1 V '1 I w9lmSmmm EVENING PUBLIC LBDGER-PHUJADELPHIA GER PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY: v WKkm sr V rfc '" aWK ;W'& W t ".:' NOVEMBER K'WV F, PPpliiPfip Tfc flffE JftMfXJ) OUTSIDE By HAROLD MmsGRATH tri eHHM. till. a laws-jfr.8."!,!1 ,,, f e old w" -T'i ., 1 wander WDW mi ii.iFim.iw . mTViilcab came te. a halt. im T" . iL.u AMiaaniM inn rarnii 'W Aeuntlnf of thrrtntft" and HOT "I" . ... .Iiikfa "!MMarM0i Jre0at alAthaa MUM B&at-jf&L-s&a i 1L netWnl euggeat a basnrdeus ad- Si' handsome atrange r. who nppnr Sir took but little note of his eur Slndln Tand teod waiting, for cither 3?.J Jeremiah te direct him. &7w. he delHir In the plcturelBhe ffi?eW,Md. Are,' all We're right, Jenny. but a lit .1. hfIh i ' said Nancy. A will you let & rC bed tonight? This te !" ff" kX V.;;; owned thin &H,te& te take my room .naVbJbbed her head I ; but Kennedy dll net en aware that an lntreduc Si had been made. At thousand uuea- bubbled Inlo her threat, but fenny SS Set voice ene of them, comprehend , that at this moment questions were Si te order and that some extrner- net . i.. j i,annt. Wliar had aW.Mn thin man before sit teen tela "Want any uciifi Hue you tot some len-piia? "A basful." Lemen? 1 she thought. ' "Bring one In. I am going te nmke me lia Ttf fit a " began Jenny: but atop- ped, observing that Jeremiah was hold held nw finger te hia lips. "All right." She brought In the lemons. The hanger was sitting en the lounge, Ling Foe en hla knees. He appeared te he la a uresm, juimn-u mc iui ... "j T.....J ,1m11c n t)i fnr wall. Tills dmr was no ordinary, guest. .Wan he the man In Jeremlnh'8 story? If . what In the world had happened te Mag him here? Kennedy I new she remenbered the name en the door doer deer elate. He was the manl Profoundly Jtlrred. Jenny tried net te atare, but the pallor en the handsome face, the inertia of the body, the dullness of the erti fiMlnated her. This was the man .K. irnt .ttitk daceers Inte Jeremiah's terjimb, and here were Nancy and i..i.h Znuln ai him nn tnniish hn were tome long-lout uncle returned! "I pais I" aald Jenny, inwardly. litre, In nncy b ruuiii, niifii uc uujui te be explaining te the police en an aMuctlert charge ! Thtn her gase strayed te Bancroft, thenre te Nancy; but their luces of ef ftred no key te the riddle. On the ttntrarr, something en Bancroft's fare, wnttbfng en "Nancy's, something in the way they were amlllns at each ether ifreii the tea kettle, made plain te Jenny that there had been n double ad venture: for these exchangee worn pat ently adoration. All the hope she had had and se long na Nancy did net love Jeremiah there would be hope in Jenny's breast flickered and died. Titer bed net even heard her enter ; or If they bad considered the incident se ordinary that it wasn't worthy the turn of the head. Jenny Malley wasn't wanted here. "Catch!" she called, ar.d gayly. Bancroft turned and Jenny tossed the lemon. "See y' later, Nancy. I'll leave th' deer unlocked. Hut don't wake ae up If you c'n help it." Jenny nent out, closing the deer softly ; net te mention another doerL forever. Loe! The peer kids; why, they fairly shouted it. Well, it was Nancy and Jeremiah, the two human Mings she cared for. They would uever knew what a feel Jenny Malley was. She paused before her mirror' and ettered htr reflection a caustic smile, for Jenny had the virtue of nemetimei wine herself ns ethers saw her. "I peer nut!" she said. "Yeu an tut kid In Sunday school are in th' aune beat. Our golden text 1h : Them WOt's tot ItH! nn' thim vent nln'f m gi left." Jennr undressed nnd want tn hail. wklch is the one true compensation for eu our petty inn. Tne only renl magic la life Is the pillow. Kennedy began te talk, but te no one n particular, ramblingly. "He called you Jeremiah, after rae. The Innocent bystander again. I hated It." "Why, lt'u a beautiful nume!" said Xincy. "Then the Incident is ojesed. This md te be the nursery," went en Ken nedy, dreamily. "Little dells and radles; Mary was Just beginning te walk. The window with the Btars, f mother used te rail that one." '"he window with the atare," w rtcd Nancy. "What a peer thing I mi, for I never saw anything out of t window but dingy yards and aod aed den clotheslines 1" f!ninf, ftiiluj I.... .u.l v j7 j ., """b r, nun ane un un un jmtoed that she was net te interpolate SSI"' T,l0.ca1?ual tene which Ken- fi'"'"7 " uuu u goea sign. ey must let him run en an he pleased, ajwhlthcr. "Tll nt.l Nf. T I ... . t. .I j -wu i8 oern unaer k. i.J d,'." was qulte fashionable ill Waatf' . MV' W,f,'F "T V in Washington place, and I used te go Si . fctl7,y st""lcd, and a blue polka , fci'i Ifl,nv.'.t yw 'hpr there, and TiSrafL" flfbl 0Vfr Iafy th0 con Meedy note and I a black eye; but I J?' ' at0V .f Wm when they pulled us tw.M, e uWcre ln Hwimmlng. llvi. vB..?u'lr phftKe ,n fcavI" PepleTB iter,? Bf..c..beun(1 t0 wJl,c.h war them e.un,ti ,n" yJ father watched nl?5 ?' ,I,,anK5-' old Hanky; and he wi8BU me C'.,uck! but whw he call i V0 ,M. ?. .M..out "e he'd S Swart Me Paused. Ling N'Sl w.dw.w,th the ,u! thought iheSiH:,tbMW,Jnfvt I,nce ver her 8Rp!M,,lyl 8he wondered. She aStf-fiW tbe mother wtte the l.h VLi1!1" A" arJn"' crooning a lul et Iffl w"vt.ch,n" th at irw crUp. WaM1- i?,h,i,p ,s the n,nt deepened. aav.Vl"ti'era.0 yeun "an be "t dS . .Si"' Wl9 torturing memo meme whleh h.fc.Jm5mentJ thfi louse in m i InM. e met?r nd be child 7r IQ tell room, tk nj.. .t.A..- . ---"- .vcaiiABisr muunLB Sh ilin't aawnf AaMfctMeM But thay marriad en an original theory. Out of this quaint situation Berta Ruck has woven a fascinating novel. The Subconscious Courtship BEGINS TOMORROW ON THIS PAGE THE GUMPS Put Down the Sand r AT7 miii room 'wutleeeing! fcnrt'AH bought the beuse, te held 1) tall me v "1 dl,1, no "va time te ere no MSr der,k va wwnf. There Cdelte ?.iWOrd,,-IlQ Put e ''is i5S .T.10 ion " off os I theuabt Us dask :JffeaJ cfy, and fell upon 'liwS als'e ii'?.'heu,d,n".ve -truck me ," wasn't." , wnedy let Lin. Foe slide te the . -avuneaT S. tiSlXRR ?ey about, inspect- flaslS hl .of ranertea. He was W te-w&sresi e; Wriei &."? w" net valuable ns MtlnS '!! theusanda of thcin I ahiin T.j " Lrenra ." "na saw tu !w(eSVVuchtn,a2 fPaMaAlt. am.MA aalaUn 1..tMk by the pregnant suggestion in Kennedy 'a demaad and the vigorous expression of it; while Nancy was hypnetised. The vuu fhie wm neiuing sjippea rrem nor hand and tinkled and retlnkled as it Shatter! anil vnttaJ ni. .ha . T seemed te her that thought was ud. denlr suspended, no longer hers te com- aassauue faMV a?Allftg1 A tpaaa 4lti aatiajil' a tkaa erpken man; he was alive, terrlfyingly itre. "Patan. Tl- ir.Jj ,, .u.j Bancroft, finding his voice. -ntienesT" Well, yea, that is se." DOmft Of th fgflfflfaitiaat.aa mm a! Vw - "edy body. "But I demand te knew nOIT tnlB hnv Aan. h U 1M AL MM. en of Miss Bewman." "Why?" naked Bancroft, speaking for Nancy, who could net have uttered n word Just -then had her life depended upon it. minW",? Bwause tLc e0 ,s m,n' Nancvl" ria.i nt,A.. t..t-i... " . -""'l1 wum-iwu, UVBIFU1I..H ti i i r8tan,u w?at waa toward. He mid his hand en her arm. xne reucn broite the spell. "It wn with me when Daddy Bewman found Mfi outside hia deer." she whispered, ..--'Ilu et'enu t0 wWsper took nil the Mrength he had. "Don't you understand, Nancy?" Mid Bancroft, the bleed thundering in your father." KeDnely ls V i Jibab,,'.!" wnedy let go the old i2n Iau'ltf bat came from behind walla or put of caverns. "And I thought it " done with inel My daughter? nVui inew? Hew deta "be knew?" He laughed again. Nancy heard her voice; it said: "I don't knew, I don't knew. But if that bej i yours, it in also mine." On the flange is graven C. J K . ftSKS-iS-T.W en fur honeynieoh, and used U as a jewel box. That ia my proof. Where is yours?" sr-'2tavma,rer,a' Te Bancrefts vision wivi. 3fPbe?ime "emethlng unreal, ter rifying. Te judse, te question, te doubt, e'n.ht'W1 llk?,this. bcn the man 0Uenr,0t1bsm0i,r.,cie!kDee, taI " re"!2.D.,iJ b room itself exist? ....!'' ",,'1, ?ncreft. brenklnit the pause, "wouldn't you like this lovely !tr,ir.adau!"tw7 Ye.u ilbble! Loek teilt tver Wirf In that box. What: Dp you need lawyers and docu decu rnentaand courtrooms, when by n simple geature Ged places her before you.'your daughter? I bcllove in this mlrucie:" "He la Your Father" nennedy a face softened and the meklnr nm wai a.. 1.1. . . .----" n.b vufc ui iiin pvra. rm law aside, the box and approached the ycniiuer-u itancy, taxing ncr face b. tueen his hands nnd conning the fea tures, one by one. In the end he dropped hla hands nnl atinnk tle t.a.,t " "Ne. IJjere is net one sign,"' be said, .., .w icfi ruuiiu nnfi nteariy: "neth lng that reminds me of my wlfe." Illlf vptian alia .mUii ..t ,, ., Bancroft, te whom there was no longer any puulement, "she reminds me of you. one puzticu me mat first night. iw 2u.rSnlIm.u.er .wnen 'ou amiled nt the chair? Well, the smile she offered me waa identical; but I did net knew it men. 1 Thla rather staggered Kennedy. Hel eat down henvllv. "Ynn ,tnnF ,,.i. I . - . , -w. .i.. u.ttivrvi (uu. h weuia en easv in nut tn nm around this girl for she is lovely ana call her my daughter. But if she werenA: "A" tbn. inst aa my heart was full of her, te have her tern from me leu see, I'm a little suspicious of Ged, as yet." He hid his face in hla hands. "A Jaipur box and a smile! I've get te knew!" -"Ge t,bnV."Th,,lPTtI Bancroft te Nancy. "In linA'm nnma a- i-i , He Is your father." ' She hesitated; but this hesitation was born or fa. ni inaaii.. m.i. stranger, but lately a sinister shadow thrown acrpes thefr Uvea her father! He might be or he might net be. A fif,Pup..bS?,.and 8.n,iW w,,we 'a that attribute men called instinct? Why dldn t it tell her, one way or the einer r Yell. tnn't" erlait Tant U- could net understand why these two wcren 1 in eaen etber'a arms, "Don't juu wsni nimr "But does he want rae?" "Ge nml tnri mif ', Suddenly the confusion went out of ner, ana me weaaness, nne: she com- Srehended what fate intended her te de. here was no blinding revelation, no MOI matter IN XHt fctCOONT SHOW e ten re. or 10- votes LttWlttG OF 56- 44- fRwtMcrs COUKTO TO XKt By Sidney Si XVOlt THtS 60- Aav tnaMT- Tkcs uav a, wttuV EUtCneH- tWtax taeji mxhc -max ie"n.v uasw V ' liatMa-r I I aa T r -"'- wb Uil' 7 vasts m tewt-vm wtttnt VttCIHCTd- MC V H6U HMrtHa OW TVU eCUrVCe 0- "IHli ' eS armtKvtVttMt ye ceKttett WTVX VKMHiW etUXM- ' Ml a 4 r I CXH . JOVT tfc "WrVT VtAftfiM MS CN- OHt Or TMC.fi tftrutl Lt COH tit K CKtVAAE 009- M,Tt tWfTXfl WOltt. Witt tlWfJiCalTllCT,5 VHMV HE Vt THAT OF VIUFfc, VIMO T J TMV CtWT UeiC Ml- I I H.VJ& TO 60 ftOM H. Ta) oe?- tveim tm wmte tlfttttcT tVU ttHOlir THISt. tCCTI0H Vlt CO Ta TMfc ffs M ALU TVt VtttlL TUCCm W 0HH AMTJCA VraMt'T MMre eitAe chovem te RUB OOT fAS MMORlTf kf SHai 8-: tlgffj SOMEBODY'S STENOGThen She Turned Around 1 1 I, AUfflGHT, 6boeW- fcbr!t BVfet THAT5AMtfTHE OHl DOWAl! olAjlMTe a. P. WIS": W rTTa-'2T MUCH ivoeer V-TTtii' ' VWX. A COLLAR AA1D A DARK ABOUT lffifSiUL'iUtfMe BV HEART. tSboe ir AAORHiN 1 1UM4- 11 L-a. ir ' MW" AfAMI IS 4ISS OFLAtfsl.TaU ITS A UVaL DaV aim Tucwf ' DlbtfT Abt AAIV HeABj.Ai TO WV EVpc, .THBM'SPAU THAT COLOR -VC&.AilV HAA1D6 ARE Af HITS AXt pOfT - BUTMV HMt. ISA4'T-MO I DONTtSOOOT AAUCH E.VCAHM6S-TE& IT IS A SHAME. -A0 THAAIKHOO X WVIT tJAvfai LMAldH -YES I LlKft CAAJOV AAlb VIO-LUTS-OHHes, i, uuvt itv W6Krcc- l-HE'S BU&Y. HR ISA'T IM. H&'S 1 COM&Kt& rie 1ft WMI A-MT. SALVe, ClCIAr OOOKli, stocwtseup ea? FjtE6La. oeEWYjuesf) AMY A1ERVE TSAiiC, RftALtOLDSTUI", AMY UrMBRCLLAS AEAlOe.t, RMT& MkVUOCsJ 1 cucatepfia, 5ATOW& OPEME.K5, MWB TACKS. CARPET TACKS OR TACK-Ul-TERS. LIFT TGUR eET-DOA.'T TRIPOVER THE i-r 1 lir. mcr YLia T"vr0 Allien x W.A I nnVFV,-l- in& fcjawrr. yfUit. a. .. f oeod-bti.: ..-. 1 1 -Trr- ear - - ntaflftrtd tr. H. r(nt Offlct By Hayvmrd f. A VESTTS.UCMClCisreTBac, fOM UILL VTM I TRi A1I6TER aSutTHCRS THK MIMISTSav rNOM MIS CHURCH WOULD LIKE TO Seal HIM A AASAAnAtT"? . aaa m ara I v r k T' aaB V FAa - aas. . . . m. - . aw a wx a 4m ! a. ar - aw Fa.aT1 -- .am a FaaVaW" ,-r-m FaTB aaTaar HBT Tai a-aa M -tm -. CuiuC -JUH I MANICmU O, VF4LM t l 1 if-n y-rinrti im.i ww I !.- wr I C1T3. I a., . , r- , . "U-r-rS Tirgffa-Sa SaTLlWcH--YEST Ll M I Ll" R faULT-rAlT JRlPOVER THE Uaa-,... J T, ; The Yeung Lady Acress the Way TOMBOY TAYLOR .;. .;. gy FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL DAYS .;. . M DWM U ay OH t 3TN. ResPaHgLee tone AV A I J " t' ''5r X lliW 'M0 ""rlfiJS'KaatV 'f f h V Sift a y ff-aJr,' j-sJL. CTJ , COU) TM VWSg fan-1 aaSVVVIllI fr. f - r--UaJ K9HII i B?r.. &Z ' EJb45mRi l ML MA Mrl 4, -65 'li- inSHC r TV-" rl ailgVr alggggggggggglB rf TiMi i s.v v w--, ,. e aivnnf nenaiiv II j I a FaKaarsa-aKbi r- -- . - a -i . . T-WTlin nrr 1Tj - a 1 aTMflVWIIW as II FaVM-MfV-MFKE J(it, - JteLt, . -sV a Ugfc lalRaVHl aagffffMlgfk ' ' "' u .-7. "V ..-. '1 t,. - vgM lB-TTMlit 3? aBWatgaHKagair .. v a fjrssfcfflfcs (gHsv . . aaaaraBH era auaKa"'v aaaiai ej aVaLfSMT aaaaaBaBBaav. .am i ,OM!or "TAyLeRS neTWecMS: a.eH(. vaXaiai CattagiS "fEKFwk .TtfSP' " -U I J05r fj4 riMK- fe Spelt. YHAT GAM CI" Fmfr !6rlgN!Hirgal& 9bbWbAbMHb6L& . I TrtC SaHBagaBRwlBPaBlamBalKmmaSsagaagaagaaBaBBa1 Df ft. Jesr wh-M rrfcy wt i rut etsr paut of it. FReSTwViafliHiiiRSfliiigH 1 J I is en -fag ftrABMBMMB The young lady across the way sue dislikes tbe silent (mjp- wrlter slnce she carr't hear n vcerd of what she is writing. PETEYHe Ready for a Steel Jacket f eh, pwae PeTev, P.c VO MSA rSvl. WB eicr- IhTe M6O0f'& ee?x T5Ke evi A PACKACC.T&1Y ffAVaTHeADT retNl -VtFA5t Ve ? By C. yl. Fc.fM t: J AAt-MlJ-L-. 1?lKrKfA5Iv sudden born love; but there waa pity uu urn ei inin piiy grew ,a nuuger and a yearning. Ne ene else would ever claim the Jaipur box. Thin man, whom rolBfertune had hammered into brass, waa prenaDjy ner rnriier, but never weuiu eituer 01 tiipni ee able te preve "Wp don't knew," she began, "nnd we shall never knew actually. But what ether chance have you of finding Jeur daughter? What ether chance are I of finding my father? Tbe box waa found with me outside a irneH man'- deer. Abandoned by thieves, who tmn afraid te go en with their crime, for some reason. But did I come from the some house as the box? Only Ged can answer that question, and He nsver will. Perhaps In the days te come you may discover that I possess some little habita that were my mother's your Mary's since there is nothing in my face tbnt stirs you. If I accept you as my father I shall never accept any ether man. De you want me?" "Knur I iinilantaml hnm Mara .lia.1 My Ued ! Alwaya chance medley, chance iucuicj j vmrcienB iiiiuvm, taxing ner jewel box and her baby 1" "Iln vim wnnt nV rn forcing hla handa from hia cyan. "De you want me?" repeated Nancy, The music of her voice, her levelN ness, the soft velvet e( her eye. Hud dcnlv Kenneily tuelc her Inte his arms, crushing her into breathlessness, "Forgive me! I have doubted every thing en earth, and Ged besides! My llnry'a. .irll Te held aemethlns- .., and living in these empty arms once morel" With kindling eye Bancroft approach ed. ThlM particular branch of the In In necent HvstamlerH, Unlimited, had llnuldnted its 11 (fairs, but the tires t A,i. venture Company would go ou for ever, Prwently Nancy's free arm reached out across her father a shoulder toward uancreic, wne unirietMj ey mis (ta. m 1 -llll. M p jaaaaaaraaaaaaaasaaaa sa-SB-rasasaaam-amtMsM mmmmmmm II m iitnia iHuHli I M i iffli h im in f -v wavc he cempiaiwt 4& ivty wmfP'. -.-.... wflmm f lSliirpr: I , " - ' ' " AJtJirmeffUEOPlMIS dB nyUmJJ "(iihkiw, Xatt1L Muru inkier ivrrv 1 9. - L 11 iu Hi ?ACKy--6uT-oMtJey,S WW sk uwk im it WKh ffjr 1 - ifi - I 111 Hull HI e Feit of MUTs AM JB lflr Mhim HeANiEfwllffl $SS&xl ' BWxW J 1M1UIUI V .. J - UrMTt aat XeMeTdiua; MpeWI---- A reTVHCr OX A WT JLUaJ-sJyj g -"-1 Sr7Jr.3:i W V W. sl V'I -.- i MW OP TALSt? WAlnt- T 2 J.'- wnishi-ke CI t. 1 X."V SXSsW ! " VT7 VI V,--rr.... 7 5 THB lA"Tl?iT PAD T & A-af J--rT X 'fYm "Ml - ' v WF Fn;iiiH V - "- " " ". . sK m. 1 1 mLSgv -l , 'far- ( y -v.'- ask-"'- r-rjfWi YWSumlm W SgtfgffffffaV ', f7 UieJL w I .. I . -OrgWl!V v " JgMl f fAV'MV.V.V.V.V.V.VaVffni g-. .fgffm ri :?s; 'rav rgT : mgfMtii ff hi m in - aw. , Hi&rm- sr imri wwauiw aMaxr awaBa!gtgagaVgaiawrF7 jjyy j-e-iTrVy - il I "f jf.-L L'jaT"aF e -I agaV - I AcaKaBIBHgagf av aw irnasir''wi4-iB Hia .j HglL ".l sga ! GASOLINE ALLEY-Gettiny the Depe : j 7s!5: OM THA-TF" BUT ,TELL WRTUNEN I ALU euOMOWArllaw O0 OOT FO FROAyN gn DON'T 8EUEVE AHYO TMti BSTUFPi 7 I Att AB0Or t0ve" HAfBEjBrn ?V' v 50LO JEWELS VP " V THE FlPTeeMT' AND ) M PR'OAY BONK , BOT THAT TA14. 1 X W01" O MONEY JW A ; :: VJBEWARE A TAU. CA " VOARK MAN MIT HERMAN fTT t3 4V .a 3 $i W9ir&u irniasv,, r-ktv V kCfc - -" - w If J w., . . hi AiTZl,. I A !.. air j i(U jf-Tmv .a 9 '.i...a.i- 1?' L!-, . k'.W" J 3. . aWaal ly-.filfi'V at Mat tmmm HZ", VTai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabaajaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa . ill ! Ill I i V. . Fa J -aa. I - V . n.aaaaaaaaaaaB .l-f '- JS V.T H' l-a .a T J " 2.ajFaS1iaaaaami M i a f 'rj..ft ifFgfeaaigggggtiaa,a rt,i 7- .: - f'tr ri'V. ff "as itvji1gtpaggiM'ii' 4,:.sjiik ji?.