of the annual mcviiug in 'the City Club tin- morning. Di. W. M. MeMier. -uutary of the 1'iul S.-r 'ne Cmnmittee et the league, l.coin l.cein uiuiided in a lepurt en "new standards t municipal government." a t loser ie-i i latieu and cu-epi ration between the ' in i-seuni I of the t'iwl eriiv and tee aili.unisiratne agencies. lie lecetu- ' mendeil a special beard te work ter 'this, composed of three tiiiiiuiis-ieiier.-. one appointed by the Mayer, ai.uther , by the tjuperiutendenr of Schools and the thiitl le be chosen by tlies. te. NOW as the holiday is the time te purchase that Cea approaching and you season is Thrace. It was apparent today that Oieece. Rumania and Jilge-Slavin. in view of the opposition te a plebiscite express ed yesinday by the entente spokes man, have the hearty support of ilit'ifi illiee Jii'ein jiewcrs in ineir cneris n, prient Turkey from extending her western boundary beyond the Maritr.i Iliver. The meeting of the 1'alknii repre sentutlves. which was called by fminer Premier VenlxiIe. of Ureece, was te garded in conference circles as of con siderable importance bctaitse u was the llrt time in many years that tireece. Kulgaria, Juge-Slavla tin. I Kumniiia had coin- together te present a united flout en a clearly (Mined issue. Constantinople. Nev ".",. i Itv A P i American and P.ritish inteiesfs aie taking steps te remove their prop prep trty and ierseniiel in the event that the Lausanne conference fails te ae. cemplMi its lmrpese of establishing in ace in the Near Kast. The lnigest and eldest Hnt.sh Inisi liens beM-e in Turkey beuan today ie ti.insfer il entire stocks, valued nt Sl.."(MI.O()il. from the main street of the eit le the decks se thai its mmd might Ii" iuiti.edintely leinewd. This action was a signal for seier.il local til Ills te I Ies. Ainericnn and Mi iti-h lemenis Iium eh.nlered large steataeis te catrv nvn their eltects and ethers have ltis-.ned tlielr stock against looting and iiuen diarisni. The Near Kast relief i v trans ferred I'l.lHHI.tHltl liilllllds of I'dief sup. Mies and aililitleuiii memiiiis ei n ,1 I cannot afford te miss these ff) A V I C I l I a I That are NEW SNAPPY LUXURIOUS $ 98 .50 Formerly sold for $140.00 FRIDAY & SATURDAY a" - stall. teKetliT with seve.-n eiphan. te Piraeus aUiaid gian steamer .Mane Louise Plans have been peifictei barking -tort American is I'aiteil States ile-trnyeih and Ptitburgi . which av, 1 e. 1 1 llllldled the Del- I i,e ter ileiit" I lie 1 . s. , s.atieiied em-mi He'll Jump for Jey mi ('hrlEtmns mi -i, i; i, llnd that l,e lia a ht-auilfu Lionel Tram TWi U of t , hours of fun he w II has running It. turning th swltehe", settlns the sema phores and chrtr.ifinif the cars, s-tlect jour outfit early vvliUe our stei K IS c miji ei.. Latest l.ie-i, I "at.i ,,r ,-hter-fully sent up '" r, MM .1 Open Saturday Afternoons Frank H. Stewart ELECTRIC CO.rfrrnttew 35-37-39 N. 7th St.Uipjw :C'er Till ft rillirrt Ms.; ALIEN COLONISTS ,,,,. .j, . SEEN AS U. S. PERIL '" - ..f , 1 Methodist Heme Mission Official ("y'v--"-"- Says Assimilation Is Net Progressing i L WSsawsF CORNS Lift Off with Fingers aaniHbJiV'.- -w WfX Dro nep a ucliing Doesn't hurt a bit little "Frceaene " en ini fern, Instantly that com slops Kurtinc then snort ly you mi it ibt oil with liugers. iruiy. Tour druggist sells a tiny bottle K.rfiLuMifliiiV for m.-iKSM evHtl.i ! The most iritn.il situutiuu uiifiunt ling American utie the pie-eii.e of congested groups of foreign-speaking people who-e assimilation lias been 'slew. Dr D. D. Forsyth, correspond ing secretary nf the Heard of Heme Mibsiens and Church Kxtensjen of the juetnntjisi r.pisceptu iiuif.li, s.ini w the iinuual meeting of the beaid here' today . 'Immigrants have no' been uvu'v ii strihutnl thieiigh etir (eimtry." lie s.i.d "Seventy -two perunt aie in ear itles. Seme cities are almost selidh fiuvlgri-speBklng and meie remnants of the neimnl population are left. In ethers, great colonies have .hii ile- eloped, where the idea's and standards of the Old World nre prev.ili-n' "These people are crowding into eiir schools, college and universities in great numbers They are in eery lb-id i of lemmeicuil and professional life They lenstitute the great body of Ainer 1 ienn tellers. They are te make t n in i lurge way our iltircnship, jet they ' are outside the pale and outside the i inQuenfe of the Institution thar has meant most te our country, the Cbrii- , tian church." 'Ir i said that New Yolk City is I only 7 pei ceni Pretcntnnr We wc I 1 te bear in nuiid the fact font iliiii ,1 j Hurprlhinglv hrge icrieMuge ,f ihe people are net Pretestnii' they are net Catholic, and ate. no' Jewish tl.ev have broken with every fa.th an I their I Kpintii.il needs aie nppnhing ' ' "There are eight t ceiitei of for. i tigii-speaking weik in out run, aleii" 1 in which we nre employing language ' pastors. There are teny-live snrh. ce ' tet under the leadership of LuglNi. speaking niiuisters. i Dr. FeisMh nlsii tntieheil en Ihe sun- 1 urban prebh in the problem, of the' I Negro ill the city and the work lii'ii.g j done in mining camps. lb. auneiiuied I Mint the addition te the Wesley Huihl I nig new neailug completion would ces' , .1.l.".iUMi". and "the menev umm! for' j i Ins Improvement mine from perma nent fluids speciliecl for nvestrneni " j lhiring Wl the beard htw assisted' in I--U eiiiiciing 1'iiterpnsi.s, be said, rhree hundred and ninetv.ene hu, been erected in cities of lu.OU) ur meie. Light hundred and twenty. nine were in rural (emmunities. KJuht hundred and, eighty-two were in whli Kiigllsh-i speaking annual conferences and U47. In Negro anniinl conferences. Ninety. I one. were in foreign. hnciikinr nuivii. borljeds and twelve were nt sto,l.e,i I irs. I THE CIKI. or MAMV nBACR TtSiJutLr ,Ty.'r ' coniuetir Wbr te.lliei t1ii Trouhle.enie, ii,l I'l.iiei,. I SlJiHet" tint lltO' rlillitmi ennnct - ,, , fi fitt'l ar Prim leakmir. unit splashing ie,0 Ui rnlr.rf 'eir Mhem, when tiirtiuif ". tlie i,et niiift, i.fti uu inn .are nii.n, r en r Whtei till- mil ft K full scirwiii i.f n' r UalllK The Savill Swan-Neck Faucet "THE RIGHT WAY" When the Oculist Leeks Inte Your Eyes- He finds a ready, reliable index te your general health the condition of your nerves and vital organs for most bodily disorders register their symptoms in these most sensitive of all organs, the eyes. That is why eye troubles are sometimes only symptoms of themselves, and their correction only possible by treatment of the perhaps far-distant cause. That is also why an "M. D." Docter of Medicine is the only person whom you may safely intrust with the examination of your eyes why any ether course than this "The Right Way" is net only ill-advised but often dangerous. "Your family phyiician't advice is safeit" PHILADELPHIA GUILD OPTICIANS Hare a national reputation ter accuracy, for which reason they arc intrun'cd te jill prescriptions by the medical juofrmiien. Information Bureau 70.-1-70G Bailey Bldg., 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Tli.s Trflk Is from a .copyright series. All lights rt served. A iTje hiiilttr of home in 11 re! 'i i n mi. Hi. S-i til U the r.ne-t ttje ..I la -' f.ir tl-aw'ni: water " THOMAS SAVILL'S SONS Wnl'.ie. St lt of Bretd St Phll&dtlDht.. ' A til yetir plutAbtr ur lir Shu (" ceil T I -" CA clean threat defies infection ON the ether hand a threat choked with (jcrn life may lead te setieus maladies influenra for example. That is why we must prevent the growth of disease eermj In the threat. Ferrnaminr, t.He jerm.fcilling ihrcat ratier, docs "get them." It di'selves slowly and releasei a germicide powerful enough, though harmless, te actually kill these germs. At all drug stores. ermamint I GCHMKiUING THROAT TA$UT I t4f CM ffMF yr4JMl SJMPLESt Te aca.uaitj e'i 1eli FermaPtinl hi ull wd a trial Tue- cm rclpf of c tn itampi !S.rWij nuulmi con. Aiinn Vt Biutr CUmleal Ce., uj W. iDth St., N. Y. City sv isi - JmJEZ. V(A ft v Jr Come in eid hnrf en X'Ray made of tetT feet It show te h e t her your shoes fit you correctly. de your jet hurt? DO your feet ache and burn Dees walking tire you? De your ankles turn inward and the heels of your ihees wear unevenly? Then here is your opportunity te get relief from feet that hurl. Just come te our store and meet our feet expert during Thursday Friday Saturday Our feet expert who is trained in the Wm&JM jysteinofeof s7i4;ipt Correction will examine your steckinged feet free of charge. Yeu merely slip off your shoe just as you de in buying a new pair. The cause of your feet trouble will be revealed and recommendations will be made te provide immediate and permanent relief. " WKH kelj TSe handy slidebex" package of IO2- s them firm and fresh V 3 4 PASTEBOARD BOX Doesn't crumple keeps cigarettes firm down te the last one HANDY Convenient "slide" package Easy te open and close FRESHER Slides closed tight Ne chance for cigarettes te dry WIDELY APPROVED Popular for years The only cigarette package ever patented iedment The Virginia Cigarette Alse in the regular package of 20 LlOOETT 4 MVBRS TOBACCO CO. m Ne Closed Car Offers Finer Luxury Irrespective of price, you cannot xind a sedan en the market today that offers mere in all the essen tials that spell closed car comfort and luxury, than you will find in the Hupmebile Sedan. It is true that there are larger, heavier cars, mere costly te buy and te keep, but none that combines mere of dignity, of beauty, of absolute protection against the weather. Careful comparison will also, we believe, force you te the conclu sion that no lower priced sedan offers all these necessities in anywhere equal, or adequate, measure. Remember, tee, that this PIup PIup mebile means longer meter car life, constant service and satis faction at remarkably low cost. Even if the body were less fine, the Hupmebile chassis, in every sense of the word a fine car chassis, would place it foremost in your mind. Open Eveningt mraer 4 fteMf New Locatiens: Sales: 720 North Bread, Cerner Brown Parts & Service: 625-635 N. WatU St. . A Poplar 9205 THE BIG SHOE, STOHK . X tft m .vv.ju -.-, (iM,il'i"r t U , rtv" S !- .-" ' " " "J " " ivyy vtfei'r P?-4iwtit "?- ii Ifenl.... umM ft-lt PliM ?lt 'liris. i. '-WsmmmmMMakWPr. .tf'.'J'Ww JiJ.r-rWr t I -I- - hL'rAmmi