r '.if. " fi i -I I iiMfcru gregjaMiaiPwi lira uumrstreu neprewemea Subconscious Courtship j..m woman' txtrmardlnary sent m te http tullert from inttrftr. ' ing with htr lit U teti in thi, facinating nevt By BERTA RUCK inttier of "The Wrong Mr. Wrteht," "The Arrant tlevtr," i'fc. r A CewWH, 19ti, Vedd, Mead A Ce. irk Mrm Offer nVt begins with the first leek," Lt h first KISS'. ., , .. i,i. H8.. Saw e. of date the cer- i -: i.nM that iey-" "."."",, P'" '" J ffinnre of ceurtsiiip nr mi, the first ' . ttintisht. Leng Zfven ine i"v ":, ..r.iti.ti im. ? ixe. ft nest ei iiukh-"""" ", Ker! thS'unacknewllBl wayward h " trail! suppressed, of Urn- SI'S ...tnlltics" net recegnizcci, must Jmcntaim . cmblned te pre lw w",T he SnwteUH personalities TIETA they call "That time when m"rthta7ffnTr ef'SJVer and Herry J ftte.WaM:tOT.i,- dny they mw OrmlcnBci. Ht t,mc 0nc gifrtCD " nVremlslnR circumstances. l"il! fffflwrh ether, though net tt-ffbSklJ'lita room, and I- riin he woke up next morning, ! t elm chad's mind (quite tin wondering nbeut women) had E.V. Liar girl. I'lensc realize that , particular 'inn. . h, .,ftt. LSS'iM '"K of thn.t icc,ln'? '.ndrioTat-uelike !a hefw thnt he had te be rein fficS. Her first glance at him In Lt'.lrawinf.roen.had oenvoye, Kit lmrr.en..H,c i.., - - 1127.1011 100K .' iven nt the !. f Hip r hostess' murmuring Mm instead of suddenly lilting P"..L .. . .i. u..riiinif. ntizzicu ioek; rC h d loekVd n him n nt the 1816 nui '"".... ,.,. liiiirmiirlni! "l. ht . Mulct- Cnrlillchnel") Elf she. the girl, were baying te her-ISf- ?'A. AtVt! This Is mere 1 kc Mr Much mere the pert of man. He B1ih ""'., .. . , ,,i,i I..... nniiip. CBrmii'iinpi iiu "i "":..",; iu.m n way ei nei mu'iiuin . ijmen's names.) II- hnd net notice. Im hee (facee of women he never did Jrtlce) or hat she hnrt'eii, except tint it was (inns, l'ru" . giliut wblle bar., arms. Mut even he JSld net help noticing that nh.' had heM nt him again, Mill In Hint odd. iteck-lnklng way. several times during & He hadn't taken her In:, lim Helt, their hejt. hnd take,, her ; in. rirmiciinei nun incii - "T. iiifi. Opposiie le mm nau niv iuis ether girl and her eye. Afterward in me nrawiiwiw i" tad been iniiMc, nn.l this gin nan .u.n.l nrnnlilllfllliini'MtH. OllCP tlltrilliT i ng slie had looked ncw-s the piano mho had looked across the cbrjsan Hifmums of tin dinner-table, search billy at Carmlchnel. The s-ort of leek one feeN een when one is Mand'un? with one's baels te it (ns he was). Hut thry hadn't M'"ken a yerd tegether: he bid been talking te Mrs. Helt. Then when everyoeoy wns going iway, this gazing gin nan uene some- thing ertiler still, unrmicnnei ineuciii ihc'd piuie. He had seen her in the kill, with a big fur wrap-thing en. Alene, he was remtng dewnstair in wrch of Jim. who had offered hint u ned-nUht peg. Suddenly, en a laud inf. lie hud found this girl nt his elbow : in1 again Mie ti turned tunc ioeic unen kirn. He had been sure bhe was going te cneak le him. She had actually opened her lips. Then Jim Helt (one of tlte worlds Hent biitters-iii, bv the way) hnd loememl into view. The cirl hnd darted Ipitt them With upMnlrs ngain. Her likirt and nukles, flitting swiftly up- Imird. n climnse thrnush the banisters: Itbat w.ik the last lie hnd mmmi of her. But thnl hnd net been the last lied kennl nf her. This morning, the morning after lite dinner, his telephone had rung juat I he wns half-way through Minving. ' With a muttered grunt he'd put dew.t kin brush, and in hut pajamas hnd raced down the wooden steps from his bachelor room into the Chelsea gnrase oeiew wnere tlie telephone tee(l en i bracket among ether people's meter- icies anil eaehes of oily rnes. netrel tins, lerk-uu boxes of foeK Hp had expert ed te he rung up this uierning. though seareely as early ns this, by n Bin he knew in the Air Ministry. lie took up the receiver. "is tliar Mnjer Cnrmiehncl?" Ifn Ipe'scw stared it wasn't n flirtatious stare at nil, as far as he could judge of stares He was probably the worst judge olive of fllrtntleusness in any of its manifestations. Ills round shaving mirror reflected a concentrated single set face of twenty-right; n lean young fnce witli a purpose, and that purpose worlds nway from love. Personally he considered It was "u jelly geed thing he did happen le be such n forbidding looking beggnr." He, like most of his sex, hud n peculiar gift for "net seeing" dctnll that women consider of impor tance.' A whole Kncyclepcdln Hrltnn nlcn might be compiled of things Cat michacl didn't see. Net the slightest idea hnd he that any one could con sider his tiprsnnnl nnnenrnnce in the least attractive. Jevertbeless It wns tvnlcnllv that of a soldier and n sportsman; than which one can nsk for nothing better. 811m of figure, both he nnd his shabby clothes were ndmlrably built. He'd fair hair, relentlessly flattened back out of its kinks nnd streaked by premature gray : light-blue eyes with black points look ing very straight nt whatsoever it was tnat lie did net really !cc: small glided mustnrlip ever Huh n flrmlv flttins ns n tight-shut deer; chin held high en a womanishly smooth threat. Expres sion ; the usual public-school mask, plus something Seme people might call It "Vision." Fer the thlnsis Car- michacl didn't pee were nlwnvs con crete things only. ximt morning he breakfasted en cof fee, toast mill kipper cxecrubly pre pared by the charwoman, who wns wife te n neighboring chauffeur and who "did" for Cnrmlcliacl ; he'd another telephone talk, with the Air Ministry man this time, that led te nothing, in particular; be wrote letters, that would nlse probably lead te nothing much. Then he took the tube, the l.im. nnd during the whole journey he wondered wuy en cart Ii he'd ted the e rl he could come. Hadn't be troubles enough en his bunds? Hndn't be his own spe cial engrossing nnd permanent trouble wit n uie "Unnk, Hank." rasped the conductor. Carmlchnel stepped off the bus. He was "for it" new. Morning wits nt twelve and nil was wrong with bis world. Alse, thnt .Tnn- unry, the city wns witnessing n revival of the real old-fashioned Londen fog. 'VliHnllnl. t. .!....(... . t . -a-iiiuiiKu ii iiuKY-er.'mnp-niiPii mine and its pervading wet souffe flavor, Cnrmiehuel made his way, past groups of ether gropers, te the pavement, te the turning that led le the frewnlnig block of offices of which he'd jetted down the telephoned address. Wondering ever it mere mid mere as the interview drew near, he took the lift te the top lloer. and found himself opposite ground glass lettered panes: "KLPH1XSTOXK I1K0THKHS. IMPOKTKHS AXI MERCHANTS" r.lnhinstene? Her own mime? Preb ably she was the jeung daughter te one et the iirm. nu uiriien te "imiuirieti, hut n middle-nged in. -in with a pointed Iwnrd confidential clerk or manager ftem Ins appearance wns at his elbow "Is It Mnjer Cnrmiehuel? Yes: will ,ou be se (feed as te come this way, piease.'" He was shown into n large nnd lux iirieus private etiiee with a Kcnereus lire Mint had already cleared the room of fog. Carpet, thick and (.cnrlet; iieeTtiirug black, mahogany mantel piece seven feet high, with a small siher-cased traveling-clock in the mid die of It. Everything nbeut the place was solid, expensive and conventional and, nt nn immense tnble-desk. clear of "vcrything but a black satin bend -sack, n pair el while gloves and a tightly compressed sixpenny market bunch of violets put beside the gloves, snt this girl who hnd gaed'nt htm se intently the night before. "Yeu Wonder Why I Asked Y'en te Come?" Cnrniichael's light-blue eyes took in li'lle of her except that she was differ ently dressed, of course. Fer one thing, "he had a bat en. woman might hnve observed ihnt this hut of black velvet was faultless Effiwawra mwrtwwm EIGHT MO. PReciNers SHOW ELEVEN VOTES -VCVEVfES. Z VOTE H Twe m tb f feiUltffc TUl&'UfcmvuuI X S .'L I '.- --- re--wvw . I 6UMV. ""WE VMbEHttMT Y S I s .4Jfstrfcrf i a. 1 I I wisnviviC LU4CO S I t6HT ntcvHctsvr f S&- X. 'SL 7e-tfl3ivl " p r m I ii,. vwvv X V MitiTfZ ttHJ'rTA. ,.. .rtt&siisit MMWlMl Viat. 4U&SS HLE'S vewwt rwes etvE v. kv VOtJL kHVH- M VMtEEHOEHT OM.HCE OFCVTJ WTO 1tOV0H& )t WKGtt TU Vjvth h C0VC6 e sfsrkSU ! rVt tm. tV41 Pk MMS TWICT AV U0tH6 VOT VW THt ?0OtV. TOltlCX f CCME W "W. IKK U tOte iV TtV,VJDUi OUOHt 10 Z COU&bE aMb)KTe V3 et WtH JSt WM bO MtSHH k tec O mii TOWS - vtu., af Twts "Ntx -xe count Ac evrr "tnts x. fvwe TWO MW SvTttHG OH ONE 5 OCT W CONGRESS AHt TMe VMOH'T HOME Mfc OFF TEe- THM CAH GVt 5XW "W SiXVMCy BUT W.C FOWVH mt M- . n SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG Weights and Measures r.cftlxtereil l". Patent Offlc ! Be55.Ti4E MBV SiRlTHS AlO SOClBTty I . 6eMOAtAl6 ITHOOfiHTT&U J AFTE 5HE6 BEE 1 ySEAJTI&ulS HEIPC. SHE.yVOAlTPOWb aHBl thi rST SMfTHtWa,? I -SW& "T,E fGi' HPPp AWHlLE 1 ME V SHE DTWCHMJLJrHfr 8-' USiuuSaJ L-sv 7J "' )" . iiHufSL. I HCfe 6 ' J WHY SHES TWO j rjj-".' J f- -N V V1EAAIT ABOSB HR EARS. ",c" A- f? c r esriJfr 'SS.. 7t" A NAfVAWf U The Yeung Lady Acress the Way m innr .Majer I'nrmicnnci?" n r i.J i.:.,T .. i i i "'"" ntle. extienieiy feminine and self- , ' f J , li d "V LI""1 H fflnth,,nB '? swsjfd M.i,-e Ind asked. t ween ten and fifteen guineas; thai the "Yes," he had replied. He hoped '".t , ,1,e M "uiri w 'J restrain. M the invention which allows the I1'"1 'T'1' wulkiiig-dress of line blue that TWfnn speaking through the telephone in bpe ine person nt tne ether end would never actually come into being. Whnt the elrl tinw lillf.llliv lltm im 1'nlllrt lt,in btbdd would have been the chin and uiws et n snow man talking into a receiver smothered In shaving-lather. "This is Carmlchnel; who is that, eavV nxppctlliff te henr n tnnn'a nnme Riven hy a typist, he was taken aback J these words. timer Klpldnstene t nicht at the Units' luiirs when von lefi." '0h Oh .ies." 'Call Vnil Ul'it ltlA tMia nmKiitiiM nt pm.- - v - - atiift fillip hi. 12e'elnrk?" K F - f 1 1 1 full linl.l .... h m1..4a Mi" niphmsteneV I'll leek nt my took l:rVn. f rnn Whflrn'-" 'Take It ilinvn. nlennu ." Vntlntvm, n address j t,p cj)Vi "xPar the Mnk. Itenil it mit. nlnnsn." He did no. .''TiL,?t '?. 'ml, rlsht," he wns told. At IL", Coed-bv." 0t another Werd. Iteeelrxn tuinf. UP. Internally odd. If.. Iin.l I....... n. Ijurpriseij mte muklng fT,e nppniiitiuenr jen i,, " "icnu ei tue Holts' Xear the hunk, nf ..II .. !...... .... .i. Ill I1" 1 I . M"i.''n tll t'Jirill. serge with touches of black sntlii and a creamy waistcoat; that her stockings were of black silk clocked a jour, her shoes of black crocodile leather, and that her sable stele, tossed down ever the chair behind her, backed her like a shrubbery. A man, most men, would hnve pussed her dress as "simple and unlet," nnd appreciated the undeniable leeks of the girl. Hut net Harry Car mlchnel. He did net dwell upon her slim, harmonious figure, n sort of visunl Yeu met meh"'f-echn of the arms and shoulders, T was en the bawl nnd exquisite, that he had almost I noticed hist night. The little of her lllllir that showed was dnrk. but her coloring wns fair as that of her nnme sake, ii white clever-blossom with its tinge of pink, nnd her face was a pure oval. She lifted her chin as he was an nounced, looking up at him, net in the least lib she had looked the night before, She scrutinized him, precisely ns though he had been some lad bringing refer ences for the pest of efficebuy. "flood morning," she said. A prettily meduluted voice; entire'; im im peisenal. "(ioed morning." "Won't jeu hit down?" "Thunk you." He did se. Her cloud-gray ejes turned fiem him le the desk. She picked up these violets (miserably cold and crushed, their huii; stnlUs swaddled in ratlin up le the heads, which wcre surrounded with ii Teby-frill of green leaves, nfter the hideeti.s fashion et uiurhrt-biinchcs) and her least movement was graceful. Curmichael's mind nearly always worked just a little, below the burface. Tlierefeic, though the girl's move ments, her hut, iiuil the milky gleam of threar below it were quite wnsted en him, ether things struck him. Fi:t of all, he wns conscious that here was Hemetliing that loeKcd very feminine sitting nt a desk that looked pai'tii'iilarly mus.culiiic. Then, he took in that Him seemed "at home" there; net as if she had just perched herself in her lather's or her uncle's swivel chair for this intcnlcw only. And, by the way, wheie wnH Mr. I'lphliistime? It wns surely net thi-i pictty but disconcerting apparition who uctiiully "ran" the business? She spoke, answering his unspoken sin mist's, "Of course ou are wondering why I nskeil jeu le come, Majer Carmlchnel, I want te tell ou. 1 suppose, te begin witli, it is bis-aiisi) my nft'niuH nrn gut ting altogether loe much for me," Her iillnlrs? She hud ufTiilrs of Reme si 1 1' I. I hen. He would liuvii supposed them In be love aflnim merely except that in that case slie would certafuly net hnve sent for a man of his kind". Hut pei haps she was going te offer him a job? Hides, this girl, ,ytn If she had CONTINUED TOMORROW mer,TilvM.,nt u ,,,lt,1-v' f"KK' .Innuary morning; Whnt did she want te drng lJ?7.11,,,r" f01'-' Sl'e Hvi'd Iip It A ,... In m "" "'Mil' III MI (Mi.l J UK 0' ,''";''''"'' Hill. Why wasn't "C te nice her I m llt ... m.i i rn'teml f i ,i, !,.; '', ,'.'.'. I,'. wnilcreil ns he ( nisherl wlmvltw in,i iiit l?'.k i'" " ''I,y effl,,n "" """. dine ft and ,w lU glt. tlm, mil ((f tjirls did. he believed. t-unstnntlv. inii i... l, ,..!.. Inm .. . . i.,,vi, wnu lieill kHnwi' ''V,K',"S tl,,,,, "''" " couple Oni"H,' ni,k".'' l,'lc them te dances. that ri1'?' J", sl,ew (nobody ji iiiil int Kind nr tiitui fiii Se Kt.!. ,,".",'".K n'' l,,,t0 ll-l'( anywhere. ?.i- n.H, ". tlint. Over auell.er sus- v.uii ) l. I,.., Sev at- 0tH.. THE TERRIBLE-TEMPERED MR. BANG Bv FONTAINE FOX The jeung lady across the way says she docs a geed deal of read ing, but for the sake of variety she docs like a pest-humorous story occasionally. y i WA A i&"Mi4TAKt fen; Sis-re. r " 5AY AHYtMtMfc r Mk OArfft AS XM?' SH ws CaiNt. dewm Te aiurr tne. CAtfcM vHicM M.BAf6 HAO I.6T H . SCHOOL DAYS. pur ESC rTpv PETEYThey Only Seem Lenger ("Veu CUe f CR- vcictt, 1 J JOmci j TfiCRCS NOlMlMC v ORlTtclSt' T m w ,r i Oonrieo l ike Tne cresses wow That 7&eV Atte . LOUCf3 7 t m SE i " !s! I ll l fXmeil III V I t GASOLINE ALLEY Try a Salt Bath, Skeezix lMcvT?e UeT (.ONCER TrHEV ke. Tjjsr Lewerc' Kr ii'L -"A l..,.t I.-I.. I.. ' frowned. 'rii,,r i.i.. t." .,.. w.adtCrUHi . ;,.,", ".."'.:. , v lR ' II no nv,ii i '""""" iiisiin-e.-ffil ,,i l,"n m"r "K"il1- f,n'"'' ,. hme tern into strips the ad hi WlTH' ,We,'"'. he knew, Im flnnC .T1 "r sep"u'(l l"MHr; sent inil7 ,ut,,,I, 'llnner. guslle.l.'slek nlnly; lllltll her ilikem-e, HimI CM7:,J,..,!!,,t:r-:1''.':.!'':ti''''- K.I.. --, ."" ui nui ei tue i nr- Kuh ; Vbx ,,,,,?)',', ''"' ' Wueh f? "U ,,,,0,rw, 'i'"1 I'1""'" nr r". "n old sterv. nnw. iv ..... 1....1.. red up with anything that rcmitided b" VI "" wr, NOW OlCKEV T I ME TO Take veur bath an' DON'T VOO SPLATTERIT fiPC Tup rsiPiJSpvppet ' , h9 LAM' SAKES ' HOW ON CARTH OAT HAPPEN? J W t-h COME OUICKJ MISTA WAlT DICKEY'S COT OUTA HIS I nnB-4 n i:fjjM SICT u 31k "7 BAP DiCXEY.) BAF i$mm ii f. .,.--j. TTTW?F1I1I1 0M5Y 'rAn By Hay ward By DWIG pSj - i . y flarta-Cy T., (jpffee Ane RePAftfet By C. A. Voight liu King Q M n? 4zkz"ZZ'&7 -i5 r rc PK vW I I IM I -SasfiiJ ' .(i .- t s,.' ,y M t '" "'-s.-l sV, ft- . - r J&$M "1.-Nm'S 'Cl' T f-- -,fn k , - N rV4 bs)'k -v. v -svrs',,' v. 1.- 1 ,-T-' ..." 1 ti Mterie ftr.c'it& tm&mti'-x- !i: tif",