Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 22, 1922, Night Extra, Page 33, Image 33

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National Bedy, Organlied in
" Philadelphia In 1894, Optna
Thrae-Day Saaalen
' The National Municipal League, or er
'nnliwl twenty-eight years nge In
Rllfldelpliln. returns for the first time
for its nnnuni cenvmuun mn '
tomorrow nnd Friday.
The fwmlens nre being lield In tlie
Cily Club, with luncheons en each
ef the three tiny. Delegates nnd pub
He offlelels from nil parts of the United
States ere present, Including n number
e( women prominent In business nnd
profwlennl life.
Students 01 munii:iiui government.
J Clemenceau Retire
at 1A.M.; Up at 3:15
New Yerfc, Nev. 22. (Uy A. P.)
After hlii speech lust night M.
Clemencrau returned te the Charles
Dana Gibsen home and expressed n
desire te chat with his friends there
about what he hnd said. They In
duced him te retire at 1 o'clock this
Twe hours nnd fifteen minutes
later Clemenceau, bright-eyed "and
smiling, was up, nuking for a trnn
script of his address.. Informed
that there wns net one in the house,
he sent te the street for a morning
Before breakfast was served he
was dictating a French translation
of his talk.
Clemenceau Talk
Stirs Berah's Ire
Continued from rate One
the United Htntcs at such a time with
such n plea."
Henater Hitchcock read portions of
,ii ,.nrit their experiences nnd .l.ne P& " home before coming te tue
pre-ent suggestions, lhe speeches and ..j ,,I0U,d Jll(e ,0 uk hm(., t,,e ,ent).
dlicuwlen will comprise a brief history I or of the I'le-Leuguers said, "why
r nregrcss In city government and ' tanw continues te provoke Germany 5
1 - .t . ntntrnrm tar futiirn im. i wnv' 'r instance, sue maintains 30,
pUnning nnd a platform for future im- (KX) M(lpk tj.ne(g ,,, M. whv
prerement. khc persists In doing things te Incense.
The first session was devoted te Germany and stir up resentments. New
e'ese inspection of "Pennylvnnla that Grrmnny Is a republic, I should
. .,. .!..... rp,u .,. tlllnb I'xini.. .....l.l .!.. ..la.......
......a a ...,.v 1, Villi! Hl'SUV IV fin.llll
mAr the mleroseene." This con-
i.t.,1 nf n Keries of uddresses en the
purvey conducted by Governer-elect
her. te cultivate hep frlciiihdiln. te will
llVm fllA fleemn,, itiuinl.
flifferil Pinchot nf the great spending. It is true, of course, as he says.
lliuv... m . c.i . ..... 1 ,1.... flt.u....... fl... ........ .-.t It. .....I.. .....
in wviiimii,! , iurnvy nun imeeiii 111,1:
stcndlly drawing closer toward a com
mon understanding. But France Is
driving them te It by her course.
"I have thought somewhat of writ
ing him n letter en this subject. I may
have something te say ubeut it in the
Hennter Nwrls, of Nebraska, one of
the lenders of the radical group in the
Hennte nnd an Antl-Lcngttcr In the
creiiiiit's treaty ugllt, snid
d-nnrtments of the State government
u ' ..... it J. tt.Jk M.lllfintlAHlt' u.a.
JlOltll COIIHiriltllVII, Hit l-ll 1II..M.I11 11B-
trni nnd the charities of the State will
be reviewed by authorities. The ban
auet session of the first day's meeting
be the occasion nf a thirtjr-year
review of municipal affairs bv Dr. Al
bert Slinw, editor of the Review of
Consideration of the "new standards
cf public employment," the "nntlennl
budget" nnd the "problem of crltnlnnl
justice" will occupy the second session
' in the second day. Psychologists, civil
service men, and ethers equipped for
the task will talk en the nrst subject.
Among these invited te epenk en 'the
nntlennl budget arc General II. M. j
lord, director of the budget, and
Geerge v. xserris, governor or ine
Federal Hcservc Hank of Philadelphia
Pliny W. Mnrsh. judge of the Re
corder's Court. Detroit, und Charles
DeWcedy, operating director, Cleve
land Association for Crlmlnnl Justice,
and 1'mf. Felix Frankfurter, of the
Harvard Law Hchoel, nre en the pro
gram te discuss various nspects of the
problem of criminal justice.
"What's the mntter with Congress?"
in the topic of the third nnd last day
of the meeting. Edward Keating, for
mer Congressman from Colerado, and
Btnftter-clect Simeon D. Fcss, of Ohie,
Kill ta'k en this subject.
. Others in the list of speakers at
the various sessions arc Merris L.
Coeke, formerly Director of Pub
lie Works, whose subject Is new
standards of Civil Service reform; Dr.
William II. Allen, of New Yerk.
wrae aipects of the new Federal budget
law, nnd Dr. L. It. O'Reurkc, of the
United States. Civil Service Couimls-lien.
'JTIlP American iieenle hnve unnltrii.
They are ugulnst entangling allimtccs."
Petition Charge Organization
la Georgia Corporation With
Ne State Charter
Kansas Clly, Kan., Nev. 22. Gov Gov
ereor Henry J. Allen, of Kansas, last
night led nn ouster suit In the Knnn;
supreme Court, which, he says, will
eventually "drive the Ku Klux Klan
out of existence." Governer Allen's
action Is the climax of n long fight
en the Klan, but what methods he ex
pected te use In removing the Klan re
mained n secret untlf the filing of the
ouster suit. He names efflclnls of the
Klan In Kansas nnd It mny Involve
national officials of thh organisatien.
The suit is filed en the basis that
the Klnn Is a Georgia corporation, nnd
net licensed te operate In Kansas. He
says this same means may be used
te force the Klan out of every State
In the Union, as no charter, he says,
will be granted In any State slnce the
"dangerous mennce has developed Inte
a danger ngnlnst law and order."
The following are the first nntnes te
npnenr in the ouster suit, against the
Klnn :
Themns R. Rnlv. of Fert Hrett.
editor or the Hourben News: II. uul-
r rti-a
i-v ".. ac7A'.: ' " r
mrr - -- -,.-'--
Auxiliary Chairman
yw ';glglHgCaglglglglglglglglglSgtvif
Bk gegeageT' v ihw
k9l '' '" -'i'if V'; ;S
ill MS
Trenten hotel manager, appointed
chairman of American Legien Aux
iliary qf Mercer County, N. J.
Mitt L. Gertrude Miller Appointed
In Mercer County, N. J.
Bvtclal Dmnalch te Hvtnine I'ubUa l.rdntr
lord, of Fert Scott ! W. D. Crnbb. of Mep of l Jit'm; been 'iippeinted
AS"!"'&i, ?,Sf- W?!. 8fl !2 ." ! Mercer County A.ner-
lean juegien Auxiliary. 'J. ne position
places her en the State Beard nnd she
will also be n member of the Ameri
can Legien Convalescent Heme Coin-
ranev: Itlchnnl Martin, nf Cnnev:
Neble C. McCall, of Arkansas City;
W. .T. Robinson, of Winfleld.
The petition stntes that nil of these
persons nre connected wirn ine ersnni- riT." vi.., . i-... J5r.7i.
xatlen and have been for some time hlp fw2 C k n,i
and that thev hare lieen ennrt in Sr ldlesjx. Ocean, Monmouth and
n,iin h. -,-, ,..!, 1 -j ,iun-. tiunieruen. counties
Northwest Gets
Ceal Phila. Needs
ftntlmird from Pns One
the country cenl reserves were wiped
"If there had been no strike present
condition would net prevail.
"As for Philadelphia, it is getting
Iti ncrnge nermu. supply that Is. Its
image uiirmnl supply of ether yenrs."
"Hut the Geological Suney figures
for October show that un excess amount
of antiirucite was mined eh compared
lth October of last year," J-seid.
"That is possibly true," replied Mr.
vUrriner. "The mines arc working te
tie extent of their ability, but there is
Ux strike less te be made geed."
'Where is this coal going?"
It ih being shipped te New England
no the I pper Great Lakes region.
I old weather has alreudv set in in the
.Northwest, nnd we nre hurrying ship
ments there before navigation en the
Lukes closes. Tlmt Is one reason for
tee shortage near home."
'!"r. the railroads supplying jeu
win the necessary amount of cars'"
I asked.
-!,?' ,!'.'-v, "re del,lf ver- well."
luen he added :
"Yeu knew we are working under the
direction et n national fuel admluls-
ilrets" P Cnl w,ierevcr be
In the last sentence Mr. Wnrriner
revealed the crur f the cenl sltua sltua
Hen Inder thn Instructions of n
aatlennl ( enl Administrator, the sup
5 . ,H nxthrnclte fields Is being
deflectel (nm Philadelphia te the
Points furthest distant nnd which will
b fir-t hit by the lllteznrd King.
According te Mr. Wnrriner. until
!Si4 er",?n?t nni1 Nert,lnest nre sup.
piled, or Inke navigation Is closed by
a' r..," Nn"""l Fuel Administrator
in, me eni, i'iiiiHa.pni.i will hnve
w crlj.p e along as best kIip enn, flap
ping her arms, and kicking her tees,
end lining nn Apuchp dnncc te keep
Trlrhy Retailers at Werli
There's n netnble point mnde bv a
iiM,i,,ipfri iw,lls. w.l,,(,h cve fnu,,y
in Philadelphia should be familiar.
.," 'i88 t0 '? wlh the way consumers
swindled by unscrupulous re
"Hen, In the pt.
hvfhiBii" lcalcr9 'i thl8 cit" bl,y cn'
MuithJ0.1!11 'r11 of -M0 "m,"'l, nu
i ""v ''1'ert ,0" of - pounds,
ehaser. " "' " ,l,e retu'J )ur'
t'.l'"Ji '111,r,'r,", f 210 peinids be
., ,'" , 'T ,0,,8 '",' "d the short one
M for n purpuM.," M,id this shipper.
Le ,. liu ,,lT,nlt f ndJiihtmentH.
it f fi ou, ," t,,e "illrend. dust, less
en re-handling, and ether things.
ubt 1 7"p(M' ''"."'i'11' t0 ,un- They
knew.illv0 " 1.830 because they
mlib !J,.?l"he,,,e.r. '"', no way te
Heuse Rules Committee Pre
sents Resolution for Final
Action en Nev. 29
Bv Aitectattd Press
Washington. Nev. U2. Hy n straight
party vote, the Heuse Rules Committee
today breurii in 11 rcso'utlen giving
the Administration shipping bill right
of way in the Heuse, with provMen
for unlimited amendment nnd 11 final
ete r.n Its pnssage November 10.
The program culls for u vote en the
resolution by the Heuse itself with
out delay. Should thu rcso'utlen be
adopted by the Heuse, as Is expected,
the subsidy measure will be taken up
Twe Rcntlbllcnn memheru nt the mm.
I mittec. Dale, Vermont, und Jehnsen,
neutn LioKeta, declined te vote en 1111
amendment te the resolution, which was
adopted, preventing appropriations ear
ned in the measure from being thrown
out en 11 point of order. Rcprcseiitti
live Jehnsen told the committee It wns
te be understood tlmt member voting
if the resolution giving the bill priv
ileged status would net be necessarily
jjund te vote for the bill itself.
President Harding, in his address bo be bo
fertn joint session in the Heuse chamber
yesterday, declared nnnrtment r.t h
Shipping Rill wns necessary te relieve ; from doing business, since the Klnn Is
the Federal Treasury of present losses net content te conduct its business in
through operation of Government ships the open us ether organizations,
und te nssurp the maintenance of n j "I de net deny, of course, thnt many
merchant marine te ierve the nntlen in I excellent men are nsec!ated with this
unr, ns wen as meet the needs of Its 1 aider, but they de net knew hew dan
extending the membership nnd directing
the affairs of the organisatien.
Tim attack was drenped after the
election te flare up again tonight.
The Hnnreme Court first will net en
Allen's suit te outlaw the Klnn. That
Is only ns n first step in the move
te remove every Klnnvmnn from nnhlln
office. It Is known that Governer
Allen has emnleved asents te cover
the State in an investigation ie lenrn
the name of the public officials who are
Many Klansmen charge thnt Allen's
"war te the death" en- the Klan la
prompted by the motive of revenge.
I It wnH nnlntnl te .tiv flip Klnn In
the primary that the candidates ' for
Congress took little pnrt in the AHen
type of 8tnte campaign and in the
few speeches made by Senators Curtis
and Capper they emitted mention of
Allen's bitter nttnek en the Klan.
Last night, witli the news broadcast
that Allen Is out te oust the Klan, al
ready mere than n dozen Klnn cere
monials were under way in different sec
tions of the Stntc. In the recent cam
paign the "?ry cress of the Klan was
familinr ui the political meetings In the
town halls throughout Kansas.
Tcpeka, Kan.. Nev. 22. (By A.
P.) In connection with the tiling of
the ouster suit. Governer Allen issued
u statement saying:
"Then is coming te my attention
constantly nn increasing number of
mmp'nlnts from various communities
of people, who hnve received threaten
ing lettcru signed by the Ku Klux Klan.
Such utireut und terror shouldviiet occur
in nny well -organized State.
"In addition, n few acts of violence
hnve been committed, most conspicuous
wns the whipping of the Mayer of
Liberty. Whether or net these nets
hnve been committed by the Ku Klux
Klnn, the fact remains thnt they hnve
been committed under the disguta
adopted by the Klan.
"There Is 110 way of finding the re
sponsible heads of this ergnnlzntinn,
because the officers hnve persistently
declined te come te the Secretary of
State's office, ns the law provides, and
take out n charter.
"Therefore, our only recourse In
order te protect law and order Is te ask
the Supreme Court te prohibit them
Miss Miller, who is manager of the
Trenten an'd American Houses, is
prominently Identified with" the Tren Tren
eon Business nnd Professional Women's
Club and takes an active pnrt In civic
nffalrs. She is nlse 11 member of the
New Jersey State Hetel Association
and well known through New Jersey.
coinmerce In time of nenre.
lhe first American woman Senater.
Mrs. W. II. Felten of Georgia, closed
her senatorial cnicer today after nn
swerlng once te her name and making
it brief address amid applause of Sena
(era nnd spectators. Her successor,
alter F. Geerge, then uns sworn in
and Mrs. Feltnn became a former Scnu Scnu
ter nfter an netunj service of twenty
two hours nnd twenty-live minutes.
gernus it is te society te nllmv any
masked organization te tnke upon itself
the, right of assuming power of govern
ment ever the citizens."
Athens, Ga., Nev. 22. Twe hun
dred Negroes nnd fifty white farmers of
Oconee County held n mass-meeting,
according te reports published here to
day, nfter notices were posted en sev
eral Negro churches and ledge rooms
Sunday warning the Negroes te leave
before the end of the year.
The negrees at the meeting ndepted
n resolution declaring "confidence in
the law-abiding white citizens of our
country," nnd further that "we will
net be driven from among the white
people, whom we knew te be our
friends, without first giving them an
Governer-Elect Has Busy Morn
ing Seeing Visitors at
His Office Here
Gilferd Pinchot, Governer-elect, in
(limited te cullers in his etBce In the
Rcnl Estnte Trust Building today that
it would probably be two or three
weeks before he made any announce
ments ns te ills cabinet.
"Millien of suggestions" nre com
ing te Mr. Pinchot. but he will "listen
nnd say nothing" for the time being, en
the cabinet or the question of the As
sembly, speakership.
As for the speakership, he expects te
give that problem, which Is Important
because of Its control of Heuse com
mittees, which In turn can forward or
retnrd legislation, serious study. Dis
cussing thnt particular situation in
uumnlly the Governer-elect hinted thnt
he would "wake up some morning with
his mind nil inudc up, Just ns was the
case in the question of the chairman
ship of the State Committee." His
callers felt that the Governer-elect wus
net te be "stampeded."
Mr. Pinehet's office wai filled all dnv
with men nnd women, from this cltv
und from ether and distant parts of
the State. It wns net without slanifi-
.1 . M . m T .
Lausanne Conference Heart
Opposition te Move by
Greek Delegates
Bv Associated Prtss
Lausanne, Nev. 22. The question of
the disposition of Western Thrace eome
definitely before the Powers today when
Ismet Pnshn presented te the commis
sion en military nnd territorial matters
Turkey's clnlm Ie nil the territory em
braced within her frontiers of MJ3.
In presenting hh demands for West
ern Thrace Ismet Pasha limited him
self te it bnre claim for the territory
nnd 11 vote by the Inhabitants. Lord
Lurzen, who wns presiding, pressed
Ismet for nn nrgiinicnt In support of
the claim, but the Turkish delegate,
wlillc re-enferclii;; bin opening state
ment slightly, showed a disposition te
wait until nil the ethers had laid their
cards en the table.
M. VenlzclnM. far flreni'tt. llttmiwllnte.
ly opposed the claim nnd wns supported
Women Voters See
Parden Beard Werk
Ilarrlshurg, Nev. 22. A delega
tion of six of the 'leaders of the
League Cf Women Voters, hnnded
Mrs. Jehn O. Miller, State chnlr
man, attended sessions of the Par Par
eon Bexrd tu the State Heuse this
morning. As Mary Fliiin Lnwrenee
has been mentioned as n Pinchot
possibility for the position of Sec Sec
retnry of the Conimenwenlth, the
slgnlllcnnce of this attendance- cur
ried weight, for thut effii'lnl sits ns
11 member of the Purden Beard.
Tariff Issue Before
the Women's League
Continued from I'hrf One
Mrs. Kiln M. Geerge and n discus
sion of Immigration by Frederick A.
Wnllls, former Commissioner of Immi
gration, will he features of the ufter ufter ufter
noen bessien.
Surprise That Farmer Was
Called Ahead of Mrs. Gib Gib
eon, the "Pig Weman"
AMHAIIA.MHON. Itetsmei and frt
viiBu 10 runcral, en wed.,
sharp, from late rildnci', 80
viteJ te funeral, en Wed., at im
unam .. in. m ...li.... In44 Vu
e. ini. iiar ncDe ctmctery
..AM.E.V. Suddenly, en rimt-day.
Menth lOlli, 102-. KUStAUBTH
Tminv ftPrl-nria Aaan.
net ar invited te tn
I'M a.
trlmnnm ar Inwlr! Ia lha
rirthdav, Kl-venth Menth L'Sd
st 10.30 n'clerk, from tht eillver J
Hide.. 120 Ch-iitnut at. interment
at Lanaherne, Fa. '
11 te .
tt I.Iah. nf n..iu.. .... h.Ullua. tr C' '2,
......... ... iviw'ii i.n.iri iitiihii... ..J)
IIAXTKH. Nev. SO, 1058. MAIT
friend are Invited In allend funeral
!ce, Thurs . U P. M, precisely, at her
11 .'. 'num. J I. l. prccipciy. m itrr i-iwiit; -i
reeMcncf, it.12 Monument me. tnt. vrlvaifc !(,'
BBARp.-Suddenly. Nev. in. KUOWOJ.
a. REAttb. Itelatlvea and frlendi Inrtti 5
te funeral. Thure.. 2 P. M.. 'from lata el'fI
dence. Orchard rd . Oakmont, Pa. Int.
e p m Krienaa initi can wea
HOi.lrit. Nev. 21. 1022 KmVAf.
nunu.iiiu in j.nzenciu j;, iiencn. rurmw'vii
.iH2 W. Duvnl nt , tjerinanlewn. let, 9tht
vai. Frlfnde tnnv call Thura eve. ';fn
BROMLnT On Nev. II), 10S9. AbSMKl-
Bu a Staff Correspondent
Harrlsbllrir. Nev. 1. Mrs. .Telin O.
Miller, who urged yesterday thnt the
two great nellticnl nnrtlch iniikc kneun
- -.,... ..,, en i iiia. (i tiiin lfir- ntiHnuiK.il i .. , -. . ... . .
py the Jiise-Slnvs und Itumnnlnns, who tneir ensic (imercnccw mi tlie tnrin, re
favored lllllilltn illttitr tlin M'irlteii 17 Iver
as the western boundary ef Turkey In
Kureiie nnd nirreed with him thnt there
should net even he u jilcliiwite te do de do
I'Ide the severelunty of the disputed ter ter
rltery ut Ismet Hiitrsesteii.
Kx-I'remler Venlzclnn betxnn his nr
Riiment npiinit tlie claim by feelingly
centrastlnc the broken Greece of tedny
with the Greece thnt he sold hnd enr
rled en the wnr egalnst Turkey for the
, . ('re('-'c' "feer nil, wns one of
the Allies, he declared, while Turkey
wnt en the enemy side.
The present conference wns net be
lnc held simply te settle the differences
between the Turkish victor nnd benten
Greece, lie pointed out, but te make
pence between thn Alllns nml nne nf the
countries they had vnmiulshcd.
iiie Lausanne conference, having or
ganized for work. Is new ready Ie take
L'J' 1 task of restoring pence in the
Nenr Fast.
TIlP effort nf Tsmnf Pnuttn nn.t Ma
Turkish de'ecntlen for open scs"lenH ind
complete publicity for nil conference
proceedings lins been overruled nnd
neVH ntinetinrcmniitu ivlll Im llmlfn.t in
fennnl ceinmiiiil"-s agreeil upon by tlie
t-ecretarlllt of nnnfnrennn Tlie
TitrkiMi delesnitN nre considerably
ORitated ever this decision, contending
Hint members of the ether delegations
ate divulging what transpires in con-
irrrnru circles, uncrens they, ns
.Meiinmmeiiaii gentlemen, hnve
incir worn
ftemerviirc, N. J Nev. '-". Geerge
Hlpel, regarded ns one of the Common-
tt itfi It ! u .. I ttt ntifl naif tvlf itn-UfiM ttl
.i... ttm.. if.-ii ......i.- i ,i-ti.. IIE''"V IjneMUllt at . ht"a lata' real,
in,- .nun-nun iiitiiiit;i ni.ceui,..i.v.., iwii n. aiei i., ee Anceiea. uaui.
i i...r .i... ......! i..... i u..n. wees and Interment at l.ne Anaelea
, , , ., , , . , ItUItn. At Vlncentewr f. J.. Ner. II.
mIeii here sliertly before neon today. 1022. maheaw't a. nuitR. in her 4HI
rjipel was the nrst witness Heard or i'"r: "''J;' a nfa 'tirne", 'gj'.S
wIiem; who it is believed mny be able r;iiVln"et b-anV m train f?Sm Phil., li?
te threw sonic direct light 011 the inys- 1 -wnnevllle. N. J. int. Mt. Helly Cem. V
terieus filiiying of the Hev. rlwurd Hi'.scH. --suddenly. Nev. 20, APNA,
VI,n..lnM I1..II a.. Mru I'I.mi unr H.'lti. widow of Of erae lluerh tnfn Klenmann).
Wheeler Hall ami .Mrs. Mcutier luin- ttti 3 iteiatrvea ud frlende are InvlteU
hardt Mills oil Hcptelubcr 11 laat. te attend funerul. Fn morning, from har
The testimony of Sipel was regar.lcd '?,!,7ll""1,,hrlnTeh,?' nT. .,?l,e l,vv?.v f. .".SUSfi
as likely te be of importance because, n'M."'. Woed,UHOm :PiVanCvV.'
it was thought be could corroborate Ihe'N". J. T,raln w'" leae iIarKi Kerry
story told by Mrs. Jane Gibsen, the I"3" ,nv --,,-, .
the late James and Hllen Cleeland. Itela
Mvee nnd friends are lnvltel te attend
tuim, Thure.. 2 p. m.. chanal of
" JU
"nig woman." who ut-serts te hiie been
an ejewitness of the murder .scene.
Mrw CHiiiii hiiH nut ns vet telrl her .un."r' eerutee. Thure.. 2 P. M.. chaw
.Airs. ijIIimjii nns net us ei 101a uer Andrew j, JJu,r Hen Arcn nJ ,0th
iry before the Grand .Itiry. Heme, int. erivate.
surprise was expressed that Hipel should
have been called in ndvnnce of the "pi.
weinuti, ns the Millie et want lie might.
tAltw1 it (ief ..... a. !.. .lami
aja.-.vi lllllll UlinUl IU IH'r Mill;'-- ' . I 1 a til l.t. tl..
tien last iilht in the Capitel, where b ",',,! temi WS? ''.'"V"1 " I,,? d
It wns propounded. coneborathe. Sipel is a dealer in
Rfhvnril Vntcnn nintrlnv fnMi.er ' I'lgs, and is reported te have been (Iriv-
membernr'ef ttTeuseDKJ MlXan ' I ,"' ?? l'"""1" "" "l l"U
...i... -...i... t... 1 .t. r.i...... rit... of the liiuruer.
."J'V". """ ' ..riiim-ii ui -MiiKivy jur- ,. ,,, v,,li. .vl.n u-iih ..3c.
npi'tcil te ti'stifv tu thi! time she heard
shots from her home near the Phillips
iff bill, took the affirmative side, chnm
plenlng the Ierdney-McCumber Tariff.
Congressman James Willinm Cellier,
of Mississippi, answered him in the
The legislative chamber of tlie
Heuse, where the league is holding Its
fourth nnnuni convention, wns paeked.
Frankly, it was hard te knew the
truth, se tcllinglv did each of the nre-
tngenists present his party's side of the
qurniien. in 1 11c rien uruwi 01 nis na
tive Southern State, and dropping most
all of his g's. Congressman Cellier shot
the Ferdni'i-McCiiiiiber tariff bill full
of holes with his ridicule.
"There rre a few things they bnveti't
taxed yet.' he cried, leaning his big
frame ever the geld rostrum. "There's
seaweed. On Page III. Paragraph COO,
jeu'll find, ladies nnd gentlemen, we
have free seaweed. They may be tax
ing bread s-een, but what care we ns
long as w have seaweed. There are
bones and maunu, tee. We hnve
Mr. Dingley answered the nsfflilts
mnde en the m w tariff law nnd showed
thnt pretctlun as n national piegram
docs net increase prices and the cost
kept of living, lie c-pecia'ly pointed out
wnai n program .01 protection means te
A delegation renresenilni- slrrln n... 'the women nf the innrt.
rived today, demanding tlmt the con- The League of Nations and the Ship
ference grant Independence te their Subsidy Hill, as well ns matter- touch-
country, which was given the stutus lrR every -dny life, were made n special
of n French mandatory stnte bv the I issue by the two speakers in their ef-
Allled Supreme Council nt San Iteme in ! fr,s le spread out practically and
11)211. without decimals the tenets of free trade
51. Hnrrere lirml r,t ! i.'mni, ,ini- ! versus protection.
nntlen; Lord Cuizon nnd ethpr illn'e. 1 An nddr.'ss by Frank IX Graham, of
mats of the old school have anpnrentlv ' ",c department of economics of Piincc
determined te gie this meeting a char-
in-ier iiiiierciu ireui tiiut et past con
ferences in which Mr. Lloyd Geerge
has been a moving spirit.
The former Uritish Premier plnnned
this conference before he fall' of his
government. lteuud-tnble gatherings
ten, followed the debate. He closed the
women 0te1V tariff evening by giving
the value of the present law from the
point of view of economic policy.
A little earlier in the day. in :i aiiiet
corner ever teutupt, wus fought the first
skirmish of a battle tTifit is sold te loom
sucji as this nre Mr. LIemI Geerge's 'tM hulk ns the most momentous issue
il.-l:lllly, em. xncy apparently nre net "l "" "'""' "" iiniiiuu,
ee much te the taste of the new Uritish 1 Eighteen women, nil members of the
Gevernmint. 1 Delaware County League, sat in a hotel
The machinery of the present con- I lounge nnd debated fervently that issue
ference will' ntinnreiitlv be mnnli the 1 which will be presented fermnilv te the
"kiime ns thnt of the Genea, Ilngue nnd Stnte budy tomorrow us a debate cu
rtail neme meetings. Three ceinmis- ' ii'i :
hlens te deal wiih general problems are 1 "Iteselved, Thnt the League of
provided for in the preliminary
Constantinople, Nev. 22. (Hy A.
!') IL C. .Inqtilth, managing director
Women Voters Should Indorse l'nrt.v
Cnndidntes for Office."
The debate will be In the hands of
Mrs. Carrell Miller and Miss Marien
Iteillv. After it w riniulicil ir iv kv.
for the American Nenr Knst Helicf Or- ' pected the question will lie put te 11
Kiinizutien, has returned te Cen-1 vote nnd settled once and for all.
stnntineple from Moscow, where he Mrs. Wnlter M. Newklrk. who
negotiated an ngreement with the' worked strenuously for the measure at
i-Miie-ie w n w a wt vtiier . . .. ..b a i. ..
dnv was with a wemnn Sim f f lnii .. 1 "'-,r""",f concerning ititure iiKcs-iiarre last -ar. is iuw one et
Ieilfirl. nresfdent of the Hen.n . i r(,i,uft wer,i of American! 111 Georgia these nveuedly against it. und she
We. en's Club of I)e ,re l 'Am .. n i'"'1 Arnu'nin- Vw M,'fmv ""therlties. makes no bones about it.
. n" of the erItll 1 h, ll CiL,'1 ' llc ,'T""?- "rsi;, '""' f Ameri. Members of Delaware County dele-
VlVnt filsi vtt ?.. !i ' ,en,t,,,41 "'can humanitarian efforts, premising Us gntien aie:
IftM'nWfli K , ngCce;;Kee-with ' u,"",B""d B"Pr'"rt- ,:- & S1- M" H' tf-
Jehn S. Fisher, former State Itaiffi i J w w ." ",". M r S Vr m''' ' . ?nirJlle'
SS?BS!SffiS wls?r,s ft nW sn,hVf Radlcals Demand US: iS'X:
urged for A .Lev Geni, '' . J,. '',: ' PhmiS Iff W- tin. Mrs.,11. C. Berry. Mis, May Vnl-
-.-- - 1 -w w m r r r r . rill llllll I 111' .11 I M .1. a. I IIIIkK tiru
UIUI-TMIKJU I1U ICCIH that in v-..
legal connections stand in the wuy of ,
his being considered for that eSice. I ren'n"t 'rem Pnee One
Anether caller wns State Senater '",nr 'ntsen te succeed him if he re-
a. r.uwiiru i.eng.
Wnlter M. New-kirk. Mrs. Casper Hew
arth. Sirs. Jehn Marshall, Mrs. Lerey
Smith. Mrs. Jonathan M. Steere, Mrs.
Prilllblln f 'liri.ltnlini. tiu PI.,,,,.. M
It does net regnrd the leader-i lick. Miss I.illie Hunting.' Miss Lucy
Jehn Conway and Four Other Ac
cused of 8teallng $10,000 Ci
Mrs. Cathnrine Conway, of Spruce
"KVw"c"S...,".-B.rvt7,V. I,"n'p.'.' .n''! onnertunitv of nrotecMn us."
. en ini after Ma.i.trat T Ce win d 0cenM Cem" nns be"" t,,r,,wn ,nt0
add her Se Tjohn in vmi Mi fnr ' """ult en vnrleua occasions during the
furthrf hi-rin n week fm tednv " i 'st ' -' attention has
J In connection with the theft of u li.miu- """:.'. TBv-" mP" . . W,e,c"'
sine, valiieil nt SI I.IMHI. tin. nwi,i..rv '"' "'"' "" """" '"'
of Klias Wexelblat. of nS Market I ,h?,f homes and flogged,
street, from Sixty-flrst and Curpenter , 1 he1 c.m"u-y ,r',ni1 J,;r'v ri'1
sirruib nuuiinv uigut.
Tlie men held with Conway were
Lawrence Stillwcll, Murlln Pike, Cam
den; Jehn Ilurrlty, Itace street near
Fifty-fourth; Jeseph Urephy, Itedmnn
street near Fifty-second, und Raymond
Hey, Sixth street near Girard avenue.
They were urrested early yesterday
by Patrolman Smith, of Wayne, who
eently re-
turned indictments against white per
rens nfter the lynching of tiiree Ne
groes, Ne convictions were obtained.
Masked women, estimated at fully
.100, paraded Atlanta's streets for the
flrst time in the history of the city,
late last night.
The naradera were enld te be mem.
Iers of the Dixie Women's League, a
found them asleep in 'the car after they i "l,n,r,0,,c "PI10!?-", T,p' were white
i-i ( i, .it .. ' POHflltnOH li- Hi ilnu'ln- uTonvea ttiiiimfl
S'sl'i.T'M,r'' ,,lH C("" n'l uiworu uiweru
"I neer lie cauirht."
feet nd"rthln,"K ''. b,""n aM e
wed ill r.'.'""ut,,rs- l,lh' !
f 5-p.uS tt ,:,vceT' vnnM
the'" ire i!"Bjr Jn . ,tr,fl0 l
"henvv " ?i. iH whnt I8 knwn as
itehetr un,hrucltM
Vlfe'e Delicate HeaUh Prevents
il.1.?t0p;.y,r aV.Hvn.
Hrjan ,', ':"VV,..-- WlUlnin J.
Ban rr
Ms umr i. -" ",.f"n,l- .. arrived
!.. '.-"."
iT'V"' "S !" Mniincr Keunder.
hame 'J, '"y,n,ia. J'y for their winter
ruban'aelir W,,hUt BetU"8
ltbandCS ". ",. 5' Mrs. Bryan's
i.w b-ni .. nn::.''!" ? reacn, Miami
had taken fifteen gallons of gasoline
from the Hcrwyn gurage without pay
ing for it.
Mrs. Conway bore up while her son
wns being arraigned, but swooned us
t-lie reached the corridor. Her head
struck the stone Heur. Piitrelmaii Gem
eiideii, with tlie aid of bystander, car
ried Iter te Police Surgeon Hricker's
office, where she wns revived and held
u while for observation,
Jehn A. Osberne, 4Kf Kilmuml it,, und
.Mamie K. Svwtjrr. 5ns N. Illlli el.
Jnyeph A. Ml'iilk, '.'710 K. llnnllusilan at.,
nni) Amies U. t.uklewvld, a ITS Almeivl hi.
Jay cl Davie. S4IO Turner t.. an, I Anna
H Iliisern. 'J4IU 'luiner hi,
Wnlter u. t'niU. ;I7 ll.ue t,, nnd Elea Elea
eor Muni', lurby. t',i.
I'hiirleii . Iiii)ile. SO'i IJIUnnrth et.. nnil
Mareent M. Iniin, 7: S. i'4ih hi,
rraiicln II. McClutmin. !U:'0 N. r.'.ith it,, and
(IrarK Uiwniiuh, Vd.iiIImi, N. J.
I.eule Martin. 1011 Klliwutcr it,, nnd Viela
Hweeliey, 8S.1T Olive it.
IMwurrt A. Ilecluiiaii. !IH ff. Ihleli ave ,
and I.IUlai) II, Kelly, ansa Krankfrird ur
Edard V. Myr. Uhiatnut Villi. Pa., and
Florence M. l.auberitjln HH02 Cli-anlew,
Cenetantln It. Kateln, iillliurdale. l' . and
Leretta M. Cenlev I J la N. SStli et.
Antonie Mamlle. .iMT IUntnn t.. nnd
Palma Iteneln. 1111 Hnidei; nve.
Joeeph l ,Mrni. 7IU I! II lien t nnd
Kmnm H. I'atter.en. IMIll i;. Iliu.inrd rt.
In lil llrewn. l.'tOll N, Tt li et., und Idii
P.rkfnril, IRIStN. Ileete et.
Ilrdce H. Oe.kln aeil S. auth el, nd
.Maude A. Jehnsen, ami ,N, Hlllli m,
Hull Hrennlnif. S. W. lornef liltli end l,i.
ruat t.. und Amu J. UJinpney. 010,1
llnltlinure aw.
Wladlalaw Uuritti. 8u K'lyeninnt it,, nnd
Anmnlna UrHiiifUI, JISli Kdgemnnt n.
King Thomae, Wnedlijne. N. J., and Edna
Fuller. Woodbine, N. J.
Dallaa T. BUger. I.anedewne, P Rnj
Marlen D. Martin. Hlenehurit. J'
Joeeph l. Ilercher. Slckervllle. N. j., tnd
wfti t. s$&tfm jwwj
e..-'!, m
costumes, with ffewlnB sleeves trimmed
in reu ana blue.
The masks completely covered their
faces, and were similar te these
i formerly worn by the Ku Klux Klnn.
xne parade was led uy mounted po
licemen mid u baud. Then followed
the members, in pahs, eueh currying u
small American flag.
Just what it was all nbeut Allnntans
did net seem te knew. Newsboys
dubbed them "women Ku Klux'b."
Menree, Lu.. Nev. -. (Hy A. P.)
Mrs. Ann F. Garrison, of West
Menree, mother of Thninns F. Uleh
ards, who, with Watt Daniels, both
of Mar Heiikc, is believed te have been
murdered in Aukus) by masked men.
tediiy appealed te President Ilnrdint,'.
CeiiKrcM-mnii .1. It. AmvcII nnd the press
Ie assist her In her endeiner te discover
whether her son is dead or alive.
Serves Netice He Will 8eek Order
te Sell New Yerk Property
New Verli, Nev. 2. Anting its his
own lawyer, W. K. I. Stokes, wealthy
lenity owner, whetc marital dlllicultles
with Helen I!wned Stokes have been
in the courts three jear, Tiled notice
.wsterdny In Supreme Court tli.it he
would seek n ceuit elder November S
permlttiiiB him te sell a home en West
Righty-Nlxth street for .S-i.'i.liOO, one ene
thlnl of the amount te be held in trust
pending linnl decision en bu wife's
rigiu ie a dower.
Charges against several prominent
New Yerk men, his present wife's, at-
Stand for Seniority System
It hni no Intention te tin.-.. t,tii.ni.,n.
ment of the seniority tystem, as was
get the nttentlen of the forester.
Anether caller was Georgis S. Oliver """"'ees in wiiicli he nnd his fol fel fol
ef Pittsburgh, political lender and ' i "'" ",t il,ulcsU;l1' Kinnnce nnd
publisher In Allegheny County. He ,, I1"'1?1"''' Cmnmerce. and Senater
Interested in Mr. Fisher for Attorney ' ,T, "p .le p,,ml l,,," in Foreign
eieneral ami State Itcpuresentntivc Mi', i "elntien-i. In tlie course of the next few
Vlear. of his county, fur Speaker ef!?,'"r,s' m"'1' "",' I''1'. ,,,u st,uierit. .sys
the Heuse. I ' "ll! nnnlh become ihairiii.in of
nn imiini'tant committee
Tin re are net apparently enough siire
eteu in the I.n rollette bice te prevent
the orgnniatien of the Senate bv the
Republicans unles the bleu would go
u nm u-iiKin in eiui(; wiiii tlie lleine-
Councilman W. W. ltenvr. whom
Mime of the women are booming for
Mnjer and who also has been men
tioned as material for appointment
tinder the Pinchot administration, was
another visitor. Mr. Plnclmi n v..i
.n'nS,i "etftr"w,i "vrYer!e:: ::i .- ' n.rM. j.-vuns-.M;.rti. ; v
. hdwnrd Leiitr. .Iinlniinn nt l tiles.
l'lucliet I'rlmnrv ('iihii.iIlmi rnntminT slim ns imnei-tniit. Willi t.n,,..i . ' a., ,!,.,.. m., if.....i , i... m.
l -. -.--.. - .. ,ivi-( . ...... it.iim ,u .....ii.ri.j , ...i-t, .kiitt-ti .1, v itjiin, .urs
..... ...m.h "i me uns morning ireni ' 'cr emm uees. it dues net grentlv t . li. ."Maxwell, Mrs. .Marshall 11
Uiambcrsburg. Then came State Hep- "" AH It nuns te de is te prevent I Smith, Mrs. Mary P. Werrnll. Mrs
mtiiiii4,ii euiiit, sponsor rer tlie,"" e'liin-iing ei us memners nineng
Stnte enforcement law. fiesh from his ,l"' various committees where they will
ititui-an uriuru me convention of the '" ' lm " I'ewer iiuu inuuelice
League or Women Voters in Harris
burg. Ne sooner had Mr. Wener gene
than Halph Beaver Strnssbitrger, of
Vnrrlutiu'M n .tt.ltllLl.nH m...i in .
............, ., .pt,ui.ut.'t (iiiu x-inciier . . tf . ' '
it'nbAw tt.lt lu .... ...' .l.n it..-.. .. Iimllescil III Netllltnr. AI. f '.,.... 1,.! ri'l...
......v., ...it, ,a iiuu til nil; lively SllirilS I" ! ,. ' , """"""nj illU
In the jeunger Pinchot set. arrived and I Ji". 1,lltv sjstem hns brought Mr. I.a
.Vnl' t TItrtTfrV fcii-riWn2l
of Calhartni' Column ri (no Powers). lUli
tlveg and frlendi. nlie tiiv. Ne. 24. A. O.
H. nml I;, u. O M . n. r.4. ii r, i Invltad ta
attend funeral, Fn . 8.3(1 A. M,. from IBM
ruewence i.ie n. fii'd et Helemn renuie
" hi in nurcn or nur i.ncii or
mrv iv .. .11 int meiv creie uem.
COPE Nev. l'l. HAP.Il N. COI'B. aced
lit Punerat eerlciB AVed.. S P. M.. 403 N.
.3d it. IteintUei. frlniN Ueerire W, Ken
drlrlt Jr . Ixidre Ne I1P0, P. und A. M..
nml emp!ne cf I'ni.hvln I..ometlve Werk!,
Invited. Int Oxford. Pa.. Thuri
CItOWI.nY Nev. IS, DANIEL A., eon
........ ............ .. - - - - , v.iiuni.i.1 .(', is, ijaiviki. A.. HOB
furm, WUS the first witness of the daj. of the late Timethy nnd Catharine Crowley.
Seated around the rotunda of tl'O i "''"tl'e' nnd frlemle. alee empleyes of MuV
courthouse, en the first fleer, were the
nlclnnl Court nnd Themas D. Flnletter Club
"i .nn nure, are invited te nttenfl runerai,
fhur-.. 8.30 A M. residence, ?42 De I.ancey
"t. solemn rcaiHem mnee at Mt. Jeseph'
Cnurch 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral Cem.
DEWOt.l'i:. At nrnnferd. Conn., en Ifev.
20. IUL'2 MARION D-WOLPI3. aeed 8.
vrnre Service tn Wednesday mnrnlnr. nt
II 'c'er(, nt the eilviT IT Deir Rldit., 1820
Che'nut rt . Phlla Interment nrlvnte.
IJONAHUK ?Y. 21. PATRICK, huiband
of Marv M. Demihu ln KArrU) ntm.
H, H'ee and frlnM nr Invlied tn attend fu-
Fruley. a neighbor of the Phillips farm, ; n.' Frailer m iiibi m,.., Vr 'req..iem"t
who heard shots, was another witness, jhn Church of Kt Grcgerr le a. M. Int
witnesses who had been summoned te
testify ut the morning session of the
Grntid Jury hearing.
Clifferd IlnycH. once arrested en the
strength of Raymond Schneider's fraud
ulent "confession" us the raurdetcr,
wus there .seated beside his father.
Nearby wus .lames Mills, huhniid of
the murdered choir singer. Mrs. A
wultina te be culled. Charlette Mills
sat with Harbara Tough and Louise
Cici.'t. maids in the Hall home, tlie lust
iiiuiied absorbed in a novel. In the
circle of witnesses sat Mrs. Nellie Run
sell, colored, who contradicted Sirs.
June Gibsen's story.
Detective Gmrgc Tet ten. of Somerset
County, was tin- seietid witness called.
Then- .Mrs. Fruley went in und her
daughter Catherine, followed by Si
journey Smith, a resident of the Phil
lips furm neighborhood, nnd Hurry Mc
Cube, who iil'e lies nearby.
It was iletiiiitely stated that tl.e
Grand Jury would sojourn until Mon
day at the end of today's Mission. Dur
ing the intennl the special deputy nt nt
terney genernl expects te clean up
some miner details of the case.
Kruttschnltt Telle Commission Aid
Is Necessary for Betterment
Washington, Nev. . (Hy A. P.)
Important expansions and better
ments by the Central Pacific Railroad
are immediately necessary te meet the
demands of Western commerce, Julius
Kruttschnltt, ehnlrman ei the beard of
the Southern Pacilis Railroad, testified
today before the Inter tatc Commerce
Commission, nnd snid the-c will be
mnde with capital obtained by the
credit of the Southern Pacific :if the
Supreme Court decision ordering a ills,
solution of tlie two railroads is set
If the merger is net maintained
the Central Pacific will be unable te
nrry through the enlargement expen
ditures demanded alone. All expendi
tures for improvements have been re
stricted during the Inst ten jeurs, lie
Hely (.'roes Cem.
DPFFV -Nev 21. TATRICK I . below
husband of Catharine A DulTv (nee Ke.lt
Ins). Due noth'e of funeral from 204D Al
pletree t.
EDWARDS On Nev. 20. Ifl22. RICH
Aim KEMW.B EDWARDS ncd 74 yeari
It' lathe- nnd friends are In'ited te the aerv
Ice. en Thursday aflernenn at 2 o'clerk. at
hie lete reildnee, HS47 Olle et. interment
nt Orenmeunt Cemetery Vlewln. Wednei
day esenlnir.
nt.DRinOK. Suddenly. Nev 21, EDOAR
BTITEH. hunhand of Annle P'kice EldrldK.
Pun-rnl eerilces Bt hie late p'Kldence. 4021
royal et . Germanteun. Frl.. 12 neon. Int.
r.l.FItr.TTT Nev 20. 1022. ANNA M.,
widow of C.iicli P. Elfreth. Rrlntlvei and
frlend- are Invited te nttend funeral aerv
ii", Thure . 2 P It . at the reeldenea of
'"r ecn-ln-law. M'tchfll H. Hroek. 8116
Wvnnwoed reed Ovrhieilt Int, private.
Friends klndlv emit flew-era.
FAfSt KY Suddenlv. Nay St. 152.
OnORfli: H . eon of Frank and Flera Fa,
ley and brother of Mre. E, Vasle. Funeral
J'rlday 2 P M residence ii 10 Reluharit
i-t. Interment Mount Xterleh Cemetery.
Frl'nds call Thureday .-xenlni:
GODSHAM.. N.v. 20 1022. IDEM.A M..
wlf.i of William H Oedehall (nee WllllameV
RelatHee and friends are Invited te nttend
funeral sprUcee at her lat residence, 210
V. Onier lane Chetnut Hill. Frl.. 3 P.
M tnt nrlviite. Irlenda mav call Thure. ava.
GORDON On Nev. 21. 1H22. JOHN.
hu-hind e' th" lite Jan Corden. Relit.
tle and friends nre Invited te the iervlr,
en Friday afteirenn. nt 2 o'clock, nt hll
recldmce. 22r, Lewie nw Hiet I.inedewn.
Pn. Interment Arllnctun Cemctcrj-. Frlemla
mav call Thursday eenlnr
widow of rranklln A. Graham, aaed si
Punerat Bnrlcee prl-ate sat . 2 p. ..
er late residence 1(100 Mt. Vernen
Friends mav cill Frl. eve.. 7 te 0.
C'.Rl'RER. Nev i'l 1022. CHARLBa,
hiiHlmnd of the Inte Katharine Oruber (ne
Welel. in hie 7-lth -ear. Relative! and
frlende nnd all eecletlee of which he tree
nimUr nre Invited le nttend furer.il. Frf ,
h 50 A XI.. late residence. 2221 N IfnncaeH
st Solemn renulnm maee at 8t Ilenlfaelna7
CI urch 10 A. M Int Itelv .sepulvhre Cem.
HAINES -On Nev 111 1022 EVAN B..
husband of the lale Marv F. Halnei. Rtla '
tlei and friends, alie empleee of At mera
Sen are Invited te the eervlce, en Thura
dav afternoon, nt 2 o'clock at tile law
reeldence. 542fi Merlen ae. Interment Wee.
lands Cemetery
HARNK.D t her re-ldener, 2U s,
Rreeil -t . en Nev 21 1ft 22 MATILDA U.
HARN'ED Nntlce of fune-al leter
lidded, because the llticatien seeklne- the I .. HAl'i'K. Nev 21. OCOROE.' E., aen nf
u..r.,., ,t;n., r ,i. .... i t.eerpe .-m,i late ierei nnucK tnee Me vera I.
separation nf the two companies ned Sii Due ne'lce nt the funeral will ba
"clouded the title" of the .Southern I s-ien from residence nf h's brother, William
P.eeilli' te flu, fVnM-il If.l(1 i '' 1'n'iek 4.3.' N H'ltchln-en it.
..li! '.' " 1"'iIic- , I HIRSTIIL JCt.ll'S hui-band of Sail!
The general Increase In traffic hn 'nll.mi, en Nei ie. at his resldence.
new mane it imperntlw te umlertnke ' '"licVwt'ry vAi? r.
a number of imprnemcnts of a press-- w,,,,i r the.ii't" c Tne
ing nature at once, - .Mr, KruitseUnitt
Bequest In Heedy Will for Werk In
Section of Poland
A bequest of S.'iOO te the Catholic
mlsslenarlea of Krelfim IVilnrwt ru
inniln fndn- tn li.. .fill nf T ., 1T,i V?." reejileiice or her narnte. 00H Union at.,
mnue today 111 tile will of Lena Heedy, i West Phlla Prl A M. Int nrlvatii,
who died in the dermantewn Hospital.' Irierde may call Thuie. cenlnj(. between
1In.l!2,-t'.MlW",' T"1,I','I.,15 S700n' . ! . JONl.'S -Nev 20 WILLIAM C hu.b.n.
... ."""" iiii"'iivu I'lui'i ere inesp ''"in" laie .n.irv eii'en jenee iciuin-e nnu
SMUEL II.. htl
H- h it.-... i nt-
7 a i !- v. i in.uu iiuniiL, air i l,
tl.es and frlnnde ale.i Mellta Ledae, Ne.
2HS, P and A M nnd Jerusalem Cineter.
N 3 R A M -ire Int lied te nltend fu
neral Kcnlces Thure. 2 I' M residence.
s l-'t p-' n"
of the latv Jamci Hutchinson Funeral
P"rcee Than . 2 P M . at the rcildenca of
dauehter. Mre. Jamvs MiCnneil, S22 Ieust
ate Ardmeru, Pa Int. Ml Paul l.utheraa
dauliur n( Wil.i.tm 11. and Mary Harlan
uannven. h'd iu eare I'uner-ii eeriicee at
tienn it. Mmpben, Aim.
iiiiuiuer i:i rue Breii(i ei women ot-ier f-lizn net II S Lnml S".i flOfl Telm 'rl,,la9 "i1 emnieyei of rnnrie. Kii-clier.
ers drank tea jesterday afiernoen. .1. Murrnv. U2) Euclid in enue.' Jie. y.lni",Jt".VT;lite7""f "N,"-i.-TJf-Y:
Mrs. (Icerge Kunkel. cliairmun of :'00. nml .Tnmes A. Purnell i?-ji Ner h Je" x- im orchard .1 ? Pranki
llnupliiu ( etimy, entertaitiea the mem- Twenty-secentl street. S10 500 I f0?-PT i v "ll""" . ..-..r,- , .
faff ntf her The' WPW ' "'"SS' "Vfix ,&
fair at her home, lhe chief topic of L)t Werkera In Red rene. I Inende, also Court Ne. 32 F. and A . ara In.
COIlveraar nn nni flu. uen,ler f ltn- ""'"' ,n "ca "OSS I v'ted te attend funeral. Thnrs . -in a. m .
in convention m the Heuse of ItenreT Klght hundred empleves of I. it Hrth- I ir.'n ra rents' residence 4170 Miln it.,
-entatlves.1 I0Prt ' "s have .WrIby each for nVm- &WA- Z?cl IH Ti. TnWjiJftS
Mrs. Kiln M (leerge, of Heaver bership m the Ited Tresn. Mr, Kirenc cem Jenn m
FnlU. president of the Weman's Chris- s- New-bold, captain of the Ninth War,) dauKh't:e"i;-retl9.;nd0the: iat; ewr.a
tian Temperance Tnien of PennsvL workers, directed the ennvnss. with the heme.." Re ..tue" BV,Y,,fViJmi.,aii?.Tr?S
Minlo, will ili'liiM- a message 011 law
enforcement. 'The l'enntj Ivaniit
Stnte Kducntlenal I'umcii, Its OiUin
and Dtitlee," will b diseusveil In Mrs. I
E. S. II. MrCnulej "f Heine'r. audi
Mrs. II. 8. Prentiss Nichols, of Phlln.
(lelphla. Itenerts from the (.'ommiMiien
en Public Welfare will be made b
Mrs, Jehn A. Naum.in. of Lancaster,
assistance of Colonel Samuel I). J, it.
Iietwren .'100 and 400 mere Mem em.
plejes it is tvpected, will enroll by
the end of the week.
the Princeton victory, but otherwise
the eesslen was hunnon.Ieus.
IJlie u Hetel Itegister
Oilier calleri lucluiled .Iiulge Oeerge
II. Orlady. Cengressnian -elect Prank
Itrumm, of SchuMklll Ceiintv: .1 Ve.
tier Clark, of Wnlilugteii County; II
publican majority refuses te Prm-re
nives the pl.tces un Finance and Inter
elate commerce which tlie d !. v..,i
ndelphla. Taking a her subject "The
Jspirit of the Pilet." Miss Florence
leuhlfn! l..,il...'..; 1 ;...'.! """." I'resiUellt ill III.' Mate t
'.I' ll-ll IW KI1 ll!ll All rxt 1I........1
llci uiiiians will te ihat lenaih
luil is mere likely is that the furm
bloc and the I.a Fellettc hm together
Will get enough places en these tun
M. Chnlfnnt. ' nf tin Atiit.u..! ,i,intii. ,.. i.,i ., ,l.i.
i i-. v. .... . . "" '.miii '- " im,,- iin-H ioiiuei art-
League; Dr. Henry S Drinker, former ' lug with the Democrats, awm fr,m tie
preHldent of Lehigh Cel ege, and Jehn leusrrwiihes-. who have hitiierie h 'hi
L, Morrison, a publisher of Green-, It.
.Iraleiisy Among lladlcals
ll, 1 Uumen. Mil
nlse address the delegate.
(ioveruer te Itrccite
(ioverner Spreill i. "nil .et" te meet
the delegate ut the leieoiien he and
Mrs. Sproul will gie tnuight a. their
part of the welcome tin. itj is ,..
tending te the league. This morning
nt the Cupitel the tinverner epre...,
lis pleasure Ut recclMiig tlie umnnn iii
The Cioverner- elect will leu v.. ...
morrow for IiiirrMmrg, where lie will I ' '"" ,l"' regular Hepuhlicaiiti teunt onentleii liere.
ntienu ine uumiuet el the League of " '" pr''eui in mh irem ti,-iu ,.(- Hi icceptnui will
Women Vnlern. Mr. Pinchot expects fedm- is the iealeiiNj of the miiIiuis Uoverner's mansion.
... ........... I.!.!.... .....1 .. . .1 . . .....!. ..,.., ............. ..P .1. . ...
111 1 run 11 triiiu.i nun niier IIIU AllllV- l'l'""".' Il1 iin-iinii'i-r. 111 ine eiuer gleup.
Nnvy game plaiiH te epend n few dais t'ni'l'ciV power in the farm bloc U
Kl. li. im,. ta. I II i 1 t li 1 ml t all 1 ,ii 1 In I ,1 P. . 1 l..e .
"" '" ' .' ."in-ill' nun liroeK-
hail Ili.iah is iui iudi idnalUi l,
ut Ills home iu Milferd.
Night Chaie Has 8equel In Verdict
Against Ex-Oftlclal
William tinltlier, of Mantua, j
formerly a Juetlce of the peatf-, ,l
convicted of assault en Wellington
Wall, a farmer, today by u jury at
The conviction wa. a eeuuel te nn
all-night chnse of Wnlls by Haiti ei
and Constable Itlihaul Weed aniMlarrv
West, wlm nre uuiiiting trial, (iaitbe'i
had ihNtieil a warrunt for Wnlls who
lied from his home, believing hU mid
nlglit cnllerN were robbers.
The chiise led threugli fields and
weeds ami Walls wan shot through the
arm by one of bis imrsneru r.:'
Gaither resigned us juatlce un the' d.
n.aa.1 a tt. rm..i i ' ? ae-
lie held in the
'l'l 14 liliirnlii
n-i-ui'iiiiirs were iuir.v Icm, mi ng the
mansion reception r 10111 wiMi sin l,i ami
greens. Palim. weie an ui;e, in t
elid iihnlaiix of bm l.greunil '"m- the
icceivlng party.
Iu line with tin. Cum v mmiI Mrs
Sproul will be Mrs. Jehn . M.'ln,
State chulrmiiu nf the 1 agin Mis
i.i-ni-, iMnmire jsiuilli, in i hill man
,. II I.. ,.', ).,l,...l. .. 1.-..
,. ,,, ,,.....,. ,,,.,,,.,,,,, ,xl nniinni in, s
lllllill mill cnn-ei witfiii I lart eitliel'
Cappir or l.al'ellele. He, n WM.
Illli) ciinceiM' of lilniM'lf ib a pi.ilde
cauilldiiie of the regular ItennM if
tnej tici 11 necessary 111 ui-i 1(, aiipeal ntul .Miss Mnrtlia Tlienuie. Id piesuni
, ,,,, ,..... ..,,.- nvnuiiiriii in t, ni'-i'ifi'i ireui l Hester, lue liumlicd
ceuntrj. inviiut'uis have been lesiicd. A bunt
.lolnieen is jealous of everjbedy and Hl,l'ler will be served.
Mi.iiriuii. in i-ii-ijinHij , mi nils Head
llj liei'iiini' 11 less slgniticniit tlguie, be
Ing m ei shadowed new liv I.n I Nillctt
Capper and llerali. lie is n ciinlidale
fur I'lcidcut nml will make nn ,-il
whii b "ill promote Id. iimbiileiis",
IWUItam K. Bchatliilt, ? Jrwrwd ,.. ;.,,..,, int t,i. . Vi" i
BH .Mill lVAAMIl ( VHIHB.BI .1 --rBVww HH - -- nID HDrn I IIIHNII VI HB WIUULTnirr lIHIirW
.ntfb: w.r&:Fmix.jr:w&7mMMEm bu Meenmta. mtr, -cntan en ais;-'r!:.
m2BL : xcsBsaesm. tcrM. j
Vcnlzeles Thanks America
Igiiis.iune, Ne. 'SJ. (Uj ,
1 Melt t lint Iiw Viint7iiliL S.l.
-.! IMH M"W '"' I'H, "UlltT TIT
Newspaper Prints Story Relating te
Illegal Arms' Possession
He' list. Nev. ."J.- (livA 1' . l'l,
Nirthern Whig Inlay nuMMies a
eat leiiul rumor that Frskliie Chihlei-.
nun 1 ee eigin eiiinr men charged wit,
....1.... f..l 1... i " " I
'jj'v 'j,.mc kl'1 ii'1 "f i,c (jv;;.;., snow, ,,;:';,; rxr "!"::"!.
U..UII.. 1 17 --...... ...,., ,, ,,l
leecatiuu nt tie neuee ennf.,,., ,,.., n..uii.. 1 t"... .-""".
n.uu lila nalUn. ...I..J. air .V .t! I'01' I lUC lllllt Ull took nu r.
11 irjat .Monday, their uestliutLen helna A wen.
Press tils nation's gratitude for all that
n.l 1.1. An alMMak lma ll.A T la3 aTO. . I
" " uww ut e umtea mates
aid Ureeli nftum tfm:AH.m-t,
1530 Locust St.
New Housekeeping
.... j A Absolutely
6th Vt A Fire.
Locust Sta.M k proe
mm wml
ttr- y 'sl y eiiUip-
niahed - xL y , 'n'iif
desirable X '"'"''''
tun r.i' Tlurw 5 an A .I from liee
nn ner i rellenee '.'SO,-. i)rm.-H Ft. Illntl
ina of neil fin in . M i;hiircli of thl
MMtat'en It V M Int Heiv Sepulchre Cem.
I ,., ,. M .- .11 HUJ M.iltv JAM.',
wlfe e' s,,,mui j 1 ee lem nml daujhter of
lllernm and li.izsleili Kennnrd Funeral
etrlctly rrlinte, 'Ihure, 2 I" M, from liar
Inte reeidmce J.cnnl Ilelawnre Ce., Pa,
Int M dl.i Cen r'rlende iiwy cal' Wed.
I l.KKITHS Suddenly, N'nv 10. 1922,
I KI.IZA JANR wld ,w of Cent Qenrce K.
I.dlcttee or ni h "tth nt . Phila Punerat
land Int Wed, i;in neon, Mll'en. Del.
I.IN'ni:.Ml'Tt -V i Hi. SAMt'CU hua
hand of .lane Undemuth nnMi "7 nela
He , ,1 (rlendt. nliu Ciurp Ve 11 S of V.,
nd I ,-t Ne fl (J . It r Invited te
attend furral 1 hur- l an p M from hll
ate iei,ideiic" Mii Un k nml et l.tiann,
.slerlena I thn It ll-flH.,1 ,ie l.lallel-al
f hunh tr.th nnd ll"ll-lllil aie at 2 1 M.
Int .NnrtliHiveil fern l'ru'iidi may Call
id ,.e.
MAI l.i:j- N'ev IU MlltV J wife of
lie Jehn M iiiev (m-e rp .inuvth) Uela
e, id frl.nd. Altar ii.nl llenaiy Secletj.
tivlied t funeml Thuri. sin M , rrn-
lenee l,-,-, V n,, ,, S ill ! 1 hllfh InaiS
M-ia hv'a (. hu-ih 10 A. M Int. Hely
1 ', fi (Vm
M.lJIMHi: -Nn- ll ANN1P. nlfe of th
lite PatrliU - Millrld" UeUtliei nr.4
fri'Mjs urn lnHe m rtitnnd funeral Thura
s 3n AM. -Jill) .Seuth Helemn hlll
11.1K of ri'iiulem ht J'atikl 1 Church lu
' 1 ' II 1 f r i-h i . 11,
Mil Arnill.lN Hudilenlv Nev 21) !
.Ifisi - ii j ,, ,,f ,h ,,, Mtd,,,,,, ,nJ
I ,i ui ii- M. l.nuKhlln (hit ('aliiilimi). Dele.
I mi 1 ml friiinli aim einulei of H II,
' ,",'.'. ..r in,l'.' 1" alimil funeral.
.' ,A M . rr'.'.,n. ,h,, r"i'lene of hln
liithfi 111 l-i A. M liriiniil tu;i Client.
I s., eiij. ihiiiiIimii llla-i .it Church of
1 ir !..i.l nf Vliten 11 , M )f,t I'nttiedrul
MeNI- USTV Or) Ne- III 1 (I'm. MAUY
c Hifn of Jnliii K M. s'rney inee Clawill)
nR'1i.'V",ar,, ."HI" "d flleride. 'i
P V M Sodality nr- luMled In attend
funerul Tliured.il mnri uiir k an from hae
Int. leelilenei. 0,'in 1; Wi Htinereland et.
se'.nin reiiiimm rnn at 10 e clock at
Chuich of the Aecerialun, Interment at Hal
1 1 (Iim iVreeiery "
r-Hill 5 Flewc r Shep
1 4405 I'ranfcferd Avenue
I tall I-rankferil 0770
Anywhire any pUct, air li
me I
. m h M,fVwi? .
....T. iWTi, ,rf5f'iJ4ifltt
t j-fti-t