iw.y mss'ksm R.v;iF4u" 17' ' W ' ppppplf 'BViWlW PUBLIC Iifi)DdB-lffiliADBIiPHIA:, MONDAY, H3MgMHHlHl$.lM !W!MSfmMIJ'a '?' t (V ' v ' . ' ' NOVEMBER 30, 1932 THE HOUSE OF MOHVN By GEORGE GIBBS Auther 0 "Veuih friumpkHM" tMtt Otee sfrMMaM CepVHDht, ifflj bt Atptiteh 4 Ce, TKVti AHP WUriff ItMettHL Iff'jJXl is VKtt Marine and esJmmsj 11 ifelferfiiai Wvn..-i-m(i,mer. ed n MSI ", ?. i,.'3"lk mall fljf ) r fins wu) . Yerk " . ....,. nlfjalfiM twi' siT5BXWrBiB,ajrBw s 8il.cTcore7 e veu( rtsSSSSHSSa dad altrae- soma or in Vh'SWdlXrtSmitu te K socie) MS itOMVHj VA"u2.18 ' ",e nap" Jen e. 9A ana -atit- .ha said. "Ttieres tne I'ta get te drmee te .wtatafift bloMem , among . which . tmndfed eanArfci In their cairs Warbled and twittered eielledlfi the huse eluats of American Beatttr rotes the orchestra ei tnirty .pieces, tna dots exponents or the art of sjrncoptieri tlsjt sophisticated New Yerk could offer Hut new as the bantlctapping for the last measure had dlased, the trap, drummer had finished the inevitable) "tum-teuum. Hint turn turn,1' and the trombone had given , Its cynlcnl laugh an expectant hUsli fell upon the dancers. Fer the velvet curtains at the end of the room flew open nntl, with a fruifdre front the brass instruments, a Pierrot Icnpcd forth. Me was recog receg lilted at.encc-pthe great Kadhikev of the Russian Itallet as with gesture and dance he cleared the floer1, while the orchestra) showing that it tt'ftrt capable AltAWICt'll,,H. t. : MAtfimfttfr'iriA I IStT m mJ if Cm failS IMMfeat AglflQutnlsvTaH ngMfajA AtLANiiteitv.rci, ! !!.llJti!?,t''tlllt f' Kf.ftw vismsa? My dear child" he began "Come," Ltftslc age!" They reached the dancing fledr and k,A taken only n few steps when (tome (teme tdV wld her ffem him. almost by ffii, force. He gafcped and aeught the ffeTe b tbe wln3ewi ageln. li. hadn't Intended staying for snp- C'lnWMt. S tH- w" Cherry risol risel . I friend, about whom slie had been li re cent The war had been a Pcat pi reii""1; .,, ,., tlm fni.hlen rubbish." llut the prejualces of VU . Armltage wer 0 in ennng. S Zte he had had of the felloe that t didn't agree with her. Fer nil his ! aiT...i.ir. iinire Cowan aave nn CrcX . e being fashioned of a baser etar than most of theNe young people Burn be,lt h,m (or.' aftCr .ali' llin of morale. Bat he made up his minu te smy ier VLt breaker &fSssMMJM iftMMlOttA la53"" bcett' e-nwEgMi BHM4C1I. In levlns memory of JtgA1 EMRUCH, who dirt Nevemptr SO. 1M. SeatW iMiV! ji 0'ciepK t ,nr ls rinaencv. ivi i. inicrmeni privmii. Si, AORAMa. Nev. 1. rRANCB8K.iPa- IS. . . MLI.IAK, cob M. and fate JClir.A il lervleci Men ie. SAlft Ambi Cedar Milt Ccm. iU.&m.i .t... btch. Funtral ervleci Men.. 3 l'..H. pre- bib Anuxr " .... ...' BgATMl .. Tues.. P. if.s at reldenee. 1",J'.J$M St. Int. prirntt, at Oreenwoed (K. or f. r IT, 4M4. V et Weltenhqlm eliely. reildcnee. 3818 Amber tt vat, worm cedar I i-AKMtttTD. V, r Invlteit te PJ Ja.W.1.retH EuKaBIctR 8. AI.KN? Anne'unc (unernl. Men. "She hiiMi't a very strong bead. The elwmpaciic kite's se silly. I hope nobody noticed" nnnnp nn llll mill I'llflllCO of ft dint with Cherry mill Impieved the moment' that remained by MekltiR tbe men's dressing renm mid a cigarette. He found tbe stelrwn Worked by couples en tcte-a-tete, innnv of them shnrlng djmrcttes, tml lit tlie top of the stairway, where he (euk Hip wrong turn, he stumbled Mte n dnrlt corner wiiere tnere was n window sent out of slcht of the ethers. There it glil and a boy were embracing etch ntlier ulth the innocent abstraction f two turtle deveB. Helelie!" Ibetieht Ramesrs. tj'ii force of bnbit. They've forgettiB t their feet aren't dancing." r tint even in the dark he had sMn the Rlrl was Cherry's friend. Olt Towne. He didn't remember ?nav met the boy. After nil a klssjf-W was It? A trifle, nn airy nothing mere symbol of affection. I'erbajps t boy and girl enred for each eths.- hoped se. It was sueli a pretty tableau. Rut at Satigree's sudden nppearahce tbe turtle doves had spread their wings and fluttered, rather startled, down the stairs te the bnllroem. In the dressing room 1m -found isveral youths that he had met. There was Scotch, rye and club soda- en n table and the conversation was net of Bnakeppeare and the musical glasses. "Bhe's perf 111 pippin," one of them way saying ever and ever Irt a kind of amiable soliloquy an he reclined in a MerrU chair. "Pity she ain't In this set. She'd chntv 'em Think I'll mnmx, Per, Jus Slime. Damfiden't. ' Ob, shut up, Beb. Nobody cares bout your illicit affections." '"licit! Who says 'licit?" said the Mner ghmelnn around heavily. "Don't I tell you f Jove lilt hie I knew Wtm h imitler 'ili vn it...... l.. ...... lwd a,H,h e0m by Inughed. "You're Bus fuller 'n goat. Tha's wha's HlS Vnll'C Clll.iii.ln.l !.. - 1.1. E V f n"';"5'. ''I Hri'u IJ,lt is the boy's bh lPl,l''"'k Knngree discovered that Blni,... i , "ui-iiiie was uuerry Sleliun h brother Heb. lliiii-8u,lp,'r' w.,,leh ""s served in the R. 'T', ''f11 "",1 conservatory, gthVen cV'Wl iwr fri0,"l wandering fiti ' L.",1"1;1.1 n,,,, m'"le him sit ut her Martin. ii"rnm.WnHne' rll00be nhinT...i i , '. " iiueriorce, jenn WBlcliestef and Bruce Cowan. than til . f"01, mero ""bstantlnl wliin . "i i"lra" which, i kc tne bW in ?rWc,,.,,.n u"y l'8 nd lume.1 int0.,'",1,'ng. But cv.-ry one loon i,t0 h.h8vJn a Feed "" nntl CL h v,"".or 'nnd himself foiling KSS.'Sr "P0" e? their gayety and Irre" rlsMi.1 iif w,,te ,'w t'e moment had t w r n from. .'' s Cav" ' Adullam. cL" Cherry Mehun'B friend. Bruce MWHn. Wlll.un In. ..I.. rt. . . it fn. lir i .'"""t iiret was louti leuti K .VV,rank' nl Jehn Chichester, as every tm . ' .ev, cl'nmpngne. Cherry's n?-fuWt"' lhwh0 rew aentlmental ?. ii" e H Umu 'necked, but they ttlea,l00Vr'n"l''be.01rt' annul ii. i ..'.' n"-ul " awitji u fhs Bni." nt,,n, ' '". Particular Olympus f gods had their llmltiitiens. b? ti,. 5 Bome el ,,, ether tables near WsthpHii 1 W.new, furious. Sylvia iwaerlll and Hareld nnii.p.ith r l:.nlinte:'W"dedexiia.nld mLlrt IQUCO PfirnupnatnineMi. i. - - SAhlg r.u,n' .for nt tlie last both i.J5?,hB caterer's Crockery ended In of music of a better sort, launched It sell gnyiy into the ballet music ei "Ceppclin." Anetllei1 gesture from Kndnikev. the curtain ported rtghlh and a great flowerpot rolled Inte the room, pulled by a group of girls in tights, dressed as the pages of seiHe sort of Fairy Court. In the flewerpdt . wa a huge rosebud of pnpler mftclie, which. at a gesture and prayer in pantomime from Pierrot, slowly opened its .petals, revealing nt last a dainty Pierrette peeping 6Ut. At a signal she sprang forth. It whs the ballerina. Batkeytt the Wonderful, ghe met Pierrot. They htssesdi tie grew ardent. , Bhe repulsed MM. . She neu. te ieiiuweu mi te uie.vaucuvu of the music Here Was the very I apotheosis of (lie dance, grace anil Jey in poetry, music and color. Pierrot caught his quarry at last and then, the fairy pages emerged again and joined in tbe ballet under the shlfttnjj colors Of calcium light which flowed eVcr the dancers like n veil of quicksilver. Te David Sangree it Was all very beautiful and 'Genie by his side gave a gasp of dismay as the ballroeui fell into a sud den darkness. When the lights went en the dance! s had disappeared! Applause, a repetition of the ballet, at the end of which the trombone laughed derisively again and In a moment the orchestra swept Inte a popular tune which brought the real actors In this human comedy upon the fleer. Bnlkevn was great, but who could resist the Hit of such a "tod dle"? Sangree turned nwny. After poetry, this was doggerel. Cherry seemed te have dlsntinenred. but he found her later coming down the stair, a thought ful expression en her fncc. "I've been looking everywhere for you te thank you and te say geed night," he said. "Arc you going?" she asked listless ly. "I'm sorry." "Is something bothering' you?" he asked. "Ne. Yes. That Is eh something terrible has happened, Dr. Sangree" "Anything that I?" he began. "Ne Nothing. It's just VI and I'm se awfully fend of her " "Yeu menh that she's" "Just 111. She hasn't a very strong head. The chami'nitne she's se silly I hope nobody noticed." "Can't I take her home ?' "Ne. Ne. That would be fearful. The Everartls ere terribly sttlct. 'Genie's going te keep her here. Please den t Mty nnvtmng. I Knew you wen i. uoeu night." Among David SnhRree's tectnl assets whs an Imiiurtiitit club, the Olympian. He had kept up his lnemberihip during the years tit his wanderings, mere in deference te the wishes of his dead father, than te any desire te avail him self of its privileges. He bud been elect ed In his twentyiiist year, in accordance with tbe custom, but had rarely been inside its doers, until his recent return te New Yerk. Iteeltlse and student by habit, his Secial intercourse had been confined te these persons with whom his studies hnd thrown him. It wns, therefore, with n fneiii, ' Z!i T: . Alavil been. .!? Asntrfry pAk. w. it lAJftHtOflP. N. M. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD. NEW JERSEY Invigorating climate. 18-hole jteti course. Saddle hbraesV Fin walks. DallV concerts and danc ing. Superior reads .for taeMt te FRANK F. SHUTE. Manager Formerly of Laurel In the Pines HT. Pllt'llNtl. iA " Tha r)ftttifiutit'ie''7a 1 yeat. Modern. ida( w nttr tiUi. Booklet. R. t. ft tt .T. Artmks. het gaigea. ta. f1fefihMl1 kr 7ra?9 ite'- ca;uifricn kil m lyn l,Sxjr K Kiy-m rm v ST. PgTtKgBJBOTgXAi '. . ." '" Ai S<ethiMjflfr A .ll .1 lllf.l lilanJILw .J . Qaiutii welceatfc A dells ktfal dty Mr tkteii IMi rccreuioe. CIlBMertliiiaatquibte. Ftawen. mini. Midf sad wccteccta krenet all rear, Taeeaeftact wkeri ll lecmtleat are eateyed1 ui-ef deeil tell; Iihlnf, fictilnf. immlaf. kaadai. nac quoin, bewllai. buebtll auteriaf. elcndld aecsauiedatleai te nit rreryeae. WHte t bcwklete ea the Cltyetea leant Ml Retrtatleai. Aay lalermatlea aa ttfunt. P.A.Uawrene, Cabt si CeeaatdN Si. Per.ber. haxMi XAktPA. rtA. COME, rit TdTAMPA. L. n&lmv urnthcr. nntiloer rerfeail bmlni's and agricultural appnrtiinltlea. Boek' YtlttaKnvnn.h fliiMil. enaa. iiaimy iipnincr, ontneor rrrreuiene, A. Beh .; M nn. Bth at.', c'imdeni 192J, ent et l.nv. is. mil. jdriEPHiSP e of rjMirsa L. Baker. . ternrtriy ei live w rwyn. aptlst nina. : M.i ah U IM Bfettrna). In hla 18th year. .Rela tive . and rrlnnda, alae Ce. V. lOSd nn- slneers. 28 11, Dlv,. Invited te (unersi aerv- luea.i i f. .M. 'eltimbla av. i Remalna may be viewed Men. eve, .BALL. Nhv. 10. 1922, ex ibiv tfinni ' anu nuaannn ..,I"i i nerai aervicea wea., z i M,ai,in jnpii An,. ctm.' rrnnea.may. eau.sten. ave.,, ..u K isfeiliWflffR VArfa gA f V ST cVien.vn 'MSffiSfeffifi rnoei l 1 o.eleek htith8,qilvr..H.aSl; E.ida.1 eMn ISM.Che.tnuL.t. inlmln) tfl. . Adam C. 'Carey' (nee' p'4ra), formerly of Wmend'i fleiiry, arid 4i'riL"l?L1."' t.i reaulem. .CnttrcB of lit. uamdnui . " native., .of, qienties ,lenU"JI'iSlSla.ti?i'!.r beneBdl. Ireland, w f of late Charles Carr, SJ.n UMAtM. denes. Mil Brown at, Interment brlvat At w fernwoed Cemetery. But I tiaiTkottndJy.siMe tenlshT with tifcvili . ffcar rtiifr navar a caret Mt'lSmalryvll: iJfateti If aide. ';MctEhYI!B.--Ket. tTnJUl(l,i ,11 et lati Arlhttr. And ieeephlne McKeVer (ne Inuer). Relattvea. trlfniti, etnt)leyM nt tlvei Jaitli wldniV navuf. .Arak jrunpt ni ar tea at rem w fflfw&. A"'i ."! iSrvsiv? Ctmwh rsL .w-a" AWtAiM hoInvtflJien nt nlnrmJi V nA into Hftf liakfJi- (r 14S6 taf irttff.n ate JatntS P and 8uaahhsaT..fiiJ, u aervleei Wed.. I. M...dt the thi or nirit a nice, uaui uermantewn t hanks Imi rinhtiln.v At Houth Paear aena, cant.. Nev. id, iti BANKS, wlddw of FrnncM K, dauchier et C. Wllhelmlna icnara j. ueDDina, et I'nua. j...; ntCATTV. At RRi1tna. Nnv IT. fluSAN A8HTON. 70 .yeara 11 months. .lT. days. Funeral rtem lata reafdeneei 230 N, Bth at. i ains. aienaay. b i', si, nirTicn. '""": M. , interment unarua mm. MLLT DOBBINS D. Banna ana and the late nuAdlnir: ... e t. "rTteNe-tv'iThssd, john A. ta: Dana et ,aT Jiiaae tnee v-oaieiiei. i"' tlvSS and. frlenda invited te funeral, .Tues.i 8:89 Aj M.. .from Idle residence, 1118 B. Pax&n at. Solemn Mnaa of. Requiem at Church of the Meat rjleaaed Rncrament. 10 A. M. . Int., at Hely Creae Cem. ,. , nefeWBLL. Nev. 19. 1922, OrJORrfp W. BOSWbCL, afeed TO. Relatives and trlenda, wpaninaten unucc, no. ei., f ana , and ether aoclrtlea.ef which he.wna.a bar. are. Invlteil te funeral aervicea, M.. - Wed,, i P. it., realdence. S3US Walten ave, Int. private, Fernwood Cem. Vlewtnt Tuea, h'Hethaubr. Nev. IT. MHiiSEI C.l dauihtbr of Jata Fredrick and warsnret Hcrtnauef.. Funeral Men., 2 P. M., front the rcaldenee df her alater, Mrs. Harry Bchmldt, 611T Lanadenne ave. Int. Mt. "bIUNRSIA'NN. Nev. 18. ALBERT1, hue band of the late Kmmn Brlnlcmann (nee HaaaenetSb), In hla flrtth rear. Serviced In-law. ,Jnmen Jealer, !I824 Spruit uar A. Snltmn tpniilftm mithH. Rt. AftAthd a nnHntVrt.T vim. in trli t ItTmktM). beleted Wife of O. i)0rd Jieaawell, flela tlvea anii frlnda are lnUil 6 aervicea, Wed., il j M nt S28 Coepi-r St.. Carhden. N., J. Friends may call Tuea. eve. Int. PtCONROY. Nev. IT, 1922, ANNA, B.i dsut titer of Jehn J. nndjnte Slitrtarf ?' Cnnrey fnne Pox), lielatttea and frll-nda. nlae B. V. M. Hedallty of the Nativity Church. Invited te funeral, Tuea.. 8.10 A. M. from father' a ri'3lilnce. S38S E. Thompeen at. Heie-nn RMUiem .Mnaa at tnurcn ei the Nativity, 10 A. M. Int. at New Cathe dral Cem. .... , cbowlev.-Nev. 18. nt h late real- dence. 242 1) l.anci-y at.. UAN1KL A. CROWMIT, Dui; wlrn will lw JtlVf Jl. t CROWN. On Nev. IS.. 1922. fetl.V, hue hand of Mnrv (frown, of 2729 Incram at. Relatives and trlenda are Invited te jhe.aerv. icea en w eunniKinv miernenn ai a , uuuk at 1820 Chestnut Bt. Interment private. Friend may call at 1820 Chestnut at., Tuea CURNUcIc Nev. 18, 1912, FLORA, daushter of Mnrv and the lute Fredrlclc ,A, Curnuck. Relntl,ei nnd friends at Invited te attend funeral ervlc, at her late reat dence. TOT. S. IMIth vt TueS . 2 P. M. pr eraely. .Int. Northwood Cem. , 4 , . UAVI8. Suddenly. Nev. 18, nt hla real dence 5232 l.iuirenn at., Oennnnlewn, CHARLKS AVtIUSTUS DAVIS, Rrqulern mnaa. St, I.uKe'a Churih, Cnuller at. ami Qermnntewn ac, Tues , 10 A. M. Int. trDEVi.IN-fl.MtTH. At Lincoln, Neb.. Nevj IS, 1922, JeltN, aen tif Jnmen nnd lntj Mary pelln (nee Onrmley), Due notice of the fu.ieral, from resldenca of hla brethen Mlrhaei n,lln, 1127 N, Hnnreck af. , DOHnRTY. Nev. 111. 1922. VINCENT, eon of Jehn J, and Ann Dehnrty (nee Mc Laushlln),, ased 1 me, 1 1 data. Relatives and friends are Imlted Irt nttend funeral. Wed.. 3 P. M.. from h nirenta' residence. R804 Chew at., (l-rmanlewn. Int. Hely County Commlaalenera. .Invited te funeral, Wed.. ItfiOA. M.i reeldehce, ip04 Pina ati Solemn hlsh mam St. Patrick's Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Croaa. McKINNT. Nev. IT, PAULINE M.I Mn. Af n.ht.l n. Mettinnv. n.i.tlvaa and frlenda Invited te attend funeral. Tuea.,8:80 A M from her late roaldence, 282 R. Pries at., aermantewn. Solemn maas of requiem St. Vlneen a Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely $BWhWeT.-Nev. 19, AMANDA B.. widow of Jamea Mcwhlntiry, ased 80- Fu neral aervicea Tuea,, 2 P, M nt lata resi dence. SB E. Elm at , Norrlatewm Pa. Int. Pf MORRIS. Nev. IS. MARY E, (nee Kelly), YVtfe of Jeseph. I... Merrie. Relatlya and fflerida, nlae TViidtvoed Chftptfr. Eastern Star. Invltad te attend tunernl aervicea. Tuea., 2 P. M. preclisly, residence of alater. Sire. Marsaret Unrhim, IISOO "' at, Int. VaiflMnnit C!.m. PrlAMft tnitv rail Vlnn. eve. Tiuris,. Jn nnv. ,i, iv.'z. , i-.ji.ua r. it Jiarrv a .Mer, . iieiatnea .an EfBAttfi. Bread St.. en Nev. 10. 14V JOSBPH O.. huaband of the late Emma C. Wllaen. Ne- tfldffi$?-ii. nefl? FOE. HON, aen or Harms a, ana ine irib B. tflmiey. t Rtlatlvek and friends, a ae First , Res ment. Veteran corps, . are . : In- eaai ai ma lata Ml uiui Ia ...m. htni..l ..ev realdence. 1804 tt. Wbad St., Mmi.i I'P. preciM y. Int. west Laursi .hiii jui WOLLARp. Nev. IT. 122. W. M husband hf Ella Anderlerl Wpl ReWtk), ased TO. Relattvea Ihd frit !... . . . ILLIAM MY irlth frlenda. . slid ..Ladlei' Auxiliary. Iw.Lenl Idse,. .J1.11A IV. . itlea and Iw Lent ae. Ne. 2R8, 11 of II. T., nml ttiuKn Council. , Ne.. 8T. D'Rree of rectthnntaa. nre Invited te the servlcta en Weuneiday aft .rnnnn. nt. Q o'cleok. nt her late residence. 8228 , Harlan . at. Interment at Arlington Cemetery, .menus mnv can Tuesaav ve nlnf. JUtncaster nacM l".e copy. NABH. Suddenly. Nev IH, WALTER It., husband ,bf Edith lllrklii Nash, Relatlvea nnd , frlenda are Invited te attend funeral .ii , at tne resiuence or ether- n-iaw. i- v. Shark. isri is. 29tH St. Int. prlxate. Frlenda cdll Sleti. tri l nee ntds are ny tea te sttena tunerai aerviceai , ate rsslelic. JlreVs; Mi-.j, National Park. N. J.i Tuea,, ev, tli ,P,M- '",, pM a, .EallhsW.. Cm.i clatViberOi N. J. Fr end may. ell Moh, Venin. ..M4,.,-i WBIClHT.-NeV. li mi, AfafiJAIDB THORNLKY. daUshter hf jeb ? hi",1 V. Therniy.,Skeld 2d. . Relatives Sno friend are Invited le attend tunerai aeriicea. Wed., e t, r . h.i nil rent. reslnenre. S41T 11 'T-.'' . C"M"i.. s?' - ! '! ij-fjitt- n 'Kij., ij, j'- a. fMmu0tA1M Vl MMmMMMT T mn 7- MM w 7 i pa 1't J 11 i jn n iAIJn rlarlfial ,- n nf.iertka . new, ready .le, reeslVi aiaMfta) SVIP 1 aoheo1 education whd JjSvS hi ara amainv of. ,rtrMyabht lai riaasara rforn.ffh4ycaTe5rv5Ya m ettey abrtut Tjecdrhbtr ,iBi rsfsrsntM rt Yet! nulrert and Inveatlaateii. Apply or writ 5JrB Taa Ce., J! inly Atlnntln. and Paclfle read and Somerset ati, ie Oreat Lensahnra. at.. Taenny. . Friepas. way ran Tuea., T te fj P. M. int. Masnena win, 9 PARCEL POST Sepulchre Cem, IH1NNEU.T wlfe ,el Jehn P. invite Nev. IH. UATIIAHira; A,l Tlnnnitlv. Tt.lnllveu nnd 1 te nlteiHi funeral, Tuei .. luce,. hla. brother-in-law, (., Invited ,te aerlcea en Tuea.,, 2 I 7 th B p. M. late) .Oeerae Nchhut are. Nev. IT, MARY, widow of the liemiuca nitd rnvnai frerH herlate reslilrnte, 2514 N. 7th at, NUjtiUt M Suddenly, Nev 17. ELIZA- re Inte reildence. 1193,1 Hnv-rferd t'nurcn of st. Rese of TOtH lets en request. Tampa Heard of Trade, IJlinyenw bi mnii'ii, r in. 82 V 1 I'AI.'I ith t'tl KI.A LAKE COl'HT APARTMENTS Wrlta for Booklet. West Palm Beaeh. Fla. Infer. t.'. iBUl JU.N.E in MIAMI . . writ caamserer eemmtras TOURS 'ERlCrSSON LINE BALTIMORE and PHILADELPHIA STEAMBOAT COMPANY Will atioenttnae aarvlee .te. Baltlmi few dayt. en account of the cleil eanat Ifettes will be flvan of n tier 8 Se. Delaware Ave. Baltimore for a lint or ta resuraptlea. PORTO RICO ALL.EIfiNSEcrUlSB lDAVi-il80 AND Uf Blgt eemfefUbls stsarntra atfj. dill 4ulpt6d ferstrvlea In th trepica. Stsamar Is your hotel for the amirs voyage te and around th "Island of Bnchantmtntnand rstnrn td Ntw Yerk. IVriUterDiicrivthelAttratun. tti. PORTO RICO LINE. tlBrSadwar, N.Y., or any autherlied Agent C0NDAD0-VANDERB1LT HOTEL SANJUAK PORTdRICO The enl.- .wholly American hotel In. the West Indies., An Ideal simt for ft holt helt ilrtr In the tropics Metering, tennis, Cblf, batlilnk, t'nder Mniinsciiit'ht of VAtJDERBIlT HOTEL, MEW YORK NELLY fr Until nre O.BA ,A r nv. Illtrh man nt I Iwa If! A T Tti Ven. Pntha.lanl arAm ailliey in a-- eai 11111 iiv v ,uurmni riti DOYLE. Suddenly, Nev. 10, JOHN F.i beloved huahnnd of Mnrv A, Deyle (nee ITrennan). Retntltea and friends Invited te funerhl. Tiles., 8 A. M., from his late real; denee, .229 Pine at Solemn Hlsh Mass of Requiem at St. Jeseph's Church. 0:30 A. M. Int. private. DURFOB. Nev. 18. HENRY C. DUR Frm. ased 83. RelntUea and friends, also Meade Pest. Ne 2, nnd Pest Ne. 81. O. A, K , inviieu te lunernt aenices. rurs , w r. v.. at the rmrlers of II. 11. (lillflth. Ner weed, Pa. Int. Arlington Cem , WashlnS- ten .P. fiv. Qrtuuna RNClCHS Nev IT. .TANfi A. D.. xttAnvr or 'inemas j. Knncns. noiaiive. ana rrienas Invited te nttnil funeral services. Men., t r1,. St.. lata . residence. 20119 E. Allegheny va Jnt. private. North Cedab Hill Cem. EVERHAIIT. NOV., 18, K.MJIA I... .Widow bf Samuel M. Kvcrnnrt, lteiatirea and frlendi or. Invited te attend funeral serilris TueS. 2, P. M., late residence. 102t S. WoedstocK St. rrieniia rnay can .iien. ee. int. nttvnte. . FERNSI.CII Nev. JO, FREDERICK D.i huaband of Mary P. Fernaler. Used 48. Fu neral services Tues.. 2 P. M.. nt Inte real. dcncS.,200.Statlen nr.. Hadden H-lahts, N. J. Int. Arlington Cem. Remnlns viewed ' "FISCHER Nev. 19. JULIUS E. (Leuis), husband of. Catherine Fischer Jn-e Sehu mnhni. aaed (14. Relatives and friends, alan Qeheral Jehn C. Frrmehf Council, Ne, 82, a. and D of L. : Tllesetters' Lecal Ne. 8 ghd Allied Ilulldlnir Trndea Council. Inited te aervicea Wed , 2 P. M., Inte residence, 830 W. Wetmoreland st. Int. private Mt. Peace Cem Vlewlnir Tuea eve FISHER. -ev. 18. nHRTHA. wife et Frederick J. Fisher. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral. Wed,. 10 A. M,. Inte reel denci. 2322 S.Mele st. Int. Belvue Cem. Frjsjds mar rail Tu. . eve. , erick. . suuaeniy. Nev, IB. 1 , Beieven. nusnans of Mary C. ck (nee Eaeiri. aeej ei. Relative ends, a ie R m Tree X.eArt. Vn "m CI O. F.. and membera of Orien ftefnrm.4 Church, nra Invited te funeral services. Men.. 2 P. M..jr hl In'e realdence. 5413 N, I2th at. Intjtllllslde Cem. FREFTS Nev. HI. 1922 EDNA M (nee) Merrow), vvlfe of Rusene R. Frefts, ased 28. RclatUea and friends, membera of Nor Ner rt Square M. E. Church, Highway Mission Tabernacle and Per)h ..Treaty .Council Ne, T. D. of I... are. Invited Je. attend funera from hr lata residence. 22t4 Emerald at. interment private. North Cedar Hlli Cem- "riicilSLOCHER. Nev. is. JOHANNA. wife of Chnrlei W, Fiifhslechi r. ItHtl,j ami iriemis nre jnvueii ie nttenn funeritl RICHARDSON. CHARLES. or Novemeer, JOSBPfl Frtder and fri 1 nils ere. mvltwi lit nllend rnnnri. TUeS.. 1 P. M . fMm her lath rtsfdemv. 8311 N. Opal rt. Int North n end Cem riav re vi'iveu.-uen, eve . OOI lit-" 5LUKR e fjf RBDMITTiA z i4f?rri CU..J, ,e mi inunclinl Inte tti little tim'kwnsli of tlm literary ten I vtliore works such as his found thrlr liavciw Three jiurhuiis fffur humlreil Heplr would rend It ami give htm much Intimate approbation! but the newspa pers nntl literary review would dismiss it with a line and the great American public would continue in blissful Ignor ance that It, or he, even existed. But, the proofs nut of his hands, San gree formed the habit of dropping In at the Olympian In the late afternoon te read the papers or te chat with CJporge LycettO who still continued, after a fashion, te be his mentor and guide. He found, tee, that n number of the young men whom he hnd met during the renHin were te be found there In the billiard or card rooms, be be meHnlng their fate nt having been born In n ceuntiy which could pee fit te de prive Its citizens of their rights ns In dividuals, which ii.ennt that tliey were lilrstv nnd didn't -jnre who Knew it. The attendance nt the Olympian, nn fit ether fliibi, hnd been much ilImlnMied bv prohibition, and the Inrge rooms which hnd formerly hummed with the peiindt of plenriint voices were new ill most deceitid, except at the luncheon hour. Its members hnd eiiRiigcments elsewhere. Perlmpf they went home te their wives nnd families. Hut they did net make of "tin .Morgue," ns they called It, a meeting place or n rcfuge freir; "the cares that Infest the day." And, Indeed, the lefty celling of the lingo rooms, designed for dlmilty nnd beauty, seemed te abmrh nil sound et conversation, and footsteps upon the marble hallway gave fertli a vault-like echo, which made the name the younger men had given the place seem most fit ting. The silence of the rending room was Interrupted only by the quiet snores of reipectnhle, If weary, old gentlemen, who hnd dosed ever their newspapers, In a wnr, the atmosphere of the jilnce suited Hnugree ndmlrably. He found Fome profit in the library, where nt odd moments, for diversion, he browsed ever Kerrere or plowed through Hesleil. or when In n philosophic mood dipped Inte the '"maxims" of I'ublius Hyrun. There, sometime, Mr. Lyeett found him nnd led him down, ngntnst his will, into the company of his fellow hum, even If he were only Hareld Gnlbralth or Teddy Wiu'lng. This. In accordance with the desire, no aptlv expressed by Cherry Mehtin. that the seeker after truth hheuld beceme David Bnngree Instead of ltameses the Second. Te lie Continued Tomorrow FM. AND WINTER WEHOHTg lU.TT "" ierer 8 CI "'" upon the fleer. iceni. .'-J?8" wn rath "tnrtllng and :" Milroem aa thnneii u,uii .u,ni. .1!S ! f respenslbllttT te the real 2" of the hour, which was te 7" "5 "wp, te side step, te vLlw. t0 dlle until their weuiu no longer bold tliem. i WaitSfl fnst At, ntA ..., W.UY, '. Sail. whIU l. MltA J.m .. tii " ,r:."iii L. BliUiit tal Aire nut - --- - - 7.j'rr...'-.ese vwv ,mwwwmm vsa -aaaa saBaa,.,'?''' ease mssssisjsMssssSk Influrlngr llncnmled KtiireM Herrlrt Tin rnlntlnl Trt-ln Sirew, Oll-Ilurnlntr Htcamere S. S "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST. GEORGE" Each 14 000 Tens DliaUesmint FBCJM NEW TOBK WED, A BAT. rROM BERMUDA TUES. i SAT. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SAILINGS Leaving New Yerk Dec. 20, 23 A 30 Tar Christmas or New Year's In Bsrmud SPECIAL EXTRA CHRISTMAS TRIP Bptndlnr Christmas Weak Ut Sarmefl S. S. "FORT HAMILTON" Laarlag New Yerk Dee. 23d. Arriving New Tort Jan, lit, OUTDOOR 0e" (Twe 1 Hal" Courses), Tennis, Balling. MODERN HOTPI aanm-t PathlhS. Tianalioetln's, Herse llacint, r E- uXnlill r.JJJl.US SPORTS inr, R"dlaJ, flrhlnt. C'rcllnf, etc. NO PASSPORTS Boek New for Winter and Holiday Sailings ' Fer Illustrated tlnekleta wrlta te FURNESS BERMUDA LINE, 34 Whitehall St., N. Y. a HRt'frjP'&Z.4. 3l' ttai' Bur" ?W" ?h!!i"-0r ,A9T X.eel Tourist Agent ST. OEOROE HOTEt, Bermuda-Jlinnraleil and IlPfunilslied. mislne, Finest. Tennis. (Injf. Snlnimfnt l'oel. lleaklngs. Fnmesi Bermuda line, Wtw Yerk. '' Have vciu steed en the ACROPOLIS at ATHENS with ARISTOTLE, ARISTOPHANES, ST. PAUL, DBMOSTHENES? One of the many rare experiences offered by the AMERICAN EXPRESS Luxury Cruise en the Mauretania te Ae Mediterranean Frem New Yerk February 7th 66 Dayt of Enchantment The MAURETANIA your home alfhe way Visiting Aiores,Madelrs,Cadlt,Sevllle,aibraltnr,Tangler,A1gler,Mente Carle, Nice, Naples. Pompeii, Reme, Athens, Constantinople, Palestine, Egypt, Corsica, Lisben, Southampton, Londen (5 dayi), Cherbourg. Send for Illustrated announcement AMERICAN EXPRESS Traval Department 1 a Jk " liTrni mm aSStmtmtm Vfl umtvnu w. a 1 ammm. I BJWMUDA WgBM--ff'; saBgFVEIgrTBg4Bt., i-atg -rifrmtSliTPTi SOUTH AMERICA Nothing in the whole Western World ia of mere absorbing interest te the traveler than the mysterious Inca ruins of Perui no scenery excels in grandeur and beauty that of Chile's tremendous Andean Range) no words can picture the vattries of Argentina's plains, the gorgeous tropical verdure of Brasll't river basins. TWO LUXURIOUS CRUISK-TOURS 'S.B.WiANTA ANA" Sailing Jsatsaty 31, RshnUnf April 14 8. S. "SANTA EUSA" -Salllag fsbrasty - RMrntnf April 14 PANAMA CANAL, PBRU, BOLIVIA, CHILB, THB ANDXS, AROBN. TINA, UBUQUAY and BRAZiL-CerttennUl Ksposltien at Rie DB JANBIRO are included in the Itinerary. Lit t tun and full inieimiihn en nmiutt. TtlOS. COOK & SON Wv 5Ur StrstL rtlsBMNa Mm Axt'b tH.Jt, rMi liy'n lsJ4.Jl,., im 'feass Retnalm s a, , n!e e. Ne. . Ne etlclal ice of id fu i thn Plna M. -VIS i. n. fu .. .. at Int. prl- ntOU r . Wrlfn nf ft... l fnHlnii U.aU' Relftflverf and friends urn lnvlt.l te nttend funeral aervicea. Tues.. 11 A, M.. cbapal of Andrew J, Hair Hen, Arch end lilth ats H. ..l.li.. O'SKIIX Nev. IT. MAHT A., wife of the lata THernaa A. O'Neill. Relnthea nnd trlenda Invited te funeral, Tues., 8.30 A, M.i from her lata residence. flSlT Chew at.. OermSntewn. Solemn Requiem Mea at Church of the Immnrulnle Cnnceptlen, 10 A. M. Int. nt Hely Heeulchre f'etn. PAB8T. -At her reldence 4N2I OM Yerk read, en Nev. 2D. ll!!2. ni.IZAlim'H. widow of Jehn Oenrse I'nhst, Sr.. In lir "2d enr. Kelatlea nnd frlcmls ntn invited te the aervlca en Thursdny afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Jlilr llids.. lgje Chestnut at. Interment Lnuril Hill Cemetery. PA1NTKR. On Nev. 17. 1II22.I.OU1SA J, IIUFV. wide of Mlnsh ill Tnlnter. Funeral aervlcts en Mrindns. Nev. te, at 1 I'. M.. nt late residence. B120 IIbzI a-. Int. iiirtninRnnm temeicry. unester r'fiintr. ra, rUHTKH.-MAKI T. IKII.ilROOK. Wife of tha Inte Wllllnm I'erter. in her TTth jear. Kuneral aervlrea Tus.. 2 V. M . nt the, par lors of J. Wesley Crift & Hen, 2010 Ila Ila menit at REICH. Nev. IP. at tha I.uclen Mesa Hemi1. HUH1N HIJIfH. nsert fll. Tunernl aervicea Men,, 11 A. M, precisely, at the rharel of tha Jcwl-h Hospital. Int. Hat- ixene cm. en the lflth nt his r.lllenre. 1.1(17 flnrur, at., nfter n short illpess. in the sjj ycnr of nia ase. runerni wen., Nev. 22, at 11 o'clock. Kindly emit flowers. ROrtSON. .Suddenh, Nev. 18. 10!2. CD WARD.HOUSTON. aen of Wninm J. and Edith H. Ha re Rel'inn. ncd n. Funeral aervicea,, sfen , 2 P. M.. at parents' resi dence, taS2 Oermantenn ave. Int. private. ROSENEERRY. Nev IS. KRA.NKI.IN 8 huaband of Mr Reenberrv tend in. Rel atives and friends nnd empleyes of nudd Manufacturlnr C'empnnv. are Invited te nt tend f unernl. Wednesday, n 30 A. M.. from the pnrlera of William J McOeldrlck, ,',422 Oermar.tewn ave, Solemn reeulcm mnss nt hi Vlnrenl'a Church 111 A. M. tntrmen Hely Sfloulchre Cemetery. Remnlns mav b viewed Tuesday evenlncr itUTAKT, .ev. hi, jiipKt'iti.-vi.. nanirn ter of Mlnrva nnd the inte Chiir ex Refirt. Relatlvea nnd frl'n.ls lnveil te services, Men., 2 P. M. prer'sely. In clur1! of Epl ccpal Hospital, Frent t. nnd IxhlRh ave. New Yerk Snd Ohie papers please copy. RUCH-JOHNSON Nev. 18. 11)28. ANNA S., wife of Wllllnm D Rueh. Relatives uml friends invited ta fun-rr.l servlc, Tues.. nt 2.3D P..M.. funeral ap.irtments nf Hareld n Mulllcan. leth t. and Urmintevvn live. Int. prlvnte. Trlends may cull Men eve RYAN. t Washington. V V . Nev 18, 1022, HANNAH M UVAN Relatives nnd friends are Invited le attend f unernl. Wed., 8'30 A. M . reldenre of hrether-ln-lavv, Themas Dunne, 2.1311 N. 12th st ieernn r qulem mass at Church of our I.ady of Mercy 10 A. M. Int Hely Cress Cem, SAVARESE. Of nva!es. Nev. 17. 2311 Tulip at., RICHARD. Moved, ren of I.euls nnd Lilly Savareee. Tunernl and Int. strict- !CVHMOLL. Sev. IS it22. CHRIS TIANA V.. widow of David Schmell. Rein fives and frfnds, nle memlicra of St. Jehn's Bvansellcnl Church nre Invited te nttend funeral eervlces Wed., 2 P. At., at her Inte residence. 2534 N, Trnnklln at. Int Orcenmeunt Cem. SCHWOEREIt. Suddenly. Nev. 17. 102J. ANNETTE M "Ife of late I.udwli Schvveerfr (nee Frnnz). I'.elatlves nnd frlen Is are Invited te nttend funerl services, nt tier lnt residence Wet Velley Oreen rd.. Flenrthwn P.I.. Men . 2 P. At , Int. nrlvat SHAPt.EY, Nev. 17 ANNA I... wife, nf Gabriel E, Shanley (pee Cenfleur), In her niin year, runerni srvic ruea., 2 r. m.. te The Biggest Bargain Ever Offered Genuine Wm. A. Rogers Silverware at 6 Knivtt 6 Ferks 8 Spoem 6 Tfc SpOOBI 1 Sugar Spdea 1 latter Knlfs This Is the well known set which re tnlls at $10.00 Our Price, $3.68 i, eemplele If tlnln box . 83.85 f'ae Hh drnwer... 80 Only a limited number can b sold at th nleve price sorerder )uura nt once nnd add 15e for peatak A. W; POMEAN & CO. 1640 ae-mntevV Ave. Phlla . Pa Wl ceI.i.Ar inbNteR Wanted, etpetlarieed teliiir Irener Apply Market Street I.Sundry. 1808 Filbert St. COOKINtf and dewnalaf? ,werkt White slrl vvlllln te tesrh: must be fehd of chil dren, Chestnut Hill 2571 IKHPONUKNTS If etl have .a nsts Itude for writins near, 23 year et ate, iave,a nstttral cenclae lttra t, call and COR aptitude rer and are 20 Id u at once. .. ,. .Mrs. ralten.M. . . Curtla Publlslitns .Ce... flel flanerh It. iJK.MONS'lRATOItH tellel, oeda,i tap.,, re ll.tblei furn. ref,, wllllns te . scj out of tevn. Call neon, P At. kLMO. INC., 1024 Filbert at EDIPHONE HTENO'lRAI'Hnn, experienced! rnel relarv: short hours, report. for 8 30. IMInhnne Ce . 11127 Chestnut at, work f'F.AIAl.B SALES WOMEN WE ARE NOW. SOI.ICITlNH APPLICA TIONS TOR SALESWOMEN OF THE BET TER TYPE FOR THE TOLLOWINd UK PAHTMENTS: ,, i-OATS SHOE"? SUITS I.Af'ES ciiivES unieLSTEmr SILKS TOTS M.PO :rt DEPART- 1.K8WUV1B:. 0-pr. Ef O v2L UNH tlCrlT lLACEfl THE RIGHT TO BUY DOLLS SPECIAL Chubby Mama Dells, prettily ilreyieds walks: has fitbrlceld legs, well mede: tlilf Is the dell we recommend. 14 in. ...$2.50 17 in. ...$3.50 21 in. . ..$5.00 PABL'Kt, 1'OST. 2:c UTTUA Expert Dell Repairing of EVery Description HAVE VACANCIES IN OTIIE MKNr.4 Fllft IlEStRAltl.F. SA1 E.M'F:ftlEN5'E NOT. ESSENriAL: PER- MAM..NT I'lllUIU.NM AI.1U S AiNU DAY8 A WEI1K: WE WILL fHVH SPE CIAL CONSIIIERATiON TO THOSE WHO HAVE IlEEN ASSOCIATED WITH UH IN JHE rHl L1RERAL HA.LART INDtJCJE MF..VTS ID THOSE.' POSSESSINO, THW NECESSVIIY yi'ALIFICATIONS. APPLT ANY TiME nilRINtl THE WAV. IIURKAIJ Ol- ESI1M.OYMENT. FiriH FLOOR. SOUTH Hl'lLDINO ,N. SNELLENRURa 6.CO. MARKEr. U'lH TO 12Ttl 8TS. 'GENERAL housewerk: clean, reliable; VMigrs.tl !i U li fnmlly. Cjtn. S41B, OIRI., AVanted", jnunvr white slrl for cook ing and neusi-vvurK: w lamur, , u. Stlnau. 1,101 W. Allegheny ave. Phen Tlesa 7T11 II CJIHLS 19 TO J2. YEARS OF AOE TOR INSPECTION OF STEEL BALLS CLEAN WORK AND PLEASANT PURROUNDINOl EXFER1ENCE NOT NF.CES9AHY APPLT ATLAS RALL CO , AMERICAN ST. OI.ENWOOD Al lilt residence. 32(1 Rlchey may, 'all Men. ave., Wst Cel. Ilnssvrnnd, N. J, Int. Itarlelsh Cem Fricnei va. SMl'lll. At l.nurel Snrlna. iiisj, jmt.N. nuaennd or Annle s mith. huaband ;OS Jeffersen St. vnte. (ijii.mi;h NOV. 17. iii:nky T. of Mary R arlmes. Relatives and frleni nlae Phlln i.edBe. Ne t s nf ji are in vited te nttnnd funeril eervlcei, Tues, 2 P. M., resldi-nce, 3-42U N. ,'itU st. Int. private, Vlevvlim Mnn,. 7 te li P. M. HAINES -At hla residence. RI2.1 Merlen ne.. nn Nev. ID. III2J. EVAN R . Iilisiiand uf the inte Marv B. Haines. Announcement N. J.. Nev. 1(1 1112.'. JOHN, huaband nf Annle S Omlth. nerd 7". Relatives nnd frlend. nlse Pest Ne. 71. O A, R : Petter Iidt'e Ne. 4 I . F. and A. M. . nnd Court Vesper. Ne. 10. T. of A., nre Invited te nlt'iuf funeral aervltes. .Men,, 1 P. M , nt lute reildcnee. Laurel Serines Int. Herlln Cem. SIEELMAN. Nev, IS. 102J. MINERVA V . widow gf Jeseph II Steelmun. Iteln tlvea nnd friends nre Invited te attend fu neral services, Tues., 8 P. M ill the par lors of Tltlevv Ilres , 41fl3 N. Ilre.id at. Int vved. liieiti , at (iinvenlvnce of fjmllv. . STURryS Suddenly. Nev IS CHARLES A, aen of Josepti arid th lale Delia Stubbs HBed 20 Relatives nnd friends, also "erth Phlln. Temple. Ne. 2d J, V. of A , JWvue Council, N Ms. S and D, of L , nnd the lied Cress Castle, Ne 30, K il E . are Invited te nttend funeral. Tues , .1 p M . ft-cm his Inte resilience, MS W Erl ave Int, qreenmeunt Cem. Remains may be Viewed Mnn ri -."lTHEKLAND Suddenlr. en Nev IS. EDWARD W.. husband nf Emma M Sulher- of film ml Inter. i msi&A VV?C,'N'7"f!,0,V.' ,t,ie.LA.Vc'I'1::?ng- I ""l!1.- ?K".11 n- R-lallves nnd Minds jinnuni,,.!, ui .".,. " ),, .1,, .lt.ru ie, .cTU!( l.niise, rWO, li,, t IIAWKHRY Nev. IS. 1U22. JOHN W.. husband of Elizabeth M Hnvvksbv. Tunernj i'. .M., at. nia inte re.. Mnn DAaTa.Miaai.iiSslBs site. IStNJiwSk. (Wrwf,.C.INt4l) UE13TAL I LISTS UK,, lVlUSUa sfecia Oristaater tn this cltv ef "SWEET AIR" Method ef Painlsit Extraction el Tstlh Safe t sleep Ne piln or dun mrr. Just the tlilni for nervous people, no ill etrccts ionew it use. S. fe. Cor. 7th & Market rVts. Fermirty en atejy of premtweat WesBltall mmtmmmtmmmmmmmmtm m LOST ANT- FOUND DOO Lest .Market sts., Friday, Nev 17, near lflth and lite vrlre-hslrfd In. .!.. luuii. uikh ii-uu whli vri nen tnll emd.. i,. marled Tinker. Liberal reward If returned ' te 21 S3 Walnut at. Phene Spruce H17.1. I DOO I.eat. 120 reward : tirlndle Cairn I punps iuu:t iike a mensrei: Nev. 11, vl-dnlty of Ulth and Spiuce. Return te 270 S. 16th st. OIRLS WANTED NO EXPERIENCE NECE."ART APPLY VICTOR TALK1NO MACHINE CO APPLICATION OFKCr. 85 COOPER STREBT CAMDEN. N. .T. HELP WANTED FEMALE advertim.su Assistant Wanted br leading Philadelphia d pnrtment store. Onlj- thee fullv Tperlerced will b considered. Oli full particulars In first letter. Ad Cteis R.7I. p O flux DIM. Curtis 2H te ?S strs nreua nreua fer mchnnle!il werkl soed HUlun tall at .MRS. PATTON Publighlnc Ce. PQ4 Sinserp it. OlRl.h r-trenp s rls, tpmed te standing 3 uaya n week enl ADVERTISINa SOLICITOR. Reed preaiil-.-i'.n 'or tl,r rlsht weitiun Roem 3U1. 133 S. 12th st aervlces, Men , 2 denre 221,1 Mvrtlf nument Cem HERRMANN Nev, 17. JULIUS E.. son e si, Int. nml MnrKnret Herrmann. residence or sister. of lat I'rnnpls V BtrTice xinn.. 2 r. m S3IID ) rnrl I ilI. - Int Ibdvue Cem .HOHSO.N. Sill irlxnir. NOV. IS. 1IIJI. WARD HOUSTON son of William J ED- and Edith II Sure Hebsnn, ased ". Funeral at pirents services Mnn 2 P M dence, 11332 German town ave Int res. private. ALL THE GIRLS WITH THE "CHRIST MAS MONEY-MAKING-" BEE IN THEIR BONNETS ara Invited le anawer this advertl.ment Analtlnc them here are well-paid holiday Cen. I pesiimna, such aa anv line .sent, alert. nnd A Vf. Mnnphea. I easant.mannered n.ins u,n!iti f.in innkp ter Unity, I O e, F Donald T Sienten I soed In. censlatlns of waltlns en customers. Pest, Ne. 130. Amerlun l.eirinn. Invited te ' lnsictlns their DUrchnss miililnir change en cahn retainers or clerlr.il work, some ei fllRI.S We it re in immediate need of -,-cmI TOL'NO WOMEN Ne experi'iice necessary: wc villi teach TOS1. AND PAT YOU $13 A WEEK Fer part evening work nfter 5 weeks we ear $14. SO. See Miss A. M. te Stevenson. 7 P. SI. 1031 Arch ft 8.1 THE WELL TELEPHONE CO. OT PA. tunerai Wed . M . rsldnn mat San, seni st. Int. Fernwood Cem. Friends mav call Tuea, ave. TACM1ART. At Mtplewend N J . nn Nev. 17. 11)22, SARAH KINO TACirJART ased DO veara Tunernl "rvl(.es at Dunmnre Cemeterv. Scranton. Pa., en Monday. 2.30 . M ...XH0tA.S' Entere.1 into ret en Nev. 1(1 A.7."' KI-'ZAHETH C d.iUBhter of the late Thpmna Themas .and Emily Fulmr Themas, i ivciniiTra ajd frl'nds nre Invited tn the them may develop Inte permanent positions The convenience of a Wanamaker em ploy' special ahepplns prlvll-uc adds te thi Infrest of these opportunities. Application should be made In person te I th Bureau of Emplerment I WANAMAKER'S (1IRI.S lit ui is jesrs of ae te nler our clerleil dep-irtmetits ns lunler cleiks thsi. pnsltietis will lead In promo tlen within a very abort time. Apply EmpleMiient Uept 30 A St. te fi P SI Saturday, 12 SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO ifilO ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD HOFK aged I.edai Pleyes of A J Itinch Ce., arn invited ta Cemetery attend funeral rviie Mnn eve. N n'rleek TIDMARSH Vnv ie v-rntiivwi precljel,. nt bj- lata resllence. 3J28 N, 13th , of Rlr-harrt W and ill- Ffl dma.h' "i.. ."... V1.'' "" ........ .. .. scrni Tuea . S.1u A si i.,.m.' ,,.,,1-hf. iiuiti'ii .it ?u i iniyi .ev 17. viil1". i r?rt i..i -....'. .:.' . . . '..,.. CIEOIUIE J I loved husband of C.iirle SI r..VXZ'iV' ..'".". n"'"'".1.n J llercher (n.e -hind') user fl.1 I'.eintlves TIStMENS.Nriv l in-' nrertrjr w 8fl'!r,ri"r!e"h I- rZl'Jr","' iM ' ft Hi' WW "', Tlmmma ln" "n'tirM1 dence. nil Ein'nsnve High eiiulein mM. d!Sei"'hilUA";'n8 .A. '..... r 1 '."-., ."V " fisnirSJ.,:,';: wmuen' ,0 A' m"'nrr: v, JACOI1Y - Nev 17. KATHRYN I, . dallgh- TOI1IV ... i. .1 ... v. . . ,- ter of Fr11w.l1 and Knlhrjn E. .Incel.r. naed in'' ViAnnimf"' C"V. N ,J ,Ne, ' ', ' irftniintfis It. .live, nnd friend invlteil .te Tehi;.. MnS?f.TiL' J..!?- ..?. '?.. ,..'. ,""..! rurarni "err tei meh . j'. .vx . at tmr.n . u....-:.. -;..!.,": .""i. in-i'- ,.,, ,,.,-, rSRldence. 21 N Oikliey si. tlit. prlva . . S,.' ir.."..,"u.r- J'A' I V! "' "n "Xt '. l'ur. JOHNSON N IN, lUSJ. nt the K-sl A M frnm h2. 1.. u" r7i "'',, x." we ill lei sin n law. lerlert 11 Alt.n .,.. il'. rrnm. hee late p sld m lid S 812 Arbutus t Oermantewn. EStSIA J.. I 1. . 0.". "? .. 0i."nn ...reiiuli msss iiur wife of th lit' I'liptnln Philip Jehiism. Dm.. imL"'..';..';,,"1 .if" f"! Church n si I tit Hie n OIRLS 1 RAKERS' HELPER. cafeterls. lfltrnn K snn li Metson Ce capable woman li ' davs a wpk Jehn I Slivtgemry 11 v". below r.th Wa iiaaiI seven! vniina girls Ifl le IS )nrs of ate fur litliveBtlng work In clesn dence nf lei sm n Imvv. Ilerlert It Al,n nntl.e nf lln. fun nil will lie nlvnn 1 .'.. fTP.1" " 'J! l T'" -" . . ..--." 1 I I I -nil JOHNSON Nev II. 1022. E.MMA .1 wife nf th late 1'iiptHii Philip .Inhnann. Relatives an I friiiuls nre Invited te nttend funaral services at (he residence of her ai'ti-liidnw Hmliert 11 Allen, aj Arbutus t,, Uerinantiinn, Tues, alt Inst,, nt 2 P. SI. Int pi lv ite JOHNSON At Wieembe, p,. yj0v 17, H HARVEY husbind of Jennie Jehnsen. ased Of, Relitlvcs and friends are Invited e services at h's Inte residence, Slen . 7 30 M. Further sen re at Churchvl lie Re. rmen unuren ines. 11 a. m KANE Nev Is CATHARINE M of Themis Knne (tiei, Slelghunl Tunernl vvea.. N,au A .vi irem ner into residence. SRI N. llainb-iv st. Solemn mass nf reaulem at ,-t Francis Xavler Churth in A, SI Relntlves and frlenda Invited. Int Hely Sepulihre Cem KEARNEY On Nev. 18. JOHN J. hus. band nf J.itin V Kearney, 11 ted de years BILI.ERS- CLERKS TYPISTS A number of openings. Speed and accuracy required lnteriting vveric poed compensation Apply Bureau if Emplesment WANAMAKER'S RII.I.i(T cTTcitTt w ltliTen"expe7leneVa7id nidi' te npHrite cnlcul'itir nnd tMi.wrltr: stilt" fully evp nvrn nnd s inr expected, 1,33,1 Ledger 1 if Ice. m iHil.nitip mrrndi'JnHs If v cm are abev- the nvernue nnd ivAlit tn ret I11I11 aeiiielhlns worth while call and tee Mr Jehnsen, Em Em plejin nt Drpartment l.ETD5! A NOHTHIirp CO mill SI TNI ON AVE vrR VYNE J UNCI ION CASHIERS AND IN-SPECTRESSES IT inn 1 vv 1 .. ., iu. inin rhur ,1. 'p..i ... ... . : ', fii..ids nr invu.Vi . ..'... n...: '''I'l nurnj vvnnisn 1 te 2.1 lcsr. nf aire. A M . from her Inle iHBl.lenr. in,, s M.i uV ' !' n"?l.,.i."ri of fnshlr lnp,ilress If LtlRI M) WilVT.'-H sis addltia n lir depn ttnent and enlarplna sevrsl nther and ue.iln have work for at least 10S 1 mers elrN at 1 m Ml Until v.ii k in n nind. 1 em up Ill-dan- fnrtirj llaiise of our I cliise prnslinli) tn ilii" huIiwsi and eested, I 82d St etatlvn. 1 llatln Lanealer ave 1 nue Darbv riu lliiltlfimrp hve. and Spring (Jsrden tt""t urfe'-e ln"H makes It 'easy tn inseli our limit from all parts of 1 the eltv Applv 1'ni.inrv uffli - H T PMf.Tr Ce 32"! Arch st. s'"mn reiiuicm hluh -Mil Ml fm itelallvts and friends are Invited te nttend uneral srvlees. en Tuesday, al 5 P, M , nt lis late residence 401 .Mnnln st., Jenklntewn, Pa. Interment hi Evergreen Cem., Camden, KKIUllllAN - At vviiawoen, N, J, Nev, IT. ANNIE EI.UAHE TH. daughter of the lata Mr and .Mrs Jehn Karrlgnn. Relatlvea and friends Invited In funeral, Tues , 7 Wild weed N, J, Solemn Reaulem siass nt m .vim s . iiuriii, wiiuwoeu, r, j,, B A. Al 111 l KKYEH. field ave., nai ;!,,,. "i.1 ,1 ,',.e1' niKn ni.ivM -t Pitneks ffinaWn M4. !nt- 91'1 Ca'hilri Cm ,n. !?,lRP5,,9J?-l. 'am ten N J N v 11), 1022, E.M-HIIR ANN. vvlf.. nf jiim. T)--r,nse. nired 77. Ti,.ini.A. ...1 ....... i ... . 1. .i ... ...:.... ..:rv""."iT ' ."'.'" ." ...... ,.. luiirim, n.'i , .an j- m trim M'r Hte residence, son N- 3d st SI'lvW.. N J,' Int Mt. Pleasnnt Cem ' T"':.!'7?rrNn.v.J0. W EDNA M (n.e I 1 :'.'"." .'.'"" "".'( cvugen It, Tlefts. nge 2S wife ' iveiuuvea nna rriend. nlse members of Ner- i ... ..-i " .cnurch, HlBhwnj Mil. slen Tatiernaela and pn Trentv I'nuncll. vY07'eD, L.U". inYlted te funeral service. Men . 2 P. M.. at her lata realdnce 2214 CemI' Private. N. Cedar Hill VANDEfJRIFT. Nev. IT. at her 1st .evvrM & wn hU vz w- oe'Sfe'wn"; aM rS: Int private. ' " W U1NER. Suddanly. Kev IT my" m ;ri"iinnx: ii'":.' s".. "f.v nu w. si iiiiiiiti iaiiv4 I'lTliriin 2R. Ilelirtlvea and friends iinriMl ""-III srrvic-BS, ni nia Parents nah ((.. -.' . ..,--.- ...iii?i, nift-n rrlends are Invited m dnce P M WAThON real- nf Charles a I men is 1:30 P erMii-law, Mr and a 717 lieckland at., pmia Precisely Int. prlvntn. ;. at Hely Cress Cem. 1 "Dih l en Nn" iFlMI rTi'(!i"S V.erth. -''-n Part of Hie city Arply b l-tter On Nev 1.1, ANNIE D.. daughter BIchaVrY ni, wXt.en '.Hh V'teaVs 'noMce R1lSVr,:,.n.V'rf?,"i?rlrrce ,,"JJ"aVr' nd Mat) A Nnrburj, ltvlatlvi-a . uf funeral later. ' ""af8. Netlca address O S.'. P. u Beg S4M Ien, 2S4.1 North have nblllty tn handle figures ic urate's nnd nr iniereneii in eiim trim" I ter a 1011 li'pln r up cilt nnd limulr.. iilmut the upi i lunltles nrfend here, Including weed hours and Kiiud pny. Apply Huresu of Emplnjment ' WANAMAKER S 1 CASHIERS N SNELI.ENlll'RK ft CO HAVE VA CANCIKS TOR YOCN'H WOMEN OF THE I'FTTER TYPE PAST IS YEARS TOR CAHIHHI"C 1'OSITlON.s APPLY ANY TIME Iil'RINO THE DW AT THE HC Hl.'.M' OT EMI'I.OVVENT TITTH PIOOR M'TTH HL'Il.DINO .MARKET 11TH TO CHII.DNURSu Eirerlenc", dTsTimanrBhourTe I e,rH et age te care for 2 bai, aged 2 and fi. i..f rneiiired vviurej $70 n month. Mrs. Harvey, l'.lll) Rlttenheuse q. 1 CHILDM'RSE Experienced nurse te ( ire ter two children, rise two and 1 ft ifrrencs required; central tits Rhine 1. 11 usi Mfm letneetiBnnil7 Jnevenli c ( I.ERK YnmiT lady. nxpHrlencid niiclerlT with knowledge of sleiingmphv and tvnin 11 w i-k IP office nf factory Incnled In nenh. ier 111 tn lnlil nnd wrnp lmttleg itli tinikages cleHn llsht nlenHnnt wiinsiune stirreuii'l. llllll.S me for , nml smiil u wi th In we venillHied Inus no eirleni npiessarv pply 'iitii"rit nepariment II K, Vliiirmi seventh niiiir nren 1 nnd vvallni e sts HOI EL MANAiiEll rVntnnn rrnli experT- nre vnd best reference wild n refined fol lowing, is wanted tn nprnt a hich-claa snnll hntel rapariti ill In a tepular all-tl-yenr i.snrt In N J i small capital re quired 1' in J l.edferjirflcrj, Hel'SEVORIvT- Wilte glrf. nn washing: oed he lis' suburb 21 nilnutea weat of 1 nv 11 in i p.t. j.enser wine IN'IIMll I'UKOIPIS WE OFFTR EXCrrilONVI. OPPORTUNt WOME nly em id Ce, TIES TOR OIRLS AND I. EARN !NS)'l.l"l .Ml AND WHAPPINU I EN TO (UK)l) OPPIIR'IfNll V TO (H'ALIFY AIJV.."VII l.'ll I (.- I I II INS N SNKLLENIII'lta CO S1ARKE1. II I'll TO 12'IH HTS FOR Invttid te funeral, nn Mnnd.iv M , from the resldence nf her ir win F. wiie. 3111 sienss f, ave , iMtimreucn bervicea in SI. vw t nun 11 : ju -. i, , Jiiiintrent i,v nl lal 3N. . WILSON. At hla rldenee. 2108 North 1 L" irWiten cemeter-v ""n "v r"nMi sr lower onetr TjISf aeTvBu:V..epiek!' Rtlv1?.1 U65 Frankford Avenw and friends, also Perm Treaty Review. Ne. I - . vvnu I 1113, Lad es nt Maccabees, and Uernmn I Call Frankford 0770 I flenaflclal Union, Distr ct Ne. 8U. are In- I . . """'wa u'u I vltsd te attend funeral aervlca. Tue.. 3 sv AsV WSrs SBT V.SCS. SBT Is I P. M at 1012 lielumbla ave. Int, Mt, """ "7 nsBasM PSce Cem. Friend may call Men., after s::;S2Si5gi2g5SS?a LAWLeit Nev. 17. 1032. THOMAS J.. . rWPERTAHyBSJ aen or jenn r . nnv "" wier. neia- saaHsaaBaHsaaaBaaiaaaasjasM(III tlvt and friend Invited te funral. Tuea., latMBj - trsrKL MIA- M... from hi parents ' resldnc,,S8(l.1 III flflVT EDA isHHIsVt'iit.I.h. . .1..!, ,Mi 'JSmtiA trxs .- CLERKS Olria whTl ke wrltlag will find the nna work of nr clna Interesting! this writing orders work, reiulria no previous experience and will l per in.wiuiifc m HIUB9 w no Qualify Apply Employment Dept. 8'30 A. St. le 3 P. M Saturday, 12 SEARS, ROEBUCK AND CO 4U40 ROOSEVELT IIOULKVARD ,Mm; ,A,aw4 ULLHKb e hava an epenlns of Interest le an Intelligent, woll-educated alrl. IH te 2S sear of age, with a-real liking and ptltua for Bsuraal sprlnc unnvcssaaryi OtUUl Fu.ltXViiaal M. KITCHEVSMID wanted vrlills. reung' goejT lriiienent Plate in private fain'lyj city In winter, eeitnlry In summer references re. lUlrsd, Call Mrs Lewis, 1011 Sprut t., Monday bHtweeri l'i A M mid noun LADY, fur specfal pnsftlnn unffi linlldaf. mnv be made permanent prefer Protest ant Interested In churih work! between ages nf 21 and 39, experience net neceaaarr; v full Information and phen number, M f31, Ledger Oftic .. MILLINERY SALESWOS1EN Trank 4 Htder reiiulre the aervliea uf ther eughly experienced nillllnery saleswomen, Appl T.mplnyment Dept , office second flour, 11th and Market sts. NURSE, practical, fur backward children: only these having had Institutional sip. need apply. I4H, nn., beard, laundry, H 401. ledger Oltlre, NURSERY HOVERNESH ilrtn 11 and T, 1200. ettierlenead ewinsi rer. ahll. Oak Lana OPERATOR Remlliilen Wab Hilling ma ehlne unernter, eiperlenced, waniail Ini medlnlely, permanent . position, hlsrh-srhoel rducatlun piefarred, Applr. nffic tnanager (he Ureal Atlanlln anil Paclfle Te 1J0,, lirnuii wini pi'iiiiiwi .in. bTi rtesu'fi inn Frank Heiiir rtauir in Tiinni i assii women, caps ran warn sr s aars tinsssat :mfK. . jMWL: " nam soot saasaavsHsa saaiswa Kii,tf MfV i.Trr-- t-.t-.ttt .JKTOKW.. 1i.1l U.f .r.t .-aBdhafslsUUM 1JV, m .tWi . .a v,J '. a vva M yv)i? qm fl iji M v-w ,n H.4 n,A .,j wm J.-VA