r Mi i w & ffvl" m m ffi n ! w- '. &. T.TT -V KTi, yi i & - A. ' If 1 ' - KSSV S"Vf i .7 ,TJ." rvwca iTSfSwiTswiBBiKawa! rfx ffmm,iiTO iwnfnaai F;ftv ; H$$w : . "ymTfwm irvwnw PTTBLie TimKjimPHinA VI THE OPENING of Spring Garden Street from Sixth Street te the Delaware River, te the width of 120 feet, has been autherised by the signing of the ordinance providing for this important and practical improvement. h MARKET SOFT AND STRONG IN SPOTS Lack of Support Indicated Ad- Justment of Industrial Issues Incempleted New Yerk, Nev. 21. Any one wlie could fersee tlia trend of today's stock ' fj market a hnlf hour nhcad wns Httle Details are civen in the fi ! ller' " wktnrd. The trntling wits -" L."I AA art ilflDAHlH A aaA November issue of the "Northera Trait News Letter" A copy will be sent upon request. Hi l icAmAisspMoaeaA I If SURPLUS (EARNED) fl I 44 4IA MIA AA II I gggjfgF I riMiwiiinj.iiii..j TrnirOTmrniMainrinnaj jwiiriuiMiiiutiMiiiTrsie Province of Alberta oe Bends Due May 1, 1925 Principal and Half Yearly Interest payable In New Yerk Te yield 5.50 foil pariicttlart P'1121 en request Weed, Gundy & Ce. Incorporated 14 Wall St., New Yerk Terente Montreal Winnipeg Londen, En. LESS than two years age Harrisburg Light and Power 5 Bends due 1952 sold at 76 V and we recom mended and sold them. This endorsement was based en our knowledge of th'elr investment merit. The low price simply made the bends mere attractive. We shall be glad te sug gest new another first class public utility bend whose price is below the average. HARPER &TURNER Investment Bankers Mtmttr fftlUOtfiM Start Artwif STOCK EXCHANGE CUIIDINQ si considerably mere nnimnted tlmn wit H ncssed yestcnlny, but the actual result1 were uem ctuiiusine nnu cenuicung. 11 was entirely n profcsilenal market with interest concentrated almost cxclu slvely la specialties. , In scattered spots pronounced i strength wat displayed, but these ex I Mbltiens were counterbalanced and counteracted by the weakness of ethers. As te the main body of stocks it was a case of drifting idly in a blind alley. The lack of uniformity of trend could Imte been attributed te various Infill i enccs. Possibly the mere direct motive was te be found in the still lncom lncem , pletcd character of the adjustment of the speculative position. Then there was n nntur.nl reluctance te take a srcsslve position en either side in view of the assembling of Congress, as there is a (trewing idea in the market com munity that Washlnctnn will seen be come the kev of tlte situation. There was also a disposition te held off untly I the character of the President's mes sage became known. The firmer ten dency of the money market likewise was net altogether cenducive te acUvltlcs en the constructive side. At the outset the market had another list -of rich stock dividends te bolster It upr'but the speculative community seems te have !et nil Interest in thN subject. Several of teeks directly af fected, notably tlejnelds Tobacco, the directors of which cnmvnnv declared a stock dividend of I1IIM! per cent, v.i marked up -t points. Mldvale Steel was also chen n Minrf-livrd whirl en renewal of reports nf its mercer with riethlehcm Steel. The figures for ex change given out this morning would mnke Mldvale worth about $.'14 a share. These and ether strong spots were off set bv the acute weakness cropping out in (Jencral Asphalt and United State" Rubber, and also in the drhe against Cern Products. Soen after the first hour the entire INt gave ground and the progress of the retreat became mere rapid when it became evident prices of certain stock" still had te undergo further readjust ment. The nbsencQ of support in the industrial speculative issues discour aged bullish efforts in ether qunrters and induced n resumption of experi mental bear selling in shares whose technical position was believed vulner able. American Cotten Oil vreferred and Piggly Wiggly Stores S'U each, the latter establishing a new low figure for the j ear. Declines of 1 te l' points were registered by Ceca Cela. American Cotten Oil common, whicli also touched n new low; Philndelphin Company, Continental Can, Davisen Chemical, Atlantic Gulf and Public Service of New Jersey preferred. Buy ing of tbe sugar group, which advanced 1 te 2 point, and a rise of 21s In Con solidated Gas later induced some short covering in the active issues, but specu lation became very Quiet en the rebound. tftMnfei Philadelphia,,, Commodity Markets FIRST MORTGAGE 6 Light & Power Bends Company operates In states and serves 81 communities. Equities pronouncedly substantial, as evidenced by Sanderson & Perter's recent appraisal of properties. Earnings 3K times Interest re quirements for year ending May 31st. 1922. Properties operated under dime tlen of the General Engineering a. .uauugeraeni i-orperauon, r. Y, Price te yield about 7. Circular C. L. P. en nqutit- Fairman & Company DrexeJ Building, Phlla. Eetabllabrd 100 GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Nev. 21. Wheat prices showed weakness today during the earl dealings, scattered selling proving suf ficient te depress the market in the ab sence of any important new buing. Reports of a better supply of cars had a bearish Influence, and se, tee, did lower quotations from Liverpool. Fa vorable weather for the Argentine har vest acted as an additional handicap te bulls. The opening, which ranged from cent te e-s cent lower, with December Sl.lSU te Sl.lS, and May, S1.10U te Sl.lO1:, was followed by a slight further decline and then something of a rally. Prospects of larger receipt gave a downward tendency te corn and eats. After opening a shade te cent lower, December, 70 ls cents and 70 Vi cents 'e 703s cents, the corn market continued te taz. Onta started unchanged te K cent lower, December, 43Vi cents, and later underwent a moderate general Eetback. Previsions were easy, ewiDg te lack of support. Prav. clot Own ISM. ? '." V 704 O'i 7Ut - W1 Vx. , .May 1 July , Vrtieat Dec i May I July uat May lJ I Dec. ...... liar ...... wn-" 70 1.18S 1 18H 1.1Q- 1.1U ,. 1.03 48H 43 89 H 18HC1.18H ias ei.iav. less l. or i 948 1 184 l.lH 1 07 4. 42S 30 ?7H SO 9 4 kh Itay .10:0 io.:e rsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTfi K y 1 Burglars will find very little money in our clients' safes. Because our customers have the convenience of I depositing their funds or . checks up until 10 o'clock at nieht. REPUBLIC TRUST COMPANY 1429 CAestnut Street HOURS 9AM-1QPM Legan County Ceal Ce. First Mortgage 7s Due Ner. 1. 1942 100 & Int. te Yield V?e Pennsylvania State Tax Refunded Federal Income Tax 2 Paid by Company Circular en Hrt Tewiucnd Whelen & Ce. 101 CHESTNUT ST. jr . r. 4 ie COTTON MARKET New Yerk, Nev. 21. Extraordinary strength at Liverpool wns a feature at the opening -of the cotton futures mar ket here Jt was attributed, in private eables. te rehuylng by bulls and trude purchasing, which caught the market short. Tbe local lit did net fnllv re spond, but started 2.'i te 43 pelnth higher, followed by sharp reaction In wnien i.iverpoei jeineri. xneif wat heavy selling en the early rMe here and bv Liverpool, the Seii'h and spot houses. Wall Street. New Orleans njid commission concerns bought. Tbe Census ttureau's flirums nn i?ln. ning were se close te expectations as te be an unimportant factor. I'r.v cle Oti.n n's .11'.. ;uy January L'4riS,0J Tebrudry tl'4 Oe Mar-h 21.110 791 May ......... July. uet DT t" rntr.al. l"rade. 21.7" w K2 21. 10 it fl 3 'IS fi .10 '.5 2S i: ia '.4 07 a 74 12 M NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Oitfr MiriMM Jter In FhiMbhlm Qnting Fmtt Li DlT. 0ata in i 100 200 S0O tee 1000 400 100 300 100 200 4000 100 200 200 200 600 100 100 700 100 300 100 100 600 300 300 400 300 200 200 400 " 100 tee 1400 800 700 800 400 1300 200 200 1400 2500 1400 200 200 100 9TOC9t ffllfe Air Reduction 58 Ajex Rubber 12H .. Alaska Geld Minn H 4 Allls-Chnlmers .... 42 4 Allied Chem A Dye . . 72 H . . Am Agrle Chem... 3t . . Am ArtIe Chem pf . 61 H 4 Am Bank Nete.... 77 . . Am Besch Magneto. 33 Vj 4 Am B 8h Pdy new. 70 U .. Am Can 72U 7 Am Can pf 110H 12 Am Car A Pdy.... 180i4 .. Am Cotten Oil.... 19 Am Cotten Oil pf.. 404 . . Am Erur Bvn 6U 7 Am Ice 106JS 0 Am Ice pf 87 .. Am Internat Cerp. 28 W . Am T-lnseed 31 0 Am Locomotive.... 1 22 't 3 Am Metals 45i 4 Am Radiator 113 .. Am Ship A Cem... 21 3 Am Steel foundries 4314 .. Am Sugar Rcf 1 71 .. Am Sumatra 29 9 Am Tel & Tel 12314 12 Am Tobacco 1514 C Am Tobacco of new106 7 Am Woolen 94 Ji 7 Am Wholesale pf.. 87 U .. Am Writ Paper pf. 28 ! .. Anaconda Copper.. 48 Jj 4 Asse Dry Goods... 66 ! 6 Atch Tep A San Pel CO I. .. Atlan Btr A Atlantic 2'z 7 Atlantic Coast Llnel14H .. Atl Gulf A W I S S 23 J. .. At O A W I S S pf 18',4 .. Aute Sales Cerp.... 314 .. Austin Nichols .... 31 T4 7 Baldwin Locemotlvo124Ji . . Baltimore A Ohie... 46 .. Barnsdall Class A.. 294 . . Barnsdall Class B. 20 . . B.ttenlhu Mln Vi 3400 48c Beechnut Packing. 43 100 .. Beth Steel pf new.. 94 2500 r. Beth Steel n 66 fOO s Brooklyn Edisen ..118 1200 .. ukiyn Rapid Transit 14'i 600 .. Hkiy,, n T ctfs.... 12M 100 s Blln Union Ous. . 116'j 200 . . Brown Shoe 5 900 10 Hums Ures A 137 100 ; Hums Bres 11 45 100 7 Burns Bres pf . . . . 102'8 1200 .. Hint.' Cep A Zinc. 7'i 1100 .. Huttp & Sup Cep.. 30!i 103 .. Cadde Ccn O & It.. 7 (2 100 .. California Petrel .. 49 800 .. Cal Zinc and Lead. 7Vz 200 10 rnnadlan Pacific ..142 100 .. Pase J I Threshing 30! 100 .. Central Leather ... 35?i 300 .. Ccrro-de-Pesco 39 500 6 Chandler Meters .. 61 200 4 Chesapeake A Ohie.. 67 H 100 3 Chesapeake & Oh pt103 200 .. Chicago & Alten... 2',i 200 .. Chi & U 111 (new) pf 53 Ji 100 .. Chi & Gr West pf . . 11'i 200 .. Chi Mil & St V 26 830 .. Chi M & St P pf.. 40i 703 C Chi & Northwestern 84 800 . . Chi It I A Pae 35 100 fi Chi H I ft Pc 6 pf 87 100 7 Chi R I & Pe 77 Pt 97 5200 .. Chile Copper 27 i 600 .. Chlne Copper 24 'J 4000 4 Coca-Cela 78 300 .. Cel Puel ft Iren.. 26 "4 500 6 Collim Gaa & Elec..105".4 100 .. Celum Grnphophene. 2H 100 .. Consel Cigar 34 Si 10100 g Consolidated Gas ..124 830 . . Consel Textiles ... 1 1 V 5300 .. Continental Can ...101 ?4 8400 4 Cern Products Ref.132 700 4 Coden ft Ce 47 H 1000 .. Crucible Steel 66 200 7 Cruclble Steel pf . . . S0',J 2600 .. Cuban Am Sugar... 22?j 5100 .. Cuba Cane Sugar.. 143 1900 .. Cuba Cane Susar pf 36 V2 600 .. Davisen Chemical . ?8!i 400 fi Del Lack A West.. 131 100 2 Deme Mines 41 200 8 mi Pent (E. I.) Cel584 100 6 Eastman Kodak ... P5!j 2030 3 Elee Storage Bat.. 57 400 .. Elk Hern Ceal.... 10 100 5 L'ndloett-Johnion ..1 87 M 700 .. Erle 116 300 .. Erie let'pf 17 '4 200 8 Famous Players L. 91 a4 1200 10 Fisher Bedy 164 15 400 . . Flslc Rubber 1 1 7i 1 00 8 Fisher Bedv of O pf 94 S4 600 . . Treepert Texas ... 21 ij 200 8 Gen Am Tank 71 Si 11600 .. General Asphalt ... 40 J, 800 B General Asphalt pf. 72 100 8 Gen Electric 176 100 .. Genl Elec tpclal pf 11 5600 'i General Meters.... 14 100 6 Gen Meters deb 6 82' J 100 7 Gen Meters deb 7 97 200 7 Glmbel Bres pf.... 95 200 . . Glldden Ce 1 0 14 100 .. Ge.dwyn Pictures . 7'8 600 . . Goedrich B F 31 '4 100 7 Great Northern pf.. 86i4 100 .. Guanuname Sugar. 10's 2900 .. Gulf States Steel... 77 '4 1100 .. Hendee Mfg 1 184 100 .. Housten OH 67 'e 9700 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 23 H 2500 1 Hupp Moter Car... 22 Sj 200 7 llllne's Central .... 10914 400 .. Inspiration Cen Cep 33T 6800 .. Inter Cen Cerp... H 200 . . Inter Cen Cerp pf . . 1 100 2'4j Internat Cement .. 34 4 100 2 Intercom Eng 23S4 100 5 Int Harvester new. 101 100 .. Int Great North 21 X 1000 . Inter M Marine uy2 5000 6 Inter Mer Marine pf SO 1000 .. Inter Nickel 14 100 6 Inter Nickel pf. ... 75 100 .. International Pap EOS 900 .. Invincible Oil Cerp 14'j 100 ..Iren Products . . .., 41 a 500 . . Island Oil '4 100 4 Jenes Bres Tea.... 49 i 100 .. Kan City ft Seuth... 19U 700 .. Kayser & Ce new.. 40H 2100 .. Kelly-Sprlnfrfleld .. 4U4 200 8 Kelly-SpK T 6"0 pf 99 Vi 1 00 6 KelH-y Wheel 98 2600 .. Kennccett Ceppr ., 32 H 1203 .. Keystone T te it... 4C0 7 Krekge S S . ... 1 00 . . Lackawanna Stel 700 SH Lhlgh Valley 100 6 .188 . 77 U 63H Loeso Wll-s 1st pf.107 Lew 58 12 H 42 71 te 31 01 77 33 te 70 7tU 110S4 180 18 39 ?i 6 106 te 87 28 Si 31 H 122 45 113 21 43 69 H 28 123 151 te 106 94 S4 67S4 28 Si 47 H 65 100(4 2H 114 20 18 3 Si 30 i 123J4 4514 29!J 19!' te 42 Si 94 'A 65 118 14 12S4 116Si 58 J4 1?G 45 102-& 7 Si 30 7 Si 49 7 Si 141 ?e 30 J4 35?g 39 60 H 67 H 103 214 53a 11 14 26 40 U 84 ti ?Ji 87 97 27 24', 76ii 25 'a 104 34 ZH 34 !i 122 99'i 128 47 64 1 D0t; 22'4 134 35 Si 27 130'4 41 157 Si 85'i 56 4 17'i 87 Si 11 Si 17 91 ', 159!i 11J! 94 Si 21 71 Si 39 69H 176 11 Mia 82Si 97 95i 10', 5T, 30 S 86 10'i 75 17 67 n 22 H 22 109 14 33 T4 H 1 3414 23-4 101 21 1154 484 14 75 50H 141', 414 h 4934 19'4 40H 4014 99 Si 98 31 7a 6 Si 163 77 Si 6314 107 J UP Met Chee. F. 58 12 H .. 42 te 72 - S4 31 - Si 61 1H 77 33J4- 70 - 7214 11014- 1 80 14- lasi-39- 6Si 1 1 Si 10614 214 87 28Ji- 31 H 122 Si 45H 113 -21 43 -7IS4 28 - 123 15IS4 106 , 28 47-635i- 100H 2S4 114 22M 18 - 3S4 30?4- 124S4- 45- 29Si- 20 -f J-i , 44!i 94 6374 118 - 14J.-1- 1214 116S4 59 13GH 45 102Ja ! 7 Si 30 -7Si- 49 7S4 142 30 te -35?i 39 60?,- 67H 103 2 Si . 5344 4 11S4 26 40S4-84$i-344 87 - 97 4 27M S4 . 103 24 . 34S4 , 124 -r 11 Si . 1014 4- 130 Si -47 54 65 90 Ji , 22 te 4 14 4 36S4 27' j - 131 4 41 157$i-B514-56J4 IB 4 87 Ji ll . 17'4 91 J4 164 4- " 94 Si 4-214-71'i-40H-72 - 176 -11 4 144 . 9"itS4-10'i4-5fs 31 864 10SS 76 1 8 Si 4 67H J. 4- 10SS4 4 33Ti -: , 1 - 344 2314 . 101 - 21 Ji ll li-484- 14M 75 50H-141i-414 4. !i . 494- 1914 , - 99S4- 98 4- 32 -6- 164 -7714 4 63 !4 107 4- tHr. aetee in I te Si ait Si iSi H te H te te IK 1 i !i te te ili 'te te te te 14 Si 1 te 2 te isi 1S4 l!i 1 1 ' i Si '!i te 2!4 Si Hi H te Mi 1 te te 2 Si ISi te te te 'te te "8 H 1 H 'te te ISi Si ISi 1 I te I Si 2 te 200 200 100 100 200 400 200 100 200 1300 100 100 800 100 200 300 200 100 TWIT fflaVfl It Lerlllard (Pierre)... 164 Si 7 Louisville ft Naih.,131 . . Mack Truck 54 7 Mack Truck 1st pf., 90 ?i, 4 Maekay Ce pf 694 . . Magma Copper ... 30 Si Malllnsen Ce 32 Si-' Maniitl Sugar 42 Si ., Manhat B!evctfs... 4614 4 Marland Oil 30 , . . Marl In Rockwell ..13 2 Martin Parry 26 Si .. Math Alkali 53 8 May Dept Stores.... 164 1 Mclntyre Mining . 17 Si 13 Mex Petroleum 213(4 2 Mex Sen beard 17 Lew, 163H 131 54 90 te 30 2 Miami Copper 25 Si " minim supper , cyj 4100 15ft ftfl,1rli 9(nla Cmn 1 f TA 'ttOO .. Mldvale Steel 32 100 Mln A St Leuli.... 7 100 .. Me Kan A Texas.. 0 10 '.Me Kan A Tex (wl) 14 Ji J'22 Missouri Pacific ... 17 22 Me Pacific pf 45J4 .222 Montgomery Ward. 22 1900 l Moen Moter Car... 16H 'S22 H Mether Lede Mining 10H 200 ,. National Acme .... 12Ji 200 .. Nat Cen A Cable... ISi 1000 C Nat En A Stamp... 624 22 National Lead 116Ji 2M 7 National Lead pf . . . 1 U .522 Nev Cen Copper.... 14 1000 6 N O Tex A Mex... 8 5 J00 . . x Y Air Brake 27K .129 NY Air Brake A.. 46Si 1200 6 N Y Central 94H 100 2i.i New Yerk Deck.... 26 1500 . . Nw y0rk N H A II 23 H 400 7 Norfolk A Western. 1 16 S4 1400 6 North American ... 8714 200 .1 North Amer pf 45 Si 1000 6 North Paclfle 80W 100 2H Ohie Fuel Supply.. 59 1800 . . Okla Pred A Ref . . . 2 Si 100 .. Orpheum Circuit .. 194 400 2 Owens Bet Mach... 37 Si 300 .. Paclfle Devel Cerp. 1 300 6 Pnc Gas A Elec... 83(4 1900 3 Pacific Oil 46Si 1500 8 Pan Amer Tetrel... 85!$ 1300 8 Pan Ampr B 83(4 1 00 . . Panhandle 5 100 .. Pnrrlsh A Blnghnm. 10 S03 3 1'rniisylvanla R It. . 47 Si 400 .. j'enn Seaboard Steel 3Ia 600 5 iveples (las Chicago S3'J 600 .. jvre Marquette ... C0? 300 5 Pere M.ini pf 65Ji 2500 3 Phindelphla Ce ... 39S4 2300 s Phillips Pet 424 200 .. Plerc -Arrew Moter 11 700 .. Pierce-Arrew Met pf 2514 1000 .. ricrce Oil 1 5Si 100 .. Pierce Oil pf 38S4 14700 4 Plggly Wiggly Stere 42 14 100 1J4 Pend Creek Ceal... 18H 800 C Pestum Cereal ....111 Si 400 .. Producers A Ref... 41 2700 6 Pub Ser Cor of N J 99J4 200 8 Pub Ser of N J pf106 1800 8 Pullman Ce 127 600 3 Pure Oil 284 5100 .. Punta Allegre Sugar 45(4 1100 .. Ray Cen Copper... 1314 300 4 Reading 78 100 2 Reading 2d pf 50 Si 500 .. Replogle Steel 24 100 .. Repub Iren A Steel. 48 34100 3 Reynolds Teb B...f63'4 1200 4.13 Royal Dutch N Y... 534 200 .. st Leuie San Fran. 23 100 .. st Louts Southwest. 32 100 .. Savage Arms 18 1800 .. Saxen Moter 24 700 .. Sears-Roebuck .... 82 100 .. Seneca Copper .... 8S4 800 155 U Shell Transport... 3654 2400 Sinclair Consel ... 32Si 8 Sinclair Cen pt.... 98J4 .. Skelly Oil 9 8 Se Perte Rice S pf . 89 C Southern Pacific . . 91 S4 .. Southern Rail 23 5 Southern Rail pf. .. 63 .. Splcer Mfg 17 Ji 6 Standard Mill pf. .. 95 4 Standard Oil of Cal118!4 6 Standnrd OH of N J200 7 Stand Oil of N J pfl19 3 Sterling Products . . 59 4 Stewart Warner Spd 574 10 Studebaker .....'..12514 . . Sub Beat Cerp 8 .. Sweets Ce of Amer. 1 V .. Twin Cep A Chem.. 8?4 3 Texas Ce 47 14 4 Teton Gulf Sulphur 64 Si . . Texas A Paclfle. ... 21 Si 1 Tex & Pac C A O.. 20Si .. Tidewater OH 130Ti 3 Tlmken Rell Br.... 324 .. Tobacco Product . 54 7 Tobacco Pred A. 77. 79 H .. Transcontinental OH 12 .. Union Oil 16 10 Union Paclfle 142J4 7 Union Tank Car pf.110 2 United Alley Steel. . 35 7 Unit. Cigar Stores pf115 8 United Fruit 1514 .. Unit Rwy Invest pt 26 14 .. United Retail Stores 72S4 .. U S C t P A Fdy.. 25Ji ..US Feed Products 5 Si .. U S Ind Alcohol.... 624 ..US Rubber 50 8 U S Rubber 1st pf . . 94 6 U S Steel 109 600 2600 100 2700 500 400 tee 100 200 1500 300 503 200 8400 1500 1400 200 2530 1603 100 1700 100 1100 2900 900 1300 300 500 100 103 100 103 100 1500 330 200 3200 6500 400 4600 600 200 900 400 300 100 100 (400 100 100 100 200 100 200 400 100 100 1200 500 300 100 1400 600 100 200 200 Utah Copper ...... 6254 .. Utah .Securities ... 16ft , . Vanadium Cerp ... 3354 . . Van Raalte 64S4 . . Va-Car Chemical... 27 ., Va-Car Chem B.... 14 . . Wabash 9 Si .. Wabash pf A 4 254 7 Western Elee pt. . . .1 1 1 H . . Western Maryland. 1214 . . W Maryland 2d pf.. 23 S4 . . Western Paclfle ... 16S4 4 Westing E & M.... 59 . . Wheeling A L K.... 9 Si . . Wheeling & L E pf.i 16 Si 2 White Eagle Oil.... 304 4 White Moter 48 54 .. White Oil Cerp.... 5 .. WickwlreSpencStl. 9 .. Willys Overland ... 54 . . Willys Overland pf.i 39 Si .. Wilsen & Ce 4014 8 Woolworth F W...222 7 Woelwoith F W pf.i 25 Si . . Werth l'ump AM,. 28 6 Werth Pump B 65 S4 Ex-dlvldenda 30H IS 164 17Vi 210Si 18 2554 1114 304 7 8 14J4 164 45 Ji 22 16 10S4 12S4 ISi 62 115 1134 13 84 Ji 274 28 224 11554 87 45 80 59 2 .19 37 ISi 8354 46 84(4 03 Vi 3 10 47 3 9214 30 Si 64 ?4 37 41 It 25 5 3814 39 18 110 41 54 984 104 126 28 434 12 77 50 Si 23 54 48 624 53S4 23 32 18 254 82 Si 8 Ji 36 ,32 98 8 89 90 224 62 17 Ji 95 11814 199 118 5914 57 124 te 7 te 1 834 47 63 21 Ji 19 130 32 Ji 53 7954 114 16 142 110 35 115 I51 2654 71 Si 254 514 6114 47 94 ,04 16 35 63 25 14 954 254 111K 1214 2354 1654 59 954 1554 30 48 54 5 84 534 39 Si 37 Si 21814 125 28 63 1 te te 54 it H te H te " 54 !i 'i 1 H te , H li te te te Hi "te te ISi "te te 'i rift &. 164 4- 2 'Si .! 90 M 69H4- 1 30 - 32 42 4-45J4-30-13 26 4 53 4- 164 17J4 210 4-16-25-11 4- 31 te 4- 7 8 -14 4-164-45 4 22 10 4-10-124- 1 62 - 116 4- 113W4 13 85 27 46 94 26 23 - 11554 87 43 ' 80 -59 2 1 8354 46 84S4-8354-5 10 47 3 92 i -30 6554 38 54 4t 11 2514 5 3814- 41- 18- 111 ( 4154- 984- 106 - 126 - 28 43 12 78 50 23 48 -63 - 32 18 2 82 854 36 -32 98 9 89 '90-224-62-17- 95 11854 199 119 ' 59 114 57 .. 12554 8 47 63 21 20 -130 32 53 79 4- ii 142 110 35 115 1514- 14 71 25 H 5- 6254 IS! 104 62 4- UH 33 - 6454 4- 25 4. 14 - 9 1254 2314 4. 9 48S4 5 9 5 3.ly 40 4- 21854- 125 28 63- 1 14 te te 1 te te te te 4 94 54 1 te 114 1 te "te 1 4 te te "te "te te te te te te H te te te H 1S4 Si "te H 2 1 S4 54 Si 1 1 !i te te "te te te te 154 54 te 2 44 Si 1 LUMP IN ASPHAL1 I' ' r-'---- - ! -y--- j '?' ,Yj 'i'i II STILUMYSTERY Downward Flight Equally Per- plexing at Upward Flight Wat Three Years Age While there were en transactions In the stock en the local stock exchange the continued acute wenkness of the shares nf the General Asphalt Company commanded feremaat nttentlen of both market and financial circles. Net very long nge the street was grentlv mysti fied concerning the spectacular sky; rocketing of these some shares which carried the common stock te 160 and the preferred te 240. New they find the same difficulty In discovering n suitable reason or explanation for the rapid decline. As Is often case en such occasions the street was flooded with all sorts of financial tales. It would be unkind and unfair even te repeat them, because the larger percentage of them are productions of a fertile Imag inary brain. About the only absolute real facts In the case arc the company has net been making much money. That is, hardly sufficient net earnings te vay the C per cent dividend en the preferred stock. It Is reliably reported, however, earn ings in the lust two months took a de cided turn for better and there Is ererjr likelihood of the company closing up the year In a much better shape than was hoped for several months age. ' One of the reasons given for the extreme weakness of the stock, is that the preferred dividend is te be passed. The books only closed last Wednesday and the quarterly dividend of 1U I,er cent is net payable until December 1. Therefore, nn action en the dividend iiuestlen will be made for at least Hi roe months, Minwing en what flimsy foundation one nf the tales wns built. Nevertheless, both Issues were pressed for Vle en the New Yerk market, and (weirding te teperts most of the selling eniiiuated from this city. Reth issues :i1m) made new low quotations for, the year. Next te General Asphalt. Electric Storage Uattery was the outstanding feature, and it likewise cut n small nu ll re en the local exchange. The advance te 87, or within l'a points of the year's top price, attracted widespread attention because there Is considerable local Interest, financial and otherwise, in the property. The strength, as before, was attributed te dividend possibilities. A great many are cock-sure the directors will author ize an extra payment. Only the beard can answer that question. Philadelphia Stocks High 100 AS Am 6trs..l 20 Drill J O. 45 250 Cern Pred Ref . . .-.128 128 122 3 Net Lew 1F.11 chge. 1504150 i 45 45 3 50 50i i 73 S SOT) 82' 60 78 .13 1 40 1.10 Elec Ster. 57 100 Erie Shere G&E pf. 25 4000tGcn Mtrs. 14 400 Lake Sup. 0 100 Lcli Nev.. 73 200tUdvnlc.. 81 81 10 O Eisenl'r 78 78 2701'ennaRIt 47' 47 lv l'hlla te cum pf.. 42 245 Phlla Elec 31 402 de pref . . 31 210 Phlla n T 82 60 Phlla Trae flfljj 100 Radie Cor 8 ISfReadlng.. 78 40 Tenth Nat Rank war 88 400ToneRel.. 1 llSUnlenTrae 41 Oft TT r XJT een non nnn 425 U G I. . . . 50 50 60 25 War IAS. 8 8 8.. 15 W Jer&S. 85 35 35 4. 10 Yerk R pf 35 85 85 1 tKt ehanre made by comparison with last ate en New Yerk Stock Exchan. PHILADELPHIA BONDS 1000 Liberty 2d 4s '42 87.00 1000 Victory 4s r23 100.10 6000 Victory 4als '23 100.20 500 Interstate Railways 4s. . 47 1000 People's Pass t c 4s 74 5000 Phlla Electric 1st 6s..lets WIV. 2000 Thllat Electric 6s. . . .lets 104 " lOOPhila Electric 0s 104 m 0 73 .. 78 .. 47 41.. 81 31 32.. 08 Xh '" 33 .. 1.. 41 .. LOCAL MINING STOCKS TONOFAH STOCKS Bid .10 t et e eeeet t t t t t e e 1 IMIUMII (te lllllMMMIM) DIVJDB BTOCK8 . li.i 24 s'l 2i 3J NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Nev. 21. The markit for ccpff'i) tutllies opened .'I te 4 points higher t'us morning en a moderntul mederntul sea' tend demnnd, In response te the rather better showing of the Hiazll cables. Frv. elfm Dfmlr t". Teft 72 Miin-h t 4S'(?50 May (I :l(327 Julr X f'd It U 09 tieptember ....... b.5'&50 Opn e.74sr R 61 ere ns en 8.64 3 S8 DIVIDENDS DECLARED Middle Stt OU'b fubulllirln hv ! i'!iir4 thu follewlnc dhllsndi Imperial Oil common. reulr quftric.-.y of 2'a pt crn, rxtn H te 1 j-r "'at. preferred. n-rfiilr .' per cut riunrtjuv lu rhlff. rurular quarterly 2 lr ,'-i' sra of 1 pf r ernt, Ijomlnlen, tui ilui rurierly of y r tunt. extra of 1 fr cei.t lunger Te. reiruur aurtriy of J wt cir.t etra of 1 p r cent. All Mf 1 a ib. Janunry 1 te liu .lern of rfcceril IJ'i in ' I. Iierc!n Cernninv, j'r cr v ji, rar cnt en prffrrpil r.vab liv.rr, cr IS te Meck of recenl t)ecniLer 1. Aerlnicil Gjh ATI ni"-lrlc Cempanr. nuarterlv S tnt en j.rpferre-1 payabln Diremt-r an t sieck ui tteM lcemhcr IB W001U M.mufai.1 it - n 1 any of Mon Men trial. ijuAitir.y if .' i-r nt en remmin. ianb!f Dtceml f r 1 tu ute'.k of rHrl Ne-M-mbt.r ' American Teleiihmw ari'l TkTph Com Cem puny. iusrturli '. . 1 1 11 e January 16 in ktnclc of tecenl liM.inl .! IJiiluth Huirnr Tiiimi thr dlvlrlendii nf SI ejcli en "f'-ri, I (or auartur ended June SO. liu. an pniaiit January 2 tn ateck GAIN IN COTTON GINNINGS Total, Prier te November 14, ,889, "' " 1-" "ir, M"-"" ,..; "4.R0 for eahles nn.l 4 4KB' Washington, Nev. 21. Cotten ginned fl)r dcmimd. Francs ere down 0. Ref- FOREIQN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Nev. 21 . Opening figures for foreign exchange teda- showed ster. ling up , te a new high en the move- prier 10 .evmucr ji wi" gums down lj lire uewn r; Norway .MJ!).S57 running bales, ceuntlm. ,iewn . pcsctas down 4j Sweden down 151.57S round bale-, as half bales anil u; Swiwj up 4; Danish up H; marks i ni'i uri ! nf 17 .71. "1 lulus of American- ,,n i.nt -,f n,ierG nn w. .1,0 i.,,.. ... Kgpl!an and -1737 bales of Sea isiunu, n new j,jgn record for the jear. Fruncs, the Census Unreal! announced today. re nmj jjclgiaiiH were thought te re- Lafct year te November 14, glnnlngs ucet Bpeeulative profit-taking en Man aggregated 7,274,2(11 bales, Including day's great rise. 117,5(11) round billed counted as half ouerntlons were bales; 16,100 bales of Amerlcan-Egyp- I 2"!?tlen,,w' , . , . ., tian and 2Q.-.0 bales of Sea IMand. ti . Sterling cabbies 4.C0, demand 4.40 ; Uinnliiss Prier te November 14 this fr'inc ca es 7..i2, cheeks , .lll-v ; I l- year by Stales follew: Alabama. Kia.i cables 0.80. cheeks 0.84 ; lire Vt-ieit. a.i oei7fl. Arltnnsnn. cables 4.71. checks 4.70'ii : Swiss m- ,',.'. y.'TJi 1 i:'...""'. ""J.'AV.. m-u lili 1BKO rhm-Vn 1H.77 '. nnuptu .,KIu - .. w.ww, .-"- -" - ,..-. uuivn U. 8. Certificates and Treasury Notes Int. MHlnrlnr le'l YMi tee me Lie loe nn me 3-iu till IJ.lli JUU RitM Dat" li'i Tee . 1021 t4'j n-r-.. 4'j Mch.. tS June, f . Hepl., t5l June, 1n-i fr"-pt . t-43. M-h.. t'4'i Df . I-4S Moh . I'i r"pt 1B2L' Hl'.'3... 1U'J3.., lUVtl... 1!CI... Hi.'.'.. lflJH w.n B BO a hi .'1.7.1 3.7.-, 4.11 (Q lne iei S ina ini'5 101 leS lne. . leni fin', .imi'J ine . liu U'i. uxtinpi irem i eMur.ii normal income tax. t Acceptable ler vajraent or income tax ilu en date of maturity. The Treasury Department offers te redeem I'nlled blatea Treuaury 34 s and 4Ha. dun December 18. 1021. and Victory Nete aarlaa guar- r.t rn-erd liecmbfr 16. Twin (MtV Hllltld Transit "nmnanw terly 11.76 en intrr. 1 and eml.annul tD en common, both n sable necembcr 30 te eteck of rfcenl D'cimber 16 Motertruck Firms Merge w erK. .-nev . I. Announcement has been made that plaM for u merger nf the American Muters Corporation, at ptnieAi eml the Itf-nHi'mer Jfutertruck Te., of Ornif, City and Philadelphia, have ben completed and ault en th.i apnreval of stockholder te ( wmim . ...... a . n i- 'jufr American ii"j in; i-iiii tuenin ia ism t niiiriun. 25,547: Georgia, 61,173; Lenialana, i-;.;. checks i..h4; Danish cnb es !I23,M; Mississippi ,020,760 5Mls- J0.25, check. 20.20; Norway cables Sffifr-. UZW . N55K ""SS. , wjm Vheeks awn's . u1 .; Z uoe.oo; (.mianema. uuv.ww i "u" ..' , , eT, .",. -j- - Carolina, 404.121; Tennesfee, 830,788; w-w, ciiecus av.ax; murKh .in li-au. Texas. 2.007.000: Virginia, 10,520. i In Central European exchanges te- ... ., ... twn au etner mates, enw. Cash Bey . Jim Butler MacNamara Creacent . . . Midway . . . Mlipnh Cxi Mentana . . . Ner Star .. Reecue Eula Ten Ct . . Wast End West Ten Allied Dlr Alte Dlv S Belcher .. Helen ii Hteuab Dlv Divide Eat Dlv Cen Dividend Kant Plv Harmlll Knox Silver Klne Sutherland Ten Dlv Ten Hasb'K Victory Dlv Vcnle Plv Zene OOL.PFIH.I.D .07 .CO ..10 .06 .0.1 .07 14 .03'i ..ei S .08 .nOH .01 it (14 04 11 02 e: ei nn or, OH Ill 74 02 01 OJ 09 BTOCICH 04 IHIOIIMti Beeth j.... Comb Frae Crailierjeck ninm 11 B Florence , Cleld f Cen (10H1 uev (lelrtt Deep Orent Bend Jumbo Ext Kewanas ....... i.ene mar Ore lied Hill SIlM-r Pick Bimurhead MISCELUlNnOUS Amparo Ariz united Caledonia, f'andelarla Hmrna Hllvcr Ulllleii Eureka frees Kurcka Hnlly Heels Marnh Mether I.ede , Ntv Mill Nev W'der .. Kucekii Ternpa Mln . Volcano White Cepa .. Wilbert .01 .03 ,02 .13 .05 .04 .10 .01 .04 .OS .03 .Oil .en . .no . .no . .n . :i.i . .0,1 Leu , 24 . .0'l' e r,(i '!. . !ni . .14 , no .20 12 .en Aek .12 .07 .en .09 .11 .07 .OS .0 .10 .03H fts .0.1 .05 .en .13 .04 .01 .02 ,0H .en .nit .02 .711 .01 .01 .03 .11 ,05 .02 .05 .04 .13 :e8 .11 .02 .ll.'i .03 .(HI .'i .04 .UK .07 1.00 1.00 ,0S .3.1 .04 J. null .2(1 .01 D 00 .12 .14 .02 .IN .35 .14 .OS 1W Yerk Central System Cleveland Short Line Railway Cq. va rcr wni, rim raengage Geld Bends '' D Ayrll 1, 1MI Tax Ft in Pennsylvania I Free of 2 Paw Cast of tfce Nermal Pealeral Income Ta V Listed en the New Yerk Stack .&..... These bends are direct obligations of The New Yerk .' Central Railroad Company and a closed underlying mu " The $11, 800,000 outstanding bends are secured by first lien land from the New Yerk Central main line, fermintTst imnnrfiinf flflrl Vfllnahli terminal imiit,u... im.- . '' ..r.. . .. . ....F.u,i.,iiEiil, mis track age affords an unobstructed route for through freight and connecting with all ether reads entering the City, facilli tates interchange of traffic. The read exemplifies the highest standards of railroad construction. Retirement of the bends is provided for by the New Yerk Central & Hudsen River Railroad Refunding & Improvement Mort Mert gage. The issue is a legal investment for Savings Banks in New Yerk, Massachusetts, Connecticut and ether States. Clrcttttrr en Jttrtrmat Price: 97Vz and Interest Te Net 4.64 Per Cent. Biddle & Henry 104 Seuth Fifth Street Philadelphia TS Information and statistics contained Benin have been abtalned from sources which we believe te b reliable. Reserve Banks' Discount Rates Official radlaoeunt rates at the twolie Federal Reserve Banlta are nn fellows cem1! Ilkra. I ater. Accept. American Gas Earnings Improve 4.10 Moter- Corporation wl.l le th title of th , "ar. an 4 45eoneldrtl.. cernrany and It u have li ' euiatandl 4 42 eBuluilliitlen or 2 ene O00 s per cent par" ciultu "s The American Oaa CerapaDir for October ",' ta net earn nun of IU4.Q1U. repftJemiuiii; , .niiimiuuii, an incrihR.) (j ji. i yij u' lltu 1 day Greek showed an advance of 8 points; Finnish gained 3 and Rumania 1. Czecho-Hlevukinn wns 2 point lower, uueiuiiwin; JiuiKurian, .7(1; ijui; wcrnian, l.(H); 4.4'l 4 43 A-V 4Kb. called for payment Deeember IB, maturity. ANK CLfARINQS raialtntW -jsst twe reersi Bay vmM tm.m 'wmxxi tlclpatln prHrfrr.d uteck and 200f harex of common elevk The eirne Interesta have been idintlfleil h'tfiuteri with the manave merit of Ihe two companion Liverpool Cotten Liverpool. Nev SJ.hpet cotton was In itm,t?l.l!m,vi1'1 today with erlcee ateidy en P',,?ilui1vt ,4 V1- Tha ealei were ROOD 88.400 balaa war American. Kuturaa were 5!S?7 1 J?S " deallnss. Spot price ry jeriea, miaaiina nr. lD.aeai . .WW,M oeiinji, i asd, I mldlln. i4.li V' arr. I BOOd lCfO. in. U.tadi lew ordinary, Is.BOd. and report tfil or 51. 1 U2 uer 1 COUll IllHllttll 1.21 llnif minh l'er the tv ,1th Octoier the company of 1(130.727. V.I1U.I1 l an Increaa e unr me ivveivu menine enuiim i- airunu mi, . . . , ,. . . a. reteij tradlmt, and veaterdavaeia uu le ni. .uiivirui i " ; ""'" l' tne nign price reacnee '""".'' i rem. xiip iirriiuuin mi aiiDiiiau iiimix October of Ijiai i (,W j.j; CV.eclie-Sliivnkiiiii. 3.15'jj PAWvStS!Jnth".luge-r5lavlaii. .40; Pell... .umiS; ini;V. . v: riiinisn, .a; Austrian, ,uun; uun L,08W (sarlan. .000414. and teuiiRiem te li. iu percent en the ijtiick. qM0 discount en New Yerk funds In .inn riian kuh Hiidrue linvp "V. .;. i fii, reteiJ ii equal te wnith li aeld nince an i V the "Kit' level at whle hth.v l.ay. ice 101H. ljiet year the ateck sold ew aa 27, MONEY-LENDING RATES h-KW YORK Meney en call, tfth elaejia of celIaMreirppened Joday at K ' c0' for lendlne an4 reaawfns. rniuSLnaaV-u. fKJfffil,Sf: viper,- .ww aiin; i . rwaMmzmA-i TTdl- S par esnti eeiuneret 1 months. S ter eeai. 1-04 s per in New Yerk was down te cent. TESTJCRDAT'S CLOBINO QUOTATIONS SUrllns rrenes Lire, Qulldera Cables .H S9.84 TOOATI OPUNINO QUOTATIONS WWmw KBIT.: .... eM Tlntten New Yerk 1'hlladelphla .. cieelaml nichmend . . . . , Atlanta Chicago Ht. Iiuli Minneapolis ., Kenaaa City ,. Dallua Sari Krantlece l.lh Denda. 4 . 4? 8 I I 4U 4V? -w 4 4". V" 4 4 4H 4 4'i 41-, Raw Sugar Active and 8treng New Yerk, Nev. 21.- Thu raw aumir inai. ket Ih fnlrlv nctln and atrnnu. with Culm for November shipment quoted ut aii. ?,. STie, con! and freluht, iun for Di-icmbir ahlpmentt 8He, cot nnd fro uht. eil", I Monday Included 23,000 baa Oiihks. ,,ulill Neember SU-Derember 2, at OSccek i a mi ! euiVVU XttLMM I'lintakl .. vmhAt ahlnmanl ait tifi. .. ,T7"" "' ItVja fralaht. te tb National Busm beflnln, C Wiu tfrtv.0 rTwi en Monday Included ranjlns from eTsOe te Te. U'a Mr Jant fSf .-. . . November Bend List THE list comprises widely diversified se lections of attractive issues of State, Municipal, Railroad Equipment, Public Utility, Industrial and Foreign Govern ment Bends. Included among the offerings are bends listed en the New Yerk Stock Exchange and bends legal for Savings Banks and Trustees. List Gladly Furnished en Request tRcdmenrJ &Ce. 1427 Wahrat St., PUladelakla New Tork leldaera NtuVtrik Wtilrtftes Plttsbvih Stack Exchangee SinuHi teK 'niiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii LOMBARD ! W Own and Offtr, Subject te Salt ' $150,000 CITY OF PHILADELPHIA BONDS 4s, 4s, 4&s Various maturities PRICES ON APPLICATION BATTLES & CO. TSmtithUmhA man Independence Square (East), Philadelphia United Light & Railways Participating Preferred Stock 7 Cumulative Listed en the Chicago Stock Exchange Present Price Te yield ever 7.75 Write for Descriptive Circular Bonbright & Company 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Bosten Chicago New Yerk Detroit A Recent Natien-Wide Investigation showed Unit 90 of theso mcrchnnts tartin busincsa with un invested capital of but $:i000te $5000 failed. The successful 10 In most easel Urmrl.t U- ...!-.! . 1 7 t ! .. -1lnl,lrt llflnK ""s' me iiuvice ujiu counsel ui u hhuuw--er trust company in all their financial dealing. THE REAL ESTATE TRUST CO. OP PHinnrtDUii . oreaa and Cbeatnut. -I U' i 9 .k . .kVm M$; V T!"V ,1 , . - r . l " ftltWill ft .". tr- f kM.ikrtA"'ii k..71li.U ,-?AV Jfe. .V ' , i j rtrtO VSVHVif".-. 'J L ii'dA 1 n-V'iT z ' r