eJ', t .-J I &' mummMm (V WmwwiBmi. BVENiNG PmMQ LESDOUa-fHIliADBLPHtA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1922 vyw MaauuM T'l P...84 h !2ar $ .'a wt Stiles 01 CafyeratlM producers op OKLAHOMA CRUDE OIL TUI.8A. OKLA. MADISON AVE.. NEW YORK I ,)'. SSh nttn. Im ........ .. aha ., te fMMit financial editors of the City, U a JMracter of thought expression occasletiAltr mra during a. general b-tll mnrket, nitnatisn ffrfS K'ABwlMa. when Middle Ittntes lvns one n net recall nny expression of thin during long depressed bear market OILS THE LEADERS T IN CURB RADIN6 NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS .High his. it Kanxe Since DMe et Issue LIBERTY ti(M0g And victory nOtm Pipe Line Issues Score Sub- fttantlal Advances Packard Meters Shade Higher 8 New Yerk. Nev. 20. Tlii eiirh in.er, tvldend causes set ftintiiiucd stendv niter the opening, Vf J? -h'T with ltiererinl activity ID tlit oil stock, lernl dlildenda iw,,,, 11,.,,.. ,.., ,. , .........i, , .m. Moteri was il shade' higher. IMII STHIALI ''"It MAO Acme Ceat . ,ific sun Am Ilnuntlin tS oeq Atlantic rrult . t 100 Arneld finst 20U me Iiuddv nude .. 1. son Columbia Hmer 81 TOO Oent Mtrs ... . 10 , ajecub iMmSug . !U, 2l0n Durnnt Mir .11', 20(1 p W (Irlffltti 21, '00 men Al Ceal .lil'i 100 Ilttd-en Ce rref . I'.'ij , '.'II Colerado Pei-er 22 4:100 Cens il nl . r.'iv 11230(1 Cens a Rl li .10 Ferd Mtrs Can 401 100 KUetlc Phptili 'Hi ioe jiacj c any 1.100 Knt Hlcult S'. .-.01) NVv Fiction 1J, -ei) Imp Tobacco t.l', 20O t.lbli McN I. nvtv 7 H"0 Mercer Mtr 21, 1300Menbl Iren tli 1500 Pnekird Mtr 211$ 2000 nnd'n win I lOOil Hudle nref .1 V loeim south c I 10c 201) Toelmlc.il rrnl .1, 200 Tnn HI Tower 1 I .11 Tedd Ship .. .1U Heet' .1 !, A 11 l.V ioe n Pr Kh new r. innn vn Kt candy fl1 U0OWane Ceil 2', ten riinrnK Hn,erv 8'i .1011 rtmtnlx l!n,, pr.'f .100 anil frlrn.i Hadle . t ! ioe Tlrr.I: IV t Av new 11 .inn f S na'.t- RH .. lti 200 Wlnther Sltri . 10 K I.uiv .1.1c 1H l'i 20U xr : 2. r.n 12-J hi SHI!. tu iOll III) net, 3I 2, II 'i U'S Si a.' a.v r.'. 14 rwi, J me il .Jl4 P.M. ..ic 18 SOU r.'t; 30 1,24 1JJ 40) 11.1 (101, 8tf, 2U 3' It as 'i i " m 10--; if i it i; n.i 'SlIiHi ' txtremely few never nclllna below ear: ''Middle States oil nt a new law prlc t ier in year H net down an niurn an come viner 0:1a iml the fact lliat II fen rar out or line with it, ill It te be looked limit Willi many trader. A'thntiR'i moral dlildenda l(n tinm, ,,., ,.,i ,,ji,.V,i .ih ave bten mnlntalned for fle enrn. lm lllipn er(? Intire liriimlticllt. with thre are few In Wall Street who recem- Kllbitnnllnl Illlvntlcei In tililnr ItlttntieiM, mend Itn nurchaee. Inoelrv reenla a wt..l..1l.. (.. 1t....t.h... tiii. t t.... v. . rea.en. N'n nnrei are fubtl-hed by VV.i. V . u i . , ',.. " ' V. 'Y, it Middle Mlate, which wnu'd ehew hew 1TK Tr.ltuit. Llirekll 1' HO. l'rillt'll! much eul,ldl.iry coriieratlo.m chare out 1M1C lllilllllin Plllf ntld SdlltllPftl l'lllO. of earning" for ruch Itrai n ilejjrecla' , Stntulnnl nil ..f Vntv Tni-unr ., tlcn and depletion At a heldlnK, com- vi? , " '"IV .,,or? y n i panv. Middle Ptat". ituHf, nel htit'OW i Hrk lien-. KMitllcky ilpw fliid JJihirdu. 'JK.'iJT' .!:?,l;,:.'1uili!f',,im'n,1 n" f Imllntm mnvnl within UMIdlfljIe, naturnllv mut Mere con-',,,,,,! . i,. , ..!. Ii.,.,.il,..,.. fldance would be f.dt In tlie Cmrin' I " 'V"" IHlllts. ( Illlen UdUllnU.'lttl lock. If the mnnaitemnt made nuhllc , Jleliletl n. "Illlfn frnctlen. I'.icknrd Anv oil eenirany cm reiwrt Urue prelit If It lilsniH en syh cnarfe " We hall net nre,-ime te rrltlIre tlil ustlen. for we knew hew mual It I for general opinion ti imame th.it the cus temary way of detnu thlnc H the rlnht ey. We will b pirdnneil, however. In fcur opinion that the emiemarv av Is lery fcften net the bit way for tlie stockholders. Who are really the owners of a corperitlon. There are t"'n criticisms embraied In the above cemment: Tirel. Mid He Pltle, doe, net show hew much subsidiary coiperntlons rliarse out of j til earr.lnus for "ieh llemr n drpreclitlen and depletion. Miry flnit'dr nss'imel that there Is in enct science te tnensjrei Srpreclatlen of an oil property, whei the tact Is. In ei cry lntmee, when scnce has bndertnhen te n-eiect stockholders niralnsi , Bepreclatlen. sc!nc his eirphit'cnllv tall'd, for the ieri pesltlie renren that. , tinlike coil or ethr mlner.iln of W,1 tie. rerlt, there Is no rcrtiln ntv of deter mining the life of nn oil or cas property and the min.iKement of a Corperitlon tint i presumes te de.lurt the ptr 'MiKe of till" year's enrnlm for d'pieclitliin. nsumliu that the remainder Is profit, nnd then p.ii alone te succe-dlmr sears te renin iddl iddl tlennl prcentaite fe- depletion. Is rursulne Il course of abi'ut utieertalntv and If there Is any certfilntv rbeut such i plan. that certainty Is ere nf iiltlmite less In a ci.el mire, the e enlist cm eiflv asllmnt- the numHer of tens of roil let te He mined, whereis In oil or eis production tie can actually reunt whit he K'ts tedav nly. with r.e certainty as te what he will fret tomorrow. It Is the law of nve-ax, however that' mal;rr oil production a iroed business ion i al with ench case, or wlt'l th properties, t eac'i particular corporation s.ifeli .1le''-, led. The enlv sound business peller en-, Irelllnsr dep'et',en Is tlmt nfter de.luct'nj eests of operation and Inter st en th In-1 Vestment, which ieu may cill dhldends If 4eu p'ns, eiery cent rT..ilnlnc Is deple- lien until the complete reit of the property hae ben leceiefd. mil when t'le HClenf'sf tries Id lead seu Inte jnrt'il dduct'.en or eme potent this j.ir and deprndlnc en, the future file i ears' rercent.iB" te re-.iui j Ihe talane". will net fellow that p'nn. knd In the Inter, t of hummlty we slnee-e-' ly hope mint- ce'npinles of ll' chi-ncter at ours slntl trjlt following Hie p'an. tt tiaa preied illsis'reus te m.in e' thm fce much for depletion. The ether criticism of Hie nbnie tlinjsht I exwejKien Is thdt our different subsldla-" tempanlra de net pabllsh dlftlict and en srate ncceun's. Our answer te this Is fiet here Is pe reason why we should se astlv multiply th cost of operations hi depirt-' rrceiit1. The nature of the e'l bus'nss. ,md h frequent consolidation of proper!,., e Interests In properties, ns will be nbved , n every ectlie oil cetnpanv. preduees i , ante number of utildlrv qvnpattl". We tart ivltli a part Interest eftn, and 'i'n mately ireulre a larcer Interest. e often the entire o'vnersh'n Th" nuToreu sub ildlarlei slmpli combine their p-upertles li ach locality and e-vrnt ns in nerreite A minimum of eierhend ehnrse Is create,, i by thl consolidation, nnd when the earn-' tngs nf numerous nhid.-rles enttreli. or largely. r- te the Mid He Plates, It ! iroe I business thit the Middle Stelen reisnlldile there operations nnd .eliminate eierv cent ( tliijee.'sssrs sepiate m.ins-rla expense I possible beih In th" flId and In 'h of."-e fore,. ?e in this method e' "cnii,"v thrt Jtldd'e Ple'es' report Is complete hraase It glyes the combine) eirnleei r' ' t" " i tdned exeens. and nt -esulls, md eon luet Is business at 'he lowest tmsnlbl rxtense The complaint that bend dcilers nnd took denier, di net re emmen I Ml Idle Hates' secu-ltles should be enslh un1r un1r un1r stoed We are pet ceninlalninc of th bend and rteck dealers- thei hai s.cultle, te ll In which tbe ere Interested, and which, no doubt, hnie tilth n-lt hut we ittiist. W all firne,M erin teni the priv ilege of roemmmlln reeuntle, in which they lire Irterrsted. or which par them a geed ceTimNsInn for selllnp In this ps' tletilar the Middle stales sesln iw. net i fellow the "lle-.ten I'ntlt" nf finnnc'al pre. eedure In that Mid It" Plates his neier nild I an und'rwrlilng commission te anybely Fer example, the t'nlted Oil P-edui-ers ponds, l-Miie.i n ieir ape last July, nvd direct te the Iniester, g'ltrg th isulnT Cernpsnv par In cnh, with no fifteen , twenty per cent d'd ictlen fe- en Intermedi ate aaerej for sol Injr the wm This wis .beneficial te the cempanv te reeeive " tar In cash, and It was Iienefielsl ' Je the Iniester te get nl ihit his money nun ter ir that none- did pet leave the eumemarv opportunity for the legitimate broker or seller It does net fnean thit we are opposed te the security taller who has his neressarv business pe. feles. but It simply means that we de net need that pellev, apd neither de our tochheldrrs who deal dlrectlv with our rempany. and ret all there In In It. And , this Ilond Is a geed Illustration Here Is bend mere tnan one eir old has nine rears te run has a guaranteed nilnlmum f eight per cent Interest, with participation In the price nf oil from elThtr-elght nnd Date ID. '22 10. '22 Julv 2.1. '2 July 2.1. "it Jtuy '3. -'z (jet. Oct, tltll M .tin., li I0..00 .lulr Id. '21 loe. MO llll.ilj 11)11,114 100,00 ly sl '"t ly 21, '2.' July St nny Julv Julv :.1. '22 .IlllV '.'11. Mav 10. '22 Apr. S. '22 e a, a l 11. '21 I 111, '20 r. In, '2(1 ?:?5 ot.et 80 if? uz.yu SI-IS 01 INI 110. SO loieo julv 20. 'x.' n.i fte nee 2e, ;xa II t.(1 Juir 2f 22 82.44 MJ' 2(1. '20 Lew Dll. HO n.!4 K.I. 00 xa.Hii 4l pi, an no no (HI HI 40 as. ,10 Mate June 2, 2t auiy May llav Sfrtj' 10. '2(1 it 21. '20 .Time 7. 10 My 21, .e July Se, '2(1 May 20, '.0 uec, xa, ".'n Rant, '32 High 10.1,02 108 70 101,01 fat nil in sa, (10 1)4. 70 1)4. On May 20. '20 0 ilav 2! '20 .nay :i, 101. 00 1(10. XII Inl.oe ioe. Oil 101, Nil ie1.ii: 100.118 10U.OO liew 01. N4 04 N'l 05.70 7 MO 01 R0 OS. 3(1 08.00 Hit. Oil tin n 84.08 li.l. ill IHI.74 1)4. 7J 11.1, Nil 05.70 100,02 00. SI Issue Liberty J4a. 10S2-47 l.berty 8!s, registered ., Liberty 1st cv 4s. 1032-47 bcrty 1st cv 4s. reglttercd I.lbcrtv 5d 4s. 1027-42, , ,.,, t" ,,. 100.12 100 10 i. ecriT ta s. registered Liberty 1st 2.1 cv 4U s. liia2-47 ... .... , .... l.berty 1st cv 4Hs, in.1I-4f ,. 9160 OR.RrJ I. herlv 1st cv 4Us. registered d cv 4 s. reghltcred til 7(t Id 4U. 1828 ,. 08.R8 Lllwrtv I.lliertv I.lbertv !M i.iiMrtv il 4V. s, rcgisterei i.iimtiv yin .y,s. lnnn.ffH .1:110 Net 10e.il . ,.., 'v'h'.eA HI uVda 07.70 117.70 l.lberty 4th 4H s." registered' !!! '.'.'. . Victory 4is, 1H22.J8 ...,..,..., 'iw i s, regisiereu , ni.'ni 07.7 H8..-.3 08. Bl n:i) i,.i4 'hv.hh ::::: tm.fa Jis.fe ea.12 100.20 JOO.20 J00.2B ..... 100.O4 ftio.ei ioe.of ..... Anten .temans V Matg W (is r. ... T.i .1 . 7.1 1 . 7.HJ 4 . 7.14 it 7.1 ti ArRtf lien c 71 0 1001, 2 . lnei, ft(s.ilc) 1001, 1.... IOO ii 4 .. lOOii 1001, t ml Chin, se nnie t tsAt.m (n litJdii) ltlHKKIM nONilS I De Can (is '91 2 Dill De Can Sa S3 00 0 ,1. 10 2.1 1.1 f.. 08'i 08H 08H us;. 1IS.H e 0H', 08T, Deni llep'e J .1 . . 0.1 1 05 Dem ltep A4t 4. ... 87 1. ... 88 Wsile) 87 ll'llch V. lnd'i cts (is '47 . 2. .. 03. lO(eale) ti?i i ILK Illy .Is I ..RIM 3.. . .11 10 . ,12 2. . . fli.. (Ksile) .11 1 City Jlerhe Ss 4.... 10HJ i . ieii; City Herd'x lis t .. . 77 'i 3 . .. 71ii Clti of Chris-1 tlana Ss 1... ten". I (111 f rreii.lUtCl! hi sen SU. ' TH1 s 2 00 I ;! nt l.leaffs Prenurt RV.1 Franfn Induit " ' ' lleil -It ---- rin i.. i. in fi r. t. .. 08 , 0.1 08 ; iit; 01 el ma' (IS 04 03 1 (Hat) 7 l'i i 1. 3 1 City STANtlARll OIUH Hl'h Lew 1201 llttckeye P I. . 107 103'5 .17.1 Kureha I I, ..102 loe in.loalenn Signal (11 no ISO Present P I. . . i: II II Imp Oil Can . ..113 1I2' 30 Illinois Pi 171 17'! .130 Indiana Pipe 111 ltn! am N V Trins .200 ins 30 Ohie oil . . .800 "1)7 1100 .Mit Trans .. '-. ?Vi ID Pralr!" Pipe .300 2H1 .VI "Seuth PI. 110 100 2'i Seuth pnn Oil IT4 171 "0 euthiet . . . . (11 ill aoe s ui' e Ky joeii ion 200 s oil of Ind 117'i lilt', 10 S Oil of N" V . 3(17 3(1.1 310 ? oil of -V Y w I . 47'i 474 .1.1 Vacuum oil . .010 iMl 12"ii Vacuum Oil wl It's 11 inn S Oil of Cillf 30 Ml 3200 S Oil of N' J wl . tei; ,1'i s, 100 S Oil of Kan -I . 42i 42Ni INIIKTENIIKNT flll.S 100 Irk Nnt Oas .... 8'ii ', 1000 noene oil .. no "e snnctrlb Smd . . 4S I', PO Cities Service . 100 lfle lllll Cities Cor c(ts. 1(1 fix; Cle.e 100'i , 10) HO 11 112', , tT.t ie: 1!I1 ! 2J7 ! :i i 301 lfle 171 U.I ' ioe;, i 303 I (14 ! i 41 S'l l 3'1'i 1 12 s i 41, :'. 741 I.en Us . 79il 7'3U .1 7S c.ty of Monte Mente Monte ildee 7s 1 .. . oes; 2 00 I. 70 City Horte Al lesre Ss i . no Ct P.le de J.1 J.1 rerle Ss Mil 2 07 7K tteie't rnelt II 7t' rets n.. in', 3.. .. II."', Kingdom Ner wy 0s wl 8.... 100 i e'; .2 tJO'i Kingdom Nor way et 84 S.... lOO's K Htveden u 8.... 103 a.... ie3'i raiis.l,rens M Ilall'y 0s 8 72 1 73 11. ... 72 8 7li Queensland (Is B.... 101 .... 100'i 2. .. 101 1.. . 101 a.... ioe; Queensland 7s 1.... 1IW4 Republic Helt- via 8s 1.... nl U Chile a '21 ',.... teiii R Chllft 9 '41 I.... 102-, .1. .. 102 ' h Chile 8s ' HI 1 in. em H 044 il. ma, . 01 R. . 0li 10. . 04 U , a P4i, 1 04Vi 2 . .. 0IS I.. M4 Cleie't TencH Pepublle is : 084 l . en; 1 . 01 4 2 01H I 2. . IIHU i 3 . ns lfellitid..-.in'n Cly T.le de Jg.; n'e ct 8s '47i 1 07 07 07 00 1, '"l'i . Line 0s !"3l 2 II, Jnp It 3 . 8S .. 81 t.eiern't 4is 03 C- Sie rauleljnp Oevern't Ss I n,, 4tt. 1 . 01 I ;e, ne'i Cltv rf Sels-'K Keltlum its ens Cs R. ... 0(1. i 1 City li'i K H'lg'tn 7s Teklo 3s I di'-j I Ipatlen lit nnd Ight-nlnths cents per barrel tip te two rollers spa twenty-nie cents per hsrrn ni. I I e that means a minimum rnte of Interest I Bf eight per cent g-tsrarleed nnd a tnnil-1 mum rnte of Interest of twenty nnd nnr- euirter per cnt P"r annum Following nis price ei rf tne nrst six months this lene paid nrteen nnd nriv-feur nne illndredths rer i ent ne iittnem Interest then Ihe reeend els ninnlbs nld Ihe m.tl. 11 tS'wv mum of twentv nnd nne-iuarter per eer.l !l'H)i I1, annum I'nder ihe reduerd price of en, tne tnirn n ninntns is runntng npeut ttxtcrn per cent i-er annum This Iterd Is aenerallv known te be one f the best secured Hinds en the market. I And let It would net be reasonable for us I te exp'ct brokers nr bend dealers te ree. I nmmend Ihls Pind te customers simple Because there Is no profit In It for rnv redy but the mm who bins tt for his own account Moderately Informed p.eple m, the subject ask hew we cm afford te poi Udl a Jilnh rnte of Interest ns twenty sier cent. e rerinnnj- i-,nni niiiirii te pij Ight per cent. If nil was down 'e nlntr rents per biuret, then why can we net iiav twenty per i ent when nil gee, nn in we dellare nnd twentv-flie rents per larrel? And does It cost our companies any mere te rive the actual Iniester twentv tr ent thnn It weul t te nlve the Aetusl lnv"ter eight i'r cent rnd ghe i iomebedr fifteen per cent for mnklnr the n tle7 We nre glad Indeed, when nil Is, I jwn dellnrs and tvnlvfle rents per Barrel te re our hendhnlders who eive m, jf hund-el oenis no the dollar nf cash -wnsre wild ue in me noiniiee, price or 100 Cities Ser nf lOOCreole Syn 100 Federal Oil tneiKllenrncIt Oil 170'i Int Petrel . 41200 Rev Rnnser MO Kirev Pete . ort uulf (i Penn . le'iii I.ewrv Oil ri.1 Mirnulla, 2'iiiO Mimtneth . . . "00 Urlrirsten pet . 300 l.i ens Pete . Moe Mnr Mex 44 s 700 Mexico Oil . Iineii v.'dweet Tex 1 ine Meun Pre I . 3'lne .ilunil lief tee .V - (in ioe Nmv Knp Kuel . 4HU Ne Am Oil :im Omar Oil . 200 Prntieck Oil 270(1 Snlt Ck Pred inn .c.nbeard 1000 Slmms Pn . . MOe Seuth States Oil 30(1(1 Tex O A I. ine Tu'man , 2100 ivilcex Oil lulu We-dburn 20IIO Y Oil MINIMI 300 n Am 30011 Uelcher V.xl 1'iU'i HI l.e.lge . 2000 ellst & Ment 230) II M i.ens Km Canarle copper 4O0H Candel Mln 1000 Cens .Vev Ctah 400 Cortej snier 300 Oressen Ue'd 30l Doleres Fsper . . 1000 Kmma Sllier 1000 Eureka Cree .... 87OU0 I'nrtunn . loeo Oeld Pei el .. . . ane Hecla Mining 370U Independ Lead . . 20(ie I.nne Star . ... MOO tlieen 4(10 Cent Mine, . ... hee Dean Cens ... . ion Dnrt-n Celd . . 20 '0 Ueld le lissXJeld Orn 100 Henerlctt.i , SOD N V Porcupine . . . 3000 nichmend .... 1000 Silver Mines ... . 3O0O National Tin . . . . IO0O Nev Sll Hern 700 New Demln .10(1 Nlplss'ng 1400 Ear Herculei 7000 Spearhead ....... 2000 Stewart Mln . ... 1000 Success Mln OOOTeck Hughes . . 20O Tonopah Belmont.. R0O Tonopah Divide . . ine Tonopah Ett . .. lSOu Cnlty Oeld ... . 200 Unit Eastern . . 1000 US Continent IOO West Hnd C (1'i'i (lit. B.v R.le 314 .11 4.1 1 tide 4". .,(. 3 Ie 17'. It's M 07 2's U M. Ill's r? 1H 33c 1A .1 2I MC 2e He 31c nc 1 2'j 3e 20c IKe 4e Nla 37e ft" 14c Tee'4 lie lc (1.1c Bile 27.: 19c 2.1c 2e 84 7e 7e 4e 0 Oc A 3, 3' 1A sr.c lis 21s. Ce HW 32i Oe 4-; ine his en 1, S.v r.e-f I 3 4 .1 ,1 1 11 City Zurli I il'i il'i en 1 f.'ii1 '"-lie CT, Il NS 1 02 102 Mis Ml"! 102 1024 10JI, 1021, Haiti Oflle 3 1.. 1. ltep et s wl 3... 2.... Ttep'e of Uru guay 61 1.... 104 6. .. 101'i 1 . . 10H1 State Hlo 0' du Sel Ss 1 0711 State of Sae Paule ct is 2 ps U K Or't l'rlt 4 1 R'is '20 1 1M 01.. 110 27. . 1M 2.. . 110 (snle) 110 2(flat) tin 7(sale) 110 2.1.... 110 25. . 110 43.. 1M 3 Hi r... . no'. 1 110H IT K (Ir't flrlt & I 55 '37 2 10214 2 . . m:'( 12. . 10 1.. .. 04 4 . . 04 .. .. 034 2 ua 8... . 0.114 1 H.T Erie Ornt Lien 18 45; 2 40 1 .. . 40V n.... -in 'j I .. . 404 Hrlc lin cv A 1 4.1 1 .. . 44N Htle ItU cv 11 1 ... 44i; 1. . . 41, 3 .. . 44 4 I.'rltf nil cv D (1. ... 41 10 . 40 Hrle K Ce 4s 3(1 14 3114 .11114 .11111 2 .. 37 f.7 Flsk llub't Ce es rrts 1 10. fi.... I04;!lnteibore P.ap 3 . 104 iran us wi 1 104M 3 77't rintirlsoe Sug'"terbore llap 71 s iv iran is Wl 1.1. . Ml T.I 10 .... 0(1 inii-.IU S Hrarll 7s 10IHI ? "' IklSlum ! .. M lOJlj 4 . 871, 7i, I7a 42li I G4c 4' Me 2te 17 ll' 10 07 mi, ll's in "4 3.1c IrV 5 2.IO 1C ( c Se s.'c J? lit 1A 3c 20c 10c 4c HI, 81c lie 1e l O.l- ' 1 1r te 03c 3''C 2e Mc 31, as i'1 Be 7e 41c 8de 7V ?, ls J7e l,r 2.12 4? ' Oilc 4'1 Sic :ite 171. 11'. til 07 2", l'i S3. IT, II', 1 . intti Ui HO'i 1 lOlii 1 "'"j iKIngdmn le.i , I 1M marl! ct s I I 110 1.... MS Cnenho.?leiaU 1 ... 10S T.ep'c R Italy 014s , llMl") 01 ,2 .. '11 1 Dent Seine 7sl 1 .... 04 I S.Mj K of Nether- 1 mij lards Cs wl 1 S3'4 De Cm 3s '20 1 . 00 1 a 1 P'li, 3 . f"H, I llfl'i De can 5s '21 1 1001. U.I . 01J4 II-, e.i '4 0.1H 115 nr.. n'd fiii d S Ilr;uil t. U S 4.. 1!" I 1 MS .T,c 1 A 1 I rets . HO 4 '10 it . I'l llrazll Is . ns lis ns', lis 111', Il'i, U 1 Mevlcn s S 3d U S Mexico ,1s 1.1... 4ns a 4P4 Vh'd S Mexico Large Rs 5 . Il'i 50 ti L A Myers 7 1 70i r.. .. Ren 4.... nisi 7dn J 6J B.... 11T4 fJ'.YU Ctt ,ms 1... . nils I.erlltnr.l il ss a 11 : Hudsen A Man 4 00 i 7(sale) 77'i fd Cs La & N W 6a 1 771 3 2'i 10 77 1,.... 77 ? 82'4 tt N T Cenfl 4s 1 . 8-Ts 1 7T14 10 80H t(snle) 82U MhiiiiII Hukar 10.. . DO Humble oil A Cenip'y 7 2,. ,. 08 Itcf'g 5 Vis 1 004 iO. ... B.-iT. 10 07u 4 flftu 1 1.. . niu till Cent'l Hll. 8 fllm NY Cfl 4Us Ulvlslen 3s 5 084 8 88i 1 72V, Man Illev'd 4s it t Cent'l Rs in Mm Cu 1 0314 s 0.1H 2..... 00i Manitoba ft W 1 0.1 mterbore Met Cella'n 5 M0 1.. .. 05T4 et 4'is st'd 0 074 1... . 03'4 80 lli 2 B7',i 8... . tins iu 111 Mariane oil 1 B3i R,... 11, ct mg N Y Cent'l Rs mterbore Rap G.... 101 10.... 1044 Tran fd 6s Marl'd Oil Si 1.... 104H 1 74H a 108 1 lniu tnterbore Rap Meg Petr'trl 8) N Yk Central iran m ct 1.... lest, ia a '4 s 7,14 Mich Ct'l d 4a 2 72'S 1. ... 1. i'l a viii 1 7234 Midi ale stel & 2 73',4 Ord'e Oi N Y CM & St 1 8K I.euls ,1 la Mll'keeQa. 4s 1... . 87 H 0 92 N Yerk Cdl'n Mln A Ht tl 4s O'is rets 1 884 .1. .. 109tt M MtP A 8 fits N Yk Light II Marie 6'48 rower 4s 1.... 1014 2. . . 81 't 2.... 108 N Yk Light II 2.... 103 A Pencr .Is UK AT 2d ct 1 0Si 1 00 New TNIII M K A Tex, 4s H 4s of '47 2 814 2. .. 00 l(sale) 814 , 5 39 H 2 (flat) 81 4 New Y N It A Me Kan Tex H 4s '50 aj Ss wl I. ... 5.1 6 R4 New Y N It A 6 084 Hart'd 0s 1 f.0, 1 7.1 ! EBi 1 (re) 74 Me Kan Tess N r Ills ct .1 Rs A wl 1.. . 54 13 81 i N Yerk State 1 83U His 44s Me Kan & Tex 1 Ol'i 4m II wt N Y Meant lis 1 8i4 . 014 1 824 R. . . 07 Me Pacific 4s 1 07i 2 03 NY 'lele IHs 1 118 0 . . 1'1'i 2.. . 024 I 21 . 084 1 OS". N'i Yerk Tel 1 024 On of '41 Me Pae Cs '20 '. 10 07 1. 7 07 ' Me Pacific 08 I' ll 00 1 I 10 1i I 1 . 1 . . . en 1 1 . 0... . 00 New Yerk Tl . . 00 I (is of '-n a Pwr Rs 1 1 . . . Ill '4 """l 1... 82'i, 1 H0i I. . 101'i M" "4 1 IS County K 'Nassau Klec'c , N Vie W c A A V Cs '07 Hall'y 4a ''"" Vit 3 100 10 031, . n . 4B Lackn'a Steel Nt'l Railways I ' Ss cf '23 I Mexico 3'ia 1 1 .... 4014 3 ... Mfi I te 07'4 I ' 04 Lake hbere MjNew Engd Tel Nfk Se'n R 5s S'n 4s '28 I A Tel 8s 1 2 61 7.. .. 034 2 08 , Nfk A W'n 44 Luke Shern M 0 08 I 2 (flat) S14 S'n 4s '31 New Or Tex ANA tfdl'n Ce 0 051 Intefl Cement Cerp'n 8s 1 109 tntr'l A Great N'n aj 8s wl 1 Rl 1 . .. 61 I M Marine 0s I. 3.. 5.. 10.. 1.. 1. Gene'I Klee .IS 1. 100 Cene'l nice Oj 8 . 103 101 2 10,1 . 103 Clcni Itefrac turles (Is 2 . let 1.. 1014 Onedr'ch II T 04 3 rets 2 . . Kit Coediear Tlrej . Ilutr '31 I .1 . 07'; 1. ON 1 . IU 2Itale) 07's 1.. 04 2.. . '.17 Onedie.ir Tire A Itub'r '41 I nn 1 . ll.1i; dr'd TrunV of Cm Ct rcls 1 . le.l I. . 10.1 I. 10 18, Clr'd Trunk ef1 Canada 7 1 . 1M Oreit Nnrth'n'Kan C A a Ss lUII'y .14 s H(, ".. MO'i.K C T Rl- 4s 1 I'e1 r..... 82 J . . Ill I , e . l". 'T'h'nlKelfy sprliic'dl .'! Rally 7s , The 8s Me.U' .1 1 110 .'(flail ion'; Her(iey 1 'hii. colnte Ce is 1 OH, 10. . 014 1 08 Hudsn A Mun In adj 5s 2. ... BIN 80 80 80 81) 804 80 4 SO . Int'i Pap a Rs 2 bO'A 2 SO'i 1 80'4 Int'l P.ip b 6s 10... . 80 87 2 87 Int'l Pap ct Rs 1... . S2V Iowa Cent'l 4s 2.. .. 31 Knn C rt a A Memp 4 a 12 71'4 Knn C A S Ss 2.O.. 70 n.. . r.n; 1.. . 1104 1014 104; 104H 1014 10 1; 1044 1044 nl rriekarri Moter car Ce i. Ii... 107', 1.... I07 t'a It m 14 fl.i... 004 8 anil, henna II It 8s 1 004 1... . O0H 1 OOJ 1 . ...lOOH Penna ltd 044 12.... 100 2.... 100 Penna 11 R 7t .1.... 100U Per Marcit Ss 0', ,,.., Ull Phllnd'a. Cefri. pany fd 64, 8 fit)H 0..... 604 Pitt C'lil Chi A St Ii a Sa 2 nd.i Produe A rt 8s, 8. .11 104 ('.(sule) 104 2. . . . 100 8 in.-. 1.... 11TU 18.... 1084 eisaiej 10V 1.... 10.1U rredueera A R war'd 81 1.... 117H Pub serv Cerp xs- jersey Ss 1 AS'J. runta Alletre sugar 7g 1.... 104 4.... 103?4 8.... 10.V, 18.... 10.14 leading Ce 4s .1 83 T4 ' 8.1 1 88 Rem Arms Ss 081 Rie G'e Je Ss 1 804 Reck Il'd A A Leul'a 44e 1 804 St Josph & O Island 4s 1 74U St I. 1'n mt A 3 nir 4s 2 854 St L I Mt A S Rly SS 1 B8U St I. 1 M M, a P. A O dlr 4s 2 8S4 2 831 1 884 t. ... 884 Stl. A S Fran ndj es ,1 77 i.. .. 7fiH 7n4 8 7t 1 , 704 4.1i ,3tL A ri Fran In da 1... 1 1.1 13. .US' 2 024' 50 ,L A Meri 3sl 50 1 rs) 05 4 Mexico Bs I n 784 1 2 784 News for Investors 1 2.10 10c N2c IJOIiRlTIO neNti" C'evern't IKUn Itap Tranit'liloage A Nth 4Hs rets ' ct 7s s'.'d W'n 3 '7 I Sto Ste ne I I 20e Me lc 37c 'lc 14c One i lie lc 0"e 6!'- 20c K'c 23c 2c 84 It 0c 7e 41c tile 7, s 1 ltV 8 I 10 :e 4 4 ,t .1 nS'i'Chl'.il.e 111.1 Hill rij .is O'l 4' no se (Kl.4 7 sj O'l M Mhn Union U 2 . 7i O'L 30, 7s '32s 0 71 l'i 50 '. 11.14 .1 ... 71 !W 30 lluffile Rech r! 1.... 7: r'0,.10 A Tltt 44s Xhl Ilerlt I O'l 50 7. .01 Pac fd ! 00 50 rsriid'n Nth'n 1 04 s rcls Aliska Geld 1 111 Mine cv A SI" - The New Yerk (Vntrnl lines leaded JiO.TlM) mrs of jicrislinble fruits dnrlne (lie honest cenwin tills yenr, ever twice the total leading (hirinif the l!iil linr- ICFt. The nrernKP price of the twenty ac tive industrial stocks nilrimceil 0.27 tier 'jrent en Saturday te ll."..".(, while the tuciiT.v iiuirean.i (letiineu u.tin per cent te MJ.10. Hroekc, Stokes & Ce. nrc elTerinR S.-Ofl.(KM) tlregon-WitshlnBteit Joint Stock Lund Hunk ." nor cent fitrm lean 2 '''bends nt lO.'l and interest tu ield np- 1 . O. , tirill llll.ltell' .1 tVi l,n. ..n.t . ..nll.tl.ln Canafil n Ns j 1 . . . 1 '. ,,,,, ,, - ,,,,,. cpnt .,. American Agr Can'an Pse 4s 3... . 82 I" "'"i'i'J "i i""- ivepuuiic .uetiirtrucK Chem74s !... . 70 hi cnioage cnien -iiiiiiiiwij iiiiti- (luuiuieti ireni tne re- i . . MS',. 1 .... 7y sta 44s I't'iier n statement or tlie ceinpniiv h 1 . 1034 2.. 7fl !.. .. 004 tinnnclnl eonditten ns of September 28. AHe7gTs11 ' I.: ?S ChuVcep-r"?, I-Mllli: 4TOO.I Will, shop rihtH. etc.. . .,. ; -e,.. ... nr.t. assets arc ilxed b.v nnniaisers nt !?.- 1 '--5 ' . . " . .... ilWll liiifl TP.1 lt..Ullt.l -II l p, -,.,,'.,, IUIIII llilllilllll'iS IU Hll CIIIUSWI 111 "4 of creditors of record nr !?."i,181,S01. J"J Empire (Jns nnd Ktiel Company re JJJj ports that en the basis of nirrcrit nn , uperatlng results the net entnlngs of en the nnturnl can division alone for the Chile Cep'r 7s ' twelve months endlnc evembcr JiO S.... no4Hieuhl be approximately if, '1,300,000. JJ n,,Fnr "' TOnr en("n.' November 30 the ," ", net enrniiiKs of the pipe line, refining l'.'.'.'. no. nni' nil'urnl a"08 divisions alone will be 10.'.'! iiii ! n f I" excess of the present annual cm e 'bd Interest charge en nil of the company s 8 no funded debt. CI'd Cln Chi A Os ret Ksnle) 034 4(Mle) 01; 2. ... 031 N Pacific It 4s i si'4 3 .... HK 1. ... 854 N Pae R 44s 2 ... MI4 7(sse) R84 3 804 N Pacific R Is 5. ... 074 1. ... 07, 3 . 07 U N Pnelfle p. it, 2.... 107J; Sinclair ftri Llh Cd 08 3 80 4.. in 80 10,..,. 89 1 80 4.. . . en s1 iiell Tet 2 044 Sri i Pad rel 4s n 88 3 as Sn Pne ev 44 -s.ii.. 80?i 10..... tlOAi li.... 0i 3n Pae fd 4 u , e IS Selith Perte R autar 78 2 804 S 3 06i 1'.... 084 a edi . l.i... 004 tt fl Realty A Irnpv't S'l 0 004 2..c. 004 U U Itub'r Ss Ksale) 874 1 $74 2 87' . 1 874 Sn Hallway 4s 1 (111 1...JI" 07 1 07 Sn Rallwav 5s 2 VitU 1 004 Sn HnU'y 04s i.... 1014 1.... 1014 1.... 1014 1.... 1014 8tecl Tube Ce of Am 'a 7s 1 101U Third A ref 4s 1 02 8 02 1 (Il'i Third A adj Bs 2 854 2 3.14 6 .1.14 Tobacco Pred ucts Cerp 7s l...i 103 Tet Hdlsen 7s 2. . . . 1034 I.... 10.1 1.... 1044 Union Hag A Paper fls 1 074 1 OS Union Pac 4s 3 024 3 024 8 0!tl Union P cv 4s 10 0.1 Union P fd 4s 4 s.'.u t'l'd ftly 1 Ce 8 Fran Rs 2 88 U S Heff Ma chinery Ss taaasM. i "& DailyMevie Magazine THE MOVIE FAN'S LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NBBM Itedntad writes i "t de hone Ornt yeti are Ih the! mood for rthiwerlrig due tlens today becaiiie I am check-full nf them. "In the flrsit tdace I would like te a.. 10.. 77 1U"J 1084 014 .liiii't 117', MIS ion 31 10.' l'7'a Mi 8000 Allied rack 0s MOO Am Hum Tell 74sj"4 len'i 1004 Mvi'.i .1111 l.iku 1 us 1 iy J in jju JOliJ.Vm Mill , JIMI 1HO', 40UO Armour A Cj 7s. 104H HUM 20OJ At Gulf A W I 5s 51 sul, 'Jliiin Can Nit It r.n 3s 04 in'. iniiii (..in I'a" lis 1111 101 1 hiie 1 01 'jrspn s a I iieii'i Cur, Gas Halt fls M2 141)00 Conn T-xtle lis 1174 lOdil Uen Aei'tinlt s ms I'j'ie noun iiuuber 7s 300(1 Kennecelt C 7s .loon Ohie I'nui-r 5s H0O0 .Sheftli Id P 114 llnen runnr .-t Ori 7s IOO" Net Leather is , Boen Phllr. niee 54 h lene Pub Sirv N J 7 BOOn Rebert Gnlr 7s . 81)1111 Shewshcen ' Jimieii S.ilvny et Cle s I dell 1 11 N Y Il4s . 1 innn swirt Ce Bs lOOH flvlft 4 Ce 7s, '31 1HJ4 M2V, lfl'4 2'ieiirnltel Oil Pml Ss (m 074 D7H dOUO Un Ry Hav 74 s Ht.14 101 lu.1 FOREKIN IMINDH 21000 Arrn(lns 7 .100 111MI1I1 llemliurtf 4C-s Hll" 43H0O K f Nelh Us . I'.l.'i ji is or Mil's 104S 51 ', Ml .11 1(1.' 974 I'l.' nn4 liilU inc. Mil! 11114 n74 (174 '1 1 "S 1 ij 1 , no inn K24 1024 in.", Ss ns ss 104Vi 1014 1014 Mil 10.11. tun MH4 10'IW M't, nt', '144 I4 02 4 Canada S'n Is American Sur 12 . nin r.eflnlns 6 Ctl of Ca lsta .1 HU' 2(flat) 1014 1 . 101 .Central of Oa 1.. 1014 en Bs Am Tel A Tell 10 084 elt 4l I 1 Pe'i 1... . 01 I 0 07 1 . . 014 Ctl Leather 8s A Tel ATl I'1 .1 00 4 .... 00 4; ,1 ... 08 1 . . . . tm4 Ctl Pae 1st Bs 1 H1S 8 8.14 1 904 2 8.14 Armour 44 Cfe de Pts'e 6 ... 904 Cep'r 8t 0 . pe I a, .. 1304 A'.ch T A S Pel je ... 120 4 cv 4s I R 120 4 2... 10141 .1 .. 1204 Atch Tep A 0 2 120 r 4 4. 1. 3.. 4.. 1.. 8.. 1. St Lejls 0a 0 . 1014 ,1.. MIS 8 Ml 4 1 Mr' 1 ion usaini iwi. 81"4lC Ae'ev 44ajs'l'' I I'nwi 14' 10 .... 87U T'r I M' SS4 rhes-e A O RsL lc2' COTTON SPINDLES ACTIVE RS 81- SSS 4 7.. A 00 'Ie ur,4 ion 0014 1 nnit ts- ..v uaeiis Mm T-sisw il'i itm mi. The sutisinntlMi clmrneler of this nIMffi '.."', ,iii. ail? '.i wl Jend Is shown hv the Met that during th I ?,? ?, 'Vn., ii0Tt ?V 1 ' 4 151 ?5 eurrent veir the sinking fund redeems ami I ; !.', '. iiV si,'t,,i .'rlni JSit neS esnceis re'ir hiindred and slslv thousand ?S it,i imt 8. 114 11 11 jtellars (ftnofeo) mr mlu" of (he i.m.l ou,, M'? lf '". L,, " ,,uci i,,i. fiu. issue. Oelmr nt this rata, Instead of talc, .?, n , 'n "I U'l,0 li' ' n?4 nP ap Ihe ten leirs .0 nrnn-tlri. this Ilond Is-.ie ;l.n " ! " .' 'eW,' '.SiV ,, k iSitL II leeks like ,i.nii. n four lears' leh. The 3?" ?.".?. ;2". ' "'SiB 'i5 '.IfJ Buhllc must Inke their rhnlee ns te wh.ih.e """ L n ,'0, " " " "' ",71 A Const 1, oil 14 f0H 10 80S All Coast I. 4s 5 . "04 AH'e Fruit Ts I. ... 81 1 . 30 Hnld'n L W Ss R, . p.. 1004' 5.. AH'e nfg 6s 1 20.. O ev 10. s 1.' 8.. 11 . 4.. October Average li 36,834,931, Against 34,822,378 In September Vaihlnj;ten, Nev. L'0. The cotton iplnnlntr lndiiiiry was mere active dur ins lletnlicr than in September, the ng- cti.iriiti tininlifii nf notlve tttilmlle llfllirS .m? Columbia e 'fperted for the month having been 0Vli coiumem (j , ,nmnnrp.l u-lth 7.7(10.. 5 . 6. Nth S 1. 1. 01 4 62 024 n24 02 ' 824 024 024 02s, 1074 107i, , 107 S MIS M7'i 101 Pwr 5s 01', ,. 01'i , . 014 North West'n Hell Tel 7 2 . . 1074 8.. 1074 fi... 1071. 1 M7',' 5.... M7V 1.. 0.. 10.. Stl, AS Frnn Series A 4s 4 70i 1 7"'i 1 70; Stl, A S Tran Scrlei e 5s 1 89 1... . 80 St Le fl We'n 1st 4 1 77S 28. ... 71 s4 L Sew'p Is 1 704 1. 70 4 8 794 1 704 San Antonie A A P Rly 4s 1 744 fl Air L nj fis 4 '.'S 4 28 0 23 1 Air I, fd 49 8 40 4 40 Seah'd A 1. 0 fi. ... flt I ... 04 1134 Or . calif 5s Sharen 'Sleel 3. 1'JO j Heep 8s Oregon H i.lne guar'd Rs 1.... 1024 Ors-W R p. A Navl Ce 4s 1. 1. 80t 80'j 2 80', raellle Caa A Klec Bs 2.. .. 014 rac T A T 5s 2.... 07 Paclae Tel A Tel fd Bs 1 . 014 8. 01 3 1)1 I 1 00 Slsale) 00 a (flat) nun 2 004 2 OB etsaie) oe Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7i rets loot; a., i.. i.. i.. s.. i.. i.. i.. ioeh 1004 ine 4 1004 1004 100H 1004 10094 knew wlty Hareld Lloyd's latest and greatest picture, 'driindma s Heyr did net have a dewntuwti slit wing 7 Lloyd always dikes his ceniedy situations with siich a life-like totieh of Ills very liwn erlelunllty tliftt hlrt rcul hlitiihn lnr traynls are alwnjs n character that stands rilene en the screen. Who was his enthusiastic little old tffnndhin? . "I suppose we will httre the terribly Silly rlepstlek comedies just its ltinit ns the fire recler dxiltsi The first-clttsl theatres arc prebubly new uslitt; them in ilacc of serials te chase the crowds flinl start the tdiew. "Is it true that Hebe Daniels is n 'baby talk lady'? Her pout of the litis sure is the 'cut's rubbers.' "Who would you consider the most versatile character netur en the streeii today? My favorites arc Theodere KoslelT, Leu Chancy, Thcodere.ltoberts, Claude ('lllingwater, ltityuiend llntteu nnd Lillian Lclghteti, of Wheiti I linve never hettrd mention in yetir celtithns. "if 1 remember rightly, was it het (lleim Htmtcr who blayed the brethe'r In tlie stage version of 'Clarence,' seen here several seasons age? Olenn 6er tnlnly ii great, nnd It won't be his illllll u ui!) luciiirca nun v jnuit uv popular. "What is his latest picture nnd whenever nre they te be shown in rhila delphla? I thoroughly enjoyed the hlglily farcical acting of Wellle Held and the cute wiles of Mary Mcivpy in 'Clurence.' She Is such d remnntlc look ing, wint-eme Tnrklngteii ideal that any eung fellow would fall for her whim sical, charming little metinerlsms. 'Chere enfant (whew), 1 would irifidcl my peach co-ed flapper friend nfter her it possible." (I've said several times that I de net feel that we have the right, in this column, te Uliicuss tlie strictly In ternal affairs of tlie local movie houses. Any house manager would naturally try his best te play such nn attraction as "Urnndmn's Hey." If he doesn't play it, jeu can depend upon it that there's some mighty geed reason. Usually it is n matter of jirlce. He ccntly distributors hove gene dway be yond all bound in placing n vuiuu vuiuu tlen en their pictures and personally IVju always glad te lertrn that theatre owners refuse te "fall for it." I'm net making the assertion that that was the case with "Craiidntn's Hey" because, being only n movies editor, Ira net supposed te knew. UitL every time tlie exhibition valuation of pictures is shov shev rd niHithcr notch upward, the theatre owner lull te boost prices of ndmlnlem, or cut down en comforts or attendants or the rest of the bill or go out of business. 1 am strongly in favor of nuking all our theatre owners te let iir de without certain pictures rather than submit te further increase In rental prices, w Men nre already ns high as present admission figures will cover. If they go nny higher, you anil I will linve te pay for it. Yeu didn't knew I paid? I frequently de. I paid three times Inst week. . . ., Anna Townsend was the grandmother in "(Irnndma's Hey." SliO will also be in "Dr. .lack." though her part will net be se prominent. T imagine that, under certain con cen con dltiens, llebe Daniels would talk "bnby folk." They nil de. don't theyV If I hadn't seen "Te Have and T6 tiniil " T might have slild I tenslder 'a-e ch ct 7s ) Theodere Knsleff the most versatile ' character nrter. Hut he n nave ie I stmt nil ever again te remove the stlgtnn of thnt offense. The only thing that would Induce me te see that again I would be just one flnsh of Hetty Collin son In one sentience. Still, this I8n t n giieisine contest. Geed tiling, tee; 74s war'd I oren Iw.ilr xvniilil ctiess right. ,n i'3U W"ltli Kosloff temporarily (ml of the a!iwrCe.is run,lf, I'll hove te let Theodere SI Huberts head the rhnrneler ; Hit. espe- w p'a'd'isi n. hillv nfter"OM Homestead," "Hall the i....,V8 Weman.5' "If Yeu Helleve It. It's fin , S 83 and "Tin Wan Who Saw Tomorrow." w Pa Pwr fis He wns the only tnlernble spot In that i 02 ns tinniei sr. wnai can i can u Fer Film Fan's Scrapbook i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. i.. kmkmkwkmmkmmkmv WWjL yjjK i'mmmW.1 IU Til C'LIrTOItb IVe tclJ be pUid te publith the pichitcn of tuch screen jilejers os are suggested by the fans 1044 104 81 874 81 sR4 88 81 U S Rub 7 'is 1 1014 United States steel Ss 22.... 1024 2.... Ml. 1.... 1024 Utah Power A Light 0s 1 tfi4 3 ooh i heh 2 im?; ' 5... . 004 fi.. 4.. 1.. Va-C Oi 05 0.1 01 Cheml'l cv 74a 1 .... 8,1 Vn-c Vhem cv W Union 44 s tlmfB ple? .,,.,, i.. .. 014 Yes, Olenn Hunter was the brother in ; ..!". 'the stage "Clarence." Hut young Rebert Ag"hew wns really wonderful in the snine part In the film version. And I agree with you nbeut Mnrv MfAyey. Altogether I thought the film "(Mar ence" pretty close te the perfect photo- ioe 100 (Columbia u Elec 1st i Reserve Banks' Discount Rates federal IteHrri., Ilmks nre as follews: nn union Bs i,. . li,--. .a r,,1K. unmlprfnl in 3 en nuucri rfa.s "-- ; -, " , : : Westinghs' n ( the same Mfg 7 1.... 107U 2.... 107 4, . teil'i Wilsen Cem pany cv lis 1 0.144 iWllsen Cem pany 1st 8s 8.... 100 1 HOU Wilsen Cem pany 74s 1.. . 1044 02S 02H, I L 1st st'd Posten New Ynr.i 1. Sll.'l J7H In Heiilblnlme the Cencim Till. ' 'Illlaueiphia - .,.......v ......... .- t ,-leT thev I ke M dd'e Stntes policies In the Conduct of business, nr whether they pre fr the se-called eustnmerv policies Bpeaklnu of comparative prices- Many f the ell corporation stocks are no ear value. Therefore, in comparison they Should be considered at their original sub sub crlptlen price and thnse that haie par talue cempard at their par inlue price That belns' the case, we nre waiting te pear lb" nnme of mere than one othi ethi Inairpendent nil oemnanv thnt went through tha two iears persistent hose market wltb- aSUt selling betbiv par We are likewise Waiting te hear even In the six months bull market hew mnnv of them hnie imee un te A price ns lirli .is par Middle Stale, 'Ma net like te ! Hieetiicular When nil Jm three dollars per barrel we might ret Jtttrevagnnt in iiiiuienes ann espenses mat V ?Jnail4 mean when nil dropped te, one ii ffcltar Pr barrel we would be seriously V sSlharrassed hut. believing that nur stock steck iElar prefer stability, we try te nvernge sasiiinna nn,i prneuce a siennr nniiev. rnr Kft w Pf like all nlher enmmedlHes, always has always win iiucium" in iiiiirntii vniue. tMeaas understand that this Is net meant MMury Ir) thi world te fellow "Htased 'eetiatemary IRISH WOMEN INVADE ARCHBISHOP'S PALACE Diacuis Miss MacSwIney'a Hun gar Strike Duhlln, Nev, 'JO. A crowd of women nod lils mnrched last evening from lountjey prison, in which Mary Mac Swlney is maintaining a hunger strike, te the nnlace of tlm Arehblshep of Dull Un. They found the outer gntcs eloped, but tliev iieil ether entrances, and seen sen.n ui them were sitting en the door doer deer stem of the Archbishop's residence whlle ethers were In scattered groups nlmlit the premises. 1 . . 914 Halt A O 34s 8 . .. 044 5 . . . Ii8, (l(Bale) 034 f, . 044 R . 0)4 B A O CV 44 s 81H a 2... 11... 1... 5... 3. 12 1.1.. 0.. 2, Seal Bs 814 814 81 814 81 814IC b A g 5ij,Cnm Aiacnres. ' reini announced tndll). 02H , ' ""'"J 4i ihe average number of spindles oper eper 02H' V, "inted was .".O.S.'U.O.'ll. or at HO.a per n2l,?f ins. '(,(!t ''"pnelf "n angle shift bualr. n.K I eB'i 'oinpnred with fU.H'iS.KTS. or at MM 024 li". . ssijl per cent capacity, in September. Cot 1124 crown cork A ten spiiidles ln place October HI nuin- iireii .11, ji,ii.ii, enmpnrcu wnn 01, 07.", 407 en September iiO. .cthe spindle hours In cotton-growing Stntes aggregated I.."i77,'lfl4.015. compared with 4,rSaH,0,-i0.r)S'J in Sell tenilier. nnd in nil oilier Stntes 3,71-.-121.41)1, compared with :,41i2,8O0,.Sbs) in September, The avetnge spindle hours per spin dle In place during October was L'.i, compared with 201) In September. In cotton-Brewing wtntes the average was velnnd j nichniund Aiiniua 024 ns';1 2 . (114 li2S! 2 ' nj; Cuba C'e Sug Chi A All ,l'i n 1 2s 4 - sn 1 , . . . 21 Cu!,i C e Hug Chl'sVAIten f! ,U,J ., char 44 s 'ft Ti 2 .... 8741 ' Chi A Alten 8 char Cs ru)" He: 5s 1 OiS ' .. . fisc, u 11 cira II 4, 3. ... 874 Chic Minneapolis isa Ha axu St. tiul Kahsaa City uai Treas, ctfs. 4 4 44 4'? 44 44 44 44 44 ii UK (Vim'l Itli-ri. Ilond 1 Rates .t,cei)t. 4 play comedy, though 1 mourn for inv Inst love, Agnes Ayres, every time I see her new. Hunter will be seen here in all his fllins, but "obetly knewk when He has made "The Cradle Hosier," "Second Fiddle," "The Lap of Lut ury" nnd "The Scarecrow." Oee! Yetl've made me de n teal day's work, haven't you? If all my correspondents were Use you, this job wouldn't be fe soft Tlirodecla: I'm se glad you asked me nbeut .Inch Unit, because I Bnt a hrnnd-new biography of him a few days nge, anil iins si"' ie " III1UIKS lllf Kit me. idsceiml Y rleravmnn. He wns born in irglnln fATtrV And.t.way.,,,,, 44 44 44 ' me treni. one "" "- " 44 41J 41? 1 Jack Helt is the son of an Lj 411 IL. 11Z . TI wna linrll ill 1 4U jU :. cierisyiiiiiii. "- " , " W 4J Vd nnd lived thereuntil he was nine years U ft il? perlih In Fenlham, wMch is Just eui- 44 4t5 H I side of New Yerk City. .lack was sent AfterDinnBr Tricks Del tlelt A Ohie 8sl t....i 884 ""' 041 1 H4 Chicago B Ay , . M0i; 4.. ... 84H im ln .('iiaHens 1 i . . . i 34 I 884 ir".nr,r ?- c Rait A Ohie s 1 B A Q .It - T 1.... lOOIil 11 e'i 14 Pen ft R O 4s 2 0041 1" f'4' : IJ. li,.. lOOii Chl A O W 41 5 7nS4 Bait A Ohie 3 2. . . 50 (,"".,,"' western 84s 1.. . 004.7." " 1 ? 0 01 H Chicago Mil 4' ,n JS 1 014 St P 4s '25 I ' jj"l Bell Telephone 3 .. 814 ',' jJS etri,U 1 .. MSin-WVi s.Ij 1.... 1084Chlcnge Mil I D1 Gdl B 40 B HtWl M fis" St P 4s '34 I 'I ' 'i 1 02 4.1 1 Oil. I ' "" se' " :-..-. t -1 neillcles. but Middle a fallow tit own policy and but 1 ii .dlBJers.frem eiistemarr tm. ir .'" raoera or in nasi ajsssnien a ilten as bs our Ih Mial oe4 or ktM mt eeMMtartwi. mm., ESTABLISHED PAPER HOUSE MirKlfB-Oraa tttt s tk sflatlng I allied trades Is Eastern rennirlTaai, e ia4 sib mumttmm wmmikwt i" TJHvirr"; !' ', ""l" 4 ,ejty, si WJ CTftKI. WAtSE iTAMOAlD lad tiH MWMUUr trsUs. UU UAtttUmtUn as rgHMMI vlU m , iisjaj- 1 024 Chicago Mil Beth Steel lis , stp cv 44 1 (i1'4 2 . 1174 1 08'; I 2 .. , 1174 1 01 1. . 1174 1 1)8 41 4 . . 07 4 Bkn Edl Ce 5s 1, .. 11714 Hi a us Bkn Kdl Ce fls, 1..,. M8 B,,.. 103 Bkn Edl h 7a 3... i 108 1.... 108 B ttsp T et B HKsals) B4 Skn Bap T Ti fWl.t Chicago Mil A StP fd 44s 1 014 ft .... 024 e 014 r-hleage Mil i si p ev s tO,,,,, 71 10 Il.l. 1 l.l... 714 THt 11 TS 1.... 102 1 I Il'i Li ninth Securlt ciirp'n B 1... . .13 D Match 74 s 1.. 1074 ID d Nemours rwar 74 s I.... 107U t)ua Light A 1.... 1014 eastern Cub Sugar 7 Ha R 0344 Br.... 0.1i Bmplr Oa A 'wW Ti nit, fa i!H4. compared with 1.70 in Sentember. nnd in nil ether Stntes 177, compared with 103 in September. LONDON 8TOCK MARKET Operatiena Breader and Sentiment Mere Confident List Firm Londen, Nev. ".0. Operations in se curities Oil the Stnck Mxehnmru hrnail. ened today and sentiment was merM Ne. 323 A Jeltr With a Coin 321 confident. The markets generally were firm, trench Ienr.s were hnrd, with the convening of the conference ut I.iliisanhe te setle the Near Knstern question, Ollt-edgeil investment, Issues uUe Im proved. There was buying of home rails for Investment account, with the feeling optimistic. Argentine rails were strong, Dellar descriptions were quiet around previous levels. Oil shnrcs were quiet nnd mine. Bey. OH shares were quiet nnd mixed. Koyal Dutch was 80. Hhell Transport 2 11-10. Hehie Industrials gained ground. Hudsen's Hay was 8. Iiubbers were geed, but trading Wns net bfiiii Kafirs were wall mftlnUiUed jmw Turn n tumbler upside down and place a penny en top of it. Cever the coin and glass with n hat nnd nk some one If the coin li still en top. liaise t he het nnd show that the coin Is still there. Hepeat the procedure and nsh the "wisest" spectator he bellcvf the coin Is still en top. When he says Yes ' reply, "Well, 1 fooled you tills lime." The hat Is lifted and the coin ia seen still nn the tumbler. The spectator wJU tuen beeome elated nnd will say, 'well, I told you the coin was still en top," Hut the joke la en the spectator, for you culiiily point out that the coin is net oil the top; but m tlM bt tern, as the tumbler htJM .filM uwn an me tlmt. ili.rt,j i,' e. ' '' SWA'W.1 iHiU wsre limited te stem d-wn all the tlmt. sWM- M M?h!&M ten privntc school In .sew lers. i.ater. nfter his father s health hnd fulled and the family lintl ngnin i'"'' "' 'ir glnln. he wns sent te the Mrginla Mill Inry Institute te cotnplete his ediitn- Alias brniluntlen he obtained n pest- Hen ns n civil engineer with n railroad company. This position took Mm te the ranching section of the United Rtnies, nnd the horses and cattle punching proved mere attractive te Jack t linn the engineering, se he abandoned his oriel eriel nnl plan nnd became a catt e puncher. It Is te this experience that he ewes his expert horsemanship. It was as a rider no happened Inte his first motion ulcturs, Many expert ences, hew ever, had intervened between this nnd his cattla punching days. II. hnd explored fef oeppW in Alaskn. awaiting A boom which never came, and he hnd nppenreu in "" ""- an cs Bnd vaudevllla sketches en tlie stnae. gaining valuable a experience which lnt "r a"sistd him In Ills motion- p,OatnlngrMB'ntranclntn pictures as . horseman, no rpps"jpu m many Westsrn productions, but finally drifted Inte the role of "heavy" in ether pie tllfes. However, lie was seen playing the villain roles se attractively arid sympathetically that the heroes objected and he was given the leads, One, of his first lending roles wns In "Tht Lifa Line," . After having seen him In Much a role It Is difficult te imagine him as a villain. He Immedi ately signed n contract te play lends artd appeared in many successes until kit popularity finally wen him star' "T-- 1 .. - . . a- . . iciuraa in wnicn he haa jmm "vietai,.;' "Crooked Streets," "Held by tlie Kri emy," "The Sins et Hezrittlie," "Mid sumnier Mndtiess," "The Lest Hu mane" nnd "After the Shew." Hll llrbt starring picture was entitled "The Cnll of the NtJrth." "While Satan Sleeps," "Meiight nnd I'nid Fer" nnd "The Man I'ntenqtiernblc" followed tills. His newest productions nre "On ihe High Sens," with Dorethy Dnllen, and "Making n Mali." it production which Jeseph Hennbery directed. Jack Helt 1" six feet tall nnd weighs 170 pounds. Ills hair nnd his eyes are dark brown. Hd lit married and has three children. Hollywood, Cnllf., is hll home. slni -.i -Vli"fiiu --"AY-.1?! "I veruainn, press agenting lafu nV, N,1varre aft nun. mat slinging, siicceed I actor into pepiHi De Hi exnenge, tint pi these at "It .18 tiesslMe tfiat (his cfifannn 'S il I ftf, iech fln teiitet Lita 'caetfy thr fcrirtn 4."5f itHHn' (( a l-.mi. lt4i.ns Mgh e't d MHA: thl h.W nn'. fl friiUl tr. favor nt Vni,iH- pche, Mfitre dfirf M nre belut VhleiitlHe;. (we c4n ldUli herr?,, in the trlirlet of trdWajT na, "d 5 success that My, bat.hehe of lhm will nucccrn II u nny, UU IlOne Of thm wl I vr ksjetr hew ft feels .te have aheSii cdrne ris it Mtth.VClf$jfi& laiicvun, uiH-Ainctcii, unnernided ettl, nattrlng nf npcfnlM ti, iL. i"l . 'il Wjlkcdrried off its Wet bf she" & Me i nsi in ;.-:. i I.,, .... that he is desefvint 6f Se ndmii'iiK thetll8ve glvdnlUln, nfill tW25fi (Let us all keep ri little calm nt.n,. thla Vnleiitlne infttci:. We Ve h yet heard the trii story, yed m". remember. In all fnlrneM te bt e Jet's wait until we knew tl. truth nnd, then take our slnndT A, te De Rechefprt, seeihs ft me hj FOR SAl.fi Buflile and Uk Erie Traction 5s Ctl. of Deposit Chat. Ai Day A Ce 44 Bread St., Nw Yerk mJmm8imZiimimmmjMalmmjJUUmmam . , . riNANClAli ' hereinaiter enurneraiee,, issued under IM Agreement between the . tl, Hrlll CotnekB? rj,l Vide Itv Trust C'enlSsni.. Pr,i..mS""l Juhe lijl'20. "'"InSiJI'S.J, ft. Hrlir'Bre? Safety fcqnlpmenf Trtljl Ne. 0. have, in.1. rnrilanre with the previsions or li,. '..I, m A....A.un,. Iiee. ..TIM ,n. ...1. .. "'""'.": ..,i....lv ".j"."' ,i?"nr"n an, uuyiiifiisV nn iiviviiiwr i, iv. at nv Lf Sccrtted dividends tb the safd cfau f redemption. ... , 'e or Helders of IN Mid Cerilncites ... required te present, them for Payment ami redemption, v-llli nil tinhjajured coupons at. ached, nt the office of Fide Itr Trust K panv. Trustee. 82.1 Chestmil stteet Phn.l Selphla. PennsylirTnla. en Ieeteber't,; llliviitsn. vsss.es ....,,., The.Certincnte: Nes. A-: (ailed for iedeiHe(i . SI, 1.18. 153, IS . lar,. - "' F 100. 1110. 101, 182. 108. 184 YiV 599- 281' IS!- ' W m IR 1 Ills ink 1ID. Ill, 1IM. 1,11 IWA ie. 182. 183. m. i8.i. isii" :; m- IZ.ttl'M:-- m- K ! FiDDLtTT TltHST tOjJPAT . Tr,J;,., Vev.mKer B0. 10SC. "". t reslllfnl. i(a'Aii.oiAs.ce;yijiKi7THrrnrj- 8. M. .F. writes: "This plan of mjyHfwWik Famous IMnyers-l.aSky that you told RP 'HrVbv'n. juriuant S ' nbeut 111 the column rt few nights age terms of the Mortgage, dated Jillv is ikB I swore when 1 read It, then I cried, i!UheXi.cXJiWtS" then I laughed nt the utter ridiculous- ttV'cViJm&i lies of it. bends Si bev dewtbed, atirllclenl ? -."...I Atm.m. aiim nr am. iijih nil Ta k. -t.ssww "It was just as tlteucli sehie one reterv. the. right te ri cenip te me nnd say. 'This son i "Rftlf? iSKril W,fA i , ,,e- -.. ....... ....w.i True should of yours, whom )ou love se mtich. you linve niched with Intense Interest every step of his growth and develop ment': you have glowed with pride nt his successes; you have laughed with him when he was happy : you have cried nt his human failings nnd mistakes i jell have prayed for him In his dark hours; well, new, we nre going te kill him here before your ej-es and force you te love this oilier one that we give you in bis place," "These are anxious days for these of us who feel thnt why toward Vnlentltie, for we knew that the situation, though ridiculous. Ii, nevertheless, tragic'. The moving picture public Is very suscepti ble te propaganda, and a plan like this, backed by (lie power And money of n great corporate machine, has very sinister pe'sibllitles. in nny kind of a fair nnd freo-fer-nll fight we are sure that Valentine would win, but thnt Is, evidently, net the kind of fight they nre planning. "It must, Indeed, be n grent pleasure te them, ui the shekels come rolling Inte their coffers from 'Hlnnd nnd Sand,' 'The Yeung Hnjnli and 'The Sheik,' which Is new breaking records in Ktnepe, te send these shekels out Ogniti te try te destroy him. SJrte srne jJect Bv A. C. nOWNtNd. Jr., (TieNlrTiiiMBR- lBNit"cnslp,si Netice I- hereby given that, Ne-r,ihH Trust Company resigns as trustee of store, said mortgage nnd h te be discharged rre5 "" ' NORRIBTOWN TftUflT COM PA NT. - Trustee AaSQal Meetirtg tVKttl KNU TRUST llT pniiaiieipnifi nereniMr, sin The Annual fJtlne, of the BioeKheldefi) t WesiTcnd Trnst Cempatiy will fii Ml at the effte of the Company, Bread st CHABLES 12. WOLTirnT. '."I.MT. Peeretf4 j-3S.1IKRf'ANTIf.E BENEFICIAL AhSlC K C'lATillJf-Tlie Atihusl ifeetln, ,,f , , Association will be held mi f ttesrl ir, si temper.. ft, IMS. nt jlnVlnefc nnnn, st ill Jeuth 1th fljreeti Hoetn Sno, at which time sn election will be MM for Five Managers tt lur mw itrii, ii. i rnr inr, i l.i' iVIt.l.tlM K. letl-etsrv. I'r0ndals fion.eott. sFiitidL nrTRicf Tii:fliB Tntrnehln nr Chlelenlmm. Mimtsemrrf County, 1'fnnsyltnnla, 44. Jinn. Illds received Up te 8 n'rfntk I'. II.. en Hereniber 4th. 1022. Address Isllwhetli II Scarborough, tiec'y, Elklnu Prk, Pa for particulars. ni i MtOTOrieAfU fHiTerMta The following theatres obtain their pictures thrdueh the STANLEY Company of America, which is a Kiiarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. -t i ALHAMBRA 'isfft ftVOT' OWEN MOORE la "LOVE 19 AH AWtTIL T1UWQ" APOLLO MD ffl&JF RICHARD BARTMELMESS In "THE BOMB BOY" MLOEIXncaa,I..bVa. HAROLD LLOYD In "ORArtDatA'S BOY' AVE. AGTrt3 EieifrirA (TlltAItU A AOILIA mativph IMUT RODOLPH VALENTINO MAE MURRAY In "DELICIOUS tITTlE DEVIL" Alte Heet Olbsen In "The Oallen nz Kid" XWO FEATUHEB AMPVAUPEVK-I-E. Dl 1 ICDlblS llread A Husijuehsnna DL,Ur-,DlrL' Coiiilnneiis 'j until II MAY MacAVOY in "THE TOP OF NEW YORK" --Nl OrVIl Al litn, A Mni'Uwoed Ates. .iJi-4iir-vij p." 7 nml 0 P, BEBE DANIELS in "FINK OOD9" M. FAIRMOUNT sil$?iSi'&A'ti HARRY CAREY la "THE KICK-BACK" elATUl CT THCATRK Ilelmv Spruce jOlrl 31. MATIVEP. lAH,t SPECIAL PRODUCTION "In the Name of the Law" GREAT NORTHERN ,,r .'i r,S GUY BATES POST in "THE MAHQUERADER" IMPERIAL 5iU.W$S:firt HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAN HEARTS" I U5CDTV HHOAt) A COLUMBIA AV. THOMAS MEIGHAN In "MAMBLAUOHTEB" ODIFNIT Woodland Aie. at 02dBT VeTMUliI 1 M.4TivKr inn v HOUSE PETERS and CLAIRE WINDSOR In "RICH MEN'S WIVES" OVERBROOK n3D ,JWB BARBARA OA8TLET0N In "What'i Wrong With the Wemta?" PAI M t'llANKFOIlD AVE. A I nUilVl NemtlH tlTRHET Alma Rubens and Law Cedy te "THE YAttEY Or SILENT MEM'' RTEGENr" A r,1." rps CHARLES RAY In "THE DLUCE Or aPADga" RIALTO "KKMANTOWN AVrJNUE It astasBSBSBi ibsbbsbi I L , vCl il ,1"iv!n Sf w?;''J..K. ?!-! .'il!'l r'iin;w. 1.1'ei V- ,u I i'l ri'iiiirKKst BT JOHN BARRYMORE n "SHParnnir nntuuii 333 MARKET n7.n it ,f -. 1 ThaNlXON-NlROLlNCER Ml THEATBE5 Vj nen'8 AMBASSADOR "&M , HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAH HEARTS" BALTIMORE 8& VttWtt GRACE DARMOND in "THE 80N0 Or LIFE" RF? MOMT ahevi: mrket Dorethy Dalten and Jack Helt In "ON THE HIOH. SEAS" CEDAR OOJIt A t'HDAIt AVKNUi I 80 A fl. 7 A OP. M WILLIAM FARNUM In "M00KSHINE VAtLEr" COLISEUM f'Sad'JnS iflef WANDA HAW1E and HILT Jn elttS li "BURNING SANDS" IUMBO '"'NV ST. AM) IIIIIAIHI AVI. "THE STORM" I p ADFR ihT LANCASTER AV UiLrtLLrX l(, i,, T i it p. i. WANDA HAWLE and iiltTOH SUM hi "BURNING SANDS" LOCUST 11" A"1 LOI'IHT STHEBTl LAJUJ1 Mnts. 1-AiiAfll Kit;. SilS tell HOUSE PETERS In "HUMAN HEARTS" NIXON ,aD AND MARK,E.n8ji JOHN GILBERT . Is "HONOR riKST" 1AIVV7UI ItliiA.'!' n4l tn.U P. M. WILLIAM FARNUM Ih "MOONSHINE VALtET" SHERWOOD HkV -'Js'lrTA TOM MOORE In "HEATIKO THE OAME" 69TH ST. "xt0Zi''y!t LIONEL BARRYMORE In "THE TAPE IN THE fOO" STRAND OMh,,H,0BBV .viTtt BEBE DANIELS In "Hint OOPS" AT OTHER THEATRES MEMBERS OF M.P.T.O. A. fi M.W,! CERMANTOWN UAMlSt', MAE MURRAY , la ''ralflfAer; N GR4ANT WJ'J u,V.Vl,WiU5i lite. iHf kl !!5t n lm-.vmmw mwmmm;wmiM-' . t. y.iW. t ;'";.if- ;? - --' ,M AX'jZ iAtiM . UWW, Vf!fJt7rV ..t .v.-tflOYWj'l lI'TAJ-Biil'. A JJ .U.I..JVIT 1 1 Hl