Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 23, 1922, Night Extra, Image 13

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W ' " '" "'
iriFFMuauuuf ft
' Eaay paymahts
en Xmae
llvetUi. Werth
while alft of
1737 (.MiniH "
1'J.JhlBL ..BireM
"T'BBSSSrw '.w
Fermtry of fttf
Exclusive Individual
Medels in
Suits Coats and
Made te Order and
Designed for the
' Particular Weman
225 Ne.. 34th St.
ft Phen Baring 02S8 Jf
!0 WZi,
: A Plate of
! Steaming
Sear Kreut
will make ter tnsn .mack lilt
. Ilpat Scientists sajr Hear
, Krdnt It ent of tht matt
hraltnfnl of feed. Bsrv.
St'.-MTE Boer Krent today
It U tht flneit mad..
At 11 Geed Grocers
: jwaTrtiawiripiur
The Daisy Hat Bag
Light enough te be car
ried en the arm and pro
tects the Hat. Made of
Enamel duck, flowered
16 inch
18 inch
20 inch
A better grade ; all sizes
Nest te Keith' Theatre
20 Off
IOVCLY iiar.
- menu of tut.
treus aeft plla
Bilk and wool
preelen and
marvellea, luxu
riously trimmed
Brown and
Belaa Caracul
Vlatka and
Natural Squirrel
Te Order; Ready te Wear
20 if Off
Li I
Anticipating aft well
as reflecting the
ju r
Mrs. Wilsen Makes
Vegetable Salads
Spicy Dressings Change Taste
of,One$-Yeu Knew Already
and Add Zest te These She
Telle Of
C6tnirieht, tits, dv Mr M.A., Wilsen, it 11
Wear rrvM
THE child's Muring bunk, the Roup
imt and the Mind bowl should be
the receptacle of the economies te the
household. The shiftless housewife
thinks It tee much trouble te utltlie
small leftovers, yet If properly com
bined with geed sslnd dreeslng nnd
attractively arranged these will often
In-Ill te piece out nn Indifferent meal.
I'lnn te utilise nil left-ever vege
tables from I he day before in the form
of emnll salads served with the meat
t-euree, or in vegetable cocktail or as
nn appetiser at the beginning of a
I' have here two new salad dreeing
nhlch are well worth trying.
Lady Merris Salad Dressing
Place in saucepan.
Qnt-hnlf cup of tenter.
Three-quarter cup of vinegar.
Tire level tablespoon of cornstarch,
Stir te diHwilve the starch and bring
te boiling point, reek for three minutes,
then add the elk of one egg.
One teaspoon of salt,
One-halt teaspoon of white pepper.
One-half teaspoon of paprika.
One-half teaspoon of mustard,
One tnhlesnaen at suaar.
Beat bard te blend and then add
Three-quarters cup of mayonnaise,
One tablespoon of orated onion.
Twe tablespoons of finely minced
One-qnarter eup of finely chopped
Blend well, and chill, and add
Three-quarttfs eup of sour cream,
whipped stiff.
This dressing Is splendid en vege
table salads, for cola slaw, and plain
lettuce, en cucumbers, and sliced
Spaalsh Mayenaalse
Place in soup plate the yelk of one
herd-boiled egg rubbed through a fine
Velfe of one raw egg,
One-half teaspoon of mustard.
One-quarter teaspoon effaprtka,
Twe teaspoons of lemon" juice.
Blend and whip in one cup of geed
snlnd oil, mt.v slowly, adding, ns the
dressing thickens up, the entire Juice
of one large lemon i new add
One-quarter clove of garlic, minced
One onion, grated.
Tiny pinch of allspice,
One-half teaspoon of white pepper.
Twe teaspoons of sugar.
Three tablespoons of finely minced
olives, . . ,
Four tablespoons of finely . minced
pimentees, ... .
8i tablespoons of finely minced
Mix well nnd mc en plain lettuce,
meat and fish salads.
This dressing is delicious when one
cup of sour cream whipped stiff is
Watteau Asparagus Salad
i Place chilled asparagus en chilled
crisp heert leaves of lettuce, and
sprinkle the asparagus with
Finely minced onion,
Finely minced green pepper,
Finely minced capers.
New lay ever the aepnragus thin
slices of hard-boiled egg and serve with
the Spanish mayonnaise.
Lima Bean Salad
YCntli one run of dried limn henna
and seuk overnight in plenty of cold
water: in morning cook until tender,
drain, chill.
Place the lima beans in mixing bowl
and add
One-half eup of finely chopped pars pars
Twe green peppers, chopped fine'.
One-quarter cup of finely chopped
One-half eup of capers,
One-quarter pound of finely minced
Nicely browned, tees te blend, and
turn in nests of lettuce nnd serve with
the Lady Merris enlad dressing.
Dutch Salad
lief t -ever cold cooked Brussels
sprout may be used for this salad.
Place In mixing bowl
One eup of cold cooked Brussels
Our green pepper, minced fine.
Twe medium-sise onions, minced fine.
One-quarter cup of finely minced
One-half eup of capers.
One-quarter head of lettuce, shredded
Blend and season, and add one cup
of the Hpnnish snlnd dressing, thinned
with three tablespoons of vinegar.
Berre in crisp nests of lettuce.
Belgian Petate Salad
Peel and cut in thin slices seven
medium-size potatoes, place in the
talnd bowl nnd add
One-quarter cup of finely chopped
One cup of celery, cut in Hny pieces,
Four tablespoons of finely chopped
One green pepper, chopped fine,
One-half cup of capers.
One-quarter pound of salt perk, cut
in small dice and nicely browned in
skillet. . t
Tess te blend and then add
One cup of Spanish salad dressing,
Four tablespoons of cider vinegar,
And teM well te blend. Serve In
crisp nests or. lettuce.
Vegetable Salad
Place in salad bowl
Onc-quartcr head of lettuce, chopped
One-half cup of canned green peas.
Twe carrots, cut in dice and cooked
until tender, .... .
Tire turnips, cut dice and cooked
until tender,
Three onions, mincrd fine,
One-half cup of capers,
Orifl eicfu pepper, minced fine,
One-half pound of salt perk, minced
And brown nicely in the skillet. Tess
te blend and serte with the Spanish
salad dressing.
All the above salads are new nnd
have Just come te me from across the
en, my friend telling inc that since the
lints left from nver there folks are Just
wild about Minds, and the above are
the most popular.
Court Clerk Operated Upen
Enech L. Jehnsen, of Atlantic Cllv.
clerk of the New Jersey Supreme
Court and the Itepublican organiatien
of Atlantic t-euniy, was operated upon
rsterdav nt the Presbyterian He,
pllnl. It was announced at the het-
pltal that tue operation, wmen was
performed by Dr. H. A. Themas, ns.
Muted by Dr. Edward Porteous, of At
lantic City, Mr. Jehnsen's personal
physician, bad been successful and that
Mr. Joiniseu was i
m :
Can Yeu Tettt
By R, J. nnd A. W, Beimtr
Where Macaroni Cemes Fremf
Macaroni, which leeks se much like
the ntalk of some growing plant. Whet
really a plant at all. It comes from a
nlant. hnwnvpr. nntl frnm una that
originally grew only in Italy. Macaroni
in mnrlA fPAtn tvhaAl
It originated In Italy, because it was
uirre mac i no wneat or tnis peculiar
nature was found, but It has new bees
iinrnDBiiiii ukMHUArf & a.b,bab jajaem
...u. ipe.miij imiiniuvru iniu umcr wu-
trie, and in grown in, Urge quinUtlti
in me unuta maim. xn. wneat con
tains a large percentage of gluten, that
flfirfc fit that eveinln f M.kl laltUli aata.
,-.. - ., msav Ba.au aia VI Wlirilt Willi; M VWW
tains nltrogeneeus elements. These tht
newn, uaraer in color than tne re
mainder of the wheat grain, are valuable
in muscle building. Macaroni Ts an Ira.
portent feed of highly nutritious value,
and very healthful. Fer a great many
years, during which It was exported ex
plusively from Italy, it was made by
a laborious hand process, but today It
is manufactured in many ceuntrlee en
a large scale.
There Is no difference In the death
m, "" ' m"f,renl. spaghetti, w
mlcelli and ether macaroni wheat prod
ucts. Vermicelli Is made in fine threads,
spaghetti Is eemewlmt larger than
vermicelli and Is made In thin, solid
sticks, or in the form of small hol
low pipes. Macaroni is made in the
tern ef a lrrilew tubs, n ,
largest preauec in sis. xe -
product, net ee well known, is called
pasta, and Is made la the- form of
fetenges, start, discs, etc., which are
cut out of the thin sheet of dough In a
way similar te the stamping out of
small cakee. Uncooked macaroni has
the ' following composition i water ten
and three tiathi per cent, protein,
thirteen, and four-tenths per cent:
fat, nlne-leentha ' per . cent carbeby -dratM
seventy -four and feur-teatha per
cent. The feed value Is six hundred and
atxty-flve calenea per peuna.
Sieaa EsrUset
Ma4e Use Ftrtt
ramlllar Tlmepleet te BttHfael
U Frant ef Ttrmlnal
The old Reading Terminal clock, put
out' of comnrlatiea IVIday, September
82, by a truck, is going te come ba.
ttmllmmA .Mnl1 ttlM will hVt
the .timepiece, with n .service record of
thirty yeara, la oeeratloii ill i aoen aa the
impeneq epai aisBs Attn i".
can .be ebUlnedand a duplicate of the
pedestal made.
The clock irae erected la IBM at
Broadband Chestnut etreeta at a , wst
of f 000. There It remained until 1807.
when it was moved te the curb la front
of the Beading Terminal, near the pres
ent entrance te the subway.
it atmeit ii"
resting easily.
en ymtneM
atmeit llr tilt linaelnailen whan
i.Ii. ih.i en, laraa rallraad mm.SS
si" .n,;-'"..i. i- . rfii.in. i. .. zz.v
Rttmitiur.lWt.aa,g.ejBavg jgy.
$8 Lamb's Weel $
Comforts at Vf
Se much betUr than custemera expeet that many are buying
tlenal ones for gtfu. Covered with efalaty flowered sllkellnta and
plain satlne border.
Very haadioese Quilts, wool filkd, covered with
fine quality flowered satinet, and plaia border, at. . . .
Our Blanket Values are still away In the lead. $2.68 te $16.10
a pair, and decided bargalne all.
W.H. Smith & Sens, WfArt
aHsattwy B-HkH. Ukttm, Br, md mi tsht Frltss
l lina FW
Mid-Season Sale
Women's Street and Dress Beets
$10 and $15
WE offer, in Beet set
son, several hundred
pairs of high Niederman
Quality Women's Beets
regular $10 and $15 values
at $5. All graceful, snug
fitting, stylish models for
Winter wear. In all leathers
and pleasing combinations.
All sizes.
Silver Fex
Nat'l Blue Fex
Platinum Fex
Eastern Mink
Russian Ermine
Persian Lamb
'eaA JwHaPaV
Baby Lamb
Baby Caracul
Baby Fisher
Russian Sable
Hudsen Sable
Fur Fashions
A Year in Advance
Merria Wenger'a Regal
Fun are se created aa te
delightfully fulfill the
style edict of the current
aeasen, while anticipat
ing that of the next.
B. Chertak Wenger
The most desirable of
imported modes and a
wealth of originations
expressing Chertak's
knowing restraint and
indescribable chic.
The Same Quality, Work
manship and Service i$ a
part of our new Popular
Priced Fur Department.
Coats as Lew as $175
I J BaKgaaRagV
A Creation of Black
Broadtail and
1229 Walnut Street
J. Chtrtak Wngtr
M. Wnar
Wanamaker'sDewn Stairs Storm
Freclcs Frem $5 te $25 in
Thanksgiving Readiness
And the- thrilling part of it is that. the
choice in the lower-price groups is almost as
wide and just as interesting, as among the mere
expensive ones.
Dresses at $5
Simple serge frocks, geed-looking jersey and
reiret twill street aresBes ana nice uanten
Dresses at $7J8S
Tailored and braid-trimmed serge and Peiret
twill dresses, satins, Canten crepes and satin
back crepes, plain or draped.
Dresses at $9.75
Fashionable silks effectively 'draped and or
namented: Lace frocks for informal occasions
and Peiret twills for daytime wear.
Dresses at $15
Peiret twill frocks braided or embroidered. Velve
teen embroidered or combined with figured silks. Lace
and isatin combinations and exceptional models in
Canten crepe.
Dresses at $20, $22.50 and $25
'Velveteen, velvet, Canten crepe, Peiret twill, crepe
faille or satin-back crepe frocks at one or the ether
interesting price. Draped, ornamented, fag-eted,
braided, embroidered or paneled.
Extra-Size Dresses
$12.75 te $25
Silk dresses and cloth dreasea
in sires 42 te 54. Straight-line
models most becoming te women
who wear the larger alzes.
r vSfl
If - 15 .
Dresses at $1660
Effective Peiret twill dreasea
with the new embroidered,
sleeves. Satin and silk after
noon frocks Canten crepe, crepe
de chine, satin-back Canten. And
Dewa Bteire gtere. Market)
Warm New Winter Coats
Hurru In at $15. $25.
$32.50 and Up te $58.50
And iudsrinsr bv the num
bers of women who must
have been waiting for the
first touch of real Wintry
weather te ' buy just such
warm, serviceable, good geed
looking coats as these, they
will hurry out again in no
time at their attractively
moderate prices.
Sports Coats at $15
Sturdy herringbone tweeds
in brown and tan with gay
plaid backs and yoke and
sleeve linings. Alse tan pole
coats quarter lined.
Sports Coats at $25
Exceptionally soft, thick,
heather-mixed pole coats
with plaid backs and satin
yoke and sleeve lining.
Leather buttons; quilt
stitched pockets. Brown
Fur Cellared and Cuffed
Coats at $32.50
BeHvias in blue or brown,
with beaver-dyed ceney col cel
lar and cuffs. Triple cord
girdle; silk lining. Pictured.
(Down Stairs
Women's Belivia
Coats, $58.50
Geed - loekine. straight - line
coats with exceptional satin lin- '
ings. Deep shawl cellar of nutria. -Brown
or navy blue. Fer women ',
who wear sizes 86 te 46.
Stere, Market)
ft'naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaU 0)
V.naaaaHBaBanaaH A
Fur Goats, $150 te $200
Truly named
furs one may
feel secure in
buying, for
they will give
the service
and satisfac
t i e n claimed
for them. Geed
models fash
ioned en the
full lines of
mere expen
sive coats.
40-inch seal
dyed ceney coats
with skunk col cel
lara and cuffs,
$150 te $185.
45-inch seal
dyed ceney coats
with skunk col cel
lars, $160 te
40-inch seal
dyed ceney coats
with beaver cel
lars, $190.
45-inch seal-dyed ceney coats with beaver
cellars. $200.
40-inch seal-dyed ceney coats with squir
rel cellars, $190.
45-inch seal-dyed ceney coats with squir
rel cellars, $200.
(Down Stair Stere, Market)
New Brushed-Weel
Scarf Sets. $3.75
and $4.75
Levely brand-new ones, bought
especially te sell at these low prices.
Delightfully colorful and "gifty" look
ing. $3.75 for matching scarf and hat sets of
softest brushed wool. Hats have stitched
brims and scarfs are prettily fringed.
Plain-color gray and combination buff-and-blue
and brown-and-buff. $4.75 for fluffy
seta of scarf and pompon-trimmed toque in
camel's hair color.
New Slip-en Brushed-Weel Sweaters
Plain color and the new two-tone effects
that are se geed with tweed suite and for
sports. High round neck and sashed. Two Twe
tone gray, brown and peacock; plain brown,
buff and jade.
(Dewa stairs Btera, Sweater Shep, Central)
Sweaters for Wee Tots,
$2 and $3.25
Three styles at $2. One is a cellared slip
over, and comes in all white, pink or blue
yarn, knitted in a link and link stitch as soft
as hand knitting. A coat sweater is white,
striped in either pink or blue. And another
coat sweater cornea in white, all-pink or all
blue. Specially warm heavy white coat-style
sweater at $3.25 is knitted in a novelty
stitch and belted. All in sizes 6 months te
2 years.
(Down Stain Stere, Central)
A Youthful Corset
Fer Every Type of Stout Figure
$3.50. $5 and $6.50
Scientifically designed corsets which dis
tribute the flesh evenly, Bmoethly and grace
fully. Strongly made and well boned, se that
they will give long and really effective serv
ice. Plain ceutil corsets topless in front and
slightly higher in back with clastic sections
in the skirt, $3.50.
Plain ceutil corsets in topless, low and
medium bust styles, particularly well boned
in back, $5.
Fine satin brechc corsets in topless nnd
medium bust styles, beautifully finished with
elastic sections. Sizes 24 te 40 in all styles.
(Dawn Blalra Stere, Central)
Women's Japanese
Crepe Kimonos.
$2.85 te $5
Hnnd-embreldercd cotten-crepo kimonos
from Japan, with flowing sleeves and long
sashes. Se pretty and easily laundered. Cut
full and long .and made with care. Copen
hagen, pinkAvtrht blue, orchid and rose.
Regular sizes are $2.85 und $3.85. Extra
sixes are 15. v
. , . . (tV Stairs Stere, Central)
Girls' Fur-Trimmed
Winter Coats. $11.25
te $23.50
$11.25, $15 and $16.50 for service
able coats for girls 7 te 12 years old.
Velour, cheviot and pole coats
trimmed with soft cellars and some
times cuffs of nutria or beaver-dyed
ceney. Brown shades, mostly fully
Junier Girls' Warm Coats
$16.50 te $23.50
Brown or blue chinchilla coats have bril
liant scarlet flannel lining at $16.50. Sizes
14 and 16.
Fur-trimmed coats in cheviets and rough
mixtures are $18.75, $20 and $23.50. Made
in raglnn-sleeve style with stitched backs.
Mostly fully lined. Sizes 15 and 17.
Junier Girls' Krimmer Cleth Jackets
Smart gray jackets in blouse-back style
with big convertible cellars and bell sleeves.
Big ornamental buttons fasten the jacket at
the side. Fully lined. Sizes 12 te 16 years.
(Down Stairs Stere, Market)
Geed Cotten
Umbrellas. 85c te $3.50
85c te $2 for children's sturdy cotton
umbrellas en strong steel frames. Seme have
quaint animal heads. $2 umbrellas have
white or colored tips, ferrules and fancy
Men's and Women's
Umbrellas, $1.50 te $3.50
$1.50 for umbrellas with tape-edged cot
ton covers and steel frames. Men's have creek
handles; women's have wrist cords or bake bake
lite rings.
$2 and $2.50 for umbrellas with finer
grade of American taffeta (cotton) covers.
With white tips, ferrules arid bakellte
handles or plain styles. Silk cases.
$2.85 and $3.50 for umbrellas with union
taffeta (silk and cotton) covers and silk
cases. Women's have fancy handles and
plain or white tips; men's have creek handles.
(Down Stair. Bter., Market)
Percales for Christmas
Handwerk. 25c Yard
Eighty -count percale in striped nnd
figured patterns en light and dark grounds.
Flowered designs for dainty aprons and
dress covers serviceable dark blues
sprightly red and blue polk-a-dets en tan
grounds. 36 inches wide.
(Down Stalra Ster. Central)
Lace-Trimmed Tea
Aprons, 50c te $1.50
Crisp little aprons demurely trimmed
with lacy ruffles, touches of bright ribbon or
tiny flowers. White dotted Swiss or delicately
sharled organdy that will keep their colors
through many tubbings. Delightful for gifts.
(Down Stairs Stere, Central)
Sale of
Women's Duplex
Chamois -Lisle Gloves
Manufacturer's ever-stocks te sell
for much less than usual, just at the
time women are asking for these
smart, serviceable gloves.
2-Clasp Duplex Gloves, 65c
Limited number of pairs of smooth,
firm-feeling duplex fabric gloves in
brown, gray, beaver and black. Paris
point backs.
Strap-Wrist Duplex Gloves, $1.15
Half pique sewn with long, full
cuffs strapped across the wrist. Two Twe
tone embroidered backs in brown,
beaver, gray, mode, black and white. '
Women's Novelty Gloves in the Sale
at $1.15
Geed fabric gloves in brown, mode,
biscuit, white and black. Strap-wrist
gauntlets with embroidered and cen-trasting-lined
cuffs, and a few in
beaver and black in 12-button length
with embredered bands at the top and
(Down Stairs Stere, Central)
Specially Fine
All-Weel Blankets, $10
Big warm fleecy ones. Nearly five
whole pounds of pure wool, in which is
tucked away a whole Winter's warmth
and comfort. 70x80 inches, bound with
seisette. White, plaided in rose, pink,
blue, tan or gray; also red and black
plaids, but most of them in the desired
lighter shades.
(Down Stairs Stere, Central)
Geed Quality and Style
Combine in
$5 te $6.50
Wanamaker Shoes
for Women
What the majority of women are
looking for. Shoes te put en and wear
comfortably and satisfactorily for a
lone, long time.
Pumps and Oxfords With
Welted Seles and Lew or Me
dium Heels; Pumps With
Turned Seles and Higher Heels.
Made te our own specifications of
materials that are sound, en lasts that
are comfortable, and in styles most
popular this Autumn.
Black or tan leathers; black or brown
kidskin; black or brown ooze calf at
one or another price. All sizes.
(Down Stairs Stere, Cliettnut)
Holiday Luggage for Men
Women te Give and
te Carry
Made te Wanamaker specifications, se we
knew all about the geed fabrics and leathers
used in making them; the substantial frames
which are their foundation and the trusty
hardware which finishes them. WnrtVi hnv.
ing at almost any price one feels inclined te pay,
II I "ena.Sr m "u
-- kJX
Men's Leather-Lined
Traveling Bags $6.50 te $35
The real solid leather bags that will
wear. Net the split leather that leeks
well until its "split" quality shows itself.
Smeeth cowhide in tan, brown or black
and genuine walrus in black. In 18 and
20 inch sizes.
Men's Leather Suitcases
$10.75 te $18
Heavy surface .stock cowhide cases maila
ever stout frames. Sewed comers, geed
hardware, stout handles nnd cemenicntly
pocketed linene linings. 24 te 26 inch
(Diimii hlutra M
Women's Dressing Cases .
Fabric Cases $5
Real Leather Cases $9.50
te $25
Well-made fabric and leather dressing
cases attracts cly lined in tun, rose or blue.
Trustworthy locks and catches. The bet
ter ones with padded tops nnd mnde en
basswood frames. 18 te 24 inch sizes.
Women's Fabric Hat Bexes
$5 and $6
Dull and shiny fabric cases in round and
;iuure M.vies ami various depths. Prettily
I ' . .
irf'h' nnii cquipi,C(l witn two "it fvwns
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