ysfis "(" twTr? :xsv J ... i' "U iiTAi : ,',' r"v3"? Ei&k PHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1922 1 "'" ' ' $1 It 26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1922 w bw ,. ETC ' EM' ttt?. li f I if I " ;l- til r & :'! :i ?im li f?K jy in? t RV l i 4. El E Ds Ha Aa mm HKig WANTED FEMALE OKNKRAI. HOU8I2WORK 4 In family) no laundry) sleep In: geed uii (or per manent (Irl with reference!) 18 minutes te llread 8treet Station nr convenient te 03d at, trolley. Cull ft Merbroek lane, Overbroek, nr pnenw .nenen one Uim.H, ever in. for bottling, labeling and wrapping medicine; ngnt, clean worm arte manufacturing rencern: wages whlle learning in. Apply Ills Washington ae. STENeauAniKna TYPISTS We hnvv several permanent positions te Offer bright experienced or Inexperi enced stenographers and typists, Theae positions offer excellent, oppertunltlea. A"pdIv Finplevmcnt Det., 8:30 A. M. te ft 1. M. Saturday, IS, 8EAR8. ROKHUCK AND CO. 4040 Roosevelt Ueulevard TENOailAFIIER, with thorough knowledge of bookkeeping, te tnk charge of real tatc Insurance effice: a spkndld opportunity for prominent and profitable position for one who can nullify, Pheno Laurel Sprlnsa 10.1 for Interview en Sunday, vr Laurel Springs IBS en Monday. C J, Drnudc, Laurel Sprints. N, J.; 40 mln. from Phlia, STKNOORAPlinR AND CLi:i!K for office of tnnnufacturlng tunnt experience net nscessary, but must be cnmrelcnt and ac-cur.-.le. advancement te (reed workers mate age, education, eirlnrv desired nnd phone numb,1 If anv. 403 I.ckvi Office. STOCK rjmi. Frank A Seder reiiulre thu services of neat appearing girl. ever Id yours of age, as tock girl. Apply Kmnlevment Dept., office second fleer, lltli and Market ats. TELEPHONK OPERATING Permanent position a for young women be tween the agea of 19 and 25 are new open. Ne experience necessary. PAT STARTS AT 113.00 A WEEK Five. weekH later $14.80 la raid for part vtnlng work. Sea M'sa Stevenson. 1831 Arch at.. 8:30 A. M. te 7 P. M. THE RELL TELEPHONE CO. OF TA. TWISTERS and reelers wanted, en wool yarn. Apply Yarn Mllla Heltleld and Wis ter sts. Pheno Wye. 4J4. WAITRESS wanted for position In Herman Herman tewn: reference required. Apply between 4 and B Monday. 204 S 13th at. WOMAN, unencumbered. Preteatant. 25 te 40. te travel Seuth; one intereated In welfare work preferred personality and atlf-rellance mere essential than experience; permanent position with opportunity for ad vancement; reier.nces; sive pnone numper. Td 830. Lelger WC.MAX- Celli er unic. -College, normal trained, etrentr peraenaiuy. capaDie or eemg trained te managing departmnet of growing business: aplendld opportunity for right woman; tell education and aalary expected. M 704, Ledger Offlce. WOMEN Flve women will be Interviewed for responsible positions from 10 te 12 A. M, and 2 te 4 P M Apply nt our efflce, 703 Vandam Illdg., 1001 Market at. WOMEN, for sales end general atere work. Lakoff Bres.. 322 Market at. WOMAN wanted, middle-nged. for genaral housework, family of 3. UMI4 Chestnut at.. sTtenehurst, Ta, WOMEN ell veur spare, time te Wanamakrs during the busy Chrlttmaa aeaaen. We will eupply the experience If you win aupply the Intelllgence. geed breeding ari alertness required In helping ether folks te buy their Chrlstmaa preaenta: the pay la geed, the surroundings Inspiring and the experlence gained valuable. If you'd like te earn your own Christmas neny by giving a few weeks te thla work. please apply within 24 hours te Employment Bureau WANAMAKER'S TOUNO WOMAN of geed education, ap pearance and personality te call en largest concerns in the city; a real selling position, net canvaaalng; commission basis, which should net .you from ISO a week up. Phens TOUNO WOMEN There are still a number of openings for young women, either married or single, who desire te aecure temporary employment for the holiday seasen: clerleal or non-clerical work can be obtained. We also have permanent positions for these desiring steady employ ment; no experience required. Apply Employment Dept. 8:30 A. M. te 8 P. M. Saturday, 12 HEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO. 4040 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD YOUNG WOMEN te Interview business exec utives for prominent Institution leads and credentials furn. R'm 1S. 1011 Chestnut at. Oenrral WB WANT 3 WOMEN who have been canvassing te call at our of flea and hear what we have te effsr- big earnings and rapid promotion nseurcd theai who show capability; beat of reference must be furnished. 710 WIDENER BLEXi. 0 te 10:30 A. M. or 3 te 8 P. M. MAKE MONET AT HOME Yeu can earn from 11 te 12 an hour In your spare time writing ahewcarda; quickly and easily learned by our new simple method; no can vaaslng or soliciting; we teach you hew, sell your work and pay you cash each week, full particulars and booklet free. Write today te the AMERICAN SHOWCARD SCHOOL. 230 Adams lildg.. King and Frederick sis.. Terente, Canada. IF YOU CAN give us your spre time we'll show ou hew te turn It Inte money; we have a wonderful offer te make tu ambitious people who will de a Itttle work for us among their friends and neighbors; no ex perience or money necessary, we furnish everything. Write today before our offer Is withdrawn. American Products Ce.. 8121 American UliU , Clncl nnatl, O. SELL L'S your snare time: you can earn iia te S3U weeuiv writing snewcaras at home; no canvassing; ulcusant. profitable F,r"'r"Vn.:vf,"l,v.qu'rj,X.,.l'.?,.uvh,r,Vi .,..,,.,.. . w U.n .,.,.,, KM.r,? .,..,,,v, unnecessarv . we Instruct and huiu v work. Wilsen Methods Limited. Dept. 47. 114 East Wlchmenl Terente., Uanaue. i KLLlOTT-FIbllER OPERATORS A short, reurse of Individual Instructions en the r.iiieifr isner eiiiinK mm wu- i'in iim- fume wni iiuaiuy j" mi i ,-ii-ii -" Hen; present demand for operators exceeds the available supply, Call In person, for ...i .. i,t ,i... ...... ... i ...-, details. Ask rer .Mr .vicwuiixin, fcuiett Fisher Ce., 1211 Ch-slnut st. WOMAN Hlsh achoel graduate former teacher preferred inlt itlve mid geed fer. aenallty, for tosltlen p.ivintf 1210 menthlv upward te right person trrnnnni'-v Write lehn W llraneh 17 E 2il st S'.,- Yerk EARN $20 weekly apnre time nt home, ad dressing, nuilUmr music circulars send nt once for Information tc American Music Ce.. 1His npiiidvyay .N,,w Yerk. PHOTOPLAYS Btoe" Ideas needed, working girl puld 110. 0U0 for blKs ah thought werthless: detHlla free, Write Producers' League. 137 SL l-euls., WANTUD-Wemi-n le de fancy work at home, spare hours m.tterla! furnished. geed pav: stamp brlnts p.irtlculers Under- weed Art Goods Ce Portsmouth O Vsn7 f.ttll utt..11.. mMriieInn m.lllna circulars; send stamped envelgpe for par- tieuiars. I'amce .viaiinu' co . loneo, u EARN $23 weeklv, tp.ire time, writing for newspapers, magazines, exp. unnc, . details free. Press Syndicate. 122. St Leuis. Me. OIRL8 wanted; Gevt roaltlens: $130 me.; many vacancies: examinations Dec. and Jan. Write for res. open. P 1421. Led. Off. HELP WANTED MALE ACETYLENE BURNERS HULTERS-l'l CARI'ENTERS, PLENTY OVERTIME FILLERS AND REAMERS JOINERS. PLENTY OVERTIME BHEET-.METAL WORKERS. PLENTY OVERTIME LABORERS. 10 IKU'ltS, PAID 11 HOURS SUN HH1P11UILDING CO. CHESTER. PA. ACETYLENE BURNERS rtOLTEH-I'P CARPENTERS PLENTY OVERTIME DRILLEP.S, REAMERH .lOlNURf: PLENTY OVERTIME SHEET-METAL WORKERS PLENTY OVERTIME LABORERS, lt HOURS. PAID 11 HOUIIS SUN SHIPRU1LD1NTJ CO. CHESTEH. PA. aUKNTS wanted te handle i fuel rconemlisr: practical iues swr- ? jsi re m SI, sseasn-!",sj Sjjlr-T. tMUJ(T ISM tMJWrrw HELP WANTED-MAX.E ACCOUNTANTS I have a new philosophy) put It Inte effect a short time acei tald te my self. "Why continues te be an ac countant, when I can make mere money djlng something ele7" The men who make the most money are the men who Ml. I therefore looked about and found the thing that was easiest nnd most profitable te sell) never will I be an accountant again) the ery ilrat week with this cer- ? oration netted me mero money than had made as an accountant In 2 memhs: net only did I mtke the big money, but 1 earned ft PROMO TION: thla la n company where a man's ability Is Instantly receg nlied. nnd rewarded: I am new DISTRtCT SALES MANAC1ER: don't hae te go out ami sell any more: my business new la te train nnd direct the aatea of ethers; I have the opportunity te earn well iter M2.000 a ear: I simply had the rouraKe te snap the chains that bound me atrlktng out In thla new field te de my best, and surely t har recled n. magnificent reward: you can write In confidence, and an interview will be nrringed for you with the executives of the corpora cerpora corpera tion: If 5 im qualify, you need neer werrv igaln about money ur what the future has In store for Mm: see our ether ndxertlsement en the classified advi rtlement page tinder SALESMEN, headed "HAVE YOU A WK11) OH A POOH OPINION OF YOURSELF?" ADVERTISING agency requires represen tative; atnte age nnd experience; liberal rommlsnlen offered te capable man. A Ul'J. Ledger Office. HOOKKEEPEH. ever 28 .ears of age, pref erably with Wharten or similar training, te aaalst business manager; varied duties Including considerable; purchasing: will pro pre lde excellent experience, single man pre ferred. 410 ledger Office ROY If you hnve had 3 te 4 ears' high school training or equivalent, nccurate with figures and jour age la IS te 20 years we hae an opening In our production department whtre advancement Is certain for a willing anl hard worker MILLER LOCK CO 4833 Tacuny st . Prankford UOY. Id or ever, for messenger and general office we-k must be ambitious nnd willing te learn office work; unusual opportunity for adNnmement. llrlng proof of age. Apt-U Office Manager, the Ureal Atlantic A Pa cific Ten Ce . llread and Scmerset ROY, about 10. te run errands, help In shipping room, etc : must be bright and willing, desirable place for a geed boy, aalary te start J8. 1012 Walnut at. HOY WANTED, white. 10 -.ears old. geed appearance. flrat-claaj references, for de sirable inside position. Apply second fleer Wldener Hldg. . ROY wanted te learn rrechanlcsl trade; llu ! r week te start. 1434 Ilrandywlne St.. ft f t li fleer HOY wanted fur after achoel nnd Saturdays permanent work. Apply Suite 300. Hrldce Rldg. 13 N 7th st, reY Sample room large Importer. 14 te in, geed appearance, education. Apply 130S Finance Building. BOYS 10 years of age Reys 'e enter our clerical and mer chandise divisions as Inside nies aengera with the view of promotion te higher noaltlena. no experience, required: kindly bring proof of age. Apply Employment Dept. 8:30 A. M. te B P. M. Saturday 12 SEARS. ROEnUCK AND CO 404O Roosevelt Ueulevard L"OYS wanted as messenger. 14 te 17 years of age. with or without bicycles, bring proof of age. Postal Tel. Ce.. 1420 S. PennSq BUYS wanted te work In toy factory. Ap ply A. Scheenhut Ce.. E. Hagert and Sep- vlva sis.. Kensington CANVASSERS, te sell candy direct te con- sumcr. 3"u mocaten xiiug. ;n n ,vn et. CARPENTERS Concrete forms; all winter; 16 80 day. 138 wek. 71B Vine at. CLAM and oyster epener: side knife only. App'y timekeeper's office. Hellevuc-Strat- reni Hetel. COMPOSITOR rirstc!tss) Jeb oempoaitor rer nign-gratre open anep; one naving peme experience aa ateneman preferred. Perma nent position for competent man. The DuBels Press, Catalogue builders and Celer Printers, Rochester. N. Y. DOLL REPAIRMAN Wanted, dell repairman, experienced In set ting ees and restrlnglng. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S DRAFTSMAN Wanted, a. competent design ing draftsman who has experience with staam engine or pump werk: preference given te experience In centrifugal pump design. Address M 824. Ledger Office. DRAITSMAN. nrchttectual. wanted for work en Industrial building; give reference. p 830, Lenser uniee ELECTRICIANS wanted; general electrical contracting and repair werk: steady posl pesl posl tlen for married man who would make his home In a fine, clean city of 100. 000; geed wages. M. E. Heeks Ce., 12-14-10 Devereux St.. Utlca. N. Y. ENGINEERS College graduates or high school grad. pref. te handle outside engl- nerlng werk: state exn. t edu. A t'13, L. O. ENGRAVERS, lettering en geld and sliver war. S Kind h Ben. 1110 Chestnut st. ENVFLOPE CUTTER wanted; must be ca pable; state experience and give reference. M 703. Ledger Office. FACTORY KELP EXPERIENCED PASTERS MOLDERS SHEET-METAL WORKERS SHEET-METAL WORKERS' HELPERS AND LABORERS APPLY ELECTItlC STORAGE BATTERY CO 10TH AND ALLEGHENY AVE HARDWARE. AUTOMOBILE SPECIALTY SA I.ES.MEN en Preferably with own car, te sell Jenes' numerous' prospect, drawing' aecoen V'Vem ------- . ,,- .,..,.. ., ... 0-;L"V . start Jes vV Junes, 2D West 3"ih st.. 1 New Yerk City HARDWARE MAN warned by wholesale hardware heuse te rrlce salesmen's orders, state use. experience and salury expected ' H2e I'llter utnre. , iTV.Vtttv! mit t liev nm rt KVF,TI-Vy, M"'' fir helt-r? mm I ...f 'v ',' .""2. 'h"''H," ?."' sweater 2 suets for knit underwear mills; also overseers and fixers all departments. CHARLES P RAYMOND AGC 04 Washington st , Husten, M,is, LABORERS :i 80 day. iiinatrurtlen work, n'l wlnt-r Jeb 7DI VJiih 1 LAWYERS Title Guarantee anil Trust Ce has ft few vacancies at Us Jamaica New Yerk City, office, for attorneys with title experi ence ar.d with ambition anl ability te sueced te high posl pesl posl ttens Atterneva with celleg training and without prnvleua experience in this work will be considered Address Title Guarantee und Trust Ce , 35u Kulton st. .laniau a, ,n. y. MACHINISTS BOILERMIIAKERS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAIIJtOAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE BOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLT TO COMPANY OFFICE 12S M. 1BTH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JRESBT OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M, TO 6 P. M. HELP WANTEB-MALE MALE . CORRESPONDENT AN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN Ttl A CORRESPONDENT THAT PI AND SALARY EXPEC1ED, P 409, LEDQER OFFICE. MALE ENGRAVERS EXPERIENCED. CAPAHLE OF. DOINO ALL KINDS OF WOHK tlN GOLD AND Silver: steady position te the liiuitr I'Aiin, N. SNELLENRURO A.CO. MARKET. 11TH TO 12TH STS. MANAGERS I graduated frrm WEST POINT went Immediately Inte the Army nnd when I cntne out, had te go Inte some kind of business, although I had had Ne kine? of business ex perlence. The main thing waa te go with a company that would give me a chance net only te make money but te smash out n real future for melf. I found the cetmmnv that mere than fulfilled Its prnml- ,tn me. Sturtlng ns n salesman. I wien was nernglng ever lione i month, nnd m n short time was prometed1 te DISTRICT SALES MAN AGER, Tneie was no trlrk about my success, and I certainly have no mere thnn erdlnury ability. I suc ceeded mainly because I put the best that I had Inte the preposition te sell. Any ether man who will rums In and be Industrious and1 persistent can make the same or even a blgser success thnn I have. If you mean buslniss nnd want te make a big effort for the big money and a big future I will help you all that I can, nnd I am In a position te ik se. See our ether advertisement en the Classified ml. paye under SALESMEN, headed "HAVE YOU 4. GOUl) Oil POOR OPINION OF YOURSLLF?" MECHANICAL ENGINEERS It 'all happened a e.ir Inst September. I was net enrnlng enough ns Mechanical EnBlneer decided te find something better, I fcuhif 111 It wag a selling lob. I was net a selesman never had teen, and never expected te be one but that did net step me. I h.nl fatth. I had a strong desire te make money real money. I tackled this new selling preposition with no mere enthusiasm than I hed tackled many an engineering task In the past, but Junt by k-eplng en moving end doing my best I made the very first week II 10, In nlnn weeks I enrn-d 12.140. Immediately after that I earned something still greater a PROMOTION. I was actually made DISTRICT HALES MANAGER of this Corporation. 1 r.m mailing mere menev and have advance! myself mere rap'dly In lust a few months than I could In a whole lifetime with any erldnary preposition. 1 feel that I rm doing my brother Er gutters n favor te rut them in touch with this enter ptlse. which has given me such an opportunity te climb the ladder. Any man who thinks seriously and has a.nbltlen and energy enough te de soma really tig work for a big reward enn write rr.n In confidence tin! I absolutely guarantee te In troduce him te the executives of thla Corporation. Should he Qualify they will give htm the same chat c that they gave te mr. Quick action Is necessary, how ever. Write nt once. See our ether adverttcment en the Classified page under SALESMEN, headed "HAVE YOU A OOOD OR A POOR OPINION OF YOURSELF?" MANAGER OF WASHING MACHINE DE PARTMENT Te take chirxe of a large washing machine w wm n.t.c wfc , . ,un.t.,, ,av...- department, fleer salesmen, outside salesman repair men. demonstraters: glva full details of veur experience, volume of business handled, grets profits, stock at Inventory, your see and amount of salary required. CROWLEY, MILNEH tt CO.. Detroit. Mich. MAN wanted, geed all-around furniture and undertaking and help with office work. Ad- dress 872 Main st.. Btrouaseurg. is MAN. experl-nred. W take cnarre of a nu-n Ur of salesman M 700. tstdger Office MARKER-IN wanted, experienced en shirts and everalls: state full particulars In flrstlfrem newspaper adv. en best known article letter. H. A. Rlddlck. Trenten. N. J. MEN WANTED TO DELIVER TELEPHONE DIRECTORIES MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS APPLT 7 A. M. TO 8 P. M. THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF TA. WAREHOUSE: S. W. DELAWARE AVE. AND n"E ST. MEN Five men wanted, active rerget!c. determln"d men, with fair education quirk te learn and anxious tu advance in n,ibd in our local branch office teu rnut te 2." . veirs of age and ever Apply after 10 A. M . ' 7U2 Vandam Hldg.. lnei. Market st I MEN Intelligent, men. con j.ns Wldeag)r Call 122s Wldesr Hldg . 10 te m ?'; MEN. colored for housework and butlers ; iw rnmtietsnt and with Suel r.f,,-.1 432H SprucV st.romdeor en 44th si. '"" I MOTORTRUCK SALESMEN A direct factory branch of one of the larg est motertruck companies is desirous of oh eh talnlng a few hlgh-grale salesmen, only these who have made big rreney by selling high-grade merchandise, tieei apply. Cem- i munlcatlens strictly cenlllentia' j J0; ! Ledger Office. PACKER CHINA Wanted, experienced china packer Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S HAROLD TEEN Im'"' ll ST-SSSSsTsgiSSSSSaasafSsaSlSSaaaaag I , g , sT,.SSS, SS.SSSSStiiiMsSJSSSSS H av.e.bBeTiw (jgg am yWM W "put J '. S (t. M V 'fA Srsoter rtie. r Ven Tri' old bicvclc. j Win,v.iL, 1 pm- J e. vV; diiL -1 'test.l . ?'&: . . . . ,, - ir"f rffii - - . lil I I I MUKMm HELP WAXTED-MALE OUR LINE of exclusive calendars, leather specialties, fans. Chrlstrms greetings nnd monthly mailing cards will be ready. Decem ber 20; we nave open territory nearby and wnnt te hear from salesmen that can get results with. a high-class line) the nght roan will, find this a real opportunity) writ In detail, giving qualifications and past selling experience) net interested In Jobbers or side line men. THE RRODEIUCK COMPANY St. Paui, Minn. K.-k"T '-LETTER,.. LE?ELfiX2 .visl.il BT,, KritliVUFIELD. MASS OFFICE hoi wanted In Insurance office) must be ever H yrs, of age. P SPeTta "nil. PLUSH WEAVlllth. experienced. wnnted""nn Crompton A Knewlee plush oemsi f geed pay and steady work. Make application either In person or by letter te Asteria Milk Werl-a, 727 Btelnway avs.i ! "en. Island city. Ws T, ItKI'IlliiJKNTATtVB want tt! te aelfclt P B2?"Led.er'r0ViCflece.,nU,, ""fl-"" St SALES MANAGER wanted, a firm or an in dividual, carmble of selling the stock -if a new corporation; please state past extmrl eiicc. compensation required and referencis; A"plffPl';dgy't'ffl'c'e. ,r"Ud ""IM.MI.lly. SALESMAN The snleaman for whom we are looking Is accustomed te earning a substantial Income, and will net be adversely, affect ed by prosperity. He will become a traveling representative (or a firm estab lished sixty-five years, selling a highly specialised advertising service. This requires ability te meet big men en an equal tooting and te overcome considerable resist ance. The man we aelect will In herlt renewals In his territory which will average SS000, and together with new contracts, his commissions should net $12,000 te $18,000 annually. If you are between 28 and 43. write the kind of letter te us that you would want an appli cant te write te you. and In elude phone number. Address M 711. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Wanted by a. large Importing lace, embroidery and cotton goods house te call en cutters-up and Jobbers In Phila delphia: only these welbacgualntcd with the trade will he considered, as we only sekit large-quantity business: reply, stating full particulars, past experience, etc : all In formation confidential. M 703, Ledger Office. SALESMAN We have an opening for a man of selling experience; e.ie who would be Interested In a conservative preposition yielding geed compensation, and. In particular, one who would net sell something In which he had no faith himself; write experience and uuall fleallena. P Sill. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Te sell Lexington nnd Gnrdner automobiles In Philadelphia and vicinity; we want a man who has been ' successful In selling high grade merchandise; automobile experience , nui ncGciasn, van Menuur niicr a. -, I Lexington Moter Ce. uf Pennsvlvnnla, 881 net necessary. Call Monday after in A. iv N. Bread St. SALESMAN WANTED Larva manufacturer of brass and copper products haa attractive situation nnen for ft inrisuan salesman in tneir rminueipnta Dis trict office; experience desirable but net nec cesaary; Interviews will be arranged, but Applicants should give complete Information tn writing, especially are. education and salary expected: all letters treated conflden cenflden llally. Write A 024. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Immediate Inceme te capable salesman tu rouew up inquiries ana lenes of Its kind In the field, city and out of town work. v.. k. cook. neti. out, ou. van Dam Rldg.. 1003 Market st. SALESMAN SUNDTRAND ADDING MA CHINE AND CASH REGISTER AGENCY raniilrAs HnleMmnn fne f-nrnflen and Phltn. ! delphia territery: specialty experience and s-ne'i references essential; commission, Apply 1.1ft S lllh st. SALESMAN Salary and liberal eemm.. te sell carbon rlblien. office auiinlles. rtlrrrt from factory te user. State age and esp. . P 324. Ledger Office. SALESMAN Wanted, experienced com-! merclsl stationery salesman: also exparl-1 enced filing systems salesman te handle Yaw man A Erbe line. M B34. Ledger Office i 3ALESMANAOER wanted te erganise and manage national sale of Import ant window device, approved by archi tects, builders and home ewners: we re quire a man of unusual capacity, who has made sned In a bla way before, and who has real managerial qualities. We demand no premisee, but expect At references as te ability and actual per formances. Te such eartv we are willing te offer a real opportunity. Personal Interview desired only. If first letter Is of real Interest: applica tions treated strictly confidential. M 710. Ledger Office. SALESMEN WANTED If 5 0U can satisfy us as te your sales consider yourself set ability, you financially Experience In the publishing; world desirable but teni of our bett money-makers have rnnn te us from ether fields, especial steeks lends educational nnd extension courses and similar one-call prepositions We lay en strictly commission basis, hut many of our salesmen earn better than linn tier week. Applv In person. P. F. Cellier k Sen. Dlst. i 'or I),. 1101 Otis Bldg. Ask for Mr. Eastman SALESMEN We can and will prove te veu that veu will average $20(1 weeklv If seu nri reLtlv a hlk'h-clnas salesman: the u,ir,c irenslsis of murlnir opinions, p'ferenes nn j tiNtlmenliils ftir tne nrnciai nouree lleinnl. en which no are doing ndviinri puidlcitv , nrk, rnmnilliiii basis; veu are riinlldli) ' lilt"d te call and Investigate, Call I.. tmen 10 and 12 or I and 3, PRESS ' -YNDICATE, 102 Pliinilers Illdg. SALESMEN Make seme real money be tween new und Xmas selling candy dlr'l te consumer, unusual preposition, 40U Sleck ten Hldg,, IS S 7th st. , SA"LESMKN-7iir wholesale provlslerr busl u, mj, must tu able te run machine. Phene Tiega 1070. . ssTtsWI. ... . . tf -. igtt i v. i i s- - Bsasfs--- -i i la-ass . . 1 -., Vl .slsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsTsT " 3 .'i.', l,'n f. . i.a.ka...i. sT "". ' -a-saaaaaasasasassss HlLg WANTED-KALE SALESMEN HAVE YOU A fJOOD OR A'POOR OPINION Or YOURSELF? The man who has a "OOOD" who opinion of himself believes that there UNO LIMIT te what he can ccuinpiisn eniy given tne f.iMrc.?.v. Thi'. .mn -Who hss m "tpeR" opinion of himself li whipped even bafore he begins te fight. i He sees ether, men accomplish bl nln.ff! thinks they have mero brains. Fer him there Isn't a chancel It Is a tragedy for men of ablllty;e remain at some medloers task else where nr walk the streets looking for a position' when such an op portunity exists. i There are. men here from every known kind of business engineers, advertising men. Insurance, book and specialty salesmen, account ants, brokers, army officers, teach ers and salesmen of every descrip tion. When they started with us they knew-jtas mere about the proposi preposi tion than you new knew. They simply followed our course of Instruction, which Is the melt In tensive and thorough In the country, nnd then went out and did their bl,, . s Their "beit" has, yielded seme an Income aa high as $28,000 a year. These men actually exist. They are right here new and you can meet them. They will tell you hew easy this preposition Is te sell: hew any man of average ability eheuld have no dlffculty In, earning I100O. a month; hew just one average sale a day 's $180 a week. Surely you want this money and you want te settle your "future" once and (or all. Changing jobs every week or month Is a most unhappy, unprofitable ex Istence. Yeu want te "ANCHOR" and you want enough of an Income te give yourself and your family the kind of a "life" they should have. Here, new, g the oprertunlty POSITIVELY, It U a definite PROMISE. We will give you the necessary training te enable you te demon strate the necessary ability te earn big money and quick promotion. We hove a way of taking perfectly "green" men and -teaching them te sell our preposition In a big way. All we wnnt Is men with the prepsr pint, the right mental attitude -men who are Industrious and who will work hard and stick te It. The opportunity Is the big thing, and the next biggest thing Is a man's desire te take advantage of the opportunity. Net always the most "BRILLIANT man achieves the greatest success. INDUSTRY means that a man works hard. PERSISTENCY means that he keepe en working. As an example, see what Industry and Persistency get for these men and net one of them ever sold ANYTHING before. W. H. P. Formerly an engineer. Came with this corporation Oct. IT. 1021. The first four days earned $330. New averages $1000 a month C. S. A. Army officer. On seven weeks' leave. Worked the seven weeks with us and left with ever $1700 In his pocket. P. A. B. Started aa salesman. Present earnings approximately $1000 a month. This corporation Is se magnl tudlneus in Its scope that It can give a man an opportunity te advance himself te a high EXECUTIVE position. Every man who new holds a sales EXECUTIVE position started as a salesman and was Srometed as seen as he had emenstrated his ability. THAT SHOULD DE PROOF. It doesn't pay te flounder around, and It certainly does net nv tn "doubt." In Justice te yourself write a letter detailing ennurh of your past experience te Justify an Inter view. We can convince you that there Is a big chnnce te make big money and eam big promotion If you show the proper qualifications. Bear In mind that thla opportunity will seen biv withdrawn. The par ticular phi.se of our work for which we require salesmen Is rapidly coming te a conclusion. When that time decH come the "doers" will be closed te you. The men we nre taking new are placed In a mero advantageous posi tion than formerly. We nr touch Ing them te handle our sales situ ation with n. view te developing them Inse sPies and ether execu tives. Whlle we will ALWAYS need men. the opportunity te come In en the present LUCRATIVE basis with the present opportunities for PROMO TION will net continue Indefinitely. ne alive te the opportunity while there la yet time. Write ut a letter today. If you come In new and prove your ability you will have, a wonderful opportunity te step nulckly Inte our Commercial Department. Several new products of the Com pany nre shortly te be put upon the market. , Everv product will be sponsored hv Its own Corporation. This means that we will want sales ixerutlvea for these different new subsidiary cempanlss. The men who can nunltfy In our sell Ing ranks In, our Financial Depart ment, will be promoted te flu these Important positions. There Is nothing visionary about this preposition. This corporation Is Internationally known. In Its field It hai no competition nnd lis line of business Is the least affected of any by business depres sion If veu will appreciate) an Inceme of J. 1 2.0 10 a year and better, and are ullllnu- te work bard tu get It. write today fe- Interview. s ItlTINO letter means nothing WRITE ITT Certainly write It If f' r no ether rtusen than nut et curiosity te find out Just what we de offer. Yeu won't knew If you don't write. And It might happen that w hnvn lust the POSITION thin will glve veu everything you vvunt. Address M 830, Ledger Office HELJP WAKTED-MALE SALESMEN Te a man of caliber and appearance be tween the ages of SA anif 80, we can offer an association mat is net only permanent., but highly remunerative, Yeu will be given an opportunity te represent mm of the Tem ei in Trades. Ileal qiggeai men .in ine iJunning iraiiea, isie. irrniieciurni ana xinarva lines where experience Is net absolutely essential Estate. Architectural and kindred lines, i reu nnve ine above requisites, A con nectlen with us at this time Is unusually at. nectlen with us at this time Is unusually at tractive, for w are. Just opening a Phlia tractive, for we nre. Just opening.. Phlia delphia Branch, making possible this open Ine. Yeu will Wivrk with n enmualent man. ager. who la capable of giving you every possible assistance both In Instruction and work In the field. Applications from ether towns and cities In this territory acceptabie, Fer confidential Interview write, giving phone number If possible A 830, Ledger Office. SALESMEN wanted whi call en machinery and steam plants te take a side line en commission) te work Inte blg-paylng -permanent position) exclusive territory) will ad vertlse heavily! calls made by you will be followed un by personal letters te men you have called nn and you will be given credit for. sales; materials once sold are bound te bring repeat orders when you se back afttr a , sale you will be treated like a benefactor Instead ef a salesman) commis sions paid monthly en receipt of orders) nn money invested, only veur time and talent) no sample cases te carry) men with mechan ical experlence preferred as they will recog receg nise merits of ths products at a glance: enry men covering ground Intensively should apply. . Pittsburgh Fleta Mica Ce., 108 Bmlthfleld St., Pittsburgh, Pa. SALESMEN ALL TERRITORIES Calling en department stores and general stores te handle cotton piece reeds a side lines: liberal oemmleslens; stale references and territory. M 712, Ledger Office. SALESMEN Several men wanted te sell stock of a company that has the most wonderful Invention In the motion-picture field; every one, U Interested when they see the device: exO) lent commissions- permanent positions for these who qualify. km. Ledger Office. "' SALESMEN, by Editorial Division of u. 8. Chamber of Commerce, te Interview execu tlves only) well-educat.. consist nrruliw.... cap. of earn. $8800 a yr.' upward. Apply In person te m. st. vvinser, ueara or Trade of Aces. Bourse Bldg.. Frl. and Men.. 8-12:10. 2-8. and Sat. A. M. ' SALESMEN for a Quick-selling automobile specialty te be carried ,as a side line: "ne traveling with automobile preferred; , stats .ettlnir vnerlance ana tarrlfnev .a..i Address Aute. Bex IPS. Station K. NawVnrt' ha t.ESMEN Paint, experienced. fnr'nM"-,. tabllshed company; give age. experience, references for Interview. Pine Colonial Works. Brooklyn. N. Y. SALESMEN, experienced, te sell high-grade security: liberal compensation. M T10. Ledger Office. SEVERAL HIOM-ORADB WATCHMAKERS WANTED BY PITTSBURGH JEWELER Must be thoroughly competent en fine Swiss. work, such ns Fatek, Audcmars and Meyian Watches; permanent positions- In application state experience and aalary wantec?. also If married. OROGAN COMPANY, Weed st. and 6th ave.. Pittsburgh, Pa, SHOWCARD WRITERS earn 12 an heur: evening course. Wanamaker Institute. 14 per month, beginning Dee. 1, 23d and WaJ nut ste, STOCK SALESMAN A... l-jh-ra, financial Institution, which Is offering for sale an Issue of preferred stock. Tiag an opening; for one or two experienced1 salesmen) the men selected will be af isted In ever way possible. Olve full Information for In terview. A 834. Ledger Office. STOCK ROY Frank & Seder require the services of neat, asnrarlng boy. ever 10 yeans ne . .' stock boy. Apply Employment Dept.. office second fleer 11th and Market sts. STOCK SALESMEN te sell high-grade secu". r. jl $". esrutyrr s.nnc SVPEF RINTENDENT wanted for hniMm. construction at Lancaster: sxearlanrari nn structural steel and concrete. See M. L. pe relra of Frank D. Chase, Inc., Chicago, at Bellevue-Stratford, Philadelphia, en Thurs day, November 28. SI ONE MASON wanted, non-union. Cobbs ureea iiouievare, oeiew svtn ana Florence ave. Apply te foreman en lob. . WANTED Responsible position of trust for men ever 28 years of age; must come well recem- S ended: no experience required See Mr. ycra. between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M.. 1001 Colonial Trust Bldg.J ' WOODWORKING Cabinet and machine foreman for factory making high-grade furniture; state age nnd experience. Ad dress J 44, P. O. Bex 3184. WOODWORKING Experltnced man te nan ? f1aln 5ertment ln furniture fac tnry: Address R 48. P. O. Bex 3443. YOUNG MAN If you have had 3 te 4 years' high school training or equivalent. . accurate with figures and your age Is 18 te :il years we have an opening In our production department where advancement Is certain for a vvtlllng and hnl worker MILLER LOCK CO. 4888 TACONY ST.. FRANKrORD YOUNQ MEN An efflcu appliance crnnpanv of at nnd In and lntt-rnntlennl reimintintx ..f. trm exceotlenAl unrnrtunltly te r. Hinit-vi WaaeMKsB Vfllinv frtuti f n la.ien Ik. 4 ... i IliilllUVI ' w-esaa en- w iehi n r,l" IJUSjni'rlS f.nr ftt arrntlml llti. Thar. tare.t-U le.l.i.,11.. la mrchnnlcal and tniTe nrt frt-qutni eunr.r .nTVex".' cutR?mpn. It "n0, Ue NsJirV QnuBalinctlen."are high' schoTeducalTen ?& willingness te locate In anv of our brunch offices. M 023. ledger Off ce. '"" ' . YOUNO MAN. vyanted. nu'Chunlcitlly inclined. OIV ifanlul n,,...h..nl..ii. .....,, . with knowie-ige or neatliu supplies. In general office work; must be nblu tu opcrate typewriter. P 401. Ledger Hfll'.e. Oensrai $1800 A YKAR AND UPWARD Don't be a mediocre man, prepare yourself ter greater earning power; In n fw nmnths ou can becemci n Junier nrreimt. able te earn from $1800 a year nnd upwurd. A SHORT CUT TO A GOOD SALARY Our enrpe of Certlfled Publb. Arejiintmiti, among the best In the country, has worked out a ahert-cut syrtem for nien who mus: held thtlr .lobs and at th sain ,me ureas te GREATER EARNING CAPACITY thla University Is constantly ,.,! te tlnd men tTn nre trnlned niceuiitants: If yen will buckle down t sincere vvurk and rnr nest effort for n few months ou cun le one'uf theie trained men. Sturt new It will net Interfere with sour dally work. Gall, phene or write for Umklu, IMSALI.E "XTKNSIG.N' rNlVERhlTY Philadelphia ORIre 13S4 Walnut St. Telephone; Spruce U91 Open Kvenlngs Never Tqfce HEiy WAM-TBCwMAIiE Genera' , ABB YOU AMBITIOUS? ' A treat many men are satisfied If they are working and de net think of their future) an International organisatien offers you an opportunity te Jein Its force, (fitting you by n special course of training) rapid promo tion te these who can. show necessary qual qual Ideatiens; best of references required, Call personally 0 te 10:80 A. M, or te ' ' 710 WIDENER BLDO, HAL JOBS OPEN Ear. jobs open RE nt-xt. .tnnn dprm IN AUTO AND TRACTOR BUSINESS Paying from $180 te $800 a menth: no lay offs or strikes) railroad farspaldt beard and, complete set of tools, FREE with regu lar 'course at lowest tuition ever offered) auallfv In 1 wssks. Write for big oatales ." ? fi and . special offer hef ere ii is tee late, HAHH rf AttTfl AND TltAClYlft HPHrVlt.. Tt Dept. 40 4448 Grand Blvd., Chicago, III COMMERCIAL. ARTIST. rreperly trained, earn. $100 n week and up: he Meyer-Reth Ce., the meat widely known commercial art organisatien In the field, offers you a. training under, direct super vision of Its expert artists; ths demarfd for commercial artists Is greater every year) "' THBlMEYER-BOTH CO. 1214 Walnut st, , TRANSPORTATION WORK Traffle Asso ciation, wants reliable men te qualify for positions dlreetlng domestic and foreign ship Pint; $280 teulBOO monthly) experience un necessary) coalman school education essen tial) only man. of geed character need apply) If willing and desirous of making connec tion worth while, write, without obligation, J fating present position, age. Philadelphia '. 0. Bex 414 BUSINESS SERVICE CO.. 1114 Land Title. ACCOUNTANT Traveling auditor) $1H0H. BOOKKEEPERS Mfg.. $1R00; brrYik. $1300. BUSINESS MOR. Institution $4(100 up. CLERKS Tynlst, $1800) bill: general. DESIGNER Fix tools, Jlggs. 12000 up. SALES Aute trucks; high-grade men; sta sta teonery: hosiery.- drugs: specialties. STENOGRAPHERS Asat. salon mgr.. $18flft ELLIOTT-FISHER OPERATORS A short reurse of Individual Instruction en the Eljlett-Flsher billing and "bookkeeping ma- chine will qualify you for a well-paid pesi tien! present demand for operators exceeds me avauaDis sjuppit. van m person rei details. Ask for Mr. McQullkm, Elliett' MEN) WANTED TO BECOME DRAFTSMEN Salary $280-$800 monthly . when compe tent. Chief draftsman will train you at your home, also furnish free nil tools; training given until In position at. above salary. Ad dress Chief Draftsman Debe, 1081 Lawrence, Division 232. Chicago, CARPENTERS, bricklayers and builders wanted: send for free book, "Hew te Read Blue Prints." Just eut: encloae 10 cents In stamps for. plans of bungalow and ether drawings. Address Building Dept., Ne. 2114. Chicago Teeh., 2721 S. Michigan ave., Chi- cage in. MAN In each .town te plate auto parts, re flectors, bath fixtures, reflnlsh beds, mir rors, chandeliers by new methed: $10 dally; no capltaler experience required- outfit fur nlshetf Free particulars and. proofs. Gun- metal Ce..40 Ohl, Decatur. Ill, MEN wlshlnt positions, firemen, brakemen, colored train porters, en large Pennsyl vania reads, write for Informatien: $123 $200 menth: experience unnecessary. Inter- Hanway. unv. ji. inuinnapeua. inn WIDEAWAKE MAN te take charge of our local trade: $n te $8 dally; steady; nn ex perience required) pay starts at once. Wrlte teaay. American rruuuvis we., eixtl Amerl- can Bldg,. Cincinnati, O. .-.men ELECTRICITY taught by experts; earn whlls you learn at home! elecirbnt ,A,.t- and proof lessens free: satisfaction guar anteed and position secured. Write te Chief Engineer Coeke, 2148 Lawrence ave. Chlca.n ixrioie i.srn en-siun weegiy, spare tlme, copying authors' manuscrlnts. Write R. J. Carnes. Authers' Agent. Tallapoosa. s"1 fna s-isa est lasts tste-.es ae- -,, VJe,, s IVI s'sr.4 .evMspa te MEN WANTED for detective work; expert ence unnecessary; write for details explain ing guaranteed position. J. Ganer, former Gev't Deteetlve, St. Leuis, Me. EARN $28 weekly, spars time, writing for . newspapers, maga.; exp. unner.: details tire iiw. PfiwuMP, oe pi lJUIW. Mn. MEN wanted: clerks Gev't positiens: salary. $1400 te $1800; exper. unnecessary; write free test Instruction partlc. P 1421. Led Off. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CHAMBERMAID and seamstress; rennd ipiereq wemsn. nuau Arcn. rn. Slier 2S1H. FRENCH goveritesg-tenrher. would take entire charge of one or two children. Ad dress French Institute. 8831 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City. Telephone MIPS J. GOVERNESS and chaperon will keee your children Intelligently nnd happily occupied visiting the Interesting places of this city and suburbs: engagements by the hour. A 808. Ledger Office. LAUNDRESS, white, first class, wants work at her heme: lace curtains and silks spe cialty; references. Phene I.ecust 7247, NURSE, registered, graduate, trained lit private nursing, wishes position te care for patients, one who Intends changing ell mate nreferred. P 407, Ledger Office, NURSERY GOVERNESS, cap. refined, mid-trie-aged. des. nes children .1 yrs. up, re- name,!" ner worn; ret, a u-j-t. ieq. p . NURSERY OOVEltNESS. exp. with children ever 2 years. ds. 1'es. A. 1)01). Ledg. Off. SITUATIONS WANTEDMALE ACCOUNTANT competent te munngn eflict.: accounts, correspondence and credits; L'u years' experience. A Sail. Ledger Office. BOOKKEEPER, capable, experienced uffice man; ecsi rcieieircia. moaeraie salary JV Vm , i I.,", dtter Office. CLERK Yeung man desires permanent po pe po siteon: 3 youre' business experlence : willing and tonsclentteus worker; can furnish x cellent references. A S17 Ledger office. GARDENER, handy around house nnd grounds, wnsh automobiles, care of fires. etc.: country pref., nt nnce. A 810. L"d. Off. tlOUSEWORK Jananese wishes nes.. gem .hvvk.. small fam.; geed ref. Yumaablta, li .,i isi at MAINTENANCE ENGINEER or master me r.hanlc, exp. In the construction, operation and maintenance of industrial equipment, in dustrial and warehouse buildings und the operation nnd repalrs of power plants and power equipment, open for position. A 810, MAN, colored, desires connection with man ufacturlng firm nr Jabbers selling direct te consumer and nllve te the vast returns awaiting proper advertising threuiih colored Journals, one with n million rendera; can erganise sales force of colored men te push sales of preducta and cure for cor respondent work Incidental te mall order business, A 022. Ledger Office. MAN. with be(,klteeplng"anfl ex. cat I ye ability de- sires pns with reap concern. K N31, uiiu ciTiHmi, ,,v inv-riH cinpieytn. L. O MAN. pi nee; Off!, p. drive car, exp.. ref, A-D03 L"di.-ei SALESMAN reiMrni'iitimve. .!''; !' ..r. nritrtlcnl exDerlenen: .k,.llnM, ... . character, cal(lllllt: open fi,p i-him;i. .my territery: qunllfled for activity; lnnk manu- f,,al titii na nririi si Is.,, e tlin r. ...... .... "' "M ....... nri.nUi,)lMn .... ...'.' '" , ill C IU I ' I $ llli I ("II fJ I tjr I (!. 7 lilfl. r, L.ilsln.s ii. MntliA i-llit.HU., . '..''.' !' YiTiTvii'MAN well niucati.ii n .. " r. S"M. W$ "pe?,",lflllrvh;" ) ft" yri'lremSLS ',rc,vl ,u" ."iLr with sellmg and imreMr! ' mnn.' MJK r. . ....I ... i,.""!. ' ur 1,,Kln,r exnsil- I Siiitn' ureters tn liecnrnn .ii.i,, ... ' . ' Z.'..;.' ...t- ' Z..L" . ' l" Heme real executlvei who vvnnts snine ene hu can a .1 If IIIUlll .1 fl 1 tt 1 .VlllIOK I lfrl,. " ID UI'Mi i-ewi ij- ''li' v'HILV emfleyment AOENciEs .. i-iain e U east, -a . ... MRS. ICANR. IS, 3Sth st.--.estinil ..,,,. for cvoekti. kltiJun mal.N. vvnltrfssir , chambermalda, lauudri sses. day r .(. bfr,'. I ers, couples, child's nureea. praitlcal nurse" house work (.Iris, lately arrived: all ref 'rJmei ' Investlgnted: white help, c.ill llarliK- 747 WANTKD Ceiks. chuinlicriiia da, ThiiTn lllld. ler I'nihellr tiTiury. Mim Ibisu I ) njj .i iv 1313V. tllrnrd ave, ""iiJ, 'MItS IIARVKY. 1011) rtlttenhnuses"ir he", liable foreign and domestic help. i,.r.. CJlllllCltj ' Wlifn: COUPLll vvnnted', Iniinil & hntihZ man: cap. sr ref. req. Mrs. Rogers. 317 y 20 tlst. " J' NUIISKS. S. exp.. want pns. Infant or el.r child; highest ref, Mra. Rogers 317 s'.i'th M"lSS Harltlna, JO04 llalnbrldg,,, wantsTiiir coup., cooks, wultresses, nuises, laiin. ; ref". Your Mind Off Your Werk tll.S AOENT. ma TjrrmMvf capable men with wits txB5ffilM neet with ens of the isr.?.''" i-ciauy neuses In ths word n. af"nl1 5" known, consists e ,9g' Lj.ne ui MpTfVn;. labl. bu-lnew house l,SWiij """7.V " ""ssrai commissions wirt"' remittances. . Permanent JJii." run details first letter. Ine udiir. ' ner ence and rri...'. '"ciuaing sts. bent. The American Art WerkJ,"' STOP wnrktn ne nh.-. . . - . eurseif : make Md JiMeJN" goeds: by our system) Its easv, .S"r't gin.' Kitlen7. mrfHJSSltiSU Menree, Richmond, Va. mDOr'enii SALESMEN AND SALES OROANl'I? calling reeularlv nn ni ,-.. ment. dry goods and drug stores 'JS our hair nets nn exceptionally nrnai.W. several ..exclusive terrliSrie. 1UJ I wirest nperai cenimirtss. s.iCV" Eastern Parkway. Brooklyn. N. v "" Tlttmivn intsn. .. "WW rtproer tu 20 cheaper than store eflces: eem2fiLr P..!?. Ln. iS"?' -Wnts6?CterrBry?lSI Simpsen. Dept, 302, Ml Ada's! 'c'ffiLievl hiHTntnttTena nii,i. ......." ..P.".'!"? "' hanrlllng ScMH . canuy; new rern automeb e fres. ..-"! territory. Scelmlnts Ce.. age 'hlS Illdg,. Jersey City. N. .f ' it"' "Wtnui sAl.sEi.-u,L1'".veun, m,nb7 erK"$"l 23 an hour T-)"Ynn.y.u' !n positien: pay starts nt r.ncei iirtiiJj" B,aVt,o8na.rye.',Ct """ D""' "" HarPff, WRITE and learn hew te start .-.7 business nllhnut nr,l..i -" Prettl silvering mirrors, reflnlshlng sute hasSnS! tab eware. Plating; outfit iurnlsheJ. 'lH R2!!J5 8ALESMEN Write for list of l!" full particulars: earn $280? ii'".!-! yeariysb g demand for men ibIIL.'" or experienced, .cltv ar te.liJS"l?n-M Salesmen's Tr Ass'n Dent. 27T rhiiHH AGENT8 Nevrsat Inventien: "Inl makes every tjm j fountain pent f seller: big prefit: demand ineV.-'liLVV n i feat " where: erclualvj teerlterj- nfr,.rer1, !! free. M. Marul. Ce.. Tribune Bldg,. x JVn AGENTS Sedereze. lust mt. easy: sales enslly made In every t.52'1 asfnras. epnrai -sfW It .- ... ttJr flQBss-1 TODAY fe? new plan. Amerln'nSSl Ce.. 8110. American Bid,? qiiitn MERCHANTS nnd salesmen wanted t w 1 die new sanitary cuspider: dm .li'J-swl pthersteres handlln sanitary neveli i. CIGAR 8ALE8MEN-$18n per month JTi tienses: experience unnecs.... "! drnsand envelnriA fn- lnrn-ni.v miP9 CIGAR CO.. Hlh Point. N. n. ' WANTED, hosiery aatesm.n .. mer-hi-nte. $30 week nnd .in....' l ence.ui necessary; send stamped e'siJC Rex Hosiery Cemunnv. Hlrh Point, m1" $20 . DAILY.. EA8Y. the Big We.T of New erk- 81 feat s.ll.rs for JR3 houieheld: sameles free. Tnm.sL.flH) Cnmpirnv. 003 Bre'vdwnv. New Tnrf COT )TTER-PIN PULLER New Inventlimi 3I furtlme-savlng Inexeenatv ,rtini"B.fifflJlrl ers. mechnnlcs. printers n..A .r..0.WTi profit Tuban Ce. 201 .Grand st.. New W MEN. sell guaranteeil nursery ..,...- lxilnt agents: prompt p.iyt new mSSX Herrlek Nursery Ce.. Rochester. V mJ,M-' WANTED, soap agents te sell our lit ! BOOMS FOB BENT CHESTNUT. 42282 furn. rme.. nrasjTi 1 I asses.. Ht-illMsa rAAtYi a tM J J a s-.IP.rr a eses.r, .-....., -,.y, llTinsT 1111 jCF-WiHau; Ts. JJ3"--0USKKEKp edsms ftmitiiffl Anu UA DEAIITIFUJ-UT furntuhed room In S modern private home- flectrlrftr! t !... In eMlsmla- A Oils. (s VsL 1 slyl piuni iv iiiuiutgii m vim itt. rrwiiqfj I CHESTNUT. 2000 Large single and muniwj rmu'um rri.irr( IOCCST A146 On pr 2 nlctly fui room. with use or dlnlntr room ft kt mi nuicicrii t.Mn'-iiirin:s-s-, nntrwoen Dl PINE. 802 Desirable large f urnlihrt enits roems: also single room. .- 12TII ST.. N.. 2020 One large room. 2d-lssil frent: furnished. -isssl 40TH AND SPRUCE VIC 1247 S. nrruail al.) well-rum, rm.: twin beds; Idetiryl frent: suit, for g. Call Bsrlne laMwTH 10TH. N.. 180. HOTEL II URIC-CeaS aneppins; uiavnci. nesr siatien: eeautj iurn. rmi.i wee., ppeweja. eany. wxiy. r EXCLUHiVL private nema, adults, will rentl rooms permanently te man used te beetl Surriiuntii in. m.iiit- mriurwii aUBB W. ATTRACTIVE turn, npts.: some heuiskpg.l Sherwood Ant, Agencv. 1 114 Wslnut St. I WEST riIII.ADFI.nilA Clircsriu avi--.. 4,iiu warm sunny roeptt $8; phone, shower bath, elec.: rrflned prtv. nems: nun I", . , ,-nr ,e ,,m ., .mill; is mm. CHESTNUT NEAR OOTH ST. L All cenv.ll .' nr il r"is I urn. rM-i, qiiii . r- quiCKITsl PKNNSVT.VAXM SUBURBAN OTN.. 8802 Greene st. Fer gent, $d-6eef front' opposite Park: 8 windews: -w. I heat, het and cold ahewers: near aaveral earl lines ina oem raiirenus, pnr tsiauyi i senahla: meals served. 2D ST.. N., 8433 Unfurnished drat fleer,! 4 rooms, meucrn cenv, ; priv. sniraneej tens. : cenv te trains and trolley. Mendr."nr Tuesday after 0 P M. . BOARDING PLEASANT large roem: residential uw I lorheod: for 1 or 2 gentlemen; heard; eris ' vn te famllv. lJnnne nicnnv igna j. WEST riIlI.DELPllIA TWO business men can have 2d-stery frsa room anil goon iie m "V" "..''' mln. from atnllen. P 831. LedserOmc. NEW JERSEY SfnUBnAN ROOMS with beard In private famllri tri moderate i.ux se. aiibiiuhe", '. BOABD WANTED 1 pkxxhvi.vaxia sunrnnAW LADY ilia res enaru in sueurua; mv, conveniences. P 328. Ledger Offlcs. STOBAOE AND MOVIK0. FIDELITY STORAGE & WAREHOUSE CO. u mnn-lRll AND 1813 MARKET BT... ... -.. nf nnn.,ri,flnn If VOU CSU Alene l.VcuNtv 1471 our repres.nt.tlt. will cult upon you. "WE ARE LEADERS" MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly .service for small 'hlpmenti i Ut l je Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. ! . .. P . m tr L"n UTU PnriCsT 11 I'Olinueipnin e aiTII ANIMAR!a-.TSTS.. GlnIB WISIIKS l.nd te Nw Yerk. Cennecllcjt " j,,Vi0 ji and within r. or 0 ''''" ,.,., emu for c ty ami lorer dUUf moving Wntson'JJnihep!i -"iVkivKTVTrrDArC V H- I UIM O 4 VIITIVJU r.eflfl FILUIIRT. Thene Ilelment 4870 g M mal.M lr-?., f''M mmmr$!&i,&jgmL ,AvlV.eNO.DisTA,NrnjimLI WALLACE 1820 N. HOTII e. S53 CIIUItCH UvNE,Qll ..'a, " Jt.'a ' .ii.. nlntlniim I'lntfM WAfta VT 1 "'. y le w. 'rVV ir-thnialie M -Jr-g ! ..i "ml ! J, Clark rennerlijagh CASli paid fer old J.-..1.I, 'l"na ",',l clocks. Rogers 43 B 17lh st -s BOATS. MOTOBBO'TS. LmCl nmTY-rivi:-i'Oiir i vu.?i,,S?',,V nVd v- low price, uuldt snlfi.t-f"t '"fVJ tout cruiser, sleen 4, .1,urB,V":,i .hesMrsI trie cruiser built lli-'l. .Mevtrul shai-er ! auxiliaries. Wi Iherl I Yuiht AKeticy. w 1 Walnut, Hiuurf 7 1 I. MTAMTP.IJ Hell. Filbert 4'JOi. Kc7Tone Rac3 Hlah prlcea imm; ''- nrafSI STREET AND EVEN fNO GOgfl i.-iinu iiii riMMTl.KMUN'S CLOIIU'SW I MILLER'S S. K. cer. Wth and iiainore.. .-- Will mil CItV Or BUlluru. - wit PAin A WOMAN $83.60 for a, let of .If vve ry flis ) ffl Jftersd $40 for w'"'1. ?5invlll sir l mends and Jewelry te " Sf,n;auii$. , J full, honest cash vnluei estaB isnru x riies, it. i.kb..j i.i.. '---r: f;TtiinuT ,ri. naid for newsuapers,,"!?" metal: try mice and be '''."'biurrteticj M atiywherei send peslnl or can i"ia:,evj; llliUe irve. ------ WANTKPrCm t-eff ffnllTin; doing ueiuiii'-"- r- I li ii Jst iirlws PMd. Wrlte or pp. .; llvit,lll'!Bj!lilJ-- i-,p..s!aits.yta