f'WK ' Winners of MAIN LINE GAME MA Y BE BATTLE OF STARS playing of Asplundh and Brown May Decide Haver, ford -Swarthmore Grid' iron Gamet Saturday GARNET BIG FAVORITE y EDWIN .1. POLLOCK . Ni;ri'ili:it Hnveifertl nor Swnrtlt Swnrtlt inecc rnn be rlfiM1-!".! nuieti,,' Hip ' freat tentni of tlie Kfint. mill ncltliir i fin llisy '' I'lflpril niiietij,' tht near great-; hut If jour iilr-n "f n geed foot feet Kill en mi- Is inctiMircil liy t lir amount . of spirit mid ficlit whlrli tin- luiitretittiN nut in it. I lie ii Imp out en III'; Main j.lnc Sntiirilny nfleinunii mid watch Ihw miclrnt ilvul In notion, Thrills irr giinrnntecil. Swnrtlunetp lins wen only two genm thin trn'eii ntnl Ilnierfeiil only one. Tricar- tceerili de net reuiimiiitl the nt -. tentieit of (lie ilnpesUr iittfliiiliii te pick n cellcjtintp 'liniii)len : hut, tu-vcr-Icicle". mhim1 gneil foetbnll lins been played l,v tlie wibtubnii stmlpntx. I'm ihermnir. iint rccenlH count netlilnc when Sitnrtliiiierc mid Ilnvcrferd meet. Anything W iikeiy te Happen, ntnl -i win will mnlic the scaren n miccpim for cither trail.. Clip (linnet ;np l'rnn,tlvnnin n bit ter tight, nnd fur three pi'ilmN It looked it If Hey MpVii'I'h ntlilc-tes worn seinjf te triumph. It hum only in tb InM quarter I lint tlie Itrd nnd Hlue wai nble 1e edge out witli ii 14-11 victory. Tlint one geme prevrd Suurtliiiiure enn rise te Hip height". The only contest rnptuipd by llnver llnver ferd was III" eiip np.iinst (iiillfeiil, nnd the Siaih-t nnd Itlack smacked tlie BeulliernerH -IS-0. Conch Harvey llnr men's team proved In tluit one contest tbit ite iillnek litis power when work ing efficiently. kl.TIIOrOII the rcei,h of hr tire tramt air rempariilivrln peer, filch him theiru flattie of aoed foetlmtl. SaUirdnu' content h TUT! HAMK. It Htl call for the het in leth teams awl U likclii te he a Aplundli s. Hrewu THK game miiy develop into a combat beieen 'Taf llrewn. Harcrfeitl ! captain, and f.eMer AHplundh. the hi flirnet fullback. These two Inds are bnppens that be nvprages less than I'm. lie is n big thnp, standing serer.il 'inelirs mcr sl feet, nnd five pounds iter 200. Furtheimere. lie has speed, i tan hit the Hup. run off tackle, nreunj the pimI nnd is accurate in threw lug the forward piise. Hnvprferd dppeiids eveii' mere en III own than Swurlhtiieic does en Asnltniilli. "Till" is n fnrmpr kIiii- if 1'pnn t'lmrter. when he was a here' In kilinlnstic ranks. On the Main Line his Mtppnrtiug cast has net been of the best, but nevertheless he is a ttnr. I'itt .lnpis who looked ever the Hoar Hear let and Illaek while the l'anlhers vere lere fur the Venn gain" nid Ihewa i etilrl b a star en nny eellegn team in the leuutry. Like Asplundh. be punts. Iiasv'vund runs wpII with the bell. lljf I'll will depend en the iihyinij " of their tire atari ami thru ere Mir le ijire their brt rffeit, for it a III bi their ulcduteiy te lelltuti football, Swarthmore Holds Edge SWARTHMUKE holds the edge by, quite n mnrgin in 'loping out tlie peMlhle winner, nnd the (larnct has the advantage in the thirty games played between the two lntitutiens. Haver ford has wen only eleven contests nnd Btrartlitnere seventeen. 'Twe resulted In tie. TIiprp old-time ilvals opened football Matlnns fiitty-thtee yeuts age and played twenty -three times up te 100J. when n dispute caused a break. I'p te 3104 tlie i-pries was fairly even. Ilnvcr Ilnvcr eord wen ten, lest twelve and tied In ene. Ir wa net umU f)14 that harmony as established and the series ie epened. The finmct has had a big ml ml tnntege in recent yeais. Seven games nave been plajed since the break, and fire went te Swarthmore and one te Havrrfurd. The 1U14 engagement was a a-n tie. The Main Liners have captured enlv ne game from the Garnet since 1808. This was In 111, when the Scarlet and Blnrk arose unexpectedly and cracked Swnrthmere, 10-7. Since then, how ever, tliediirnet bus wen by overwhelm ing ere. cant tiling lust jeni's en gagement by 55-0. Cn'MfTllMUlltJ in mi,h a I,,., favorite that fnr. If ;, llmei llmei feld men am trilling te iirrdirt n 'iniiirt defeat, hut nil the Main .merit aaire that Ihf tei-ided ceic t 1911 cill net be lepcated, 0 llaierferd Line-I'p Seletltsl llAHMOX hns aliendy decided en the line-up he will hp nt the start .f thp hostilities. Mercir ulfe lins vnliinllv selected his team, but the right iinlfbnck pe.t is still a toss-up between Knnpti nnd Theenan. Thpse plnvers are or about cipial nbllllv and both fit In well with the ,.,.,t 0f t, bncklleld. Jlnntgeiiiprv nnd ItlmniN will Iip the Iinverfeid ends and unless they play fin nejend the form they have shown te late i hey Wli . outplayed b .Incksmi anil Kern. who hnve starred for Mercer n ?"??" Uelllngshead nnd Streng yill held down the tnckle positions and hey will be opposed by Willie nnd l.eennrd Wihnx. Jenes and Uelnhardl Jie the Main Line gunrds. nnd they will '' Knnuer ntnl Sheeinnker. Miller hns bpen showing geed form at center for llaveiferd, hut he will '"'ell hands full tnkilig cure nf Cup lain Dick Cernell, the timiiei snapper eau. Curnell Is one of the best pilot men In foetbnll, Aside from .Uiilimdh and Theenan or a.,JPlv s,wa.r.,.l'",0', ' l"'e Schneider K ...m0'1 ,UiUnx ' '' bncklleld. Nlneider Is the iunrieibnek, and I.n.r'lri'i1"' lH lmt a "" llu " fuiily Ien;l Held general. trim ftlnffl nt Ihiir rettnncllrn f.nm nn.l I . .mli i t ninlc tlircit been arranged by Mnnnger spnhr. On M splundh i'soneef'tl,-,. g.eatest punt- fe r,I?It1,,lfllW?.l,l11 Slll bC-. f rs the same hns ever seen. Ills beet-, """' ?' ,,,t".,,Wf, H1 l n,rk- ?J1il,th t...... r.n . e- i.. ....i i. ' . i and t Pilar streets. Dnrb.v. and en Sun- iiui.i iiiiiii if nj ui iiiii anti ii. riiri'i . L,., "i""' nniwii win nnti Wilbur, IWTffenLn,,,1i '.'"K"" .'" ui'' Mm en the I ill"8? r1""1 '" l'nI'li' np the line en i.!... " . r" ,l"',," plajers are 'elernns, and if they nre given the wllftr.mM,,11,m hY ""-r fniil-. they IhemMlTM ' ,,ve U 8"u'1 "t'(0""t of TltK battle at Jlaverfeid en Satur. m7p.' i"0" ,J,'. M'nrfinrr ?al7...i . 9iK'V "'" Omnrt the rjijniWMMie ttyle of plait which he Bum 7.1. ""V" wawaiiu fli ' Sb k-. 'AJ'f C'L Wr 6K7. Wyppi'': Lecal Amateur Boxing Garnet Has Wen 17 Of 30 Haverford Games Hwartlimore hi wen 17 of the 80 tames aaalnst llaterferil. Tlie Main l.lnera have peen victorious II times. Twe tame end! In Hen, There were tin garnet played between 1004 and inn, niul the war prevenled a contest in iiiin. the scores or ins contests in einer .tear fullnw: Inte Hir.crfeM, 30: Swarlhnier. 8. IHSU-illaverferd, til Swarthirere, X. 1NXH Itiui-rtenl, U i Haitliinere. la. lnn tlawrfeM, lOi SuMrtliliinre, it. 1S8." ltnrrfen1, 4ri; Swarthmore, in. IHH7 lliwerfurd. 111! Hnatthmnre. 8'.'. IH8.H Hiuetrnnl, II! HWHrthmern, n, ISfll lliirrfenl, 10s Hwarthmere, 4. IMiii llnm furcl. 14; Hwarthmere. 80. IMM- Itnxcrfnril, O: Hwarthmere, ill. IMia Haerfenl, f I : Hwarthmere, Sit. llliS llaxcrfenl, n; Hwnrtlnnere, mi. lull I ltaVFrfnnl, 0: Harthmer, 3!. IMi:,llnerrerd, 24; Hwnrlhmere, e. twin Ifaxerrnnl, 42; HHrlhmere. il. 1S:7 IInerferrl, h; Hwartlimere, 0. tsns llaierrrril. 12; Hworlhmeie, n. INlili Itnverferrt, 12; Hwarthmere, 32. Itine Itmerfnrcl, in; Hwarthmere, 17. Iiiel lfncrfeil, fl; Hwarthmere, it. 11102 Ilnxeifenl, li; Hwarthmere, Si, ItilW llaerrer(l. it; Hwarthmere, 1H. Itiei llaverrenl. i Hwarthmere. 27. 1IH4 ttaerferd, ,1: Hwarthmere, 8. Hits llaxerrerd, 0; Hwarthmere, 7. mm Haverford, le: Hwarthmere. 7. lilt" llatirrerd, 7; Hwarthmere, 8. tillli Harferil. n; Hwarthmere, 44, 1H21 llaerferd. n; Hwarthmere. 2H. 1021 Haverford, 0; Hwarthmere, 03. DELCO SCORES 145 Delaware County Eleven Leses but One Came in Nine Played ,,- WANTS TO BATTLE CLIFTON TIip Oelre foetbnll eleven, of Dnrbv. points with pride te its reeenl for the f-ensen. which shows that the team has scored 14.1 pelntH agntnir 'M for op ponent!) in nine enmes played thus far. The followers of the team are clamor ! ing for n game with Cliften Heights, but apparently the manngeis of the learns lire as far apart as ever. As It ?..,,tan.,l"l ?f,,hf' lr,,m. c""..,n-v ,laim " '1. " p bulp un'c,s XMy come teWi.'er .t. ..... ... . jii" rcik-:ini iimi jiii.ri: niupn unve day Wcstlnglieuse will be met nt Es stngten. The teams plnvcd nnd the scores hare been: Delce L'.". Hebnrt O; Delce 6, Clearfield (I; Uelie VI, Magnelia 7; Delce J. Victrlx 0; Delce 18. Racine ; Delce IS. East, Falls 7: Delce fili. St. Menica 0. nnd Delce li. A II -Lancaster G. The latter gam;, plnyed Inst Sunday, was the only reverse sustained nil sen- son. The tip-Staters lincl such stars in their line-up :is Ilendreu, nt Itttcknell ; Manuel, of Gettysburg, and Jamisen, of Carlisle. In the second quarter Manuel man aged te clasp a long Pass fiem ireudren. running hnlf the length of the field for n touchdown. Although outplayed in the half, Delce came back strong in the second, advancing te Lancaster's -0-yard line en six successive first downs. A long forward pass was tried and Lancaster recovered en Its own 1-ynrd line. Feniing n blocked kick, Hendren en the first play tetuhedWhe ball down behind his own genl for u surety. Coach Weedy Rensnll has issued orders for daily practice nnd the squad will go into some intensive drills before tlie games. Williamson nnd Connelly, hnving been ciipplcd nt Lancaster, will hnrdly see nny action until f'ehvyn en Thanksgiving Day. Willinmsen, inci dentally, played the entire game at Lan caster with two broken ribs received almost nt the start. WALLACEJNJIJLE GO Patty te Meet Eber for Canadian Laurela Herman Tayler, local ptoineter and malinger of bexets, has closed a match for Patsy Wallace, Italian ftvwelght, te meet "Mud News" Eber iu a bout of ten rounds te a decision for tlm bnntam weight chnmpteiiship of Cannda, te take place at Terente, Out., en the night of December 8. Wallace is giving Eber a big weight advantage, ns tlie conditions call for 118 pounds ut 2 P. M. Amateur Sports The Ajar flub would like te bear from flrat and tecend clBt liuuie leares in or abiiut tiie rliv h.iln halla ana offering lonrenabli KUaiujitcvii, Juinn holly, i'UJS Almend atie.'t. , , . . i and wuiikl lil.f n hour from ueteud unci tlilid rlaes leumn Iu ui out. nt the city. eiierlally Waiulcl.. M I.ucjwls . cither at hume or awm, Al JtukCnbers, 1810 Seuth Sixth treet. . . . The Climax A. C. Ml be for the aurerler plavliia: of Hi" Krcr K. C. taut nlglit. belna; lurned Imcl. Iiv a l'7-24 iirere. The Hennetl H. ,. ('., champion of the Nelchborheod Center, lia nen In elaced a. rirm-clasa team en the flour, and lian aeeral iipcn ilata for a.mies te be Dlued uway. II. VVelrnHlu. 42S liulnbrldKe afreet. The Combined A. C.. a fait fourteen.iilx-t.'i'ii-ejr-oM truHiii; uulntet. would lll.e te liiieli aamea with Kama of this age havinc halla and efferlntt- rvaaunable inducements. JacU tvlrarliner. aen MrUeun afreet, Ih rhlludelphtn Veterans, of Temple Itnl er.Hlt. yrnent leadera of the. Htudenta Vet erana' League, would lIKe te arrange same nlth dich teams as Wllduoed, Media, Uown Uewn Uown Ingleun. Mt. .lames, of KlmsnuHsIng; JenMn JenMn tewn, Hlrdnbore. 'I rl-Ceunrll. or am' of the, ether trams offering leaaenabln auarautee. It. It. Hamilton. 27 te Seutli Clgbteenth The Ht. l'nul Club, a cend-i'laaa Quin tet, would UUe te hear from teams of that clam desiring gamea at home or away. Wil liam II. Veung. l422llera aenue. Knn A. 4'. liaa Thanksgiving afternoon and Uecember 3 nnett for second-clam Winn rlubH. caiHPclallv Widoeme. Immaculate I'on I'en I'on reiiilen. I'leailleld, Kant Fjll Hecend. lv, Celnn . O. ui tfiuna or that caliber. Wllllum I'ennrllv. .1108 Ugdnn street. Ihe Hllenl FUe la anxious te schedula eaimis with tlrjil-pna teams away from liemn effi'ilng lenruiinlile guarantees. Cenrad Oun. 2(l.tS North llennall street. l.undene liaskelliull tram denlres game nltn uniinnnej mvi-rina if.iin. nein ami nnar, plailng for expeiiaex. Onlv nmatmir teams immuereu. j iine iiurpev, Wayne, I uti.i iir kini HTrpeia iceienn. ia. The Argonne K. t. a Itrsl-rlnas traveling team, IH uuuntui. H.mn mi nnilin ns paxliic lalt Hiiiiranteus V Kainend Heteis, ' III I r 1 " Mllixei in Ml ((ii-t Mierlilnn 11. ('.. a touitreu-riftet-n-teai-eM traveling ll '. , would lll.e te book games with tea ma of this fiilljier offering fair guar utileea I)ald I'lll.eff. 7411 potter street. Hlrrllng Club, of C.midin. a llrst-clas attiMctleu would llke te hum from (Ues hatlnu halls unl willing te tratel for reanen. abln giMrantee;. I.. It, Buckman, 110(1 UarliiB etriet. Camden. N J Hue te u nonrriutlen bt Him Veteran A A,, of Ardinere of all the home gHmel, the lifau (lat eleteu Is without a gnme for this week-end. Anv tlrst-clius teams wishing tu linel, tlii i "iiiii remmunlrntii with II. F" White, 11007 Vine tiet. The tirejsleek MliUrta, a feutleen-sltteen. eai-eld uulnlet. ilefli."; aniiiea at home or nv wlih loams of this rise. Martin r rieuney 1402 Houth Itlnggeld street. Bell Iiliene Oregon 4.M0. ""' (I. rI.,K. jliilnlet. rnmnesea of former nil- clioliiatle atsrs. tveu il Ilka te hear from flrat-claea leaina 1101111 tlielr own floors. l II Werdlnger. .1413 North Hlxteenth ti eel POINTS AGAINST 20 wnrs von wretr it en tpvn ai,Tp7'l y' m 1M seu be te a ,"lltlf red seSoelhousa7' laletMI-Jaw llil.e happy chlldljend days? .Than au w W rienYer .rcatnly .jjey rjudln thli jhenwi. il0"r; T.W fia. . ina nava aim ihiiibiib EVENING PUBLIC EpGEliipHIllADEltPHIA. THURSDAY ' FAVORITES IN dKm ' Z " y f"tii? f ' & TjA&rtf '" i?y"t , S''' TO DECIDE PHILA. IGHT Seven Amateur Titleholders Will Be Crowned at Olympia. Twenty-five Bouts WINNERS TO BOX IN N..Y. Philadelpbja's amateur boxing cham pions in spven different classes fly weight, bantamweight, featherweight, lightweight, welterweight, middleweight and heavyweight will be crowned In the ring nt the Olympla, Bread and Bainbridge streets, tonight. Winners of the different classes will be entered in n big Intercity meet at the Gnrdcn. Xew Yerk City. Thanksgiving night. Thirty-one boxers are eligible for competition, following the preliminaries held Tuesday night, and about twenty five matches will be decided before the different titleholders nrepresented with silver loving cups by the Quaker City A. A., under whose supervision the tournament is being held, governed by A. A. U. rules. Half a deen youngsters survived in the 112-pound class, eight will compete iu the bantamweight division, a quartet remain in the featherweight flight, four lightweights will vie for the lightweight crown, four welterweights remain in competition, a pair of ruiddlewetghts will aettie supremacy, ana four Heavy weights ere scheduled te have it out iu the big boys' battles. Knyeula Catholic Club hns four sur vivals In three different divisions. Jehn McUuire is the downtown club's ban tamweight hope, as is Jee Reynolds. Willie Hnrkius will try te bring the welterweight title te Knyeula. and James I.arkins will appear in the ueavyweigut battle. Geerge Burns, featherweight: Harry Simklns. liehtwelirht-. nml .fuel flar. loch, middle.weight, tfre the Villanova College men who loom conspicuously ter cue cuampiensnip laurels. William II. Recap. Lew Tendler. Temmy Leughrnn, Nate Smith and Hurry Cress again will referee, while Jack Kofoed and Bill Kennedy will resume as judges and Babe O'Reurke will de the announcing, with Jet; Cer Cer vlne and Jehn 'Steffens as timekeepers. The boys who udvnnced into the semi-final rounds, which will be de cided tonight, as well as the final retm-i after which silver loving cups will be presented te the champions and runners-tip, are: IJS-Ppund nIM .Tames Leva, Seuth Philadelphia; Walter Bosten. V. K. It.; Her man Brewnateln. North Philadelphia: Hplka ' erbett. Seuth Philadelphia; Charley Becker. f,tpt,l!,d1lhl: Frankle Goldsmith. North Philadelphia. 118-pound class Chick Wester. Quaker City A. A.: llsrry Paasen. Sheridan Beys' Club; Samuel Wallace, North Philadelphia; Harry Olrnbel. Quaker City A., A : Jee Rey nolds, Kayeula . C: llenjainln Hamuelsen, North Philadelphia: Andv Hlantey. Seuth Philadelphia; I.annlet Hi ant. West Branch T. M. C. A,: .lehn JtcCiulre. Kayeula C. C. .. 1 .'e-pound class A. II. Hmedley. West Branch Y. M. C. A.: Qourge Burns. Villa nova College; Johnny Xlsslernen. Quaker City A. A.; Irving Bader, North Branch T. it. 130-pound class Haiti Tootles, Quaker Vy n. -s.; iiariv Himuins. viuaneva, i'ei- lege; Thoms a llurli. Kensington) David Eel- , oeum i-niiaueipnia mgn. t47-peund class Willi ITarkln. Kav. "S H.A," William Burns. West Pnlladel. phla: Eddie, Ceyle, 8unBhln Club; t'ra.nkl Qulnn, Quaker City A. A. 160-pound clsss Pat Donahue. O'Brien's tnstitute: Jack Uarlerh Villanova College. v.J.'.,Vyw,'nt' class l)sn sievack. Weat Philadelphia; Jehn Dade, West Phlladel vhla; Hugh Snltier. North Philadelphia; James Larkln. Kayeula C. C. Basketball Statistics KASTBUN LEAQUB , W. I P.C. W. lamden . 7 l ,S7n Jaapar..,; a Irenton . n a .714 Atl. City. 2 Cetev'le 4 a ,S7l Heading;.. 1 THIS WKRK'S CAMRa I. V.C. 4 ,4J0 rt ,2r0 5 .143 Tomorrow night Ceatesvlll at Trenten. Saturday Jasper at Beading. OlilER. (JAMES TONIOHT n,'0,"' ..rhlladelrlila Church League. so se inn AJ';r,h,y, Memerial nt Flrat Chris tlnti, St. Peter's at Mt. .Mlchail's. ' Catholic Amateutf League Archbishop yShn. l nu ,a,r,ck' nahan at Bt. City Collect l.rai-u. PhlladalDhla Cell... 1'iiarmacv m dmtrlal Art i. Its hnemann College, In- rl Y. M. , A H21 Arch .IrVitT fiif,?n;",',,,la "Jllieart (leneial Offics Termlna1ia"Ue A l-eu" . Philadelphia diIm "v tV,V'i sH'h:i "t Xdm Ex. alreett " ' !l,n,"lh ""J Albert la.ST NIUHT'S KUMUl.TS Cllt!"5r" l,l""u "" Cu,nil"' St). Atlantic Plilladelpliia Manufacturers' league MeeknivUx Herbarli 2li. Paasen. (letllleb HeddleSrf"' N'a1101"" J,,;U, Kdae S4. HtDil Philadelphia Amateur Leag-ue Ixirratne, as: Legan, til I erlleth Waul, M. hi Kranclt, 21, Ninciewn il (' . 2h: .Madisen A, A. 24. Mcitewn Juniors. 23, Natltlty Travelers, jj'atltlty C C . 45; Ceghtnn C C 32, Columbia Ha.-keU. "4: riima l.nV it Mo!TT,re,eVirT'cr7;M',U- ' W5.h..a,ph,.AY.lMVrA.iJn(er.. ,.; Cm , . .. ..!..... rr- j.-...". ii iWlttli. fltl! KlIBtWlLb Prna nt ti, u. wy; oBivaivien Army Ne, lurlir;d4 Clelhlar juniors, :; w,ut wmlm mBwmmM$& . r t.j. xe . rfT? '. i . : ""i yjfj v . ; tj'tt, Ha -nnn ' i ai a.-, v, x r "5 ' ' 5JBLrsHHV', J '?' 3'lBiB m w aBBaHP'''aBftf' S'a. V V?IBVLLLLLKSf ''J ' aBBLaaam 'l s - TLaaaaS AJaP iaaLKiiil 1 bb BKtej t v v JBBBjrBBaBBBBBBBK W I ''' BBBBBBBBBBiaAfliNpMn aaaaaaaaaaaaaa'BaFlf aBBaaaaaaaaaaMLBaaHJHflBflBBBBB I V Vt f f bbHK "" iHv V HARKINaS s CHAMPS TON Champs te AMATEURS Weaaer la a Bantamweight sur vivor, wMIe Haklns loons con spicuously la t he welterweight clas in the teanuuBenl for the Philadel phia championships at the Olympla tonight , SPHAS ENJOY BEST BASKETBALL YEAR Downtewners Have Scored 275 Points te 222 for Opponent in Nine Games TOPLAY HANCOCK TONIGHT The basketball team of the Seuth Philadelphia Hebrew Association is enjoying its best campaign since brenkins: into the game some six years age. The sensen was inaugurated n month age, and in that time the Sphas hnve played nine games, four of which have been defeats. This percentage may net seem se high, but the reverses were at the hands of leading clubs. Three of thp set backs were sustained away from home, while only once have the downtewners bpen beaten en their own court, and that was with the Camden Eastern Leaguers in the opening game of the season. 28-23. The Sphas also lest at St. Teter's. 26-31: at Hoyertewn. 22-17, and en last hnturday ut West Chester, 32-23. At Boyertown and West Chester the down dewn down eowners outscored their rivals from the field nnd were beaten out en foul tosses. St. Peter's and Camden also were best nt making two-pointers. The victories of the Sphas were with St. Henry, 24-22; St. James, :U-2.'i; Wainman. a8-2."i and .".0-23, and St. Henry again. 20-21. All told thev have compiled a total of 275 points te 222 fet lueir opponents. Tonight at Seventh and Snyder ave nue. Harry Passen has secured Han cock ns the attraction. This is the West Chester team, which wen u Sat urday, 32 te 23. On that oicasien the Sphns were best at sheeting Held goals, 10 te 8, and nte out te defeat the is-' Iters, who arc their. strongest opponents aside from the Camden Eastern Leaguers. West Chester has in Its line-up a bunch of star players in Powell and Stevenson, forwards; Fessett. center, and Weed and Mcicer, guards. Late tonight the Sphas leave for Xew Haven Conn., where they play the Atlas Club tomorrow. They will also be the guests of this team at the Yale-Harvard foot ball game. BIG GAMES FOR COALDALE Plays Pettaville en Sunday and Gil Gil barten en Thankaglvlnpj Coaldale. Nev. 23. Cenldale football fans are awaiting the next two games of the Gildea n.en with interest. On Sunday the Mist of- two games with Pottsville will be played, the second being scheduled at Pottsville the fol lowing Sunday. Pottavllle has a, powerful club, which ranka with the best when the players are In form. Their 27-0 setback with Mount Carmel last Sunday'means noth ing. The big game is Thanksgiving Dav with Ollberteit. This team has ills' posed of Pottsville. Shnmekin. Mount Carmel and Jeansville, while Ceuldtile has beaten Shcnandenh. Each team is allowed one outsider in next Sunday's flame. 1'ottsvllle has nan.ed "Pud" Jay, while Cealdnle will stick te home talent, and will net exercise its privilege of having oue outsider. Navy la 8eccer Victer i Anaapells. Md.. Nev. 28. Knceunieiina steak opposition from fit. Jehn's, the Njiii Academy eoeeer team had little difficult v In r'n.e,b.T i ? - ThrM " "' .cored I the December vmv( km9Mkwr.y u v , r ,jW bb mmJU".J. j?v ", ' Vafr Brlfel in theDecTnber I i r- I 5KNITYFAIR A ON 8ALE TOOAV 1 ''"T' Contest in SHORE CAGE WAR Atlantic City Eastern Leaguers te Play at Heme en Thursdays LOSE ANOTHER DECISION Tlie Atlantic Clly basketball learn of the Enstprn League has dpclded te switch its playing night. Since the opening of the sensen there hns been a war en in cage circles nt the seashore resort between the big timers nnd the Garden Pier outfit. After both tennis had kept plnylng in opposition te pitch ether en Tucsdejs for about one month the owners of the Eastern League club decided te switch te Thursdays This will have no bear ing en the Jasper team, which has Thursday. The games the Jewels have scheduled at Atlantic City will be con tested en some ether tiny. The geme scheduled there next Thurs day afternoon ,with Camden has been changed te Friday night. This means the Skeeters will play only one contest en the holiday, that with Jasper at night. The Jewels hnve nn nfternoen game en their home fleer with Reading. Skeeters Win Again In n gnme devoid of fouls Camden defeated Atlantic City Inst night en the former's uoer, Iltl te 21. There was little excitement attending the game, nnd nf no time were the lenders in nny danger. Camden get off te n big lead when they ran up u score of 15 te 4 before Chlckic Passion get the shore bejs' first field toss. The .period concluded 15 te 0. It was the same thing at tlie start of the second half nnd the Skeetery pepppred the basket with two-pointers With thp tetnls ut .".3 te 17, ''Skects1' Wright took Dolln's place, and Miller nnd Mangold replnccd Lawrence nnd Cress. Chlckic Pnssen was the star for the losers. Thp lipid coals were; Steele. 2: Dieglian. 2; Campbell, 3; Kerr. I ; Delin. 0: Pnssen..-! ; Newman, 2: McWillinms, 1. nnd Mangold, 1. P. G. en Tep Twe sporting goods linns, members of the Philadelphia Manufacturers' .Bas ketball League, met in cage at "Vennli Hill last night, and niter n highly ex citing game the Pnssen. Gottlieb Black five defeated Moskewitz & Her- bach. 25 te 21'. , , . At half time the winners were ahead i 14 te 10, nnd although the lend switched i in tbP SPCOIIU Will, tne lermer -iin-ri-enn League champions managed te squirm abend again und held the advan tage till the final whistle blew. Held goals were scarce, the nine foul tosses of Freeman being th" deciding; factor in giving the P. G.'s the victory. In the ether geme National Mctnl Edge Company defeated Steel -Heddle 24 te 15. The goal sheeting of Heap , and Mitchell was responsible for the , victory of the National Cp. Lach shot i three ptetty baskets. The score nt . half time was 0 te 0. Klrby te Referee Run New Yerk. Nev. 23 CJuMntus T Klrlif. ' former head of the American Olnnnlc Com mittee, has been named rererce of the four teenth annual Intercollegiate cros-eettntry I ehnmolenslilti run at Van, Cert -unit Pari: next Monday nfternoen. Ilia nslstant ttlll b Jehn T. M'CJetcrn. of Cernell, unit the chief Judge ttlll be Charles Jtelstcud Ma pea of Columbia. Seattle Signs Wolverton Seattle. Wash.. Nev. 23 H.irrt Wot Wet Wot terten. fernvr manager of the San J'rin J'rin clkee Club Iu tlm Patlflu Coast lt.iin.hnli League, Una been signed te manage the Seattle club In lf2.1. Wolterten enra nge managed the New- Yerk Americans, and later managed Pacific Ceiat t,esBUf tennis In San 1'ranclsee, Oakland nnd Sacramento. . Here's a Real Thanksgiving You'll Enjoy 'Em Friends Will Enjoy COMES TO AN END 60,000 CIGARS i Made te Sell for 10c Each COMMERCIAL CLUB GEMS Well mad, Leng Havana Fillar, Sumatra Wrapt. Freah from th factory. Made in f0ed size Panatella ahape. which aaaures you a mild, fragrant smoke. WHILE THEY LAST! I 6 25c 1 $1' ALL POPULAR BR, HOLT ALL POPULAR BRANDS AT CUT PRICES CIGAR CO. M. & H. SELL Headquarters (or Seccerball, Basketball Make sure ef.the ndiircsa, 512 Market Street, anil the nr.nie M. & II. Yeu II see it en the pavement at the entrance. There is only one in i ' Vt . "u ''.iA W1- lx V S.an eutnin the-e allies and qualities. We've everything m world of sports, outdoors or indoors. $6.50 English ; - - - s& Soccer Shoes $3 Made by lith-graile Knirlll ninser I'elibleil full-aiatii lilile TeiirIi. Innni'il mint Genuine Het Spur sTe"r..$7150 Training Sweat Shirts, new $1.25 lai rV"? I "VVl xfWRwl'lvv lIl AMrMlbtJaVX ill WltlMliiinir? Everything RADIO IN S3 Gym Outfit at Prices That Will Save Yeu Meney Consuls n r l,M) Mines, :$O.50i 2 Allr runts, nlir hlilrts, liic Jeck Strap. Or Sold Separately m -j NOVEMBER 23. 1922 . - New Yerk HAVE FAST TEAM Wen Eastern District Basket ball Championship Last Season LEAGUE MAY BE FORMED Willi I'liiliidclphln rcprcentptl In the Eastern League uiili n geed tenin, nnd many ether Indeppnilent teams playing fine bnket bnll In this city, the cage game N pulling en n. decided rcvivnl. However, till the interest in basket ball Is net leulinctl te the masculine pluycrs, ns tbe girjs have mhiip very fine tpntns. One f the t, is the Daughters nf Columbus fivp. which lnt year wen tlie EfistPin District title. Several oilier teams ilisiiute the claims of the Columbus lite te the chnmpintivliip this year and thc-c tennis will rill lie given a chnuci- te show their vaie-, ngnlnst tlie West Pliibideltililn mnids. Sonic of the lending tennis in this class are the Car Service Girl", of the FcniiHjlvniiin Riiilread; Lltnlley Bap tist Girls, of Camden ; Gtecn Sev, Grcvsteel; Girls, Western Electric. Pliiln Terminal, St. Simeon and the Abington (liiN. Efferts are new being made te form a league ultli u full schedule mid suit nlile prl.eM intardeii at the i line of the nice. Seteinl thltiirs tuii't Ih done before the le.igiie can begin fiiuetion fiiuetien illg, lis all tlie tenuis lite net willing te enter into -uch rcstrictnl c'limiic tit inn . I'.ur each team seems nuxieus te put in Its claim for the. title, and the league idea seems the easiest wnj te settle nil claims. Last jiar Car Sert ii e was the Miniigest cenlendiM' ill this city te the claims of the Dnughteis, und both were undefeated until the Rallreud Girls journeyed iiciess the liver nnd met de feat nt tlie hands of the Dudley gfrN. Then the liinighters wen from Lindicy and clflitneil tlie Eastern title. Next Monday evening the Daughters will piny their tirt hind game when they stiiel, up ngniust the Ce.'ttcsville Girls nt Centc4ilp, nnd this game will show whether the tram Is as strong as last year's Ihe. Universal Satisfaction! The advantages guaranteed for the Automatic Electric Head Set apply te its use with all types of receivers. Whether you have a crystal sat, tube set or loud speaker, it will reproduce clearly and eliminate all distortion and foreign noises. eAsk your Radie Dealer. Automatic Electric Company B01IE errtCE AND FACTORY! CHICAGO, U. S.' A. Vhiladrlphla iJlJfrifciiters H. C. ROBERTS ELECTRIC supply co; 1101 RACE ST. Smoke! Your 'Em g 50 1 6 for 25c Mail Orders Promptly Filled c Pay Parcel Pest Cy HaO Square West kvemtmrcial l rust Hldg.) IT FOR LESS Si.'iO . vu - wooi vu - weoi vu - woei SI ;.:.() Basketballs New Sweater New $4.50'? Warm. will Hull ihiuIp. will fl of k i t ii tine , kind prt lie Neino iti.,i I Urnl n.,., in 1 1 i leugh in.1,1,1, E, w.,,, ,,.,,, u nil I rubber bladdi - Basketball shoes, SO.50 -. llll.lll-ll t cti'ty alii, dentil,, ruh. II A., HAKA.., w suction Extra Heavv Basketball xe -,e COLUMBUS .irm liwli iM miKr 'r'v; yrtWIfJHanay ir i paaaaasv v 9 k I r y M vT j JN ' ll 1 The it ii-nciicH, i atliiT , liuru r Jfy lA JfflSjfm?LktaJ' '''' ,'r'o,i"len,,u Loek for laa.M. k H. , Sip 512 mwmmmmmmm 'ws.vc'-' Timm TM.1. AMI WIXTKIt mOBTH ATMNTIC! MTV .X. latsaaT ATLANTIC CI TV JLs Oata Beats front Always Osea AUKtlrlH PLAN Met and Celd Salt Wstcr Bsths ATES STHAIfJHT BY DAT Running Water. V. CO per persea Kith, N 30 snd JT.W per persea Diiasn Cnener Hmih anil flelh loe persons, II4.M per Bay Atltatle city lt4 Oe ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Dlets ea Ills Oejvaa Fraaat The American Tlsn Hetel par-escalesasH of tne Atiaatie i cast. Brisk Oarage ea TC?UaK3& eiei miens R ATMORE "clrr Worlds GrViitesr Hetel Success I.AKKWCItlt). X. .1. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY Invigorating climate. 18-hole Relf course. Suddle horses. Fine walks. Daily concerts und danc ing. Superior reads for motor meter ing. FRANK F. SHU IK, Manager lermrrly of IjiiitpI In tht rin?N LAUREL-IN-TKn-PXKES LAKKWOOIl, ,N. J Ob-ertmiee of illetsrr laws carefully uiIIi.pmI t". I'llANK SIllllKV. ciwn-r. TOCR1 ROYAL MAIL "VnCbmort7Jeort WEST INDIES CRUISES Jan. 24th and Feb. 24th rnm ?Kl!i5,!,t.,B.,.,nr'"' w " " "et, rnstai mt "ORCA" 25.500 ten. d .!iceii.ent. the Isiaet) lap aaftiRl is West liyjir Cruiwt. uJt le Nsusu. HsTtas, Kibjkeb. CelflB, Ij Guam, TfiiW. Br. kedet, Miniuijue, St. Therau, baa Jsta and Bsrmjd. Stnifer eec-f. THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO. SANDERSON & SON. tae.. Agents 76 Bresdwsr, New Yett r My Steanalilp Altai FALL RIVER LINE TO BOSTON Affernoeo tnd Eve.mng Ccnearfa '.. ,v tl.len St.. P!r i H. H u u Verk, 800P M. Pall- 'nd. Sumlar MIW URMR Un LaTaHer40N.R. Housten St.t-30 p.fg, Wartdayaenly. KtmtmetJ Kattt an AatomeolUo TuLtU at nm a (en. Tlettl Offitn eUsT ERICSSON LINE for Baltimore I'relflit and panensers te Iliiltlmcue anil IliO meitli fcminier lnie fmni I'll r 3. S ni'tattiir Ate , dally nt ft 00 V. M , Sitnril.iv nt acsi. Ne Sunday stentmr. V S. r.rntr. tik-ent. Around, ZZ)Z?t& 7&T1 1- fgSgms 1 .XJ t i m immm V Our Qeldcn Jubilee Cruise marking the 50th anniversary of , our first tour around the world. SAILINQ EASTWARD Frem New Yerk, Jan. 24 Returning May 31, 1923 by the specially chartered new CUNARD LINER "SAMARIA 30.000 miles- a gorgeous itinerary -covering many lands and tnccling Spring time in each country visited. CRUISE LIMITED TO 400 QUUSTS. Full lntorrrutten en requeit THOS. COOK 3h SON IMIILADELIMIIA in south l.Mli M. aaiasB eassask . Cruise te film' -e-JlJ MEDITERRANEAN imemecrjnip limited te 450 guests About half capacity) IU Magnificent New CUNARD S.S. "SCYTHIA" N ".'.' , n.aii.rea r n-S e ru if i i Ituriie "11 no in "a irfJr si, ,(i.:i ri'turnl. it Apr l .' tin'nif Egypt. Madeira. Portugal, Spain, Gibraltar. AIKiers. Tunis, Hely Land, Constantinople, Greece, Italy, Sicily. Riviera, Mente Carle, etc. I'l rt M i n ' '.iiu- le lie .ii Tour., Id l.iirui,., s(lnii I lilmt nml C nllfnriiiii FRANK TOURIST CO., JVnM2dM75Eill yhn THE MAGNIFICENT NEW WHITE STAR LINER HOMERICH Has Been Specially Clmrtercil By Ua Fer MEDITERRANEAN IK January 20 H-nml m u u the -...nB January 0 c. . CrM'sc Liniiccd Lnicruuts.ne Service the days of luxury, leisure, ir rrcMiiginus Itinciciry THC?S. COOK & SO ......,u ,,u "WVjwM ' 2385 TAt.l. AXIt WINTKW mWffl HKI.I.Kilfl IIKHIHTM. FTJlJ 'fS1 HOTEL AND COTTAGES BELLEAIR HEIGHTS Flerida. Open January 8th. A , thousandacrcsef tropical beauty overlooking' the Gulf of Mexico. One of the most charming of Winter homes with every sport facility nnd the joy of pleasant compan ionship. Twe 18-hole f.elf course?, ten nis, trap sheeting, metering, riding, airplaning, bathing. Yaihting nnd game nMnngen . the Gulf. Morning smplieny ,'" concerts, evening ilnnces. -Kindergarten and primary claMcs under direction of Mm Amelia Brown. Pullman seruce te tht deer of rneAefe. AddrtltThi Btltmen, Naut Yerk, for information or ftorvatlen: Jehn McE. Bewman President . i EARLE E. Carlev miami iiracii. rr.. tMMINGOtef xrtemnA'a krcmest resort Kertf mimi rr.A. JkM A WINTER HOTEL Del LUXE. rvtlVTVfT, lPL.nDlfVaV. N.Y.err.- sw te ar. TEt. tONaejt.e tvi .SaSflssBBBW. at7f '-Bj fVMlasTJBBm"'. VaTaVaTJ fiiMwrnvWrn HI HiliFWTfjHUBj ki?M'U .r4fl t BKvk VAlri kLsLB SmLwSSnSmifi i-tirl rWiW MmWtr arnl BSSaTVaTaTaTjWI BELLEVIEW 1 Vlce-Pres, C. A. JUDKINS Mir. l i . a y "' ' u tVKVl I'AI.M BKAf II KI.A l.AKK ctit'itr .M'artmi:nt ' ( fur iloeklet. West I'alm lieach. fia. Writ" BEKIIl'DA The Ideal Winter Retort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA De 15 te May 1. UliKtl iellr en tlm UsrtKit. Uiili lloem. Tiled arinmmni ales il. BnltnmlatC Tuel, r.elf. 'lcimt Direction of J.. A. TU'nBnr.ra Pn "" Mr. Jenes will lis nt Hetel lletincnf. Park 1 Are. 42J St.. New Yerk. Net. IT te bee. t? tern the World . Telephone Spruce 8820 ft tS, ' , j" . & . Ay WrM ' SHANKS lEr'-Jk- De Luxe r the y-' ivif In f.n I ,i ' Xinvrli'ii, .Iiiiihii, 219 Se. 15th St., Phila. Spnire Mt84.'i Hl.mi Walnm N, , Keturninij March 2 te 500 finc4ii utmost vrt nfri c:.... e.. ' i ..:.'. "-."TV"' .-iyecvcn,.t ,,! austnincd iiitwat. i lucrum, e 0 reuu,it v X I 1 4 I I in unma ON8ALE iRBllQJNKIte'i t 0 I.' 15th Street, PHILADELPHIA Mnr. H .i. Jf-xif. misMm, 'W T liteiaa? ' i li MJ.V s j'iiH.1 ' i - ...!.' " --"'Til i w .t'Mir'.t M TM i&dfiw&k. , M (?n5fc4tfttat .fe. F.. 'e4" lMl r-VAA.'-U?! I ' ',rtst VMi JrlA r f.wmAiu9m0mmmi it .'. '-.r'-' ft. mmfrimkWkrch., , . aussr. tkaakSjj. LyLfmmJMt i- Jjf i