vrLvr.wm Be?RRw;ffAVr-jBBaiBiHiaMi? mmmmsSBwmm WWj Wtrir' - : ' . - t -,, MH hwwiihi i ' iiwwmb'h iii ii 1 1 p m i w i i jpwwMi i ?; wmMmmmm? r rsa araaaBmE0EB3EarateK in'"' -ririnifffMTiwt""" , " rnmHBHaHOMiwi.. i i 11 ihumiiiimh ii wiiiaaaaa i hii t i rvr wTwwfw.wyw' i .", tf Bi.T;jjwi'jnjr 'If uifJulv tagJMWJMgir1jrri,i iAijaxxxixxt nmiJjaMwpMjn.. v t - --, -.v ''-,f- ' r ' '.-,-- .-. . -.-... : ' ' ' ' rat w fUNF nn OR SHELTERS 6ie Relief Frem Wintry Winds If Ceunell Apprevti Suggestion .. (HULLS DISCUSSES TYPES The city's trnfflc police nre eager for At shelters which mny be provided te protect them from the rigor of cold god term. Many have suffered some illness 'from ceHs cetitrncted ns they steed for leurs. cMHed nnd wt, en unprotected "I tell you, It'll mean a let te us," Mid Georee Stevcr, who had been at read and Walnut streets for five yenrs: This Is ''old spot when the wind fcewls. nd many a winter I have suf fered and twice was forced te go te It 'will mean also that the trnffl? nn can keep constantly nt their pests. n,n it Is very cold, we often are wd te drop Inte some store te warm En That means an unprotected cor cer :;; .nl, of course, the worse the day the greater the danger te motorist or ne'eMhc wert spots l at tenth Bread street nnd Penn. Bquere. At this Mint trnfflc is extremely heavy and the wind seems te sweep dewiv the Inter letting streets with redoubled fury, just daring the patrolman en duty te leave Ms neit and seek a few minutes wnr -ul, fa the nenrhy doorway te the City Hall. Jee Oriffln has been there ter ten ears. He hn broiled In summer and it has shivered In winter. Oriffln l net entirely In favor of the full-covered shelter. Toe many autos skid around ht turn nnu ne warns w de iree ier a amp te safety. "We sure de need some protection," It said, "but whatever It Is I want a Snick way of getting out. Many a time hare had te jump out of the way here. The city might nave te replace steel shelter here each week, but about myself, well, I guea it would be ,m m the nellre pension fund te take etre of the weekly change of men. "Tills is wiweui qucBiien " 01 ine (eldest nnd also most dangerous of miners in rhllndelphln. There is 'into tically three-way trnfflc. The mnn en duty must be en the alert nil the time nd he needs some kind of shr" t." Superintendent 01 l-nuce .whs is in fiTer of tome, kind of shelter for the traffic officer. He is net sure that th completely reefed style is best, and sufftests a device thnt would come up te the chest of the officer en duty, thus protecting his bedv. but leaving a clear virien in all directions. Magistrate Neff Better Maristrate Frank W. Neff, who has been in the private hospital of Dr. Empeen II. Ilninbrldge, 1425 l'enlar Street, for the Inst two weeks, Buffer ing from a nervous breakdown and hlih bleed pressure, will leave the hospital within the next few days for stay of two weeks in the mountains, according te an announcement at the hospital today. FOR SALE LUMBER Mt.OM fwt of Yellow l'lne, Spruce. Cyprus ind Ilfml'ick. suitable for building pnr- Ei. Sterk In ill new snd iinnned. 9. D. rtr er truck. Applr riiwy A f Plant, Gloucester, N. J. Mr. Parks, B A. M. In 3 I'. M. I'henp O'nup tr 2 i Ulsl IXTQBE ARCS . The jMeturs Tells the 8er lJnit liew ou ittnit It. NntMne MM Jtffk'iV. Pw. h?PS tti meat -tin ulr (n mr paritlen. itTffll"".8 "Zi'"'".1 . m sur en thn i.h.i nh. , tin.. it HI: Ter tile it all Drus and Danart. Ii Tort. tftrtiir4 by Marvel ArtMea Os ni rnnnn AW.. FltTUI'irin, Pi. 1 I fee.. Hemorrhoids re nreallr due te stralnln when constipated. Nujel being a lubricant 11? !te feed wte aeft nd therefore prevent trainina;. Doctors prescribe Nujel because it net only Mothes the suffering of Piles but relieves the irrlta. "en, brings comfort and Mips te remove them. Nuel is a lubricant net a medicine or laxative se cannot gripe. , Try it today. - Radium! wKjLf , tremendeni RW Iwger than a yMnemtnted strength. ice 01 an ecre- am . j with m.2 5reJ a compared wun many feeds, it contains t concentrated riutrlve g sat EGGS O dei InaO oer Stores Anniversary Specials for Thursday in the Economy Basemen 25c Important Accesierles te the Masculine Wardrobe Men's Shirts, Mufflersjies priced alluringly low auggerttng Inexpensive but practical gifts. Men's New Cut-Silk Neckwear, Special at A wonderful assortment of desirable stripes and figures for your selection, in both cut silk and satin ties. Ik Men's $1.00 and 51.50 f Knitted Mufflers CQp Sllcht second Vint alt rtnfueta have been skillfully mended. Fibre silk mufflers in a geed variety of colorings. $1.59 aaW '"( AW:vvn SWeaaesday, Nevsmbsr It, llll. Iter Opeai t A. M. close OHO V. M. M NELLENBURGN eurBF bloc- Maexer tnfr2it?STBi:rs M Men's $3.50 Fibre-Silk and Silk-Mixed Shirts. A cleSC-OUt of SOme flf our ndrlt nnd anrla 1mm ramilav, bieck permus you a saving 01 mere tnar naif. All abse luieiy perieci eniy siignuy instanced. mussed or soiled in some Men's $2.00 Shirts. This remarkbble geed selection of well $1.19 This remarkbble group includes a very JXe JL47 ell-made Shirts of nn1nn1irf nnnKfv woven madras. Men's Repp Shirts, Special I -I Q K Alse shirts of ether popular long-wear- tpieOtl, ing materials including some white and tan shirts. SneUenbUrgS Economy Basement Thursday Five Extra-Size Gift Items Head the List of Dainty Lingerie Prices are exceptionally low, as value-wise women will readily see when buy ing these garments. Women's $3.00 Extra-Size ti1 tA Gowns at.... WDV One sketched. They are fash ioned of fine batiste with beau tiful trimmings. Women's Extra-Size Envelope Chemise. . Levely, fine garments made of batiste and trimmed with lace and embroidery. One sketched. Women's Extra-Size Gowns An exceptionally low price for such well- finished gowns of Hngerie'cleth, cut full and trimmed with neat embroidery. Women's Extra-Size Gowns and Chemise Anether extraordinary value. Attractive garments finished with neat embroidery or lace. Hundreds of Men en Thanksgiving Day Will Be "Sporting ' 'New Suits and Overcoats Frem Snellenburg's because the knew geed value when they see it. What's mere a keen man appreciates the soundness of our maker-te-wearer policy of pricing with even lower 'markings in force during our Anni versary $23.50 Winter fci Q 7T Overcoats at plO. I U S30.00 Winter Overcoats at. $18.75 ,532.50 Winter fcOl KA Overcoats at p41.eJU 21.75 Fall and Winter Suits at. $12.00 $1.98 s made of with lace sketched. 79c 98c Women's Extra-Size Drawers. . . . Well-made drawers of lingerie cloth, fin ished with embroidery ruffles. 59c Women's Twe-Piece Pajamas (J - K Q Smart "affairs" of figured crepe that tJXetlt are most acceptable ns gifts, especially for school and college girls. ' Women's Gowns and Envelope QQ Chemise 07C Made of lingerie cloth and finished with lace. $25.00 Fall and Winter One and Twe $l n CTA Trousers Suits. . . PO.DU $30.00 Fall and Winter One and Twe djie cyp? Trousers Suits. . . .tpxO.O Men's and Yeung Men's $4.50 Fancy trousers at $2.45 Men's and Yeung Men's ?6.00 Fancy dQ AfT Trousers at pOm0 " SNELLEN BURqS Economy Basement mMt AHBatW fTBsaTKif HI lflfkVv!K I IV III V I If IB ill Several Thousand Pairs Children's 50c Mercerized Stockings 3 Prs.fer 50c The Hun of the MM Best quality fine ribbed mercerized Hale stockings. Black. Sizes 6 te 9'j. SnELLCNBUrgS Economy Uascment Women's 75c Heather Spert Hese 29c Pair Fancy rib sports stock steck inirs in brown, blue and ether desirable heather col orings. bNELLENBUReS Economy Ilasemrnt Men's 65c Pure Weel Socks at 39C Pair nrMUmfklnJ' PUre '0' ",";1", ln 0,s"t'"1 he,aKr "'"" A very popular and practical KIM, SnelldBuhSS Economy Basement 49c Seven Economy Items for tlte Housewife Sheets Pillow Cases Muslins $2.50 Embroidered Envelope Pil- CI 7Q law Cases, Pr. PJ-'' These beautifully em broidered pillow cases are made of geed muslin and attractively boxed. 69c Bleached Bolster Cases. . A splendid make. 42x72 inches. $2.15 Bleached SI EQ Sheets, I-'ev An extra geed make. 81x 90 inches. 43c Hemstitched OKn Pillow Cases, Ea. OOK' 45x36 inches. Geed qual ity. 39c Pillow Tuhintr. Yard . 42 inches wide. A hem and you have a pillow case 26c Bleached Muslin. Yard. Our American make, 3G inches wide. 10 Yds. Bleached AQ0 Chppe Cleth.... VK Useful for manv pur pur peses. 36 inches wide. bNELLENBURflS Economy uascment Anniversary Prices Allew Great Savings in Girls Apparel for the Holidays Girls' $10.00 Winter Coats at $6.90 Te wear te grandma's or te the thea tre or anywhere that you might be going en Thanksgiving Day. Velour, Seft Cheviots, Sports Materials Every one of these coats is well made and smartly fashioned with such details as fancy pockets, belts, novelty buttons and large cellars some of fur. Spert models have box pleats and inverted pleats. Sizes 8 te 14 Years. Twe Sketched. -j 56.9eT( 6.90 WW II i $3.95 35c 19c Girls' $5.00 te $6.50 Dresses... What practical frocks they are for school wear. And very girlish, tee. Twe-piece models with narrow belts nnd pirated skirts. Trimmings of silk embroidery, vestees, cellars of con trasting colors, and sashes. Sizes 7 te 14 years. Girls' $2.50 Middy Q1 AA Blouses DJ..VU Less than half their regular price. Made of tturtly Lonsdale jean in all white or white with colored cellars.. Seme of the blouses come in tan, rose, cepen and green. Sizps 8 te 18 years. SNELLENBURflS Economy Basement In Our Basement Rug Department 750 Roem-Size Rugs At Less Than Present Wholesale Cost Heavy Sample Axminster Rugs 9x12 ft $27.00 Seamless Wool Weel Face Tapestry Brussels Rugs 9x12 ft Seamless Wool Weel Face Velvet Rugs 9x12 ft $15.00 $25.00 ISnceieum Genuine Geld Seal Art Rugs 9xl2-ft. Size.... $11.89 6x9-ft. Size $6.89 EverRug Perfect Other Sizes Proportionately Reduced Inlaid Lineleums An unusual opportunity te buy inlaid lineleums cheaper than some printed kinds; about 4000 yards, in full and sample rolls. Seme rem nants square yard 67c te 97c SNELLENSURCS Economy Basement Housewives! Anether Brilliant "Buy" Brings te Our Anniversary Sale 1000 Reg. $9.00 Lamb's- . A Weel-Filled Comfertables at H. eV ii.,MaSl1h.-22femels; low,this P"'ce is for genuine lamb's-wool-filled comfertables - a v.VwvaMS ux iniuu e wuui, iue. Women's Knit Skirts Qrp te Qi r A In several pretty colors OtIC tJXetJvF with borders. SNElLENBURaS Economy Basement Anniversary Pricings of Special Interest en Corsets and Cerselettes Extra-Size Women Will Want te See This Neme -Medel 444 Self-Reducing Corset $4.00 Designed particularly for women who are inclined te stoutness. These cersetH insure comfort, health and a stylish appearance. They nre mede of heavy ceutil. Women's $2.00 Corsets, 65c Merked at this low figure te close out, broken sizes. Corsets made of ceutil. Women's $2.00 Cerselettes, 98c Full range of sizes in this let. Heek side or back. Rcmarkable values. SnellehBURQS Economy Basement Clearance Prices en Sample. Line and Summer Stock of Reed and Willow Furniture 50 Reductions There are many uses for this attractive furniture in any home. Odd pieces for bedrooms and living roems: whole sets for sun parlors or inclesed perches. Samples slightly soiled but otherwise perfect. 910.00 te $27.50 Chairs, $5.00 te $13.75 $17.00 te $27.50 Rockers, $8.50 te $13.75 $20.00 te $36.00 Settees, $10.00 te $18.00 Leas Than Half Price ter $16.00 One-Piece Sanitary Rell-Edge Felt-and-Cotten Mattresses at $7.95 With A. C A. (blue and white striped)' tick. 3NEUEN5UR0S Economy Basement i?!1!. &?I CTrVd tJert ality of flowered or Persian patterned percaline with a arK colors. A desirable full size. There's a practical suggestion for wedding or Christ- nlnm 1 J m1 l....-l.-u J? 1 T fi, -uh;h ueruera 01 saieen. L.ignt ana d ark Ws a ,vw .,u ,:, . - ' ww AA 4..31&UUir: 1UII flliC De net miss this unparalleled event ! mas gifts in this sale. SnELLENBURZJS Economy Basement A Magnificent PurchaseJust in Time for Thanksgiving Brings Anether Super- Wonder Sale of Bigger and Better Values Than Ever Beys' $4.50 AH-Weel Tweed Suits $2.95 Oliver Twist mod els with 3 rows of silk braid en cellar and cuffs, chevron en sleeves and smart tie. In brown or gray. Sizes 3 te 8 years. 2-Pants ii n n uwlrfWvyi nlm5irT$&&& . M fcs? Beys' $8.95 Suits Smartly. styled suits of mixed chev chev eots with knicker pants that are fully uneu. bizes 7 te 17 years. $6.95 t - uneu. eizes vxen years. women s and Misses' sss?.??r $4.95 $15.00 te $18.50 DRESSES At $ 1 0.00 Women will neck here by the scores te take advantage of such tremendous savings. A Remarkable Collection of Dresses That simply cannot be duplicated either in the quality of making and materials or in the smartness and variety of .styles shown at anywhere near this price. Canten Crepe, Crepe de Chine, Velveteen, Peiret Twill, Tnco Tnce tine, Combinations of Matclesse with Canten or Charmeuse ,nnirS mil, t X"1 ?ylcs for the miss. numerous conservative models for the matron. 1 KfTivr! j i TrntMifj I Sizes 16 te 11. Everything That Could Be Desired Including a matcntessly Lew Price en $15.00 te $19.50 Sports and Dressy Coats Fer Women and Misses Twe Medels Pictured. models with plaid linings. $7.25 Button-te-the-neek belts nil around and Sizes 212 te 10 years. Beys' $9.50 Mackinaw Coats. . . Vade of extra jroed quality blanket cloth with convertible cellars. Sizes 8 te 17 years. Beys' $1.39 Knicker OAA Pants OUC He needs nn extra pair for school and play. They are made of sturdy corduroy or cheviot. Sizes 8 te lt years. bNFILE'.'SL'RcS Economy Basemunt At $9.75 If you te your marked in many cases at just half of what they are worth. Nete the smart lines of the two models sketch.,! need a new coat for Thanksgiving, it will be Seat lv advantage te see these coats tomorrow. neatly Medels for Every Occasion and Every Need m jCi0RtSt.1th.nt wl ' B,ve Pcnty "f warmth for win Mede b which are becoming te very type Matnrln. that insure eplendid wear? ' Materials u eleur with fur cellars. N. SNLLENBURG CO er weather. enlendid wn --. mnais unu nmimg Deublo-faced ennttnn- In Un...l..ni coating in the raglan sTee vL hXASTJ.-0' 8eft Pl'l-back Bicuve, eeueq mode s. nr..; ,,- , 5NELLCNBURQS Economy Basement : ' A. .. ... N. SNELLENBURG r ' jPBBIbbW j -i tr ri , Mi: W silk CO JHi.lVami Every Weman Leves the Gift of Pretty ADrens- Here Are Twe at Anniversary Prices 65c Bungalow Aprons Made of percale with smart pipings en pocket and sash. Novelty Aprons Smartly fashioned from gingnam or cretonne and trimmed uith piping. S''Ll TN'b'JReS Economy Basement 59c A Gift Item at Less Than Half Price $1.98 Sefa Cushions at95c Fer elubroems, "frnt" houses, dor der dor mitery and living rooms. Well-filled cushions covered with velour and tupestry, trimmed with galoen braid. Squaie or oblong able colors. f-hupe. All desir- 59c 5000 Oil Opaque Shades Werth $1.20 at, Each Meftlv in wanted shades of rm.n nieunted en geed spring rollers. SizI J0.(2 inches. bNELLi-NBURfiS Eaonemy BaBemeut Today A Marvelous Sale of Children's Slip-en Sweaters 41 IK Prictd Very Lew at . P L0 The chil dren are n e e ding just such cozy and warm s w caters for wear r 1 fir h t new. They come 1 n v e r v smart little models, with sailor col cel lars and trimmings of contrasting color. Sizes 2 te C years. bNCLLENSt.'RflS Economy Basement Fer the Game en Thanksgiving These $6 Pure Worsted Hat and Scarf Sets at $2.95 Set Jaunty hats that are be coming te all types and warm, woolly scarfs just the right length and width that will be exten sively w ern this winter for all outdoor oc casions as well as business and s I'hoe 1. They are made of geed qual ity wested in popular heather m i x ture. CneMHs sl DV.NS skotched. iuS Economy Basement Five e Flannel Specials Allowing Splendid Sminnu 23c Striped Outing Flannel 15c Yd. geed quality in pretty 18c ma- A cry stripes. Utic Deme! Flannel, Yard. In white only. A bubstan- uai savins en thin well-known terial. b9c Weel Flannel, Yard. , , i I.,. ... . . . .. vi, uiaiiauie niaienal in L-ivuiii-wrme color. 21c Bleached Canten Flannel, Yard A aplendid weijjht, ' quulitj. $1.29 Emhreidertd Weel Flannel, Yard This beautiful cream-white wool tlnnne is enilireidercd, hemstitched or Fcalleped. . 59c 18c "nd geed 95c I SNELLENbURaS Economy BaataMal m 1 M ! Mtiiim aafeir.tAfBV?te.rtM , Alls'- . 1wiiUBa .A.CO MtQMA, ..Atjt.JaA K .. I . . &Mz-m I -. .-. . u &ms&&&tit . f ft MiltaAfA Jp jmgjl&jQJlS mjwrmmm