HO MINISTER, W1 1 f $ tWWFakW '. CT1 " . '. i" aaM flmntntewn Congregation Gives Rev. Reger 8. Ferbes : Illuminated Addreea MARKS FIVE-YEAR SERVICE i - The Btv. "ener 8. t'orbec. minister v (he Unitarian Church of German r . tim rpclnient Infct evening of nrn. """ . . (Il the .. mnmlnntpil niWrcM from bin pn ibUenen. congratulating him upon the Jaidrtlen of (he fifth jear of bis tain 4jtri- among them. The presentation f Jllen In the parlnh l.einjc. In h Miner of a large r. m-. . Sn and n wallet were given' te Mr. Krbes ns mementoes of the occnalen. Fermer State Senater Owen H. Jen UniprenMent of the Heard of Trus- (wt of tie Cnurcn, ireiriiixu hid uu Art. JW Ik .-..I.. "1 f lltltPII MM. tinted the phonograph and the wallet. It" v..t, mnila n brief renlv te the prtienlatlen epeeehes. The celebration JJaVl with an informal reception. the address itwlf yjia work of art. In) the form exemplified bv medlpini Bli'uk. The lettering, in Gnthle. wast utcl bv L'dwln Fctterelf. n prom inent archlteet. The llliiitilmitleii nf Jtch paw n done bv Nice'ii D As As Jnie. nn artit noted for bis mural Iccoratlens and work in stained glnss. The addre&s follews: !. T The Reverend Heger 8. Ferbes 'r- us mentis and Parishioners of The Unitarian Church . ' of Oermantewn offer this testimonial en the completion of the rifth Year of His Ministry among- them Net ember 21 1022 Star Mr. Ferbes: "The tie between a lninhler and bis people ii un intimate and delicate one. renneerated by the spirit of a common filth. Its realization must vary un un eording te circumstances and individual abilities. "On the eenipli n of the lift If year ef your ministry tn fiermnntewn w'e, the members of jour congregation, de tire te teMifj hew fully and generously toil hae fulfilled our Ideal of the pas tor nd leader of n liberal cburcb. "Fer fue jear., during a meet troubled period in the world' hlster.t, teu have ghen us constant inspiration ind help bv enr sinccic and oleipicnt wrmen. Yeu hae net only set ferlli the bread nrinrinlp& of a libera faith. frt In its fnmilri. iptifFmiu In He uvm Bitby. and assured in its relinnrn tipeii the Divine Prcncc In Mi litimun sod I. but nu have also made idrar the ap plication of these principles te Indi vidual needs. CONGREGATION'S TRIBUTTO MINISTER ?Dtoribt.etbe$t- JCfiLfc,' fcfc tie dc huem a minister ari& his people is an .intimate ahb belicate one, consecrated bij the spirit of a common faith. Jt realization must uam accoreina te circum stances and 'tnbiuftual abilities. ?; Oa the romDletten. the fifth uear of ueurmin.. istry in (Bermaiueum we, the 'member of ueur conereoation. Desire te testify heiu fully and 0enereusly you haue fulfilleb our ideal of the pastor and lead er of a liberal church. u or fiuc years, bur- a a most troubled period in the world's history, you haue given us constant inspiration and help bu your sincere and el oquent sermons. "Qeu haue net only set forth the bread prin ciples of a liberal faith, free deprecation of his own efforts nnd In praise of the manner in which bis peo ple had translated into deeds bis own Intentions nnd aspirations. IIe ex pressed the pleasure it had be be te him (tin! tn Mr. Ferbes te linv bud n part in the growth of the church, nivl their lively appreciation of the splendid spirit of the parishioners. Mr. Ferbes said he and bis wife bad come te Philadelphia feeling certain they would be homesick fen their native New England, but that tbe five jears of their residence here had passed swiftly uuu very uuppuy. Mr. Ferbes Is a son of the Hev. Jehn Ferbes, who was formerly minister of the Church of the Savier in Brooklyn. IIe s a member of an old New Eng lnnd family, ami u graduate of Harvard of the class of 1000. He studied theol ogy In the Harvard Divinity Scheel. lie mic te Germantown fiem the First Parish, of Dorchester, Husten, During his Ile enrM in Philadelphia, be has wen u wide reputation for hN eloquence, and h an udmltred leader of liberal religious thought. Under hi" leadership the (.iernitmtewn Church Inn grown steadily in attendance and Influence. The Unitarian Seciet. of ticrman- .,, ....." .... town was founded in IMT., mid at one AUTOS HURT TWO CHILDREN time (lie .Itcv. Sninurl J.hiikMIew, a brother of the poet, was. its minister. ! Camden Bev and Girl Taun Hb. Its liresent coiicree:itien ine nees some .-..-.. of the eldest nnd most dlMiiigul&hcd TIIK RKV. ROGER S. FORBES The ronsregatlen of the Unitarian Cliurrh of Herman town presented an Illuminated address te Mr. Ferbes last night as a testimonial or regard en this completion of the llfth cnr of his ministry there families of (ici'iniiiitewii. TWO BURNED CHILDREN RUSHED TO HOSPITALS pltalt Driver Held Twe MMen-jcar-uld children were in jured In automobile nciid-ntj in Cam. den Inst night. ifehn Lecoa, of 1(112 Meuth Third street, was run lni.' "ni TMnl nmt Speed Laws Broken by Car Taking i Sjenmore street nnd recehed cuts Cencetta dl Marce te St. Agnea' "n T"'- "" is '" f-wP'r 1,ea 1,oa Twe iliildtcii -ulfrrin:. from burn- Tbelmn Reehn. K Kiiiclin nvenue. arc in liespitiiis ted.ij. Deth will re- was si ruck b an unto nt Frent street ivivrr. ''"'(I iMiignn iiMiiije. ami viih taken ----- ... 11V. . I ..-- tbe life of one clalM. Ceucctta .,, Z aT J'KSK .Marce tnc nir old. was probably ill Jaeksen street. .Jrher of tlie car. Stueil bl the slieeij uKli winch she was nils nrresle,!. P.ill.... .... I. I....1 .... II. "Tlrelcss and FaitlifuV "Durlnir these c:irs urn li.-ite fitr. hn tireless and faithful as a friend iml DfiKtnr. rehtinnr1lfi tn mAi,. ..nil cf .veiir eongregatien. "We .'icKnnulffltre ulit, rrf.ili,i,l i, Abtef our church te jeu for Increased life and usefulness. "We subscribe our names te this ad itm with tlie sincere wl&h for the tappings und we'farc of .leurself and your famil, alid with the IK. rliuC the bend betweru jeu and ,our tier tier wantenu people may rimnln unbroken for man. cais te tome." The address was iigmd b the luem. Mrs 01 (he Ilnnri) nf li.ne...... i . ...' e cengregat nn. All who were pieseut The ether child burned Ik eight-tear-f..JC recrptien appended their sisna-leld Margaret Albrcc, ll'ja North Le0 ..... ,v me uuuiufiii . I lie irii.n cilieel i wtieel . Iveiitiiiifmti. Kin iu In i i n-liril te St. Acnes' lfnsp!tnl from her home at 1-M.'! Wilder street. A policeman and n inoterNt. passing the Iieum. heard the screams of the little girl and her mother, and ran te the rescue. HIie was ruslnd te the liepital In tlie automobile nt top speed. rei iceman cense, WEDDING GOWN SCOTCHED Seuth Third Street Fire Alse Dam ages Bakery and Restaurant 'nlfremnli Aim lie. nf tin I'lftnaiitli ! - . -. . , .. . . .- . street and Mi(ler avenue .station, steed u.'iKcrj , a rctaurant mvl n mi ihn iilntilnr. Imn.fl mid tninit .n.lr..a- I flflllf CllUti liprn ,li In i.n,l l.t fl... " "' w-...-j ...... ..in- ji T . - ''-, ' ',' nt'- IVIIIIJ iriuns nun iraine our in inu win us tlie in me nemc vi Mry .Miner, iuj( south cur nuiii iieimi ureini sirert 10 llie nea- iinru BLAMED IN MOTHER'S DEATH Corener's Jury Says Sen's Fast Driving Caused Moter Accident A Corener's jur im estimating the death or Mr. EHm ,. LeKUp, 0f ia3 fc'euth Fifty-fourth street, found that she met her death near St. Geerges Del., ns the renult of the fast driving of her son, Harry I.eKile. The car Lchlte was driving crashed Inte a tree en n sharp turn early Bunday morning. In n Wilmington hospital. Yeung Lc Kite was driving the car at about forty-Ave mile- nn hour. nccenlliiK te the tcsTimeny of Deputy Coiencr Nichols. CLOTHING STOCK DAMAGED Fire in Arch 8treet Building Causes $100Hftnt Fire nt 7W ArolstrcelJ-'lbertly ufter 1 o'clock this mernlr: swent'llie see- eml tlmjr of KerinTuui , Seinberir. clothing manufactitrcr Dnmnire nf SlflftO c-lr .lmi. ... .......i. from water mul i.iAiiIcBB' 'I'lw. i.in. extinguished before rWieuld spread te etlur parts of the bunding. Lee Cehen, n furrier. l0t consider able stock from the blaze overhead. Mr. ( Cehen snld be thought the tin; was the result of a defectl(. cleetrlc wire. i TWO HURT IN AUTO WRECK. Doylestown Men Pinned Under Car That Capsized en Curve An uutouieblle urn en bv Ch.ulcs te i Maclutjre. nf Dojlcite-.vn. akiddetl and eerturned Lite hist night wbcii round ing u cum- ut Cbalfent. P.i., injuring Nerman Case nnd Charles Rutherford, both of Dojlcstewn. The men wcr. pinned under the ma chine mid recciud curious internal in juries and cuts and bruises of the face Maelntjre was thrown vicar of tlie vur mid escaped with, bruisc. ' MEMORIAL FnilNTAIN FOR HORSES UNVEILED TODAY 8. P. c. A. Ceremony In Hener of Miss Sarah Creseen At meiuetlal fountain for horses In memory of MIbh Vinrnli fressun was unveiled at Fieiit street and Erlu ni" nue this nfteinoeu nt li o'clock. Tluit Is the third fountain te be erected by tlie Auxiliary te the l'ennsl aula So ciety for Hip Prevention of Cruelty te Animals from u fund lciucnthed by Miss Crcssnn for the purpose. Frank U. Rutherford, operative meunter of the I'etinsvUnnln H. I. C. A., nrcsenled the fountain te the city und tlie gift wnn retched by Jehn .1. Mckinley, .1.'., member of Council for tlie dbtrlct. A cinck team from tlie Hrfrbesen Dairies, .taek and .Till, hud the honor of the lirst ill Ink at thy new slaiid. Mr, 'riiemiiH Hpreitl (Inssner. newly elected president of the auxiliary; Mrs. Frank it. Rutherford, Miss Lljlluu G. Pontius, Mrs. Walter Ii. Lnmend. Mrs. E. I. MltelielL .'mil Jehn F. Cozens represented tlm auxiliury at the eerc eerc metiy, Tlie fountain Is of the approved type, cut out of a massive block of granite, ii lid has stinilury drinking etips. Dinner for Majer Hoopes Troop A. JO.'ld Cmulr. one nf the crack eaHlrv etitlits of the Print I vania Rational Guard, will giu u tes timenial dinger tonight te, their, former troop commander, Majer Luward Hoopes, te the L'Alglen Annex. Cap tain William It. Paul will He tonst tenst mnsler. He stircerdeil Majer Hoopes as commander of the troop. Members of the troop will present Majer Hoopes with d Wilier, W$m rrr ';.7KJ"'VT, "W, wv GOOD TYPOGRAPHY for the Advertiser The purpose of the advertiser is te gain the confidence of buyers. Our purpose is te set and arrange the reading matter and illustrations in an artistic and dignified manner Chat makes for that valuable confidence se much desired. S. WILLENS & COMPANY BtU, Watnut 5746 Ktyiteitt.AUin ? 900 Walnut St. Philadelphia Expert TyiHwratehers M-IMWMWmIi 'Crt l -i' tt-x'iiim - -K m A Definite Concrete Saving of $5 te $12 and mere en every Suit, and Overcoat. That's just what our Super-Value Policy means te you. And the higher the price the bigger the saving. We want you te prove it! Loek Everywhere and Com pare! PERRY'S Personal. Christmas Lauds " for use in connection nit visiting card plates ncir rea&:An eariy aeccticn as adtiaable . 'lea Cards Debutante - RecejHieii Dance antfYeddituf Invitations W(d today vi lie iiuiiress met um i.n ... ... th.eri,nia,.,l0nv,n,! hand-tooled und Wtwd blndlns n the form of a book. Tn premutatien was made brlellv nd nforeiall.v Mr. Jcnkiun. con cen intnlatnl Mr. rejlwi ,)lv s irci. ful five rnr r.f his ministri. exnresv. in up ntntnetien th ,n.re..fi.. Mar.v'h Hesnltnl fire as t-he attempted te with a piece of paper f-ht tlie gas range. iiuinucii ireeiice umein; tlieir oppreiiutlen of h!.-, Ask Governer-Elect Plnchet te Keep Department Out of Politics "Keep llie lllbill.HKe Pepartinciil nf Peniujlaiila out nf politic." wn-, the pica made te t.'owrner-ileet l'linlmt at the l!eiieuc-htratferd t It t- iiieiiiIiib bj veire-cnt.'llle!. of llie Insurance Wt in liii tlia, am Iferu. JIf. Jenkins spoke of the did. IJK, ' both social nnd religious. Mm'I1'"" fl.'nr(1 brnv' M an. StaH?nrbT i "' xr ""mber, of tin ;..... l "..-VT-. rerues V10 t "-..k n uu (ttlttanci im the cJiurcl) "lilfh she had nens. uiras, but hliiPbinJf, an, n Hia ,,.i,i.. iiicm,), unirii. , ..ill ..:. i,i. .!..,... . i i. ef h 'L'JA'i1'1 note.-, of the tensbltd,. hed b poliUclens ei etli.r .rr-r AlthetlL'li till tin sl.'irtn.l in lln. Mil. St lit lut tint it .tami.A.1 ...r.u.. . I.. ..... j. 4 tlie adjoining Inilhlint'-. tMiimi t proud t 3 i.i .,.. .i..ni. t t .rt.iii.. '... ...... ....... . .-if- la in ,i, .v ii..- .... ,'i nun. .iiiiruirry. Jli1l Her eletliiii-; eaiiRlit I Seuth Third Mreet. and the rcntaurunf iiriii tne gas i ei .lescpn i.ic, iv.su seuin riilnl had lirnlfcil ut. 'street. 4 ..,! ... ... a weuuniK bow n ncieiiKins te .Miscj .Tennette Miller. dniiBliter of Mrc. Mil ler. which was in a second-Meer mom, wnt damaged. I'll emeu had te chop liele;i in the reef et the buildings te direct M renins en the Hie. Be Your Own ROOFER STATE INSURANCE MEN PLEAD FOR DONALDSON tlthl,cr,1)VbaUhVc"il;,e'IT,tlVl, f, "nehanl.i. with a nee she Ind ghen tlie iniiuVier ' "inbrsln of mere than T.SOii s material imprerement f n,el A "'"'"'Ittec itppeinte.l b .ler- II. i .and the delightful manner in ,,n,rr' ,"f ,ci"llne. prldent of the she had sraer.j S f,0n f,,,,"" fcdernti.iii. renferred with Mr. Pin-' cliet and pieseiitcd a refidutleu reuuett. I ...',.,..' ""Simi ntcl ih ni '"::. '" '" nen pre- . .lid tlnt"!"'" '"", "".""htftil ncr. M.e l,-,.i;.i m. ,':' .."l"" V ' ' "I'lieji ;,p val- iug tlmt Ihemna It. Iinnnldreu. of Philadelphia, be refiiiicl U!, ltisur,nict. i 'einnil:-tinner ill llie tie Kuliciliateri.il Cabinet The tii.ui'.iiii r mr-ii a ert ihat pner n llie n i i.eiiii incut e Mi I'eiiali feii "super. sillishK inclined, who served In ilisereilit inch Administration rather thiin eiih.n it." WANTED I A Fighting Chance by nn experienced udwrUsing ! r.sccutiMj he has thu conmien I sense te take in.-trucMens and the ability te ditcc. uthcri'. J His werU liar included Mcr cliandisiiifr. Copy, La y e u t, I I luns, haleB Pruinctien. Heuse nil Bem eHANOKOTE Tie Wonderful I.liiuW Asbestos Cemtnt fUt mil rubber ruel ual nuke thJm rWK.ffigMte r cXW .'SKuRtA1-' Ju,e 'n! " &p MJANOKOTE la tnbbiil nn Ilk . paint iin.1 It reTr the nill.helt". f., fnl nmniii with H nellj lnV of n.hl.SI fllei, trebling the life of ",rDO,"t SjfJ 1 !.' will ..... ...... .. ft "l tCT- i.,iK."S3u., ? !tr. --- i J - . -l,OU in H.aal I17n In 1.al ... -- THE SHANNON-ELUS CO. 18 S. 7th Se Phila. r"- Hrm ,E I '' "iiiiiiiin,,,,,,,-,,,,, ' , I '"' f MacDonald & Campbell I he Most Desirable Overcoats for "The Game" and all Winter $30 te $98 The Army ami Navy game is tin .social event of the season. Yeu will net enjoy it if your overcoat is net perfect in style, comfortable and n-arm. Men whu appreciate the best that can be obtained in an overcoat will, as usual, make selections here. Great big cellared Great Coats, Ulsters, Town Ulsters. Full Back, Raglan and Natural shoulders. Belted Backs and Belted all-'round, in soft, tleecy. warmth - without - undue weight fabrics, with handsome plaid backs. All from the most noted American and British makers. Luxurious and serviceable beyond compare. Nete Censci alive and Dress Ovcrceets, .$38 te $S5 1 334-1 336 Chestnut Slreet let. Mlnlslrr Prju.es fon6reRalie(, '""."""..'Wbb.nrrnMnl bv of turi'M.1" '!"" 'I'-. -I'lrll J --r-.B-H'Ml, l-p milll.t. Ill TIIK lilltl, ll' MAM IIKAt S N" vunlT Lifter !' IVnsr Is i-eintuntlj errlfil for dM eer ii irlrl lime mur liui llmti lltl7 l.f-ir mi lai n cri;uiircinent ftm.l ilia u.lun. , I. .. . "I .. It. . I.p. n... .. n ! frtli Mil Inn mull Ii ores In her thou. HiiJi. ii m -ic.'iiC'l n( HiiMnenicui In th All. 1 Slar I'einli" f-.tl--. of the bmiliy 1'C'Bt.id i.bi'i.i k -.iiii- i iiauiT -. aav. Illlir, oereent Reported Missing p,,;,8!"-! fiem the pi,iid(i;.,1llM ;'': W:,,.0:. . eentce ,M. '35 neund 7- !:.f tu inehis. 'UarinB n i.i.:."1 " 'i'ieien und "u infiii i r "" "m ri,n1!;-:,1,f(!a,",,'u- f"" Jrs .Vj hair. ., , i,;.. 'I'W 7""l" Alen. l,n.i. btu p rr ,1,,r- ?len, .,;!, i, Im,,,1'"''"' dork com-Pl-'M. eni ,'''"' ynrinp block ""fs bluel. ip ,i '" 'llr uml 'ft Mt. eere..i ,,,, (, fill i ftlA7 ii Ortrim edltinir. Bur,liu";. f.p.tfce! ! Kiul Direct-Mail AJgrtising in all terta of bu8ine.-.-e . Write him Bex A 025, Ledger Ollite. ' Profits depend upon quick and frequent turn ever. Turn ever can be speeded up by dircct'tnnil advertising. I VADAYS THKRh IS A well-marked tendency I Tl'I 1..... !... I .. .. t . . i w,aiu cdiiug iM-ucr rieincs men arc mere cxactinc niere critical than heretofore, and are judging uj lues mere iiu an et winch lias naturally helped our business we thrive en romparibens and delight, in supplying : for particular men. intcll becai cloth .Most I least res clothing The HeLMtb Pntss, Virc Ul.:9CherrvSltett rhiladrlrhi Ianillt..ii sii. Iml tlnri -eu 120 n ,,:"?.!. I - f'Ct ttt".- ""l teate ..i. ". enrilic n it "irs. .1117 felll' ilii'lir... r. fiDii M...I M,',i.' "" eiii- bind.- coat, brown anil ue..n. '.' -asin'a l'llfl I.1....I. . Kii T. u"."-'! Hee wnrible te n,en, "' ,,u,uu mi'l In JK'fni j IMlnireverth. A&XlSSl'fKw nt ti'?2' Mifrnh-Vi. ii. . ' HliiMvert'i. 5K3KR .Fer all-'round Service Rogers Peet's Scotch Mists! Smart winter overcoats th'at are right en the job rain or shine the finest of rich Scottish cheviets rainproefed. Rogers Peet's own idea. iV;;jfrirJ rruiniwjrli FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Pcet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Junipei ' ifl w time in f ui DREKA FINE STATIONERS Beautiful Photograph Frames Frem the Tiny Miniature te the Lme Huudeir Size Medem (pl.t Priced 1121 CHESTNUT ST. people navel .jIeiij lines, ul ancc if uiu w.iiu 100J liy c.xperiineui .nil wusic ile searchr I liiitis.iiuK n the best-informed men m F'lui.iHrinh. . ly have delmitch ati-,ticI regarding the cu'llcnu ind satistactiMii ni Kced's I JU Will JllMU , ppurtunitv te our Merchandise and .Meilm and il. VICIIll emselvcs rconeniN I'lething. given an 8 mm Tn Jr ; lie i r .ik' llfllliillsll.llf Ml t i a1 I Prlcca this m-jheii are ittite attractiu Me ant upward for Miifs, Tep Ceatt. mul Otcrcents, vith notable amili of v.-ihif nt ?I0. ?i:, ;lm .f.ii. y i -iM.ir.Ai . ".ti v: . ., J,.kr,witV'.!kVJ LjaSjlX iii- (i. I ,. ,tL..'r.Vy..g.i. --1 .a .twjlBII'JWl XKft jace: M.. 1424-26 CHESTNUT. ST, "lU iscrct -v. wi, V r' ixJ rz "v"t-jja-i.j. . , . I,-,, i I? 4 Thousands and Thousands of the HANDSOMEST OVERCOATS Yeu Have Ever Seen Our Super-Value Prices Are '28 '33 '38 $43 md up Net an ordinary Overcoat in this, whole, wonderful collection. Sec for yourself the vast difference between the quality of our Overcoats, at their Super-Value Prices, and what ether geed stores offer for similar prices. Regan Overceatings in conservative models, full lined with Skinner'?, SatinOur Super-Value Price $33. Regan Overceatings in Ulster Medels, silk lined te the waist $35. Sumptuous Crernbies, the world's finest our Super-Value Prices arc $53, $55, $58. $63. $6C. $68. $72, $75. $78 and up te $85 for our magnifi cent Crembic Montag .inc., made our way. Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men ii Ce i' iic! I A a e I i il hi ii t'ravu, I m frJI'ii" uri; rpr'i'ij cuv lriii;i br.ck' lectie)' (i ei ri'uiyi. The Linde Stere Is Headquarters for Beautiful, Satisfying Gifts niat'tSnnt.lr m0i;, c,,ceu,aS'K MBii of the time, that thoughtful people ;trc turning their attention mere nnd mete toward the home Pleasing artistic furnish ings inspire and held this intcfst We have never had Mich rhanmng gift nieces, and ..ever h.ivr prices been se reasonable Our $150,000 a year location and expense saving Ic-cn 1 mdr prices down and duality up. Oent begin von, (.1-rr-tm,,s buying ji ve,j ,.rr we can avr you Gift Rugs for less than elsewhere Koyal Wilten Run.. P.19 ( Standard Axminitrr Rugt, 912 ft Extra Velvet Rupi, 012 fl . Fine BrumeU Ruga, 9x12 ft. r.rnuine Inlaid l.inelcnnu, .q Jf , $62.50 te $02.50 $29.00 te $61.50 $34.50 tn $52,80 $20.50 te $33,50 . $1 20 te $1.80 Othrr Sue in Proportion I') Kill II ft mnyti HENRY LINDE 23d Street, Columbia and Ridge Avenues 1 L I Ut- rpk tLJ!P' yy "Ly r ?iVtW i """";vr"' VUs ni thai' arm5" -a .. 57j-.HfiK in -iii-eii ffrmfjMii- Insw vJiiBnWte $42 (J M $ 'a :' t: 'I '"f y a q ! ;1 . I ' ft i 'I 1 ji..,i' A fi 4 "f nm'', 'if. t Sffl ' r triti. '. i'-r . . f,cv