BaBfaTgBSnSBeSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjB . JltannrafaBfBBBBBBBBBBBBBBj sBaTaSaBaTatxBinKf vSBKBBKBrWKKMmK ft iW&Tx,.Ak 'S: W?N3m Wi?mfiWF(?Jzl KYN Wk ' li'lJIJ. "iT! P ill H iffli ii Inn i ,., t.vWJW ii. ii 1 1 ri ruM SSifti VffeWlsV MMUVfMfflG&MAiM BOND ' ..- J - aTSn arm aaaa, - -- r JaaSA ..aaakaaBBaVJ evie iviairdx UBIWTV BONDS AND VICTOR NOst Ml l BlSce Beta at )im taae, IBS m ji . npi T i imfnmWfrr- r mmMl r' 'aBm&'mmsmm.mi mmmsm&mBvmumm ww: ma mmmmmmmmitmmuiimjmiwrwFtmv- rv'-vw7 rt "... -. rTTiArirr Mt-vitr aa i.f .li 4 U'AaMa'akiiava'ara;''aasste1 aaiaWv . aMirff-araaH LbIbbv wHmXTWW i aaaeBpwBtw I U'lmllll IfyllLalllV r -I."Sjia!?'afT t, iPSli('f9'Mll rt lint eflflKti tRANSACTrOW j m uuiwle ntniw ri. -, i latrv M Ij " -K- ' ' - ..aak t Baa BSafJBBSr SW SKbbbT aaBBBBBaBBV BBSB6SBJBjBfBJi W aafJa W taSJB RMTI?vH I AHflHITFS L-- tonal Transit and ieuthern Gain tubttantlalty -Ate Meters Higher , s ( New Yet. Ner. 21. ffltf Curb Market developed an Irregular ten after M opening this morning with' the ISandard Oil plp lines again active. Knthtrn Pip advanced te 106 1 Na Mil Transit mevea P,iJ. w w Ebla p De. after touching 100. eased f te 107 Standard Oil of New ark yielded about 8 points te Boe, ad the, new iteek nearly a point te tt'nielldated Gaa was up a tharp Set Ien, Rce Metera, Swift Interna nal and Tobacco Fredurts expprts ere alie higher. Hayes Wheel shaded t fW. mnm.M TiT tow 1 P.M. lUnilRMsl eeeeee fi 18 I int. Mtierp v irtltf Atre ' S&J&X '1" I mm naa rintl... Biscuit I riotlen .... nlx.Healerr .21 nleelpr 1. Si Icn.a n new.. Tel pref ard Moter ... .e adle CO! ret we Radie eref 1 t; ;; '1 IMS &outh"c'4f......:4?e ( I ft Int ........ a, 100 TechnlealPrpd . . . obaeae Pred , a &&: 100 Uni 400 u e tJTAlfDABD 0S , MO Antle-An, Buekor 40 ittrike, K imm ini tee Ntt trni ,8 85 Ohie Oil in $0 N T.Irene ... . . .808 fefre'rle 5 O....980 IOPrtJMe Plpe fog se ae 108 80S nelS 9JSh inn u 11 110 loeauni 011 Kn...e:e.. o;e 100 Bland Oil N J W I. 40M 4QN u w. ... !".. -:r. WOSraNDSMT OIUI SAO Criale Brnd 1H ion Int Patrel !) toOOKeritono JUnser . 48e is Hwneiia. ........ .Vf.. 4ZMI IOO Llrlnf iten Pt . 100 MiriCllbe OU .. 100 Mariana mis . . . OUcrrltt Oil iOOMMlOO Oil nOOjildWMt Tnu . soe Mountain Pred . tee SOi am t H 111. Sin Mutunl Ref . . . INN Jl Oil IS in-, ulnar vii Ftnnecx 011 Bait Creek Pred.. Seuth Statu Oil.. Boen man e U., 100 Turman IIOOWUCOX Oil MINING ttOOO Bes Ment . . . . 100 Be Ment Cens , 1AA fana.rln pnn . . . MOOO Candeiarla Mln , bee ueni uep m .... 800 Creilen Geld . . , 4nnil Kliraks. (rnaaua MOOO Fertuna am ntcia aiininv . , 000 lndaptnd Laad , uoe jent etar i 000 cork Provtnee ... OOOUeld eip A0O0 MOOO 1 nienmena NY 011 Hern.... iOOOOhle Copper leuu Bpoarneaq leQO Hueeeia Mln. .... 200 Tonepan ueimeni 20U Tonepan uiviee . h. TM Toneo&h S!zt . '":' . 1 seu united Eastern tnA WhI TCnrf r!an . u wnue t;apa tue 00 Yuken Oeld oae 10a '0O 3e B0KD8 4000AM Cot OllOa . .'-98H 08M 08H lennAtn usnt v s . ."" M m ffitt Vel iiy 1000 An Am 011 ins loon Arm 1C! ... 1000 Char Iren 8 .... OS SB 03 iioecrtles 8er 7a C 08 102 102 4rtAA m n Am .1 . . .101! 102 ioennaara A Ce TUl .10214 102 HSKrBRan." n .aau. .m ...108 108 1US' a.. 04 04 04 soeo inter R t Bi cue. nn lrlula Uu 7a ...10114 10H4 101 tl 4000 Det CyUae 6e ..WOH 100 100 S00Olule a 2 B 6i .. P1H OIK nt IAIIA1U.I Artma 9Ul... OK OK D.I oeo tup nerv J ii.iuii i"i '"i1 07. 97. SOOO 8 O N T 71. '81.. 100 fOOA Rwlft A Ce Be ....04 100 100 102 le 1V0O OWItC tB ! 'Oi.lVil nOIITTn Kv Hiv TUa.lOK 105 1VD 07 1000 Sua Ha Orlante 7a 97 97 rORElON BONDS Ml 101 Of itOO Araantlna 7a 00 90 99 03 tin 11 16 tOOOOKInx et Neth 9e. 95 6000 Klnc of 8erbe 8e. . 00 . soeo v rL.ti 1 1 li 68V 11V lOoueMrx Gevt 6s 10 eOOOMfr. Qevt Oi 03 18. 53 63 LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS Pit Ittebursh, Nev. 21. 11008 Receipt., Healee. tS.l.lOH.SS! 1800 head. Steady. Btaiy ierlMri. 1H.40OS.B0: llnht yerkrra nnV Vlfl. n.nenj'B.tJO. . SHEEP AND LAMBS-t-Recelrts. 800 head. Btrady. Nherp. 18.28; lambs. 113.10. CALJT.B Recetpte. 1BU head. Lewer. FtNANriAt.' NOnCB OF REDEMPTION OF GENERAL ASPHALT COMPANY i I9tp, and. railed for Redrmntleii en uerrniber 1. 1912, IjOTICa IH 11UREBT GIVEN that Bank- era Truit CemniM. aa TfiiatM unria. m eertain Truit Asreement with Qeneral Asphalt. Cem: ipnrgr. dated December 1. 1030, for . payment en December 1, Me calle ;i i t IV. XI3, at.-""l. I'ljlee of Bankere iKere' Truat cam. ?.!''.. iD .wan straei. we.w. Tork niiy. eu.uuu. prineiDai amount ei if benda of the t the tarn value above lieue at. 103 per cent el l..-t"",i ',Jler with accrued Interest en fuch principal amount te December 1. 1022. The number of th benda drawn by let nnve been and called 1.W k& ,.a....AK wr im purpeis of the Slnklnv Fund, : inv pu follewa ONE .HUNDRED DOLUVR BONDS A-302 A.228 T.eiX X!i -i??2 A-isoe -"". - A'tiia .Q7J eldvn of the bends abevs mvectfimA ' Li RSrcby rmtiuirmA tn .,. ir ..Lir 5- t11ll4 4 a,...... iL ' ... ITT -T SJnt en said Orst viir it 'Dec emhl'r iBt. L 'Vi1 .'?'.'. ?' Bankers1 Truit Company. V... iii.wfc wiu ccaaa in ee payaeie Ki7?ti.Alf oenOeeo preeented muit be Hi Sam'Sl' V""1."""". th, coupon die saffiKS5'..t.1-'hJ,8 '" sueiegueat fC.Il V.-"S!' vaiati iiuveni November 14. 192 -Ksr,s..'sra,.',ss,' east .riai! Ireierves. (be. rich arnc te Miewav i&raRK wbeli-M fiwr ' "r TBU8T COHPANT. aw v v.. (WWNpip. jr.. 'a 'lilt. "' Mew Terk. November I enaulna year. By order efthe Beard of Directors. umah. e. mupqe, Secretary. BpeeUI MeHlaa "AT A SPECIAL MRBTINO OF THE B?hu'7il M V8Sm&1GgJ&, ft lis i in eta. no ilen of n motion unas BMdie waa iplred tares, ft 8 !i8 m "I 8 m J - H I .1T -.!! ion 110 i v f 4 Hk 1AU ll :e 42e 43e en B7P Sn 04 BM BU I ii ii V Oil .... , ,M " '. SXi iA" 1 k.m;,::h hs m saH ai. 2UB 2UB SO ( .ft 480 48e 881 , 351 41K 41H 111 nV$ JTe TTe ,. 88a 3X0 flze ..IT 17 , IT., . 11H IIS ! .. 1B 10H v ii in tie Hi 84e ift 8 it . , 80 Se ,80 :' & .. SSe 84e 880. :: 58 I & , . 2l)0 20(3 28c !! 880 8Sc 880 6a Se 00 190 lBe 100 lie lie lle 20a 2e 26e 2e 2a .20 83e 83a 83a Oc 6a no 40c 48c. 4Be. l A 1 a l A Im 01tB MOU8A3St'W"'A' bends Ui iH lttH -'BOO 8479 HI 5?3 lS8 2600 BBB7 lit S iiJS SJiS T i?i 055 166 soie seui !!. SI 1748 8026 8804 I I i i mmmmm BJfK sr DeMBber. 1989. for the eali te It el sTOnum76,d.fflfte?d' ttwA3,,N?S au i " Msetlawa las THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LISTS .ANNSd.MPTV4ll' .PrirM Bw the alaotlen of turalva rflir. .. .i! ha .V. in. ,lrt.3,1 '! uuivv, tte. iiv seu l&WPala. Pal. the raslnai Lv" er as secretary waa e S51!'B?c5"Pt'. WllliaA 1 ""Jd Secretary far tne uae: m&m iatrk. I Jr Apr. " taALBB IN 110001 itmsieN BWPi Anten Jerfeaii V Mara w as De Caa as 'I! IK Sweden 8s 10 as .1.... iea it.....' Ti t Tl Arte Rep's De Can Bs'SIIParle-Lyens M IB 88 .1 tl IKsale) 88 nairy is ...... 98 t Be s 4 a a lBe mm IB 2 71 .... ItOU 4.... 108 78 78 ;,$ 78 71 4 98 t IStk 4 00 i.i.. 100M 4.... 100? CWntee Oevs't Dera Rep'e Bs , 4 PR Dem Rev B4s H-Kruyes a Bitt 1 62tt 72 r. .... 87 Duteh B Ind's Queensland 7s City Bern se I.... 108 B.... 108 ets as .'47 1..V.. 88 7 08 Republic Beli S. .. 1084 City of Bergen via as 94 2 04 a 04 bs rots Dutch B Ind's .... 108U eta as ' 8 08 8.... 10BU IR Chile BS '41 unr ei enris 4 81 4.... 101 tianaas 1.... 10BM Fram'n Xndust at Chile Bs '4i t.:". a.... 101 City et Copen R Cuba Bs '04 naatn SHs a te la a s a a Hi 18..'... 98 B 08 Oevs't Fresch 9..... ten Rev 7e rets Rep'e ef Haiti city ureaier Pracue BHs 0... . 04 l 04 os wi It 06 1 00 4 06 B 90 1 74 H City Lyen 8.,... 04 2 04 40 04 B 84 9 94 .;... 7su Cty Rie de Jan Rep's ef Uru- nerle Bs '48 !.... 08 Busy as 3.... 104 9.... 104 Oeve't French 3 0BH 4..... 04 1 041.4 Repub lle Be 4 98 3 08 Swlts Cen 8s 1.... 117 Cty Rie de Ja-I n'e et 8s '47 4 08 2 98 1 98 U K Ort Brit 3 1 BHS'W 10.... 110 19.... 110 0.... 110 1.... 110 i.... iie4 10 110 06U City of Bete. Helland.Anvn sons as 8 77 1 77U UueBs 4..... BS K Belsium Oel 8 77H B 90 a it City Tokje bs 1 CO K Bett'm 7s U K Or't Brit I.... 101 B.... 101 1.... 101U X 8e 'ST 1.... 103 City Zurich 8s U n Brssli 7s 8.... Ill CMone.atovak Rep'e as 1 00 K Belgium nei 9 86 1..... 87 3 86 B 86 9 101 Klncdem Den mark et 8s 1 90H A.... 108 lUn'd 8 Brasll Denmark con et 1) 8a 8.... 107 a..., ioe 1.... 109 0 00 T(sale) 90 K et Nether Dept Seine 7s 2 88 8 88 14..... 85 1 88 lands as wi V 8 Brasll 8s 0 93 0 DSH 8 98 1 08 1 98 11 DM 12 08 4.'.... 03 B 98 De Can Bs '2(1 U S Moxleo 4s 1 0D Klncdem Ner 8 (flat) 87 fi (flat) 87 1 00 8 00 , De can Bs '28 1.... 100 way ea wl 10 00 U 8 Mexico Bs Klncdem Ner 1 49 way ct Bs n.... 110 U 8 Steam 8 8.... 100 Ce Cep et Bs 3 90 B.... 100 DOMESTIC BONDS j a Ce vent' t bait A Ohie Si 1.,.. 87 87 ev Bs 02 02 92 92 4arets western 8 s 2.... 10.. 00.50 0 01 1 Dl C A O 4.. 18. . 8.. 16.. 3.. 10.. 1 4 0 1 8 6 00.40 00.48 D0.48 B & O Tel 40 2 03 B Steel fd Be 00.80 2 02 92 02 93 00.40 4 93 Bethle'm steel 8 Amr Acrlcut Chem Bs 3 D7tt American ACT Chera7s, 1.... 108 Amer Smlt A Bs of '88 Chi A Alt'n' 8s B 91 2 Bt 2 62 Beth Steel ee 8 98 1 08 1 08 Chi A Alt 8s Ii 28 20 28 1..1.. 26 Brier H Steel Ret Bs l....J91. 3 02 B 02 1 92 Ce BUS wl Chi B A Q Bs ..? U ' Z..... PO' .a 99 Bkn Edl Ce Bel 6 08 2 08 Chtcace A E'n American sue Reflnlna Bs 8.... 101 ft.... 101 Us Bs '81 3 79 Bkn Edl D 7s 4.... 108 1.... 108 Chi Mil A Pet Sound 4s 2..... 60 fl(salc) 101 Bkn Edl rr Ta 2. 3. 0. ler 8 8B, Chlcace Mil A 101 8 80 St P sen 4s 3 78 102 102 ie: 103 1 8TH 3.. 1.. 8.. 1.. Bkn Rap Tran Chlcace Mil A ct 7a at'd St P 4s '34 10 00 2 83 0..... 83 101 tehlcace Mil A Am Tel Tel Bkn V Oas 6s StP CV 4HS 2 67 8 68 1 67 clt 4s B 01 1.... 108 Dkn V Oas 7s A Tel Tel Bs 4.... 103 1 00 Bush Ter-t Bs Chleare Mil A 1 0H 1 88 StP fd 4S 1 61 U 02 i 1 62 1 96 4 86 1 00 Bush Terminal A Tel Tel 6s B Bs I .... 02 1.... no Armour 4s 1 00 4 00 Chi Reek I A Callfa Oat A Pae fd 4s 4 81 b 83 2 82 14 83 Elee Bs 2 08 Armour Ce 4s Csnad'n Nth'n 3 88 6s rets Atch Tep A S I.... 110 Chlcace Union Fe 4e Canadl'n N 7s 8ta 4s 1 90 1 00 1 88 2 88 78 88 Atl'e Ret'B Bs A.... Ill 6.... 110 1.... 110 Chlcace A Wn Can'an Pan. 4s Indiana 4s 2. ... 72 0 08 1 70 1 70 1 08 Chile Cep'r 6s 7 68- 4 08 Canada 8'n Be Bait A Ohie 4S B OB 8 PA 17 03 2 93 1 81 Canada Steam B AOev4s Ship Ltd 7a . 1 80 10 81 B 81 1 93 Chlls Cep'r 7s 1 DO 7(aale) OS 8.. 110 10.. 1.. 0.. 10.. 18.. 111 UOVl 111 111 111 .1 80 Bait Ohie 6s Ct'l of Oa 6s 8.... 100 1 84 Ctl Poe 1st Bs 10 84 8 8B 8 8BU 1 88 12. 119 Bait Ohie 8i Cere de Paa'e; C N T 4s '87 2.... 100 Cep'r as 8.... 128 1 ttt B A OP L E CI'd Cln Ohl A A W Va 40 10.... 130 Bt Le Oa 3.... 101 1.... 101 3 78 C AO ev4s 2 87 SKREPrllRS We ara quipped te tie ta work at your plant ant! ear you lh spans of long tttMip. Phene Wal. 1814 aad Mala B444 ROOFER'S WOOD Cord Weed Selected Fireplace Weed Wholesale Only ROGER H. CLAPP k CO. Arelnaera. PtV. sr Staaaay Beat, - - TT- " t--i .a, .aala , isst surest HEK-ER I ToHeidcnief Dillen. Read & Ce. Interim Receipts for The Electric Aute-Lite Company First Mortgage 10-Year 7H SlnUng Fund Geld Bends Due July 1,1132 DtjfitiitiTe Bends of the sbrj ttctm Rscelpta at the efflcs of Central Union Trust Company of New Yerk. SO Braedvey, New Yerk City, en end after November 22nd, 1M2. Dillen, Reads! Ce, ' -ft X t ff tMi4ftd t'ttttf eteite eett t t t ' ;i: tawjW--.::::: '.kit -wu ::J:: f if wiViJS!P '" ': 'w.Mf 'ivui :..:. r 9d mr 4tfi. MflitirM I . rt I? ,1M $ iry 4s, rtelittred" .'.'.' H"8 t.... 18IU 0.... 181 Clevel'd Union Tsrm'l BHs,, 1.... 108 Cel xadafl 6s 4.. ..i 77 B..... 74 S 74 1.... its N Tk W O fnterbore Rap Best 4e 4 46 Tran fd ct Jl 78 N Falls P Os BO 71 7 78 B ' 78 B 78 6 78 B 78 .l.....I09 N A Bdl'n Ce Cole 8 4l 1 8V4 1 .... SS't Columbia O A ee rots 1....I 08 1..... 98 N Paclfle at as Slee let Bs Interbere Rap 1 61 1 61 9 81 B 96 Tran os wl 7 78 .1... 00 Cem Asaearea Intercom Rap N Pae II 4s Paranua 7s Tran 7s wl S 98 10 96 10 06 IB 96 9 98 7 98 3 BT 1 96 8 oe Common wta'h Power 6s 8 80 1.... . 88 N Pacific R 6s 1.... 107 North Wsst'n Bell Tel 7s 3.... 107 6.... 107 4.... 147 Cen'd Ceal Ce ef Md Be 1 88 4 88 Crown Cerk A, Intel A Oreal N'n al 8s wl 1 Bit. B Bl Ore A Calif Be 9.... 100 Seal Bs 11 )t I M Marine as Ore-W R R A 19 04 1 94 le 1 1 e aSvfrf 1 89 3 89 10 89 Nan ce as Be e e e 8 B 80 Cuba Ce Bea Otis steel 7 s or is 1 86 Int'l Pap b Be rots 4...:. 93 8 98 Cuba Ce 3uc 3..... 88 8 80 sa sta'd 2 80 i sn 10 80 1 88 4 80 Iowa Csnt'l 4i Oils Stssl s 3 88 1 90 1.... 100 Julius Kayser A Ce 7s rets 1 78 Paclfle Oas A Elee Bs, , 9 Bl'i 3 80 Cuba n Rd Bsl 4 M Cuba Rd 7 6 Kan C A S 8s 1 60 Paclqe Tel A Keokuk A Des Tel fd Bs B 91 3 91 1 01 3 91 1 90 i ai Moines Bs x.... 104 l niu a.... 104 4 01 D A H fd etfa Laaka'a Steel 1 RTw Bs of '83 Den A R O ie 1. ... 47 D A R O fd ct 1 MTU 1 99 Lacka'a Steel Packard Meter Bs of '60 Car Ce Be 1.... 107 7(sals) 107 1.... 107 T(sale) 107 1.... 107 3.... 107 1 90 9 00 Den A R O 4ii 1 74 Det Edl 6a '40 4 BR Lacl'e Oaa Be 2 01 Det Edl Ce fit 8.... ieiu Lake Shere M B'n 4s '38 Pan-A,Petr'm B(sale) 101 8.... 102 1.... 1021, Det U n 4e 6 08 1 03 A T Ce Bs 1.... 103 Lake Shere M S'n 4s '81 Pa R am 4s 12 01 1 91 1 90 1 8(1 D Match 7 a Lehigh Val 6s Penna R R Bs I.... 107 10.... 106 D de Nemoure Lex A E'n Bs 1 oe 10 00 Fwdr 7s 1 07 Penna Rd 6s 1.... 107 L A Myers Bs 8.... 107 1.... 107 B OS 3.... 109 1.... 100 1.... 100 Penna R R 7s 1.... 109 L A Myers 7s Duil Llcht 6s 3.... 117 4.... 102 La A N W Be 1.... 102 1 77 Man EleVd 4 Pee Oas Llcht PUQ laTI TS 1.... 10T 2 62 A Coke 6s 3.... 107 Eastern Cuba Manitoba 8 W Buxar 7 He Cells'n Bs '46 Pece Cell 6a 2 04 1 07 4 92 lllldvale atel A intnat) 04 IB (flat) 04 Phllad'a Cem Ord'e Ba 6 (flat) 88 1 88 1 88 pany fd 6s S 09 3..... 00 Empire Oas A Fuel Ts 3 08 Produe A R 81 4 08 M StP A 0 Btel 7.... 108 3.... 108 0.... 100 3.1.. 107 4 88 Marie 4s ' 0..... 03 0 88 IS 04 8 04 M K A Tsx 4s 1 81 Produeera A R Erie Oenl Lien Me Kan Tex ward 8s 1.... 117 3.... 117 4 48 a) Bs wl 1 40 8 46 1 1 80 80 Pub Ssrv Cerp 7 40 1 46 4 8 7 10 18 80 60 89 89 69 n joreey bs 1 , 88 4 88 S 40 Erie RR cv A ,Punta Allegre 10 44 Erie RR ev B sugar is Me Kan Tax 1.. 2.. 104 104 104 104 108 "4 B 44 Bs A wl 8 88 Erie RR ev D I... St.. 16... 2... 1 40 He Kan A Tel Erie R Ce 4e ? 87 6a C wl .1 96 B 07 2 BT Me PaciAe 4s 3.... 100 6 63T4 Reading Ce 4a Flsk Rub'r Ce Me Pae Bs '68 2 88 Be rets 1 SB Rem Arms 8s 6.... 104 8.... 104 Me Paclfle 6s 3 94 Francisce Sue 3 90 1 98 B 08 6(sale) 88 Rie Grande A W'n clt 4s 1 60 7 a cv 1...'. 101 Reck Il'd A A Oene'I Else Bs 3.... 100 8 68 Leul'a 4a 1 80 3 60 Oene'I Elee 6s Mobile A Ohie 1.... 108 New Os 1.... 184 StL I Mt A 8 1.... 10B Goedrich B PI Ment'a Pwr 8s R A O dlv 4s 6s rets 1.... 101 8 66 3 88 1 83 8 88 8 88 9 84' New Ensd Tel 1.... 101 1.... 100 A Tel Bs -8....i 97 2 08 2 97 7(sale) 70 Goodyear Tirel StL A 8 ran A Rub'r '81 adj 6s T 76 StL A 8 Fran In 6s 6 62 S 02 1 02 1 9T 6 9T New Or Tsx A Mexico 6s Ooedyear Tire 1.... 100U A Rub'r '41 Ksale) 110 N T Ct'l 4s 1 86 7.... 118 4.... 113 N T Cent' I 5i 10 03 1 98 StL A S Fran Ord Trunk of Berlea A 4a 8 70 3 70. 3 70 8 70 2 70 StL A 8 Fran Series 11 Ba 3 80 8 86 1 66 Can Os rets 1.... 108 a..... 00 4V.,.. 08 8.... 102 D OBK Cfl-'d Trunk ef N T Cent' I 6s Canada 7s 10.... 104 3.... 104 !.... 110 uray as uavis Ine 7s 1 08 N T Chi 81 beuis a 4s 1 87 1 aTli Orsat North's Kall'y 6s IN Terk Bdl'n StL A 8 Fran 5.... 100 es rets Berlea C 6s 8,... 100 8.... 100 Great North' nl 1.... 109 Rairy 7s N Tk Light Hi 3.... .109 rower ee 3 81 StL A S Fran arson Bay Weet'n B Berlee D 8s 1 04 N Tk Llcht H 11 A rower Bs 1 ea StL Swn en 4a Hersney Cho colate co 8s 10 98 1 77 New T N H A St L Sew'n Ba Hart'd 6s 1 78 Bs e a T5 4 78 1 70 1 70 li 1 98U Hudsen A Man St P'l A K C Irt adj Bs IB E0 1 69 9 88 Short L 4e 1 79 8 78 New Tork O A West'n 4s a 70 a 70 S Air L fd 4S Hudsen A Man 8 80 1 88 fd BS B 81 N Tk Rlys 4s B S3 Boabe'd Air L 1 88 N T RTs ct 4i ata'd 4s It e e 00 9 86 1 88 0 81 2.... 83 Humble Oil A Rsra bs 9 98 N T Rys ct Be S Air L aj Bs 10 B'i'l 1 32 Ills Csn'l 8s N T Steam fli 8eab'd A L Ue 3.... 100 1 97 4 Tk Susq A Wn fd Bs 1 64 6 01 12 63 1 63 1 68 1.... 100 Indl'a Steel Be 1 9 intsroere Met ct 4s a ii New Tork Tel Sinclair C Oil 6s of '41 1.... 104 1.... 104 a.... 104 1..., 104 1.... 104 Cerp 7s rets 9.... 100 9.... 100 1.... 100 I.... 100 16.... 100 1.... 100 nterbere Rap rrsa id Os 8...... T4 !..... 78 ...... T4 Nsw Tork Tel iitaaw) T4H OS of '19 9..,, 108 Sinclair Crude 1 74 10 74 OPCe 6s ? 07 08.08 08.40 98,64 .'.'.'..' .'.'.'"!.'! lotlea. loeioe ioeiN '.'.'' I t8 8 07 Sinclair C Oil Oe a a e liitM e e a aa 8.... 1 e t e a le a a a a T M 98 91 98 ft ..5 cerp'n 7 a 8.... lea Sinclair Pipe una coot Steel Tabs Ce llllH St a t f e 8? et Am'a 7s 4.... iei 89 89 eau 69 89 89 69 89 ! e e e lO.t.e, ale e a a a s sff a set Ot e e e e Ot e e s Third A ret 4s i..... aa Va-c Vhemev Third A adj 8s 7s ways 1 S a...;, bb 10 68 Va Rwy Ce Sa Tolsde Trac tien Ce 6s Ksale) SOU 96 90 Va A S Wn en S Bell Tet Bs Union Electric 2 st" 1 94 BS of '82 1 oeu Wsmsr Sugdr Beeth csrel'a Rsfa 8a. t a.... ies A Oa 1st 0.... 100 Union Pae 4s 4 03 1 '02 4 03 1 0814 West'n MS 4s is Pae eel 4s S 68 1 84 a 88 a 88H W Pae let Be 1 81 Union Tank-C West Shere 4a 0. .. . . 88 fl.l... 88 U cemp'y 7s 7.... iei '9 as W Union 6s Sa Fae ev 4s Unt'd Fuel A 1.... 100 4 90 18 90 8 90 eas 6s 4 07U Weetlnghs's A Mfg 7B 1.... 107 8.... 197 4.... 107 U 8 Rub'r Be v ei 10 87 ? 87 1 7 1 87 9...... 91 I ,91 Wlekwe Spat e wi 8 01 Steel Te, l...r. 97 U 8 Rub 7s 4 91U .... ies Wilsen Cem B 91U United States pany cv Ba B 04 sn Fae fd 4s steel Bs 83 B an 1.... 102 Wilsen Cem ... 102 8.... 103 7(sals) 103 3..,. 102 pany 1st 6s 1.... 100 1.... 100 Sa Railway 4a s 66 l...;. 6 Wilsen Cem Sa Railway 6s .1 98 Sn Rall'y fl( 13.... 101 B.... 101 5.... 101U 1.... 101 9,... 101 I.... -102 19.... 102 80.... 100U pany 7s . a..,. 104 8.... 104 VaO a let St Wlacen Ct'l 4s 1 08 a Bi ...a .... ... .... Ve-0 Chet 7s i..... e S "4 News for Investors MeOrery Stores stockholders have voted te i incrense the common eteck from $7,000,000 te $10,000,000. SrTJuL transactions en the Chicago Stock Exchanae this year te date at; sregate T,840,000 shares, nearly 8,600,. 000 mere than a year age. , Dnnlel J. McCruddrn has been elect-1 ed vlce president of the Excelsior Trust Company. He Is president of the Mc Mc Cleskey Varnish Company. The average price of the twenty .ac tive industrial stocks advanced .40 per cent yesterday, te 05.82, while the twenty raii-etds advanced .01 per cent, te 80.11. Nestle'e Milk Company baa decided te reduce capital te 80,000,000 Swiss . ncl bJkwrl,t,,n down the &ce value of 400,000 ordinary shares from 400 te 200 franca each. Tha American Cotten Oil Company's report for the year ended August '81 shows a, deficit of $2,470,800, after charges and taxes, compared with a deficit of $2,084,512 the prevleua year" The Pjggly-Wiggly Eastern Corpora tion, with stores in Newark and sub urbs, failed yesterday following failure of the parent concern in New Yerk. The liabilities were stated as mere than $1. ,000,000, 'with assets of. $25,000. Payment of a 200 nr rant atnv ui. dend has been voted by stockholders of tne cannon Manufacturing Company cotton mills, at Kannapells, N. C. An increase of capital stock from $8,600, 000 te $10,000,500 and te reduce the par value from $100 te $10 a share, also waa voted. Steel men expect Bethlehem Steel Corporation te acquire plants of Mid vale Steel and Ordnance, ctatmlng ne gotiations with this end in view are new under way. Bethlehem officials denied rumors of amalgamation after directors- meeting, a month age, but it is believed that the situation has since changed. Tha Mvnillrntit heniTcil hv 7tlal Jt. ft. Inc., which purchased $23,000,000 tvinguem ei ine seres, ureates and Slo venes 8 per cent bends and offered them at 05 te yield 8.40 per cent, has been dissolved. The bends broke te the new low .price of 08 and closed 'at 00. as compared with the low last week of 74. The Exchange Buffet Corporation re ports for six months ended October 81 net Profit $274,324 after denreelnHnn and Federal taxes. Consolidated income account loiiewa: uress profits $300, 218; depreciation and Federal tax. $85,804: net profits, $274,324; divi dends, $2.17,010; surplus. $36,705; profit and lese surplus $350,888. The Turman OU, n Middle States subsidiary, reports for the quarter ended September 80 gross earnings of $408.- 874. expenses of $72,024, dividends paia ei su,43U, and a balance of $00,- aiu. in tne previous quarter gross was $647,104. and the balance after dividends $260,774. The falling off In earnings waa attributed te lower prices ler en. The stockholders of the Fidelity-Gas. uaUy Company of New Yerk, at s spe cial meeting, ratified a preposition te Increase the capital stock of the com pany from $2,000,000 te $4,000,000, and te reduce the par value of the en tire capital ateck from $100 te $26. Un der the new plan the capital ateck will consist of 160,000 shares of $25 par value. Intervening stockholders of tha Em pire Transportation and Oil Company, who recently lest their counter action In tha Federal Court in Richmond, Va., a ui suit ei ine tjiiies ruei ana rower uempany against ue empire Uempany, have been granted an appeal by United otnies uircuic ueurt ex Appeals there, Approximately $4,600,000 in Involved In the ault. Edward B. Smith & Ce. and Tucker. Bartholemew d Ce. are offering $1. 600,000 England, Walten ft Ce,, inc., first mortgage twenty-year sinking fund 0 per cent geld bends, dated December 1, 1022, at 08 te yield mere than 6.15 per cent. England, Walten ft Ce., Inc., ara large tanners of oak baiting butta for the manufacture of power transmission belting and large predne ara of high-grade oak and taxied sole leather. Purcbaaea of war obligations by tha United Statea for sinking fund ac count In tha first half of November to taled $23,020,000, against $12,016,800 for the same period in 1021, and for the fiscal year te date total $130,016,700. against $151,272,000 In 1021. The bulk was applied te buying in Victory notes as retirement by Issues In tha first sixteen daa of November, aa follewa: Second Liberty lean, $115,200 ; eXlrd lean, $101,060; Fourth lean, $46,800. and Victory notes, $86,004,050. ' With payment of the second Install ment of $60,000,000 interest by Great Britain en November 15, total Interest received by the United Statea in the first half of the' month totals $50,610. . 000, against $1,407,507 In t'iama period of 1021, and for the fiscal year te data $114,000,020, against $18,174?. 634 In 1021, Of the total, Great Britain baa paid mera than $100,000,000. Pay. menta en account of principal thia fiaeal year total $617,878, agalnat $460,500 In the same period of 1021. TWew - SAR tlLVSR d."!!! WMr f- toettish Radleals, Deur and Grim, Htsady te Wage "mashing Fight LIVELY SESSION FORECAST Bw Aiteeiaiid Vu MacDenaM today waa elected leader of Parliamentary writers believe .th new Heuse of Commeha will bs .livelier than its nrriieriianra. and. that th en- position, which will apparently be fur nished by the Laberltea, will be keener and mere aggressive. ,. inscussing incidents nml scenes at tendant u Den th( nnenlnc of the session yesterday, the correspondents call at tentien te. tne challenging spirit wmtn the rAdlcnl T.Bberlta from the Clyde district seem te have brought with them. The ejaculation, "We will smash all etlla." aliAiitajl Im IimaiI Mrtfiftlal. BMianl fby one of the Laber members at the conclusion or tne time-nonered cere monies, Is considered significant. These Lnberltes are described by some writers as "grim, stern -set men," te whom the Scottish word dour seems specially applicable, and they are cred ited with the intention et injecting a bit of ginger Inte their party. The pmnpept of Increased keenness of debnte, due tn tha importation of new and young bleed, is welcomed In nil parts of the Heuse, mid the preiHctlen of liveliness is bned mulnly en the accession of debating ability te the ranks of labor. The attitude of some of the Lnberltes, as weH'nn of several et their English comrades, toward the old-time formali ties of the opening day, is suggestive of defiance and a deslre te "smash." but the mere radical among thorn will have at their sides a large number of old par liamentary hands of their only party, who, although yielding "te none in keen advocacy or tne party a aims, appre ciate that violent lisrte often defeats a purpose, and are quietly content te acquiesce in pnruaineniary conventions. SCHOOL HEARING DELAYED ,. CsBttewn-Tredyffrlir 8ult Cemes Up en December 11 West Chester, Nev. 21. There was no hearing in court yesterday In the Easttewn Tredyffrln Scheel Beard matter, although the day had been fixed for filing an answer te an application for a rule upon David Whltwerth and Samuel W. Tener te show cause why they should net be dismissed from the beard for alleged failure te comply with the State school cede and alleged fail ure te perform their duties. Because of the absence of counsel for the de fendants the time for riling an answer was extended and the matter will come before the court for argument en De cember 11. The affair developed follewlna the defeat for a place en the Scheel Beard at the last election of Chnrles M. Lea by Samuel W. Tener. Friends of Lea sought te have Tener and Whltwerth dismissed. At the election. Lea was snowed under. The complaint it signed by Charles M. Lea, A. Edward- Brin ten, Charles W. Bailey, Mrs. Eleaner B. Cnssatt, R. W. Riddle, Helen M. Dingee, T. Truxtun Hare, Stevens Heckscher, Rebert Le BeutiUler and J. R. Tindle. '' i . ii . i i. i TWO SAILORS STABBED AS SHIP'S CREW MUTINIES Liquor Causae Fight en Veasel Off California Ceaat San Francisce, Nev. 21. (By A. P.) Twe men were injured, probably seri ously, last night, when the deck crew et the steam schooner Jacinto, bound from this nert te Grays Harber. Wash., mutinied seen after the vessel cleared the Gelden Gate. Captain Werteman and his officers forced the mutineers into the forecastle and subdued them. Twe members of the crew were stabbed by shipmates in the rioting incident te the mutiny. Twe ether crew members were placed in iron and the veasel sailed back te San Fran Fran ciseo with its police flag flying. Six members of the crew were arrested and Captain Werteman said charges of mu tiny en 'the high Bens would be placed against them. The cause of the mutiny was liquor, according te ship's officers. VOICES DARWINISM DOUBT EX'Presldent of Princeton Talks te Presbyterian Paatera Several hundred Presbyterian minis ters and elders and their wives heard the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Patten, ex president of Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary, give the first of a series et five lectures last evening in Calvary Presbyterian Church, Locust above Fifteenth street. Dr. Patten spoke en "The Fact of Meral Obllgatlonr-De We Have It?" Speaking of the Darwinian doctrine, Dr. Patten declared it "was never meant by its discoverer te cover the genesis of moral Ideas," being intended te apply te the physical structure of animals. Dr. Patten added that men are net as satisfied as they used te be "that the Darwinian theory of the origin of species is the true theory." Scientific opinion, he said, is divided between three theories, and since there is no universal acceptance of Darwin's theory it Is net unfair te call it "an untrue hypetheaia." Dr. Patten will speak In Calvary Church every evening thia week except Saturday. FIRE MENACES 8TEEL PLANT Pittsburgh, Nev. 21. TJhe plant of the Dunuesne Steel Foundry Company at Kendall was threatened with de struction last night by fire which was sweeping through one of the large buildings. Fire companies from five adjoining villages were assisting the local department. Officials of tha com pany said the less would net ba less than $230,000. Anthracite in Sealed Cars te Prevent Theft ANTHRACITE is being shipped te Middle-Western and West ern cities in sealed box ears, in stead of open cara. " "Thia is necessary," E. D. Hil lersy, freight traffic manager of the Philadelphia and Reading Railway, said yesterday, "te aa aure full shipments reaching des tinations." Otherwise, he added, the cars would arrive with about one-half the original shipment, after passing through communi ties where there is a shortage of coal. A , - I i !. ! .ilian SJI ! 'I THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NEELT Whiffle writes; "Frequently, In Chicago, I lind my dinner at one of these faat-dUnppenrIng German res taurante where every one knew every ens else and remained after dinner te atoeke and chat or te plnyvcards-an eating place with club privileges. The jovial cook was hostess and, frying folk tn ber ample hand, would ecstatically welcome each mere or less Bohemian group as they arrived. "The kltchrn was In one corner, the bar in another and about the walls hung nlnrnrd-t of 'frrsii shrimp- ami -cxira thick stenk.' lint strangely there were ahie many peBtcrx of Mia Lee. This waa puzzling; for wliyV What was the bidden ronmnce which linked elderly. Mr. Anrtel with Ltla Lee; what motive made an old-fashioned restaurateur hang a young actress vplcture all about his walls? One did net aisk one deesn t ask such things. "Then one tiny there was great fes tivity Augusta, his daughter, was lu tow- and when she came Augusta was Llla Lee! "I could glve some 'terribly Intimate' glimpses of HtiiKi' und movie folks I have seen, nut i rcirnin hucu is wmi t "But I de lPiiiciiibcr D. W. Griffith violently protesting ugulnst decapita tion ut the hands of a barber injils one time home town Lagrange, Ky. and one day I Inadvertently (It was In an elevator) kicked Thcda Bnra in the shins the favorite sport, figuratively, et columnists. "Clara Kimball Yeung once told me that during 'personal appearances she felt an almost uncontrollable desire te de 'tricks' 'show poedlelsm' was1 such a dull experience. . "Ttiarn Im a memory OI - GOrCtn Hughes In a Broadway after-theatre eating place, very much himself en, very raueh-and using the pulmoter en a cafe, then dying, new dead, and net long age 1 sew Kodelph Valentine en ... f. . m italaAH a- T I'nrK evenue wearing a uni-uwu. . "There was Kthcl Bnrrymere In Rittenhouse Square se familiar but of baffling Identity, nnd Valeska Surrutt en Brend street currying h mysterious k..n.ii mniuii iii an Italian news- UUIIUIV .m, ,.... ... - paper. Once in it pince e euu street (famous for snapper stew) was David Wnrtield enting corned 'beef una cabbnge his Thursday custom and looking like old Peter Grim h mself, and once I saw the Glshes in a Chest nut street sweet shop looking and act ing like products, Lillian a French bon bon and Dorethy n stiek of peppermint. "I remember Jeseph HcbUdkraut run ning madly through City Ha 1 Square waving bis 'LHlem white arms' in much excitement he carelet-sly never mnde them up you knew. ' "On certain nights thcre is great festivity at n local 'wheat enkery in the heart of the town where often a half dozen persons' whose names have been mentioned In motion-picture columns may be found after 11 e clock nnd here many 'glimpses' might be col lected." (Yes, but what for? These people have te be bomewherc. don't they? Why collect 'em? But jeu have been for tunate, haven't you? Imagine I Kick ing Theda Bara in the shins I But I suppose you didn't dare knock 'N aleska Surratt's bundle from under her arm for fear of being cut by the broken glass. Come again.) e Twe divorce notes of interest te Let ter Bex readers arc chronicled In one of the professional papers. Herbert Rawlinson was ftranted a divorce In Les Angeles November 8 from his wife, who is known in the theat rical world as Reberta Arneld. Mr. Rawlinson stated they were married in January, 1012, nnd bis wife .left him In November, 1010. Jackie Saunders, picture actress, filed suit for divorce in Les Angeles Novem ber 2 from E. D. Herkelmer, producer, charging desertion. ,,,,., , , Miss Saunders is a Philadelphia girl, born here in 1893 and educated in St. Jeseph's Convent. She is net only quite a successful actress but has writ ten a number of scenarios. She started her professional life with Dawsen's Dancing Dells before going into pic tures. . And, speaking of divorces, I mny also chronicle the marriage of Vincent Celeman nnd Miss Marjerle Grant. Cole Cele man was pleying in Chicago about eighteen months nge. when he was first introduced te Miss Grant, whose home is in the Windy City. Miss Grant was one of the leading lights In Ed V ynn's "Perfect Foel" company, which she will leave te go te New Yerk with her husband. Celeman was seen here this season en the stage in "Up the Lad der." You've seen him en the screen with Mae Murray, Cerlnne Griffith, Cennie Tolmedge, Constance IUnney, Madge Kennedy, Alice Brady and a deaen ethers. e e M. E. B. writes from Bosten: "I've been hoping for discussions en "Te Have and te Held' and 'Clarence. The former dlannneinted me erently story and actors quite overwhelmed by trap pings. 'Clarence,' en the contrary, was a joy much better than I thought It could possibly be. However. I wonder if many except experts will appreciate the difficulties, and bow remarkably they were overcome by William De Mllla and his splendid cast. Probably the fans won't like it becauae it has no punch and Wally doesn't leek pretty. "Just the same, he does a remark able piece et work; hia Clarence Is as skillful aa anything 1 have seen In a long time consistently developed and dellcntely shaded. The uhole picture was beautifully acted, nnd refreshingly free from exaggerations nnd mnvieisms. I saw it three times, nnd with greater pleasure each time. (In New Yerk it hasn't reached Bosten yet.) "When a ladv reviewer nt toevIm announces that she is se enajuered of Vslenttne'a acting that the picture does net matter, her review does serve a furpeee. I admire ber frankness, also save the. money I might otherwise have expended en The Yeung Hujuli.' But is it criticism, aa we understood 'the function of criticism' in our earnest Mid-Victorian daya? (Perhaps jeu are net se old only blessed with wisdom beyond your years, for your reviews de contain criticism, as I understand it.)" .ii nun, nmemeer tnese mld mld Vlcterlan day;. And pre-Napeleon and pest-prandial and all the ethers. But hew can you axnect a ladv te 'crltlclse" Valentine? I've spoken ray little nl. ..., both "Te. Have and te Held" and "Clarence." but tha nana n.-iKi,. hasn't reached you in Bosten yet.) M. K. P. writes; "Yeu have said that you prefer the fans te differ in Ahnlr i!n tmi of. -e, diffeirent plays. ... .,., .i -tart in rigni new te differ with you. , "Yff ".' P.. P,cture ,Uw 'Man slaughter' should be suppressed. I disagree with you, aad aay that we need a itw mere ei tnat type of nrehlem Fer Film Fan's Scrapbook WmLs'-'' s,tjfev jffi'BBPgSBSSs Iw&Kp1 I S1 I y' 'JrK i l''fflHHHHHHHHHHv bsI IiWIil Lsw;$?tBB WHai BBV ! BB Ep9liPH '"' '. 'jtE-1 .JBI Wm9mmwmaam MB "' V, Vv';Bf fS''A BST '" vSBBBBBBr WB, "'sc, ' ;"'kaaaaaaa Uamt'vrtmm BBaSjaMBS SsBhmir-,ii -mm -qrt-f-m JACQUELINE LOGAN We tclll be glad te publish the pictures of such screen pejers a are suggested by the funs cause the many preb'tem plays which they are getting out lately arc ret, U you will pardon the expression. "Take for example 'The Valley of Silent Men.' The would-be here, Jim Kent, is little mere than a coward, and the Northwest mounted police arc noted for their cleverness and seine et honor and duty. Dees Jim Kent show any of these traits when he fulls in love with the girl? " 'Manslaughter' has points which were unnecessary, but the plot was splendidly woven. The scenes in an cient Reme were unnecessary, but breuxht out the lawyer's stnndnelnt of fvlew perfectly. "What we renlly de need in the he roes of our stories is their sense of duty. 'Business before pleasure.' "Coming down te 'Clarence,' the play in itself was net se bad, but Wullie walks aimlessly through every reel. I hepe that he will impreie greatly in his next picture after his illness. " 'Human Hearts,' has nnv one said anything about It? I enjoyed the ple from beginning te end. Hepe ethers did also. "The 'Man Who Saw Tomorrow' waa all hokum. Mclghnu does net usu ally nlllV in trull- tvnn nf nlnv iin.l X or one, was sorry te see him in it. ... ",1 hnve raised a murmur about Manslaughter.' I mn willing te stand vj my pvini ei View." I YOU haven t raised n miirmnr from me about "Manslaughter." But I'm I inclined te murmur nt jour opinion of Reld and "Clnreiue." Ih fact, I'm in clined te laugh at it. And the some I gees for "Human Hearts." Honestly new, de "Manslaughter" and "Human Hearts" renroaent rmi. Srien nt lifn m it actually is?) Angela S. writes: "I suppose when we reach Heaven, some one will sny he could have done the job better, and if 'Trooper' is there, he will suggest The Dead March,' if some.fcliew starts a lively tune en his harp. "Of course, we women won't be there, since It's finnlly settled that we lack the necessary passport a soul. "If I had been en the ether side of the glebe when I rend that letter, and had net an Idea where It hnd 'licen Eubllshcd, am certain I should have eard dear old Philadelphia calling me. "I. for one, would net care a rnp for the Letter Bex, if it were a prosy list of whom each one considered his or her favorite. "I de net think the Creater showed any peat amount of partiality when He distributed ordinary Intelligence, and each one is able te knew what pleases and te Judge its merits half way. "Of course, it's fine te ressen te- PntlTOPLAYB) The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA lOTs,AMff OWEN MOORE ta "XOVZIBAN AWFUL THIKO , APOLLO B2D A THOMPSON BTS. XT 'pl VT-p Tl I' Y RICHARD BARTHELMESS In "THE BOND BOV" ARDMORE MSNa. HAROLD LLOYD In "OBANPMA'8 BOV" ASTOR EIGHTH A G1HAHD AVE. jiatinkb mii.r RODOLPH VALENTINO MAE MURRAY ta "DELICIOUS LITTLE DEVIL" Alee Kent Olbien in "The Oallcnlnr Kid" TWO PEATUHE8 AND VAUDEVILLE OI f irDlDD Bread A Suequehana LUDlrU Continual. 2 until 11 MAY MacAVOY la "THE TOP OF NEW YOBK" Otn. A Maplcivoed Area. VA-H-A-UN1A 2 an 7 and 0 P. M. BEBE DANIELS In "PINK OODB" FAIRMOUNT Cth le (Hrard Are. M.VTINI.K DAILY HARRY CAREY In "THE KICK-BACK" CatTU CT THEATIlD Helow Spruce 3D In 91. MATIVI' OA1LV SPECIAL PRODUCTION "In the Name of the Law" GREAT NORTHERN lTd ?$ GUY BATES POST In "THE MASaUEBADEB" IMDCDIAI 00T" WALNUT BTS. aMrbrUA. Mate. 2-30: Urge. 7 A 0 HOUSE PETERS la "HUMAN HEABTSjj ftnrDTV BItOAb & COLUMBIA AV. Llti Kl I MATINKr, I)ILY THOMAS MEIGHAN in "MANBLAUOHTEBT rtDICMT Woodland Ae. Rt Mid 8t OKltlN 1 MATIVEH DAILY MOUSE FETVRS an-l CLAIHE WTWnsOB In H0U8R1CH MEN'S WIVES" OVERBROOK aeySnf' BABBABA OA8TLETON in "What's Wrong With the Women?" DAI M PHANKrOUD AVBNUK A rALM Nenius Tf'n Alma Rubens and Lew Cedy In "THE VALLEY OT SILENT KEN" BtrTMrMX MARKET ST"j!efew 17TU KvjCIN 1 ie a. m, m it r. ii. CHARLES RAY tn "THE DEUCE. OF SPADES" nl AI Tf aBRMTtNTOWN' AVENUE Kl AU. 1 J AT Tl'' I'H-uei'WKN MT JOHN BARRYMORE JBBHEB10CK XOLVEB" THOMAS MZIOHAM aad LEATBICE JOY la "MANSLAUGHTER" grther, aa We are doing, with Zt ... Til- 1LI. Ik . Take' ball that la Was teaseaT .-.k I. .. . ..!.. ai.4 lh. sportsmanship ahewn ih MUltattft'iliAm. "New comes Red Head! Ju wssUaI must Trooper think, when even political nM discussions appear in the movie ceirv umn? jIVjI in the movie "I certainly had te chuckle; wattiC reading the letter rrem tne geauer4W)7t-, will, ikn tAetra .ml hU -"" lf'V tirettv little alan arintit 'Cana VardaeetS IMM Islands I started that ball rolling, S;i$ feel responsible, therefore,' I'll sviaMm that our editor start two aeparate cajaw umna one where the Black ItesttMw&fr: cans and the rabid Democrats can trotters, where they can compare nettar and relate experiences, then, we win compromise Red Head and myaelf-H I'll vote the Democratic ticket .and he will take a trip te Verdegrls, Las 1'almns or any old place, thus we Will be eligible for both columns. , "I have net figured out Just what benefit I am te derive from the vetey but a long trip brushes away the cob webs, and the broadening Influence It) great. "Anether letter that was Interesting te me was from Periwinkle. At first it struck me thnt you and she werS having n nice little joke at our ex pensc. but, after reading the letter S secenu time, i came te a different con clusion. It rang true, nnd wee it very womanly, sincere letter, earnestly wishing us te nppreclate our editor. Periwinkle forget te state one fncti the geld band en that cigarette holder Is Lentttlfully engraved "Te a dear, friend, whoa words of praise and en couragement, etc., etc. "Yeu ere qulte correct about 'Plots or they perish!' "While waiting te see Te Have and) te Held,' n few nights age, a gentle man sitting behind me remarked te his wife, 'What kind of a picture is thli supposed te be, und Is there any fight ing lu it? If net I'll, take my after dinner nap.' Should have enjoyed tha picture, if I bad net read the book. Tha original ending was satisfactory; why change It? "Since seeing Marjerle Rambeau, it hns left me wondering why no one has written of her screen work, which has stcmed te mc very nearly perfect." (I wish we could Induce Marjerle Rnmbenu te de mere en the screen. lief "Fortune Teller" Is one of my most vivid movie memories. Yeu mustn't mind Trooper and Red Hend. They have their viewpoints anil viewpoints are what we need in pic tures nnd the Letter Bex. It would get dull and stupid if there were only you nnd I, eternally swapping our sea yarns nnd talking about places no one else has ever seen.) PHONE Market 4S1S Main lata Get ii ji. sin st. THOMPSON HAUUNG AND RIGGING t?ive Ymv flrylA Rlntaai. Te Yield Over Six Per Cent Secured hr at f.It-af nnetSaveiaeaa ak 3 rasa property with benue of common ateck LutablUhed real nimnanT. Iflnaa nmt nd. operated in Penniylraala and .West , irgiaia. iieuue irem tympany direct wlUieut cbllxatlrna. A 611, IZSOZB OITTOE toeiNGMra.Ga a, EHRETt 3LAd rHOTOPLAVB TheNLXON-NIRDUNCER Mb THEATRES J WiOS"AMBASSADORMISWi, HOUSE PETERS in "HUMAN HEART" BALTIMORE B,M isr "ARMOND 1 "THE BONO OP LIFE" BELMONT, ;3n32 ,ff DoreAyDahonidV'rfoft' In "ON THE HIOH SEAR.. CEDAR 0T, CBDAR' AVENOfJ I :S0 .1 7 e t L WILLIAM FARNUM --...., wnx. ..iilffii COLISEUM '"'' vtn a aeth "BURNING SANDS" JUMBO ?.!!,T "T- OIRAnD AVM. HOUSE PSSiTTT'elffi'ir "THE STORM" LEADER WT LANCASTBm Aval LOCUST 621) vyi'seAa'rs;,.wfi,.n HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAN HEABM" NIXON WD AND MAItKET BTS: JOHN GILBERT '' "" . In "HONOB FIRST" RIVOLI ID aiVawae 'iM.iTwr,,T., WILLIAM FARNUM In "MOONSHINE VALLEY" aUtKWUOD iV.hA Ilamme,,: A, ? V( a-M TOM MOORE . In "BEATINO THE OAME" 69TH ST. TU,r'.?F7i:Yr LIONEL BARRYMORE' M In "THE rAOrtjrwrg' STRAND -"tow a,. al'vSfr BEBE DANIELS in "PINK O0D8" aAJa.9IHER THEATRES" MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O.A. GERMANTOWN MiJSP!S9SrSa MAE MURRAY la "PASOIMATIOM GRANT 402a Ql e avsI L M-Tw-r-' !- e I -h'. : a J i-Wl 9 1 TTT 3. f I W v in. 3,'. , .VJ! ' 1 lu rm t - ' . .4 SV Sf. K,!?:'. ' i raw1 s Wi- 'ir'll. . .U.VV.. - a.T.l TVC. iX'S'.L 4vam..c t .A. .. I. If TJ Ml ki J J.'.JBl V.'T T'.a l(, ,4k ' F' 7 r4.vYAAlFll Jv