Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 21, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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v.wj'sri v Af'f,WKi1inaf'iS?r7j5i'Kir; ,- 'w.jsjt. .fwtn.BnTiiwirvirttci.s.-.1' 's '"' 'jr:4 !.."- je n.T.tr.'fc. i rLt. i'(r".-MMw&TTjii'. te -....." vcrr"?'?
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"Nationally Known Optometrist
ft - ll- ... I A-
g t ei i nil viiy euccumu mwi ,
Klv Lener Illness
T. Haines Moere, nationally known
ptemctrlst and one of the eldest prac
titioners of that profession In this city,
died Sunday at his home In Ventner, X.
J., after a prolonged illness. He was
sixty-live years old, and had conducted
n office at Spring Garden street and
Ridge avenue for about thirty-five
Through lib writings In optemetricnl
journals Dr. Moere gained n national
reputation In the profession and was a
frequent kpenucr nt conventions ei up
fnmrtrtNts throncheur the United States.
He continued his writings until shortly
before bis death.
He was a member of the State beard
of examiners in optometry at one time,
and was president of the Philadelphia
Society of Optometry for a period of
about ten years, having been tlrst elect
ed nt the time the society was organ
ized. In the practice of bis profc-sien
Dr. Moere was unite successful nnd
died wealthy.
A hert time before Ms death he
elected pallbearers whom he desired te
have serve at his funeral. They were
chosen from among Philadelphia op.
temetrlsts nnd Include Dr. William Mc
Oaffrev, Dr. Marcus Rothschild, Dr.
'.lehn II. Harnigan. Dr. R. A. Telllngcr
Hnd Dr. William G. Walten.
Dr. Moere was an active member of
the Maseulc fraternity, being a incm incm
ber of St. Jehn's Cemmandevy and Lu
I.ti Temple of Shriners.
Funeral services will be conducted
Thursday afternoon at the David 11.
Sfhuvler building. Bread and Diamond
treets. Interment will be private. Dr.
Moere is survived by his widow.
Suffers Broken Leg When Heavy
Machine Skids en Curve
West Chester, Pa., Nev. 111. Andy
Landers, of this place, motorcycle of
ficer of the Keystone Automobile Club,
in m n hospital at L,ansaaie sintering
from a broken leg nnd ether injuries.
His injuries were received when his
heavy machine and sidecar skidded en
Deadman's Curve, near Lansdnle, where
lie had gene te Investigate an nccldent
In which two persons were Injured, and
te erect signs at the ends of the curve.
He has a wife here who left for the
hospital this forenoon. Landcr.1 was
injured en the same curve where the
nccident occurred which he was investigating.
Get Your Heme Wired for Xnas
Thin Wm Givm
Yu Up (
SaVST MON.llthST. -?
a wnmr e. tw flatardar Attmrmim
Business and Advertising
Manager wanted for live
American daily newspaper
published in Tokie. The first
qualification must be that
applicant is a newspaper ad
vertising salesman. He must
lie single. Should be about
t57 years( of age. Must pos
sess executive ability and
general newspaper training.
Must go out te stay at least
five years. Must be capable
of accepting big responsibili
ties. Salary entirely com
mensurate with qualifica
tions. Fer further details
apply Bex Ne. A 928, Pub
lic Ledger Office.
Tour bnekache Is caused b.v lum
bage, Mintlc'ii. or u strain, and the
quickest relief is seething, pene
tratlng St. Jacobs Oil. Rub it
right en your pnlnful bark, and
Instnntly the bereness, btifftifsi
nnd lameness disappear. Don't
.tny crippled ! Get n small trial
bottle et St. Jacobs Oil from your ,
druggist und Umber up. A me- j
mrnt after It is applied you'll
wonder what became of the back- j
ache or lumbago pain.
Rub old. honest St. Jacobs Oil i
whenever ou have tclatlci, neu- i
rnlgln, rheumatism, or tpralns, as '
It Is absolutely harmless and
tlecMi t burn the skiu. vldr.,
Skin Troubles
Are Usually Due te
Faulty Elimination
When you are constipated,
net enough of Nature's
lubricating liquid ia pro
duced in the bowel te keep
the feed wiate soft and
moving. Doctors prescribe
Nujel becsuae it acts like
this natural lubrieaat sa4
thus replaces it.
niiei u
lubricant -aet
atediciae er
laxatire ae
cannot fripCf
, lis it today.
' Store Open 9 A. M. te Ii30 P. M.
aTOr ' ' Mere goods te sea at Gimbels.thanin
WcdnCttUtV I Philadelphia store and moderate prices te
... ' i -
m (remnant)
Ne Phene or Mail Order
Filled Frem Coupon
This Dees Net Apply te
Other Goods
1000 Men's and Women's
Umbrellas at $1.55
Geed grade American taffeta
(cotton), tape edge. Large assort
ment of handles, including amber
color and leather-trimmed. Regu
lar $2 values.
300 Women's Silk
Umbrellas at $4.85
Handsome "gift" umbrellas with
wide satin borders. Beautiful as
sortment of handles, including
amber color with tips te match.
Leeps or rings. Celers, navy,
green, purple, garnet, brown or
100 Men's Silk Umbrellas
at $4.85
Yarn-dyed silk taffeta tape
edge. Many sterling silver trim
med handles.
Olmbtli, "Ceupcn Sir." Flrit fleer.
Women's Sweaters
Slip-On Sweaters at $2.50
A variety of styles in cardinal,
brown, buff, black, navy, gray.
Oimbtli, "Coupon Bar,' Third fleer.
Marabou Capes at $4.95
Fine fluffy quality silk lined.
Black or natural color. $5.95
QtmbtU, "Coupon Sir." Third fleer.
Women's "Geld Seal" Silk
Hosiery at $1.85 Pair
A heavy, full-fashioned fngraih
hose some with lisle tops, some
all-silk. Black only. Sizes 8t
te 10. $3.25 te $3.75 values.
Women's Heather Weel
Hese at 95c Pair
Brown heather with yellow and
white clocks. $1.35 value.
Men's English Weel Half
Hese at 85c Pair
Accordion pleated in black witli
white, black with blue, black with
red, black with purple, brown with
white. Sizes 10 te ll's. $1.25
Men's Silk Half Hese
at ,48c Pair
Black and a few colors all have
clocks. Sizes 9 te 11. 85c value.
Glmttli, "Coupon 07," First fleer.
Men's Woven Madras and Printed Rep at $1.18
AH sizes and all desirable patterns. Value $1.65.
Men's $7.50 Sweaters at $3.65
Clean-up from stock. Sizes 84, H6, 38 and 40 only. These are
sports sweater?, just the kind men want. Kvery one perfect.
Men's New Beacon Bath Robes, $4.45
Values $5.50 te $6
Attractive fall patterns.
Men's Silk Crochet Mufflers, $4.95 -Value $7.50
Full width nnd geed lenptli; fringed ends. Beautiful heather
mixtures and plain black nnd white with borders.
Men's Knitted Ties, 35c, or 3 for $1
Werth two and thrce times
Girls' Dresses
Girls' Sample Dresses at $3
Mostly fine navy serges some
pretty jerseys among them. Sizes
variously, 0 te 14 years. 5 te
$7.93 values.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Dr," Tlrst fleer.
Girls' Dresses at $7.50
Dressy velveteens, taffetas,
smart and practical serges. Jer
seys mostly sports models. Navy,
brown, Mohawk or jade. Variously
8 te 16 years. $10 te $15 values.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Dtj." Third fleer,
Girls' Middies and Sports
Blouses at 50c Values
$1 te $1.50
White with colored cellars and
old rose, blue or green. Sizes 10
te 16 years.
Oimbeli, "Coupon Oar," rtrit fleer.
3711 Pairs Women's Shoes
Coupon- fcO ?C
Originally $8 te $14
Of course they're "odds" hence the price. $2.33.
And a Let of Women's $6 te $7.50 Shoes at $1.80
Children's S3 and
S3.50 ti 1A
Greup of Men'a
Goodyear CO
Welt She8..
Yet, because lets
But Jhe individual items are just .the. samewhat difference if we have ih a let of umbrellas only three hun-"
dred, you need but one or two. And se' it gees even te a big fur-cellared coat.: N ,' x '
Most helpful bargain day of the year because of the timeliness of the offerings. -
Muslin Underwear
Cotten Pantalettes at 75c
Black and colors. Ruffle or tailored-cuff
styles. Well reinforced.
Regular $1.25 and 81.50 values.
Flannellet Nightgowns
at '78c
Yeke style turn-ever cellar.
Neat pink or blue stripes. Very
special value.
Dark-Celer Cotten
Petticoats at 78c ,
Black nnd lovely floral effects. $1
Gowns, Chemises,
Petticoats at 95c
Figured crepe night gowns, nain nain nain
seok chemises, muslin petticoats,
variously lace - and - embroidery
Silk Petticoats at $3.95
Heavy satin-tailored style or
with tucked flounce. Beautiful
changeable colors and black. $5
GlmbI, "Coupon Sajr," Second fleer.
Linen Damask Towels
at 50c Each
Handsome stripe and floral ef
fects. Hemstitched. Monogram
space.. Size 18x36 inches. 85c
Table Damask at $2.25
Splendid heavy all-linen damask.
TO inches wide.
Madeira Tea Napkins
$5.95 Dezen
Fine white linen beautifully
hand-scalloped and hand-embroidered.
Solid and eyelet effects.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Oar," Stoend fleer,
10,000 Yards Silk Canten
Crepe, $3.50 Grade at $1.55
Forty different colorings for
street, informal and evening wear.
Wonderful quality rich, supple.
Even the largei amount will sell
out quickly!
Oimbelt, "Coupon Oar," Hrit Seer.
Weel Jersey Overbleuses
at $1.95
In navy, mehawk, red, brown,
gray and black. Peter Tan cellar.
Velveteen Coatee Blouses
at $3.95
In navy, brown, black satin
Fine Voile Waists at 50c
Peter Pan or Tuxedo cellars
some lace-trimmed. $1.50 and 2
Qimbeli, "Coupon Oar," Third fleer.
this nrice. "Seconds
Qimbl, "Coupon Oar," t'lrit fleer
Silver-Plated Flatware I Beys' Mackinawa at $8.75
at 30c Each l All-wool, heavy Blanket Cleth,
, 'made with patch pockets, all
Discontinued patterns of 1S47 (round belt and convertible Bhivl
Rogers Bres., Community Plate, cellar. Ages 6 te 18 years. $12.50
Wm. A. lteccrs. and R. Wallace &
Sens. Included in the let arc
Dessert Ferks
Butter Knives
Butter Spreaders
Medium Knives ,
Table Spoons
Bouillon Spoen3
Oyster Ferks
Cream Ladles
Children's Knivei
Children's Ferks
Sugar Tongs
Baby Feed Pushers
Olmbeli, "Coupon Dij," Flnt fleer.
Small Children's
Shoes Odd tM
LetH vl
OlrabiU, "Coupon Dar," Second fleer.
any ether
Gimbel Brethers
are limited or assortments
18-Inch Knockabout Dell
With hair wig, painted eyes
completely dressed with 'cap nnd
apron. Special, $1.95.
"Mama" Baby Dell
Knockabout style, 16-inch high",
hair wig, loud voice. Special at
Undressed Kewpie.Dell
13-inch, can be used for fancy
work. Specjal at 50c. '
American Army 'Lead
Eight soldiers te a box. Special
at 50c.
Special Asserted Tree
Asserted designs and colors.
Special price, 35c a dozen.
14-Inch "Mama" Dell
Little girl style, dressed with
slippers and stockings. Special at
I $1.30.
I 13-Inch Undressed Dell
! Sleeping eyes with -lishen. full
jointed and has hair wig. Special
nt 93c.
Qimbeli, "Coupon Dy," reurth fleer.
$1.50 te $3.50 Corsets
at 95c
A grouping of odds and ends of
several geed makes; also few
"seconds." All sizes in let.
Olmteti, "Coupon 0r" rirtt fleer.
Just 77 Women's Fine,
Wolf-Fur Cellared
Belivia Coats
Coupon- fcO O
Priced- vOO
And the only reason they're net $59 is because they're
part of a "big deal" the clean-up of a fine, big business a
manufacturer who figures he has "made enough" and is going
te enjoy the rest of life away from business hazards.
Geed luck te him!
And this geed luck te you.
Twe styles two particularly geed -styles. Black and
navy. Shawl- and storm-shape cellars. Rich, heavy, durable
silk peau de cygne linings.
All sizes in the let.
Toilet Goods
Hospital Absorbent Cotten
at 29c lb.
1 -lb. rolls. Very special.
Shampoo Rubber Aprons
at 50c
Regular .$1 value.
Teeth Brushes at 18c
2ec and eGc values.
Het Water Bettles at 85c
Metal. Regular $2 values.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Oar." Flrat fleer.
Beys' Clothing
Beys' Norfolk Suits
at $7.75
All-wool tweeds, cassimeres and
soft-finish worsteds. Ages 8 te 17
years. $12.50, $15 and S16.G0
I " l-UW values
Youths' High Scheel Suits
at $18.50
Tweeds and cassimeres in sport
nr plain model. Seme with extra
pair of trousers. Sizes 32 te 36.
$25 value.
Beys' Junier Overcoats
at $13.50
Pole Ulsters of fine all-wool
fabrics some double-faced cloth.
Ueuble-brertsted model with con
vertible cellar and nil-round belt.
i Ages :j te 10 years. $18.50 and $20
I values.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Dar," Third fleer.
Women's Furs
$139 Fur Coats
, Coupon-priced, $89
A varied assortment of the sea
bon's smart styles:
Natural Mu.sk rat in the popular
10-inch length.
Nntural Raccoon, Frendr Seal
(dyed ceney) and Gray Lynx,
with contrasting cellar and cuffs.
About 50 garments in all, te sell
at $89. Value, $139. . ,
OlmHU, "Coupea Day," TVn
broken, prices are driven
Baby Clethes
Babies' Short Dresses
Of nainsoek, daintily trimmed
with lace and embroidery. Slight
ly soiled. Sizes G months te 2
years. $1,95 value.
Babies' Hats at $1
Of chinchilla and corduroy.
Sizes 1 te 3 years. Value $1.95.
Children's Flannellet
Bleemers at 25c '
Pink nnd blue stripes. Sizes 2
te 8 years. 50c value.
Oimbelt, "Coupon Oar," 8cehd fleer.
Women's Velvet Hate
Keudy-te-wear. v
Women's Spert; Hats
Velvet and felt.
Children's and Misses'
Hats at 50c
Tailored styles, and . tarn e'
shnnters. ' k
Juniors' and. Misses' Hats
y-at $1
Ready-te-wear styles of velvet.
aimbeli, "Coupon 'Oar," nlrd fleer.
Women's and Children's
Hats at 25c
Ready-te-wear and untrimmed
hats of felt, velvet and combina
tions of materials.
OlmttU, "Coupon Oar," Tint fleer.
OimielJ. Sileni of Dreis,
Fleer Coverings
Seamless Worsted Tapestry
Brussels Rugs
Size 9 ft. X 12 ft., at $22.73.
Size 8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in., at
Seamless Wilten Velvet
Rugsat $38.50
Size 8 ft. 3 in. x 10 ft. 6 in.
$61.50 value.
Bath Rugs at $2.25
I'lain color with band border.
Size 27 in. x- 64 in. $3.60 value.
Velvet Stair Carpets at
$1.55 Yard
?2 value. '
Olmbeli, "Coupon Oar," Fifth fleer.
2000 "Remnants" of $2.75
DraperyVeleur, &"' $1.60ayard
Remnant-lengths vary from half-yard te twe'-yarda-and-a-quarter.
Remnants of White Curtaining at 18c Yard
Values 28c te 65c
Fine marquisettes, fine scrims, filet rfets, Nottingham nets,
$1 te $6 Tapestry Squares,
Couperi'Priced 25c te $3.50 Each
Fer pillow tops or cushions or bags.
Qlmbtlf, Uphelitarr Stera, Fifth fleer,
Bed Clothing
AU-Weel Blankets
at $8.50
Blue, pink, gray and tan block
plaid. Full size. 5 lbs. te pair,
$10.75 value..
Wool-and-Cotten Blankets
at $6.45
Jray with pink and blue bor
ders; mercerized binding. Double Deuble
bed size. $8.75 value.
Wool-and-Cotten Blankets
st $6.95
White with blue or pink borders.
$8.50 value.
Olmbeli, "Coepw Bar," gMtat Smt.
.down te half ,or thereabouts.
Electric Fleer Lamps .
at $15
Full or short standards ceihplete
with handseme., silk ..shades and
silk pulls. Twd; electric lights.
Wonderful values. s ' '
Bridge Lamps at $6 '
Complete with' painted' glace
shade. Exceptional' values.-'.
Candlesticks at 35c each
Solid mahogany,
Silk Candle Shades at 50c
Candle Shade Helders -
at 5c each
Candles at 3c each
, Olrabeli, "Coupon Oar," fourth fle6r.
Men's and Yeung Men's
Dressy Overceats-g
anddpnhle-breasted models. If you' wear a' size from 33'te
c .. r.. . .
suns worsteds,
cheviets, sports
Writing Paper at 59c box
$1 value. Three colors in abex.
Lenex Linen Writing Paper
at 39c
100 sheets and 100 envelopes.
80c value.
Oimbeli, "Coupon Oar," rlr,t 'or,
Third fleer,
China and Glass
Japanese China Mayonnaise
Sets at 85c
Including bowl, plate and ladle,
Hand-painted. $1.25, value.
41-Piece Dinner Sets
at $13.50
Japanese china witli coin-geld
decoration. $22.50 value.
31-Piece breakfast Sets
Neatly decorated. $6.95 value.
50-Piece Dinner Sets
at $15.95
Olmbeli, "Coupon Day," reurth fleer,
5000 lbs. Coupon, Blend
38c Rich Coffee
In 10-, 5- or 8-lb. lets, no
at. lb ; auC
New Season Green and
Black Tea
55c value, at 3 lbs.
for ;....
Granulated Sugar
Counter Delivery . Limit
4 lbs. for 25c
Purity Brand Cocea
30c value, at 3 lbs,
for ..'
Olmbeli, "Coupon Dar,"
Cbntaut Strtet Aoaes.
til W$m J
. f
PMkcMph Tateday,
n.i.i.. .t.An.u t... afarbirf aavllr
vn.Hiw . -- -T-r-MmirMtii
never naasucn a euaineaa. mv vuiiwi
time before the final -rush.
Knit Underwear
Women's Merine Union
Suits at $2.35 .
Lew neck, no sleeves and knee
lnturfii! nr Dutch neck, elbow
sleeves, knee-length. . Regular and
extra sizes. $3.25 value.
Women's Hirsh Make '
Vests at 50c. .
Fine mercerized lisle with bod
ice top. Regular and extra sizes,
96c value.
Beys' and Girls' Union
' Suits at$1.35 . ,
Fine, high-grade cotton itv med-..
ium and heavy weights. Sizes 3 ,
te 16 years. $2 value. ' . . 1 1 ,. "
Olabelt, "Coupon Dtr," Flrat fleer. -
GUvT TrljiGS
j B f
. About 78CtirrieiLQeer Fmm Lnt
Men'i,,. Deuble-Texture
Rainc'eattPlaid backs
at 6 for 75c
linen with hemstitched.
Women's Swiss Handker
chiefs at 15c each
Colored border and colored em em em
broideryn'eno corner.
Men's Cambric Handker
chiefs at 6 for 75c
Woven, " colored borders, hem-.
stitcHed. a -
-lfhiioupen Oar." rint fleer. . S
1500 Waists and Smocks, 25c.
Instead of 50c te $1.
2000 Nainsoek Chemise,
Bleemers, Vests and Corset
Coveri, 25c each.
Silk Petticoats and Satinc Pet
ticoats with silk flounces, $1.65.
1 00 silk r und - cotton Crepe
Kimonos, $1, instead of $1.05.
Clearance of Nurses' and
Maids' Uniforms, $1, instead of
$i.95. ;
Clearance of Sweaters,
Scarfs, Caps nnd Tarns, 25c te
Women's $3.50-te 5 High
Shoes at 50c pair. i
Lew Shoes at 50c
Women's Felt Slippers at 50c
,r)0c pair.
Felt Slippers at
Rubbers at 50c
Men's Werk Shoes at $2 pair.
Clearance of "seconds" of
men's English Broadcloth
Shirts at $2.45.
Girls' Raincapcs, plaid or
plain lining, $1. Guaranteed
Kiddies' Sleeping Garments,
45c. sizes 2 te 8 years.
Girls' Middy Blouses in gal
atca or pengette, self or color
trimmed, at 50c tach.
Women's Silk Hosiery, clean
up let, 35c pair, or pairs for
81. Were 58c pair.
Men's .Half Hese, 10c pair.
Clenn-up stock.
Men's Union
weight. 95c.
Suits, heavy-
Children's Union Suits, 68c.
1.18 men's medium and heavy
weight Overcoats, $7.50. Odd
lets. Values up te $30.
Beys' Oliver Twist Tweed
Suits, all-wool, $3.65.
Women's Ceney Fur' Coats at
au. value $40. 40 inches
Brown or taupe.
$5. Values
Animal Scarfs
$10 te $15.
Clearance of Women's and
Misses' Suits at $13.75. In
velour, tricetine, j e r s e y 8,
tweeds- lined throughout with
geed quality silk. Tailored,
long straight-line models; navy,
brown and a few black. Values
$10.75 te $22.60.
Odds and Ends of $1 te $1.50
Corsets. 59c. Broken sizes.
Women's Kid Gloves, mis.
mates, net two alike, at 10c a
. M?"' "C Initialed Hindk.r
chiefs, white, hemstitched, 6c
each, a for 35c. '
" ' "'
Hrmk2, lt22
Nolhene or Mail Or den
Filled Frem Coupon
1 Specials
This Dees Net Apply te
;. , .Other Poeds
Office Furniture
Revolving Arm Chairs'
at $12.50
.. Quartered oak. $19 value.
vrOUnbeU, "Coupon Oar," Stnnth fleer.
-Year '
37, you'll get a bargain at $15.
OimbfU, "Coupon Oar," Secend fleer.
Odd Chairs at $2, $5.
and $8
Suitable for all needs; numerous
designs; in walnut, mahogany and
seme in enamel finish. $5, $10, $15
and $20 values.
100 Odd Pieces of
Chamber Furniture
. at $20 te $50
Dressing Tables, Vanity Cases,1
Rnmi-Vanitv f!nsp r!Mfln,.
Bureaus and, Bedsteads in walnut
and maTidgany. $30 te $100 values.
Olmbeli, "Coupon Day," Sixth flew j
U Feri
' I ' "j"'S'b3,'SSj W 1
mpeNhpf I
Day-Subway Stere
50c te $1 Women's Neckwear,
sample line vestees and cellar
and cuff sets, at 34c.
Hair NetB, cap or fringe, a
clearance let at 15c dozen.
Values up te 50c a dozen. '
Beys' Cleth Hats and Caps,
3.1c. Values up te $1.
10-yard Bundles of Un.
bleached Muslin, $1. .18
inches wide.
Shep-soiled Bedspreads, $1.48
te $2.50. Values $1.95 te $7.50.
75c n yard for $1.85 Trlco Trlce
Icttc, in jade, henna, white,
orange, gray, seal; scarlet and
100 pure Cotten-and-fclt-roll-
'edge Mattresses, all sizes, $7.50.
Valuu $12.50.
50-piece Dinner Sets, bluebird
decoration, $5.65. Value $13.95.
Men's and Women's $1.50 Um
brellas, tape edge, at 88c. ,
Fancy Brocade Lining, Silk-nnd-cotten
mixed; 36 in. wide,
$1.25 yard.
Silver plated Bread Tray,
butler finish, hammered design,
at $2.
Imported Ring Mesh Purses,
silver - plated, 65c. Mounted
with enamel frames.
Fancy Cretonne Remnants,
15c yard. Large and small de
sign, up te 10-yard, pieces.
Women's Hand
Shep soiled.
Begs at 24c.
Rags and Suit Cases, 50c te
$2.95. Shep-soiled.
Het Water Bettles
Fountain Syringes at 50c.
$50 Used Sewing Machines at
$21. All makes included, $1
Weekly Plan. v
White Peplin at 8e yard. 25c
quality. Limited quantity.
Porcelain Table Tops, dam
aged, at 79c. Asserted sizes.
Ne mail, phone or C. O. D. or er
ders. Heavy Cotten Crash Towel
ing, 12 i,c yard. Value 18c.
Geed, absorbent quality.
$1.88 yard for $3.50 all-wool
Kersey Coatings. 56 in., navy,
brown and oxford array.
27-iri. American Dress Ging
ham, 10c yard. Geed assort assert
ment of colors.
9 x 12 ft. Japanese Grass
Rnga, at $5. 6x9 Woel-snd
Fiber Rugs. S5t value $10.
Congeleum Squares, 9 x 12
ft, $&V no borders, rounded
corners. Half price.
Tapestry Brussels Stair Car
pet, 48c yard. Value 85c
.ft .
Ll '"