SSI?:f'-liJ J,H31 OTS$SP wwm X EYEING PUBLIC LfiDGEPHtLADlJiBHl mm'. - &tSZ, !&tfm&' ;n ii . van s . - 13 J 'A fi a. I LI K'K Jf A 4ili ''r ffl .IU. i IS IP f lvr T 1 I: i'l.Sltbl I , i f ?iw iiht. t V jf -1 ji i. n . ! i r,n 'i (i T, f 1 4v M '! P? I u 1 1-, b 9 k- i i fy m ; 5" IT X I - Wi.UKM k mwm Only 1500 Birds Due for An nual Vendue, With Demand for Mere TWO SALES THURSDAY fifteen hundred turkeys arrived lnt Sight In HnlHclil, Montgomery County, nd the stnse is oil net for the two big turkey ructions scheduled for Thursday serninv. These turkey mictien'', held nnnunlly, i nil prr-ci'iiltig both the Tlmtiksjlvlng , nil ClirMnvn holiday reason, hnvc Chen lliittlrhl n m-iip-w'de reinitnlleii. The de net, ientrniv t scncml be liff. ettahllsh the "I'liil.iilelpliln pi lee" for turkey. The total number of tur- i 1jm sold nt the auctions nrelv exceeds 000, nml this jenr the total l only It'tOO, net mere than .IB per cent of ,Trhlch reaches the table of I'hllmlel phl.ans. The demand locally lias become fe larg that the greater part is taken by Ducks and Montgomery Counties, , and piinciimllv in l)eletuwn, Lnnn lale mid Norristown. One theuand birds from Virginia lll be offered nt the first auction at thei upper, or "at itlen" imti" iit Ilaifie'd. When this is finMiiil. BOO turkey tiem i O'iId will be en the block, tit th "'biwer" hotel, two , imtii' uwav. AH the lendiiu lishts of ll'c turkiv ninflii't. ineludin; t'hlef llcnner, the "Turkey Klt'S," "l attend. Miuiv tlc.ileii'frein the Miburban ectieti ami u few from ! riillailelpnla are "xpected. There will be few Pennsylvania tur- fcrjn en any market this jenr. ltucks County, once n geed producing field, does net turn out enough turkejs an- tiunllv te tupply the 'flinjikeclving de mands of any two large Philadelphia I hotels. Largest shipments will come' front Virginia and Ohie, and senip from I Maryland. ASK FOR TERMINAL CLOCK Reading Commuters Say They Miss Famous Old Timepiece A petition is being circulated among commuters who use the Heading Ter niiuul that the railroad company replace Mic clock which for ninny .enrs steed m the sidewalk in fient of the Ter minal nt Twelfth and Market -Ircets. 'I he c'uek pest was hit by a big lunterti iieK n month nsu nml wa mapped off. It was carted awaj nt the time, and there was an announcement that it would be repaired and put back lit place. els have passed, hewer, and the clock is still missing. Theiibiiiids of persons who thought the clock was a great public cetnenicncc are te be aktd le sign the petition te have r 'need. The petition is being circulated hv II. C. Cathers, of 41 North Tenth street. FOR SALE LUMBER 800,000 feet of Yellow Pln, Spriifp. Cypres und UcuiKmL. ulUilile fur Uuilrlluc pin pair. Sterk 1 nil netv nnil iinueed. P. O. B. ear or truck. Appl.v t'uey & lone 1'lsnt. Oleiictster, N. J. .Mr. tMrka, O-L. 3t. te 3 1. M. I'linne (ileiiei Ki r I'M. FOH the Installation of rtenm. het water, vacuum or vapor heat tnir and ventllatlnK systems, power piping, etc.. In public buildings, factories, Institutions and private dwellings where a high class of work Is demanded. Consult JrHenry L.Reberts satit Engineer and Contractor 223 North 16 th Street Q. A. G. ' Varnishes and Enamels Lat thm Longest Recklustre Varnish rer flsert, etc. Stands all teits le urrlvei. Recklustre Enamel k Tcr all purpeiei. Cannet 1 ezcelltd ICanufacturtd enty b7 C. A. GILLINGHAM 12ta k Merrii 21t & Wstrtes 250 Se. 60tk St. EVERY WOMAN alinuld lim one, Tliry nra se hand, and u real ornament, ten. Uliftt nnt In turn tha tiniile ran be moved back out of the W'h.t. Yeu should Inspect this hand same Fixture for jeurtelf. 1 "USCKIMOS Plumbing and Heating SupplUt 50N.5thSt. S29ArchSt. Phllada,, Fa. lanidewne, Fa, Camden, N.J, I CO. I I '""" -l-H.l-l-'l.1!.1 jrjpm--glZIaggV --7 r mmsmmmm R&iP$- The Ha j eca sanitary Waste in baths and lava tories prevents used water , from backing up for the next user. This is only one of the many health-promoting fixtures we would like you te see in our Shew- . rooms. Haines, Jenes & CadsuryCe. Plumbing and Htmting Cdi ,1130-1144 RJdf Aw., Nula. caitr pans Uy at t A. M. Oleies MO JP. M, 31st Anniversary Sale! AU Goods Will Be Charged ok December H Dtte Ja 10 xeur every, TnanKsgiving ana nenaay neea nnuctpaveu une i. Buirawv ""&e vuwi nyyww m w. e - iii - Ua'iiPlMlaMMV"- Tomorrow ! ' $3 Lace Window fM Panels, each I J, Several pretty patterns in Nottingham laces, filet-and cnble nets; large effective designs and well-covered all all ever patterns. White; cream and ecru. t Lit Brethers THIRD FLOOR ManOrisraFllti EATS TRIMMED FREE OF CtlARGM MmrkH Ktghih ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAT FUHri Women's W8 Riding: Beets Htrt Priced ter Vnitr tha C6t El-vhfn Tan KMtte calf of notably jmlitnt . wcfil laaiw. .im mfMiinimBb iran? eMnmaen, sb. vgtjsjmMKmi If Genuine Chinese Rugs,$2j$.50 te$345 New! Luxurious! Average size 9x12 feet SkkiiiiiiI naviaplnllv tnv AlintvAraarv Snip BenuinO Orl ental rugs at Httle ever the cost ei domestic rugs. Lus trous blue, geld and mulberry grounds with picturesque eatterns in excellent variety. $75 Fine Oriental Moueul $C A Rues ,W Average size 3.0x7. IJeaiitiful, lustrous pile. .-. ! I-H M W I $85 Seamless Royal Wilten $fi7.50 Rugs... ; Vl 8.3x10.0. Kich Chinese effects; limited let. 4 4 ' $115 English Royal Wilten Rugs, $89.50 9x12. Very handsome designs; wanted colors r $9.50 and $18 Cerk Linoleum Rugs, $5.78 and $8. 100 in the let; wonderful variety. Size 6x9 at $5.78. Size 7.6x10, Lit Brether, FOURTH FLOOR 3.78 I 10.6 at $8.78. J J CAmm m year's tupply vmtu$ will nwr bttttr than In our Annlvtnmry Smtt! Women's 15c HflnrilrArrliiAfc UHUWBVIVUIIV J rlCR With dainty embroidered corner designs, neatly hemstitched . or with, colored woven borders. Dezen, $1. II I IgpiW I 111 MM II Men's Handkerchiefs lit Bex of Three, 49c Fine cambric with neat block initials ,and quarter-indh hems. Thtt Arm Many Waleemm Detlara t Ma Savad en Infanta Wemr During tha Annivenary Salt! Infants' 7.50 White Chinchilla Coats, $4.891 ti52& k. rrJiwK kLKWm Ii'.vJt4 .-LViaUJfUI. (s3TOK -. ' lM Xt J m ji - I All-wool, warmly lined. Tots' $2 te $5 White Frecks, $1.50, $2 and $2.95 Fine whlta Persian lawn and erpuidle ; prettily trlmmefl with contrasting materials, embroidery, stltehlnir, ribbons, laces and fine plaltlnir. Sizes 2 te C yearn. Belts, pockets and pearl button trimmed. Sizes l te 3 $1 !-...' CI Rrt - Dresses Fine nainsoek or batiste witn embreldeiy yekes: or prettily trimmed with laces, embroid er' and plaltlnc Ions or short. Slies up te two years. 1 Infants' Dainty Bennets Cretia de chine nnil silk faille: also ire:ty crecnet-i e,d models. Litde Beys' $3 $1.95 Wash Suits . . . Oliver Twist models of Devon Deven plilrc and Peccy cloth, com bined with Jackets of white madras: braided or embroid ered cellars and cuffs Em broidered emblem and tie. fclzes 2 te 6. lit Brether Second Fleer Beys' 18c te 25c 1 Ac te 1 Qc Handkerchiefs ; 1V te In white and colors, also initial styles. " Lit Brethers First Fleer, Seuth De you plan te give gloves hsre are geed Anniversary Savings en Smartest Kinds. Women's $1.50 & 1 Gloves, 98c Twe-clasp and strap wrist duplex in all new shades. IJIIIIMII IIMIII Mi HI i 1.I.IN M.., Of nf Amimjte 'SJr' ' BeautifulNewCretennes Undetprii 39c $L 49c '."s"' 6! 60c values Pretty colors and patterns appropriate for coverings and hangings In any room. . " 'f t ;" "j 1,", "" Ktu te 60c Brisa Bite Curtains, each, 39c eV 49c Nottingham laces In effective designs with scalloped edges and loops, tempww 40c Effective Curtain Madras, yard, 29c 2000 yards in the let; white and cream color in floral designs. $3.50 te $5 Sectional Lace, yard $2.48 & $3.48 3 "Pretty designs In white and Ivery. 2U yards long. $1,25 te $1.50 Terry Cleth, yard 79c, 89c A 96c Beautiful new designs en light and dark grounds. Reversible. $i:25 and $1.50 Peplb TTr -?"? w eu-incn; wiae enough te 1 mercerised finish; slight runs. y ij $2tef3LacePaneU, M each $1.49 te $1.98 4 Fine quality, net with exqeistts AM, assigns, u MMUMmn-maat : Women's $1.25 Gloves, 89c J Strap wrist chamois suede I with n e v e 1 1 y embroidered 1 backs. All coleis. I IWWNNMI .nil ii ill II1Im Women's $2 French Kid Gloves, $1.49 Twe-clasp with embroidered backs. Black, white and colors. Lit Brethers First Fleer, Sth St. Saloef Famous Make Brassieres & Bandeaux . '- fen $1 te $3 Values 5C M. v Wide Selection All brand new in full range of eixea from 34 te 64. Brassieres of batiste or linen with wide embroid ery or cluny lace trim ming. Heek in front. The bandeaux are of fancy material, mesh, brocade and striped satin some have elastic around waist which acts as a diaphragm reducer. Seme have extra hose supporters. Brethers Second Tloer mVM eHsh Jffitaira Dressy Silk Overbleusesl HM They're exceedingly attractive in etyle and) .1; particularly low priced for An nlvereary eelling. Overbleuse effect in nice quality, rich black crepe de chine, beau tifully beaded. I Extra-Size White Voile I Waists: Special, $1.98 Nice, sheer quality in becoming vest effect; with long roll cellars, fine plaits,! embroidered designs and pretty V pattern lace. Lit Breakers SECOND VLOOX teniae A complete line of outdoor uperting goods lower-priced ter Anniversary Sale! $40 Remington Bicycles With coaster brake, mua ruaru. spnnp aauaie, ribber, reversible burs, roller chains, non-skid i Ires ami ntaiul. Teel baa. bell ami sump, H 9fi J8 i iV $2.50 ReUer Skates, $1.69 f I'ameun Wlnilew make, with sclf-1 ceiitaincl bcnrinss anu cxieniuni feet 'late. t I $2 Rugby Football, $1.19 T I f Pebble eraln leather; guaranteed t 1 rubber bUdder. Regulation B'se.j Be7$5.50 Weel $A a Air Rifles, $1.89 te $4.50 Punching Bags, $3 te $6 Soccer Footballs, $1.98 te $9 Ravi1 S3. SO .Sweaters. SI. 98 C.....a... " ' nibbed Unit, vroel ml-.ed i Ceat shaUcP j,it lu' pullover style, with style with sliawi ceuar aim w,w, Vilf flcsmtT taurlMr CtUTJ. All eoler $12 "Whynet" Gelf Balls, dozen, $8.95 Lit Brethere SECOND FLOOR Fine bedceverinss are a feature of the Anniversary Sale at fourth less I $9 Weel Comforts, $6-98 Sateen and slllt finlth cambric: riuureil both sides: plain 9-lnch sateen berders: all colors; scroll etltched. Sizes 72x80. I .aeaaaaaaaW ahaV9ep9aaaLm ' aaVa9, vJaBBTsk JB aasl FLEareiAssKrFAueET-- BBSBBSaV BalBfJ 1 1 $15 All-Weel Blankets, 51158 Extra fine quality white with pink or blue borders also block plaids In pink, blue, tsa or sray and Scotch plaids, tee. Size 72x80. Lit Brether First Fleer, North l$5 Satin-Finish Spreads, s, $3.98J lies pat-1 10x90. Ha.w Quality : Marseilles terns. Hemmed; size 80x90 1 55 Flsscedewn Blankets, pr. $3.98 I China cotton ; leeks and wears like I woeL Whits or sray with pink or blue borders. Rich Jewelry : Silverware : Fine Clocks All in the Anniversary Sale in wondrous variety and at remarkable savings tomorrow felT X. 1WV. .Vrf&JCaftf J $17.50 Indestructible Pearl Necklaces, $9.98, Leng graduated strands; 14 karat white geld, secret catch set with diamonds. Pearls guaranteed net te peel or dis- oier. barge velvet guc oexes. $22.50 "Gilbert" Mantel Clocks, $10.45 Mahogany In tambour shapes; 20'j Inches long by 10 lndhes high; .famous movements; guaranteed accurate. i Strike hour and bsjf hour en Cathedral gongs. Vaaaanavaaaajaaalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai r $6.50 Mesh $9.95 Bags Lene, narrow, double frame mesh bags : silver plated and with leather strap handles. Urethera FIRST $22.50 Watch Bracelets, $14.98 16 Jewel movements. Qeld filled In round, octagonal and cushion shapes; plain or en graved. Fully guaran teed. Convertible and ribbon bracelets. Velvet lined boxes. FLOOR, SOUTH tt: j : -tt Wm! RegeW & Sens AA SUver-Plate Bright finish; 25 years. Tea Spoons . . . Deaacrt Speen Desaert Ferka . Table Spoons . . Medium Ferks Soup Speen . . Medie m Knives Plated Blade Medium Knlvea Stalnleaa Steel Dessert Knives Plated Blade Colonial or fancy patterns; guaranteed Half Desea S1.S0 SMS Sl.fS S8.00 SS.00 88.00 with ' S3J0 with Blade SB.BS With SI.SS . Half Doten Batter Spreaders . ...88.80 salad Feraa Ojrater Ferks Fruit Knives . Orange Spoons Bngar Spoons . Batter Halves Gravy ladle ,. Meat Ferk v . Tomate Server Berry Speen , S4.00 81.75 ...T...SS.SS 88.80 . .eaeh SOe . .eaeh 0e .each S1.I3 ..each S1.00 .eaeh 81.78 ..each 81.73 M.M SN.WH iHillEB' ItHlllinijil Ui UnH IflBBUfV i:iySPil!h,:':iB '"uiiissasjiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiw'""'' , adfejgfe eaaraaBareraw aSaamaBaVaraB . n ftKrlv : ,' ( a JgaaaW BSafUH al 3 ll5aV " KViSftial Ufal ' a9nU HSiiaVjgSBBgSFaf sr?!nSSWIHi1li JuiLI:vl7 A HP mwwimj& mr mi- r-p.T, I., tmgWsmmm. V IJsMI B!li i , 1 1 r lOUawawHHlha, LilMaaaBflflMfeit TTntiii ins, Tnirn,MT'Tnmnnrt-t h&m W r&a te m 50c te$1.25 Fireproof China Tea Pets, 39c A maker had a thousand dozen en hand. By taking ever this huge stoek at once and for cash we secured economies as high as sixty per cent. Ne mail or phone orders. Various graceful shapes; plain green, brown and white; sixes from 1 te 5 cups. Lit Brethers THIRD FLOOR 39c - 39c v-ff 'S 39c TTanrfanmn tieiW tailored and' Tjlaitfirl eflsnttX ms,ny with dainty Georgette tops. The shseki; ere" lasniened xrem exquisire silks tstt manv with irav alternatina? nansls in sunsmiav effects. All have rich, deep fringe, all artsjl;" lined. LU Brether THIRD FLOOR , t T rr: - . . . - . : - . -.-.... . t five Geed Savings That umy uur anniversary aaia (.ohm Jtcmsvwi. 6 All-Linen Pattern Cleths, 4.98 Heavy pure Irish linen damask In benutlful floral design. 2x3 yards square,' II 'I' I """" " '' " V T 29" 1 45c All-Lben I Crash, yard . , IPure Irish linen barnsley weave Llntless. $2.50 Hemstitched $1.98 Scalloped Cleths.. . ' A Levely duality, highly mereerlsed. Handiome patterns. S yards square or round. $1.25 Table 7Qc vmtA I '" Fine quality; highly mercerlred; lovely designs. 2 yards wide. 65c Bath Towels, 31c Ji Largs size; absorbent Blue efrts borders. Lit Brethers First Fleer, Norn hJ Sensational Anniversary Offer of Which Yeu Car. Take Immediate Advantage Through Our Convenient Club Plan of Payment. This $300 Handsome Bedroom Suite American Walnut in Tuder Dtsign urn ssaiffliif pit . L ivi ' j I JieasBL " 1 J I LJ ii 'I r 'aBEZ mT' L j M'rSlag fa I I 1 Iff .1 SJm-- - BaTrnrVhraieBijatssatw AT. VI MJJaJ P BTB if B 811 l.vaaaBawaaaaaaH..rf' C- i MSB ---. . Si . M.MiM T ST I IB - - en,aat.BaiaBkaSBkaaSkaSSaaSaaSBBaaBl apaiaSaVBB $ 185 Extra-large dresser, 40-inch I chifforebe with spacious clothes closet; full-length vanity dresser and bow-end bed. $12 All-Cotten Mattress, $7.85 i Hell edffe, covered J wltu due ticking. $18 AlLFelt Mattress, $11.85 Imperial edge; fine felt; geed ticking. $8 Simmons Spring, $3.85 ! Heavy tubular frame : link fabric eprlnr. Simmons fa mous construction. All regu- i lar Blrei. $15 AU-Felt Mattress, $9.85 Rell edge.: excellent tick. Ina. All reaular slssa. Lit Brei, Fourth Fleer! 1.75 Bleached)$1 1Q SHEETS ) 11 Anniversary Savings Here Rise te Over a Third! Of heavy quality sheeting, with re enforced center seam nnd three inch hems. 84x90 size. JImWmNIIIMNIWI M II ,i A 1 40c Pillow Cases, each, 29c j Mnde from remnants of bleached J or unbleached sheeting; medium j and heavy-weight. 45x38 inches. I 75c Bolster Cases, each, 59c Medium weight; bleached. Size 42x72. 22c te 25c Domestics, 1gc Muslin, cambric and sheeting; bleached or unbleached; 30 and 40 inches wide. 59c Ticking, yard, 39c Blue and white stripe; feather proof. 31-inch, Brethers First Fleer, North Heusefurnishings Many Kinjls: , Savings en smarter kinds under current values. lMjaii w IJJ Maytag Electric Washing Machines, $39.85 Fully ' guaranteed. Onlv $C places this new weed tub teleCtrlc . yasher In yqur home; the balanca In small monthly pa- ments. . - 11.00 HMter Scoop, 58c Weed D -handle, Strongly made. Gas Radiator Four tube Jewel fren alu minum flnlsh; will heat a large $0.95 room , . . 2 Kit chen Set, H. 39 - OlUiHfll 'iwt1ii'.mwmiiruigaiailiinM.mftal 1 -.sarw- - aayBit I DREAD White enamel finish. Dread box, tea, coffee and flour cans. mi iii n ii ii mi i ii in !3!tT7 aapSSJSj .jSBT asnmmfZ3k:3m. ajans 98e Rotary Ash Sifter, $2.65 Rotary Ash Sifter Heavi ly galvanised iron; fits any barrel. I "Drexel" Reefing A pure asphalt-, and felt com-" blnatlen. Ulsp,; ft. te roll. Mstke, Gallen, $1.75 ' Asbestos Liquid , .Reef Costing, "!!2n SSJS - with each order,' 11.25 Clethes Isihets, 89c Sturdily mad of woven willow. 141 Brether, Third Fleer National Oil Steve, tH Smokeless and odorless. 11.25 White Enamel'1 Pantry Seta, 69c , Fleur. Sugar, ceffesanaisa. a wneeuna " Idiat nf f I SteiSSg : pdta pa VMxies iv re fitejfeise : Women's $.50 tes5 IS Oxferds5 Strap Pumps l lllPaI 10 A. M. Sale Brogue oxfords, plain oxfords and strap pumps in tan, patent eeltfckin and kidskin; military and dress heel?. All sizes. Jn the let. 39c Beys' $8.50 Overcoats, $5.50 Beys' $1.35 Union Suits, 98c Fancy cheviets and casstmercs; storm i:xtra heavy llcece-llned ; natural cellars. 7 te is years. rmer. $6 Blankets, $4.29 Women's $1 Silk Seft oel flnlsh; colored plaids. Size StecfeJ,,., ' , . mm m. , rashlened : black or cordovan ; mill $2 te $6 CerSCtS. $1 tO $3 ' runs. ill1 Jl'er.' HpsclaK C-B ala , Women,, $180 SteckiBf,, 59c J : ' z. I Slllr.ntul.ilinl ervir-ia uharleu mill mzh :d te iiu , Girls' $3.50 Frecks, $1.25 Gingham nnd itmmnray; bloomer stjle. SIzch 6 te 12, Girls' $10 te 9ZU f-eau, i JS J : Z?i aaamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaeaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaaaa, I sports HlmdeH ; mill Men's $4 te $5 Shoes, $1.95 Gun metal calf, patent celtskin and tan. All sizes in the let mail or phone orders filled. Ne Women's 18c te 28c Handkerchiefs . Solid color, corner embroidery sports patterns. j 10c lery and cl Women's $3.65 Union Suits Kleece-llncd. Dutch sleeve. SB.9S te $12.95 I Velours, poletones nd sports coatings 1 with fur or rieth cellars, blst'7 te II, $2.50 Heuse Dresses, $1.69 Pnlnrxil rherlc L'lncliam with Ulllte aaaaaaiaaaaaaar ,(, cenr ana etce, Sash Blld pod,. $2.29 ' "Women's $2 Pajamas, $1.49 ' , I riguted nannelette In Plllle IJurke neck ; elbow 1IMP ; cm,tC nt nnUle ; colored stitch. I int.-. H3.49 ITT HBOTHEBS .Visit Oar nrstaaranl- I .Silk-nnd-oel ; runw. Girls' $1 Bleemers, 59c , Black and uhlte sateen. Sires 6 te 1 W. Girls' $6 Raincoat Sets , , !nedfnr tan deuble texture fabric, hlzis , te Hi Children's $1 Suits, 79c ' Wnlnla :ini iinntB. KIcite lined. Men's $1.50 ShirU, 98c , , Ahe Kiny or Ichnkl outing flannel with I atiaOifd cellar. 80-siUiire percale In neat snipes, IMitef Kverrthlag at T.eweat Frlee I Men's $22.50 te $1 Q AQ I Men's $20 te $22.50 Salts, $13.41 I $25 Overeeata lJe70 With Twe Pain of Treuiers Handsome piaia-escK overceatlncu. " ,ne u-woei casaimeres ana cnev cnev Ulsters, ulitsrettes.and raglans. Quar- 'etl- Klnsle or double breasted. 'WMO Mackinaw. SB flft 6'80 Pel Ce $398 Beys $lO MaCKtnaws, 95.98 Alse reefers-fancy mUtuies nnd Plaid blanket-cloth, 7 te 18 years. chinchillas. 2H te 7 years. . Field or First Aid Belts, $1,48 i.ay"af".gST'ii"ia' a 'pj ga J S00 supplied te Medlcq) Department and Utter bearers. t Ten 'pouches containing 24 dressing iwcketa, as IS lodlne swabs, 12 gause bandages, 2 packages subllmate kuuzu, 2 packets safety pins, 1 roll udlicmhe plaster, 1 I ed -cemprcs, 1 nasi; hiii hiii menlu. " Bey Scout Axes, , Hpiii i i'illl GevrDiiiit Matteck i Picks 39c ni VBBBaaawj V ' ua B,a,atn CMC M CHAM& $5 Readyfer. $9 Qg Wear HaU . . . ,J W Kxtra special let. of ate purcnasea specially w. ".-br, iary. Splendid Quality satlnmi ..of. n. niin.and. velvet CO'V.jI nations In black and some Smart Shanes all trimmed me,y'sl.S0 Heeds, 79c A Jebber'fl ocriterl of """hJ'n, 1,'eiifidiHCcn red. 'sia!A Children's 70c n, Pole styles of wool. thou- i,I.rr,BKOTIIKRS I i-i9ky9ihTU4r r Ovr Ktw BulUlaf rk9. Btgs mm ' " ; Il'bbbbbbV. , f'-b v BBBBBBBBBBBai'iL c li&a t rBamfBfBfBfBfJttfJSjBMM i Ai,Z&k2lm' AH.-J ' f. '. ''.- ...-, k. wl'J-a V. V a.