Vmebp wwwivr . ww . "-"p " t tf J V v T J iLxKV yV4 t? T h?9r 7 iTlKlnBaBBBBBVBuRBVuar'nv :wa km; & ., MF JVJI B I U r ar ! !! M E 111 1 m 1, ".& j, M 28 MAL EtTATE P01. IAH bbw Jtyi-mi - LAKE VIEW POULTRY FARM MODERN BUNGALOW HOME ri 21. Illus. catalemi. rtA double price t T-room Photo and detail rai last eatl bldea. wert tWMMn. witn Delej lighting arstem. fur. H" neat, net anil cold running water, lee. Mem. pantrlei. hardwood deem, fine ahade, feZ" .ial,B",b,,fr,i .overlooks beautiful Mbe: alt .btdgi. etectrl-.ally quipped: etabla. arwe poultry neuita. garace, mm crib, etc.! nn reaa ana moternui unci nenr all a rchft I . A IrMa BiPiialil. flan mmIh . ti ether tree fruit! 80 grapes. 3Vi rice., loll raspberries: owner Irantaata Ml el TVi tools some furniture: price reduced te I Mn raah inrf aa.t, lamiai mi hv for fee rnnv. NKW Ji?nai.V ipAnr p(CT, 8(9 D. Real Eitnlu Trutt Bldg.. aeree atrawbarr asHM West: throws. In harvested crop, MAS BITATB TOM SALE building. e r l- FOH SALE Cllr lata. rl-M. fa corner Elmwood are. and .Islam Marks l'arker nve at Chei uermantewnave. north of Weitvlew are. . , rAiir.mji, iag p. liiin ax, aitwtck aye. and Alburger laae.- r. nam at.i oexiza. . met it. wen ai at Chester pike: 808x308, open 913 N. CARLISLE tiruur reflnlahed home, patch hall, etee. poeaeaaleni price' reduced! terrna te sultl 10 te la and 3 te B Sunday. Pep. Bail. Reautlfully reflnlshed.heme, Dutch hall, stee- ii iv i'iBTamni price VACANT 2.12(1 .8. Bread, perch, 'l rooms, a bathe. EAL ESTATE F0 BENT cm Immediate Possession Garage or Service Station 328-80 N. JUNU'BR, 223-20 N. WATTS .. .. New 3-story bultdlnit: 3 frenti: 11, MO aq. ft.: electric nutn elevator. ADHOTT ESTATES' N. K. cer. BROAD A.NU HACK 'Iflrlc. het water heat 1119. 300. WM. C. HKVDtt 13th and Snyder av. " ' 't " " ' ae'in mm gyxij VT 304 TO 809. -tUMtlARt)., ST. Stere and dwelling-! let.el ft. 84 In. -by TT ft.: feed income preducera. nil werrit may, rHtip-f.-EBWiy COUNEIl (tore property. 3013 N. ITth It iilMHiiiiaiij iruuBTBOluili ...... .Make eajh offer. ..ARTHUR UOHWtil.U a8J W.. 18th It. LUCUHT ST.. 230411 reama. !l halh.. ha. ment laundry, parquetry , fleer. open fire- viuve, uuitn nniii bii mmiern cunvaniencet. Apply le owner. Purine T4T8. HKST IIUV IN THIS VICINITY! ' i r i ji . n w - v t . ." "vi. . ..- j v. i- .t '" a " 'ti l ' t . -w - -. - -j- iii'..ie.i.ji. i a " '. ii. & n r j. Jtr. . Hj.riwjvr.j. ij j v j . .; . - " r BDflBBHMaiHDJBmfg .-..--. --,. . -.j- ,'- , ,r-,, i.,t !- Y-A.. '.t. v -. ".'::-'-g JLi-U --aiilLlK.P'yi -1r -". 'aVfcaaati'lt''kjiai-aia.W'.' 4aUaraa'WtaJABiW UrttWraMl" ' llbAi.--4riUl-i'Linn' EVENING PUBEJC At, XSTATji VOX 8AM WWT rHIMDEJ.rWIA A DEUOHTrUI. MnTt IHTMir. hnrna In that anad Rher. weed .eectlen for. 148401 vacant I A reed ana you win ilk it. Tanker. ein tlmere, Woodland BB4. wewiiwnn nole. LAVE., M43 IIRDCHAMIIBM. Ala riiNVKNIFNCEg, perch, larw let. wide atreet. PtWm faAAn mi teraia. : I'KMIIBRTOfi. JR.. Harrlien Bldg. HAKKli AVK. In nulih hiiMri iitinni nawU WILIAJW8 HAKKI. AVK, i te quick buyert 84800: newly renevnted: ft roetni and bath! amall amount of caah required. Harrlien. Woodland 210. 10S N. SICK : front. 3 bl real. SICKKt.Bfl rmi. aqd bath, perch kt imucm irem i. - einiiuni price .. Frlea j Sen. 8420 Market. NEW r bath, apartment, 35 ft. front, Sherwood ere, nerinaw urewi, 21B cneitnut at. larara double atera and 6 rmi. and IUA1 S. dSTH, ST.. corner KlntwMln art. mmfZX&TJf?"'m9'j MWacrn: eirraam. . HIITZKI.. I Diamond T8TT, ittueca antd by nil entaie; nn.1, nnd AT lHth. 8 ty.. 0 rme.. lASUfl! .InOI and !M riydcnhnm. 3 ity. il rma., MHOO, Tleaa B3tf, ft m&i.ia j,. t... i.k ..... ........... . Nev. se, central eiure, with re, nnd and IlilrU fliier; must Im eeld- peu. 1308 Cutlf iHrt nenr llcnilln Terminal Stntlnn. 300 BLOCK SOUTH I5TH Medem bulldlnc te rear etrtct. I etery, 8 .nami. etc.: imposing rreni GOOD FOR BUS. OR 0FRCES WALTER C. REDDING 80 3. 17TH 8T. 2110 LOCUST .tPNIHHKI Oil t'N'r'L'llNtSKED IWhAKS fie BROWN 24 H. nTH ST Alp aee edtertlMmrnti In email type In follewlna relnmn Wnalneae Prepcrtlee and Starea Parkway Cerner Stere fiUITAm.E ANY HtOH-CI.ASS riUSINESS: ALSO rtASEMENT; S. W. COR. ITTH AND RACE. ABRAHAM FELT LAND TITLE ULDQ. rainiininraiBiiis NEW 2-STORY BUILDING 17x140 TO IIKAU 8TIIKET 1620 VINE STREET Dayllfht hid.: new In cnurae uf erec tion. Hiiltalilu for ehevi mom, auto irceMnrlm, retail Mei, light mnnu faiturlnit. IOT TIKXTAL ALBERT QUELLJtde. SPRUCE Cailt. Racr nnu.i fla 2024-26 SANS0M ST. Paul H. Btull. Merrli llldg. Spruce 1831. 4808 LOCUST ST. .IH-etery heuee: nil med", ern lniprecmente: 112.900: require 12000 raeh, Kred 1, Kelt.. .311 H. lth !.. l'hlla. " IUOU ltKCII.Nr HT. Two-etery meilcrn corner dwelllna' TAUI.ANB. inn Wilmil t. 8TUHY, thuteuahly modern, 3 bathij one nn vviiar ave,, one en 44th at.: iis.oev. co . netn a Hawmnrq. en Wen Phlla, R. K. mAI MTAM t0 AL .?uf',15te, L t Bell' 849, Mil Ml MODEU.N 3-aty. home, with aarace. icreeni, ehndja. .etc: Overbroek eectlenj only 11800, Wint. Phlla. It. R. Ce.. Beth & Baltimore COtlim CREEK aec 00th Bait, ave., med. ixirm. nema, aae. QUICK aale. A nig u.i. OVERBROOK aee., 1111 Atwood rd.: 0 r, meq.i ar. narry a iiarry. I'reetnn sw: UAHOAIN flher. aec, 7 rme . me,1irn; price rlaht. Kelley. 30 B. B3d. Bel. 8S3J. . OVKll 3S0 heuaea. automobile aervlce. e-iiLfr'. iny. Rell '433 B. B4thl 44(10 blk. Chestnut, 8 ity., 13 r 3 b , elec.: t.uuu cnun rcq. narry e narry. cnen A2P nnd Market, Ory batb,.ldy., elec., Dutch nan. Kelley. aw 8. B3d. Bel. 8333. rarterlra. Warehaneea. Manufacturing tlaara 2A30 l.KE ST. Slwoem iIwcIIIiik. 1 eeuire from Frnnkferd "I.": price f'.'SOO. Mnllen, Oraham a Ce , 1IH10 Oermintewn Beth ph. TENTH, nenr Spruce, cer., 4 aty 14 rma., Includlna furnlehlnaa. te be aeld ery rcae. Jeepph rvidman. Sim Lincoln Blda. VACANT 2420 S. Recnn,il t.. 7 renmi. electric! .mne H-mIp Ifttti and SnMlnr nc WHY pit) cmh nhen 1th little cash jeu can buy n home In the nerthweet jictlen7 CAI.l. ilUTZBI.. IHAMOND 71177 20TH. N.. 214il Medern: 3 !or -helme. 10 rminr, 2 bathai lultablc for apt.: bargain. Ht'TZF.I.. Dlimend 7077, NORTHWEST HO.MI'.S! pni'Ulnr prliee! termi nrnuig.l! Bet ll.t. RAYMOND O. FHICK. TiMunn lit nnd Indiana ne. CARE OV ESTATES nur epcclnlty; prompt renin. Wm. Hndler' fnn. 13 Jd Cel, av SACItlt'iCEi 1712 W. l-hlvh: t7.'iiu: . mf : nirn 7"l'l te S 10 Mnn eicnlng 2044 N. ami n revme. me.l,,rn! will finance HtlTZEf,, DIAMOND 71177 TWO-STORY heuej 37th near Filbert: price 82300 ,1eenh Feldmnn. 2'l Lincoln Pldr. CORNER Mjrtle nnd Watts 9 ruemi: 940OO will finance Writ 811 N inth it. S. CLARION HEM 20: $1000 nOLKTTKR. IMh nnl Merrli VALUABLE central prepcrtx nt, attractive price; nnancee. veine. -ju.-i i.inerty inaa. 010 W. SELTZER ST. Ionian avea.: i.iieii. ..iv. Bf. citn. A Call Spruee 7343. 2010 OEKMANTOWN AVE. Bargain. 8RENCO 313 S 13th It. 1111 LOMIIARD ST. Te cleie nn eetate. S. C. ADAMS. On l.lnceln IIIJ Spruce 3740. Staree and Pwelllnya 110,000, STORE and 3 apti.. itera en flrit fleer, apartmenta en eecend and third flneris electric light, het-wnter heat: reed locatien: en main, thoreughfare: let 30x81 ft, 781) S, 83 at. ' a:.1 SPRINQ tlARDKN ST. Thirteen roemii let 23x100: Centennial location. Onlwilii a Sen 2337 N, Hlth. S3 SSyS bfcsfRABL roema. av;ar f aragaj prlca 187.000: bathi, eytry cenrenlti KXAZWnA.ntOBAiM JMBMXUtA, ft, A UVntttSmiim clratlVf f Sir aMi HonarMy-eff imvWM.' Ank iY thpT. a "fj-,i,1!!n.'Jr?iJi KaWatar heat. ia'Bjfffai', FRANK CARMAN, JtakUtawa. at aax JSgrJ! EAIMi ewNih win aSu di 4 mli ceu a-v? location. IB venieneei H acrei alk ffeAtn ateftlnnt Bnaaced with llttla cam I mignt exchanre I.AND1B. NAOLB -l KAfM Ardmore. Pa. 1 - 1 BTONB STUCCO. 0 ABDMOBB fVMW C. KEITBR. 820 g. Beth at. Bhirw'd 0287. BCTHAVKIMl BJITiJr.VlJ J1;" ! ?,OM ? hi i.SKT'.1?. 'lS.S,.f "et-watar heat: garage: I'.iJ! '."a'A 3& ,hf, "'.rtBnca te train: 5,rie on.,1?l6de,v Immoelau poeiewlen. Jl?.2lr.m- VIi h0.u modern eon een l2SS!c..,ll,,d,B . 5e tW tenant C"a: evar l.aera land: centrally located i lain MB aBa all - HARRY O. KLT. BBTMATHBB. PA. HTNBIl WlllMll d home located M tl iwne. 19 roema. I atena-and'ifii oewne, 18 roema. eui ne-and.i let 80x170; I aim liar neigl write roe- i r-VTWi aatistvema mtnirni nratla r'sitm raaWarbaii aoUea el tana- i"n"?-n3: snaiiami WfMiM Oa . aaar fJwaft M M I Trnri aw wv lir Uf YI ""Tri, fmrffTat - I - - atxayiaivanri.f.ai. .i r v -aS la aWyaglaayaxaaxiiiBi awgaV.BBxl al aaaaaaaaw !. ORB t Uia' DMtM'TStSa'U'lVlaaiL KM. IM LB fta rma.in wnaalilani DEPARTTWENTOI rMrw' FsftH fceaB , -HaS-lT: MIC A It In Ji.h?""' 'feBUr"i5arar3wKth, '1 OMII fllalBlBlBai PaaM. aaiaaa ekaa2 f Kfr. S ''''; nar.wiiss .; I 2 aern of F1NB" fleer lesrai eneei: large let. MABBflaavai 7 rmi, and bath: hardwood HOIIK. ileeping perch: all modern eent di. wen inaatea: mnn ee i plated: near atatlen: .813, J?B.,,'lpK!52.dl "A Jtatjen: I: OKO. A. ONBB. epp. Narberth atatle atatlen. ivanl. een BOB. I Blard and Peel Uceme a &ffl&8FW&& will ba tlen aaMraaa-Wfl, Trnnea rEwlix rjtvut in Vaataer. in. ' . -. , sn PACIFld. 6ctSH??ry ranek.baraain, &t&&ERiEi&a& W1XU1TMIA VAXIMa HOMESBBKBRSr lend fe7 yiralBia fkrai Tlati beat climate. Dipt. B. BmpariaAva. BBOOKUfB ri.'D DELANCBY, 8. K. cer., itere and (Iwk,: 120.000. Richard P. Powell, 202 S. r.'.M et. MAItKET, 31110 Stere nnd 10 rooms' lflxOOi hnt.water Imnt. electric: 832.300. Richard P. Powell. 303 8. 82d. 32IHI BLOCK Spring Garden; 11 rmi., Oetwale A Hen? 3337 N lflth Cel etera 4021. Alia ace adyertlarmenu In large type In preceding column. OKBMANTOWN lOSne only one left out of entire opera . tlen. 7 B. Hertter at.. 6 rma , bath. h..w. heat, elec,, hdwd. fin., twin perch, right off atn. ave. A. B. Weehan. 8747 tlermnntewn nva. 5723 ItEACKWOOD ST. Six roeme and . bnth. imnh. Duteh hall, white nnd ln ln hegany; excellent conditien: 14780, Including extra. W. Kaufman, 1302 Chilten ae. Oak Lane 234B. 810.000 TO 838,400 Selected modern hnui-i ., In beat.lncntlanai unuiual value: lend for lilt. 1IAUHAN, DOLMAN A CO., N. B. cer. Hrnad nnd Cheitnut. Alae advertlwment la large type In preceding column. , Bmlneaa Prenertlea and Stere CORNER BUILDINGS N. W. Cor. 3d Neble. 3 ity.. 34tf0 N. E. Cor. 4th Neble, store & dwg, . w. ter. -itii v N. E. Ce C. SEIBKI or, .1,1 A lta ft CO.. INC. III'. 4 Ml.. 327! re, 3 sty., asxne. 4tn fc milnnhlll STORES gL i3fffiaBir4 NEW STORE . 1 . 2047 CHESTOUT ST. I New In ceur of constructien: ex- S ciptlenally ilnslrable; rmVcrn: suit- ti aeie rer optician, specialty ihep, meillste. furrier, millinery t,r hlch clai business; moderate rental. ALBERT QUEa -$8 & nnleheil. In wonder buslne location. leuth ld of lbanen ave. wat or intn it. UOSS A TAYIOR. Builder nvd Owners. 03th and HaildlnKten t NEAR 3d nnd Arch Smifll 4-ty. shop, with rower. 87000 Owner. 1030 Dlesten it. OTN. Ureene nnd Tulpeheckn its . 10 rms., S hlth, with gar.: nenr Tulpehecken ate. Drctiy ft Evnn. loot Lincoln Hld. OTN, 8H W. Sharpnack et.. 3-story, twin. rmrch open for Inspection Sunday. E J. Oriibt. 113 W. Dauehln t- . AIe see aerfertlarmenti In large type In preceding column. LOUAM 002 AND i.es Ansbury at. Six room and hath, perch, het-wnter heat, hardwood floors. 1 sijuure te car; lacrltlcc. W, Kauf nnn 1103 Chclten ave. Oak Ijine 21n ROOSEVELT BLVD. Twin house facing park- hirg.: I130O caih, bal. mtg.: owner. Wye. B128 R "?22. CA8!1 A0. Pr?haaai 918.800: let BOx ii Mi- !' S.0,Pn'' lenca. canter hall. t'tl"!? 'm. dlnln room, breakfast room, kitchen. S bedroemi, tile ath. unfinished storeroom : absolutely all elty convenience!. Phene Lnnedewne 1389. 'T..K?S','KVARDr-5nter hall. 4 bedroemi: ie; 11, n ID Bunds SS" ey ownerilet 30X143: ivni, tei TER A. McCLA' neimnnt a(m. Open BOO. WAL. and Market aU. errpsiTE new club: beat Motien: B bed, Setoffs V?2atShy? RiP'in'jKS ket sts. Belmont 9408. Open Sunday. avwann STONE HOUSE. bedroemi. heated third ..ffTJi eJK?1,j,',9i e.: let BOxllOi !-Mt . WA1E.'' A. MeCLATCHY. 70th A Market ata, Belmont 9408. Open Bunday. COM.INflPAl.B 8T?nE and dwelling en trolley llnei mndirn ti'i?rf "SfA i'-nd: bargain. W. M. HAW. THORE. 00th St. Theatre Bldg. Lani. 2081. CYNTVVP CTNWTD Immediate posiesilen: let 128 ft. frent: old shade: 0 bedroom and 3 bath: ?S" ?"' W8.000. ROBERT J. NASH, 1314 icust at., or luburban office at ata ata tlen. Narberth. DOYUWTOWN PUBLIC SALE for owner Property known inia .evember 23. llt3. at 3:30 P. M.. n acrei aa Hell nretwirlv. AaKlanrf -... t,---..-"5r:r-' "v-"- -; ...nn uuiuHin, juuvaa v.eun , Pa., 'Saturday, 07 perches: B-roern stone' heuse: itenn slate. reef factnrv tiulMtnr aftwt.i. 19 Kt, Jl ei 8 ,lerj'!an. haaement, heavy construction, ever., 0000 square feet fleer space: frame building, about 30' by B0 feet. 3 steries: barns, mushroom heueei and caei: ever BIX rooms at ti ..larrn let: a baaalfta "wmerne. ein at. HVIIl QAKMfWT id .bath, btii ngalew! garage nema, gvane. w. as, batr Bldg. Lani, 24 TWO-flTORT i apartment heuaea, B room; J!P.l.b0,i?,?B 'H"11 perch: rent 9188 rnenthlyi etegmnt reildentlal aeetlen: geed VnJAlit'SJl!J'!!!f..Yf1" J" Y"r reaienabli. JOSEPH FELDMAN. 309 Lincoln Bldg. UPBlNfiriBUs STONE and itucce dwelling with Hate roef: 9 .roetni and a bathi. het-water heat, alec i?.'. aPf!nW water, open fireplace! let 108x188: iltuated en the hlgheit ground In Sprlngfleldand convenient te Springfield Sta tlen: 818,000. D. B. CHAMBERS. Realtor, net Commercial ,Truat Bids., 18th and Mar RIAL MTATJ-BALB 0 MaWT SALE OR RBNT 899 f; 18th at: therMphir reneva yd: het-water Beat, electric light: In fine conditien: let 99x89 feet. '-f-tiTinaii en rtttr itrMta Fer Unas and prii UWntr, AVJ Pi J8J m ea apply na Bun a nRAMtrfW tSnltA.. 9338 RIDGE AVB. Med. perch tiwW kaa. 19 rma. and bath: price reaaerjabta. TT.-F. PAIX A CO.. 904 Land T1tlo,BldV,-felll: i . . Aesa Tafasinwaimffa 1" - u.i Cewfflra lit fcr a-C ' - t mJSyur a3 StSSSki. vSILia lal U Ha a tiH RMaaifsT,"!! 4 aiMUin. Areola -9fj v.-jw.jt..,. , - lallATaVa Ir ,3 leflWar'laeeSi. ' 2 k-KaTL ,-"'.. IfiUkS '?' f t i niiiiMii - ' BraaiMaaMaBaiM - ' I Wt'mim m "-B 'appathopevloa. xioMei ,T. ,91 H. JUgeweew.gt, , , , , . I iriEX!F.iM Iheay Ml B. 11th -al. ., . s Ul Si. w it. Tlt 8408 oermaatewn atrax ' ' -ZTZk"niiaa .:'':. IMT MBI' en. Mi 'appathopevl S aaan. Oi emane. ah sBarealll. Jehn Jraene. Frank Varan. 'Exra . Any eltlien of foil u?.Bth.Prwh.w1 at- irmaatawn BTaiv s'-w n . m OaMtlll at. 'TI LiLfiaW XBAX. XSTATB JOB mSMT CITY inaefrtea. Warebaaeei. Maaaf actttrlag flaaw rllLES OLDa.. . " WKBT,rBILADEf,MitA 8931 WALNUT BT Fine modern medern dwg. t let 23.8x183 ft. i iSSl m 2ata33 . .Jrt US23J8rJStiL ma vmbu w ,. v. ... wviwiiivr long leal examine by order eijT from CHA8. U BROWN CO., Ml Pianos Bldg.. 18th and Walnut ata! BnntS gi BTUCCO an!-frame dwelling with large een- i raomsine eaini uioreugniy mwu ern and practically new: garage for 3 care: 2Kn.flwp'ftP,i10tJl8al40! close te atatlen! 113.800. D. B. CHAMBERS, Realtor. 001 Commercial Truit, Bldg., 18th- and Market SOUTH ABPMOBB KAJlSLDLi?CKte?'n trolley i medern: price 'A50. C. KEITBR. 838 8. 80th It. ffher- .... i-eis ru-OI DUnDBT, BOUTH BpnmriKtp SINOLE home, e rmi. and bath, en let BOx 180: atrlctly medern: 80 minutes te center Of City! 9AB0O1 Itnea n.li mnlrMi wnritiv of your Inspection. Jehn i. Deuehertv. asih St. Terminal Bldg. Belmont 773. BT. PAVmB ONE of the elder homes, heated with can . tral-plant ataam. 10 rooms, bath, elec Wf'iK. 8ai goqdJecatlon: let 7Bx32B ft.; 818.00). J. M: WlONRFIKI.fa, Wavne, ta.' 00 fine, bearing apple trees: aerlng of ev ceptlenal volume and aualltv: artesian well all borough facllltlea readily nwllahle: B WVNNKriF.t.U minutes' walk te railroad and trnllev denote any manufacturer, real aetata de eloper or i iruu, irucK or poultry farmer aeeaing le. MUST SELL THIS WEEK Modern 0-room home, hnt-nuter heat, electric, hardwood fenr. perch Tiega W300 W. FCTN BOCK Fartnrlea. Warehouse. Mannfarturlng Fleer I'M TORY. cle te rrankferd L: 3 tnr ana iai"nient. witn imnt en an ins; .12 000 q. ft.: steam heat, electric lllfhls. sprinkled, toilets en each floer: eleater with lii-iillng platform; gnriiRe. sheds, jnnt rne-n: I'implpte !er plant: selenilld condition; Immedlati iwssesslen: bargain: will help rinnnce responsible part. Chester D. Rott Rett ner t Ce . 1421 Chestnut at. location aheuld write for -circular of this it J iMUEB, Agent. Ampler, i-a, FOX CHASE :OTTMANi AVE. Heme leta, near Riling Sun ave.: 828 caih. 93 menthly: choice locatien: aend for plan. C. FEMUBRTON. Jr.. 4 S. 18th at. ; MUST BE 80LU. rVilnnlal A.m . St.. A. e.l. m. l"-.- 'A! m". . w'w..ni.i an mm., -car aaraae. a n mln. ata. WM, eier. I'a. Bel 133 8. 4th at. 1J5.0,-i. 3-car garage. 3 !IBX. Knight Bldg.. Am ir uee, ii. nenmann Bell lembard 8100. r.. BMl J.8.. or. Qee, B. Rrbmann. -nii WYNPMOBB pllEASANT BT.. 3 aty.. perch. 7 rma.: let Sf.?K!r?enif?r aragi 14000. W. D. OOTWAL8-A SON. 3187 N, 17th at. i.'W frtlaemrnta In amall type la tollewlng column. aTacterlea. Warehouse. Manufacturing Fleer LOW RENT 211 NORTH 13TH STREET 1000 Squire feet: light en 3 sldea FIREPROOF BUILDING 1514-20 CALLLOWHILL ST. THIRD FLOOR: 7700 SQUARE FEET LIGHT ON 4 SIDES 114 NORTH 13TH STREET BMALL FLOORS; LKJHT ON 3 SIDES FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1.1.14 WALNUT ST. 1'ACrellY. 3 story. 12.1 'DO aq. ft., with Hunt en all aide, steam heat, electric lights, garage, sheds, large ard with Inidlnir plat plat eorm: possessien: bnrgtln: will hlp flnamc ri spensible party Chester D. Rettncr It Ce . 1421 Chestnut t. FACTORIES J. L Stevenson fit Sen Warehouses floors, factory sites Land Title Bids WE CAN SELL you 16.000 iq. ft. of ground . n.. witn DUIM. CO.. INC.. 4th fee lesa than 83. .10 nej n. ft., with hull.! . - -. v. i..mF .--..--w-" .;;:; .:. ma. u i, OblJCij nnd Callewhlll. 133 ARCH ST. Well-built 4-story property; large let: elevator, electric; Hill finance; little cash req pesscrrli n about March 34. factories, warehouses, rnlireads; can flnance. DIBTERICH. 717 Walnut It. . Alse ee udvrrtlaementa In large type Inprreedl ng column. Building Leta Fnetery Sltea. Etc. 1615 WALNUT ST. second-fleer front wceueni sejone-noor front space: modern building. SUITABLE FOR BROKER EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT St. S. W. Cor. 12th & Sansom Sts. S,hV30eUV.Vu.rr.,feemeahc'., ' l CHAS. L BROWN fie CO. 801 FLANnnnH m.Tvi i-W "t ftlementa la imail type la following columns OFF1CEW BrSINEHH BOOMS, KTfl, DESIRABLE 0FnCES I EXCEPTIONAL LIGHT, ALL MODERN APPOINTMENTS FULLER BUILDING 10 S. EIGHTEENTH ST. SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street rOT A BBAL OQOD OFFICE BUILOTMO ..Ltt "V frtleincnlB la ama type la fallowing column. PrefCMlenal Office mm PARKWAY CORNER APTS. BiceriNri BATH: SU FIRST An ROOMS AN1 HrTSlc..A.!5ii VTili?J.HJVDie: OR CORNER 17TH ARACB. vrrkB m UITABLB FOR W. ABRAHAM FELT LAND TITLE I1LDO. MORTOAGES THIRD MORTGAGES ifip-TtfU0" PROPERTY FINANCE CO. pruce 8880 807 Lincoln Bldg. FUNDS FOR MORTGAGES Beckman Bres, fie Ce.Ty9u.?B,hl,K,u,, Jfalnut 9800 ft SO Ri1 oetata aeeurlty, Immediate JgU aetUaa-fjt. tatereit en iutJI tmVtex&nisxizr- ta " tAL ESTATE VOX, IALH CITY . W. COR. Hemberaer and Semamt: poi. re.. Dam, eiee.i garage; goea cena. N.W. REALTY CO. cAWWfc, Umi reilil jntTV.per 323 SO. 20ra STREET resldenee, In the heart of tbe meit WIUUHT, vi'en in.rniiiaeipnia. Aenly en iiini, zierr Arcn at. inly operation, lath and Pib at, irann, a raaau. tile bath, garage, elec., het-water eat. hardwood. floors throughout; terrna te "".5!?ial evening!. J. Waihlnaten , ui wnesinui si, walnut maw, lMh aal-CenUnntai greunds: large let: ; any bimi: garage picture: no reitrt N. 09 Lincoln Bldg. and Oreen: near . Parkway intennlal around lam lati axfg. of any kind: garage aerv- 'P' SITES, rnllreni! per acre and un. Pvnna. nnd Rending. 13000 iiietericn. T3T Walnut. Starea and Dwelling VAl.ltAtlf.n llrnail al. mr ln has In M wnrd: ether buslnesa Ieta for iteres. apts, I 31300 CASH ane nweinngs Hunt sn inai Nedre ave HKint.ANP PABK Building Let VALUABLE Bread at. corner let; best In this ward: ether flrst-clasa Ieta for iterei. npartmenta and dwellings. HOPE. Sr.. 1821 Nedre ave. CHESTNUT HILL FOR SALE Chestnut Hill. op. P. R. R. nation; the Oermantewn ac. corner most aalluble for stores nnd business uses. J A. PATTERSON. 130 S 13th st. OLNEY BAUEK-BILT ALL-MTH HOMES 88300 te IHllDe -With and without garages; Colonial, English, Dutch and Spanish archi tecture' row. side yard and corner houses In a select und restricted community In the. 300 block en N. Falrhlll. 0th and Marshill st.; turn, sample neuse. csg.i i. MArsnali. UALi.il. iiuii.nr.ii WALTF.1l 8. 3802 N. Bth at. Phene Wye 1788 POSSESSION 1800 cash buy beautiful modern home. 380 W. Flsher'a ave.; close te Incarnation Church: 7 rms.. Inclesed pch.. wide itreet: geed sectien: Immediate pos pes pos sesseon: 47 nnd 78 trolleys B. C. ABERNIETHY. 1328 Chestnut st. RUSCOMB ST. HOME8 8 roemi. Kith. Inc. perch, all con vs.: ga rage; let 13x100; financed. Emit P. Stab!, builder. .1300 N. 3d it. Wye B728 J. TACONY 28TH AND ELLSWORTH Twe story, itere and dwelling; geed business locatien: Srlce $4800. OHN I SOMERS. SOth at. and Snyder av STORE and dwelling. 7 rooms, bath and garage. Immediate possessien: 8012 N ei it. 8CHNAEHCLE. 31 IO N. Bread at. - 3733 POPLAR ST. btere and dwelling; re cently Improved. NAHM. 3738 Olrard ave. 2010 OITtARD AVE. Stere and dwelling, with new Improvement! at a low price NAHM 3730 Olrard ae. """ Riverfront Properties 20A,t P, R. R aiding: building ".i 0 A. 123 A. R R. aldlna: nn hulMlnaa P R. R. aiding: 30 ft. of water. H, T. McCOLLVM 1311 Walnut st WEST 1'HIL.UIFXPHIA OVERBBOOIv e-ctlen. Ulst alone Columbia Hemperlj' fine new home; 7 rooms. In-closed-heated perch: Knrmie, cery convent cenvent eiiie; different from some you have seen, leek them exer before tee late; price an.t terms nre right; take t!Jd. at. car te Lebanon ne., then east 3 short squire; ugent en premise . RIOHT IN THE HEART OF THE SESQUI-CENTENNIAL SECTION a13 N. 32d it.: 3 story. 10 rooms and bath. 8nne Can be seen only en order from WALTER H PHILLIPS 1730 Snyder ave 3817 D.UlINO ST.. DWELLING .Nenr Saunders ave. EDWARD V. LANSDALE 712 WALNUT ST. WHITBY AVE . vlc.nlty of .Villi, an attrac. tlvn modern home at attractive price: 81st and Arch sis , 0 rooms and bath, electric light, imint, 83200 G. C. MELLON A CO. 30 H. 40th st. illtTH AND MARKET STS. SECTION Cor Cer ner duelling, with itere facllltlei, en West Chester pike; suitable for undertaker, doctor or dentist: financed. WALTER A. MeCLATCHY. 70th and Market sts. Bel innnt .Utis. Oren Sunday. rill.NK OF THIS A ilngli atene home that stnnds by Itself; let 43x180: can bs bought for 1125(1 cash. Call WALTER A. VcCLATCHY. 70th and Market ill. Bel mont .Hun Open Sundays. JL'ST LISTED Modern homes, facing Cehbs Creek Park. Trinity place and Springfield ie, 7 and 0 rooms, het-water heat, hard wood fleer, etc : in, "inn & 171100: will flnancl AtinRNETHY, 132 Chestnut st. HEOERMAN ST.. BEL MAOEE ST. 7-rm. houses, gars . parquetry fli , etc, 15500. ABERNBTHY, 1328 Chestnut at rKANKFOKD 1120 FILLMORE ST.. Northneod section Nine reams, hnth,electtlc -lights; 23x84.0. FIDELITY TRUST CO.. 333 Chestnut ' PENNSYLVANIA BPIH'BnAN 'LANSDOWNE. neer completion, whlte stucco uoiemai nouae. large .living-room, dining-room, breakfast nook, kltihen artti laundry, center hall plan, large bedrooms, tiled bath, white and mahogany finish, hdw. floer: large let: I12.B0O. T. E. WRIGHT A SON. Highland ave.. above Essex ae. Victer 4188 I. muniniir .imnHi au. inwj.i dwelling, 3 bedroemi. living room, dining UEUHUE I-". UAlinne, room and kitchen. 1201 Chestnut at. land Park. Llanerch 730. Walnut 4839 and High- NEW 3 and 4 bedroom heuaea, all modern, H aqua re from trolley, priced right: many ethera. W. M, HAWTHORNE, 00th St. Theatre Bldg. Lansdowne 3031. SINGLE corner house; let 83x180: 3 squares from car lines: amall Investment of caih. WALTER A. ViCLATCHY. 70th and Mar ket at. Belmont 8408. Open Sundays. MODERN half-atone dwelling. 4 bedroemi: let loextao: will be eeld at a sacrifice. Jleerge K Barnes. 1301 Chestnut. Wjinut 883 and Highland Park. Llanerch 780. LYNN BOULEVARD. 4 bedroemi: let BOX 318! old shade; garage. WALTER A. Me CLATCHY. 70th and Market sts. Belmont 8408. Open Sundays." FOUR modern bungalewg. 0. 7 roems: ga rage: pricea right. & KBITER, 628 8. (leth at. Sherwood 0387. , NEW 0-room "-room modern hemes: I block from trolley. C. KEITBR. B30 Seuth 00th et. Sherwood 0387. 0 AND 8 ROOMS and bath; medern: 1 block from trolley. C. KEITBR, 630 S. SOth at, 8herwoed 028T. VKAPON NEW 0-ROOM bungalow, het-water heat. uf&t.taA.K&- bJln at 88300. W. M. fife"5, 8- Th'f : PENNSYLVANIA, PABMA uinunwuuu iin-aere eairy farm. 8 miles north of Ceateevllle: farmheul. -iih 7,': snswr.; wjiTaadBRte gHif'i far nected acres aay term. tlnnal Bank Bldg, NEW JBtMBY-BrTTaf PesTrabie apace in corner property! geed light, passenger and freight elojateri. ateapj heat, electric lightiil. 3 or 9 floera of BW0 square feet each. UHAS. L. HKOWH at CO. 901 Flandsra Bldg. Spruce 9918 ip.oeo SQUARE feet at Wayne Junction. , adjoining Wayne Junction Statien: 9 Beere, steam power and heat Glen Eche Mllli. W. Bruea Raerna.. nreaer. 80O0 180 N. 12th it..' factory aVO ! 4aa .. Aeivtltaeie V.H1B. f '2&v nekt nnd peweri rent reaenable. IHItt UPiewnt wun 9194. 48.000 or 88,000. square feet., uptown. ;?T-FRABlR?s.w,g''.,?!rtunRr. CONCRETE floera. '1891 Cherry: alie ehen ana enice; street neon lignt. neat, power. Ivisher. 147 N. 10th at. SECOND FLOOR, aujtabl for Han painter or for iigni .raanuiacianngi id electrle llghtl 181B 8, Beth ateam beat it. CHOICB INOUttKXAIi w ion an mra,itin rare ll.Ml .4? M-. usual interest te these who are seek- with the moil . favorable ndnatrlal . attaa ll i.i - . . HB.S u mMiau in im mnn rawnvaiiiA . ...!. e..iii.iz.r i'j. -r..,--"irr ....lea. wm ii et lease en i aatu terrna at vans .attraetlM Addreia Department of Pubi Rravenienie. uuriau 201, ewark. N." J. t en long res. Im- furure. Mje lm City of SEAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE bought, geld and rented: mortgage- Jeanairenta coljaeted.. """"' reeefflggKi2i,n,B,' '" '"" 918 M. 19TH ST. NEW JBBHBV HUBTJBBAM AUPUHON Ali?ONT.,f ".' Ral Estate, you will AhC?.1.0 Ji.AblF mlk? " u rail te lee Abbett and Insnect hia I., it.. wTIw 2nd .'.In,.0"1 FX8Z!ii!'Ar . .P'! -" -"e nuuwti. Iie-HT BIRIIOB. JAIlfltl. Open dally and Bunday. 0-room bungalew: let SOxlsei an , e-CAA. ...:.." "r 'ev. easy lerma bon. N. J. NEW Improvement! ise corner T8xOIS0?r?n, l?,r5nw,5h 'r1" bungalewa: weUd.VerrSunZy:. vUed any H. D. LE CATO BEOWN'H MltJJI ""neVrv..,','0? & Lilk." 3" .Jhheu..i nlS&Jel1" e"1 fiffii SC .Kctrlc Beautiful section rage ledger Office TAB PEN ''rUL corner property, reildentlal Jen of Parkalde: rmi. and bathi : ira. In flralw-laa m.iiii. !2n ;!'" enable en account of leaving tewn: suitable for professional man or refined family. Add v te Wm. Ratener. 1938 Park boulevard. P V DREAMLAND ADVENTURES Th Sfena Rabbite By DADDY CHAPTER I The CluablBf Rabbits JACK ed Janet looked out at the falling snow. Bl white flakes were corning down fart. They were spread lng a thick, soft carpet'ever the weeds. "I wonder where Dnddy Deg nnd the rabbits and squirrels are?" said Jack. "This snow is far, far eer beir head." . A A. t hnna nn harm haa come te them. DETACHED ituiMu.O room., bath. ed Janet. 'fitejmtm gas. electricity, heat; ler toxise ft : nS 1 ever' have seen. If a rabbit tried te 8700. APPlr W. N. Ilawtherne, sole, aaent. ' run In It. he TTOUld 8lnk away, away COLONIAL stone dwelling, built 1812; 10 roemi. percne, d upen nrepiaces; qm ahniti! electricity: Pennsylvania Railroad and near trelie) opportunity; telephene: a ana near overlooking mil te un. Delaware, usual niver ARTHUR P TOWN8END I.angherne Pa. If Inena ave Opposite P. R R Station, Norwood, Sunday. Pheno Ridley Park 309. open I down. HOLMES. PA. SEMI-DETACHED brick Swelling. 7 rooms and bath, gaa, het-air heat: Inclesed front and back perch:. let 100 by 130 ft: price, 14800. Apply W. N. Hawthorne. Winona ae. Opposite P.. R. R. Station. Norwood. Phene Ridley Park 800. Open Sunday. JENKINIOWN Attractle brick Colenial: center hall. 6 chambers, 3 baths; modern througheut: excellent condition; best loca leca loca teon: between train and trolley. E A. HAVENS CO.. LAND TITLE BLDO. ST0NEHUR8T. 122 Oterhlll read New atone dwelling: 0 rooms. 2 hatha. L. A. TAULANB. Realti r. OIH Walnut it. OVERBROOK. 810.000: stone heuse: 2-car a. rnae; B bedroom. 2 bnth: dep lets; reed conditien: no agent. P 411 I,elr office BnlldlnT Leta GLDNSIDE High-class building iltei In belt section of Ulnsld near train and trelley: act quickly te secure choice of 90e leta Just opened up for sale, s-nd for booklet. FERGUSON A JOHNSON' 3844 N. Bread t. I'hene Tiega 8810 lteSLYN PARK, above Olenslde Only 38e for a 40 ft, let: water, gas, electric: 1m- previd atreet. FEnnUfOV JOHNSON. 3044 N. Bread at. Tiega es.1l) INVESTORS Twe squares south "L" station, 8 heuiei. 8 rooms, bath nnd brick Inundry; perch; rent, 140; jirke, :oe each. II S. DUNLAP. SS34 Market it. BOTH ST. SECTION tlisoe Twin heuae. tile reef, cupper spouting, screens, etc; ewmr forced te sell. WALTER A. Mte- CLATCHY. 70th and Market its. Belmont itd'l Onen Sundays. BALTIMORE AVE.. 6400 8 r. and bath; large let: cnnert Inte store and double value: make offer. W. M. HAWTHORNE, OVth St. Theatre Bldg, Lana. 20BI, OERMANTOWN Admittedly thn finest leea Hen for an uperntlnn: spice for 00 heuae mlsht divide! near both train and irellev. mnn ii jirunnpriv tui nerinantewn av , ...... ,. ... . . ... - i BUY acre for price of building let, Oleneldej water, lias, electric: trad ireuey. r ae i.eeirer unice near n and AI.PN B. PROVIDENCE ItlJ Detached. 4 bedr., .let 310 ft. deep: 2-cr garave: water heat, elec.: aacrlfice. fioeo: easy terrna; open for offer. .JI. IILAIU COOKE Ce., OUth and Market, oppesltu Terminal. Phene Lani dnwne 2081. Open Saturday afternoon and nil day Sunday Ask for Mr Mallen SINGLE, 0 room and bathi large attle: large let en trolley line- het-water beat electric and gas: remarkable bargain at $7800. W. M. Hawthorne. 00th 8t. Theatre Bldg. Lani. 3031, H.wMiriiv a. little creature hepnej out from behind a corner of the house. It seemed te be walking en top of the Bll There ia a rabbit new." cried Jack. "It is HoppltyHep Rabbit?" Janet looked closely. She shook her head. "Ne. It Isn't HoppltyHep Itabr.lt and It Isn't Bebby Bunny," she de clared. "It Is a stranae rabbit and It Is acting very queerly. " Indeed the strange rabbit was acting queerly. It was dancing up and down, at one moment standlpg en Its head, nnd the next balancing en its stubby tail Then of a sudden It did the queerest thine of all it ran up the side of the houtie just as a squirrel climbs a tree. Jack nnd Janet were much .artenUhed at that. They knew ordinary rabbits were very peer climbers. Suddenly a second rabbit appeared from behind the cower. The second rabbit turned eemeraaultB, and then, like the ether, It scurried up the side of the house. A clothes line ran from the corner of the house te .a pest in the yard. What did these amaalng rabbits de, but climb te this clothes line and perch upon it. .a. . . There they balanced themselves for a moment, and then both began te de stuntH like a tight rope walker. "Oh-oe! They nre circus rabbit," cried Jack. "Hew did they get here?" Janet couldn't nnswer that. "I wish we could catch them," nhe nnawered. "I wonder if they re tame." MrfrWat&i&ff The rabbits danced above the rin. as if te tease them. They DretenSS te slip and te fall, but jug' when thl dogs were ready te grab them yil rghted themselves nnS went ?n lift their dancing. w nt en wh The dogs Anally get tired of nme.i.. !S35ta,,,irM-l,,,sag That made the dogs mera exrlriwi w d!,ng..the snow fc "" & Woof ! V'0W ! The dogs nnnnaJ them Mr, hew the ieTfle,w"nCWl " i 0hl .$, ,?or rahbitat Ther ara being killed V' screamed Janet "I'll save them," shouted Jack and he rnn te the deer. nq mV.h?i Jnck.-tnrew the deer op,n ha Kt ptlll another surprise. The dea mcn nae giariea te tear the rabbita he.?te JS jSSS At tl beini in ti Huddenlv the rabbit mrl 1..5 I word the dogs. Ilewllng in startled hmazement, Teddle Pjipklng and Johnny Bull turned and fled. Jack couldn't understand that at all. Vhat kind of rabbits were these that could scare away a bull deg and a collie a8 brave as Johnny Bull and Tod dle Pupkins? (Jack and Janet get another surprise in the next, chapter, and learn why Johnny Bull and Toddle Pupkins ran't hurt the strange rkbblta. Caa you guess the reason? ) their jaws in araaxement as they atari! r.Lih 22 The rahbitVSa'd'ef uurt, were sitting an the snow, saucily facing the dogs. I HAVE continuous Inqu'.tlea for property. Northwest Phlla.. Tiega. Legan and Oer Oer maneown. and solicit the Hating of your prop erly with my efflee, WAT.TER V. ABHBT. Realtor. 1640 W, getn GROUPS and rewa pf dwelling wanted: brekera protected for tun immi.,i. 8ulek action en geed buys. .What have yeuT . C. ABERNBTHY. '1939 Cheilmit at. WB HAVE buyera for torepertiea In Weit uiaeie and leal Estate l'hlla., aeuth of Market st. reliable and nt efficient aervlce. West Phlla, Company, BOOO Baltimore ave. 5UILDINO let, unrestricted for mfg., about 7B by 130. aewer con.; water net eyer BOe per ft.: give location and alxe. P 831. L" O, WE CAN BELL that property for you In Locust 8838. short time: buyara waltlna. OR18COM. 3100-Catharlne at WE have euyeri waiting for perch front iHiuac. .ii ..iv uwi.nvaaii im yeuT BrePir- tlei for quick will. McDermott. auf r Mvertlseateata la large type, la BteealBg eeiawiaa. OITICBB. BUSINESS BOOMB. ETC, BWiais nwieiei. atarni. IXta Unriarn nfflrea! suitable L(.. ..i... .... ...a... alae. . iwi, miiaiEiin, urniiaii rani a.w.w, .mt front parlor, hlgh-clnaa milliner, mediste. LOCUST ST., IICII DESIRABLE office apace, fireproof bulldtnst eiovaier eerviceiTnoeeraio rem. Ayifi B. J. Bf.UOTT. 1114 Cheatnut at. 904 WALNUT ST. Entire third fleer, i suit. ..able for office or studio,' Batata of David ji. nee, wee walnut at CENTRAL OFFICES! eoed abla. Willfa.Wlnehealer Pn. DE.HK ROOM, with desk: deairi flee: central, loot ronimenwelth light real .. 33 8, 18tti slrn!b.) light inn we I th 11 reason- lBth t, of. tide DESIRABLE office. 1800 Lecust: iptendld central incaiien, Annn ii8 w. in . SUITE 8 offices In Lehigh BIJg..' 108-08 8. 4th. Apply 183 B. 4th t E8TBY BLDO.. all eutside: rent"reaienable. Apply Esieyiiiag., ntn nnn wainm ia. FOR RENT Second fleer. 80x80: buslneil or errjee. L,rcner. iim ueiumma ay. . Alse ace advrrtleemente la large type la preeeellng eelnmn. . dining "U fl, niTT9"Mlliiiisiiir i -t' fJiUMelnh i. . Land tmV.B !Wia8ii gjmJxscSY-vr .7it,""Tm"'i .firimnia Vf.W W!I.PD 4Lnwn. ITftT S'nted home, eTraerSTifi -hestnut st.. ThjeaTLJP Amrinmi aaa . . . ---1 iatwi,th. "furBia TJ '..5: . tsnit'S."'" 017 N, SMI1SOT Bterea and PweHlnga 1B0Q VINE BT.-Stere and fl roema. ARTHUR BOSWELL. 233 N. 18th at WEST PHIMPETiPHIA 488 N. 8JD ST. 'Three story, perch front. 10 and bath newly papered and painted: electric lights; vacanttkey at 481. JAMBS F. COX A CO.. 180B Real Estate Truit Bldg. Walnut 1801. 48TH AND OSAGE AVE. One of Blegel'a de luxe hemes: handsomely furnished: for rent for 8 or 8 months. QUICK A BROS, inc. a p. awn ai. WILLOWS AVB. weat or BSth It.! bed" roems: medern: 880: reference. c. pkhbkhten, jr.. Harrison maa'. 1081 an BRO' 1 B. FRAZIBR ST. Modern, a roema nd bath, liet-water heat. CHAS. L. OWN A CO.. 901 Flandera Bldg. WILL buv Franltfera ave.. store property north of Kensington ave. for eaeh. Pr. WANT te buy property, centrally leeatxi' p Bin. Leqger ortlee. W5,??rd'Vd"yAfi.;haave?.Mp'S-,.,T'g' WAIwp. tfr lByMUBt. m.WKB'3? wanted a-aty. neuse: 7 rma.: an con vs.: thla vicinity. Oetwala A SenV 333 wViai'i;' WILL purchase 7-room heuae In Weat Phlla. "i aaaaaaaklai . aA era aaa " a""Zll .-,.....,.t ..,., wi,Pi, g- e0, Vae tJlT. CAn,SLf"W.U,h 'SaSK'rSML-""". ' lettner. FOR.RKSULTS lilt with Frank H 14ZQ cneitnut.it. Spruce 3418. OFFICES. BUSINESS BOOMS. BTC. SMALL office or part lulte: ceniultlng enVr: atate loc. and rental. A BOB. Ledger Office. OEBMANTOWy WILL .RENT, unfurnished. dtah6 Tr aeml-ditached hevse. beat .section Oerrnan Oerrnan tewn or Chestnut Hill: modern throughout' 4 or,8 bedroema: large let and garage fcf alrabte. Addreag fujr particulars te AUBTIN. Hetel Rlttenheuae. annua WlvVS.r,?cmTaV.nw..r1S., ffwyriiiJPHv!1' rtnn'"' '.. chtt BEAL ESTATE F0S BENT CITY N. L COR. BROAD & N0RRIS BOUTHERN EXPOSURE yated. C. P. COWARri CO.. 1008 rt.yBSd. 0707 . WOODBTOCK Eight reqmg mod med mod .eta e? ORBENWBI DORNAN, 423 Factories and nne.. 01, a M vianlty: factories a specialty. "W. Bruce Barrow. 190 N. 13th st i BBVEN. large rooms and bathi medrniATt lliyC'hVBhur.l,aFi.UAr?y,- "" atytjrt u..ia.a.V . .: ' fata Bie vaiiu Uoaiilrnera f. A. PATTERSON. 180 " WA ft. I. a, rininu, no h lflth et. aOpBWbSnneaTpreprty. vicinity 13th 183 B 4th St """"""" reniai. Apply 0. 4PP,. '! iS Sterner sts. Stere. rent 140. Jehn P. Fletcher.3808 Lehigh ave, aaa N. 11TH 1499 N. Bread st -WIII alter te suit. Apply i.iaagi.ar " lw Factorial. Wareheuaea. Manefaetnrtn. fiaae. FOB RBNT Several bulldlnga suitable for prages. machine ,ahep, storage, ate. 2.i-y. i.m.w. vhwhjii nui, oeiilj aq. rt. B W. cer. -flat and Haverford. 28.00O aa ft. Near ZOtn. ana uirard ave., 18,000 se. ft. 18th and Beeth and Lembard and 38th. Near 30th. am 41.M0 ga.. fL J. A. PATTliRBON. 180 B. ISth . II -rma , . ..j .HH . SECOND FLOOR In nw modern daylight funding! 18.000 aq, ft.: steam haatT .152! trio light elevator, with leading platform under ever! ")"' ,r'i low rental te reipeni ble .Party I . Immediate poiaiMlen w. eatar D. Bettnep A Ce . 1431 riiimrS....r IIA CtStJS:llSl?.i,-0''!?".'. 100.QOU k. iam. imi Aiieiia a ft DI 797 Walnut at. Bterea and Pwelllnge LANCASTER AVB.. 4316 Large store and 10 roemi; rent IBS; or will nil: open for an offer. , OKBMANTOWN 8JOC ROOMS, bath and garage: tateet .tas- eremantajnear wayne juncrien atatiOD. O. PERCY TOX.. 3334 Olrard are. PERN BOCK TWO superior house's for rent hire, HOPE, itr., 1831 Nedre. Open Bunai 180. Ct- IAX1AN N. 18TH ST. Three itery. eeml-de-led. 10 and hath (O bedroenuli het. water heat, electric light hardwood floera; crrs QUA i . taenia. newly papered; yearly lease; racant jnurray. oiei w. ureaq ai. Wye. F. P. 8720 W. OLNEY BS11 N. MARSHALL New T-room dwelling, being completed ter occupancy Dec. 1; MB. APPiy anvd sm, ein PI. TACONY 8-ROOM house, med. cenv. In auburbi. Phene Mr. Tayler. Men. or Tue. Market 3991. 47 bed let 180 PENNSYLVANIA SUBURBAN APARTAIsrwn .,...: In.,VH.wm:KAw turn, hkasr. mnti. Phnn. :'" 1 rs.irieaswsrrtt P. 3t. and aVk ?" TftV. aea a aaiiiiisa aiiee aa it a... rent t!3 per week, inn MTiffff" faKAUTlUL 0.rin.,apt.. enfarlfra-C cenyg.i .Tbe. . loie KitJSi)F3it''m RIDOB AVK.. eynn-3Sr J. LBBgATTON-Oaag mm . rrrw-iA enJ . i hkp,:ptJ?tm7',!l!t tsn-u t i.ia . . .i M". v"r7. "j-? "? j ' t a. aeill. ur, or et APT. HEADQ'TRS We aL . apta. VedMte B?rr Ce.. tVBJIW Mil in WALNIJV BT7. 4807 Unfuri? mST'i'XtSL AWK M "'.' - " WTinB 4W1J. 8841 HAMILTON BT. Newly" baR0?- trlJ,u.bth '"O ' heat and het water. SPRINO QARncv v. .-.' A b.. hi. A .1 'tu'V, ,-- ' "T .. yww. a. w.. .., .. wm4 m AnjrnA. ; naanvN court 307 N. 98T1I ST.' ,VW Leti'iW -1mWmm .JBjkl i JPfegKf WmJv srvej'uD iPt hrTI uum . W home-owner Ii forced te rent I haa roemi. billiard room en third floer: TelKStt ""w.Sf iiV " TOth and rket it. Blment S40I. wqti nuiiuBTg NEW JFJKKV 8UBVBBAN enuwn b-m ii.i.h-1 ,vth K-riNES Fer xurnisnea. -ine txiage: chambers. 9 af.,ar",reuIL.cXr"?i.lnme. " wv--.w,.. .jrnwira 1HID. T T BABUOWMfciUHTM Modern. 9 roemi. water heat. -Phene Camden 12 a. MORTOAGES w?Jf23W12a,.R ".a'V.Wt beitfliiw tlens for 1Jrat.-ecpnd and apllt merti in any cUen jf the city or suburbs. WILLIAM JAJlllIS KKOOH Wait End Trust Hid-, FUNDS Irft3 m JBBSBb&WUtmSL LblNO ASSOCIATION MONET UPHtSV A CO. Ft e .WnJ TT i .. ni DEVsriAU tunas i rer immen ate aettlement falCHpiA. Colonial Tru.t mnSSTSA unniYianRHAMv . -,... . . "- .'" : , AJiiiiin LOANS ON INTEREST IN ESTATBB UNT ONBYFO JOHN A. BARRY 107 Land Title Hidy. I1R KIRMT INK iicnn... . lOEf AND 8MALL"rMS7,V5Ja il a prrrx -i-.y" ion LOCUST BT. ficREED FUNDS Immediately available for mertaaaea enclty property; reas, charges. Ferdinand P. Fleming. 1884 Walnut st. Spruce HOim" FUNDS FOR Pina-n untiTninrii -..1iPBP.SMAll'' AMOUNTS BAMIIEL OOLPBR. FINANCE BLDO. uni ter inira mortgages te property owners, or buyers. Mortgage Extension Corporation. 1001 Cheitnut et. M"nnen MTOE. money. 1st A rM. n Brry, 1017 Real Et. T. Illdi w.r'Waa . . ..., , , r... qulck action. -3, r- --- UlUT-KlKtK ftp. c. T, C-UATTOya lrt mnrtaeaa ! a .4103 N. Franklin at. "WPfrW AB5Wir 'VS?J 'SuiiT. lega 9888. , ' -"... .lull SWO. rVi"tf for lit and 2d mtgea.: quick reply. M. HT. Matslnxsr, Real Kstate truit itPna UTlim ll-ViQyj9t;Jm -aaM. ''-"- .WJ lYJgTMBNT. MTOE. FUNDS ...- , luwnisaU. 4)l4 Mnerl. nn. 1 ffiffl? ev0-S?0eJfnn.D"...-."n4.m.rI: MONEY for geed first mertvuaaa Hill,,. Wlnrne.ter Ce 33 8 lath at"- ""- s OEBMANTOWN tSB. KPFICICNC-Y hnuaakunl flntahed In iwhtla .mmi mIi floors, blt.lnubahewer, etc.: usa-siiagr nni laaiavt swiaituk choice, reat rioted-, neighborhood an "ere or greuna; witnin 1 llnke and -country club: near, apiiit janiier. eei DOLMAN A CO.. aii aero of greund: within 1 linn ane 'seu dER'r.lin'ter, UULSUU Cheatnut WAYNE AVE. and Walnut Ian.'!. -nsR'gBV TOAgfcTEiS Vamnn mi N. B. cersir IVLVANIA SrBCBl LANSDOWNB. B. 3 rmi. A bai water -heatl atrlctfr med.. 84 and Beverly area. Lanidowne s..im fU-xi yvai "Ba BflLiJ m NEW yEBBEY 8EA8B4S1B AT1-AWTIO CITX lease. Wm.KnnardT401 Cheitsat ftX I ETJRNIiHED ATABTXEirn ,l0ad Ali!iu5 9dl,,xAe"r") UTeSB fully nr viced i s'yeenia and bai."4MB WW PIUIPBtPBIA ' -'I 49TK ST.. 191. B. Modern. 9 ny Sa.. v. e. -jawa.M. w . 1 turn, i perch: ihewn ay ATLANTIC cTfY FttftMIBMKD Bnardwalk ant. Wm..Ke.mard. 401 Chestnut HOPSEKEEPINO APA Beautiful Medem Hskpg. Ajt aaieaaeeiStM A AS'. t fafWtlfaM l.HB1 wiinninnn.Li Jiiiu ung unniM Living room. Tiedreetn. cembtaatlia. all room ana aiicneneii icnanaiie: u eckefa: plenty of heat and het laiaukel innlal AalaWalrlAf tBP teues enlr.l IBB and 1100. avenue. J5T-5"55CT7j-Ja.2jl.l,ehM aim 1 rma. and bath. 8AMU1L Finance mag iecuai . , . i" ref'jsgej Jdjaiexei s m aw. f witertti tnSntr APABTMEyT MCCTIJ.ti THE STENT0N HOTHL: a fr BTBNTON AVB. A GORDON MWl " WHITBMARSK -. &..!, r 98 mln. from city Haiii twml ;.enlahadt lanta or small arttr-SM 3 roemi American or European jtUSL halli far- long or abort leases. Pea, J THE GLADSTONE i- f i mZmmtiS02grm ta ,WM " The D00 DADS Circumstantial Evidence By Arch Dale i buimalew. Ilfia ltlalnar Httunter heat, cteclri . gaa I wry 'u'j. ct..: pr.ci iM'iiij I Taiiactlimc i-ivjlun..rewnel Jl L Mu J.f id i m. in.yr?ite.saafii7 . m 7 ' -. tarn.. ! jT - "BassWMslifJiTMB-B '. --.f :r. -vv.-gT. ;. "- t rt1 , "" " -771 'WW- , v . aTaUaaHaxaWi - T ssssB I 1119 .nvr7,;nmMMm. "J ' ' - - ' Liali ,n I aa . a m sa MS as saaa-aaa sEBBSaJJ 'Uiii.sxaBBaaBaBa pa-- , .M.y. v - t. 'v aie.rr.-'-r J ,-.. - - - J.J... J.. .... rt.:,tciJtl , . i L - ' . i hBEt11 . "TTaBBiBiBBBBBBamBl USrtJiSijJ .A-Vtjfi'.,. eyA..Aa.M.. i - JTi i."..'HJ- BfiEaasffl irriiisft iTIfl'l i --"'-- 'f1, .rlaBBaBBlsWsMssHBaBBBBBBBBBBBl arr-e, ljJjlWrlfijMi a-liMs .tff itiiP MsBa-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Ba-Bai sMsJ'ulfll laa ilsaB aiiii'iH''?)'lM'' 'f"i iilTJ,'ffflis. 1JTH AND WNB m. ABiOLUTELT rnwrMOsY''' APABTMBNTg. rTTRNMHBD. IfWf LONO AND SHORT TERM vaiaaa ".,.3 i ;,' -a tHENiHffis Mvlng' room. bsdiywsti and tJXjjE jSrch: table the beitjfteneJ49ram(! APAmTitMMWAircjS I rUBNI-HED PartWPi.'a'f aSI tral aeotlen, conslstlnfef 3 ,HJ7 rms,. Sbaths. mVJXSi.xTk alter LI r"'.TTI'.U.aU with Miatai htTn ir'nrfr "im r.BflAI, ADVEBTI9I &mcm...!!lWf ma vviwaM's "vwi-- fzVXV2& mjutmmmmm II A !! aaaiagija WW a a w Sv,alStYl'AM the Irworperatlon nd Mlf,2 eofperalloas.r' .apfrevs!' tfflJR the supSeBMUJret,f"r jes nn rnlanded aorneratloa 'W.JJJ .ffit VTShflTK: jsrssrsLi SBa.ea ipplemen itandad fl Owb" WIlTaf a atflidlpgaad awa re ASI'Sf raGAlaV,! u have.aa BBSS MklJ 3x .. kfKx&l&liiSf