mtypw&$ ? ,tfSV SSfefc. 'Ci m m& M J& M y.wi. $ 4? ?W$ 2 Sw X mm?m Di '& jy V -k . W ! j3 22 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBEK TT te1 rW. n! nmimm IPwl CSBW $ mi j til m r w 1 (V t. 1. B m ! i :i "J it i.1 tt$ ,rr 3 J M H I 111 , & fritt i? I J ?' lii1; ' . lis a 4 ,i? ' ? ! f i ;1 M 1. t 1 ii i n '. ME u M ii V , W ' tT- iJ! (! ! V J , I' t 1 ( r i W rik MJ :! i I W m S& i mt II tt'-L It m lPfc r m ViAi Hew is a Savings Fund Account Opened? This question, with ethers, is answered in a booklet, "The Trust Company and The Individual," which will be tent en. request., Fidelity Trust Company 313 Chestnut Street 1431 Chestnut Street n Woodland Avenue, en Philadelphia Capitml Snrplai 1 8.200.OOO tit, 000,000 Fandt Aefef In trmit mere thmn $300,000,009 KSVseell me FORCES ABOUT aw Sema Ordinarily Inaetive Stocks Make Appreciable Gains While Leaders Hung Fire NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Ontf Atfmn te PhlMeMlm Qwthg FmH Urt Joint Stock Land link Bends Exempt from Federal, State, Municipal and Lecal Taxation Te yield 4.00 te 4.S We offer bends e! selected Banks doing business in some of the best agricultural sections of the country. Prices and circulars upon request Harris, Ferbes ft Ce Pine St., Cer. William NEW YORK PHILADELPHIA OFFICE Widentr Bldg. Telephone Spruce 7040 New Yerk, Net. 20. J Today's stock market from nil appearances and action apparently reached a state of equilib rium, with the oppesing1 forces of the . professional trndlng clement nbeut equal 1 In strength. The result was a pro nounced contraction in the volume of dealings, simply because neither side was disposed te take the Initiative, Fer the most part of the session the general ,11st was without a decided tone, with many issues of the same group moving .in opposite directions, but at different 'intervals the main tendency seemed te be upward. Animated advance In a , limited number of selected Issues nlse gave the market a spotty nppcarance, i but the outstanding development was .increasing dullness. News developments ever the week ' end were net especially Important from an economic standpoint, and prlve I movement, en consequence, was mere or less shaped by dctinlte or indefinite de velopments pertaining te the Individual 1 stocks or groups. As n matter of fact, signs were net wanting tnat a numecr of groups ordinarily working en the constructive side are waiting for the atmosphere te clear before resuming operations in their favorites, frequently termed as peer biecks. inis was sua enfttnil In wlint mnv be described as skirmishes In some of the ordinary in active stocks. he one encouraging feature or tnt? day's operations was the conspicuous absence of liquidating pressure se prominent during the most of last week. Tbere was, of course, some bclntd selling here and there through the list, but this was easily overcome nnd counterbalanced by a equal amount of short covering, when these were com pleted the main body of stocks drifted i.llv within circumscribed limits. Contrasted with senc of the recent sessions the morning's innrkct was a very tame and colorless affair. Trading n-nn exeeedinslv nulet and had It net been for the special buying operations In the recognized closely held peel storks It would have been a case of complete deadlock. While the usual list of speculative favorites hung fire stocks like Otis tifevnter wns run ur 0 peints: Weel worth ever 7 points and new peak prices for the year were scored by Continental Cen. Oerman American Tank nnd gains of U te 3 points were scored by Gulf States Steel. Tobacco rreuucis is, l'estum nnd United ltetnu stores. unmMmsMmiwmwmmmwmmmmmnii ESTAELISHED IMS BIOREN & CO. BANKERS 410 Chestnut St., Philadelphia Government Blunlcipal, Railroad and Corporation Securities tltmbtrt Ktw Yerk and PJMisdripMa Stock ExcHangu m&mmmvmmmmmiamM Commodity Markets E. TesB. k Nertk Carolina R. R.Si, 1935 Pitt. Ciaa. CUe.ftSt. Le. Rr.3Vt. 4i W. Jr. ft Station Ry. Ce.. .31, 4i Craap Skia ft tog. Bldg. Ce... Si, 1929 Jeb Waaaataker Cempinr. .. .61, 1932 Paaa Stibesra Stl Cerp 7i, 1923 Atl. City EUctric Ce Si, 1938 Radferd EUctric Ce Si, 1939 Ikctrie Ce. of N.w Jtriv:..5i. 1947 EaaitakU 111am. Cat Lifkt Ce..5i, 1928 Syracaia Light ft Pewtr Ce...5i, 1154 Mlaaapelii Wattr Wki. Stcnr.61, 1947 Ua. Findl.y ft Ry...Si, 192S Waterloo, Ctdtr Falls ft Ne. Ry.Si, 1940 LeUgk VtlUf Tram. Ce...4i, Si, 1933 Lake Skoro EUe. Ry Si, 1923 Wilkti-larre ft Hailttea R. R..Si, 19S1 Eastara Steel Ce 5i, 1931 Eattera Peaaa. Ry. Ce Si, 1936 UalUd Tractlea Ce. of Pitt.. .Si, 1997 Scraataa Ry. Ce. Gtn 7i, 1925 AKoeaa ft Logaa Vel. El. Ry.4i, 1933 Phils, ft Garrtttiferd St. Ry...Si, 19S5 Pah. Serv. Cerp. of N. J.... All lumi SAMUEL K. PHILLIPS & CO. t Koaiten PhiUdelphU Stock Eichter SOT CKZSTltUT STEKT GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Nev. 20. Although wheat showed something of an upward ten tlf.ncv here today during; the enrly deal ings, with May touching a new high price record for the season, declines wen took place. The Initial strength was ascribed te an advance in Liverpool quotations, but this was later offset by enlarged world shipments nnd by pros pective increased offerings from the new Argentine crop. Besides, estimates of the Argentine exportable surplus were raised te lS5,UUU,uuu Dusneis, ns against previous estimates of 148,000,000 bushels. The opening, which varied from un changed figures te Vjc higher, with December 1.21 te 1.21 nnd May 1.18V4 te 1.18H, was followed by mod erate general gains and then by a set back te below Saturdays nnisn. Cern nnd eats paralleled the action of wheat. After opening Vfec te Vc off te Uc advance, December 71 c te 71 c, the corn market hardened a little, and then underwent a decided setback. Oats started c te c te c higher. December 44c. and later showed losses all around. Declines in the value of hogs had a bearish effect: en previsions Cern D.ember . . May juiv wneat DeCHtnttr . . Mm juiv . . .. Oat December . liv July Hit Mav I.rd January . . May Sat. cleaa TtH 70S 1 20 '4 1 IK 1.00H 41S 40S 71H! 70H Opn ?Kt 1.21 l.JHUOl 18H 1.00H 00l O 91' 1PM 70 H 70S 0UH i.ieh 1 in', 1 034 12S 30 60H SIS & 0 97 iu. as 0 0 10 2J 10 23 COTTON MARKKET New Yerk, Nev. 20. The cotton market had nn cnsler opening today and was nctivc, with Liverpool a heavy seller at the start. Tirst prices showed 20 te 30 points decline and the market later dropped about 10 points mere un der continued pressure partly from the Seuth and New Orleans. Wall Street nnd the trade absorbed seme of the contracts, but demand weh net sufficiently brisk te check the down ward trend, which continued through out the first fifteen minutes. JT'.v rlena General Asphalt Company Bends Bought Sold Quoted Elkins, Merris & Ce. Laad Title Bldg., Phila. 1 Member New Yefk ft I'M!. Bteck Kicbieiei Deembsr January February March . May .... July October Trad. Jt tlOfiill Jj 50O 33 ;i wain : as30 .M OS Ojn urn 21,!0 'JT IS -'(1 211 2'i e' 24 70 23.2S 1 PM J1 OS 23 01 2ft 07 24 00 Dlr. Salts in I STOCK Htfh 300 ., Adams Rspreas.,,. 78 H 800 4 AUIedChemftDya., 72(( 900 4 Atlli-Chalmers . . ,. 42 200 ..Am AgTIO Chm... Sift 100 . . Am Agrle Chem pf , 60 tee 4 Am Dank Nete.... 85 200 4 Am II Bh Pdy new. 71 4700 .. Am Can 72H 100 7 Am Can pf 1I0H 100 11 Am Car A Wy.... ,179 400 . . Am Hide ft Leather. 1 1 H 000 ..Am Internat Cerp. 28 H 200 1 Am La Frnnea Eng 11 H 200 .. Am Linseed 31 Vi 1100 6 Am Locomotive.... 1 23 ft 200 3 Am Metals 44 H 400 4 Am ItAdlater 113H 800 4 Am Safely IUser.. 7W "'100 ..Am Ship A Cem... 21 2600 .. Am Bmvlt .. 54ii 900 3 Am Steel Foundries 43 1100 .. Am Sugar Itsf...... 7014 300 .. Am Sumntra 2SU 900 Am Tel ft Tel 123U 900 12 Am Tobacco...... .151 100 e Am Tobacco tif nawlOS 200 13 Am Tobacco B.... 148)4 100 .. Am Watrwks 8 pf 48 800 7 Am Woolen 04 K 1100 .. Anaconda Copper.. 48H 2000 4 Asm Dry Goods.. , 66 H 700 8 Ateh Tep ft Ban M101 100 . . Atlan Blr Atlantle 1 M 100 . . Atl Oulf A W I a 24 100 . . Aute Sales Cerp. .. . 3 8100 7 Baldwin Loeomottva1234 1000 .. Baltimore A Ohie... 46 100 7 BnnkAAroespf. ... 93)4 1000 .. Bamsdall Class-A. 30A 100 48e Beechnut Packing... 43 200 6 Bethlehem Steal . . .' 6Sf4 300 .. Beth Steel pf new.. 94 H 7S00 r. Beth Steet B 66ft 100 7 Brit Em Steel 1st pf 68 1003 .. Bklyn Itnpld Transit 14U 700 ... Bklyn It T ctfs.... 12)4 100 ,. Brown Shee 57 M 2600 10 Bums Bres A 136)4 400 2 Burns Bres B 44 H 400 .. Butte Cep A Zlne. . H 200 .. Butte A Sup Cep.. 31 100 .. Butterlck Ce 17 300 6 California Packing. 81 )4 400 .. California Petrel .. 48 H 700 .. Cal Zlne nnd Lead. 7)4 100 2 Calumet A Arisona. 52 800 10 Canadian Pnclfie ..142)4 400 .. Central Leather ... 33 H 100 8 Central of N J.... 210 100 .. Ccrro-de-Paace 38 BOO 4 Chesapeake A Ohie.. 69 W 300 64 Chesapeake A Oh pf 103)4 .. umcage Alten...- 2M .. Chi A E 111 32 . . Chi A E 111 (new) pf 53 .. CM A Or West pf . . 10ft .. Chi Mil A St I 254 .. Chi M A St P pf.. 40ft fi Chi A Northwestern 84 ft 4 Chicago Pneu Teel.. 80 V .. Chi U I A Pae 35)4 6 Chi It I & Pe 6 pf 86 H 7 Chi n I A Pe 7 pf 96 .. Chile Copper 27ft . Chlne Copper 24 . . Cluett-Peabody .... 61 3 Cel A Southern.... 44)4 4 Coca-Cela 76 H C Cetum Gna A Elec. 103ft .. ColumQraphephone. 244 . . Cel Graphophene pf . lift .. Cem Sehent B.... 35 .. Conley Tlnell 14H .. Consel Cigar 33 g Consolidated Gas ..122f . . Consel Textiles ... UK .. Continental Can ...100K 4 Cern. Products Ret. 133 4 Cosden A Ce 47 K .. Crucible Steel .... 76ft 7 Crucible Steel pf... 894 .. Cuban Am Sugar... 22 H 7 Cuban Am Sugar pf . 99 .. Cuba Cane Sugar.. 13)4 .. Cuba Conn Sugar pf 36 ft . . Da Icen Chemical . 29 . . Debeers .C Mln Ltd 23 9 Delaware A Hudsen124ft 6 Del Lack A West.. 131 2 Deme Mines 41 6 Eastman Kodak ... 86 3 Dee Storage Bat.. 56 .. ntk Hern Ceal.... 17ft 5 Endlcott-Jehnaon ..; 88)4 .. Erie lift . Erie 1st pf 17)4 8 Famous Players L. 91 ft 10 Fisher Bedy 162ft 8 Fisher Bedy of O pf 93 .. Fisk Ilubber iz 200 400 200 400 BOO 900 100 100 700 333 100 3500 700 100 100 7600 600 200 200 tee 100 500 16500 1400 7600 9300 3330 3700 100 5930 100 2000 1200 403 1000 703 500 700 800 1900 100 2100 1300 400 1200 300 103 300 1400 1200 1300 100 6700 tee 100 100 100 300 100 800 1100 100 100 2400 100 300 9 8100 1500 500 100 200 NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk, Nev. 20. The local cof cef cof fce futures market opened irregular this morning, with prices 4 points lower te .'I points hlicher. Sentiment wns rather mixed. There wns Uttle In the early cables te stlmulatu aggressive trading either way. Hat rlnile ... 11.79 W80 ... 0 .11 4? 18 , . I J'J("30 , ... 0 OOfl 01 . .. 8 r.eis- Drembr . . . March Mav July Htntamber October Bid. tOflared Open 0.71 0 11U34 te ni MIMI11 8 23 U.S. Certificates and Treasury Notes Maturity Data Hid Tc.. 1022... If ifl Dec . 102J . 100 March 1023,. ion June, 0n, , 0I '4 Hant.. lll.'l... Illl'i June, 1IIJ4... 1011 mm 110 D'JH KiOV VJ Hert . 1824 March 1023. !.. 1U2A . March, 10J0. Aaked 71'bl ion me a r.(i JIMJbt 1110 100 10 101'i 100 !M(, t4H Hnpt, 1026 Eiemet from F net ilWJT. UH :i s 1 73 3.71 4 41 4 40 3 4 42 4 40 4 43 folmrnttemt -n ,''.! 1 1 MMmmt MgeBSk4j ISMSt Frecpert Texas . . 21 JJ i Gen Am Tank.. . 73 . . General Asphalt ... 44 H 6 General Clear .... 78ft 4 General Meters.... 15 6 General Meters pf . . 83)4 8 Gn Electric 176 . . Genl Elec special pf 10f4 . . Glldden Ce 10 7 Otmbel Bres pf . . . . 95 .. Goedrich B F 31ft 7 Great Northern pf . . 66K 3 Grt Nth Ore ctfs.. 30)4 . . Guantanamo Sugar. 9 .. Gulf Mobile A N pf 42ft . . Gulf States 8teel... 76 . . Hablrshaw Electric. 1 H . . Housten Oil 68 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 22H 1 Hupp Moter Car... 22ft . . Hydraulic steel ... 4)4 7 llllne'a Central ...1 09 . . Inter Cen Cerp pf . . 1 ) 1000 2A Internat Cement ..34ft 100 2 Intercom Eng v 400 S Int Harvester new. 100 ft 100 . InterMMarlne 12 3100 6 Inter Mer Marine pf 51 100 . Inter Nickel 13ft 700 .. International Pape 51 100 .. Inter Jlapld Tran.. c u 1200 .. Invincible Oil Cerp 1100 Island Oil 300 4 Jenes Bres Tea... 400 .. Knn City A Seuth... 333 . . Kansas ft Gulf. . . . 1930 Knser A Ce new. 1000 . Kelly-Springfield . 11 00 . . Kennecett Copper 800 . Ke stone T A 11... 100 7 Kresge S 8 500 . . Lackawanna Steel 100 .. Lake Erie A West. 700 3V4 Lehts:h Valley ... . me 4 Lima. Locomotive.. 600 .. Loews Inc 16 100 1 Left Candy 12ft 14ft ft 49)4 19)4 2H 42 M 41 H 32 ft 6H 184ft 77 H 32 63 ft 56 lOW 77?K 41 31 H 60 83 70 ft 71ft 110ft 179 11)4 28 HO 31ft 123 44 ft 1124 7 21 53ft 42 H 69 29 123ft 150ft 106 148ft 48 94 ft 47 63 H 100H 1H 24 3 124H 45 ft 93 ft 29 a 43 65ft 94 ft 63 68 14 1214 574( 135 44 7 ft 31 17 81 48 ft 7ft 52 141 H 35 ft 210 38 68 ft 103 VSO Nt P.M. CM. 78ft- ft 31H 8 80 93 70ft- H 71ft 8 110H .. 179 I1K H 28H H lift 1 H H V, H 2 )4 H H H H 123)? 44ft- 113K 7 - 21 - 54 43 70ft f 29ft 123f 130H 106 I4eft 48 94ft 634 1ft 1004 .. 93ft ft 30ft 1H 43 63H 944- 68 4 68 14 12)4 57H K ft 1ft ft H 136)4 1ft 44ft- ft ft IK 1 8 M (4 Yt '2 2 ft 14 )4 "h V 79 31 17 -81)4 48H 7ft 52-2 142 54 35 1 210 38 68X-103)4- 2UJ 214 31 Vz 31 W 53 53 4- 10ft 10ft 25)4 25ft 39ft 39ft - 84 ?i 84 ft 80)4 80 ft 34 W 35 - 86 86 ft 1ft 96 96 - ft 26 264 ft 23H 24 ft 61 61 44)4 44)4 1 74ft 76ft 2ft 104ft 105 1 2K 2X lift Hft 2J4 35 35 144 1444 ft 34ft 34ft ft 1204 121 H- H lift 11)4 .. 99 100ft 1f4 131 132 IK 46ft 46ft- K 74ft 75 8944 8944- 2ft 20)4 22ft 1ft 99 991 12ft 13 1 3444 36ft 2ft 28 28 - ft 22ft 23 123ft 124ft 1 129ft 129ft- ft 404 41 85ft 86 1ft 35ft 55ft 1ft 17ft 17ft .. 86 87ft 44 11)4 11)4 ft 17 17ft ft 91 ft 91 ft . . 161H 162ft IK 93 93 1 1 H 1 1 ft - W 21 21 72 72ft IK 43)4 42)4- 1 78ft 78ft .. 144 144- ft 83ft 83ft - 1 176 176 104 10K . 10 10 95 95 31 K 31 ft 86 864- 29ft 30 9K 9K 42 ft 42)4 73)5 75 H 14 14 67ft 67K 1)4 Z2 1 22 22 4 4ft 109 109 - lft 1ft 34 ft 34ft 23 )J 23ft 100 100 12 12 - 49K 50 - 13ft 13ft- 50 504- 21 4 21 H - '4 144 'a ft 49ft 49ft 19 19)4 2)4 24 41 ft 41 ft 41 ft 41 ft - ft 32 32ft ft 6)4 64 .. 184ft 184ft- ft 77ft 774 IK 32 32 63J4 63ft- ft 56 56 18ft 18K J4 12)4 12ft .. 100 100 100 tee 300 600 200 900 100 100 100 00 800 100 s SI. mi . 8TOCK nil .. matt Trvek "4 7 Maek Truck 1st pf.i 90 7 kaeM Track Id pf. 92 Maekayi Ce . 103 . MBinnsen co . .-Manatl Rturar .. Msjihat Kiev ctfs I Manhat Shirt 89 4 Marland Oil 30 K .'. Market Stltwy.... 9H I Martin Parry -28 .. Math Alkali 81 s May Dept Stores.... 164 ft i ateintyre Mining Lew 84 2 ' 109 1 109 4 t .-..,. 31ft 31ft ' SIM ,, as mi-' m, S3 30f I Miami Copper 17ft 25 ft 8700 1.20 Middle States Cerp! lift 2100 200 700 100 100 700 100 100 100 400 100 200 100 100 200 1000 100 800 800 100 100 2800 Mldvale Steel 29ft .. Me Kan A Texas.. 8ft .. Me Kan A Tex (wl) 144 . Me K T (wl) pf . 40ft .. Missouri Pacific ... 17ft .i Me Paclfie pf 48 K I Mentana Power .. 69ft .. Montgomery Ward, 22ft 1 Moen Moter Car... 16K H Mether Lede Mining 104 .. MulllnsBedy 18 7 Nat Biscuit 239 .. Nat Cen A Cable... I ft 7 Nat Cleak A Suit ptlOt 7 Nat In Stamp pf 09 National Lead 116ft .. Nat II It of Mist pt OH .. Nev Cen Copper. .. . 14.. IN O Tex A Itez... 82 ft .. NT Air Brak 27 .. N T Air Brake A.. 46 K NT Central 94 ft 100 2ft New Yerk Deck.... 26 2500 100 700 1700 900 I 100 300 400 400 200 200 200 700 4100 1900 1600 1800 21 1300 400 3200 1400 300 600 1200 200 500 1300 2000 700 1200 New Yerk N H A H 23 K t New Yerk Ont A W 21 ft 7 Norfolk A Western. 117 8 North American ... 99 6 North Paclfie 80 ft . , Ohie Bedy A Blowers 6 . . Okla Pred A Ref . . . 2 . . Orpheum Circuit .. 20 ft s etis Elevator .....idz K V ft K Vt 24 ft K Otis Steel B I Owens Bet Mach... 37 . Paclfie Devcl Cerp. 1 ft 5 Pae Oaa A Elec.... 82 K S Paclfie Oil 48ft 8 Fan Amer Petrel... 86ft 8 Fan Amer B 84ft . Parrlsh A Bingham . 9 8 Penna Edisen pf. ... 104 K S Pennsylvania DR., 47 . Penn Seaboard Steel 3ft 1 Peeples Gas Chicago 94 K . . Pere Marquette ... 31ft 8 Pere Mara Pf 66 S Philadelphia Ce ... 40 2 Phillips Pet 42ft .". Fierce-Arrew Moter 10ft . . Fierce-Arrew Met pf 24 . . Pierce Oil 4ft Plggly Wlggly Stere 43 ft .. Pitts Ceal 53ft , . Pitta A W Va 37 U 300 lft pond Creek Ceal... IB 800 5 Festum Cereal ....110 1000 .. Producers A Ref... 414 600 . . Pressed Steel Car. . . 80 3400 6 Pub Ser Cor of N J 98 ft 300 . S Pub Ser of N J pf106 600 8 Pullman Ce 127ft 1200 .. Punta Allegre Sugar 444 3200 2 Pure Oil 28)4 100 S Railway Steel Spg..112ft 1800 .. Ray Cen Copper... 24 1800 4 Reading 78ft 1000 .. Replogle Steel 23 1300 .. Repub Iren A Steel. 48ft 100 . . RepublleIASpf.... 82ft 12400 3 Reynolds Teb B... 89ft 1400 4.13 Royal Dutch N Y. .. 54 200 ..St Leuis San Fran. 23 100 . . Rt Leuis S Fran pf. 40ft 400 .. San Cee Sugar 2 100 l St Jeseph Lead,... 184 1100 .. Saxen Moter 2ft 1200 .. Sears-Roebuck .... 824 100 .. Seneca Copper .... 84 200 1SS44 Shell Transport... 37 3100 2 Sinclair Consel ... 32 K .. Skelly Oil 9 . . Se Perte Rice Sugar 33 6 Southern Pacific .. 904 .. Southern Rail 23 8 Southern Rail pt... 63ft 4 Standard Oil of Cal118K I! Standard Oil of N J200 7 Stand Oil of N J pt119 3 Sterling Products ..58ft . 4 Stewart Warner Spd 60 10 Studebaker 1254 . . Sub Beat Cerp 8 .. Superior Oil 4ft . . Sweets Ce of Amer. 2 3 Texas Ce 47ft' 4 Texas Gulf Sulphur 63 ft . . Texas A Pacific 21 ft 1 Tex A Pae C A O.. 20ft .. Third Ave 16ft 3 Tlmken Rell Br 324 . . Tobacco Products . 53 ft 7 Tobacco Pred A.... 80 . . Transcontinental Oil 1 2 6 Union Bag A Paper 66ft .. Union Oil 16ft 10 Union Paclfie 1424 100 I ft United Drug 1st pf. 46 ft 200 .. United Rwy Invest.. 12 Unit Rwy Invest pf 26 ft United Retail Stores 72 ft U 8 C I P A Fdy.. 25 U S Ind Alcohol.... 62ft U 8 JUalty A Imp.. 86ft 8 Rubber soft 8 Steel 105)4 2 Utah copper ez . Utah Securities ... 16ft . Vanadium Cerp . . Van Raalte . Va-Car Chemical. . Va-Car Chem B.. . Vlvaudeu Inc.... . Wabash . Wabash pf A i 26ft 7 Western Elec pf . . . .1 1 1 ft . Western Maryland. 12ft 7 Western Union Tel. 110 4' Westing B.A M.... 59 . Wheeling A L E. ... 9ft 4 White Moter 48)4 . White oil Cerp.. . 5ft . , WIckWIrespeneHtl. . Willys Overland . . . , . Wilsen A Ce , . Wisconsin Central l Woolworth F W. , . Werth Pump A M. 6 Werth Pump B.... 1 Wright Aero 1200 100 1400 700 300 1900 3100 300 800 5300 15700 1200 200 4300 1200 2300 1300 300 300 1100 4700 900 1000 100 1200 1700 100 3100 200 4500 200 1800 14100 300 200 900 900 300 300 100 200 900 100 200 100 1200 300 103 200 500 300 100 200 1600 400 100 100 ;. U e u 35 ft 64 ft 23 ft 13ft 14 9 Ei-dlvldtndi. tEx-rlfhU. 9ft 5ft 38 28 ..221 28 65ft 9H "Jtt P 27 26 224 1?.g 96 79 ft 6 2 20 149 9 37 1)4 :;g 854 834 104ft 18 92 304 68 39 ft 42 10K. 24 4K 43 ft 83 364 18 108 41ft 77 ft 96K 108 U7K 43 27 K 11214 7)8 22 47 ft 82ft 38 83K 23 40 ft 2 8H IK 81 H 8K 36 K 31 K 8ft 33 90 ft 23 63 117)4 196 1194 58 ft 36 H 124ft 7K 4ft 2 46 ft 624 21 20 15ft 32 504 79 lift 66 ft 46 ft 12 26 ft 704 60 ft !S 80ft 104 ft VJ 16ft 35 ft 63 ft 23 ft 11 9 26 lit ft 12ft 110 .88 ft 9ft 48 ft 3ft 9 SK 38 28 216 27 K 63ft 9K K ft "a 14 2 "h K B 2 14 ft ft 3ft 1 824 1 43K-834-83 K 8ft 1044 94 31 68 II I 4K 43ft 63K -109 41ft 80 97ft 1ft 103 ft 127ft ft 442 28ft K 112)4 1ft 1K- 4 78 - ft 23 K 48ft K 82ft ft B9H 2ft 84 - ft 23 - ft 40ft ft 2T- 18K 2)4 82K 84 8ft 33 90ft 23 63 -h 117ft- 197 ft- 1194- 588- 57K- 124ft 7K 4ft- 2 47 63K 21ft 20 15J4 32 52)4 1ft 79)4 1 II ' 66 ft 15ft- 142 11 "y "a " ft Vk K 2ft ft K ft A MU iz K 26ft ft 72)4 1ft 25 - ft 61J4 1ft 86ft ft 50ft- ft iuft 61ft 16)4 35ft 64 x 25 ft 9 26)4 111ft 'Zft .. 110 58ft- ft 9)4- K 48)4 ft 5ft .. 9 SK .. 38 28 221 11 ft 27K- ft 65ft- ft 9K K ft K K 14 14 IK ft NARROW KMS IN L OWL STOCKS Frlett Wsft- tttttr iuttaJntd ' Diipltt ths Wirtlnf AtH tudt of All Trsdsra Trading In the local stocks continued very narrow, but the tone of the gen eral list was sesMwkat insert la all events, prices were better sustained along the whole lias, and most of the mer prominent local stocks were able te show fractional gains. Naturally, a lsrge1 percentage of both the professional and sen professional trading element are somewhat tlmM about taking a decided position until mere is known regarding the future prosperity, and mere particularly until the bigger market assumes a mere defi nite or settled trend. This was clearly Indicated In the cautious character of the buying and the reluctance shown la following up the moderate advances). Among the local stocks P. B. T. wan one of the stronger spots merlag ua te 82 while uaie Traetlea cea tinned te bring 4T, I. 47' P. ' were up fractlenslly but bids areuad current prices failed te release any Philadel phia Traction; The October statement of the P. R. T. te be published after the closing this afternoon Is expectee te show up favorably. The liquidating movement in Lake Superior appeared te have run Its course. The stock, at any rate, en jeyed better support which served te rally the price te 6. Electric Storage Battery advanced 2 points above last week's closing level. Pennsylvania Railroad was in better demnnd with most offerings taken at 47. Brill en a single transsctlen mounted 3 points te 48. Philadelphia Insulated Wire was also well taken at 45, a gain of point. Philadelphia Stocks , KUrt, Le pVk. due. 200 Am Rwys. 18 18 13 4-114 100 Brill J O. 48 48 48 8 200tButterlck. 17 17 17 200Cruclble.. 65$ 05$ 65 200tDavldsen TW Chem ... 28 85 Elec 8ter. 65 210 Gen Asph. 44 lOOtGcn Mtrs. 15 40 H A Bd T 0 (W In Ce N A 41 200tlnt Nickel 18 13 two ignite Hup. e 15 Leh Nav., 73 55 Mldvale... 20 282 Penna RR 47 23 Penna Salt 85 lOOfPa Sbd Stl 8 52 Phila Elec 31 25 de pref . . 81 100 Phil Ins W 45 lOOfRemingten Type.... 80 13 Tenth Nat Bank war 84 200 Tone Belm 1 100 UnlenTrac 41 65 IJ O I.... 40 50tUn Retail ' Stores... 71 7114 7itt4.11; 20tU S Steel.l05 104 lMfl it ' J.n.rTsteTxcS;'. wHh lMt riUI.ADKI.PlUA ROXDH JSSS Liberty 4th 4s '..lets 08.20 1000 Liberty 4th 4s '28.... 98.28 juiai victory ?is "i reg. , 1000 Electrfe A PeeTr4i.. 3004) Plllle VI..A KM.. 1.,. 1XX4 -7.7. r.:":1- .vv.. utvh, .,vm aw 28. 28 65 652 0 0 .. 4AT 41 . ia OK, O 4-U 78U 73-f 28 20 4- a8 u t 8 8.. 31 31.. 81 81- 44U 4ft' J- ii. ,324- 80 80 r- 83 881 4i A: 40 49 500 Phila Electric 6 s. .leti '8.. . . , FOREIGN EXCHANGE New Yerk, Nev. 20. The discussions by the representatives of the Allies and the lufcrence that an understanding has been reached for joint action in the Near East werp accepted In the market for foreign exchange as explanation for advances of 13 points In francs and of ii points in Belgians nt the opening. Sterling was up ; lire up 1 i Swiss up 2 and marks gained 1-10. Norwegian declined 7: Swedish 8 and Spanish 8. Danish and Dutch were unchanged, the last at the high record. . ftutateB V .Sterling cables 4.48, demand 4.48; franc cables 7.10. checks 7.09 ; Belgian cables 0.07 checks 0.00 5 lire cables. 4.01, checks 4.00 j Swiss cables 18.57, checks ln.54; peseta cables 15.80, checks 15.28; banish cables 20.2(1 checkH 20.15; Norway cables 18.34, checks 18.30; Swedish cables 2U.80,' checks 20.75; guilder cables 30.80, checks 311.23; marks .01 9-10. The Central European exihnnges were higher In the main today. o,7o e,7o o,7e tatlons were: Bulgarian .70. Up 2; Rumanian .05. un ; Serbian 1.00 te,2 O'eekl M ; C-echp-Slevaklail 3.17, tap 1; Jugo-Sliivien .10, iMWn, V k?0" e '' unchange.1 Ilnnlsh 1.5553 ; Austrian. .OOlsV; Hungarian .0004. n ' The discount en New Yerk funds In Montreal today wns unchanged nnd nominal at 1-32 per cent. The nre mliiiri oft Cnnndlnn funds In New Yerk today wns nominal nt 1-32 per cent. SATURDAY'S CLOSINQ QUOTATIONS 4 4T.I A n?uc HV.PnMr" : 1.462 SiSIli 1SIH su. e.r.T,.. ....- "' "" ""'OB twn.1 a urMkiu UUUTATIONH H Drmnnil caDiei LIVE8TOCK QUOTATIONS L'hlnice Nev. 20, HOdS RK:elpt, 51 -WO h?0' Flftcn "te 20c ley4nfiuklM in 0111 nnund aerases. ST.80W i.OO. fAr at IT. We: goon ana cnuice " w . -..... butehprs 17 98&S; top. tS. few held hlvhrr: ?8 SB heavy IT.TBS m.llum. S7HU1JS! mnnth IT SBtD7 0". packing Tep sheep. S8.23: top lambs, ..!. I- -mua iewV reush. ITT.40 klllln plif- Is lis S CATTLE Receipts. e'J vvn nai. yuai Hy ery plalni native beef itera nellln at ana upwarui -..-.-"'-- -j?" hiir about ateadyi lower srailen. elew, tendlns leier- bulk native bef I"t of eiunllty and "condition te sell at tStllO. fw vrelf- Federal nnrmal ln.nm. ,n tArreDtable fop baympnt nt Incnm. ,a due en date of maturity. The Treasury DeDarttnent nftVre te pfi1ftnfn United Statea SUs and 4(4 due December in. wit, nnii viciury nuipe neriee A-r 4 a, called for payment December in. Wi'l. at 100 and Interest at any lima before ma. turltv. MONEY-LENDING RATE8 NKW YORK Meney en rail, both rlna. ?t (nllateral. opened today at 4Vi per cent or lendlns and renewing, PIIIiaUKU'niA Call. S per cent; time. 6 per cent! commercial paper, three te all months. B per cent. LONDON Meney, i wr cent. Dieeeunt ratea, short and three mentha' bills, 2 7-U te JH per cent ANK CLEARINGS TlBAk ctearlnaa talav mmMrul m!,k .a. reipendlng day last two years, e lAt.flei.ine sefioediooo b.mttIkbi Jonnltlenea neary n.."! ..... ,,, 8 25WS.SB; better srade b-ef cewe and helfera moderately active: cannere and cut tera fairly active, steady! bulla. tadj, lower srade butcher ah. stock dull. weak, .took era and feeders epenlns around l.c lower, vl calvMWeak te 2Be lewer: built dcilrable heavy native bulls 14 8S4 80. leg. deslr SbU kinds, around i-2.5,; ,001 v'a' c'v" L'A "'-S."-,7.7I .1 ,.nn SIIKIS!" !":". .""." head Fat Irens: early top, 114 78 te emppere ana pacx I1JO0, nveraclns of ranara. rneatly nearly aalea, ehevp meady. one lamba. steady te trens; city butchers: 114.88 te erai fed clipped Iambi, N2 peunds: llsht. supply feeders: no nearly sales, eneep ieaay, lead 11 8-pound fed Weitern ewee, 17.60, hllaj ..! eaton. . . s. f .KaWIDINeVDICLsilD flat Cemsaay, itml-an- Eaat 81. JVeels. HI.. Nev 20 CATTLK Receipts, 0000 head. Ueef ateera steady, Wltn SPOia .rt its... ".i.i., nirnuir ,w 28c lewer: atecker steera. aleady te atrensi ?."!. lf,",""',l"R,V.'ra iy."'' 48.281 cannere. SilAOeSTA, bologna bulls rneatly SS.78tf4.liM . Msht calvea, largely a uneeafSt bulk eterK ateera. St.Boee 28. nndB Receipts, lU.efiO head (Tlew. . en. Inwtrt SS.le Dald for lbrht llehta IB nit few mlied leads, averaslng up te 100 paunda: top en but-her hnae si bulk, ISO te ISO Una V9'Jkmw t ,A . lti ' . " iwunue. nee. ,u i'j iav lower, eiiia. lUlk Deeweta. tft ftU: nerker aewa. IB te 230 lewur; nuia, aj. 8HEBP Recelpta. 2800 head, niddlns SBa te B0e lower en sheep and lambs; one let cheCi lambs. 114,40, generally asking 114.28! few light ewes, 14.78: etbera steady. wum head Steady. 113.10. East Buffalo llereipia, 4000 and cannera, 1SC4 2BC lower, shipping s; IH80OIO80: butchers, 1409 25: yearlli vvii' neirers. iqdh eu: cows. sa. 7 HO: freah 'pna, &fift Btirlnrera. SS012I Cales. receipts, 2800 head) BOe lower) tOHLlif Heur 1 le, N. Y., Nev. SO CATTlt-3 DO head. Steady, except bulehers . 13ft 25c lower, shipping steers, cPJ!Ji. J"?"" VJfvi I4O8B0: cows. 42.10, SSe nttl 91 rtftft aSSafllda SKA (A lewer: mlied. IS 28: yerkera. S8 8BS.8B Pig". IS.BO; roughs, B.80Oe.TB Siassi vs.nuwe, HMEEP ANO T.AMRR RMelfitS. 11.000 head Iimbs, BOe higher: vearljnss. ll nigner. luwioeu: wetners 217 80: mixed sheep, IT.BO TOW was, Raw 8ugar Stead but Inactive New Yerk, Nev. 90 The raw sugar mar. ket was steady but Inactive today, very little being reported In the way of reflnera' Interest. Ne change In the quotations from last week was recorded. Quotations were nominal at S 68. cents for Perte Rlee, cen trifugals, and SS cents for Cubes for No vember, coat and freight. Cubans for De cember were offered en the same prlee basis. Ne sales were reported. Imoertatlonswere 21,800 bags Cubas te Arbuckle Bres. Oran ulated sugars were quiet and unchanged, the range of price being from 0.90 te T.OO, Itse Liverpool Cotten Liverpool, Nev. SO Spot cotton was quiet tedar with prices easier or, the basis efa decline of 6 points for middling at 14. SIB, The sales were 8000 bales. The receipts were 14.000 bales, of which S1.109, bales were American, Futures were quiet In the early daallnaa. final nrleea warai Ameri can, middling fair. IB.BSd: geed middling, 14.9M! fully middling, 14 Old: m 14.Sldi low middling. 14.Bldi .gee nary, IS. 9 Id, and ordinary, IS.Slfl. 'e'rKI: f' .NVA 3..-CATTI.K H'"r"j Btaadv. I: cows. IB Tl lTc8aiB! 'Aft tqie head .heavy yerkec piaa. a.s &m frlees Irregular en Parla laurae Parte. Nev. 10. Prices moved Irreirsierlir tee ueurse toeay. Three per earn i" sea. . jaicnana a en uarnn, mm, jm ' r TSC. ana aeuaw ' e, .Si ser cent lean queted at Ut W API SILVtR stly ter slivte was -4' I, -7 SAYS LINCOLN GETTYSBURG TALK WASN'T IMPROMPTU Twe Weeks 8pent en Famous Ad dress, Historian Avsrs Yerk, l'a Ner. 20. Belief that Lincoln's Cettysburg address, delivered fifty-nine years age nt the dedi catien of the National Cemetery en the Gettysburg battlefield, was prepared at least two weeks before It waa delivered and net the night before, as has been reported, was expressed yesterday hy G. R. Prowell, curator and librarian of the fork County Historical Society, for years in student and writer en Colonial and Civil War history, Mr. PreweH's Information is based, be declared, en information obtained by htm personally from persons associated with the for mer President at the time. "The story was idht out years agu that it (the Gettysburg address) was an impromptu speech, written en the cars or dashed off in a few minutes at Gettysburg." Mr. Prowell said. Ruch statements he termed "absolutely false," as he asserted he obtained positive in formation from various persons con nected with the party that accompanied Lincoln te Gettysburg te the ffnr that the President began the preparation of the speech two weeks before he deliv ered it and seen aftsr he received the icner inviting mm te ueityseurg. TWO Oil IN POOR-'ARM FIRE iwnnateii, TeniiM nor. an. two la mates of the Tipton County Peer fans are ueae spa a taira is Mimed as the reMilt, af, destroyed one of 15s ijull tern. One of $w ejsil a auaq, u reperrea wlTel set Ire .Wl Demnnd Cables Sterling .Francs Mr dulldera ' lisai Tift 1S? & 4.48H 7.10 4 01 au 80 LOCAL .MINING 8TOCKS TONOPAII BTOCKH tai.s raah. Hey le Jim Ilutler a MacNamara 07 ?Slirmt " Midway , no Mlxpah Extension ns Mentana OH North Ptar 07 Reacue Kula ,U Tonopah Extension Ri nnai r.nn Ulh Weat Tonopah 10 DIVIDE BTOCKB A tied Divide Alte Divide . ieicher Tcixi' Ilreuah IJIMda iiiviqe ee dend Kxtenalen . , 1 con .01 .01 .08 .04 .11 .02 .01 .Ot .011 .08 .IIS .01 .71 .(IJ .01 OOUFIELO BTOCKH Beeth ' ,04 Comb Fraction .01 (rackeri.aclc ,., , OS ua will Ui AS .04 m Eaat nivlila ' ' ' ' Harmlll Knox Silver King , Sutherland , Tonopah Divide . , . , Tonopah Haabreuck Victory Divide Verde Dlvld Zene plamendfleTd Bl Fleaence , aefdfleld Cen ....... ueia iMy Heldfleld Deep .10 reat Rend oeu Jumbo Rat en , 04 :IH ,00 Kawanaa tone Btar Red Hills i w. Mllvep Pick .1 Spearhead 00 M1SCELLANBOUS Amacre nunft zanaeia nma llltpp I InllllllMMHIII 90 .United .:.......,.. M la. 1.. ee irla .1 , SHrer ..1...!..;... .0 lllioe ... ..,.... 1 ., .. . VSf ureka Creeeus 24 ureSa Helbjr ,.. .eh eela t , , 1 S. 0 artk .jh. ,,.,(,. , 0 t. i' t nsjer ...,,.. . , e ... ..?, 4..a4.J S UM ,.liit'4.t,l .9 .Mii..Mrt( p. ? 'f ' i iWAU'ili. It. .it lH.,.i u Aak .12 .07 OS .08 .11 :U .en .OIM .01 .01' .0.1 .114 OJ la .01 .04 0.' 07 .07 :e3 M .0J .V. .01 "'. .04 ,ea 13 .0(1 .08 :i'f .Ul .0 .11' .0 .11. ,un .Ua 1,00 soft i reu want te invest WJfi wsfsee wriss far lafersaa- tkaorcrueta- tlens whichwu need 011 short notice United 8tttCftlflcMHelInckbtcl. new and Geld Net art tht Idtil invfttnMl.ief fundi which, you may want te keep llquidable or ler hind which you deire te invilt let indefi nite period with' the minimum risk of . shrinkage in principal , ' Maturitka from a few' weeks te four years are available, te yield about 3.30 te 4.30 ; . If held by banks or osipettttoai. these securideeare entirely tax-exempt and. if held by individuals, they are exempt from Nermal Federal Income lax. WBBUY SBLL -..QUOTtf in any ttmeunti HALSE Y, STUART & CO. INCORPORAVSO Unci Tide BMf., Phllaelelplila. CHICAGO NBW YORK Dtnuerr milwaukbb Pliena Lcutt 7410 BOSTON , ST. LOUIS' PHItADBLVHfA MIMNBAPOUS HALLE & STIEGLITZ KSTADLlSnED ISSt kUIn Oi se an Wew Tort Mueasv reantylvaaia Ateaae a Boardwalk Baltimore, Md. Baltimore Steek Zaehsage Balldlag BtsaiWrst aw i aw 3 hi new Tors Chicago Be ferk OeHm Zjelaage erk reiaee IxcSanae erE Coffee A lagar x art of Trade Ixclianie TJK7E beg te announce the removal YY of our Philadelphia Office. H. Leslie Walker, manager, te the Flanders Building, corner Walnut and 15th streets. November 21th, 1122 Halle A Stieilltx i ' WE WILL BUY WHJ WILL SELL $5000 Standard G. St El ts, 1926 $5000 Gen. Gaa & Elec 7s, 1952 6000 Empire G. & Fuel, 6s, 1926 5000 Gea. Gaa ft Else. 6s, 1929 5000 Empire Refining 6s, 1927 2000 U. S. Pub. Service) 6s, 1927 5000 Lehigh Power Sec. 6s, 1927 5000 Empire G. ft Fuel 6s, 1926 3000 Kansas G. ft Elec. 6s, 1952 100 Sharea Lehigh Pw. Sec. Stock 100 Sharea E. Perm Elec. Common 50 Sharea Curtis Publishing Pfd. 100 Sharea National Pw. Sec. Pfd. 25 Sharea Amer. Pw. ft Lt. Pfd. AUER, STARR & COMPANY land Title Betiding, ftlladelpala Hew Yerk Offlee, S Sector Itnet Direct Private Telephone bet, Offlen $lS5,tM ARMtTftONQ COUNTY, PA. 4H ROAD IONDS SM,eM Nevembtr 1. IMS $2S,SM Nevember 1, 1927 $Sf rN Nwvemker 1, 1921 3e,eea Nevemker 1, 1929 SSSytte Navember 1, 19SI $!, Nav-mlser 1. 1931 FREE IN FROM STATE TAX PENNSYLVANIA EXEMPT FROM ALL FEDERAL INCOME TAXES PRICES, TO NET 4.18 REILLY, MOCK ft CO. 396 CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA I aBBBBBBBBaPlaBBBwl M We Own and Offer A first mortgage Railroad Bend of very' nigh grade. Bend sold high at 114 ft. Our asking price la 66 te yield 5.30. . F. P. Ristine & Ce. Wlfasr'BaMaf, Pkll.d.lpki. Hew Yerk ZUsabsth, H. J, Jfembers Xeie Yefk ami PMkUelrMa Bteck Stvhangtt 4 Interest en Savings A National Bank With a Savings Department Alktmmin-k ens e Jewy i National Bank of Commerce njChaataiitSi Steiea T. rerstU. rrttlaeaj .6s, 2016 ays 8s, 1925 Pr Os, 1945 American Gas American Rallwa; Arkansaw Lt. ft Traylor Eng. ft Mfg 8s, 1936 Abbotts Alder fley Dairies Common tUimiitOIIACO. wissNsa suiiatria, rMiuDiiwia aeeeut mwaeesi WlwmnrtaeaWes) Abn A. Alexander & Ce. Stock atuLBend 8&J:rmhPhiuu ir-,iuuw,a Investments Baker, Yeung k Company 70SHX W. SWAIN, Jr., Banal" Laad TltU Building Bettoa Philadelphia American Lima ic Stene Ce. 1st Mtg. 7 Bends PRICE 100 AND INTEREST ParsevtBros.&Ce. It. Philadelphia 1421 Chestnut St. uiauauuaBBaaaauaaBBaBuuBB'i MAINwdX)iVUANY CertlfbttPtibUcAcceiintanra Finance Buiioine - Phiiaehphia Ricieaacat AjitaitaaiLS Tnmjajai Ml Ma 1 m la I 'iTlaaa! 1 I'u., I,' ' n 1 ff . 1.1 i-a VA jfalifc, . J