MifMiwnffyaffT!i-nnMWfMiBWMjBgiwipgBP-f un ii rrr'fTrwB'WaPvraffltT !JIJS jfltrafHWIlWBHal rw kw1w...kja'mii nmin.w uiJ.j-raLrt . t jrjfi'w uTf Ii..w, v.j.tVi. w. t' .iMttPrtn .vwvs.wm.fvi..rt jil':j fci'!:jj -. .. ,... x.ii ;.,.' ,.. piY WrW ..!.. ri??J7V3tTX? 7rretVWt"hWWrW7 Zl f , &ir;wfcHBs iSilH-Tt i.ii . : I'm 7 Ki ' " v - ? t. . v.vt j ttf v iv ;Tf7rj' i y Mf" - vrA.m"V"'jJamtJyMiv"i"Mi'i EVENING PUBI LED(Etl-tSitA!bl . 1 . jit -Ll. TWinilVrWf TTTMT,MT TiKiM4KHi f p ME "Bit Bill" "Haywood, the former I. W. AV. lender, who fled te Russia last ear te escape a twenty-year prison sentence. It was Lloyd who furnished $20,000 bends for Haywood. Lloyd spent his first night of con finement in a detention ceil. His ar rival at the prison was shrouded in secrecy, but he found a small army of newspapermen waiting. 8hertly before midnight a closed au tomobile drove up te the entrance of thn Rtnte nrlen grounds. A veuns entrance, followed by reporters and photographers. Lloyd remained in the automobile te bid his wife geed -by and then leisurely entered the prison, where he was met by a deputy sheriff who had commitment papers. During the whole procedure of check ing in L'eyd remained silent, appar ently gloomy nnd downcast. , Thirteen of Lloyd's co-defendants arc In jail, three ethers arc fugitives, one 1 near death in u hospital nnd the nineteenth, Leuis KatcrGcld, Is re ported en Ills way here from Itussla te surrender. Petlc and reaicattt Cenetrt ' The Police Band will ' broadcast a concert tonight from the radio station at 1030 Market street. Director Cor Cer Cor telyeu will make an address before the concert, whlehwill be under the-direction of' Lieutenant Kiefer. Among these Invited te attend nre Governor Governer elect Plnchet, Senater Pepper, Mayer Moere. City Solicitor Smyth, Director nnd Mrs. Barclay II. Warburton and Superintendent Mills. a tST.IAILEO ;f Hi . i&r-t i Sf J1', Clese Fr end of "Big Bill" May- !J weed Finally Surrenders in Illinois ' mnn, shrouded in unturned coat nnd pulled down hat, dashed for-the prison. sx i 1 l&tf If SOCIALISTS DISOWNED HIM TX& 4$ rr . -m w.. m?w m m.m jwjrjw-mjm jm , jmjm jm mjw j-t---TWTj'j.j1 jj-j--jw---w--w-.--...t.'-j.-.j-jt-,j'---j--.-----jc-j-j-j--j-.-jj---.-j mm, -.M......-.....---- . -.-.-. -.-.-.---.. . ... .,.. fVkf,. ..-.- fjfjTpfif&rr4rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr'rrrrrrrmr rr r " ee''eiT'tfrtTryyw'rTeTWw wwm-v-wwwww wmj n m$fr3X3 MILL HUN I t m- w w n xv 'i li1 ttm uirjf 6il 211 tiff- '' Bv tec(ati Press Je'iet, HI.. Nev. 22. William Bress Llevrt. millionaire I'lilc-un Cemmunis, was put into prison gnrb early ted.iv fcate last nliht Lloyd, convicted with twentv ethers under im Illinois law for Sidlcnl utternnees. voluntarily surren ered at the .Toilet Pettentiary te begin avtrine. liU sentence of one te tlvc enr. Llevd had been seuplit (or six days, i Be may nsslened te teach a class of the' rfen"rs i Lloyd Inherited n fortune from his fcther the late Henry D l.leyd. Uoten phi'anthrepist. Hl Inherited wealth , was greatly aupmented in recent years 'While he m a fto-Mie'cler ill one of Cbirnce's daily n!wpnner. i )With his wife, Madge Bird, he took , an active part in the affairs of the left Win Socialist Tarty. t Ll"vd and his friends presented ere- i ientiaJs at the Socialist convention In , Chtease in September, 1019. but were , et recognized. They then formed the Communist 'Laber Tarty whilu a num ber of ether win? leaders went into a separate convention and organized the Cemmunis Tarty Beth new groups Affiliated w Uh tb Third Internatienale of Moscow . t inr'' un a c'ee friend of William a -- -- i TURKEY Plum pudding, mince pie and your entire Thanksgiving din ner can be cooked all at one time, with only one gas burner, in the even of this gas range. 1 23. ll It ii automatic tee. Yeu timpty tit the wheel, then go te the matinee, and when you re turn your meal is ready te terve. Dtmunstrat.d and Distributed by JJiNelat 1-fff WA1.NTTT I -- - Monthly Paymente If Derived Oven mly Zvv't tmi e n"--- i Makes Yeu Joyfully Eager te Sew ! Itf -ft r Vl,v.iiria M WW Sewing lHi I law HUFaA a LWV IP Pleasure HII Mtf"- WmWimmmmR9KmmmmfflSgssSS!SmPm KgatLLLHBLaLLHlBSsdsslH vAkmOiu H jeMsaaBMSsseassewaeasBseMasaeissBaasssasgMssaasssBBss ,t bbh FSSaVBJBIBBSBaBHgaBJpiBHBJBBajBJBJBajBJJJJBaHBaBB jH Yeu Light Electrically Yeu Cook Electrically; Why Net Sew Electrically? Would you go back te gas lighting after using electricity? Or would you give up your convenient percolator for a het and messy coal stove? Of course net and if you once realize hew convenient, hew easy, hew perfect in action is the Wiilcex & Gibbs New Portable Electric Automatic Sewing Ma chine, you'll never dream of buying or using any ether. With a Willcox & Gibbs Portable Electric the days you spend at the ma rhinff are real iey days. Se easily, se swiftly does the machine de its work. Ne 1 mere tedious tensions te adjust. Ne mere bobbins te wind. Ne mere pedals te push b"r handles te turn. Just a step en the controller and the work glides through the machine, sewn with strong, even stitches, neater and stronger than any you have ever seen. s Willcox & Gibba Portable Electrics arc proving a been and blessing te many women. Let one be one te you also. Call in and see one demonstrated. Let us show you what it does and hew well it does it and at the same time learn hew our easy-payment plan makes it possible for you te own one conveniently and at Bmall cost. Courtesy WiUcex& Gibbs fe, 1709 CHESTNUT STREET Phene, Spivcc 2193 i 8 i a Service H U D S ON The Coach H625 Freight and Tax Extra tSB9KI A revolutionary thing te de Moderate cost can't cover everything. In creating the Coach, a new type closed car, Hudsen frankly ruled out useless vanities and adornments. It put the cost in the real things of automobile we:th utility, comfort, convenience, reliabil ity and first rate performance. And for the first time made possible a closed car, under $2000, en se great a chassis as the famous Super-Six. It changed the trend of closed car buying Prier te the creation of the Coach there was no moderate-priced closed car te be had en a first rate chassis. Closed car comforts at open car cost were unknown. Se the sales of the Ceich made a new mark in the closed car field. It was no longer necessary te sacrifice car perfermame in order te obtain a closed car at moderate cost In the Coach one can get satisfactory utility without having te buy fancy fittings. In the Hudsen Coach at $1625 you get every practical closed car advantage. Yeu get the Speedster, $1526 7-Pass. Phaeton, $1575 Eex Prices Jenrtaf M IW5 Cabriolet 11145 Freight en Tea txtre new Hudsen Super-Six meter and car perform ance that is world famous. By the elimination of unimportant fittings you can ge the Coach for only $50 mere than the cost of the open model. And you will be proud of the Coach in appearance, comfort and utility. Mere than 120,000 Super-Sixes are in service. Won't you get mere value out of a closed car because of its performance than because its principal appeal is made te the eye? Coach, $1625 Sedan, $2295 Coach .11245 G0MERY SCHWARTZ MOTOR CAR CO. Sale Roem, 128140 North Bread Service Station, 2400-14 Market St. NOT OPEN ON SUNDAY BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmV bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbH I VHHHW 1 l BBBBftsBmHBSQBBBBB&i' if IIbBV III jjP'BSBB BBBBnSaSBBBBBBBBBBHBBBBBB 9 -i e- 33 259 with Clip Cap $2.fS e-nri TOO years hence $5Q9 uHACUpCap $s.is Ne. 52 Tills Is a brother of Ne. 55 described opposite, and In alt respects Identical except in size. Its splendid performance his made it a favorite with millions of users the world ever. It is as dependable as the Sun and can be relief upon te de the work in tended of it day in and day out, whenever and wherever called upon. Doctors, lawyers, stenog raphers, bookkeepers and students of all ages if you would really knew the jay of a perfect pin, go te your dealer today and select a Ne. 52 Water man's I deil with a point that exactly fits your partic "tar style of penmanship. the man woman or child who wishes te purchase the best fountain pen made will buy WatemaaisAFeunteLmPen 'The Daddy gg of them AW Size for size and price for price, there has never been one as geed and in all human probability there never will be. 38 years of reputation back of it and a third generation in train ing te carry en. We9hingsatQakea9duntain9enBe$t 1st, Scientific Construction the thing that makes it respond instantly unfailingly. ... 2nd, Quality of Materials that make for efficiency, durability and beauty. 3rd, Reputation and Responsibility the product of a house that has mere te lese than it has te gain in exaggerated claims. Selection and Service at Best Dealers the World Over Chicago L. E. Waterman Company 191 Broadway, New Yerk Bosten Saa Francisce Ne. 55 is especially designed te meet the exacting de mands of busy executives. The exclusive Watermsn spoon feed assures its In stant action the moment the point teuchesthepaper ana permits continuous writing without skip, dip or blot. Its perfect balance and su su su persmoeth iridium tipped hand tempered geld point turn the irksomeness of or dinary pen writing into an unalloyed Jey, endearing It te its evyner as a price less possession. ItisSelf-Filling-thelever action completes the oper ation in less than 5 sec onds from any available ink supply extra Urge capacity. Its durability is such that ' it i may be handed down from father te son. Yeu Owe It te These Three : your family -your employees and yourself te see that health is protected by a supply of Pureck drinking water and that there is in your home and at your office, at all times, a sufficient supply for everyone. Pureck is of proven purity guaranteed and recommended by physicians. iBtHflsH fffillullIIIIIIIlBlV llllr sbUIIIUIIbbbHbbbbbbbbbbbI Mniuuii iiu There is only one way te drink Pureck water and that is te drink it regularly. Keep it en hand at home and at the office. Its regular and constant use will safeguard your health. Telephone for the Pureck wagon today. Spruce 3643. THE CHARLES E. HIRES COMPANY 210 Se. 24th Street Philadelphia hx m . J.!f -'I-,'!'- A .. - ;t f f-tfmfnr t. .etj. bIV. aa&?.... f .4&Y-. .r.w.W: 1. te. .1 . (.. ; aKlia , '1-3. iJXKlii &M ,,iJ&.:&ilid&&l1&