f tA hh A I. ,- tv tvj"?ir t"w POTP -V4 eaeaVMa' rfiS- THE ,.'tV .-.' klTf ft,, !. r' ftranTAinteJfittrdrti ; Vl- De. bit's Mechanically Ptrfect Eleven; JmrchiUTs , A Praises Team ' S i ..., T HAMER ;iS THJS.STAR . , Br JOSEPH T. LAMIUM MTUST.a UttM ieere)4mnch at the V right nement. and Cernell will fern Franklta Field' Thanhsgtvlng afternoon -1 en the "short end of the store;" An old grad.; hlmaelf 'a itellar performer en tne griuiren rer tne uni- versur ' rennsyivsiiiMr a eccaae ,age, rerstty of renmqmnnur a accaae.age, irai this morning dbwmtag Peng's T-te-8 triumph ever Fern State Batur ler afternoon and comparing the Bed waa T-U Hav and Bine with the Ithacans. Continuing,, he. ealdi "I saw Cernell play Dartmouth, and while the hare a mechanical teamVthat never teems te de the wrong things I thnk ther can be beaten br n fighting team vwlth a geed defense and one that-can uncork plays such as Penn did, Saturday. v ' '- "Doble's team 'Is about as perfect. a one as can be found In football 'today It would be 'the delight 'of. anr coach In the country. " Yet-, there'? Is something about that verr smoothness In their nliiv .that leads me' 'te believe that Penn has merethaadn equal chance te upset the dope. ' . ,; " veffenslvelr 'Penn dlsntared an even better attack than it did against the . Navr. Perhaps the. amount of ground gained In the two-games varies, but you must remember that "the Middles maae sixteen,, nmt, aew.ns .against -six for Penn, and Saturday Helsmnn's team nude twelve and "State twelve. And leek at the around gained. 'State had enlr twenty-four mere yards than the Hed ana wue, ana ?uatr include tne elihtr-twe-ynnl march for the touch down It scored. ' v ,' Off AD it notjeeeie for that lack of aforementioned punch at the right moment Penn' tceuld have scored one eiere-tmipAaW and pet- liblg two Thai it! net taid. te de tract in any way from Ae play of' Bcziek't eleven whieh put up a ortl ertl Vent game of foethatt." THE ekl'grad echoed" the thoughts of a nnmber of Pea'n stars of yester year who have been talking about the team since the triumph, ever State. The victory has heartened every student and graduate ,of the University, and. te n man they think that the Cernell game will show ' the real" mettle of Captain Miller and his mates. " , The psychological 'effect of the vic tory ever State." the first fa several years, is realised 'by .the coaches. The players were all smiles after the game, talking incessantlr of beating Cernell. "New. for Cernell," aaldXaptaln Mil- !er after the' game. "Ther aren't se tot that ther cant be beaten. We've set the old stuffse watch us. Hip, hip!" - , First Since JMf ' Beating a'Besdek-ceached State team was' sweet balm for the Bed and 'Blue. It will be remembered that ,Folwell's eleven .went eat id Oregon en New Year's Day', 1017, and was defeated, 12 te 0, by Huge's eleven at the Uni versity of Oregon. In 1010 Bert Bell's eleven lest te State, 10 te 0, and In 1021 the Blue and White counted 28 points te 7 for Penn. 'Therefore, Pes Miller's win en Saturday Is the first a Penn team, has ever scored against n Ilexdek -coached eleven. The last Bed an Blue triumph ever State occurred In 1016. Te Tex Hamer, the man who missed the goal that prevented a tie with Pitts burgh, gees the" laurel ' wreath for having kicked the extra point between the' goal pests that' spelled victory. A week before, but under different Cir cumstances, when the point meant everything at -.the moment, Hamer failed. With the'Bed)and Blue In the lead nnd tne point net the most es sential thing; just at that moment be delivered. - , e . JJOT only did Hamer score the point that meant triumph, hut he fajdj hit greatett game en Frank (in Firtd. Hurled at the 8tatr line that outweighed hit even, Hamer rent through for gain en eeery oc ec oc catien. Hit line bucking tea sen sen tatienal. Never did he fail Pet Miller when the latter called -en him te make tuffleicnt yardage for a flrrt sewn. : DEFENSIVELY, ,. which includes punting, the Texas lad played a remarkable game. Time. after time he brought the fleet and brilliant Wllseu te earth with viciuus tackles after thu state luminary had1 gotten by the first "jw of scrimmage. Trying the center of the Penn line was like bditlng one's head against a concrete piling it was LWf8" 5?d costly. And Hamer was right behind the pivot pest backing up ""'ftantly and without fall. Individually the team gave an exhi bition that-left little te be desired. Certainly at times the smoothness of the effeime was lacking, while the defense at ether times was fooled en the fake P j; ufd by Palm and Wilsen. But H in all the game wna a satisfactory one from, the standpoint of the coaches. Lsngden'B Defensive Wark , f ' -AI L""den, wW has proved himself one of the best .defensive backs since Ileber Light played Havoc with the runners several years age, was again u ?wef.ef.;tMnth.behl,'' fee'-llne. Fre ?iitnt,y.. V ' Lnngden who steppeil . '.i1 t,ln or Wilsen when they belted Past the flrst line. Once Langden get W"2 ,?.te,th" lrtd when he hed a clear field in front of him. The tackle teach p,ctur-"the k,nd th couches vSskt?vlSmSfit ia mi P'ay. Twl te1'".' fha Nevgdan, deserves the Palm. During the 'flrst thirty minutes ItTir t." "ewea lair, but in tne sec ond half he was all 'ever the field, making tackles by going around back L. ""Iramage He. Crushing aside VLa ,nlrfwwce coming toward him mi. u1thtrw,M'-,nlnjr' n'mself useful. 5ii.r,ec,,ta of '' Punt that came n.h,n,nL,f 1f 'ultlngln a second nn toucbdewa was a work of art, -e CRANK QRAF, the fighting Cen. necHcuf Yankee, played another tt half. He receiver kicked oath WtTapwwttta'W.tiaii'after wmmm ). . r rm.im- a. V-arl mm -;' I X2i nrui i r mwm IT A"- W.Mil.Cmwtmin j7' PrmUeiPttt Team , WashsaWskFm.. W .-Al-'. though etlll sesMwaat daaed bythet defeat atutie ka-elPtttalmtii' Waj.Jet.pkverev are. Inclined te. take it tlleavpkieaUy.' CsptSla. Bnmkert voiced the feeling, of the' Players when ha-aaMs "While' my. fondest foetoall 'desire was 'te cap tain a. Washington aad Jeffersea eleven that" weil.-defeat Pitt aad1 ettgbllsh itself m m of the greatest in the. country f In hare i complaint' te make-except that .1' think. weldld, net de eurMlvea Jastlce. We played our hardest, but we dld'aet plar our beat game. Nevertheless, I want te say that the Pitt team of yesterday wastthe beet we hare, met this year I by a geed nurgtay' : ' - , ,'. tender for the pest. ' The freshman star ei ibsi year, censuunn as a varsity 'player, ,ex of last ' year. 'cenaiderlu his "greenness xnipited a let of fighting qualities against Bute during me iminn penea, r tPes Miller, Ibe doughty eon of Leba non, was aa much a whirlwind against Ueadek's Liens ae he .wae' against Bed Folwell's Middles.- The Red arid Blue kipper raided his teaaa Intelligently and inspired his playmates by hla fight and' ability te carry the pigskin. The forward, pass he, caught 'from-McGraw was identical wit' the ones h fcab tured to.beatFelwellU eleven., south paw heave entirely unexpected, caught tun imn siaie aecenaary- napping. Palm. made n desperate evert te, step Miller, but using ene1 of the .flrst prin ciples of n backfleld performer he 'get hU length, when he felLafterberng Uckled. , - " -, - - HeiaiMR Fleaaei ... , . ., Helimanlwaa "tickled ailnnir". after the game; The smile' he were-Hva broader than after the. Navy .game; Showered with congratulations, by; the players, students and graduates ' the former Georgia Tech mentor started the cry of "Cernell next." , i ' "I think we exhibited just the offense necessary te beat Cernell,", said! the Hrf nd .B)m eh morning. "Matter of fact for' the first tirae.thTs, sear I think our offenseeutplayed our defense. The team played: a remark ably fine game of foetbairhndl can not praise them teu much individually 8LS?IliHreft' Tl10? Sni hard clean football ei the kind that wlna. games. ." ft the break en Saturday when we failed te get It agalnst-Pitt, which gave us the margin for .victory. "The playing of Falrchild in that second Imlf was the best' a Penn end has exhibited for some time. His im provement was marked. He la an ex ceptional man. ', ?"Yeu noticed that Pes MlUer called SSris" 8"TieS WB,CK hew' M"lt out there snturdar. Pn twi i ,. Ituatlens for them devised our battle! vu5: "y, worked out te perfection. tm,aVi..bad a1 team' fhtlng team, that made' its presence ' felt every minute of the game WMeeB-Ia an 'exceptional back and Palm a great there with confidence that meant. vic tory and it was fighting te retrieve fiwJSSL ",ccM,je defeats. It was a hi".""1 tnm' Stat0 wn't weak" net by any manner of means. We hid a fight en our hands, and though we wen by the narrow margin of i point. I &&& ,heu,d ta " U Hl,,ma,,.p.e,I,,ltted th Phirera te lay Sfhe,ritr,ct t"?nlng ever Saturday nght and yesterday ; net completely, nut te the extent that they could In du5 tjelr appetlties for sweets. Frem B.h.tTi .2 W0Lk et n intensive 2?iura T.in ? tne ertr of the day in preparation for Cernell.". ' ' ' '' Huge Bexdek, always a game 'loser. in three years, bad nothing but praise i.Pe?.r.be,ere ,ear,n fo?8UtePCol fe?8UtePCol fo?8UtePCel lftiM TenwAn becaUM lt "Jeserred l?.nln 8a,d the mn t by the Phillies as. manager for next season! The jpm. Itaelf was hart f" ghtS "" "i11 w" ne of the Meanest "' ."" wwu. i aianc expect te win and I am net greatly disappointed. We Har.Hal"?n,e bad break" of te,but It s all In the game. vK.wa?a ' lrp,r,Ld th P'tt beat Washtnatau and J.ff.pin tk... - called form teams are apt te be upsee txw mntt tIns W& u.lll a a. a- r . ., .....c. ., v win mart active werK Monday for the final game et the season with Pitt en Thanksgiving DayV Beet and Saddle The Beau-Jags Parse Is the feature f rens cam at uewie today. The high-class fields are a revelation, te fre quenters of the Prince Geerge course. The great racing there Snturdey, the opening day, marked the beginning et a new era in racing where for the first time the colors of August Belmont have appeared there: the large steble of Ilnrry Payne Whitney, Montfort Jenes. Rebert L: flerry, E. B. Bradley, J. K. ib, nuncucas ana aevaaa Hteck inn strings bringing the best bones the land. In the Bennings Purse H. P. Whit y's Prudery appears te stand out in e field ever Tufter, Paul Jeneeaad inpery Kim. ,, ney tne Bllpperr ller erscs which seem best ar! First race (twenty maiden two-year-olds are te start). Princess D'Oullhr. Rm.lt .. tern; Pay Dears second (a field of twenty exain is entereai, ira WllsOn, Ferest Queen, Dan Beiling ; ' third (this la the Gossip Purse for two-year-old fillies), Felnlde, August Belmont's Fair Play-Fellclty filly Is very speedy . with the Madden entry and Heeltaps sure te offer contention feurth1. Prud ery, Tufter. Paul Jenea; flfth,- Fair Phantom, Prudery, Careful s ' sixth. Nlgbtbeat, Sling. Mode: seventh, Lads Leve, Gnxlnta, King's Belle. The Initial race bbbecum Park, .Kentucky, closed Saturday, day. yR Jockey promoters, the Qreea River Jockey f. JL. h.aka Banff aklAalaiA J ' aa.JSt- AS. jiki, nm " "" s-experiment, although there waa a deficit of $1500 In tbe- treasury, It Is con sidered tbe way has been' paved- te successful meetings in the future. I, The meet just closed proved highly sue. cessful In the way of sport. Geed time was hung up en many of 'the events, and only until the last few days .of the meeting did the weather seriously Impair the attendance. - ' MarlbeTsaga, aeaaaaatrailag - tm ta five days' All la' meeting at the half mile Maryland track that thepeepfe accessible thereto would accord it gen erous support, la te. become a fixture with regular dates allotted, it is re ported. . . ', atafaVBaaBaaf HtMeTal eMbbbVsMbbbI lat Basasa. flflnaBBasati era MaryUnd Handicap agaia iHem that geed colt among Fbe'taWChera of the thrwyear-okrdivlatea. .r , myfwitmwrttm S '.-' . -. iJ, commit " a Jul i a. 'I. V& Un? Plana After i - ii m - i. , bbbtKi t t- "" ' " .. artM.-' -M"Y'i' 'M ' sAaTXA. " x '.' ,A '.srvli'- . . " ' aT v-' State s most consistent x,reuna uainer rnn uri . . . I". 1 ' 'h i ' ' ji i .'" - C i ' 1KiGMBN m$t, awraeurmm l8rWMH& t. t i l-V ij t ' 'ste- l " ii :&. ,'.v .1 i 1 "if THE most daagereua play !' Penn M Bute's tuck", against 'Penn en Franklin Field Saturday was a fake forward pass line plunge. The Nit Uny; Liens used it en 'many occasions throughout the four quarters and it played a prominent -part- In the 80 yard advance which. Besdek's athletes made 'for n toucbdewa in the third ,perled The dlstence" gained was short," bat the fake "pass wag usually geed for 8er 4 yards.; - Wilsen, the big halfback, waa the threat. He would bluff; a . forward passvand tben dash between tackle and guard' en tbe right-aide of Pena'a defense. College Grid Reeutte BABT' "7 " ' . t7nlvnltr et FtniurlvsAls. cti Fnnrl vanla flutt, a. j x , Prlnetten. S: TsleO. ' Brawn. Ss Harvard. 0. Dartmouth. SB) Columbia. T. Srracuit. 14 1 Celsst.- 7. ' CstheUe Unlvsrslly, Si! C. C. N. ,.T . PllUbursh. IS Wllllami. Sti . I w mm J., v. , Atnl-Mft, 0. Army, set .Bites, je. HMr Cren,.BS! rerdhsin. Bosten Cedes, lis CMlsltuvT. Cennil. 48: Albrlsht. 14. Mbln, : Lobtuien vsiier. s. HOMit.-'14i wisrsi is. Oeorstiewn, ISl Bueknell, 1. thus. ; msss. assms. . Vlnrlnl Mlll,tarr Inttltate. 48 1 (hem ' New Itampahlr Stats Collata, IS: Bosten Unlvtrsltr. IS. Vermont, at: Mlddtsburr. S. TL'nlvarsltr of Raenestar. ST: Nlaamra. T. Franklin and Marshall. 4S Urtlnes. . Munlenberv. 17: Swarthmer. 10. Suaquebanna. SI: Havorterd. 10. nbodelafand atate, U: Coenactlctit As si, T. Dieklnsen, IS: Paaniylvanla Kllltarr Aead tmr, T, Tale Fvuunwn. 31: Harvard lreahmn. 1. Esoter, 18: Andover. a. Ranaadaar, IT: Bterans, 12. SOUTH AuKMPti. At aVnfrai. gV Ctnttnary. 8A; Untverstty of XxulaTvUU. 18. .a!W-.;V TehlMMa Mi Alabama. Oh-- t i. umrsia. . Vlrslnla Klytacbnie In'sUtvte. 41: Wssh- Bawana. i. I urm, a. . arellna. SB: Davldaen. a. iia 9ti Tulana.t a. MlaalaclDel A. and M.. 71: Leulalaaa Stata Cnlvarilty. 0. Vlllaneva. l: St Starr's. 0. . Marylaad Vnlvsrsiur, Si Jehns Hepkins University. 0. Klaersta Tech. IT: North Carolina Stat, t. . h WEST Iowa. IS: Ohie Stat. 0. Mtehlsan. IS. Wlaclnaln. a. Cbleaie. S: llltaela. e. .. KerthwMtern. BSi Monmouth, 14. Oharlln. It Miami, n. KetrtDamt, Sis Butler. S, Oklsi a as: laaasiiiafc iHiaraii nwiiiMii swi esuaBaia , W-a-.S U..l aaaaa IS. l.MaraMtu,.0: Unlveriltr or Datrelt. S. 1 St. Xavtafs. SO: Franklin (Ind) Collet. 0, .Sepaaw,S4l Hanevar, 0. crisnten,.e: wenisan asyis, e. Waetarn Raaarve, 10: Kenyen. It. Nabraaka..Sl: Kaniaa Asslaa, . ubie WMiyaan, oei uaa, u. Dralu, SI: Orlnnall. 0. . Wllmlneten, S: Dayton U-. 0. . Colerado Asrleultural Celics, IS; Colerado Scheel, of Mint, e i -. itj e. 0. Marquatt. .4; Oatrelt, S. Vaju... -SSt Calarade. S. vVnlvaralty. ae: otterhain,e. . . ss: cniease x. m. u. a. cot las. T. wi 'oeatav. IS: Vaunt union. B. ffaaufSi r!nrn.ll iillaiiii. . Untvaralty et Utah. 2; Whitman Collte. f . : Denver University, less, 14. 30: Colerado Cot- . . Reeulte of Week-End ' Soccer CenteeU -' 'AMERICAN USAtJtnt Brooklyn, SiJlladelphla F.' ft, 1, A. V. A. CUP (Second Round) Falrhlll, 1: Harney Ernst, 1. cnicKirr leaeub - " IFIret Dlvlelen) PhlU. Whllee. 3: Iiien 2d, 0. Penn Sd. Si Moereetnwn, 1. ALUfCD LBAOUB . (First Dlvlelen Section "A") lanadlan War Veteran, 2: Aacenilen, 0. W4 inden-Hhere, 4: Kayweed. S. (Firat niv a en election 'B'') Xartilnsten Ceny.. 4: Centennial, a. Melehcr. 8: Hibernian, ,e. , Puritan, 6: Gorden Field aub, 0. (Second Dlvlalen) Lisatheas. 4l Sunshine. 0. T i. It WalnemlraT. , Wlldwoed. 2- PePaul, Tkirtylsth WardT S: Paletaerp,',. Dlaaten Steel. 8: Clever. 0. (West Philadelphia Seoend Dlvlelen) Stewart. Si Larcbwoed, 0, Lomaz. St Ansera. 2. (Third Dlvlalen. Northwest Section) Mdn. ill Mnsdewn. e. elten vine. 0! Anion, v. . sen. .'sell" ' asft tjermantewn B. ft feat lSlvlalt Ivieien riera terllny, 0. M , 4i'e. . of i i fnaden. i ii Nerlbwiitt in) rArSn's.0i i'bTClub.:4:;e. of A., 1, Rami Curb! ir. ii j Umidnn, Rt Mount Plarra nt n. n, , IbeOM Bluee, l: noseweod, 0. (Fourth Dlvlelen Northwest Section) K&mSBfft' u ."la '(Fourth Drrtstee Nertkwst Sestlea) XOpflBITIOrt OAMSS ' alj!i,.. "ifltyaV'tV - amrrMTauBBtnura ' . VSwWut9W TesBBBBBal ii-t - LI 'bsbbbHIb'5-J Jbbbb w f k. t . T mmwsrffmvsmtmvrrm t v v a 'Iim j.T 'A rt' i- ii."-' v.-- irMMi ' "w'.Bsaaar .1 r-w:: y; ..it. . I I . li M MIMCMJ ceiten SS&'ai Lurhtheui KuMaam naaaeiere.' : Aeivn, ....l.n.ll.. .1 ,H..., w VkmwmAmtlm llhM nUsasvelt. lt Atnkmes. t I - .1 fNOl Oi " wtuaaerers, Si wanaaiera. i i3,ti g-C 1 -k NeBBLsaBxBVaBT574aK ..If V ' - A I W fIPs9rT mt9 - i V--(fL' "HHL-KffSr 1 -tWW ajHMaavajxBaaaasm ..' .1 l ' txi ' smi : WIS i,l. .v . . (3) --T Br HEINE M11XBK Fssiaan," estate- aad AM-itmsrleaa . The Center County celleftaag worked the play from an unbalanced line.' Canteln. Bents" would' sheet' the ball back te Wilsen and he would Muff .te threw It te Wents or Hufferd, who would run te the short side of the line. The tackle and end ten Penira right side would be pulledSeat of peshum by, the fake threw and then, Wilsen would plunge between the guard-and Uckle. Becdek Instructs his fronts halfback ea this play te help the left end take out the opponents' right tackle, after MuSng te receive the pass. The full back fakes at receiving a toss and "con tinues en te take out oppesing1- right Ellmlnatt HWrrittburf Elivflri by 13 te 6 in 8ptetaetK ' lar Battte SCOTT IS HERO OF GAME -Holmesburg-was eliminated Saturday from the independent football. tourna ment by the Frankford Yellewjackets. All the Jey and much cash were sepa rated from followers of Helmeeburg as a result of the classic conflict at Brown's wooden bowl en Oxford pike. Statistic experts agree en the score, IS te 0, but net te the number of wit nesses. The arena from the aide lines te the fences was as crowded as a Frankford .'.'L" train at 6 o'clock. The4 annual '.hattleMietWMn Frank"- ford' rand- Helraesbutg -ir the'- Yale'-' Harvard, renn-Cernell type of game te residents at the northeast terminal of the ,"L." While forty-eight min utes of struggle en the -playing field Is reaiiy tne main portion or we menu, all the side dishes are entertaining te tbe innocent bystander. Several daya before the game all re- ?lnutea "taferV the kick'.T.Und'- 1-- room nad been occupied. Ticket nwcuiaier eawiy aiapesea or ine lew tickets they had for fife times the face l&ueSSKSat !l.en tepmLf w ii. ncc ...,. n incaiunii anr number of trees en all sides of the flnlil were crowded with spectators perched bird -like nmens the branches. xne actual game waa. all that could be desired by thrill hunters. Ear i variety of attack waa used from h! nld-faahlnnM lln rraah n. tnnM. ,! trlnle nasses. Steady marrhaa Anmn ! the 'field were unusual, as the defenwe of both teams waa of a high sUndard. Most of the ground gained was by the aerial route, although Helmeeburg only displayed proficiency in tbia department In the last few minutes. r. , -w - --i i -- Hw.Ta. With the possible exception of tt.: "31 asBBBBBBBBam i .n raTft ft bbbbbb) 1 FRAHKFORO WINS GUMFIONSIlP Johnny Scott, at quarterback: for the,yunk P S t Bteinhauaer mad th Vllnw(arkaa man fn. ,. -iC- ' cera J" ."ft epenlns period, when h xeuewjacseis,, roan ler man, the .around rtsht end en a revere play teams were mere evenlv maleliJ . thirty yard and a touchdown, whlla V evenlv matMnJ than the score indicates. " Scete waa h. bright light In a field of brilliant per formers and his running, kicking, for ward passing, general direction of the Frankford attack waa a handicap Helmeeburg was unable te overcome. Despite defeat, the same was net without ewuriahmeat-fer followers of Helmeeburg. The advance 'from their own 40-yard line In the dying Moments of' the 'game waa .sensational. They were the flrst te cress the Yellow jackets' goal line thla season after a snappy exhibition of .forward passing. Heward Berry was the star of this advance, aa he tossed the passes usually when surrounded by the enenay. The touchdown scored by Frankford was typical of the manner in 'which Scott outguessed Helmeeburg. As he had been tossing all the forward passes, tbe Helmeeburg defense fit for a line attack or an end rua . whea Jehn Llghtner dropped back; Holmesburg was caught flat-foeted'whea Scott took a wag pass and scored, Lee Lynch, aa usual, the king st center, waa a demea ea the defense and hla nearest competitor waa his brother at left end for Helmeeburg. The end play of , the quartet waa tery geed, with Depley, fersaerly of Syra cuse, en the ether wing against Whltey Thomaa and tlelnle, Miller. Little ground was gained through - running tack of kicks, except once whea Bralney Bewers eluded the ends and picked of 28 yards. Mt. Airy detested -tka Darby Barn te te u ai merris, s isia, fjseltsabsra . roan ana www ureve aveauev Wvnd Wvnd Wvnd moer. ' " Mt. Alrv sceredlahe ssssad period. Oeld caught a forward pass from Hen rich aad ran 60 yarda for a touchdown Then-Oeld Intercepted a JerwlSTp." ind rsa far a sem, , BeartcH ." drepklcks accounted for the actra two warn em ssajjav . oft,. tei K l'-atv'.'; ' t ureuna - -I - j . max.' .;- - - ! I . i-s. lerrAuARD ANatem TURN. IN OPPOSIN9 GUARD IKAVIM BIO HOtt ft 3 A K t" t Bai halfback. The quarterback' fills thf place left vacant by. theN right end, who gees straight down the 'Helct take out the opposing fullback. ' While the front halfback' and left end are turning out the right tackle, the left guard and center turn Inthe opposing guard. This leaves a big hole for tne rear, halfback te drive through with the ball. The right guard cresses. the line, .of scrimmage and clip the roving center. The runner cresses the line unpro tected, but the linemen get into the interference aa seen aa they1 have taken out their' men. " ' Independent Sce-ree SATURDAT' a ' Proapeet Park, J9: Happy Hellew. 0. rrostewn. 28: Wlaalnemlna-. a. 'aleome A. C'S, glverten. 12: Paulsboro, 0. , ait, Fall. Si Norwood. 0. SUNDAY OAMES ' - S'lldweed. a: Klaodar-Waldea, S. eunt Airy. IS: .Darby Rama? Sareawana. it: Hobart. 0. lv(rsid. 0: Masnetia. 0. . SSiffi! VaptifCK w.m a. rh..ii na.!. at Paaiment. 18: Olympla A. A.. IS. Froatewn. 31; Brlda A. C. 4. Cheltenham. 88: Qermantewn. 0. Cliften Heliht. Watlnshoes.' 0.' Uedla A. A., St St. Calllitu. S, Melrea. IS: Thomaa A. ft. s7 8t; Josaph's. 28 1 Celwyn. 0. All-Lancaater. 8: Daleo. 2. Roaament, 80: Olendon TallewJaekati. Quaker Bulldeca, 8S: All-Canadian, 0. Amity Bchelaatlcs. 0: Victory A. ft. 0. La Mett. SO: Welcome A. ft. . nine was evanly played and the leaers pro pre ieated the touchdown of tha Wlldwoed eleven, but Immediately mad arranaamenU Sr a return centeet.at Jtnklotewn en Bun iy. December 8. Td tba'thlhl perfed Wild, woedklcke oft te-the -end-son end In elated the ball hit one of the Klaudir-Welden Vjayera. A Wlldwoed . Player Immediately fell, en the ball and claimed a toucbdewa. of .Frankford. journeyed nV.1w4r. fiit JSSSS& . eae of the bur surprise was the ST te e victory of Mount carmei evrppturiTi. '&""&? &&& L&tiSSfife sour inucnuuwna ana niraea tnr i kicked three seala from Placement. Several .new stayers wer Inlected Inte th c,n.l neip of in jawireaa eiaran ai Atiani tle !tim of th aeen in turnl" rumv. .nn in. .nor. nova ... 'en their i? narti " attack. La Met continued Ha arlnnln streak. by ST llKTSamev'fe? tha winners with two touchdown. He alie tore oft bis sains in every play, P He O. C. made It alarht atr.1, turnlns back the Dunmera ft ft, of Mi t In ana. flrst ran Mn' carried tha ball eyer In tbe i nnai quarter en a len.yare una piuiura. Yeu Aute Knew Ju"5ITO,,.lflSnJRf,rTOlr should b in' spected and refilled 'with a geed srad tran rnlwlen ell vry 3.009 mile. '"" e In extreme caees nlunaap can ba mada lyktlrs valve te held br removing the Plunger and applying a minute quan lltjr u vit v in. . e e e A very geed top dreaelnr ean b mad by mixing en part liquid . aephaltum te two parte caeter oil and adding ena oune of Ivery blaek te each pint of the mixture. FLEMING. Ltd. Londen Clethes for Men THE Season calls for a Flaming Uleter or Overcoat also a Flem ing Lounge Suit $sg 1314 Walnut St. Phene pruce tSM OLYMPI A BOXING -TV mtthmtitmVtfli g-ElCHT-ROUND NO iOUtS wilvsH vt. gaWUnd CArfr Vi.- ittKfc ftYTlteHsOVhAN jaSKIen va rWHLV cfANltY n. Aipihih Ward". Lancaat.r, SS:' Philadelphia Ali.Celteartani. e. fieylj?- L- IS: CaHten. T. ' ColumbTaaeeuiit is: Huntlna-.Park. 14. Er!. C. C 13i Dunmor.. .Msasntuw . niTaraie ana neia in, eis urean team te a aoeraleas tie. It waa the flret time this sea sea that rtlyerald had net aoerad. en an opponent. .The result waa a decided aw. prts aftej 'Riverside had defeated lAlWfll en Saturday for the Stat chamslenablp. Obantfelt. Ruff and Baker atartad far Mni. vans aad NGA.illl.EVti; ecwBm awaaakBaaaaBB) - Lecal Club Oertf Junrer and tt nler National CrotnvCeuntry Champtenthlaa GETS AWARDS 7 ; gpeetal liOoeich te Bvmtne pMle IMeer New Yerk, Nev. . The' Middle Atlantic A. A. U. received a big' share of national events at the annual meet- ins of the Amatmr Atktetl TTnlnn In sesjlen here this sfteraoen. Twe of the hlgsest awards went te the Meadowbrook Club, of Philadelphia, which en Saturday captured the Junier fross-reiintry championship of the United States. , Cortland Park, New. Yerk, for yeare. miwivza ii,wu ids neidin this city Under the ausnlr nt thm Maaflna-hwwtk Club, whlrh has also been awarded the senior croM-ceuntrv championship, .Tbe Blverten Swimming Club also comes In for two Important events. "The ivn-miie national swim has again been awarded te that club as beside the 200-yard woman's natlnnnt aarlm nut. doers. Msny ether swimming championships will be decided In this section. Beth Ienn, Pn received the women's 100 yard Junier fnm atvlai nntilnnra awien and the women's 220-yard breast stroke. ird ouejoor, , , The women's senior Indoor 220 yard free "Style event was awarrfnl th nirla' Hygeia wimmlng Peel. ' of .Atlantic uy, ana ine Ambassador; drew tSe women's fancy diving from a "ten-feet beard. , The Hygeia Club, of Atlantic City, waa granted the privilege of conducting the junior low beard fancy diving for men. While th Phllaitalnnl Tnrnaw. meinde was awarded tbe fifty-yard. junior iree styie ier men. One of the important subjects, thst will come up for discussion this after noon Is the supervision- of women tn athletics. The committee yesterday voted 5 te 4 and recommended that they be taken ever by the Ai A. U. The question will be thrashed out in convention. ' " The report of the registration' com mittee that AbM Klrler anil H. J. Smith be restored te geed standing was accepted ana acteuen accordingly. Amateur Sperte The Oeatwatswa A. A., a ntctas travel' Ine team, has open date for Drat-claae team nav met lavtns halls and efftrln reaeenabla tndumt. mente. tleers J. Hart. T24 Marth Twenty fMlMh ., .Dally A. C a faet lten-ishtn.year. old travellny team, would Ilk te hear from the Bl Brethera Llihtheuee and. all ether teams havlns ball and partns reaeenabla Inducement!. W. A. Xlepfl. 2S20 Tulip street. The Hermit A. C. would Ilk te srrans same with rtret-claae horn teams psrlns raaenate suarantees. Hermit A. ft, 3804 Terrace street. T Kewlsrtasi Kiiesstlia Center Nsessr Clsh tae a few open dates for uniformed teams itnr at nom or away. j. Bremley. 811 Fremont atreet. 1 Phene Oarneld SS4S. l flrat.elaaa turn K.. Tha Phllre Clsh. a flrat-claee team latea open for club havlns hall and efferlny raaenaDie ruarantee. wunam' Farrall, 8820 Weatmlnater avenue.. St. Patrick's two team have data open rer cium wiiiins te piay eitner at home or ' ""irfr- nom ei n. 811 Seuth Twta. away, weariea . jaarun, oil DOUin ly.flrst street, Pasamant B. C. ha placed! a feurten-atx. teen.rear-eld team. en tha. fleer thla seaeen. and fe anxleua te hear frOTn.aulr.tata of thja as havlns open datea. William Kunfa, esi Paeeyuak avenue. ajaeievelt FMi Ctafe will be repreaented by a quintet aa well as a soccer eleven this seaeen. Tha five I anxious te arrant same with second and thlrd-clais teams havlns halla and offering- reaeenabla guar antees. Harry B. Hall, 1S8 Eaet Leuden street, Olney. Standing of, Player 9 1 In Billiard Tourney Player w. Heppe ... 8 Hervmans 8 Schaeter 2 Centl 2 Cechrnn 1 Hagrnkicher .... 0 Today a match Krlch llwenlecher. In the matinee Jake Schaeftr ve. Welkr Cechri Cochran. nlaht Heppe ha made 1800 point In 82 In nlnxa. a grand averaaa of 4N save. Schaefer haa mad 1SS1 in 40 Innlass. a Brand averns of 88 1-40. "MTP' . Hnrrmnn haa made 1A77 pnlnta In 84 Innlnxe. a srand average of 81 S.S4. Centl haa made 14B4 pelnta In 80 In tnsa, a arand averase of 20 4-BO. . Cochran has .made 1448 point In 8T Innlnx. a crand nvaras of 28 18-BT. Hastnlecher haa. made 1488 oelnta In 88 Innlnxe. a grand average of 28 8-8S. L. ll.ft. H. Ave. 8 141) 88 Of 4 ITS 81 MS Tirtiti. Um. u. w wm. mmmiMi at Ths New Jturlinpham Chii Overcoat rfsa AutAentfe ft lilies .aV1 T afterV. . T jjrsSa. j"' .: 12$ Watch Gam and Let Heus r4tssTBM, . Nev. 90. Mere thaa twelve taeasaad people. It, a football game at CeaMals aear here refused te fight a in whoa tha alarm waa turned ia and as a result a house which was located la a sparsely section of the borough waa destroyed. Appeals were made at the game for .firemen te respond, but net one budged. Coaldale tied Shen andoah, 0-0. JOIE RAY DRAWS A. A. U. SUSPENSION arrea With Tws, Others far AI IsflseJ IxarMltant Ixpenses New Yerk, Ner. 20. The suspen. slen until December 31 of Joie W. Bay, national mile running champion, and Frank' and 'Je Loemts, all-around ath., ietes, all of Chicago, for acceptance of alleged exorbitant fees for expenses, te day was confirmed by the convention of the Amateur Athletic Union, In approving the reperf of Its Registration Committee, announced last night. The fees, it waa charged, were ac cepted by the athletes for participating in meets in New Yerk last February, Bar receiving f 100, Frank Loemls f 20 and Je Loemls SS. Under the terms of. the suspension the athletea will be permanently de barred en amateurs after December 31 unless the stipulsted amounts arere- funded. The suspension of Ray was regarded in athletic circles aa the most Import ant as he haa been active in amateur athletics until the present time. " Frank and Je Loemls, however, who represented the Chicago A. A., are said te-have withdrawn from amateur com petition se that the A. A. U. action Will have little if any bearing en their activity. ANOTHER FOrfMORRELL Wast Phils, seccerlsta Take Mess. urs of Csntennlsl Clsvsn The Merrell Mills soccer-eleven add ed another win te Its long string of triumph's yesterday by taking the meas ure of Centennial of the First Division, Allied League, two goals te one. The game was played en the mill workers' field at Sixty-third street and Cedar avenue. The visitors were flrst te score, when Brighsm counted, but shortly afterward Sex Flynn scored from about the 20-yard line. Eddie Lyens roistered the wlnalne goal en a corner kick. The forward Tine of Merrell played bang-up ball, while me venienniai eacxs excelled. P. R. T. BANQUET ' i Te Present Trophies- te ssebsll League Winners Trophies will be presented te the Blchmend and Allechenv teams, .win ners et tbe first half and second half championships of tbe P. R. T. Base ball League tbia year, at the seventh snnual banquet of tbe circuit tomor row nisht at tbe AdelDhia. W. Freeland Kendrick and Themas Mitten will be among the speakers. Old-Time Pitcher Dies Wawarfc. Del.. Nev. 38. Teenaeal W. Lievett, aayentym year old. who, half a century age. aa a member of th Reading Active, haeama one of t uvea, . Dcam en ei in meat netM haa.. hall pltchera In the .country . died at his horn Bere Saturday night, ad been a magistral. ere Saturday nisht. Fer fifteen year be Knit Vaasar union salts They fit well, and taerofere 3 Marshall E. aVaa'a SMpT a A S " tinesraeeated) fmntUhtnga 724 ChoatnutStreot William H..Wanamaker Stere news 1217-19 Chestnut St. Hwlint ht Londen Aqeucutum Orercetts Y eunf Men's Stratford Overcoats Overcoats of Every Kind Caps te match the coats made of the same material as the garment itself. The William H. Wanamaker Stere, handsome stock this season than ever before. f $30 te $85 The Hurlingham Club Overcoat is unique. It can be worn in three differ ent styles, with a belt all around, with a part of the removed altogether. This feature of ine coat is protected at Washington. Winter's fashionable fabricv--naavsk. ' meltens, vicunasblanket "cjqsth arikingly IMjiMtS 'tot GUIS' Lirnnn Indoor dttwtt at C LHvctep Unlet TrWv for Mftlt ttudytf jA (SE place today where they ate , S enthused ever the theaaMa at' quip that golf ia a "lady's gasV'" at the University of Clnrlnnatl. - Out there today classes for theisS were started in the gymnaelum en'1 te twack a golf ball," with demons) iiun unit iiraciice. All inr, IBJF it dents there have te de I pick ftf fandsmentals of, the game 'of geK i tnen thev will be matched for triamej inppuDiie iinxs out there. r "M j.ms TOiieue is aerermtnea te at the noise raised when, Mlsmi,Ui any, ninrim its classes in 1 women. The latter relteMrti net as yet been ehallMiawd bv nail, but this may be the .result Of Ohie institution's iIpbIm hn aiU i te Its list of reel sports for wemen1; aiany cenges rer men hare piei Keii-pinyinw raient nni nav a There Is even n lenaue and cban snip, out indoor college claasea la ... J" z - ter .men nave net made tee deep ,M impression se far. It sounds like crocking idea and It Is said some"' Inn mpmiwM nr-rhn Ttann Aif are heartily discussing the idea of I ing classes in golf out there. F reasons are advanced n-hv that awl would net work at Penn and tka may get serious consideration there year. As many rooters nredletMi. It ' a better average than for TOs te tne .-um-Beutn amateur-pre best tourney last week. The tourney wen from n field of nhnnt fart i by Harry Hamnten. 'Detroit nm. Jack Davisen. New Yerk atnntaii k a total et 277 shots for the 72 betesl of play. 4,1 It lasted two days, of 'course, aa1 the last day all Hampton and Daviess) uni was r. pnir or (Ms, or 130. The worst score Hampton and' pas ner had was a 72. Thnlr nani. 1 the four-medal rounds follew: 00, 7a, Menty of open tournaments are wun tetais ciese te ami, which one reason why that 277 scot la Keed. Clarence Harknav. m. Tem Wee t ten. amntfiir. bnh AeL kt-uy, nnisnea tne tilting with a I of .145-143-288. in sixth' i nacaney Bna woetton loot in'"' I piay-en: nere at Wblteraarsh for local amateur-pre title, for which I year mere was competition Ter the time. Beb MacDonald, Chicago pre, Willie Hunter, ex-British ama cnamp, nnisbed second In the' PtaaV hurst teurnev with 142.1 sa tan T7F 4 tnmmm. a. W.t.. ... w .. . '11 te b th tonle of a sermon preached K" ftJH- .n"vi Wlllfam. eixtn Bele, lsa yardi, at th Old '7? "... wrwacnar recentir Club In a single ahet. It was prebab anawer te a prayer. Phlla. Celleglsns Want Qames Philadelphia All-Celleslsns. a class basketball five that achieved mi success ibsi year, is open ler g in or out of the city with teams kanryl Ins fair auarantee. Addrei K. JaVI Bell, 0011 North Opal street. te Fit are feimasl t ftyen yea feel perfectly comfortable IT -t r A? Vustr Knit Union Suits IK' Wools 7 $qj $q 5 "it aUeW Sith Heme). J9. S7M. At ' ' ' ' T r,rj. Smith & fire. AtMetie GaWs ".aaaaaiaai Quh Ovtwh-. belt in back, or the belt m w SfcllaSBS Mi 'iXWil JSlaW' f w - irna Ira?isTay r limmmmmimmiitm i The overcoats run thai tmrniif a m.. tf ..l n. l -;l s va ', 1 !!' Ml tf. :' VI 'JImM vrt,..Wf ss. ats - i.ia,WZ :'-Wi4 .i ,;i n.V'aBMaBBBlSJaV liff.WfCW'rY'.VCi ") St . ix'Mttuw'nu&Ji iisVJssaBBBBV't..:-'.: