T- ' '-MJ.Vi' ,V MV.JW I'-T hW mM of rr'7v HtT fw PACKER CHINA , wnl4. experienced chin pteksr T xpplr Bureau of Bmplejrmtnt WANAMAKBR'8 rrsfi?BEB8 wanted. Apply Bie Drexel ??fiiitWAVERU experienced, wanted nn WSSnten Knawles plush looms! coed SJSS ' "fdy wok. Make, application BKtfVn rlraen or -r rttter te Asteria SI lie fKrVs. TBWlnwy .. Len Island City, nfiMTKlt Veunir man with or 3 yean' lriVneei i'" knew hew ,0 ,et !-. KSfegENrvriVB Wtnttd te 1011011 p. BPJ'f',.r'i..i.. mmt be experienced. M ,iH5d- - Krr MANAGER wanted. a firm or an In TOM capable of eellln. the stock of B MmiMniailcn required and references; S,CV' "ll b treatrd confidentially. t""pl,edsr Office HALES MAN WIS sr.vs been established 5 year. fisve the hlfheat, ratlnv. Are e million-dollar concern. supply an edvertlsln. aervlca. nal only w.th banks.. fciaulre extensive travellnr. SJeu re alxty-day trlpa. fay liberal aeatlen x?'nS'". lay commissions ue te I1S.00O a year. Pay same cominliilen en rentals. TOU Wuit ba an expert salesman. Suit hae 8 yeara' tale experience. Jjcit be from 89 te 45. Muit be native American, Muit hate Men ichoel education. Must have feed personality. Must supply character reference!. Muit be available within a week. Muit five particulars In reply. VIII pleats gha phone number. Address M 803. Ledger Office. bALLSMAN WANTED at manufacturer of brass and cooper lets has attractive 'situation open for a it nn salesman In their Philadelphia dls trlet effice: experience desirable but net nee eiiirv: Interview a will be arranged, but eMllcanta should alte complcte Information in writing, especially a, education and ilari- ctiiccteds all letter treated con Aden- ilalU, Write A 024. linger errire. gALESMAN Wanted by a large Importing igcr. emurfiuery rnu vvluii vuuui nnuFO J 9 call en cuttera-up and Jobbers. In Phlla .lehla; only thsse, well-acquainted with the trade will be cenaldered, air. we only seldi lirte-quantlty business: reply, stating full pirtlculiri. east experience, etc : all In In fBrtintlen cen1dentlal.. M 705. Ledear Office. ' citpuilli!.' H'lVTIri SALESMEN WANTED If job can intlsfy as te your sates abll. fly ou iau cemlUer seurielf set financially. Kxperl'nce In the publlihlns v.erld desirable, but tome of our bent money makers haw come la un frum ether fields, cspcclally itecks. bends, educational and extension ceuries. and similar one-call prepositions. TCe pay en etrlctlv commission, baats. but many of our salesmen earn better than sieu per wewc. ivppiv in person, i- , uei. liar A Sen. Dllt wvrp. 1101 Otis Bldg. Ail( for Mr. Eastman SALESMEN We can and wig prove te yiu that ou will aerare $500 ueeklv If eti er. reilb a hlxh-cla.s nalisman: the nerk tenlit of rcurlng opinions, referenea and ttitlmenlals for the Official Source Recerd. en uhlch i are doing ndvane publicity werk: conmlMlen basis: ou are cordially Invited te call and Imestlsate. Call bo be tn leanrt 12 or 1 and 8. PRESS tTNDICA-Pr?: iina B-P.1ern HUIg J fcALESMEN An orpertunlty for 2 real flour men. en for city and one for eutalde territory, te Mil strictly qua:ity spring and winter flour; the mit faerable terms will be made te men of ability: correspondence confidential. B 10. Ledfer Office. IALESMEN LHe-nlrs salesmen of strenir . rrrntal force and geed appearance e al fculldlns lets located In Delaware Counts rtir a nw I'.tniO.OeO enterprle: leads fur lilihcd: blrtcr. com Cell between 10 A. SI. nd 4PM. I,',g4 Chestnut st. 0ALESMKN, Italian and Polish) $7.1 easllv eirned in comm. follenlng live IraJi, eell'. Ins building lets In a booming .ecallty. Call wucen 1U and I. 1S2I Cnsstnut St., Roem 814 8ALEMKN, expertene il in --leTreiih ! (Id opportunity, with lexds nnd ftttruc.'el aw m I a tUai ,b"II AalaA wvi v i T,TM',ATOt"wuul" rtc'u"tw' lALEh.MKN Ve has an Antnini in .. ial dept. for 3 men eer 23 years of ie: pos'tlens are worth upward of A0 per se !( for rlfht men wan isut colonial iruit mag. RECURITT SALESMEN n , looking for men nhe have succesi- m.. viU yvu Bcwuriiirv; inia security that . . .,. SECURITY SALESMEN rlendld propeiition for real preducers: ox ex ox ptrilen of a wonderful dlMdend-parlnr fcusT. Mil managed by some of the meat Buccesj. fel inn In the motion-picture Industry, with fuirantej centract: big menv for strong islMmen. Phene Spruce 04ftl before 10 Off 0r wr u" "rsena"'. B 105. Ledzer TOKERS (machine) wanted. W. O. Prke i. Sen. 10th and Morten ae . Chester. Pa. ITXE MASON yanted. non-union. Cobbs Creek Deuleard. below With and Kleranc! t' Anplv te foreman en lob. ' WANTED Jleiper.iUble poiltlen of trmt for men ever jVA!' "J ff'i.must come well recom recem K!S;.e,3l J10 tlJV1tncJ. feulred. See MV. tleneral Vn-B OKEENEWALD-3 fi?r.S:vMmlM. h;sfacy P ail: geed wages. SnvTpr?H ?.ENI fc'nf. .female). I555SS WJ'-."!" v vw te .. " f.r ?.a...A,,,,, BkW"' Cashlsrs. AsstTei for desirable rpsltlens In Banks & T Tellers Ce M. ........ BAt'pc1J,P' 'f,h10' Sfduatei prefe-red. JSSi? r?C0rl8J stable propeslt ens; ISO -Mltlv sala'y &. l iw-al com. zr&uuiu about an lJJ.i .""" - r. American i-ret iT SLiSi.JPi. a.OT)-l.r.nnce" . Interview er . a -"" '""! ' unusual one- te auall. :"1"" applications uv .i. nvr.v ppllci UIZE isrv avaa.ei. .. m.mj. -r-' VUll.CH. NO ENROLLMENT VUAniitS. 250 H lift. Tliw 10 te b; j, v Hours for Inter- ARE TOU AMBITIOUS? efklni ,S5vl?'J..,lrA.a,1,',,' f hey are a Inte?n!ti2n2? nc" lnH of n1'" future: PWrtun"t.5l0t2al,ftrr,?.5,l5,''n a"" 'ou an special ci?i0l3. " '.erce- n,,lni -0 lB tj thou2er tra'nlnfi rapid promo premo prome IScat eii h?he c,1 ,hew necessary qual nans, eeit of references required. i JIV,en' 0 te 10 80 A. 3! or 0 te T10 WIDENER BLDO. flee. TII,5,M5Vr:B.neTH CO. 'FbTtes.; LU.4Wlnut tt. JsiltlenJ dbS5ifnI.V!,.lA.!n' te euallfy.fpr Elnfi 1280 te i-iiift A', ., "nq foreign ship r...:..r ?. soue menthly: exerinin n. iiscsisary: enmmn,, ,""''. 'I'erieiice un lal, only nien1 "JJ'il, ",ch?l education essen ' will n Ln". e? J character need applv; Ien worth "JSniM"H! of . niaklng cSnniJ: ftatlng present rWiiivSS' wl,neuL obligation. 0 nor It a t,0"1"en. age. Philadelphia L.I.I '(iTf acid : tssi se if 'vr.a hv , hinSA .5naJ e I n""1 des net ebllfate you n any way. Call tS?M Jl'iJf. fc?"W. " tUf. '5Sit PAY'At:LCUVOl!n3'sMALL elrTSTAvnrv .bii uuii x runaiin riiBi r-tinsr x and up; SJflerclal km X.. .. """ V eeiv Known erfirs ou i r.ffl"M,len ,n " n'l1 n'l1 ''Hen of it...SrIin,n.1un'",trt rsct super- cemm?clal bm J.r.' arl,'i the demand for ain4 tir'J' "fill s a greater everv ar: .. lur nit in.......... . : .----- ..- -: -- iiiutuKicu poeit or can ui nnr AiafiaiV?? ' && -'" ,,'s svallabi, BSDtSv '"f, opter exioed l'ills am fi? t. C",'U '.", ,rseii or jr-Te Vbi i tlPhS.'r;,MgPu'";"'. Elliett- lml."-.."''N Sim S" un h,lnllll P 1S20 N. 20TH ST r month i7.i?:i!?Wmker Institute. 14 . Ei ste """" se i, 23d and Wal- IIKV . . --.. .ni0(l te nu.ll... ... - r ...'"en sperlenci .mnl.I"r remn. brake- !.ri.,ncw;!?.ntwV1K,,.j.nTu; a?fl.wnt''. clerks an; t..trn.,u7lanex"...,J!"ary --.,,. 1I, u .fMPTOYMBWT anvneiM wANTPD -d v,vixj.a .?HtM!!4 ho5!swerkhJ!lS!Jm5,d,V c'"''i- miLl Hl'ant Sii' m" Re" Deuflierty, "R.8711A II VH vfZTTr-zrr. : ..''".. fereign1 iSA" ""nn"'!. MRe, tanarit.. and deme.n,, ..i-.T""" wANflcnc . i . "AN1 1SUr.. . T : r for i.h,n.i"!.'"i nrst-c asi rmL. HU Jatelv ?Sa,nA wlni ch id Mursai' flrla : PilsLdtK0' AB,, v wants eoekf. JafeSur.AV Si0 IVmGWL. WJMm. BrTTTATTQKa WMSTBDWtMALIi ' CHAMOBIiMAID .and . atamatreif I "'reflriad' 3Stu3 axon, - wiwnnwiini nwde wren, rn. Bnar iXW.?61118' nu.rrr. Mfc.,Mll t cn.ldren ever 4 0-rears In Hit no Mcsllant reNrenrV. it SQI, Lnd.ee Br, 8 T 0 TIOWB WANTSD-MALB ACCOUNTANT Will Inaiall avaiam. . audita, prepare Kederat and (Hat reperUi ,rnff. and construction accounting a m. i clalty. Phene Vlrter T8I8. " ACCOUNTANT competent te manage eRicel accounts, cjrreipendyice and aredllat 20 yearn- experience. A Bin. tde Off ire accountant. . thoreuhly expeiy in ateek brnVerate work, dea. new con. H IBfl. liTS, ACCOUNTANT-boekkeepar. exp In mtm. nnrf enrporauen acci.i marriee. 103, Led,Off, UOOKKEEPEK, capable, experienced office . 'MS' .""I1 roiereneeaj inea.rate laiary. A MT. t.de- Office. CHAUFFEUR desires pea.i carefnl driver, 'SSi "Xenanle, exp. en hlfh-frade cart. A 92H. Ledger Office. , ' v tj-KHK-Yeuiu ipn. aaairea permanent nltiem B veara' hualneaa exnerTcnx u.iiiln and ons?'enileua werker: can furnlih i Qu.inesa exiierienca: iverKr can turn A KIT . Ledeer Off i-pi.rni rPiii'fnrW) I'niVATE BECRETART Chauffeur-He'raeman , 35 j ears old. slnfte, healthy, fend appear. ance, dlolematla education, llnsulat. wants Krmanent roiltleni will de anything- useful miliar with all makes cares geed refer encea. M 804. Ledaer Office. AGENTS SALESMEN Write for i!' of linen and full pnTtlculara- iirn yearly: biff demand for men; lnexprience .2.-1UU TO 110.000 AM e laaaaaUkAA or. experienced, city or traveling. National Bal.r'en's Tr As'n Dent, tl", fhlcage. CANVASSERS, te fll enndy direct te cot. aumer. 408 Stockton Bldg.. 18 P. th tt. BOOMS FOR KENT JEFFERSON 8T.. 130 HO'TSElfERPINrt CHESTNUT. 2009 Larfe alntls and double rooms! running water. LOCUST, 1213 Twe beautifully furntahed single rooms, service, linen, etc. -Lien's fieaq ApTtmgni. MNK, 80J D-alrahle large furnlahed double w . in nlne rert 15TH ST., N.. T21G Deuble room, with or without table beard! su.table for 9 bun- new men or - nureeii private garage. LOOAN Furnlhed room, suitable for young man with reference-! private Jewlih fani lly. P 410. Ledger OBlce 10TH. N.. 1B0. HOTEL RURIC Central . -hopping district, nesr statien: beautiful furn. rms.t e'ee.i spetless: dally, wkly.ratss. HEAUTIl-ULLT furnished room In larie . modern private heme: electricity; shetter hath; 10 mln. te CUT Hall. Preston fl482r WEST PHILADKI.PHIA CHESTER AV'E . 470 Warm sunnv roem: (S:-phone, shower bath. el'e. : refined prlv. 'nnw fine lee.: ear 13 nut Walnut: la mln BID ST.. .J. 1J5 Furnished room for rent. BQiment I's.u J. PINK ST.. 4403 HIh.i-l-. hn me serv. ft spp-t: strictly priv. fani. Preatel ion man w. CHFRTNUT ST., near COth at. L 3 or 3 unturn. rms.) all eons. anerweiil 300S. PKXXWYf.VANtA SUnURBAV 2D. ST.. N.. B43.1 Unfurnished first fleer. 4 rooms, modern com-.: prlv, entrance: teas. : 'env te trains und trolley. Call ' nrt rw Tne-1nv wfler n P M. Furnished MCELY tumlshid com. bedroom private bath: elec.i all conveniences Locust 8279. BOARDING WALNUT. 892P Attractive front, sunny roems: twin beds: excellent table WEST PHILADELPHIA TWO business men can hae 2d-stery front room and geed beard In West Phlla : 3 mln. from station. P 331. Ledtcr Office. MONEY TO LOAN Will Lean Housekeepers UP TO $300 At th la fill rtltA fit lntFat r.n a J.m .1 prepaying te met veur Individual require- i'i. . ... IWV,C . ". Dtfn neiprui te many thousands in thin lclnlty we offer It te jeu. Information cerfullylven. gOarantee lean COMPANY Roem 704. VANDASf Rf.DO. 1005 MARKET STREET Entrance .next te Woelworth'n Phene Gilbert 4710 Race 1003 OTHER OFFICES: 3.00 Oerniantewn li-ie. Pnene Tiega 6768 23d and Rldre nt B2d sml Market sti Phene Ulamenri 1K11 .rnone geimenr IQ-'T HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN UP TO $300 FROM THIS RONDED BANKING DE PARTVVT ptiPPRVUPfi CO FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy terms. Payments arranged te suit our convenience. Ne fees of any kind charged, only Interest at the rate provided if; BILLS AND OWE BUT ONE CONCERN HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. 246 Seuth 15th Street Second Fleer. Roem 201. Cress Building Member Philadelphia Chamber of tfcmmerea MONEY TO LOAN LOW AS 1 ON DIAMONDS. STOCKS AND BONDS 123 MARKET ST. RIEDER'S LOANb te property owners, alto upon note with feed Indersement: eav terms: uulck service. Rudelph, aei N. Bread at. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES THE COMMUNITT STATE RANK la new being erganised and will open for bull nrss shertU after Januar 1: the bank will be located In the Bread and Hpruce-Lecust str-et district, the most rapidly developing section of Philadelphia, and "III be conduct ed by a group of pregresshe. successful busi ness men: a nuraeer etanarei in inn new bank mav be purchased at par; the time te buy bank stock Is when the bank Is iiKtuiijct wan or write urgamciiwen u 'J' ncr. t,nmmunv m tianK. ...'a w nrea SALES REPRESENTATIVES te handle sale of h!ch-quallty, non-cemntltlv print shop machinery for Philadelphia, nest te Harrtsburf and Southern New Jeraey; only leads and co-operation glen; commission. Itpirv ti Mil iim.- iiiiic- BUSINESS UXKCUTIVU at liberty Dec. 1. wlil Invest cash capital te enter business paclty: well known In fraternal and country club life, capable getfer: business must stand lnestlgatlen: nu trlflers. M 101. Ledger Off. wnn an VHinuuaiiru t-i'ncvru in eniCMI ca PARTNER. WANTED Yeurg men Mho Is tnoreugniv tamiuar nun euiiness Broker Breker ffe has a line en some of the best listings In the cltv wanta. n partner with at least IS300. A 828. Ledger Office. STORAGE AND MOVING nDELITY STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. 1800-1811 AND 1813 MARKET AT. All fireproof construction. If you call pnene uvuuai mi vui representath will call upon ou. "WE ARE LEADERS" MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANT DISTANT POINT Weekly service for amull shipments between Philadelphia und Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. BTTH ANDMARKCTSTS. Baring 1J0I VICTORY STORAGE 8508 FILBERT. Phene Bslment 4670 for ..ntnateg Moter vans, packing and crating WTSIIES lead le Nw Verk. Connecticut. Jlhede Island v-lj iln G or days: every cenenlcnc? for c ty ami Ions dlatanea me nc. Watsen's. Dill N, , 17th, Pep ar 0334. MONARCH BTORAOC f'O.. .1HT0 LANCA8. Mil AVE,-Aliri) SERVICJC STfinAOE PAcUlriii ! ONQ.niSTANCB MOVINaAUlJ WALUftti I5a CHURCH lank, etv .... DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND PAWN TICKETS FOR DIAUOKDs A1W KELLY t CQ.. ('32 Chestnut .tf "' b.iii. ..'-.-.' lecend fleer, ever Chllds' Ret. SAMUEL I'EIN. of 029 Master St.. a0M M grec rv und preil Ien acore; prel.?,,? all Wlla in. Mnnuel IIUMVlls. 8, W.' c5j-"e h and ilhinl n i Plilln Pa "" i,vVO KIHHMAN buuuht the business 'of RenJjuilii 1'ellpck culleJ Uennle's n"'. tauianli; 1 H l'i tfti ii ii i-Hia sii ur EMrnrsa W ii M" "e-nle IStf. R'da ave .. e- PBINXlNQ ms msfm. Dy IWi mi uiuuiry uuii idu in no TfMina PERaOWALB JHB following persons must pay their stor age bills or goods will be seld: geed vil. nn.lilnr,.. .... iT f,hn f.liidiay. U 8 N. 10th St.. Phlla.. . .' it. -m ni? firac. hi . m. iv.. wain t .- . T wrlfa rehn Penlnften. i0l) Panama i . Phlla. Ttbi id nn Poplar storage Heuss. 1011 Poplar atT " USED CAR BULLETIN ' Un'der this heading you will find each week the greatest bargains beingeffered in used automobiles, pleasure cars, trucks, tires, accessories, etc. ,The Public Ledger Company has always carefully edited advertising ei this kind, and accepts advertising only from companies which will live up te their guarantee. . Moter (MIS Dedge, late 1021 Touring;' cash, bal. 10 months 176 Lexington, winter enclosure; Full1' price $275 Palge Sedan, new; casli, bal. 10 months $250 Fert Sedans', extras; cash, bal. 10 months $83.30 And many ether makes and models at low prices MACKIN MOTORS 855 N. BROAD POPLAR 7S83 AN C.NTSUAL SELECTION OF TR0R. OnOHLY SERVICED USER CARS AWAITS THE VISITOR TO OURT 8UOWROOM8. Just a Few Outtlanding Items 1021 PAIGE LAKEWOOD 1921 PAIGE SEDAN HAYNES TOURING 1921 FORD SEDAN 1921 STUDEBAKEK SPECIAL 6 1921 GARDNER SEDAN 1920 OLDSMOBILE TOUR ING 1922 PAIGE COUPE, 6-44 Nowhere else la town will you find such splendid Used Cars at secn low ? rices. Come lu and tusks your selec Ien. GuyA.WilleyMoterCo. Paige and Jewett Ditt. Bread St. at Vine, Phila. REBUILT Wt REPAINTED GUARANTEED Wc take pride in the appear ance of the Used Cars we sell. They are mechanically right. We have added many new Reamer car owners te our list by first selling them a Used Reamer. ' Phila. Reamer Ce. 842 N. BROAD ST. Poplar 2348 gje 3 w 'V Tpi - ivaiaaa I AND THE STAR CAR Ferd Sedan. 1921 Mapiin cent condition, completely equipped 400.00 Vim Truck MMiiiMimi 100.00 Bulck Headater. 1918.. 160.00 Durant Sedan, 1922 perfect condition, new-car guar ante isbo.eo Ferd Tourin. 1919 All ion evev, repainted, slip coven Hudsen Teurlnt. 1916 T Just put in perfect con dition i Super-Slx Chandler, Chummy, 191S New paint, tires, slip csrVers. top ; completely overhauled and in fine condition S00.00 200.00 376.00 Chandler Dispatch, 1921 Re painted, overhauled, excel lent condition 700.00 Durant Six, 1922 Salesmana car. guaranteed us new car, perfect condition 1500.00 Durant Tour, 1922 He painted, overhauled, eu&r eu&r en teed samd as new car.. TIME PAYMENTS 795.00 Reeves Tyson Ce. 2431 North Bread St. (BROAD AT CUMBERLAND) Columbia 4283 USED TRUCKS We still have a number of ussd trunks that we are offerlec at sacrifice prices; capacity i ansae from K te 31' tens; various makes. International Hanekter Ce. of America, 2903 N. tutu M, (teutti of Indiana ave.) Phenss; Bell, Tiega 7020j Keystone, Park 4115. ' r 1 ' vnurin. int asa --, . ... -- 'arr: w's- --r. " fwi r ' jauf iii n i ,- r .. j - -.. j . . H.:tW. r- !,, . WkMl -) -MM.' - ss.IM. MAUCH . . UANQ ele snug DO NOT PERMIT PRIDE TO BLIND YOUR DISCRETION If your need is a car decide well if It MUST be a new one. If" net, then i cheese your used car from u new car dealer who has the Itlntl of a reputation for square deallnva which you admire, aive him your cenn dence and your order. In this way ind only en thin basin can you receive value for our outlay. Our monthly tited-car bulletin is yours en request. Herbert Brethers ' Distributors of Chandler and Cleveland Automobiles 203-205 North Bread Street Spruce 42S Rice 7441 CCIEVELANDSI The One Opportunity Yeu May Ever Have A Benafidc 20 Reduction Thursday, Nev. 23 te 30 inclusive Automobiles 60 Automobiles Bulckf Ktudebakera Otdsmebllts IedfPs Stanley Steamer lslnfteus Fords Oaklands Kcrer Before Hate We Offered te Sell Automobiles at Such a - Stupendous Less! Original Price Tags en Each Car! Terms Open Evenings OAKLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY 911 N. Bread St. Poplar 0107 BnutSDC 1921 Auburn Spert Tour ing. Special price. $900 1920 Paige 6-44. Renovated 650 1922 Oakland Touring. 700 Cadillac Touring 500 Cadillac "8" Limousine. New tires, new paint 700 Dedge Touring 225 Chandler Dedge Studebaker Velie Eaty Term Arranged PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. MI NORTH BROAD OPEN EVENINOB Pep. M03 aggu&gs USED CARS All That the yam JmpUet Whether jeu want a Touring car. Sedan. Coupe or Limousine, 59 have Just wrrat jeu want. Wns'her a Ferd. Dedge. Bu'ck or Plerca-Arrew jeu will find i W,' .car ii' ou"" Immensa stock, all late models. Time pas ments arransed Your old car our sVscniafsX:Cha"S'- A ,e,v of STUDEBAKFRS for $400 CHEVROT,ETS for $150 OAKLANDS for $350 HUDSONS for $425 DODGES for $325 BUICKS for $310 E,4r.?.Jctr " Wlppad. "i .wr our i-aiaief. 249 N. Bread St. UillllllllllllllUlllllllllilllllliniiiiiiinnnniiiiiii MACK TRUCKS ALL TYPKS OP BODIES IJIMEDIATB DKUVER General Moter Truck Core. 89TH AND MORRIS 6TS. AUTO PAINTING L1HBRTV PAINT HHOI'. a0 Vlnll' BUICK ret10,,er- "fcUel lamps. H.M. -.Ju.al,Ht.er- windshields. 8 ," ftrfa'cf. 'feist'Sn'nfJe'S f" '""hanlc'ulft UJU HITIPV Imi.lna R .. .. ' ... i barfilnT-ITOS! en fa"."" te?m.n.,w' " amount down. Baren's. !44 W. S'm.",m"u 1919 CADILLAC ,VoVi..med'' . l.year te ray. Baren-. 1244 H r... ".' ' CHANDLER Real Dispatch. hTZ v.1022: 80 off list nrlre te S" Cl bS?a;n''i N. Uread St.. ifoenrt tloer. ai.rUeU"ff .3Jli CHANDLER. 1021. ia.nulkji lpai. sport model, nan- v.". te psy. Roaberoush 107B J. ' ?ou' y,' CHEVROLPT coupe. Ilhe new. ,t. ,.V ISOOl yetr te pay Robern.,..l."lnT";dsl. mi i i i i i f-""-r CLbV MND adan. brand new iri .-i-r at a d sceunt of 20 per cnt In t!Ai '"O''-'!. N Bread second f1e-r HpruV. T!S'f 80S COLUMWA toil, sport medal. 8 diT. .. - ceras. excellent meter; owner win ?". ten: consider terms. Oarase. iTn ,V..,'. CROW ev-i-:t.ivHAitT. 102.. epTss rf:;:.. i-nndsrful alue Halment (UtV ,uurinf i wnp DdDOE tour., eris, paint, atartsr Ja r DODOB TOUltl.SO. JU-JU. J -v'.','i Jsten6l-u M DumRe.r mi.TtViiS1 e D vdowr,,e"p,n-Bv- 3arae, lfiaB Rldae ave. IV PHILADELPHIA. PA. I 5V.P' Sundays and Evenlnca J K. Atsuta Wanted "vLfr KiHIUHHOBin e WHY PACKARD'S USED CARS? BECAUSE Priced Extremely Lew Are Mechanically Right Attractive hi Appearance Yeu Arc Absolutely Sure of Satisfaction. TWIN-SIX TOURINGS. $450 UP TWIN-SIX ENCLOSED CARS. $750 UP 192 2 Franklin Sedan Division back of driver. Only driven 4000 miles. Very popular 5-pasn. family car. 1921 Lexlna-ten Spert Medel Snappy looking car, repainted maroon. 1921 Dedge Roadster In geed condi tion throughout. 1921 Bulck Sedan Almest llke neir In appearance and geed mechanically. Excellent vame from every angle. 1920 Hudsen Touring Lew mileage! geed condition. 1920 Chandler Touring Geed mechan ical condition and repainted. 1919 Oldsmoblle Touring CJoed condi tion throughout. CS Cadillac Landaulet Repainted blue. ftyl,sh,.:lescd car: sioed mechan ical condition. "UniSi1 . a"Pf '" Six Mmouslne Re. painted. Wry desirable family en- closed car. Packard 3-3,-. Twln-Sls Limousine inSf,-' l'alntd Packard blue. West J.?i i ?.lib'Jii?.'r fPrl"BS. l'lne mechun ical condition. LIBERAL TERMS IF DESIRED "The Safest Used-Car Market in the World" PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA Locust 3900 319 North Bread gt Race 6741 GREATEST SLIGHTLY T - I - R USED AT.r. UTivntfin n I' irst-Olam Condition for Immediate and Leng Scrvic Tubes Talirl" Tires $2.00 2.50 2.50 3.25 3.75 4.00 4.00 r-nrd Tires $2.50 3.50 4.50 5.00 5.50 6.00 6.50 Sites 30xU 30x3 lj 82x3 V& 31x4 32x4 33x4 43x4 Misr. One Year $1.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 Alt nMfi mtiet fi sa.au...i.s m. -.shipment: Mill "e;MS7.in" 7 d& UreTred' m"" 0rJer ,0 ' P"nPt HERMAN TIRE COMPANY Open All Day Sunday 1317 RACE ST., PHILA., PA. U Locust -Rfif. Branch Stere, G04 Sproul Street, Chester, Pa. 'Ph. Chter eL 5 jtJSfi . mw m ., " j i ai apartment, cons st nc of OLDSM00BILES01,etnh and dL&c REBUILT OliUb.MOBlLES, that arc DEPEND VBF K an,i ther Cars of standard make. u'', and It Will tiaV VOIl in - -- -- ...... , , . eiuuL-uant-r leunnjj Dedge Touring Maxwell Touring Briscoe Touring Chevrolet Touring These Cars Bell Phena Poplar -Id-ST Ksjuteue, Tark 1201 LARSON 800 Buy Direct Frem Manufacturer Net Dealers BATTERIES. l-OR ALL MAKKS OF CARS 6 Velt, S10.00 12 Velt, $13.00 1-TEAR WRITTEN OUARANTEE A new batterj- free If one iheuld fall. Teu will bj peltlel sitlsfl d f miu get our battery from u. Open Sundays. STARR STORAGE BATTERY CO Cfie N Iflth st. Leeu.t 3fi2 HUDSON teurlna;, 1022- cannot Le told from new. tnutltul Jeb In eNery respect, will sntrlllce for lien. Pheno Mercanullla a IS It enlns HL'DOV --paFinr landuulet: excellent condition- rcatonable vrlci. J. C. Puller. 14 . ive ' Hl'l'hOV Tnurln.. 7 passengcr. 1932. Prea t u.lJ.7lM I.EXINO'ION, like new, epnrt turdel; fully eytilpped Mlnutu Man 0, disc whee s, bump ers 2 extr.i tirea and mans eitraa. Jiauu, jt ii ptv I'hunw llnl")rntii;i ii7H j I.KXIMirO.N UtiK. 1HJ2. tir.-t SU00 t.iul U tnli ITi.tun Mill M, 1922 MAXWELL .m.-I.- ...... I ' -i . . 4.l. sti. M u r t Q u I ID'JO OAKW(j.'t oruinei paint and tire.: cIeia out, price .S; termt. IJaren'ti. 1344 fi m-"4- ,U20 olds tour ni new tires; a.i cohdl cehdl cohdl Hen. s.icrlllce price J3C3. BARON'S. I"!! N Rread St. Ul.nSMOIIU.U coupe, 1021, 0471 J Call itelment evBHi-vrnS' "OS Ne cash down required en pen- new ideal p.aii: cr.dlt te all autr car. Iie.l ilea nrvr'irv:zMJ - KKHI-UMH Touring. Inte nrndal. UkT ti.w II WW S f lsl offer tak-j It. tlme i,m.ts iiare,,.'B '"; wni hcar. 1U2I. HI,, new IwTTeT M '" 't P ' i .snYine Vr .f ,lnrl, nu V IOUJ I 1 CfA, l. I 13IUV L . " Py- Pheno Rmber.,i.ghni,.,,';i0- "r . niech "ill,,, st m.7 .nacnV'V,,111' ' H)! Til ISHI sritKEI' mrzr ffnJj!a5S.-?:? :JL!l. S' -SS2t,SKuS - ' "-' - -n 300 BLOCK SOUTH 15TH I J1'JIS2!1-Li aTmKt'lT,:tV"V,1'- SCHRAMM ITr Ml- M,ii,M 1, r .lr.al. 4 .mrr, I " MW ,.t0.Vnr,,W-n4,-."r - elH,rt meJ"- 1V22 STUDFItH-v. . -li-'--. , . r"1?"1"' ,M ' h.tl.s etc lnusln, front '' ' gbeN fflfa, ae5t ew. 2.S"'i1 i& e'"ntesen i rM-rUj.?? ' ?.,, MM GOOD FOR BUS. OR OFRCES ' .p! LJlJ2nf r'e-uM 4000 nt, LAi'Nnin M.MicM-ny ,, B , . . ... WAi tfp r Rirnnivr h. 1919 NASH 8ffl."sr W&W;- "SATS!:, fli, nJ Jt .!",. .-. vd:? L R ' RhDD,N(j L"i2 t : .urjnSxI1--:0! uK" i( iSSd-Wni'ie ,-,:'' -" immediate possession NO CASH DOWN en new and ued cirs and 1fV- CTPJmte"; ' I- i-inati JffiKWWttpg , 0? STEARNS a --.. , 0 "cIk AS ,, $,3?5? ..... h. 1921 Studebaker Touring 1 pass, ex cellent condition; a ery uttrtctlve buy. 1921 Bulck Touring 7 pass. Original paint still geed. 1921 Hudsen Spptdfcter Overhauled, rpalnt-il, body blue, running gear red : a handsemd Jeb. 1921 Paige Tuiirlng G pas., excellent merhanlral condition, repainted. 1920 Peerless Coupe Just the car for the cnniim; hciiren. Reialnted and mechanically koeiJ. 1920 Bulck Touring Popular light car, repainted. 1919 Pcrrl'Hi Sedan A fine family enclosed car In geed condition. 1919 Pcerlcst, Touring Repainted ma roon. 60 Cadillac Touring Tires, paint and meter all In poed order. Packard Twin-Six Demonstrating Car 7-pass. touring, repainted, fame warrantv ns If new. Packard Tuln-Hlx Coupe Repainted and In f.cllent condition. Packard 3-23 Twin-Six Limousine Pine upholstery, geed condition. JUit the car for the aenren. SALE OF - E - S SLIGHTLY USED fllhej J liar. One Year $2.00 2.10 2.20 2.30 2.40 2.50 2.60 I'.'ihrlc I'erd rirei Tlree $4.25 $6.75 1.25 7.25 4.75 7.75 5.25 8.50 5.50 9.00 5.25 9.25 5.50 9.50 5.75 9.75 Sizes 32x41. 33x41." 34x41' 35x417 36x41. 33x5 35x5 37x5 2.70 . .. Before Yeu Decide I en your USED CAR, see the an?e dianle at our Used Car Deeartmif J"f.&8TO nfill e,l l"l. it.. ...... niIU ,uuu uiem ever. ALiu Are Overland Touring Chandler Dispatch Chalmers Sedan Cele Touring Dedse Roadster Oak'and Sedan III Real Bar guilty Time Payments Arranged OLDSMOBILE CO. N. BROAD ST CORDUROY CORD TIRES ENNIS TIRE SERVICE 4328 N. BROAD STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA. "'Ilfm- '.'"''"r. ,,r l'rl"-IHen, e, tome territory it n( .ijirn! -. JI-. -" . nv.n c.,-,... liVn". .... .'" r.. "'"d"' lu-nliviiii l.i Leiuat 4UO0. I.OLUmC Jill's A " ' 'i"-a i -.- ntv-laW-a "III !.. . i ... " 1.. .- -7. .""- S.rt.. . -rrl aunp. ui 01 jirui rtrst.clae. ln.il., ' rew "Pare Hell ntienr yie;g "TIT' rrantew n ntetJrVnttj " HIGHEST CASH pr,c" "STTeT tien. earaw. 1707 Vin". ,t '" K00 cendl- --- STORAHP WllPiT lore i-nn .. - .. .;. menthlv. aarae , J .'" , .,u, , IM Shi r.,r .. closed " ',' .'. !" Mr. Lavilt. "' ,,,,--' - ---. II I J ' iiiviii, una imvi nt-ij--.. . . , .inn 11 i.i , ...... --.. ..- s - irn-iri asisssmis. ar ii.ii nn i.iaiI.1 iii. .. ... .. ., " ' n r fn n vs.. !. irM n-r rt vnsrn - -. I OLD Cler.tk ' ' 114 oesl OLD .old, stiver, platui m.. - Ira., atria Jewel. Ut'.S-. ?'ed wart. old. BIG CLEAN-UP SALE OF MOTORTRUCKS this is AH!OM;ri5r.y a cm:an. UP HALK TO SIAVK ItO"M Ten OUH i.vrrtnAS'KD hlhi.nksh -ihk thuckh MUM BIJ tOLU llUUAUDLUbM Ol" I'ltlCIS wis Am; nrH-KitiNe, ulhine this nRMAHKAflLr: HAI.K A 1'INh LIN'l) OP ,. ., I AMI 2-TO.V TltfKH AM. rni'CK.s rttKSHi.Y i.iMi:r and AltK I.V OOtJ KU.N'VI.SO f'O.VDITIlN AND EOflPI'KD WdTH IJOOU Tlrtl!' OPHN AND riAWO PIU.'-, IANV Tri'ua ie ciioesc nteii SOME AS LOW $100 timii r.Y.MBNTa AN nr: AH- rtANUKD ON ALL THl'CK. WH WILL DEMONSTP.ATK ALL TflEB TRt'rKS T" PIIOVE THUin VXCKL. r.FNT V. LVE. Open Sundays, 10 A. M te 4 r. M. Ne War Tax en Any of Th" Trucks Vim Sales & Service Cerp. Bread and Huntingdon Streets FOR SALE- TOOLS G'evct'Hiiicnt & Factory 'vrift Sta(k Carpenters, Plumbers. Electri cians und Blacksmiths Take Netice! Hammers, Hatchets, Bits, large assortment of Ship Augers at less than enehalf price. AH kinds of Planes, Biace, Draw-Knives, Hacksaws, llack-saw-f rames, Steel - jau bench vises., Machine screw plates, from U inch te l1 inch, all makes pipes, stocks and dies, from 1 te 12 inches. Large assortment of circular caws from 8 te 8G inch diameter. All s!ieppn taj,,, rriniers. Uej, areucliej, cl'.nln t-us, hlackmltli's les and tens, d-ll reameri and lnllllns toela. Come ar' md eid the rusb 305 CHERRY ST. MarKe i'S-c.-) Opil t-ntil 5.30 PLBLIG HALL Fine Antique and Modern furniture fei VeMx L Hinlen at his home near I-enllsn. Oh-stn'jt 11.11 and AIInten trel.ey rasslnfr premise., f Jturdav, Nev. -J3. 12 r.-cleek. Bliilua Cenceit Oratiil Piane. cost I2i0ii. lctrela. p.pi-e American wal- nut befiroem suit ceit Jl'OO, r'rfft order. uiun-imn maiiesur. Learoem su.t. goea con anion nni, illnlns-roein ault. number antique mahtgany hlslibejs mahezanv and ether chairs an1 tbl. fln let rhlna and rut Iasr. rull contents of hltfh tlata furnlshtd U'jusi.. Snd for catalecue, III'MIV ' Hinm li Ambler TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIBLE .1 JI08.. J8S-J AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriteia ALL MAKES Ajcnts for Ilemlngten Tenable) American Writing Machine Ce. en" rnpTvrrT t WALNTT 2r.O ;.ui:;4ga ALL SIZES HOT-WATER STOVES rtADIATORS FLOOR AND WALL n01LER3 PROM 30 GALLONS UP S. W. COR. 12THAND SPRING GARDEN STS. CONTENTS of up-te-date heuee, 3 B R Suits, Mah.. Clrcsv an Wa and Am. Walnut. Lib. Suit. DR Suit Ru. China. Cut Olss-i. etc 4SWO Parl--l 1e COJIPLErh- ine of elftr tun jre. deek. roll and flat top chilrs. st, i.l ns cftb nets, clothes tr effic par-ltlens, tf lter, at sae-lflre pr'ce. -te u- before hulnr '2Q4.im.i-it .nHn ni'rten BILLIARD HEADQUARTERS Billiard tablt Mil' and frtnf1 hriTr1 HrtlnrF I'iV".."'1 suppiie BRL'NSWirK BAI.KE- cer 'UUK. ;VDER CO 1"02 Arch t DOM. OARlirAiir. FACTORY PRTCE" T 10 UP Bl-Y NOW HEFORL .VMA? OAKWOOU CIIA1H MFU. CO. l luu: SHOWCASE0 TiUE PIXTLRKI All kinds en I a"'l arO -n ! te trder. , PI Alt bHj.-' AE MFO -e 134 N. lgihKt Fhen jpue- A62 WATCH ElBln n eru-r" j'J e-r",Ee d-flllerl as., 7, N, ,f 5lf, lueder a JIeny Lean Office. r.'S Market i REFRiaERATOn 3 dm.- hufr b. refrls- erater. counter, i trip n..iles, allcers and safe.. ,;u Calleuhil. ' OVERCOATS IiOO unrrtee;,ed oirceate. 3 22QQ Seuth at anl r dee . ,, ,i Oxford s REFRIGERATORS" AND PIXTl'RES Te m If le.!-tJ JTi V Id ' R T. RanlHll Ce JUL'.NDAIION Si- ni- f - a p euui.- 'er !', fll Vn-V -.it I I, - -mi'. uLN7LMVf 2d-tiani i let' ,nc ,n r ea. p r Illi. Murker e up. SUI l. 14 UP C riiR,f-L,F:-"eI.,..1 '" 'r .' band ---' - -' I : PI K HM.T.. tre.hfrem ""jwr. '!,-r-l""'ari KTPutt ii. -k ... Me HEATER? PIPELLSS""". ,Ii:AP 2134 Murket MACHINERY AND TOOLS MACHINerYOe-MBf BORING MILLS MONARCH MACHINERY CO. ,,Ptil:a;1elphli-. Mehl-.ri .:",aU, uu in. ihikd ST. CARPET CLEANINO QUAKER CITV CARPET . CLEANING CO. 1123 TO 1137 EAST COLUIHHA AVE. Cleaning ana Uyeing S.'nf m rr,ed,ruen.?Fcar;u,KJ,0cU I'entrles blanket. n,r,i.r.rUK"- cr Ladles' bold cewds. Orient yets. tuietrlrs b Damp Wasli Laundry i-Aiiri.C i 111 t,s i'LIANI Ii ''I m:i i"i iltv I lilt) UULlbl lli.-n uuliien fV . -" iw LariMit 1 Automat c Carpet Clean-'tiR Ce Phene.: iSi4 - .-JMHBD,,11LT.V'"l'i MO IU LariMita n.;. v .'.,". "? ""ff'tn'n nf nearly R ''TAULK M'lt . . s?etV "".,"rl '" "' i'a' 'mj-i ic mills M 'Nn 'in 1' 1 i-1-'! 4"x h'1?.C,SV.;n ..I...1 Sl S"-m. ! Bte?t iral H hlllLHT I'ltuNT :.w,K ""' '! "W EDGAR G- CR0SS J'11"'; 'per. h, r r i.j. i '..iJ j,1'",1 KM ll'ilWJM'iiil il Mil WIIIIIIlM llil .1111 ITJIIill1 llilllll WIW :..i. - ' iiuii .1 11, . ... biui n --.-. e.M. imvi i?v n . . . - .: weutri fititn ntri.t 1 WAKCTP MIW Brll, filbert 4294. Keyatene Rara I I lllnli prices paldi .llahtly wet;-' STREET AND EVENING OOtl l'UItll ANU QENTJ.EMEN'H CLOTHI MH. IJTR v ? S. V., rer. lSlh and UalnbrldM ata AMII Cllll cuy or eunuru. miiaO, Wb fAlU A WUMAN Ml I03.SO for a let of lewelry ah titf,,! enrred 140 for eleenncrei hrlnf yettfi menda ana jeweiry 10 uni wa win I '.ill henent cnli value! Cltnhllihed 1 had nies n. i.ee co.. Tia walnut timtiCNT nrlces Da kl frr nensnaesra. lines, rasa, carpets. Iren and all kin metal: try eiice and be sjtlsflsdi truck anywhere- send pnst.nl or call Diamond j. nemir s;rj 2.1 Itldae a-ve. VK HOY and sell nil kinds or ami i tVrile nr nhnn Fllhert UiT. 10Sa : rJLCONIJ.HANtJ rlelhlnp heuslil: calf I wher" Mnrltet 24. Mlerns, SS7 N. t I rl'KNlll'itl., h-u-helu -oeds wanted, llaint. 1701 N Sill. Dlanien.l 0120 I MUSICAL INSTRUMENT! UIX-OHU.i iu.uoe lam issues, L'Ou eael fnr t. will exehinee n new record r.t.i Lti titiil inc: tecerils beualit Nelhm M N ltli rn- Vlctnil rheip Phnia - PIANOS, J 75 cash, !.". ein dollar week, r week, fsf YWrf A.en!ngs."T ' , CM iiKnllW lit t.'ISO plJ.ne: Iwen used tiapi"! In s.. .t .. ll,1ni ii tul Sittt itfAtm as mi 1 ij ieu'i, itiuii Arcu " lllll'IH -T-.. ' . i ""'-....'.," m HIIHWi j PLAYER PIANO Htrrv . C.ark. I300i M .' ueti'. e( $70u, e;tinrj.nteKli terms can M arraiii?-d. U II. Tedd. 1!I0J Aroh at. Open MnnilH Krldi .an.l Saturday eienlnts., ,.. rICTHOLA VI. with six III Inch V. V. fSi Y nrds. $3!) ... real tiarnaln II It. TeM. 130-J Arch st and Itita Chestnut st. Opast : leiidiiy Friday and Saturday evenlnas. LO'r.UMBIA Urafonela. 13-1.10 (1123 model)!' with 8 lO-lii'-ii clouhle-faced records III 'lectiens) II n. T'xld, 130O Arch st. Oses) Menqav. rni av mm r-mirq ay femnss. l'LAYEK-PLNO. n"Rent . (Plaslus). 1200, mahesany case, com new lil.lO, U B. Tedi, 130H Arrh s t Open Men rn & Hat, evef, 1JAHY ORANU PIANO, iiinheeany. Henry tt. Ml ler "Ike n w eap. 30.-l N tlih St. : SEAL ESTATE FOE BALE . ;ity !!!llil'!'ii;lll!!..l!ul,l.l!l.llllllllll!lllll!ill,illl!!li:illll 418 Arch Street 10125 feet l ster.ea tlectrlr eleater excellent store and warehouse. 119-21-23-25 N. 4th St. f, stories eteam hent electric lltht well nnanced Arch & Juniper, N. E. Cor. SOxlS.t te Appletree St. 4 eterlea electilu llsrht. steem hedt stores and offices reasonable ' 409 Commerce Street 10 hxTi V. 4 Merlea nie'Jrate uric J. CUTLER FULLER 11 S. 1STH bTHEET. wWtTiiiiirriraii'iWiiniiiiii.Mn VllllWU 26 S. 21st Street :0ii:0- 13 rooms. .1 heat cle-.trli- light. bjth3. steam lOth&Pine, N. E. Cerner SSslOO 14 rooms 3 baths, het-water l.edt. electrlr- light. 114S. 19th Street y hj C ft H g S lxlsj llslit 12 rooms 2 batlir, electric J. CUTLER FULLER it s ism faTni:r.T ii.nMM i, i,i;,;,Kiii-!i;i:i:"i!!::ii!iia innunimi Spring Garden Street' AND OTHER PROPERTIES David T. Nevin 529 N. 20th St. MiSrjraii'iiMniari m raMiuii.T niiinraiiiiiiinwii li 543 W. ROOSEVELT !g BOULEVARD S Resutlful 2 ' -story home Earsee: 2 S rooms and 2 baths, het-water !1 heat, hardwood floors, modern lu f3 eerv detail Immediate noaseiilen: g ener wl'l ra ilf.'-e only I'.'OOO cash g required. m Hp.ny c kalednf.r. esq. (, 1219 Penna Bide Ph Spruce 10'T Wllilllllllllll!iililll'IIIL"IIPU!ll,lliraiIlillIl!l 4730-36-40 N. 8th St. Bui" b" Dan'el Crawford two yeara ace te "'! far $IO.rfO and can be purchased new fe- IS250 tu clme un account two twe stcr" stone and brlel perch houses con cen tainlns ! larse rooms bath ami tfitrus vj 25 feet-wide rear treet, lets 10x00 fee'. met modern Ipipr nements. hot het water heat, clt 'rn llKh's flnst tiled b.ithreen and "hewer menv can bay, while th lumber and hardweuJ Is of the lii nualltj 4 1 30 et-eti for ln pe. n lie vn I 4 P M Sunday. Jf M iiOScH. Preston 1R..S W. ''lll!!l!yi!l!!i:Uli.li:.!!l!i!l'!lll!!ll!II!!ll!!'J 1 618 LOCUST ST. 1 ASHINOTON SQUARE 3 It SJxllS ft.. 4-sterv brick, 14 m moms. 3 baths, suitable for business purpose or apartments wun ery 2 litt 0 renxulcllne. 1 J. CUTLErt FULLER fj lib 1STII 0TREE1 rr.ij'11 c i w 1 nw iiiii'iniiiiiMiiiiniiiiui iiiiniiu.iiiiLi.iiiiiuniiiim yiiU!!i.i;!l!'Uli:!l! laiji amiwiauiiijiwiiiijii !iui! SALE n P -1c eu'table rafs 01 fteraee, 3 st. M fmnt" lisht en 4 sides ; 000 an, tt. " This u barKaln ulikli 11 will pay -1 jeu 10 lni-3tlca.te. a J. BECHER ANDERSON t Spr 4SS4 1.124 Chestnut St. if, mm riii "n i jit twiuii w I'lracniiawji iii mum Ai ujiiiiiimi 1 iiuiUiiiLiii.iriiuiiii i'liiniii'iiiiiiieini'iiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'iliiHisi H 2101 SPRUCE ST. M r.r. 11 r t 1 imVT litmt--:Trxfie iM'AirniKSW uu. - STORES AND DWELLINGS 'fVAT KHiir'nctnii arnu' ti Ian attr unu cvrufr t t Vet- u (.1 rn ill M irk htifrt t . I l sti Hf cnincf 1 i' i'i 1 ' ri n trf Mrt ( irnj 4 utur t,irnj.'M etui 'J H,Mrt!uuiit-i 1 T a.i v rek e. I'-m ,-i'iui' ""', imrn n leinee nlnla. ue anl ClearneM st rms . bath. DoTeET 1 . .ri D.aiireni iiumJr lajnulc niju . nn l"lly I te .1 p 1' J r HtitS? ",' "nffnJls. ur 303 V. AIIeheny ivfc .I!i1'lillIKj0.liu:iiiiiii!:!i':ii!'iimliiiiiiiiiiiii 2020 SPRUCE ST. Modern risldniim rnet ntnictlvalv I EDGAR G. CROSS r 1 1 1 1 it 1 v..... u. iC'iU nn m,i! iiHi nw Mwummmm.'m 2254 N. CAMACST. ilMTflif i . , . :i;.i 11 . : "j 'wrii- jiwi mi BLY,m Efik WH?' mw i JM1 SMMZ traswi". Ji m I 3 H j m I temmteiMimm H room and batbt lUttUHM- C 1 a. t .' .J n jr- !ft?mMs wLjarf-.tES tmfflminM$ki Ji HVfipfee 4xSMj iiewn ) m .- ijjgiittir- :.,...,.. lMK&Ml-SIw