WJ wpW NWW' "W..1 . jt4.Aa?. 3, r',M r?i Ii i hi t .$ -i...- e M7y EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADEiiPHIA, WEDNWDAY BUSINESS IN RALLYFOR PORT Pretaat at Htarlng Against Plan te Abelfih Pratftnt Freight Differential I0ST0N BACK OF THREAT An tttert te offset natural advantages et lecntien of the pert of PhllsjdcTphln by eetabllshmcnt of the same frnSdit rate from Interior points te lkwten it being made today liy interests from tkat city nt n hearing before the In terstate Cemmerce Commission In City 1111. Commercial organizations of this city, representing manufacturers nnd shippers, are endeavoring te show the commission thut such a ruling would Her inequitable alike te this pert and I the rnllrearis, and In tills they wll' be becked tip by the Camden Chamber f Commerce nnd ether commercial or er or ganisateons in towns along the Dth ware Rivir. , Representatives of the city nrn nt tending the hearing, which brxnn nt It) o'clock, te nrgue against abolition of the resent differential. Representatives of the Philadelphia Pert Differential Committee, compris ing the leading basinet and trade bodies, Mayer Moere nnd it host of ether witnesses, seconded by William A. Glasgow, Jr.. and Alan A 4lintend lefal counsel, nre te testify in Phila delphia's favor. Albn H. Jehnsen, president of the Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce. one of the member of the joint com mittee, ve-sterday issued nn appeal te all rnemberi of that tinlv and nil busi ness men of the city te come fn the de fence of Philadelphia'!" right, and pointed out that aside trem the evidence in the matter the ease would be affected greatly by "the Interest thut Philadel phia shows in Its own pert and Its own ause." "RIGOLETTO" FINELY SUNG BY SAN CARLO COMPANY Jesephine Lucchese and Richard Benelll Carry Off the Honors In Admlrable Performance tut. t..-n n.rm here Isst season. Bhe received many recalls after her big' arias, especially the "Care Neme." Mr. Uenelll is n real find for the San Carle, and In voice nnd acting Is an lileal Rlpoletle. There ara few roles whtrh make nrre demands upon the nhtlltv of a baritone than this one, as it Tiie.ruik meSSfd iwp" the whole B"'ut of the emotions. o!r.m!V..'."::::Je."'iiVVVrH..- Ul performance, of the "Oertlgianl vll iarfucil J.'ffirVl1 Mitt" I ram dnnnsta" in the third act was a ',',,'," '.',',? .NnUla Cem Afsdilalrns jiunierenu . Conductor, t'sne ittei The performance of "Rlpoletto" by the San Carle Opera Company lt CVI" nine was n decided advance ever the opening en Monday evening 1" the rmoethness with which the work ran. and the principal roles of the great opera were taken by some of the best voices In Mr. Cnlle's company. Jesephine Lucchcc. n young Amer ican coloratura, nnd Richard llenelH. who made his first npixwrnnrc M"r n Philadelphia audience, carried off the honors of the veiling by the r-plemllil slrigln nnd thoroughly satisfactory net ing which they did in the rels of dlldn nnd Rigelettn. rcpecflvely Ml" Luc chc.-e certainly nppt'aT1 te be one or tin? eeming great stnrs of the operatic stnpc. Her voice is vcrv be.iutlful and she handles it with great skill, having n tre mendous range nnd. what is mere rare in n coloratura (tiit'er. pletitv of color throughout the whole register. More over, tfhc Kings in nerfect tune. some- thin? net always teuim in coloratura . singers, from the opening te the Clese of the opera everything she did was I splendidly done, both in the singing nnd i the acting, her work in the lest respect , In tl' closing scene being cceptlennll fine. Beth 1" voice nnd in nrt she ha advanced greatly since her appearance cntinMi niece of work nnd he hns ill unusual ability of making the singing voice express the various emotion clearly, entirely elide from the dramatic action. Mr. Uarra was adequate as the Duke, another exceptionally difficult role te give, although he scarcely reached the heights of Miss r.uccheie and Mr. Bo Be i'lli. Mr. de Ulasl's line vole wns heard te geed effect ns Sparnfuclle nnd Miss de Mette emphasised the splendid impression she mnde en the opening evening, Mr, Cervl, tee, was excelled ns Monterone, n small but important part. Mr. Pereni conducted with great ability nnd n thorough knowledge of tht uemniius m mi- nurm. ;r::::::rteapj I V $ soefwia s for Dependable 8 DESK FITTINGS i t DROUGHT CUTS COAL MINING f Tank Cars Carry Spring Water te Highland Collieries Hazleton, Nev. 22. (By A. IV Tank cars were placed In terviee to day by the Jedde-Highland Ceal Com pany te carry water te It collieries where there is a -lmrtag" owing te the severe drought. The wuter l ob tained at Rprlngs. Highland Ne. 2 was forced te suspend yesterday for lack of water, cutting down the production of coal trem Hnzleteu district te 7SI ears s against nn average MK). The water situation in the entire field is serieuh and companies have urged consumers te be very sparing, Ttghe Again Heads Ironworkers Pittsburgh. Nev, 22. M. V. Tiglie. of Pittsburgh, was re-elected interna tional president of the Amalgamated Association il! Iren. Htcel and Tin Workers. In the October referendum. $, wHj ,. 4sr j. -fi-.- c ...m I! C-piece bronze desk illustrated R $6.00 Others up te $73.00 A Complete Line of Deik Seti X, Fnncy Desk sets S2.00 up $ Mctnl Desk sets 6.00 " " Desk Lamps .".."iO " Fancy Lamps 5.00 " . Fleer Lamps 8.30 " g nook Ends 2.30 " f? rierks 1.00 " '.U Smekinc Articles 50 " p :J Smekinc Stands.... 2.75 " U ft Bmss Candlesticks., '? Quill Pens . K I'urcu.uciik .1.00 1.25 Novelties 1.00 i Veir Mitchell Calendars, 50c t. 'i'v kMi-tvuuuiUi a; it wns announced nt headquarters .,f '7 904-906 Chestnut Street " the organization here today. All ether V International officers were re-elected. 'AKSG&X'&BfyBZyXC 'X XC m Waltham Mirror Cleck Antique gilt frame with dcrp blue inlay; height, 4 feet: width. 2; inches: depth. "t inchej; S-day Waltham movement $45. Mirror clocks arc practically con structed without thickness. They are dependable timekeepers. S. Kind & Sens, me chestnut st. DIAMOND JinilCHANTPJnWlXKP.si SILVERSMITHS J2- THINGS WORTH WHILE 1 Hosiery Weel and Lisle 95c Reg. $1.2 Value 1618 and 1620 Chestnut Street Sale of Coats This handsome all-black wiap is made en a foundation of caracul, which alto forms the wide panel in back. A cape of marvella falls from the shoulder en either side; is of circular cut, and gives an irregular line te the bottom, which is trimmed with wide bands of fur. The standing cellar is of caracul and is fastened with a buckle of unusual shape. Was $295, new $250. Special $Q.50 Val. $125 WUV Unrivaled coats in marvella, vi cuna and tarquina, in taupe, brown, black, navy, with caracul and fox cellars and cuffs, luxuriously lined with fancy crepe de chine. &S $38-50 Sports coals that arc different, individual. Raglan and set-in leaves in light blue, brown, tan twaads and spatscleth. m mm fvj BANDITS SEIZE MAIL TRUCK Armed Men Kidnap Driver and Be caps With Loet Chicago, Nev. l!2.-(By A, P.)' Armed bandits enrly tedny held Up and :o'ebed n postefllco motertruck carrying ilr iiuill matter nt Clieckertieurd Filing Field for transfer te n innll plane. The robbery occurred tuore than lliree miles west of the central pest itllee. William Ilegnn, driver of the innll trtteK, was Kiunnpiied by the rob ters ported the bandits had dumped blm out nnd escaped with (he truck con talninc 4S0 pounds of mail, mostly reg istered. Wets Plan te Inlfet Women at. Leuis, Me., Nev. 22. (By A', 1,) Organization of n women's mill tant auxiliary was Included in iilnns mlepteil by the Association Opposed te the Prohibition Amendment for repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment at n two-day conference here of Hlnte sec rnlnriea of ths nranlatlen. tvhlnli U'na Ilefiaii turned up Inter and re concluded yesterday. WOMEN MEET HARDING ' Delegates te National Catholle Council Shake Presidents Hand Washington, Nev. 22. (By A. P.) Delegates te the second annual con vent ion of the National Council of Catholic Women, new In bcesIeii here, occupied today with a visit te the hltc Heuse te slmUe hands with President Harding, nnd the reading of the re ports of committees nnd diocesan representatives. Thin evening the convention program ft win ds aevetea te tat affairs national Catholic smlce school ASKS $100,000 FOR tLANbat. Corning, N, Y Nev. 22. p,IL asking $100,000 damages nnd chartS Wllllsm 11. Andersen, superlntM3 of the New Yerk Stats Antl.ieuS League, with making slanderous stak? ments. were filed yesterday by !!S neys for Francis K. Certrfght; of mSI city, dejected candidate for As2Jffl en the Fnrnier.Lnber, Prehlbitlbn 3 Beelnllst tickets. va Mf ffHIVMga ifffffl 111 seBClsSiSPIKr WM 'il jWlsWBi'aWIK-llllilW i ,9 III W sSiis; sjasBnBBsB9Sjt': isjasBHKaQsjsav M ." 'v V'Smx i''KKKsBEiSKKBiK,U 99 le IslsssMsKMiaMgKsaBs jsTM .:;: .Aja-;..:-.- ,.sT1,1 JKIMMdB!8g3g!i8kf&&h iiS' taRkBsmi kW sH sBH SftSra CI :.. ssk . jesssBBSSSSSSSsassssssssBSSSSSF -.::. rijt :;:..:: jswsswssBBaBK.K.issssvsy'treiassr AsK.i " ggasja a &-s'-'-j-'''' ::':'::.:vV:.HitHHnpi ggB kf 55Jtttex', rv-W;-'' Ji1tgffffffHKetsy:s Hi 01 II 'J llJ I 111 BBSUKStWKmlmm m JfmmffFHaHKKK i'"" ''-'s' TMsTHBliTMrisfniMr' TTMilffin . HH n . xxav jMmBMauimsitmmmnmMmmKmF . sy $5&&rwKA&k'4eiKUBinamtiGtsps&K 4bbW s.elWH xwntrs '.':' V: .-IBBs ' . : s1 ssHBiBBH8si9ftntBiBr ' ' WKJiK ' -Wi -: t&:i-ifi ' -IHskjIHbmB: vferSSPif?' ? WWBWHMrf . $5tKMe5:JMMBg ';vw ':,HS fgvi V9ajSJBajjBjsjMaSfy.yv ..:: Tv.Sa;:v:Ks';,ySSJBft?ray' NBHsIRBBWv sPflMgssm feW3Pte:-; tyji&r' m iV SMI IS -at .:?. -,: " ; m V' ."viS&b: : 'mm ...xJ-sSSfjS f7,''11. iii,Hin i.d-IT it & Mii s. ?? SSffvSjS mm P m :' STYLISH MEN ARE BUY ING THIS OVERCOAT FOR THE HARVARD -YALE GAME IT'S MADE BY Hart Schaffner & Marx Y'?m$i$m& jl. Jjy.JlIJJIJlVi'.-Vv'.u.s', ?& ;.:: A!l&Mirteik v..s,v wi4MaJs ?.;.:::' srvv 9ww-.".iiagfjg- BbS vlfSB v H SBBBl Vrt .'. . SBS .' s is rs .v:- a-'v's:v-. :-. vsaaaaHsisB8BeaBsMaiiiisMsisMsB9BiasiasjsiMisaassisK m?iieswMmwKmL7ai:ii3&iBgp'i&. 1 i 4sKAvS)i Strawbridge & Clothier Exclusive Philadelphia Distributors of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clethes m t'P C-A y. 4, ul'