a ,-.i;v--jitiiwrv.m r'ifc' p; 'ffhfHfwrTTrw Penn Football Squad HEISMAN GIVES PENN BACKS STIFF DRILL Vine Red av1 '"'in Stars Rip Up Scrub Line; Craig and Miller Shine '. t COACHES ARE PLEASED i5v .icsisrn t. i.AimiiM V tcrial rmuiliu around this Held . . ..!.. l.rw.l'U Jnt Kill ltwn tin- rllv iiml Junier litwln nml all flawed lirililntniy. , Jleflinw, rrnlB. SfHIrr. Sullivan, Winner. I.nngilen. drove. Hamilton nnv.,mlar.l. nil pla.u'd either en the Stanc or .Wciiw during the drill. Tex llnrnrr. who would round out n deend". uiN detained li.v Inte .Iiinm-h from In ehihtliiK In "I" ,,m,' "f"'1;""011 pnnllmc of eninuMtifC the Juniors' llnp. At the stnrt of the offensive drill nimnn sent In Cniist, I.nngilen, Mil Jer mul Mcflraw and tin; v.;ay they carried Hie bull nBiilnct the best on en on Uitlen thm Coach McXamara, of the scrub, n'tilil muster made the couches; fl hnppy as thy trotted te the ill em lug room. Crnls mxl Miller carried the nig fkln the majority tif'llie time, ami both inflilect.nsiileiv.Mi'jnr'hise. On the flrnt Inv of the KcrlmniiiRC-CriilB iheweii that he N as Reed carrying the bull ... I., te mi ilelViisc. lie tdtOt oft tUPKlP i,.hin,l LmiEilenV iiilcrcference and! never Mnppeil until he hml readied the coal line. ii the open field he (diewed n mirprisini; uinemit of sued. UN chnnse nf pace nml foetwrtrk were nlnn (iirprWni?. I'taii!. nn (old before never DLmil In th' bacldield until this teea teea sen', and the milliner In uhieh he lni" maitcred id! the intricacies of the half back pc-t ipe.il udiiiiiw for his nut urnl football nbllit. CralB lU'is t'uHt with hi bend low tml Iil-c l.'ifet high, a iletnlly povi pevi t Ien for would-be IneltleiH. T'iiIchm Craij ii tnhen nt the Uiipph Iip is likely te pet nv.i . The imiipIiph have been instrtieting him for the hibt two weeks, or xlnee his iiiinred arm healeil niif ticlentlv te cniilile him te cnpiKc In practic. nO.S' HlLLKl! played thr .(ml e a Ifnmr Hint iron him sn ninci Aiiiic eg'nhiil I If .Ynr. II r n'ai n irilrl (n.7 i.VirMi fjeinq threiph thv iunfara' hie nml niriinid their cmU alictiyi for tuhateiitiul ijiiUih. U'nndward in SrrimmaRe rr.lSMAX later in Frank ' before lie win Injured that the Warren. Ph.. lad would prove one of the best line Innkers en Franklin l-'i"!(!. Wittmer. wiie Is almost 11s fast as SuH'y.iii, in an 01 en Held gave a demon demen strn'icm of his e(f'iisic power by mak Ins a to'ichilewn en three successivu tVnll-'" ..IT F,,...MIn Hei. Wl; 5.T Up wn ii feri ln lit I In- fnct into I ii Kerimmaire n ... ....... ..... ....i r 'inner aim heavier I him l:rtl Kiwnv htt wr nn 1 fr tik Wl inier who I '" ' '" veteran's fleht and should ' the brain. An ope.atle,, was decided the National Anmlci.r Atli Ptlu Federa- t n .1,1 liilnm list f wimrt ',rme " s,i,p " kIvi'' a" "ITertunity te " " 11' cntcttnincd for his' lien, the National Collegiate Athletic v,& en lie ttiittrrii list 101 k1 lialistdav his wnret. recovery, and he was removed from a Association, the Y. M. C. A. and the wnl-j with .in lnlnrd Md- VI emlwnr ! "V Krll.,.sut!: jH llet ()P env veteran Cinciniinfi hospital te his home, where i nrmy and nnvy will present uppllca- hit the cpn er of th; juniors line for wlrmbneTJlr lis seisen J! wlfc and children were awaiting ,is fr membership, which w!i 1 be rerritnl gn Irs, nrnvme he co . ten l, Te, Thurmnn. Al Ln n",len Pes Mm. , , , , ,,! cccple,l and the... ot'ganlsmtlenH become of the conches made early In the year win.... i i........ u..in. n .. ..i.. His case In nnrticiilnrlv sad. ami Iti.. ..bin .... .., .1... a it .... . . ;;. - ins tlie -nnuner or 11)1 ter International SHB9YSRACE :BENNYBDYH1DHTD fessisf .SIsssse FORTITLETODAYOPPOSE FRANKFQRO West Philadelphia High Hopes Fermer All-American Quarter Quarter te Win Permanent Pes- j back Here With Jeffersons seoeion of Trophy en Saturday Afternoon COMPETITION TO BE KEEN l B0DIE WELDON IN LINE-UP Ii.v I'Al'L I'UKI rpilll r loss-ceiuitry season i of the local hicli school will ilmn its cur- ttln tin. aftern i wilh the limning of i n"Vi Lni,,,,lir'i,,C,,r,,!i ,n1a"Bl,'l,1,,, ,ii. . r ,i i. i .i '"leu cnnipaicn ter national titular the liigRest even." of gn-year. U is the . bourns, nct s!..,..,illv tt, tl,. ,,m, Fenid- (li.imiiieNshiiis. which will be' the stieug Itechcster .TclTtrsens tun In rnlrmeuiit P.tik, swrtlng fiem . '"''hestcr. N. V. at Frinkferd. thi i 'in.,,, fii.i. .... ti, in,.... i i..i.. Keehc'ter, which defeated Cens ho he trie I,,,,, ,,, , ,. itvw lirne ,.i,p Il)Mt ,,,. .,,, Mtr).nl(. ,r imee-thliiy is the time set for the the kiiiiip. Itenny Ilojuleii, the former Cfiinii.i'iieeii eat. a'l-Xiucricnn euarlerhai 1; of Williams 'I he cress. enuutrv ban it is have i'u , W1...1.., ,,i . j -.1 weeks neh w...r for actual cen.petl. , Wen. Iltirnig this slKtch tne junior, Imi (Heap fieshiiien mid no ice chain- ' ninnsiiii. .... i,.i.i .....i .. .. .... i.. .. " c ' .... ... ... ...til .... ., llll, ill: ill,; tint,,., l. ii ' nm..hnnirien.hlp. West I'lilladelnlihi Tllirh has a chance te eUaln the Me.idowbieok Club trophy rermnnentl- this aft"iuoeii. The Speeilbejh linw. wen ihU event for fhe lnt two s,.seiis. and a win ted.iv, their tlilul stiaiglit. will (liable t hem te pltiee tjie tmiiliv iileifil i of I he many in t,lie western iiistllulien. tlic Miner team that srnseu. In l!)'.'!! the Speolbev hnrriers. led i n.r 1 i .ink Zlihus, wen the senior chain chain Ple'uhliis wit, ew henn. 01 Ul neliils, Tlili'lotery nave West Phllnilelphl.i tin "li-i u-K en tan tieplij. Cantaln Olellleld Led Winners l(lL AP.'ir I tititnin Dtiitiiikt ll.llliil.l PIIUIISI lie tea. 11 In (I... i.,,.nli.l vlelm-v , - !- - t j 'i 11 1 ii fiiiiiv t 11 1 in lit ue tenia uiilile a belter showing than '; i it M'.isen. The tuim score was one , I'uiiit lower than bifen. with U.'l points Jiie tuna iihe liiiislnd seienel In the . Allieillllll clllltim entldiiM n ,...l.- fnllme In mi . .-......,..-,. I llS WHS llll. Il...l sli..Kln.. it.... '."i1.".1!' ''." ''"'ss-ceiiutry tuim reiire enjliig (lie sehiHi! i its history. ' ' Today the Jspeedbejs nope r uutKe a ' Ci..e,i.H ,".','' ,,,l",i 1,1"t "" Led by UplliuChesley '.uksen, It wi'l be olio I m the MieiiRit teams that ever ran feri tl.J Z "!,',",'li.,ln" wl I"1 htreng. as t!hjPi'i'!!bue.ll h"" ,",," 'l''f''"'d twlce tins lUbt in hleh V,.i ii. l wviciueii ny a local' ?i.M,1 ""'. Itr only one race-that i -' "C WHS net ilelimlml 1... .. 1......I I Sehnnl 1, I...... . ..,.. ' " V. '" te ti, i v "1, . . ?' '" v""..,L,,,-".t 1 of IlulfaTi" x V mn" lim vim,u town ImiLIi11 raT "f ,m u'111' eiiiiun-, NuilliMs .,MS '" ",l' I''dbeys. ' wi ? ,,u t'e triil. against the JllVlces later ,(, "' , ' ",,',,. teams are ki, 01 .,.,.""' ,.n,tl1 WeM liliin - 1 "iieiliil KIW) n" ". ' e iiiiru run., eh ...' h....Ker. Philadelphia . ..( . " W I " hi . Olir Jlllil III fi tut ! in . .able- i :."" 1"' V"" bolhepreb. ;.,' "' "us ye hi Me winner f Dien nf i.i, ... . ' " nn in- 1 QimI-v VnL. U',V. r"11'' Hnweier, lwlS7ai5SrJen. WU P"bly put up I Ar?2jKSim.ent.M te who should set i-lUSrSS,tli,&, tbU were a lhe Sieeiinys wen the can tempo-' linie its s.eihI nnnii.il iHi.-mlle Mioet ran I Seueitalese and nsirls; rani, fr ,,e tlrM lime in IS, hut flnI,;i7f;;i,,li,,l,"ii!,-t c'lu'V SllMi.lrlnw"lr?A,, ' " 'V -k ' '"",1" '" erli yyu i:ih wre.ted it fiem them I lie f'.aVln rhlV., th,. tluli Vev?-.V K: I champion. I should h.ne liked, bv my lolewini; e.ir. Cliilllle Cillllllllli, Char , llieu iiimilnu' in CnnnKii i nil la;( j.nr'x mr I advice, te make him a g( title limn." lei!;;:,,ln", ,).', Y,,!.',,rih' (,u,il",v 1),,t: VniH !xj,i,rTn,ii'',.,;rean,rr.rn; newspap.,- h,v,,s th.,t .siur u. ..rllel tllul I 'li.lf I...1 1 . . rt hmmliiilii i.l I ... ......I.... ..lis ..1... ..... .... .. .. Irw,.... .. II... I ....in... .n. . 1. .. - '"in. ..... .1.1 .... 1 .. .. uriz". iiim.ii... ...... ti.r.u, h-ii i'.ii--r 111. ii 1 .-i-iii-i' .inn t-iiii.i-ii.ii ,n-.tiii',' ,n iiim t,v- WW'i r .. WiBti fWSU KZ-eVi"W r"H - '" XV plnjK. He carried the pigskin some It- yiirdN in three runt), two around the ends and one oil tnckle. (Icertrc Suilivnu did net tnkc pnrt in the of fpnlvp drill but wph In there en the 'ffpnp. As en Suttirdnv Inst, wlifti he Rhewed be well in tttekllttff. Hull' Htepped all the inlllrH of the juniors' hne!(H If they did Ret by the first line. The reaches have n bin Problem en j A ineir nnmiH ter tpc v-erneu Ramc in M'leet the bncklleld and two ponitleitM en the line. Miller and Uniner m6 th! only rcrtnlntiew at I lilt writing in tl.p reEiilnr bnrklle'il. T,nncden becnutp of IiIh Brent defeiHvp plnyini? and lil ability te lertd the runner wema aNitred of a OMt. McOrnw linn played well nil sc.imim and N deserving of Htnrtlng ngnlnxt tl.p ItlnrniiH. However, the re mnrknble playing nf Prnig the Inst few dnys linn made nf Mm n Htreng con tender for n place, and It would net be nt nil Hiirprlslng te se blm start. If be doesn't henr tl.p opening whNlle be is certain te get Inte the game. Se l Woetlnnl, Oeerge Sullivan is bound te get into ret le li during the contest, which inemiK tlint i even bid's me In the running fm the bnekield. "Sullv" It n broken Held runner p:ir excellence, nnd the fact that he was stepped bv Stale 1b cutting no lie with the cenchlng staff. I)i fcnvlvclv the varsity" regiiliir-s showed fiblll'y jpsterdav that sheuhl rnnbln then te step the tlinixts of "Oil" DebleV bucks. Trslng Cernell p'nys pxeliiNively, and with the fresh man ftnr backs carrying the pigk'n. th" v.usitv iitennil the rnmeus f'erncll off tnckle plnv frequently without the gain f!f nu Inch, and often with n win of ii'.t iiierp limn n vnrd. It wan eu'ti bettw defensive work jestenlny than en Monday, becnuw tlM juniors were strenrfthened nnd better organized. TINMAN and liichl, irhe found the Vernetl iriAmnii line tnttfllil lie same siwtftn ai the bin 11 rd rr rltll. clll te find hales In, enuld de littl'' with the vanity. The yearlinm at time vmde several ynnd uuiiix,' lint they enuld net fel'mr them up, V,r treivnap nnd Fairehtld at' the tclnpi, fehmw Tlnirman nnd Frank flraf pinned slellnr frinthnll nil afternoon, mnllmt tnellc after tnekle before the rwnwr eeuld get ; te the line of scrim mane. .loluiHen Shows Well JOHN .TOIIXSOX, the former Trinity , cnrtnln playing at end in the of i frnslve dri'l, pave lilt best exhibition of I the j ear catching fnrwnrd passes. The if i iir:r short lieavp ever the line of scrimmage , right snlrlt nnd (linposltlen for a win from Miller and Med raw te the tall I nln-r ball player. ... . . lanky winrmnn succeeded en nlmest every occasion. Teeny, the former L.i S'nlle ftitr. played another spectacular game. Xct year the local hid will be n hard man te beat for the position Krfresvnag will vacate after this season their lnt came in a Ited and Illue uni form en Turkey Ifciy. All of which me.ins that next year with the- freshmen the ( ouches will have an excellent nucleus for a team llmt should eclipse 1 this j ear's, which hasn't been the weist in the world '"iti, tin ini plinmpleu'hlt) safely tucked away by virtue of the vlcterv 'kI'iiim'.iii lust SnturdilV. the ' ." ,''' V)1 ,li"',,t the at fuel; of the wsuers. iioynten. an an e tie it coif , ,, ,, n .,,, .nen-llehl run. tier, will lie hacked by lledle Wehbui Aleander and ether pluyriH of all- American rating lsiters. T 1. i . I, Last jenr Itechcster played Phllnd-dnhhi Ou.ikcrs. an. after tli mi uenr of Kiuellii? football, time was called with the si ere standing Ihrcc-nll, Several fetmer ijunkers nre new play ing with die Yellewjiickcts, and tile isiters lmw a stranger team this year. Plan Christmas Street Run Tli "Iv.lfth wnni A. A., of Cinidcn. -HI ami lenniit wlelilni; te nt.r i-linulil tint i, I timeli run Wllllim l.ftinMuii, .'oie ljcrai utri'.'t. iHiti. n. -N" J. " ' i Williams Retains Mallen . MllllumstiiHii. Ne'. 2,'. Altheinih llMe.J nn vimlnf i mht iiuxi terback nf th 3 Wllllunn feijibiU lliiruii. , ...iiuti'i, u , iiicilinitl. t ..turn ii. cnll.nF.i i.nf.tiiif- fir In . .tmi .T..t.. .'"! ."."'.. " .. '.".""" ""'' snilMIn .i .- -- : ; .ihiiii-'iii 'el til" l'llipl" elii.( llllrt hmiHiiii fur the ll.H fuur .uini.H. fiilliinlni; i,iuit.ilu Cli.irlle l'un "" " ' ...llll. Ill .1, llllll.C l,llltl 111 III! IHllv .... .".. " . .. T .. .w,n... I'".. 1 ". . ...- ... , ... . . 1 Uiltiul awards 11 W 111 1)1' .1 IilUK.ll. an :i IT fill i.Jur- in ill,, iiie (..ntvt. nml hu spoiling honors, whi'li is better. I un Ii)mi..iUii If.nlliirt cl own fur the eau-i ,' , ", ,,'f .,, ,.. i.. ..i,,,, i, i iJ , or the iti-ta iietn. s, di stand that the re.ier.men is obliged ,, , , I te guard the Interests et bexlnt; before in cenul tiiln-y Standings and Results In Schoolboy Soccer i'uiu.i(j iiKiii noiieoi. j.iiAaun ti'l'ANOINel AVe-i Lest TI 1'ts. KriiiMfnr.l Iliiiii i ii NerlheiiRt Hllh 1 1 Went l'hltii.lrtplil.. IIIill... -' e 1 7 0 11 '.' II 1 II n 0 0 Southerii jv vntr.ii n ii.li i 'J (ifrin.uili.uii 11 lull 1 II utliern IIUli u n VI'sCRIIIlAY'S ltntl'I.TH s- ...',,,; V, . ,,,.. ,,.,,. w-Vi wiiiiiMi'iiK iiiiii. -'T ' ' pnivA'iu tk'm'i..s i.kvui'i: WeiiLeiHt l'e 1.,.. II netf ml nei .... .; -j t j Oei hi.ii.ii.hu l-rlinl... e I ',, ''-' " I'hutei . ., ... '- e N i 1111111.s11.il riii'iiiiii .. .. i 11 11 4 i llinli.sti.il Kilcnil .... iJ ,i Ti Mills' ritl.' t 1 Vj:.st!JIU.V ! IlKSI'l.Th ili.i in. 1 11 1 nun l''l It lltla. 1 If iui C..i I'M. mU. t; 1. ",,?t"fc.,'Kln .m,.,.!,. li r.i,fl.. s. . t. ..."-- ""miwim le.i, u. ftv,tl ' 1.1ITI.II - t ll.U llftverfera College Thlril, 1; Ht. .entuh FOOTBALL - - , I HgTwa IjfTTJT'EK'.CX! II NtTtJ Put through Strenuous Drill ran i ess RECALLS HAUSER Cardinal Outfielder Stricken With Brain Disease as Was Star Shortstop BLOW TO HIS TEAM The sad plight of Austin McIIenry, of the St. Leuis Cardinalswhe it dy ing of ti tumor of the brnliiin his home nt Mount Ori-li. O., recalls the trouble of Arneld Ifnuser, also n former mem ber of the St. Leuis Cardinals. McIIenry wnR n brilliant outfielder, n in'in who could cover enormous reached, nnd with nn arm powerful enough te cut off the most ihirlng of base runners. He could hit, tee. as his averages which were nlwnys high above the .800 murk, testified. IfRiiser, lllif McIIenry. came te the Cardinals without anv blare of trum pets and beating of drums; and made geed from the stnrt. He wnu n short stop, who, hnd net misfortune blighted bis cnieer, would hnve ntcd wlHi the Wagners and Knncrefts and Mnran yIIIps of the National League. He had everything that a geed short stop needed. Like a rabbit en his feet he cmild kld along the territory be tween second and third as though pos pes hms(I, Nothing win tee hard for him te try for. nnd the number of hard chances be get away was astonishing. He could bnt, tee, and resembled Jnck flurry in his ability te punch out a hit nt n crlticnl moment. Ilnuser lest hit mind, nnd ha'i been in an asylum for years. His less dis rupted the Cardinal Infield, and it was for that reason tlint Geerge Whltted. who had ahvn.a played first base nnd the outfield during his miner league experience, inade bis fnt.t cemnany debut as a shortstop. Seme one had te fill the piucc that Ilnuser s (Usability left vacant and Whltted was eleeted. In the ten years that have nnsctl since tiien the Cardlnul-i have never had n shortstop who en me within n mil- r.'":,T:'".:,V."V.""'V";' .""." .";":TV" ".r -r ? rj" limned lelni w n mn.t f.ninhlft' imr'. ' fermBer ASt was'nnd nevt' wibe I an Arneld Ilnuser. . McIIenry '-Less The less of Austin MeHcnry will b. a havage blew te the Cardinals' pen nant chances next year. He was the best man in their outfield nnd had the He was taken ill iliirlmt Inst hratnn nnd was sent home te rest up. Appar-, ' ,5tt cisliteen mentlit 01 ptcpara ently the phslclans did net dingnne f'" ?? competition against the lead his case cerrrcfy. for it was net until i '"B athletes of llmie thiin teity imtlens n comparatively short time age, when te be represented at the eighth Olym he became desnerateiv III. hat it wan pind In France. found he was suffering from a tumor is te lie impel nint organize! imseimil will see te It limt uts wue ami ciilliircit . 1 aI ,, bhnsplo0X,'m,tlem,ri'nmeP ami 1 itiinspir te tne uartenni gnme, ami iti can only de i part by .seeing that I.N I ;a" .?"'. " .u? '",' ' . "", '"" ' '"" m,H Thp WIme Japanese which was natural enough, since tliev 'were pln.Wng amateurs, ami it mav be .they thought that interest in their' an- j penrancc would die out unless they dropped a contest once in n while. I I Anyway. Walte Het. who hml j pitched a no-hit same a short time be fore, was walloped for tonic hits and the InlielderN booted a couple around ami allowed etieush runs te iiicklc mer the plate te beat them. I'.ut the Jnpsi i wereni loeien t.v...... .incniiiiiini. ..,.,.. ,..,. .,... ,1.... ' i ..... .....- i'.. " .... "lit tl.b .4v with llie story tlint the Amei leans lm. i;J!:;:LXnt-.,.. i in nc tunihi iimifiifiin r'llli 1 llllt ff hne funnv results, ln 1D10 Cennie Mack's chnmnleti Athletics went te Cuba en a joy party. They iuid an enjoyable time, sure enensh. but they did their sleeping en the field. Conse Cense fluently they reek an awful lacing from the dusky-skinned Cubans in most et the games. That mere than niivthing eisp is cuen as a reason wuv nig league ball nlnycrs sheu'd net attempt foreign ' Imnslens. They leek en the (rip at a I fun affair, and their cure hostess gtves' the game a liiacl: eye. Tlic boys in Japan (hat. should lemi'inber ' HELLERS SATISFIED WITH SIKI DECISION Manager of Carpentler's Conqueror Regrets Actions of Senegalese l'arlii. Nev. li'.'.--M. Hd'crs. mana ger of llattllug Siki. In an interview published In L'Auie. s.iys. lt. accepts the action of the IVin h ileiug Fsl cense was canceled becaii'-e of the beess asMiuIt en the miimi'ter of Mini- Hee miller ami ijec.uise 01 j.is )t.. havlnr In public places in Paris and In (lie pretinccs. Anether icaseii ad wi need uas that SIM sein lime a-te struck n woman. "Uy his fault Slki makes us lese nll the profits of the hiery ever Carpen tler,1' snld llellct-s In the Interview. "That Is te sny, at hast 4,000,000 fi-nncs. which Is net had, and all tin. I personal inii'icsis, mm nun is wnv I accept the decision. I am deeply piieved i bv all that has hilppcucil. I hnw nut see-n Slkl for ten d"--, and lluuight hu had mended his ways, but fiem re ports I hear 1 hae ng.un deceived niv self." Teams Desire Soccer Games Tl. Falrvlew Hwir luh haH cnmnlftnl nrrniiKDinints fr lh uku ur tin. Hieelilimn A. A. Kreunila for Sunil.iy kiiiiihh unci wnuhl 1IH.' le near innn " " , llll Huiulny Jut.' hv In The Wft l'litlll.lel.hlft I llle.' le hear from se er i liilm willing t0 in .-.'.I'lv uiTlry n 1 I . Im mitri tn nn ohll.ltlen s'liine mi ;.ii HiiiiirJrti nm rn ii(ltnltMi tain. nt I. if 1...1 ntm - . . .. . . . - , . J1iMM t-iirtf 111 1111 iiiuii miirr t'tJlilrsiii. will t!lH u iviuni iifti.. nt iieniP. f.ift:1 . 'R' it a nig leiiew. lie stnnds six : iilnth . nnd .""'(a.V'piei - V.i1 f"lluwln feet ami Weighs 17." pounds. He lb S.'uS,,ditr he. U'"-..")".... i iu!S"?u "aftprl ! "'""" nH nhl ..ml making h " last ! i.mi? riieiiH i..v'i!'nia':'lf iifierni'M, 'idipeurance in a liuir uniform. ' I'lilrty-nUih Wnni wiiiuu line te nrrut.se .i kuiiiu i.i i ,'v .".!"". .. iwi Hiluetn Inil.i-i"i M.i, II". "llMliiimi iiVi , i ".,,,"'l,,l,". II uhies- ,i.i,.. AWrs irf ei" UJ-MI Ui oilier ijuiiiluu, then the cencl m h. iluuiuher stntt. ''lef , West Catholic team, uucee"e! " " - Hake, and placed liliu n't uuuid. .le., e. r.ir 'inaniinu t,rennan H Previous Winners of Cress-Country Title . . i I. UI4 iVntrnl lllh. Iti ft fentruj II h- w, T;v.i fil'wW4 it, i (rj'Jivi .LAJJCtf- J In Dying Condition AUSTIN McIIKNKY .Star outfielder of St. Leuis Na tionals, for whom till hope hiu been given up by physicians following nn operation en hit brain F Rival Spert Bodies Expected te Bury Hatchet at Washing ton Gathering TO FORM NEW COMMITTEE Washington. Nev. :!. Fir-t Mens for the participation of America's "icatest iDympic team ill tin inter- MiT&gT lVtuX UU4 yre fe be nkifi at the ciunil- riniiini iiii'i'iiu jitu iuiiii, ui uiu Aiiirrienn cilymnlr Assoclntien. At that conference nil differences which have heretofore divided several of the meJt active sport governing bodies of the country will be erased and' "harmony and preparedness" made ' Keynote et ti.e i.rsnnuntien (luring At the conference ieireeiitnthes of Following adniNMen of the new mem ...., ,i. 1, .,..: , 11. ...... i :..... IICM, ll" liui -t 41 lilt triiii- i Jlilllll I tf wi" b" fe",,"1 '"", ,1'" Awmlntlen laid fi. Mip.,nnii (f ii nun ...... ...i.n f"rn f L", 1 "?. .. f . .. I " ' ?,' ' . 1'? 1 i,,f iiwa-( iii . is miun- pert the cvernl hmidrnl at!ilit's of honei.irv picsiilcnt of the A. O. A., and ( iuef .Inutile rati, hoiiernrv vice presi dent. The rtelcgates will at lend a uiniiT teniulit tit wliiih Ciiienil llniieit M. Thompieu. liii'siileiit et the Ameilian Oljmpic Association, will inisiile. 11m11g the speaker will he Sieretary of War Weeks, Siciitnrv of the Navy Henby, Amli.'U.suler .liwseiam, .if Fiaiuc; Maje- Henry W. Itrccken- Klttc and feeimler Iltfcliiecl,. nf Nebraska. lf.. alumimi plan celebration Yale and Harvard Men In Parle Count en Victory ! Park. Nev. Ul'. The Harvard Club, of Pails, U sending circulars te is members throughout France In order tunc mere may a full attendance nt the club dinner en the night of the "nry'mi-iaie loetoan game, ZSevem- ,,.."''.- , .,,,.. ,l!w nlF, men "' ;,rN, likewise will i iL'i.-Miiiiv nie cpecieu iciery. All-Scholastic Grid Candidate i$&&44Z& El)" HAKE "IM" Hake, captain of the rst Catholic High Scheel football eleven, is regarded as one of the best tucklcs In tlic Catholic League, if net in the entire city. Hake has u great habit of breaking through the enemy lines and blocking Mints. This Mils iiai'lienliirlv .,.! table lust season, Lleven punts from the. tees of the opposing kickers were euiien te tne eiutii tiy the big tackle. Tliis year Hake bus net been quite as successful in this line, but has mere than made up for it in another re. spect. del tl inn with the ball Is I new KiI'h ebjiet. - ' it is his tiiitd w-ar In inelesklus In h I bin size lil. .!-. -. t O ! , Ills al.iliiy te llickb) and lirln,. ,i... runner te earth deemed it wisu te nhiee him in his natural position, no twit when the lust season started Ed wn found at il;ht tackle. " He has been the mnlnstnv nf i, . this year and much of the success h ABA PREPARES OR 1924 OLYMPICS . . lmf h kfivix, ivhii will ItiiMilii rniii'it litt vHHbiasa.aSSSK -Ifl. f 'urti k. AS'AJ . -J. beei due, te ,bli effort li llfllgfP'fIlSI MMW A. A. U. TO CONTROL FEMININE SPORTS Action Unanimously Agreed On by Governors After Commit-. tee Refuses te Act MOVE ON TO WASHINGTON New Yerk, Nev. UU. The Amateur Athletic t'nien of, the fnlted Htate-i. in convention nt flic Held McAlpin here, vetrd te control and Mipervlse all open athletic reni ptitleti for vemen. TIiIh action was iiiianlmetisly decided upon by tlic incoming beard of governors after a (emmlttee had failed te offer recommendations one way or the ether. It is a big step In the advancement of amateur sports, because competition among the women lias grown se rap idly of lute flint the nmatair status of the (onipetltlens wan In danger. A committee will be appointed te confer with college and club organiza tions which have recently been urging the A. A. y. te take control, and it Is likely that within n short time trnek nnd field titbletics for women will be en the same bads as these for men. There will be regulation, sectional nnd national championships for girls, who will register with the A. A. I', and observe Ha rules William I'reut. of the IInten A. A., piesldent of the A. A. V,, was re-elected under unusual conditions, ft was nc css'iryte usciinl the rule that was made last year, te the effect that a presi dent could nut succeed himself, In order that Mr. Pi out retain the helm. Other effai'l'M elcctdl Wfr.. ttrt view president. Munay Hulbtirt. New Yerk ; ieeeiiii wee picsHletit. Colonel Wash- . jiigien newic, ,ir., Jlaltllnerc : third vice president, .lehiv T. TnUer. Pltts Jiuigl; t'eurlh vice president, Themas T. Trncy. New Haven, r'enn. Murray Hiilbuit, ncling Mayer of New lerk, and a representative of the Metre) e'itan Association, Indicated that a grae danger threatened the body which controls amnteiir sports In tills country when, In nominating Mr. 1'ieiit for re-election, be vald : "In a few hours we shnll gather at Washington for what may be a love feast or a content for the survival of the A. A. lT. It would be felly te change ladersit this time." . Mr. Hiilburt was referring te the annual convention of the National Ama teur Athletic Federation in Washing ton, which Imited the A. A. U. fe send n committee te the capital in nn effort te "fettle certain difficulties." Judge Verne Lncy, of St. Leuli, who it chairman of the Utiles Committee. alM referred te the Fedpintlen. when, in interrupting a lengthy discussion be tween two delegates from California, he said: "Let's get these details ever. We must think of unity. We must get te Washington, where it Is eiilte pos pes sible that we shull have te tigiit for our very existence and te prescrxe our or er or nelatlon as a sponsor of amateur ath letics." Thus it would appear that the A. A. 1". docs net intend te relinquish its con trol of any branch of amateur spmt new under its jurisdiction. Trad: nnd tlcld and swimming nre the largest of the sports contielled by the oignnizu eignnizu oignnizu lien. The regulation number of champion ship event j was awarded as follews: National track and field. Illinois A. C. ci 11 1. 1 iT it I ."" "no j.my, ltt mines liter, lireught IT a field Undoero. lluffale; junior and ,,, fellow-shot '111,1 he w-,, eiMvin,' pentathlon and siWpU.,.llse. N,u- Ymi 'i t ll stamlin" a't Ti"t' ,1 e-Vs t r th' senior handball single. and leuMe.. St! !. ,,; i!'. at " ' li "K "S e! t'"' , Paul, and junior handball. sitiBles and .".. ?,' .. ilniveles ltttKliiir"h W lllle llerrs spetl.i!!0 Ul 0 IS 10 1k (leuuicb, 1 ittNUiirn. n mj ,, l0J (UIinnl,hlV,, TetnI r,,l0 EL PRODUGTO br real enjoyment THE free smoking qualities of the El Producte straight sizes have attracted an army of smokers whose tastes incline te this shape. The El Producte Blunt at 2 for 25c or the 1 Producte Corena at ISc are two straight shapes that offer remarkable values in real enjoyment and have a host of friends in Philadelphia. The Blunt is packed in wooden boxes of fifty; the Corena in the famous blue tin of fifty. . H.T. CIGAKCO..Inc. rhiudsiphii. p.. Many ether shape and iitti lOe te 30c Blunt J fir 25c JLmmLW mWMU'1'''''- Sm&tfLW mMmm ''; J&KZitfjtikW kW3jM '''' ' AMEmm EEffl-ftsW V' i 1022 for G HOPPE BILLIARD TITLE Defeats Champien Jake Scriaefer, 500 te 283, in Final for 18.2 Balkline Honors RALLIES IN FINAL INNINGS New Yerk. Nev. 1!2. Willie Heppe has regained his balkline crown. In n uiatch fillnl with dailng p'ay in which his gathering shots steed forth the old champion made bis sensational comeback by defeating Jake Schncfer. winner of tins title a year age at Chi cago, by the score of ."(K) fe HSU In the llnnl match of the Intel nntieiinl 1.2 i.niuiin,. iiiiiinni ciuiiiiiiieiislilt) teurna ment in the grand ballroom of the Hetel I Pennsylvania. Heppe came trem beliinii nt a cniicai stage of the contest when Schaefer kd him bv mere than 100 point. At the close he put together massive, runs of 188, nnd mi unfinished 101. that marked his return as thu reigning monarch of caroms. Iieipe'M winning uvcrage was 41 8-V2 umi his ether high riiuslll nnd '10. Schnefer's avernK wus 111 T-112 with runs of ()s and 4.". tin the whole Heppe wrs somewhat uiicpi tain of stroke al tlmis. hut he made up fcr this by ids rt mnrknble ability te play cushion shots of infinite v.nleiy. Hnpjie'K grand average .a' .".".S while schaefer talw-i second prie by his grand .average of .'J0.U1. During the tournament Heppe sirnineii n ligament In his right arm nmi sirn.ne.i a iignn.ent in ills rlgnt urin mm great pain ami deliberation. He never complained of this, liewever. relying en bunking, driving ami forced draw and' toiiev. siiets. en occasions when lie was compelled t te masse, he fiddled his cue for uch leu frtliR nf time tlint It un set tile spectators. Never Faltered Hut Heppe never faltered In these nerve-racking moments nnd. while be was fercei te iilmnden the delicate nursing irnii.e. bin mnsterv nt open bil liards cariiul him through. Consider ing the tact that be played the open game almost exclusively, his runs were remarkable. Immediately after his iNr.v he put I te rest n ports that he would retire. j "I'll (ertaluly defend the titje," he I said. Heppe m.nle H exident that there was ' still n stin backbone te his plnv. whnt-.i ever might be the trouble with his arm. A masterful cluster of 1SS attested this en his clew nth turn at the table. It was in its chief elements a masterpiece ' in the wav of deadhnll drhing. i Curi ously enough, it was a shot of thin ,1p. scrlptien tlint eventually brought the rim te an end. He had a shot in which the cue ball only had te move three Inches. Heppe Huns ISH Ktill lie failed te make the distance and gae way te Schaefer. The high spot in this Imposing collection, and it was till built upon his skill at gathering shots, was a great bank half the width of the table ler the tVId count. Twe wonderful spread draws added bril liancy te the (17th nml tISth tallies, re spectively. At DO Heppe was re.lling the orbs sn delicately that they froze. He deteimlued upon a respet. Then he went along with the ivories in close formation en the; lower end of the table until a wonderful draw te the (tHiien at l.'IS again set the crowd iipplaudlii!;. The irrent REGAINS 'i'.'.vv: '.l'1'.', i - fflsaw. ' ''f583Mk rV-9kw RaftjIcVr.sr.iJBiM SWUMsl ?&:.& Rfpipppl! S"MI '., V .ft- -, V m - -- With Cernell Elei Standing of the Players in Billiard Tourney . rlnwr V. I.. H 11. flODlie 4 1 103 10 rtnnn 'I V4 SchR-fvr ... n i! ins Centl a i ii Ceefiniri , I I 140 ifHK.Illuclld . e ." l7H r.r. t.-e . a. ie.l m r.-t ill .I'M sn .vir. ai fi-rvi Heur hns mode SOOO nelnta In fit 111 wnifs, 11 rtrntiil iicriic of a? 2-fil. iVmtl litiN nin.l.. ID.'. I points In 0. In nlrik's. 11 urHliil rivcrac nf SO 4-fi."i. Ilnrtinnrs (iem nuil IHSe iielnti In 09 Im Inur, 1, urun.l nvcnien nf w 18-iln lliiKenlirlier iiiikIe 1IH7 points In SO ln Mriuc a (ti.nel HVrrnxn of S.1 77-HII, Nihuefer hni inmle ItiVit points In fill InnlliHK. a unind nveriKe nf .1.' LH-.'ll. "nchriin hnii tnii'le 1 74(1 Kilnt In 7:i In-r.lris-.". u Krand nvcruKe of 2.1 ii7-n. ne'ntd, n.prnie, 41 8-1 111. tii'l funntilHheill. IiIbIi runs. 1SS. .rnlte SrhMffr, lilte linlt .'10 al 4.'. .1 00 e O 50 OH n Wi. Tuliil. 2S3 imlnti, miai;, L'.l 7'S, IiIbIi runs. DO. OS. 43 JtAferpp Allien U. OutUr linger Centl, of France, defeated I'Meiinrd Heremnns, of Itelslum, In the felllteeiilh itame. 000 te .'10.'!, SAILOR ELEVENS PLAY AT NAVY YARD TODAY Elimination Game Between Qebt of U. S. 8. Wright and Relief This afternoon at 'J e'clcck en the football field nt the Nnvv Yuri the elevens from the fatted Stntes Steam ship Wllgllt 1111(1 II'C I III ni S nlns S!i.inulii,. ii. iinf ..-in ...n.f i.. .1... u.n von t star foetlmll cu son's star football gnme of thai base. In the line-up are u nuinbcr of former star Annapolis gridiron warriors, and n desperate struggle Js looked for The winner of this contest will e te Xcw lerk Thanksgiving Din te plav im lean. 01 wr i line.. .-,, ucs Bicamsiiip .1 t . a V t. (l t. It. . I Atlantic Fleet .,;,", Ul !""1""" "' 'ue , All the gobs at the Yanl nr.' v ihlh .pxcitrsl ever the sumo, juid th excited ever the 2111110. iii there will' made this morning bv Dr SutlierlniVii afternoon. i.liers ..ctleiif lis' nli-bt ' pi.i.Mis .kiieiu lis iiignr. 1 l.enJ: ftir me ';() thi deer ' A. R. llnderdewns 1 fiiileriliiHii Bread Tee 4jh Patent leather A new model, smart, comfortable and correct. CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut CHRISTMAS TOYS It 1b nut n tit ler mrlv te think nlinut hmliw ...... ,-i,.i. .,... ..,,,. A i:rklt will hull en urn, V I'll riirltmn JVn (liny u mniplrtp Inn. nf Lionel Iriim Sel nml nei ...urles, such lis trarU suit.-! tntlmiii s i!iu' lirlilir, nml trnn.fi.rm. r. We iti n t line i (n 'ell mmi tlint !.. ni I Tru ... ii r lust n. i,',.,i ( hrlstimis iirisint f r tlic nle . it. nn I!u nuw whi. . : Hte.'s ar 1'h GET OUR PRICES ROLLER SKATES Ball Bcar.nr & $1.59 ' ' ni'l llnr HI M ie i ,tl Ian I ill r i lisjit; DOLL COACHES, $4.50 ITI" TO 5 ft.1 A w.it.ilerfiil si li, ti.ii, uf isi.i l.liMs" He iieirt t any irii, DOLLS, 50c and $1.00 .;' isiiirii i ,,r n.'n . 1.1 i.s III .li , v no !. I it Children's Desk and Chair S.1 M KEOULARLY $5 00 lecl-V ssmSv mBLKKttkWLwttlKt0&UKS9&kWkw m Sf?T!I!ii. uODS SPECIALS .uHWy . uumailS Oaiketba Iinpcrteu' $1.50 tr uiu nn ew linli Im thi r tM1i Im t run lli-t.' utili kuiu hiiMir uhu un i ASrWfHjWA ''1 i.I.I r iii I r BOXING GLOVES FOOTBALLS, 50c ler Beys $2.50 Per set uf Tour Reg. $4.00 Muili f rufii urn i PENNSYLVANIA SWEATERS PUKE WOOL ' New""$5.'50 w t JheSpprrGEnTre en Friday nuj MJ m.m n.j .urd.T Enuluiri BSBlllBBBaBISW Kit Ordtr Pi, ODen bflurd.T Eranliw v'mF&. t M HfMiiJ LAFAYETTE BARS & 5 GRID Mi SecencNString Men Frem Squad by Coach Dr. J. B. Sutherland TOOK PART IN CLUB GAM ----- tm E.tsten. I'a.. Nev. 2,.,t Five Mit hers cf the Lnfnyetlc Cidlegi football ?$ feam, all screiid siring men, have bffffi iiniiishcd from fuither football nctirltltw ny i)r. .1. li, Mtitiicrinmi, nenu ceacnt hciniue of rumeis of alleged profession prefession professien a'ism. The men, it Is said, went te Pitta Pitta ten, Pa., last Kiindny and participated I in nn Independent game nt that pluct ngniu-t the Ave'n lliiifah.es in vlolaHen of the rules of the college, which fH btblt members of the npiad from par ticipating with Indf pendent or prele -sienal dubs. The platers nie F.ddle Kearney, et . . T 'lit 'ten. iialfe ick : Fruii'i Hilten, of ,Vlr".".' " 'inurti rhnck ; James Duffy., 01 ( union, i. and Jehn Lyens, of I'lelllen, X. .1 guards', and Jean Mcchup of Philadelphia, end. Ir. Suther'iiinl hue laid the mntter before the faculty Athletic Committee, "II" Ml I I Mlllll I il llll'l'll wiie win ccmiiict a tiioreiigu investl- K,ltlen. The men. it Is said, claim thev ecelved no ( ompensatien f for their ef fort Ani.euncemeiit of the tinulshment wn.t Travele" "TemWye" Coats and Vests Arc smartly tailored. clese-fitlhiR; garments of pure worsted yarns. Coats, 2 pockets $7.80 Coats, 4 pockets 8.50 Vest, "Tem Wye" 5.00 Vest, "Travele" 6.00 Aurptnble Xinas (.lft II uy I.Hflj Sens 202-204 Market st. for I'nilprnrur. Dress Oxford $13.00 Vm knen that It l k Iiitu " ,rl l,lr ' "' thU time. BICYCLES SPECIAL THIS WEEK H!nIr Dmti llnr Illrjd, n. tiitl. full!" i mini led In hluu nnd uhtt a 'l Braj au.l Mt.r. $26.75 Fully Guaranteed KIDDIE KARS. $2.25 Kind u'th Imrsr', I fuels m the stci-Mn.-'"" r ith. r t.i- ami l .1, tnu-tibli. Ill lll. nil els , rr str.lllKly IIIHdp. AUTOMOBILES, $6.95 KEO llli 00 VALUE "Columbia" Velocipedes Standard of the World. Built Like Bicycles. $11.95 te $22.50 s. Imnnrl.,1 Biikuthall Kate Caarst $3.00 II EO sa D.i New $1.00 Hi Kill tli sisf rnaili. fr.' i tin Imis. .' nil uf I 1.-1M ,.,-,. hel. hail. I " mi em li (i. i, Hi i hi. I.. 1 . KE0. I'liII U I'l.l.l.il 11.75 fll' SOCCER BALLS' fEntU.k) -..' V) Ilf, 13 W, mid f re in ,t Il niln tow. I ' '. lU-au- li rs.i I i, If full Intkti tin. 99 qW JLmJwT nSlf-V I e ii iffietflt .f teOu" I t n I f V i '"toil 1 l -t y e'l yfl f ttt WlBMr. CKtHOUQ'XMHpaC tWW. v ;rt7taki IM. ?mik BROADWAY CYCLE CO., Inc. mmmtMi rj-1 f at. Teres, i --n. '- . - "'. ." ' W-rWP MiiiWMW t IMI.1.C . .. r . , . . ' ,f -n js i". - ... "r ii "i " - - WLzjjKtf.,mmtets:si.. hBmmL ,iSM:i -ii '. wte Ku r.-V2iSif n, ....Ayt ,,rjiflhJfi 5:isfrAVA . ITi. r 'Aw'flfe. &?i2tif i , i.u. J. " -VA .'".i.it ii.ii i i ;.e.a 4nn'fl'.f iv vmsi 71 inn iV nrY. 'tA v'SW . -ISA I i'J MfcJ .t'ij 1&M -&l war n .n'.m.tM in. ff?rf. .! "aR I "rw , 1 . UWttYfl,