ptvjTj: i I fffi 4I fi ! H ITfS )V i ?r & BS . fie I 1 51 P ifi nji.'s m I m t? I II t T f m RA- I) i mi i i E- mmfmmMeXsm - ' evening- pbuc EEDQBgfti'Mij ,".rWr.',-'"'.,T i H .bt-b-i mi i ii i i i i hiii " ' i i ai--r n .a.aa- iSVBW '; v VAWncencriTM Up-te-date Flying Dutchman l- . K tnva Nnv1 nf Pirarv ffl in Pacific fifJSj. a. ... ,.:,..""," t. ....... sjr '"", rre eibcjhiuib nun .wruivii tNiitl(iM thrillers In tlie best style of. '.VtW adventure magnxlne. Believing ?'';'4 thara atan la a Inrfffl clientele jf4leV admires fast-mevlnij stories e( airing 'and adventure when topped off by at least a modicum of literary effort, Be planned and essayed "Vanderdcck en" (McBrldcs). Tire young San Francisce clubmen decide te start In search for n mjiite mjiite rleus present -tiny pirate who has been holding up yachts of millionaires en th Pacific Coast. The pirate hides un der the "nom de racr" of Vanderdcck en, being almost as elusive as the Fly in Dutchman. At the last moment they are joined by a third man, who turns out te be the pirate hlnnclf. This does net crop out until the three have f made a thrilllnp rescue of a beautiful girl from the clutches of bloodthirsty Chinese whiteslaves. The rescued maiden falls te give effusive thanks he- -f .CAuae the heroes have Interrupted a perfectly geed movie rehearsal. Then all four go In search of the loot Vanderdecken had buried. They get It, but lese It te another set of pirates and all sail back te Frisce for the conventional happy ending. Mr. Stncpoele started off te write a erieus adventuie story In a plane high er than his went then switched off te near burlesque and finally decided te stick bv the tricks of his trade that have steed him in geed stead for years. Despite th quick changes of pace. It Is a story that will while away a couple of hours even for the most fastidious. SHARP-EYED, SHARP-TONGUE NOVEL OF "FEMINISTICS" "The Roem" (Alfred A. Knopf, Inc.) Is the newest of G. II. Stern's sharp- eyed and simrp-tengneii novels 01 meu mentally self-decelers. .............. .. -- - .,i iv. 1...U.r avrr. the nnel nnserved. Uf " .: i ! ......, ,v,i. ,1. was It men? At any rate, their de- celts were practiced en one nnetlier, net en themselves. IMesibly presresi .. ...minfinn hn mnde deceit eeiitr it- tal instead of centrifugal. Mth eneugli heroines like MKs Stern's I ren in te turn the trick, the world In due time will become un-self-deceivcd. Ursula UnrrlMin Is certainly a mod ernist among maids, n feminist among femmes. She says herself. "I'm strong as the wind nnd net nfraid of nnythlng except te be crowded." And this is se pat te the story nnd pert te her char acter that It's adopted ns a slogan en the slip-cover te show what kind of girl Ursulu is. ...., Fer that's the kind of gill she is. Onp feels a bit sorry for her family, for tabblSed Aunt I.avvy and for Dpusr. her undoubtedly fickle husband. He s Wt of what T. R. would call n nature faker, with bis posed air of the open allies, the big spaces and far horizons, and his frequent talk of the same; worse, he's a philanderer and Ursula knows it and is made wretched by the fact. In suite of her poise nnd her as surance, she's a femininely quixotic sort of ed thing nnd has ideals of tsai' riSce, if net of it twin, service. Miss Stem gees deeply and even over ever subtly Inte the chnracter of her person ages. One wonders if such folk arc altogether worthy of such acute psy psy psy cnoleglslng. The book seems Ill-proportioned and a bit aimless, but its author has been praised by such as Francis Hackctt. the New Republic, Rebecca West. Wilsen Fellctt and the Londen Times. FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM EXPLAINED FOR LAYMEN Thfrr- would sppminsb' b llttle ps ctiae for professing Isnernncc renrernini; the intricacies of the country's banktnR aystera after reading "The Devplepmcnt of Federal Ileservc Policy" (Houghten Mifflin Company), by Hareld Reed. There is perhaps no ether machinery of the Government less understood by the average laymen than that pertain ing te financing. Mr. Reed lins bnndlPil his subject with crpat skill and nre-ents nn analytical eiid criticul discussion -.llm ...!... ,li,ln l,v n,, . .. .rn life. esiiPi'inilV Oil II1P tiui ul i ... t i '..... .... .. .-,. i in Hnl I " .iuiii-n nuv mc imnTOHl in nil. ,.-n AVI7DIC kflT rh.. -...... p.. .- -- . .-.-.-.- ... . .. iii,- ,.viii, .Fiiiu..!!.. f .-...t- ...v --t,,.A rt ...i ... ,i ... .1 i ni i im e .' ". iB remlnlsni. Iter tnesis is saiu u uc iu. k,i, , ,ia ,,,.,,, nrr n. radio- '"' ''"'" iiniwi ti, miere ---- - inn iieai -!. women of tedav nre lenins tncir en- , T, entertnlnlnplv told I 'npm.' . '.nr- nuuiers cicver pencil n.-m iiraJi.1 "r " "T.'. m paclty for Mlf .deception faster than .T plllnp5 MWTcn: who ,1?8 th- fnlshr,! four "11-PW J lu.trntles Bpmsherg-ndaj m .JP?ZT2?!Z- LZT,:;" ,!,,X! ' '- t-j- -f ...,rmnl.. SinRerbr,Md men. R.nndrawl w.r favorite, R. Re ' Yenns Men and Hey. It K wi uuu, i. '".l ele. I lie II llvtratlens. some OI llieiil I rt Tl.irten I'nnr Ihlln.l1nhle. t ii Mfc MiMitalv aelf.ileee vers. Women were averace intPHlRenrt'. the iheixjgy ok death ny r.iy- TTlilp Sir. TlPfil is .Imposed te r!ti- I '1,nln?:!,tI'r0rmran!'h"'llI'''!'1"'1' J " ''"" . flXS Semu of tllO Iirovisien" of tllp net. i A professor of Jehn IIejikin hrlnus to te niirl te Keine Pttent Mime nf thi nnern. I sether. under a unified lnelnt. some of, ana ie mint num. mmih hi hip eppra- ! Jh important rontrlbu'leni, m Tiens of tllP s.vstetll, hi? (loes net doily r knedfc-e of natural death th BlfptifldinPp of tllP fact, linueVPr, ROBERT HENRI. compiled bv Nathaniel that the aj-stPin steed the spverp ' ?:e""'"r'-'-,rt- New yerk' y A -Jt0,i", of the recent world v ar. It tins been fiamenstratcil very renclu'.ivply lwrausu ,u. t.n x..:in..(. i,. -. .1 of the wie previsions of the system tha country is virtually panic pmer. De spite the extreme tvnilen of the war conditions mill the accemp:uiylii- infla tion and speculation the perfect work ing order of the system, which Mr Heed fully covers in his il!scusIen, there wns a netnble absence of the high teneien In the country's money ninrketi witnesxed in former time-, of stre." After Biviiis n cemj -eliensslve mid in- falllflpent ileHcrintien of thp wnrllnq nf the rrslnnal lyalrin. .Mr Kee.1 tnkes nn various Important mntter.i nnd poll- pIm clliwlv nlllcd With the mnchlnprr ri ,.u ' T-',....i I."...." "...rl . . .. v. " tn mix riinir c,i-,u, ih-.ii ti- (VCU'lll, Ills eiplnnutery remurki concerning re re tllaeeuntK should entirely eliminate the many misunderstandings concerning; this Important function of the Federal Ito Ite serve Act. Membership, direct collat eral advances, agricultural credit, bank HSMnlnnneH. trade ni'i'ditnnneu nn-n Iu. sues nnd ether subjects usually Greek I te the average layman nre made plain as A, II, O. Unpeciallj interchtinc; will bs found the review of developments aincn the Inception of the system te thu present time, FRIGHTFUL PLAYS FOR SOPHISTICATED READERS Char!en S, IJioeks, author of "Chjra tity Pet Papers" iinil ether volumes of flM)i In the manner nf CharleH Lamb, has invented n manner of hi own In "Frllitftil Plays" (llarceurt, Brace ft Ce.). The book contains two bur Isaque plnjs, "Wappln Wharf" and At the HIrii of the (Ireedy l'lic," and a long explanatory Introduction, Tills Introtluctlen I a iumioretis mi tire en the art of nliiywrlHiis 'ind en the peculi nritlcH uf thealrlciil mnnimers, It.- ceiilnl'fuunucr Is ceiiliiiueil in (lie Iiikc llnt'tinllh nf t'dt'li plliy. "Vlli)lll' Whitrr- Is n pirn.,. ,.h..v with ., plot te wrifk Hlilp Uy wme rutireil pirntei i. mill a nrliit'e In iIIkjiuIni', antl a Iflil ii: tmitlietl child Kienn te jeting vvuinnn & 'htaxl who has forisettoti her lilrntlty ffi at is evidently deaigncil for iictlng hy SV4Mi'aii anil it ntvertllnfly la all the 14iiahful theories almut plrutex worked ".'. aVi.A -Mtimi ii iwiUH bu ill Yiiaea BOOKS FOR CHILDREN AND Bg, s"v0 ?Bn lipiilm UiFair? ''m H x fHre3n ; : aVatBF Vm . vJ.lBBBKLJaBIiMaaapvi, " "v. w VgH II. I.K VKRK STACPOOLE Who has written h tlirllllng tale of a hunt for pirates FOR THE SMALL FRY Fairy and Felk and "Animile Stories for the Littlest Ones Hints for forthcoming ChrWuias giving arc found in half u dozen or mi volumes just off the publishers' nnd intended for the eunssters who have te be read te or who are just ne getiating the perplexities of the printed I page nnd getting their earliest tnsic 01 boekly jejs. Crertrude Crevvnlield is the author of "The Shadow Witch" (E. P. Dut Dut ten Ce.). nnd Anne Mcrriman Peck lias made interesting drawings In sil houette or semi-silhouette. The title character Is the only geed person living in the Land of Shadows where she has been imprisoned by her wicked relative. Prince Ember, of the Land of the Hit Fairies, effects the prisoner's rcle.iM! after both have many fascinating ad venture''. The author will be remeni remeni-I Hame." " bered for her "Princess hie "Man in the Moen Stories in color, nre by Johnnie Gruclle. who I" I'emr, iiri' u.v .luiiiiuit.- iruvui-, , . i ,.. r- .t I i" Known ler m-t inriuri-s ier iv.i- , A .. , ..1a 8C(Jy Andv.- '" ,, 1 nlque In its many full-pase illuj; ' trillions I "The I'UMycat Princess (Cenltirv Cemnnny). which hns a ries of tin drollest, most delightfully lifelike pliolegrnphlc studies of real rat life hv Harry Whittier Frcss. creator of "The Animal Mether Geese." The nuther "f the diverting narrative of th royal feline who receives permls.len nl her monarch puna te re out Inceg into I he world ii I-'dward Antheny, who wrote the "Merrv-go-Reundelnys." nnd who has a tender touch remindful of Gene Field in his style. Of mere serious Impert is "The Tairyland of Music" (K. I. Dutten & Ce.. though it ! by no means an exercise benis for the eung singer and pianist. It's a children's book of a new sort In which the Informative part of the program U set Interestingly amid a story of little girls in fairyland. The niu'tcal pieces interpolated nre quite well done and within the reach and taste of the beginner without being "written down." Ernest Austin Is the author. K "The Child's Boek of Celebrated Pic tures" (Century Company) will prove a delightful introduction te the treas ures of art te the youngster fortunate enough te receive it. The author, I.erindn Hrynnt. tells something about the artists and interprets the meaning of the picture?.. Among the picture reproduced In large-size full pages are masterpieces of Raphael, Van Dyck, Corrcggie, Hals. Rubens, Rembrandt, Botticelli and Mich moderns a I.afarge, Whistler, Ahbvy, Watts and Inncss. NEW BOOKS General THE NEW I'SYCHer.OCIV AND THE' TEACHER Ilv fftrlchten Miller. New Yerk: Themas .'-eltzer Company. IMuentlen from the .tandpelnt of analjt leal psychology. MY AND SOME LETTERS By Mrs. j P-itrlck Campbell. New Yerk. Dedrl. ' Mead Ce. 1 A dellBhtful autoblearaphy bv one of the ' ar'atest actresses of contemporary times. A i brilliant company of notable, fltrure In her I fc.Ee. I ROBIN HOOD'S BARN. By Mars"ret Bailey New Terk: Geerse H. Deran Cempanj. I The conf..len. of a carden adventurer. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF COUNTERS TOL. i STOY. Nw Yerk: H. W. Huel,n;h. Inc. i Tne sad ana dbii mek ueme-uc n: or tne First lum In a new series, "DMtln- yulshed American Artists. In which a brief . blecraphv and api)re.atlen Is followed by reproductions of retable paintlnas and a cataloKue of cajler'tn of the artlst'i works UNDER FOl'P. ADMINISTRATES-? H) Osear S Str.iu liosten. llouithte-i Mifflin Cemtanv One of the eeuntr' most dltlnBUlhed public men tells of 1:1s career In national i service under StcKlnley. Taft, Rces'velt and. Cleveland A HISTORY or THE CREAT WAR. Bv ' Jehn Hu' ;un Bosten. Iluushlen Miff. in i ntnnany The uuihnr durlnir the entire war. ron ren 1 v ith the lir Unh Intclllffr nee nml rren ecanda i.ervlcei mil n weil-knewn noiel neiel 1st, ha wrltien a cemn-ehnlve and sis- ...... I a.I nh.nnl.lj nf ,1.. ...1P Tll . ,., TelumeV arVVeiriTlu.trnted with man-, 'ami , , the various rsmpiixns and tieids are au-i I cussed ai units Th fourth volume hns a handsome full-leniclh portrait of Admiral i Pirns In colors WOODROW WILSON'S EIOQI-n-CE By Jehn W Wescntt C'nmden, N J : 1, I P. HuntInner Company T,,,,,. Wfliirnil. nln nominated woedrow Wilsen twice fur tr-n presiilencv. here TISIOTHT Tt'HBY'b JOUHNAI YerK ijeerK- ii vvian .'uiruiiv V B,v .stlre en the vlsttine English cel-b-rlty with a nud natured expose of our etvn literary and se, ta! ln. VALt.EY WATERS Uv fharles D, Stewart. . Yerk II l Ijiitmn A Cn The authe- of "Th rugttlv lllaeksmlth' has wri'tin srether ilean-cut and 'thelesnme novel, this time almut a shell-shocked so, se, dler. whose mind Is blank when he return. I from the war SWALLOWED UP Bv Sirs Wilsen Wood Weed tow New Yerk' Brentane'e The stranire story of a girl, bv a well, known flctlenlst. VALIANT DUST Ilv Katharine Fullerton C.ereuld. New Yurk: Charles Scrlbner'e Sens The first volume In sIt years by thl. true-born story writer They represent her at her characteristic variety, THU OOOpESIAN. Bv J. Wasermann New Yerk Ilnrrenrt. Brace ft Ce V. novel bv the author nf "Thn World". Illusion." one of the notable pieces of con cen Hnental fiction In recent vears OVERLOOKED. Hv Jl Ulrica flaring, Ilos Iles Ilos Ien HnuKhlen, .Mifflin I'emptnv A novel that I. cmnlmtleal.y different l' Is u elm ' of o-ine:)iit in i.ur pe uv a flie tlniulsed "tvlt l.iuvg w5iIl!,31tpV.,a'i"'D.rJ. . ,Biue & Ce Wnllll-" MHI " "uiiMiriPui mueii im inn Ltliv. tU what hheV'-pupfiirft weulO mini; of thr movies, what Hlnpiicrate. would iy about a j'-'ioe re ter it swme opera Hun, Hrlgliaru Yeung', thuughl. nn women', suffrage, etc. KAHl THE ELEPHANT. By Dhm (lepal liukerll. New Yerk: K. P. Dutten A Up. . .nan in tile .iioeu ciertva .Iven an Interpretation ni m mrmer rr"i- vJ. dent an an nrntnr The volume also ce.t- J. tains Jurtee Weeett'a te notable nemlna- Xv tlen spefclie. theineles excellent apecmens VX. of fereTDlc oratory. XS., . . .T .... ...TJ Fiction New I A tale of the Jungle with a most ZS l A.A ak Amira Ifka aVinnlai GLIMPSES OF CHINA "Charm of the Middle King dom" a Warm. Human Boek James Held Marsh has caught the sense of gjnmeur nnd romance that China has for ninny In the Western world and has transferred it deftly te the printed page. "The Charm of the Middle King dom" (Little, Brown ft Ce.) Is a warm, human book. It ignores the troubled policies of the great jellew re public, and. In sparkling stvle, gives ititlmnte glimpses of the Chinese people. Mr. Marsh's official connection with the i. hinesc Customs and his command of the language gave him opportunities never gained by the mere traveler or even by n "foreign devil" resident In wimc trading city en the const. Monk Menk den. i where he was stationed, is rather familiar ground, but later he was trans ferrcd te Mengtz in the extreme Seuth uf. t liina and in the heart of the Tonkin jungle. Mis word pictures of that exotic spot will delight the arm-chair voyager. Ills description of the "I,.vii n.r..u" the Buddhist priests mid of the weir 1 Moen Dance of women longing for iiioiiierueoa nre effective touches. me uuiner iws a Uisccrnlng eye ferUhls book In their stockings. While feillllfltie beaut V nnd rnlnlaa cnm .11 verting eplsedts with nntlve women of high type, ler Instance, there wns the princess who. when his Chinese fill-, tcred. turned easily te melodious Irencli. The book is well Illustrated. NEW NATURE BOOKS ' FOR THE VERY YOUNG Hy erhena Itffd. New Yerk: U. V. But- '.'''' Vl. The author tells in el ere iinrr fnpm semethinc about the wmvs r.f Oliver Herferd hns made chnraeterilic illiittratlens simplv full of originality uiki uiMiiu-uen ami numer. DANNKRTAtr.. Bv Erncat Thomp.en Seten .Sew Yerk: Charle. Scrlbner'e Hen.. A new story by the author of "Wild Animal' I Have Known," which nill be liked bv children of nil ages from ten te seventy, anyhow. It Is the biography of a gray squirrel whose ndrr-nttirea will be keenly relished. In addition the book In an interpretation of nature and (Cup-!ca,l.b.henr,,.,5r eemmeilded as n Rift l.lrDincett Ceinnnnv, "Animals I Have Known" th" dis tinguished Hritish soldier, who is both a general and a baronet, cnlls this interesting book. As the founder of the Hnglish Hey Scouts, he is widely known here nls-e. He gives .entertain ing pergenal anecdote., of his experi ences with animals in many parts of FAIXAXn WINTER REORT ATLASTH' CITY. N J. ATLANTIC CITY Jlaaar Oatb.Da.eb Frent Alwaj. Oaaa a ue aica N PLAV Hat and Celd SaJt W.tar Bath. RATES STHAKiUT BY DAT Kunole. W.ur. U CO eer penea U.lh. U e aad r 00 par penea Oetan Cemer Kaen aad Bath in pvrvuna, .w aw --v Ananue uity if. St& ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Dlaafitly tfciai Omumm Frem! The Amarlc.n na Hetel parseaUaaM efthaAUaatlaCcaat. BrtakOaraieea WALTIS J. BUZtT. a. 1. 1 BterMif 7rT ATLANTIC lIl JT1V1UD CITY World's Greatest Hetel Success I.AKKWOOD. N. X. - -a LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD. NEW JERSEY Invijreratinjf climate. lS-hele golf course. Saddle horses. Fine walks. Daily concerts and danc in p. Superior reads for motor metor moter ing. FRANK F. SnUTE, Manaucr l'ermrrly of Laurel 111 the 1'lnr. l AUREL-IN.THE-FINKS , LAKHWOOU, N. J. Oberv.nce of dietary law. esrefnlly adhered te KRASK HKIPEX. (mner. " MlAMTnK'ihn7riT. PMMINGOks rLORIDXS fOPXMOST rtfOHT HOTEL J mimi. rr.A. mjr AWINTER HOTEL MlRflMHR OeLLTXE rvtlVTviI, WLiORlDA. N.Y. OrF. - 6 va, 0 ST. TCL. LONa3IO TOITKW Around c&erfKZjsssi Our Qeldcn Jubilee Cruise marking the 50th year since Themas Cook, the founder of our organization, conducted his first tour around the world Sailing Eastward from New Yerk, Jan. 24 Returning May 31, 1923 by the specially chartered new CUNARD Liner "SAMARIA" 30,000 miles a gorgeous itinerary covering many lands and visiting each country under the most favorable climatic conditions A Crukc de Luxe Limited te 400 Quests. Fulllnfprmiticnen reauttt THOS. COOK & SON 130 Seuth 15th Street, PHILADELPHIA v-cv I HAROLD TEES : : : : : Crooked, but Straight I r ' v, ii rr ' s- -v il f- irni -- N J-i ,, ..e,,wv,- -. , AA fOlM I JHeNtt -S'lV-T. 3MOCi' UtSr t A TOLD -. t 00O-HaINS, HrKOLO;i CU FertftTeej i my guy I ( &rt, te ) i iHCBA-THeJ as e.k . e A BteM oMOeH. I Meu, t6VLe V0u B e -U V 19 fVy HftT ON NJOPF V 'PuiT' V VAPvTlMEfe SfABT. ,... ...., aMt TAK MO S V aTuDlb.'.MV HAT M& AU. 1 V . 'X -- S AT Twe-TMOTTV I HMCO.i OP- OeTTAi' IW 8vB X- RlfjHT -VOU KAaOlV If rHry -C7 ' Y-fi -- VJUlTe Trl' I fT OMtVI I MftANTV at Y - 'jvy,Nc y ff$? ST ;ieljw GSmM --d?---- 'i$in g&-fe trtrlGm L Is W!fP ", H , . v c 4Sa. ' N'-i ,Tr 5 A ' i n vm v n Wgf j WmI W ft?w fV- Lf Th. 5 lr "Sa SH a 'lr SFsaaaaaaaaV iy r B' 5- r'rafjv -- ? ar iw " csz atkrA v -"iki vw aH i7 .JLbibB tSi v l cdl A Jr AJ E 'h XaTUllsB h V "sBaWaf emmmJtmU3KBWKkW$mmmmmmm asA -rasa liMam kas t ike 111 JMf . - - --",.. . - - . -n M SM OTHERS the world. This1 Is the kind of book that makes boys friends of nil animals. It would make n geed gift for a Scout. STAR. The Story of an Indian Peny, By Uerreatlne Hoeker. New Yorki Double Deuble if.v' l'1"!" .Ce. .. The wife of an army officer, stationed for years In the Indian country, tells charmingly this life story of n heroic pony. The author knows both horses nnd Indians, and se lias made - delight ful oebk. Tim MOUSE STORY. By K. It. With. iw Yerk: i a, Stoke. Company. This Is n book translated from the Danish, in which language It is, a pop ular work with the children, going back te 18(10, when the nuther was Minister of Education In Denmark. It Is es pecially adapted for children up te ten or twelve. ' WtllTEFOOT, THE StOUSH. Rv Thornten Hurgcss. Uo.ten: Little, llrewn a Ce, The author of "Bedtime Stories" in this book writes in charncterlstl" way about animals, (ioed for children Ave te nine or se. Fine color plates by Ilnrrisen Cndy. PETER'S ADVENTURES IS HIRDLAND. Hv Klorence Vincent. Sew Yerkl P. A. stehc Cemcnny. Bluejny. robin, catbird, crew, wced- pecker and many another of 'the birds nbeut us will become very real te heung folks of eight te twelve or th te t ue there ' about who arc fortunate enough te get it t- n story sucn as children like, it embodies a In; df information which will enable the readers te recognize the birds. IN .MEMORIAL i:ni:i.t:u 111 letlnft memory of IIRTT1I .MlIVSKL'.UUIILKlt, who died Nev. si, insi. Qtattf . AI. I. i:s Suddenly, en ilv. en Plrst-dav. IXIZAUUTII 8. Krlrndn' Asie. Klevenih ai.i,i:m. Jienin iuin, i-J2.' et I'htlft. Yeutiif Relatives iinn irii-nus are ItiMipil te the funeral, en ruth-day. :ictenth Menth l!3d tTbursda). ul 10.30 o'clock, from the Oliver If. Ralr "'''' is-e cin-stnut t. "iltiTrT-Saia. ie: interment pruaie, ttMi . n widow ,,f (ler L. linker, formerly of '"!'! , i-a.runerii service, at re.lflence or diuehter, Mre. Jennle Morrison. Berwyn. -M. ii.,irvn. CTltTCA'flONAL Heth Hees ?hi!n. Scheel of Drnmatir- Ai4 and Impression. Profclenal Bun Prepar- thfidrcn'7ci,n.'hDVVvebnUdv.l,,iiriVu BcBr"n"r IMIn 17U Che.tnut? Bnruc. 2477 tniit Ktreet Hiitine. Scheel. .my or nimt. nlaht elaaaaa. . M.l.l-JJWJ A UUEAT OITOKTUMTY I S" Await, tue niun vh u i a eiiwlail.t n:nd J en uur tniuklet. I'lUlalntuc la iiMill tide tuurae aad ethers, i:iiirinrel3ll-30 Spring Jltirden Sf, , replir 8283 Market tlti III Uw i..waiv twnj Wl M'w'Vv '.s::::uuEs:csunucnnR ai " I'AI I. An U'lVTtra ttrttffetira wiMT- mm nRcif. rrZ f A trr- rr1 idt ana ni-iim,,.. LAKE COURT APARTMENTS OH tBX tAHE OPPOSITE THE Koyal reincUna Het I tl To.eheler and hotel spartir.enti; erery modern. cenvenience: reef rardcii and dlalnf I rcem. Write fcr booklet. rain beach ensKA.irr CO. We.t fel". teh n itEi:ut;ii The Id tal Winter Retort PRINCESS HOTEL BERMUDA i Dec. in te May 1. Directly en thu Harber. l 4i)0, fllill ItnAm. Tlla4 avsiiuuitu. i-uvt. i.uil. xriiniM, , nil utinfT. VIC . Ulrccthn of I,. A. TW0R0OER CO. Sir. line- nlll In- at Hetel iielinunt. Park i Ave. A 42.1 Kt.. Kevr Yerk. Net. 17 te Dee-. 1. Terns FALLiVERLINE TO BOSTON Ariernoeo and Evnint Conearfs '.. v rultun St., Pl.r 14 N. K . New crj. f 00 P M. Pallv. 'ncl. Sund.y NlW lOMBOal UNI LaavaPlar40N.R. Housten St. MO .&, WaOdajraenlr. ' HtimetJ Rat e. en AatmmeMet JtktU at Purl qui Cm. TUkl OJUti i ERICSSON LINE for Baltimore I'ure I.' On ene va. 13 00 round trip. Dn'v a .' I' l a o'clock riaturdav. -teimer s'ep at Betterton, leaving Pier 1 -oath Pl!iar" Axe. .fend for Pamphlet v- AeWerltf s LPHIArJ TUB8DAT, ' N I MAIM , " I Witt Wi,cSeHtfcfflff3 res WM.. a p. M.. at lha nha or Kirk a Nice, eaei OernikntewM ave. Int. prlyste. DfSARn. fltliMeftly.. Nev. 1, KUOKNK p. JhHAllb: t Relatives knd friend. Invited te (uncrnl. Thurs., IP, M.. (ram late rest dence. Orchard rd., pakment. P; Int. Ar Ar inaten Cem, Friends may call Wed., T te llliACK. -Nev, 20. 1022. DRUtAH UOL- . iUi CO.MU UICK If! HI It I CtallWltsA Tltai !..M.. residence, 1281 W. Venonte at. Int. private , ROYflKT. Nev. IS. MARGARET A., be loved wife et Jeneph Ilereky and daughter of Joeeph J, and Roie Prince, aged 2. Rela tives and frlenda are Invited te attend fu neral. Tues., S:SO A, M.', from her parents' residence SS01 Mercer at. Requiem hlah mass at St. Ann's Church 10 A. M. Int. Uely, Redeemer Cem. ' ..JL".,klSJ.T:Pn. JSOV. 1. 1833. AI,HKRT Y lineMbEY. at hfs lata' residence, Lcnuith. 18th and Belleleldava . at 2 V. U. W. 3Ut st., Lea Anieea. Calif, BarvJni. Northwood Cem. rrienda may can ..a4in.lfrmJ.5!-t? A"JC.I?-... .... Wl. va. .. P.. hue- JIKiSKX HIlUMUCil, iuei vlrea raMfnKM.. Muilil.nlv n Nnv IS 1004 JANU, dauahter et th late Jamea and Mar garet Campbell. Relative, and frlenda In vited te funeral cervices en Tuesday, 3 P. M., at the residence nf her brother, Jehn Campbell, 2030 V. Orlcana at.' Interment private. CAR15Y. Nev, 17. MARY A., wife et Adam C. Carev (nee O'ltara). formerly uf i, i., enr. xzu ana nnyarr ave. Funeral te which relatives and frlenda. also at. Rdmend's Reaary and Altar flecletl... ara Imlt.-d. Wed.. 8:.10 A. M.. from lata roil denrf, 212.1 H. 1'let it. Solemn maai of rrqulTn. Church of Bt, Kdmend, le -A, M. Int. W'mlnter Cem. , COOSWEI.I,. Nev. IB. IDA M. (Untited). beloved wife of a. Dere Ceaiwelt. Rela tives and frlenda are Invited te eervlces. Wed.. 3 P. M . at 820 Cooper at., Camden. N. J. Prlends may call Tuea. ere. Int. ""celM. Nev. 1. HARRY N, COPK, SBCtl 4(1. Funeral eervlce Wed., fi P. M., 403 N. n.ld M. Relative., frlenda, Oerae W. Ken lrli'li Jr.. Ide, Ne. (IPO. P. and A. M. and empleve. of llaldwln Locomotive Works, Imlteri. Int, oxford. Pa.. Thurs. CROWI.BV. Nev. IS. DANIEL A., eon f the late Timethy and Catharine Crowley Relative and friends, also empleyes of Mu nicipal Court nnd Themas D. Flntetter Clun ,t Mh Ward, are Invited te attend funeral. riiur.. 8 30 A M.. residence. 242 De Lanrv t Solemn reaulm mass at 8t. Jeseph's Church 10 A f. Int. Cathedral Cem unvMS-SMITlI. At Lincoln. Neb.. Nev. I,'.. in22. JOHN V.. husband of Mary J, Peilln (nee Smith) and eon et Jamea and lnt Mary Devlin (nee Qermley), Relative. nnd frlenda ara Invited te attend funeral, Wed , 1 P. M from the residence of hi. brother. Michael Devlin, US? N. Hancock t. Int, Hely S-pulchre Cem. DOHKRTY. Nev. 1. 1M3. VINCENT. eon nf Jehn J. and Ann Doherty 'nre Mc I.auithlln), seed 1 me. 14 days. Relatives end frl-ndi nre Invited te attend funeral. Wed.. 3 P. M.. from hi. parent.' residence. sZ,.;c.m Jill uner at,, uermantewn. int. tieiy iiiihi,mu. Nev. 1. HEsrnv r nttn. .-..- --- . . r. . " j"-. . .--. FOIt. area H, nemuves ana menus, ai.e Mende Pe-t. Ne. 2. and Pe.t Ne. M. CI. A It . Invited te funeral services. Tiiee . s r. X!.. at the rarlef. of II. B. flrlfnth. Ner. weed. Pa Int. Arlington Cam,, Washing. '"r.I.KRKTH, Nev. 20. 1D22, ANNA St.. r',lew of Caleb P. Klfreth. Relative, and frlendi nre lnlted Je attend funeral .en- frle,ld.,!.r.. ln-1i?1 -i? $?' T,n""-Vaw. 'ilitcl ' Wrnn?nnqd .read pv; ,. at me re.mence 01 :hcll II. nroeke. 8il0 erhrnelf. Int. nilvate. I r.lhH. klndlv emit flewera. n.l.nTT Nev. 19. CHARI.OTTR. wife , t'rancl. Ellett. formerly of 2.121 tV. Oalt- la, ,t. Relative, and friend. Invited te funeral. tVed.. 2 P. M.. from the parlor, of i"' ? ""'Ki,..r.-r :.. i-:.TJir' main lllil ue li.nw uev. wvcn.lis, KVKRHART. Nev. 18. EMMA I,, widow r. u.nui.l M. Kerhart. Relatlvva nn,l trlttntlm i ar Invited te aurna tunerai aericMa -i-uee. IS P. M.. late re.ldence. 1024 H Woe'l.tock ut, lrlcn'l3 may call Men. eve. Int. crhate. riscur.R Nev., in. julius b (Leuis), huinand of Catherine Klchr (n..e Schu mann), aaed 54. Relative, and frlenda. alee 1 (Ictieral .Tehn C. Premeht Council. Ne, 32. S and V of I..: Ttlewt'er.' Leral Ne, II nnd Allied llulldlnc Trade Council. Invited , in ferlce Wed.. 2 P. M.. late re.ldence. ft.le ' a. a e A Atetnvl &a Vtat. ata,li,a,i. Ill ti... . . ellTlUICinilil Pie Alia. HtUl( .lit. 1 cacv ! VlSlinil. Vv. 18. HERTIIA. wife of ! I . i.i. r4..m.saa .. .1 t a vicwinr luca. bvb TreilerlcR -. 90 nvnpu ie e funeral. Wed., 10 A. M Inte real. ( :M2 P. Met t. Int. Blu Cem. l'rrAaVr. c- kuzaretii. w.f. of A. E. Prlttwhe (ney Qruber) Relative. "e1 ri53sAB,tflnVt"1 J". Mt"i tmtT1- I eIJt( ,uv ! ""! hi.- 1 eeiuruvi'i mJ I.cemlnr et. IHah mam St. Henry. Church 1 9 A. M. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. rUCIIULOCHKR. -TLNpv. 18. JOHANNA. wife of Charles Yf. Puch!echrr. RKtlve. nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral. 'lues . 1 P. M . from her lata re.ldem. A3 1 N. Opal .t. Int Northwood Cim. Remain. riav he viewed Men. eve iiniOHR. Nev. H. ANVA C., v Ife i.f r,erg Oclser. Serlc- Wed . 'J 1. M.. 1 T24 N. 8th et . rear Ne. 4. Int. urlvate. , trier. I. nmv call Til''.. e. 1 OOD8HAI.I.. At Cheilnut Hill. Nev. 20. 1922 IDKI.UV M.. wife of William II. Oed I .hall (nee Williams). Due notice of funeral irlv.n. OOLDFEDER. Nev. 10. CHAIIM39 B.. errd 46 ears Relatlvi. and frl'ntla. also Bholem Myer Celin Ai'lcr Mln.ker l.edae. Ne. 10 I. O II. X.: Phlla. Hnjder Uxlae. Ne , rn5. J. U. II. .., lirun Avnnm iinenciai I Alie.- Jen lth National Worker. Alllanca of I American, reenectfullv Imlted te attend fu I rernl. Tue... 12 neon precisely, from the funeral parlor, of Charle. Kahn. .".27 Pin. I et. lit. In Har Nebo Cem. Kindly emit flew. rn. Itemalni may be tewed after 0 P. M. linn OORri.i:V. Nev. 18. DANIEL, of nrldget Oermley (nee narrett). formerly of 11 Ml 9. Clarien et. Relative, and frlenda are imlted te attend .funeral. Wed. 8:30 A. M.. from 1410 Chrl.tlan '. High ma. of renulem Ft. lerena'a tnurcn iu A. SI. Int. limv Cre. Cem. r:niKt.T. Nev. 111. JENNIE, dauchtae of Smith and Martha Dllmere. nued 4. Rela. tles and friends ere Invited te funeral. Wd . 2 P. M . re.ldence. 1370 K, 40th st. Int Mt Mnrlah Cem GRIPPEY. On Nev. 10. 1022. HATHA RYN B . ilAiiahter of Rebert Jl and Laura II Grlttei. uf 2.1t 8. Ithin st. Relatives and eienlntr HAINES -On Nev. IK. 19J2. EVAN B.. husband of the late Marv E. Hilne., Rela tles unl friends, also emplnes of Atmnre !-en. are Invited te the ei-rUce, en Thurs day afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at hi. late residence. M2J Slerlen ave. Interment Wood Weod Woed lunds Cemeury. HAR I M V.N NOV 2H. JII22. CHARLE". t-ai abut a t-A itii HMi vn inn ai.rt u a nn MiiAa. i niiiiuu. v ."' -;..-.; ,-, -. a.' rit. tn ntfemi runfrn. ft?rvicr. ea.. i: i . i .yVrilM'lfce Ct s. intcr-ment rh-rt Andrew . I Iln.r Sen. Arch and H-fi""- 'lSSX. 1 "Sir.V-nrm"n--5nV an" 'sap'aiT'a .f. '' rVtHPSLAND -hSddenlv. en Nev ja, tlena It will be well erth your hlli te call eflK.,v.I,i?eSr?lV .RelaWeiA,ndAfr-.end. pefWWj. iffi &$ " '",- Mr. Patten S' ISS! SNlmdt.,'n!.Nn0: &MVP&&CWi,m PUb"'h,nir "" euah Int. nrlut. Friends may tall Wed. ' Lun.lV y?a'A.rL,nA,'rm,,rri.Si.'ri,'An,; iiunianil et hirau itartmnii iteiutlve. and "Kry V.w Yerk Cltv Vnrmerlv nf ' friends els.. J H Ivlns' Ami. emplejts and Sn,1, avVel B4 Funeral s'ertlceT Wed ' Bellevue cyunrll. Ne. US. H. and D. of I.. XWiil Ae4.. , chapel of M "ainal Cem" I nrn ntll, In llttend fur,rtil. Thliri, 1(1 '" !. Jtt "l "P? BWei "' .;'' Si"'l. ' A. M tesldenc-T M4.V StlilmatV at "Int ' ..."ATHwr.. - W, . SU. V::ri?' w u,""!,ln" m" l u'w"1 Wed.. , of nichard R. Watien. it?.! .11 arV'Her" ' iiiiTiiiiv vn.. in (,inft,,,.- e lee en Katurdav mernlna, at 10 o'clock, at HAH TMANN 0V IP, CAIIOMNP. H, ,u- f.n... it Ilale Blda . IS"0 Ch.stntit rt 'Ueei'raendai" IK I !PL ' j ted te .itler.l funeral erv!ceH. Ucd.. 2 p. WIM.IAJ1RON Nev. 1 TIIOMAfi. hu. M.. at her late re.ldence. lOUU N 13th at. hand of Irene Williamson (nee MacMullan) Int. rrlet. 'Relntlve. and friend., also member, of 28th iii.ivi-i. ;sev. n. l iiurie Mile, ra., ' ituiti.iu u . .en or ueur.u ami Nellie lllnkle (ne dllmere), ated 11 months ltaUv thi' nnd friends are Invited te attend fu rerul H-rl e's, Thurs,, a P. M . nt the fu neral ariirtment. of Hareld B Mulligan. 10th st md Uermantewn ave. Int. Oreet. Oreet. Oreet. moenf iVm Kriends may call Wed eve. HerKKR At Hartferd. Conn., Nev. IB. I1MII.V it SUVIIiM:. wlf of Christopher . HecKer awed '.' years. service at the reldnce .' her dauahter, Mrs. Leslie V. Alil .ii; I'ljiinncld at., Wtd., '.' P. M, Int. Hartferd ( e'.n lU-H'HI.N'se.V. Nev. TO. MARTHA, wife nf tl i.tte James Hutchinson. l"uneral si rMees Thur , '.' I, M . at the residence of dau.'hti r Mrs .lames SIcCenell, .11! locust v . Ardninre. I'a, Int. St. Taul Lutheran Cem. .IOHN.'ON.NeV. IS. 1P22, CMMA J.. vitf of the late Captain I'hlllp Jehnsen Itelntltr. and friend, ar. Invited te attend funeral services, at the residence of her een-ln-lHM II, rlert B. Allen, HIS Arbutu. st., 'lermantenn. Tuea, Slat Inst., at 2 I. M Int private. KNC Nev b. CATHARINE M. wife r.f 1 hum i j Kane (nee MelghanV. I'uneral Wed.. S 3 a. SI., from her late residence. 840 N llhmbrty si. Solemn nine, of re'iulun at ft I'rancla Xavler Church 10 A. M Knlutite. and friends Invited. Int. Hels- f-ejuichre Cem, k KKAH.NKV On rrev. 18. JOHN J. hu hii.d r,f j. ij Kearney, aaed ill) ear. Ue and friend, ar. Invited te attend lllHBarWIIJIB5fe Mm ttjlSffli,W)Al.Vn! Pa. Intarmtttt at Rvarcreen Cam.. Camdan, 'KELLT. Ner. SdllENR X. Ma."! Jehn and Catharine Kalfir. Ralatlvea i knd friend., also Court Ne., at. T. and. A., ar In vlted te attend funeral,- Thurs., 8iS0 A. M., from parent.' residence. ' 4170 Mam at., Manayenk. requlatn mass St. Jehn the Uspti.t'3 Church it A. M. Int. at. Jehn' a Cent, I.EEDOM.Nev, 20. 1933. MART JANn. fe of Bamuel J. Iedem and dauahter of wlfa nf ftamuel J. 1.fcnA. km Bllla. ,.,,. If.nn.rA. 1 stilctly private. Thura.. 3 P. M., from her late realdence. Lennl. D.lawara C9.,JJ' Int. Media Cam. Frlenda may call ed. eve. ..... .-,, i... i.imuKiiixii.-Nev. iu. BAmvfu, .,? mi rhnra.. ISO P. M... from 1440 heckland at.. Jf tiAn(imirf In. Kvanaell lata raaldenee. Hervlcea at.tha MARTltj.Nev. IB. LAWRBNCB P.. hue. tmmi of I.. Martin, aaed ns year., Relatlv.a and frl.nda. also ne.sar camp, Ne, as, une tna npar vltcd te funeral. Wad, Ne, 29, and the Bpanl.h War Veterans, In- :fle A. M,. from tha ,n.nn. IIS N. Iln- rnalilenpa of fiula V. Dan.On. US. N. UH denwoed at, Ma.a at tha Church eiuia A' A' sumptien, 11th and Bprlim Oard.n, 0 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. . . .. ,, of Ml. Matnewa. funeral Thuja., l,P..M'-i realdence, 3111 E. Hasart at. Int. Hlllalda Cem. Remain, may be viewed Wad., s te 1UMc'illiu)B. Nev.. in. ANNIB. wife of the late Patrick J. McRrlde. Relative, nnd i.m.1- ... I.uli .n .,,.n filnppnl. TnUIR., a sit a t nftin Rniill. a, Rnlenln hlffh ma., of 'requiem Ht. Patrick's Church 10 A, Jit. int. i-tniy L.reea uem. ,.... XicKEKVER. Nev. 18,,TllrfAH J., son nf late Arthur and Jesephine McKeever (nee Muer). Relatives, friend., empleyes of County Commlsaleners. . Invited. te , funeral, Wed.. 8.80 A. II., re.ldence. 2004 Pine it. Solemn high ma.a Ht. Patrick's Church 10 A, M. Int, Hely Cri.s. ... McNERNEY. On Nev. 10. 1022. .MART C ulfa of Jehn K. McMarney. (ties Ctawall). eed 48 eara Relative and friends, also It V. SI. Sodality, are Invlled te attend funeral. Thursday mernlnr, 8:80, from har tale re.ldence, 083, E. We.tmerefand at. Solemn requiem mrf.s at 10 o'clock., at Church of the Aaoen.len. Interment at Hely Sepulchre Cemetery. . . MOORE. At hi. residence. Ventner. N.J.. Nev. HX T. I1AINEH MOORK n"latlve. nnd frlnd.. alie Bheklnah Ixde. Ne. 240, 1. and A. SI.: Kcv.tene Chap'er. N'. 17.V it. A. SI.i Ht. Jehn'a Cemmnrdcry. Ne 4. K T.: 1.1 l.u Temple. A. A. O. N. SI. 8.: Chel.en Yacht Cltih of Atlantic City and Phlla. Society of Optometrist., are Invited te attend hi. funeral service., Thurs., 2 1. M. vrecltelv. at the David II Schuyler llldg., Ilrnad and Diamond ate. Int. private. N1TZE. Nev. 20, JULIE (nee Paakaa). nlilew of Paul Nltze. Funeral aarvlce. Thura. 2 P. M.. nt tha chapel of H F. Schreedcr ft Bfine. 4lh and Arch st... Cam- dn N. .1 Vlewlmf Wed., 7 te P. St. OOILBY, Nev. 17. Kl.I-A P.. dauahter of the late Je.hua and flarah Osllby. Frlenda are Invited te attend funeral aervlcaa. Thurs., 1 P. SI., at the residence of Sirs. Marraret McQarrlcle. 1320 E. Steyamcnalns axe. Int. laurel Hill Cem. Remalna may be viewed Wed. eve , PAUST. At her residence. 4821 Old Tprk read, en Nev. 20. 1022. ELIZABETH, widow of the late Jehn Qeerae Pab.t. Br., In har 72d vear. Relatives and frlenda are Invited te the .en-Ice. en afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Hair Rld.. 1820 Che.tnut st. Interment Laurel Hill Cem. PHILLIPS. Nev, 20. HARRY W. I'll IL LIPS Residence 855 N. lflth st. Relative, and friends are Invited le .erv're.. Wed., 2 P. SI., at Barker & Smith'. 820 N. 20th t. Int. Greenville, S. C. friend, may call Tu H te 10 P. SI. at 810 N efi'h PIHLSON'. Nev. 10. 1022 ELIZABtSTlT. wife of the late Jnmea St. Phllsen. Funeral serlce. Wed.. 2 P. SI., ht David O, Frank enfleld t Sens, 322 N. R2d St. Int. Mt. Sto Ste rlah Cem. Remalna may be viewed Tue.., 7 te 0 SI. REECE. On Nev. 20. 1M2. JOSEPHINE wife of Loul. a. Reece. Funeral serlca en Wednesday, at .1 P. St.. at Church of the Ooed Rhept-erd. Trankferd ave. and Cumber, land st. Friend, mav call at re.ldence. .2104 K. Yerk st. Tuesday everlna. after 7 o'clock. Intcrnvnt North Cedar Hill Cemetery. of November, at' his residence. 1807 Spruce . . . .t.a Ilia... 1 .Wa titA are a hf niCIIAilUMU.",. UMAni.cjH, en me intn n , Funeral Vd. Nev. 2, Bt 11 o'clock. Klnd'y emit flower ROSENBERHY. Nev. 18. FRANKLIN f.. husband of Mary Resenberry. nired 03. Ilelatlve. and friend, al.e empleye, of Budd Mfir. Ce , are Invited te attend funeral. Wed., 8:80 A. St., from the. parlor, of Wil liam J. MKJeldrlck. R422 Oermantevrn ave. Solemn requiem mas. Ht. Vincent'. Church 10 A. SI. Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. Re malna may be viewed Tue. ave. RUCH-JOHNSON. Nev. IB. 1022. ANNA H,, wife of William D. Ruch. Relatives and friend. Invited ta funeral service., Tue... nt 2:30 P. M.. funeral apartment, of Hareld B Mulllaan. leth it. and Oermantewn ave. Int. private. Friend, may call Men, eve. RYAN. At Washington D. C. Nev. IS. 1P22. HANNAH SI. RYAN. Relatives nnd friends are Invited te attend funeral. Wed.. S .10 A. Sf . residence of bratber-ln-lnw. Thomaa Dunne, 2980 N. 12th it. Solemn re quiem ma., nt Church of Our Lady of Mercy 10 A. SI Int. Hnlv Cress Cem. SHEERAN, Nev. IP. 1022. ROSE SHEE RAN. Relative, nnd friends are Imlted te attend funeral. 8:30 A. SI., at bar Ute re.ldence. 2.13.1 S. Chadjrlck at. Hlah Requiem mass Church of SI. Menlrn, '. 10 A Sf. Interment Cathedra I Cemetery. BHEEHAN. Nev. 20. THOMAS J., hus band of Slary C. Hhrehan (nee MirNamara). Due notice of the funeral will bn Klvan, from hi. late residence. 2014 S 13th t. SONNEBERO. Nev. 20. DINA. Jl.t.r Of Inte .les-ph Senncliere, aged 11(1. Relative, and friends nre Invited te attend f uncial rervlce. Wed.. 0 A. SI. precl.ety. at th resldenee of her al.ter-ln-l.iw. Mr.. Betty sennnbets. 8821 N. 17th at. Int. Baltimore. Sid STOUT. Of measle. Nev. 20. HAROLD EDWARD, son of Wilfred J, and Gertrude Hnrdwlck Stout, need 1 year 6 month.. Funeral services at hi. parents' re.ldence, HIGH N. Jud.en .1 . Wed., 11 A. SI. Int. private. STROltP At his residence. Brn Mawr, i nr.ivitlt P . hunband of Mnrv n. rteiatie ana irien'n are invited "PilaTta aa.. TODD. Nev. 17. JOHANNA, wife of the late Charleg Tedd aired 73. Relative, and falend. nre Invited te funeral. Tiiya . 8-30 a. ,ai , irum ,ir ,-y1 ....-.... , .,. .-, -au ai, . M . from her la'e residence. I 3ii H 23d at, .!emn reauiem hlsh mass s Patrick' h-ireh 10 A. M. Jjt. nM c-ithedrai irm VOOEL. Nev. 20. HANNAH VOOEI,. C Police Dl.trlct...pre Invlteil te ultend fu neral aervlcea. Wed.. 2 P. M , resilience of hi. aen, Thomaa J. Williamson. 'J013 Amber t. Int North Cedar Hill Cem Viewing Tues S tn 10 P. M. WIM.IT8.-)f Haddenlled N ,T died Kleventh Menth. 20th day C'HARLKS WIL L1T8, In hi. 08th year. Funeral and Inter ment private. WIU40N. Nev, 111, JOHRPH n . husband nf the late Kmma Relatives and rrl'nu., aiiie fTnnaiin jje. .no 1,14, r. and A. M.. nre Invited te funeral snres Wed . 2:311 P, M., at hi. Inte resldinc, 211H N. llread st. Int. Laurel Hill Ctm mends inny cnll Tue.. eve. vVrieht. Nev. in. 1022. Anni.vmi TlltmNLKY, daughter of Jii'.eb and Edna V. Wright. agel 211 Relatives and frlendj are Invited ta attend funeral .ervlies. Wed.. 3 P. St.. at her parents' residence. 3117 Lnngahere at . Tacony. Friend, may call rue. , T te P. St. Int. Sltignella Cem Pleaa emit flower.. ITNTtERTAKFrm - . PUIII Bl. lilt. ''.' w.e. tttmM Vttl i n vine n nn I iiiiicsih. hi iii-i iimiiit. it I mani i JIlLll' MOAD AhP VF DIAMOND ANOTHER SCARLETT BARGAIN W jJaaaTasssaV. . rtTasssl Qnuln Garcia IWlnM) Large IBe Corena Made in Tampa, Flerida Te Sail at IBe Straight (Aad tk.y da nil at that) .Strictly New Goeafa Just Arrived This Weak $3 Bex of 80 , C. O. D. 10c Extra These Cigars Have Never Sold Under $6.00 a lex v We will guarantee this GARCIA Cigar as the GREAT. EST VALUE we have EVER OFFERED through the MAIL. WE PAY PARCEL POST ' SCARLET? Tha F.t.l All-Amrleaf Iter. 703 Chestnut St.; Phila. LOST AND FOTTNP DAO Le.t. Monday, Nev. 20... mall, black ..Ilk bass centalnlnir railroad ticket., bunch of key., .pccteclpe: reward etven If returned te iwu; rine st.: no question, n.ken, DOO Le.t. en sjnday mernlna. November .IP. Irish terrier nuppy an.werlns name nf Tip: reward. Please return te Perey C Madeira Medina- Hou.e and Lennex roans, uaentz, fa DOO Le.t. Friday, Nev. 17. near 18th and araraei aia wnii. wira-nairaa iex terrier. yeuna?. hlaclc head and tall. marked Tinker. Liberal reward if returni te aise wainui at. rnnne apruce hub. DOO Le.t: 120 reward: brlndle cairn .puppy: leek. Ilka a Nev. 11. vlelnlty nf leth and Spruce. Return te 270 B. 10th st. , . ri'B Leat, fur, black fox animal, le.t In Princeton. N. J,. Saturday. November 18. Reward If returned te Sir.. H. W. Harrison. St. Davids, Pa. Phene Wayne 010, HELP WANTED FEMALE ALL THE OIRLS WITH THE "CHRIST- SIAS SIONET-MAKINO" BEE IN THEIR BONNETS are Invited te an.w.r thl. advertisement Awaiting them here are well-paid holiday positions, such aa any Intelligent, alert, P easant-mannered vnunif witaian ran makn weed In, consisting of waiting en customers. iiiiin-cun tneir Durcna.ea, maKing cnange en cash reglstera or clerical work; soma of them may develop Inte permanent positions. The convenience of a Wanamakar em em peoye', epeclal shopping privilege adda te the Interest et thee opportunities. Application should be made In p.r.en te the Uureau of Employment. WANAJIAKER'S BILLERS CLERKS TYPISTS A number of opening.. Speed and accuracy required. Interesting work, geed compen.atlen. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CASHIERS AND INSPECTRESSES Yeung women. 18 te 25 yeara et age. for the poslt'en of If you hava ability te handle figure, accurately nnd nre Intended In being trained for a Jeb hlither up. call and Inquire nbeut the oppor tunity, offered here. Including geed hour, and geed pay. Apply Bureau et Employment WANAMAKER'S CASHIERS N. BNELLENBURK ft CO. HAVE VA CANCIE8 FOR YOUNO WOSIEN OF THE BETTER TYPE. PAST IS YEARS. FOR CASHIERING POSITIONS. APPLY ANY TIME DURINO THE DAY AT THE BU HEAU OF EMPLOYMENT. FIFTH FLOOR., BOUTH BUILDINO MARKET. 11TH T6 12TH. CHAMBERMAID-WAlTREttS wanted for pri vate family: reference 20 Summit -t.. Chestnut Hill. Phene 0539, Near trolley luul Ixilh tt H. station. CLERK AND 1 YP1ST A geel wsltlen I. new available for a clrl he ha. had some Du.ine.a experience, wre can type rapidly CLERK for urtlce work, bllllne. filing rae- t eras, etc, ; cnane. ter aavnncemenc ler I erda. etc.: chance for advancement for .well-educated, accurate, cnergetls yeuna I weman: salary 'J0 per week: advl.e aae" experience and reference.. A US I. Led, Off! CLERKS Olrls wh? a1e wrltltg will And tha work of pricing and writing order. Interesting; thl. work reunites no prevleu. experience and will be per manent te tho.e who qualify. Apply Employment Dept. 8.80 A. M. te 5 P. SI. Saturday, 12 SKARS. ROEBUCK AND CO 4040 ROOSEVELT UOUI.L'VARD PESIALE SALESWOMEN wr: . ARE NOW SOLICITING APPLICA- TIONH KOR HA LBS WOMEN OP THU BCT t:OATH SHOES StMT LACES OLOVKS IIIIIOLSTERT HILK3 TOYS ,lc'nx U'M'.Kv.AP.ANi7!ES IN OTHER DEPART CIAL CONSIDERATION Te THOSE WHO HAVI! BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH US IN Till: PAST: LIBERAL SALARY INDUCE M.,:ST. TO THOSE' P088ESHINO THE NECESSARY qUALIPICATIONS, APPLY ANY TIME DURINO THE DAY, BUREAU UU1LDINU. SNELLENBURn A M MARKET. 11TH TO 12TII BTS. QIRI. Wanted, young white girl for cook-1 Ing and St.lnau 150 Tiega tTU R. imunBavrs . u ui lamuy. u. w, Allegheny ave. Phene wllah ihener r k' waaud. satMrlaaeaa ,i ,rdw. Apply Karkel tateaai t.. :J V1IM tri1le ., ''Aii 1 -.a, a, m4 I 01RL8 Wa ara In Immtdlata n.d of" amr, , rOVUQ WOMEN , e nspattam wa will taaeh .. AND PAT TOO 111 a yrttK Raa XII.. Rtavanaan. laai . - . . Ki A. M. te P. if. ' "rcq " Ijajjj TJfE BLL TBLEPHONK CO. or PJM 16 te 18 m of tffiuSS355ffWffJte!i " " " anon urn.. i AEBt FWa&uw. m Saturday, la' BEABS. ROEBUCK AND rn 4040 Roosevelt boulevard M '-m irn a"M?ire15 !.. te. 23 n.n .r4l ffS " SBxsm Curtis IMbllehlrl&.P"en n. . 4 --..-vin IT.jTfH IRLS ever 10, te label and wraa tX and .mall Beckageai clean. ilaVt'.iS'l'l and small package.; elaan, ilaki s.iSl.?l work In welt ventilated, aunanlna mJJISS'sl Ing.. no experience nec.iiarv n,ar'B-.'"i saw?1 wessfi: -?- "ustsa s?m ...... ..... .. i Him,. t - , !Vl4Pr-rantaaBiM WK OFFER EXCEPTIONAL OPPftn,,.., ? T1E8 FOR . OIRLH AND WeVliRJ,,!iL- 'Jl AWANCED1I'MtNBV WAWFt- MARKET7 11TH TO !ff.,r"8T. .' SALESWOMEN w.nU?, " "Ifh-grade .aleawemtn la r and .all a hlgh-grad. ellent.le, nm Apply Bureau of Empleymtat WANAMAKER'S H SALESWOMEN v Intereatlng opening. In varleut departmtita 'P Apply Bureau of Emplernunt m. J WANAMAKER'S 1 i! B i KINUUKAFHEK havinr i-wutlv i tHTTa SRHgi A finn t aZ .7 " fiTENOORAPHER'ln law efflceTatart agTaf exp. and salary exptcted A B2T. Led S vl It 1 TELEPHONE OPERATINO "fi Permanent poaltlen. for young women be. Vi tween the a ire a of IS ny n ... .... "JSi-1- ?. Ne experience niceiiary. " """ """ $ ?A.T.5TARTS T 113.00 A WEEK 11 IJfJ FIv Wfk. later 114 R0 i m.m . ...a fl vrnlnrr wnrk. " "" lvr Pr,.F? . -i S tM!.a tavanaen, 1631 Arch .t.. 84e a' k f4 THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. Or PA. H im if t TWISTERS mrtn . , . i . ...... yarn. Apply . -w.w. " .-meu en waN t Ki Wi.ter'ata. Tarn Mills Helfltld anl '. ini one Wvvmltig 42.4. A OStAN College, normal trained, itrm. peraenallty. capable of being trained te managing departmnet of growing builn.ii: splendid opportunity for right weman: tell education and salary expected. SI 704, ledger Office. ' '-'i WOSIEN Klv; women will be Interviewed for responsible positions from 10 te 1 A M. and 2 te 4 P. SI. Apply at our office. TO Vandam Bldg.. loin Slarket st. n. fl i WOMEM Sell veur apare tlni.tWanamiker'. earlti A viiv uuay wnriatmaa aeawin. We will supply tha experience If eu will supply the Intelligence, geed breeding tn4 alertness required In helping ether folk. t buy their Christmas pre.enta: tb. par S geed, the eurreundlngg Inspiring anl lit experience gained valuable. If you'd Ilka te earn, your own Chrlitmu mensy by giving a few week, te thl. wrfS, apply within 24 hour, te Employment Bureau WANAMAKER'S WOMEN CIXANERa Wanted Dependable women for gentral' geed heura, geed working condition, ant' ' goea pay. i. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S WOMEN, for aalea and general ater l.alteft Bre... S22 Sl.rk.t st. TOUNQ WOSIEN There nre .till a number et opening, for leung women, alther married or .Ingle, wha desire te .ecura temporary employment for the holiday aeaaen; clerical or nen-cltrlcu work can be obtained. We alie hava permanent positions . rer tne.e aeiiring at.aay employ ment ; no experience required. Apply Employment Dent. 8:80 A. SI. leir, SI Saturday, 12 SEARS. ROEBUCK AND -", 4140 ROOSEVELT BOULKVAiI' flewetal WE WANT 3 WOMEN who hnve been canvassing te call at euj - efllca and hear what we have tc ener. J ami rap e .'""L';,".;.V.u;;.". mil ,1 ) snow cnvaeiiuA. ut w, ,v..v..vw- - -,,. furnl.hid. M .. . ',ntevrcn nr nfl I val I) te 10:80 A. SI, or 8 te 0 P. M. i . ' . . . .. ... nrfflir WOMAN Hlah scnoei ',"mlr' tcaYheV rififerred. Initiative and geed Hfg , seiui Ity. for position pnyma itrris'JJ upwanrte rUM perreni ifermai.ency. iA Inhn W. Branch IT K 4'.'d st , .New ' "l-l-il "nt. &l.Jl.3StiSl, vil ! Jan. Writ? for po.deenPH2l:jL H-JITP WANTEP-MALE, M ACETYLENE BURNERS IIOLTER-UP CARPENTER1,,,,, PLENTY OVERTIME DRILLEBS. REASII.RS K JOJ NERS I PLENTY. . ''H?,LM fi .lin'-METAL, WOllKKItS H Hllhj LABORERS, SUN SHlPnUILDINO CO, CHESTER. PA. '. AOENTS wanted te handle "fljconemlljg jl i, practical iuw """Se,a 1S2S .h at. Kensington g BOY If you have had S ..f'Yu, high school training or equltnieiii. and yM ??-" wlnre advantemfnl l. '."!.. '" BMW.i,3 4333 Tacony t . Krankwre. 4 !OY wanted, while. V"r" ,SS tyM WXXh MS!? rffiuir.,,al M nhli. InslilK no.ltlell. VVIrtener Illda. . w l.u, wni.tiid te learn "lT!t,"ilraidl'1J "i'il per vveel, l" awn. W" ,rl,"u' li-iW fftti n.'or rrAjjXm BOY wanted for '' ,,V''oeJuT,l)u80v. HrK permanent work. Apply M" "' ' " - ... 7t . . . t . rung a w. Tin - Sprue 04lT for Information. , 1 .11 m In, 'm t,silPUUra.ri n in iruai iim ihw --.. ;wirr .! ..a, .. ., .1.11.1. uv win nnu mc uw iv IIW PVIIM Ml. " WMJ - !t iuiiauw-uuniteviawtai kmL.A tfi iiir ii"i V i V i t . '. M .. la-B----,,-, . -T --rJ . I. 1 .I.V:. aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBal.VtAL. V t er, ??'?. -v. , saBgrjaK.' a .. 1 JikaMayiaSU