p8-Ntewmm .'-, : ' :, j. -' ' . '. ' . 1, . ,. JIU. ;?S!waB m THE WORLD QUTS1DE if ,? ikM ;fiML WMW tK V ttcwi't ;, ., J;. t.ttte:Mwra ariwj t i 'Wrwm WW ------- 'iif, K m rwr aMeWMattl AlMMPi ir ii "ii. ; ,.j i 7s ''etA sMtk 4k ;wwa..5aH Sill MM wmt m ' ""'J Wlea, aj ejtjr-ajjfBfayw, . hiiiiMitfr f "weaetBajaajjjanaaw ,' es'SJSML BaiaWttHAflfaMBBl , " es"jysiaaBt"svsBsai ' ' ' "'7 ' " af TBBBBBaaaBBmBBaawaaaweafci"e W I 1 aV T " .B0P SSMfllL WPPP"P53bBb1 ' fffl f aw I -V T I ii laSaaTam atkl JL. liar km a f rW r 1 1 11. fa narrJI uaTgaV eaSigl 4l9 ""l I vUJ LmiLmHv cxi i jiMnEa Ia v XI V iir MihJjVbB V w";: ..-. iiii,;ww -t. --I . MfVKtl ;,Kwm4'' -MfraJUiMZs; tai kin kedf -iirr- ... f th. i a?W w wSekfi. . ":' .. VwV out el a tui r,.'TT 7AU.W. aa t?0' . lt...ari wtft 1 !5E JUsTiM i VtaJte man. a "I ; MtaWMM tan. r'2:" . stricken , ta A!JL"B Lw7ittdlprtKUf te , J t,.fc it DrtfMtV.ara.uq I-5E' ;i7d.ki: hut rw tkate t?. ?r C..- ' Tut tragle walspe tf; w. never knew sir.: Hew JWi." --...... Ha aaW enll P " ? -... of the MS ha .Fweuld have Men tha sama & ..ffl "at the doerr could "WAT.CHB 1.. 'XOU Ur..- .--, -. ')! !?-!- .fcta4k ami wstss KStl. l.TnTkuttWi time It ap kWil8. .nn did net hear.lt, Si' in Tdsikened corner held. Ms I PH" L PfSi!',.t In snlrlt.M V without turnlna ale head. EbSild Tbeat him physically, but he -ASM me, at vpnk or at nWt's body grew, worm again, was' hone, ft. tVmen could .offer i. Mt t reminiscence ou e E'waa wild and untamable.: and he iK mere as a check than a. a ?nriikMrT KeiNt tevmda v """'"W"" '" 7 ...iMnsaa 811m'."' The nli come together and shook rt transit" of tie peer thrown taikem. "I was alwaya mere, or lew dent in-temper. but my rages never Bfbeyend sunuewn. ""?":;; S.' TBftt wa the flaw Jnmy make "Xnd I .wouldn't, give 'blm even beaent eJ a deubtl Without werkr wgHW. laa dMa't wMm, W ferBlT when tfca adefU4.. Ska'a that ktad." ' "At your kind, ta ' fc . . Baawert imped taa k&r. hat ba atdlatelx Nf taa kaai that Jud, eirM ft. Tka h raced le the dam and waa gene. Keaaedjr could hear htajj thuade ring tuk ta ataln. ' That letter f Tfca wlU of tkt faaa, te hava thus rweluttly att a arekea body agaiaat th atrength el fate and te hava wea, by denying hlmiaU all that made Ufa worth Urlag. Te. hare built a' for fer tun with en hand whUa ka held, death at bay with the ether. .' ' . Keanady made hk way te a window, Where ha could ace the tiara. - r . "Marx, what ahall 1 der 1 am, or was, a potential murderer. I have In hee yeara killed Silaa a tkeuaand tlaaak The leriurea invented for taat euwuaa waeat eniy tauit waa uat aa 1 ta auka ma i-lck! What akall uT. ' 7--. tct -r -:,! wreca, wae waa one your lerer. wanted te auke me rich! What dp? Hew akall he make am adn te Qed? xeu aiway a warned me that aeai aa; I should auffer for net laarnlna ta curl my temper. But tker never eecated te ma anything te curb. I could net an ticipate the eutburata. They were en me ana gene oexere x waa rei It. And Ged knewa, I was ally alwi awara el 22-fncmyn K I Vll V WeGBmBmggS f I Ar IXfgJ . T amV C I atYlYI'. C . gVgaml i Lil JlJlv AiSETH ;4nrl7 mm AJFwK ir,m 1 mfflt I amfl IT amfggggggamfamfJ aOT 1 M ' I V aTaamU - - - -- - --wea m aanwawawaaaaanwawawawawaanaawaanwawawawBaaaaaaaBaaBaaaiaaaiii i i i i aggm L SHI" ggggggggggggggPgrgggggggggfMaJil mmmmmm gfaalB l a..aaa--a-a-ayaa-a- -.-. i - - .. : - I J "r r i n i . . .- -, -i - 'i -f v " : ! . iuffttura u. 8. P-unt emc Lj - -.- SOMEBODY'S STENOGA$k Ami Hberdmhr v .: .i-.Nrt Aii v ,iu - fl--wi-!ippicw rAiix Awn rtVfA ilu j T a m6mh' riw ncv, gTttr CUS that silly talk? about .'a vav BlIIBYal JA . . - 1V . - at. .Bl k " - ... T. TliaU. l . . za.navah f , - aaiaB. man li bv 1a:Wft-e2fW t satlently te gather all' the facta ..T.t, nt nne te kill Him I , Aiy 107 My.wWt worth a damn I But te come bm and find everything gene, my wife i her' grave, my chlla vaninea. nne im1 t hiiTB been maa au men hae;,abielutely mad. One day I hap ten te rememeer inat your uiuuc .n'Kern- in that village. I found Wit,' followed him Inte, town, te the K efice. Then I. walkeeut onto ta are. ctcape. "u, w? " unedyf Ha janu. ., . 'I withnpt have It that wny( .' Il taSrtBO tOOCK Ol eeeillg jruu. " Enid' he..dream what Vear:, lntentieni FerT'; He -might have read all about i' accidental Killing or tnat ponce pence aj the' trial; but the name Stewart Mihate. meant, netwng. wnat ne mvw cpuia uneeriianu was your iei Alueaavranca after tne stun. Jtmieu. itaai that .hour, on-rrnethlng. a my Kttkar'i ten. de net believe 'that you tftJMd'.hU death nave inutrecuy, nt faufBi uuva vuuavu ,uuu iuai( I camp unexpccteuiv. xeu wiu rec- tln'-tnat 'letter ne apcaaa or my nte eamn and hla doubt that I ud1 ever, aee' him alirif 'again. He tired the shock 'of;; uly departure; at -a tudden return 'would have been V m ImIm9M' li'DMr On(K wh net) I.'nnderatand. KV,.X"ctt .vtUallre, '.yqu'r, tupendeur uuertunts and I nave netning qui BUT for jeu. Mere.".. Bancroft added. lift,' .Infinite 'wli'dem, "I want te PM.ye Place my tamer once naa in bur; life." We have both lett tome Jnfi.l my boyhood and you your neat art. Yeu will take of mrlTOUth and will fake of your wisdom,. I knew ly.faihe:Wlll leek down. with hanplneat bontuch;n'unlen.,, - ." r I "You're a aoed lad.' said Kennedy. trnlng and offering that lingular amlle increft hed seen enca . before. Of bat did It remind him? "But, 'no. nreuch, my Insane, violence. ,1 .have Hied n man. I didn't' mean te: but here the. deed, I before Qed ap4 .man. Dd my thumb prints are, in the pollce cuirei. -unui me loverner mieriereu my behalf I had te account' for my- uf occatlenally te the police." "Aa Bteivnrt. vra. Hut Htuwart lanlibes forever this' nltht. and Ken- ptay returns, xne bitter long lane pmei te its turning." Bancroft's. met were thrill ns. with eaiernest. ill... ..M.. ".! Ti -m ". vapuy ypiim can lurew en iese thingt I Yeu have hopes, dreamt ; nave only truglc rocellectiona. My lendsbip. would only emb'arraea you. ' tm always meetlnir semn ena who at UD there when I " I "In a llttle whlle. sir. all this will hcerae as a bad dream." a nut tne fwe formed a tableau of way minutes' duration, and the Ira- iflQItive ..Bbutida rctiirnml tn illenulnt Mncreft't cars, Somewhere above psney was gebbine. May I kern tflU lat tn a fan TlT" askeil Knnnnilv tnntlni. V.Ot course. Bead it ever and ever. 'iWj have done. I, hit ten, tteted him. tee. ItnmamtMii. thnt. PUt I Wish' vnh urmil.t 1lu,sn tn m (.' I haven't anybody. Why net Pt me ns a son? r mill nnsw ur IntMviit In llfe m ' ' ten?" 'fAM tomorrow we'll go together te -, mm inaae a, proper mvuien. jell read the letter. Ww(U under go, my boy." ii?V'. ,lr' lta Jy tten' will." .. euie. All the money mutt re U yours, te' de Ane tlilnaa with. I r' wufii iuun Ft myself 1I1SB n enough for u broken man VHII L ULTHUI TUIir ITlin F0Ii neither of purse nor of hand, ifc'ii yey w.,u lc ee you enca In WRile for II llttle tnllr Ifm.n m lQkli the' nnrralnlna n.l th- nkl. leu A..;, '' i." " -.r7" -7r.'i -T. F.w 4WUU 1JI IllDin. I1I1P TI1TI1AP. ii-'" n?rj (f ,,g uw he, used te coreo m ut night for drink of water and mm Put bit nrmt nreund hit ten I" WK u' "'rj might." I nO knows? But thaiM la nna Ter I shall ask of you. Keen me by JJ nlghf. ' I'm e llttle afraid of leil.r . I'erlinna 'If r ml.l.t .n.j h. Ifln'.tht'eH inu.ZZZnV"- V Jeu rtall ttty with me, tlr. se long Mm pleme.1' That't mt 'what I FWfr' '. iOniOrrOW .will li a ym Amm K-aff!l.I'.,,.qNf tawrrew. at l.;,,.Whtna7i iiS.y. ' n.. . i ' 'WW .bb..w .ma.. A. . '-7 wava aeriv. It wat never, directed at you, Man. Yeu knew that. lam very tired. AU, thla damaatiqa becauta I never wanted te be asperated from you, again; enough money te-that I should be my own matter. De you remember that first year the honeymoon when we cresaed the world. together? Then little Mary came and I had te travel alone. In nocent byttandera! The boy la right I Annihilation for me and mine, by a man I never knaw.-never heard of I" Kennedy left the window and went down into the etreet te tearch for a taxlcab. He would have plenty of time, Meantime, Bancroft, thrilling te the laat corpuscle in his body, courageeua te the point where he would have defied all the world te keep him from that deer, opened' it with tuch excitement and violence that it alammed agalnat the inner wall, letting loete a hollow clamor of echeet. "Nancy?" he called Joyously.' Ne antwer. Naturally : for the unex pected' racket, which did net in' the least suggest te her that the wat being rescued' had tent Nancy into a corner, speechless and terrified. She wat brave enough, but in the dark, the previous alienee, the queer madman who had locked her in, .and this tudden hubbub, scattered the remnant of her courage. "It It I, Jerry Jeremiah. 1" Still there wat no antwer. Bancreit'a Jey evanerated. and an agenising fear rushed in fear that aha might be dead I With trembling fingert he struck n match. The head snapped en. describing a glowing parabola dying before it reaehed the fleer. He bunched several matches and struck them, and under' thla1' deml-terch .he quickly glanced about. A bit of white a bird wins en Nancy's hnt cauaht his eve: and he rushed te the corner. She waa dead I He Huns aside the matches, care lesa whether they set the house en fire or' net, knelt and took Nancy into his arms, rocked with her and sobbed, (for nis emonenai aiaa wat still nigniy sut centibler and called her all tha endear. ments he could think of, and asked Oed te bring her back ; tender and beautiful nonsense : and 'twas a pity Nancy missed it, for Jeremiah would always be shy in love, never vioient, never clamorous, as in hip fear he new waa. It waa a wonder that aha aver did come back, se tightly he held her. That wnicn aoeuia nave eeen a long sign or returning consciousness waa mere like an agenised gP fr breath. She strug gled, then relaxed, her consciousness complete. She knew who ft was who held her. , Heme. "Net net se tight. Jerry I" "Oh, Nniicyl I thought you were fieaui" "Foolish of me te faint. But such noise I I knew you would come." Fer a.' little while that waa all : ex cept that she put her arms around his neca; because otherwise tbey would have been perfectly useless. And se they rested, In tha beautiful dark that erstwhile had been se full of menace. "De you care a little?" he asked, trembling. Her arms she might have been put around his neck out of fear. "More than I ever thought I could for any man. But I didn't knew for sure until they came te me with the lie that you were hurt. I thought you had been tet upon again. Peer hey ; you're going te have your hands full of met" It flatbed Inte hit head sprightly, tbst it was well enough for tne present te have his nrmt full of her; but he did net utter the jest; such words would be sacrilege. Be another spell of si lence ensued. "Wat It as dark at thit when you kissed Jenny?" . .... Something in her voice told him that she was smiling. He blundered against her ear, her cheek, her nose sweet blunders, however before he found her lips. Then be leaned back, happy and eewiiacrrui ane carrai xne wnoe wnee wnoe lievnhlo had hnnnenedl Ha heard her laugh softly and contentedly; and he was never te snow wny. All at once the pushed htm aside and struggled te her feet. "That mad man! What hat become of hra? Where Is he? Cen we leave?" m "He It waiting euttide for us. Nancy. He it no longer mad, but a lubject for all the pity you have In your hetrf. It is a long ttery. Imsy as well tell von new. De you mind the dark?" "Ne" 'smiling again.. . "Mind tht dark I I don't mind anything, npt even the future. But, Jerry, yeull bare te It wat hit turn te smile. ..pn j,,Tt a Jeb tomorrow. Didn't I tell you lilt night that I bad one? This story be- nn mint venrs ace." "'....r-' '.. ."!.. A T.- 'wjiere is yuur , m'li "Here." Nancy wm full of pity and tender nest; she would always ba se, for the unfortunate. Te her, as te uencreft, there was nothing repellent in the fte that Kennedy had killed a man and iv,"n.i fe was net te be held strictly accountable for bit immediate aip S ' taVum "V "I 4 1UP 3MSW am WSWLSSB5S far2 ilWfflSsiL ?wi . "" a ftCaa 1 I lA1 mtm 1 LIM Tl sraUtflOU 4AIMST PEAK-BD LAPBlA. THfi AkttH LAPBL IS MORS, t FORM SeTDSPfitK. Ixi HAVIAl' MB AUDfc a mess sedrwrm THE AEW GATHVt r?OUMD THETZJf VWITH SU6HTLYMOR6JJOP THE PAMT. rtK6 i ec7ayHa.r XVrUVW6 DCV CUT All A COUPUtOP OUTIA16 GWT&: I I.IKS TV4E HAM& . Qf Hl6TK0USe&?S. WrttT I 0U 1MINK Of A TWO INCH CUFf ' 1 e 1MB AlATiOWAt f300V HAS STIPULATED CUOSER KNEES JgsKtH im (tap(M. Itat, ay I Bit Bmuvmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OB TrmV AO0LbAtTMAHM '-W 5 I T hkTtHATOLD CRAB SHD HIS THE' MAV HE LOOK& LIKE A JLTMI . I um. 7G as r aa w -, -i a a? x - e Ktn IV l- wf S-m ssui iv I wem. x - igsi. n i " " r "j A-a-H- Tha Yaunt Lady Aorett tha Way MICKBX WIKSSIF) McGVIRE ,: : tM tM0E1VJi.AM'sT awtifelp By FONTAINE tOX The young lady acresa the way saya aha doesn't suppose a light heavywelgbt kaa te be a blend nee sarlly, v tseraley net a colored nau..' f fWtaa Mejic AKY MaW aHp it wa fMtTt TailGH T KM ittv MicKar MGuiRl OH 1WI;WAYHM fneH-THt UtUeH WMtH MlCKaY HAffaKiO Ta M iM TMlL NoeO Music. I 1 V -ur . I w -r t aS 9 l 'Ik - Vkft ( " j aHgiVvV a. J4. s c - t'L. "" 4t tf SCHOOL DAYS v &Wa . t &5m win TTiMPlST vpiu ifi ! vimnmwtivc,, ihm snvaw aua i .aai v7x u i I -taVSaW- T --JSS-SSStttSSSSSSSSaaaaaaaCaWaBBS-.- aTf pwm ANCU FOR. 60Sd SAVES. be VbO STiU LWHT muk, SKttW M1M GKS1 A IUVJ Wf, Ne'v Mae eieceije. umn OMea. m xckia rat. wm a. VCAR1. ABC tUSHTf (MMtS T tWWTtMlM DtfllntJ Snu, Svaie as is Geed emetM tttv Ihts UThft teias. ma tukt ir uaw 6 fVJHHf Hi Hg. l- m TtttetwfiVTsaipjL PETEYHet Refrigerators By C. A. Voight 1 1 L jA3sutT i !Xr3ffHw? PleB m!t'l zi- GASOLINE ALLEY Anvil Cherm BCVaVW.1' r.l?; .. 'vsnrwu im anant veara In nrisen for tha deed. Tortured by the atuptndeusnets of tha calamity wnicn nsq Miiauia him. t if We ought net .te lesjt bin alone tonight, Jerry, Ha might rf W"'f am taking bjm home with ul. (Tl)e bejise w live in, kgt wateaet bis: hew dretdfull" ' flwill you marry mt, Naaer?" "i rauer expect U upr my .arata. unh v9'jtWiiviM'iM,m,Mii te, aner aaviag pui jr m wm mm lr ' j By King uFDMaN- f HANDSOME gFrX--Ly. JsW CH CO H0BWO6IH6 T-4iri Jr (HERMAN) !( BR0Te!y X-ca- " ' Aaoerio with h6RmamS w57 I -t "-1 V UMUI y I I Nr -y--ta T AO0 with MtHrwn L.ip T le " lr-i V llMPJi lJA ilrtll :':fl t aatBBjfl aVfJtfgk t. i,V"-" t- I, I Ss X J tBBJJJJJJJJJjK T x v I t t-t-saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaj I 1 1 II .flgLaVaanafaV i Jf I AU. Vl. X '- . : gtafgSafgftfgfcv 1LV (m V J ' -v T -' ' ' "' ' gfSBBIifffffffkw " tfsr "gaHgsW ( V S gfsllllllll '4sttBy' V ,1 -Amp . MM A 9l.. iirtHr . '.-. IngfaTgffffffffffaV J a eatsiEaaB, "- I t-' i .mi isjaSgjN- av-V (Kal "ea.. WJ eaiK;1.- . .'H.j.igiv... " GFrv "tm. Amimm ttiwap.i.i. ,.niii..ii ii.ii J..IJI jL.Yai. . ..iwiLjii. i. &i. i i.i in i mi i t wiuii mm ' v" mmmmMmn imwwnwmin -- tii .- ir ,r-..i. -- , mmm ,,,,., -.& a ::ij m m