Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 2, Image 2

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fe&'PiMlt and Firs Surctens at
wWt PenvnQn Hart Advtv-
W' ( HJUrllnal Traatman
Police, nnd fire surgeons of several
eitles nrc meeting le the Itellevuc Itellevuc
Stratferd todey te ergsniac the Na
tional Assoelstien of Police and I'ltv
Burgeons' and Medical Director of
Civil Service Commissions and te dis
etUt problem arising in the adminis
tration of their duties.
The problem of the drug user nil! be
fens of the Important subject before
the convention, nnd a change in the
atethed of handling- this class of pris
Mrs will be uritcd.
, Instead of confining addicts te prisons
while treatment is administered, the
physicians feel much better reult
could be obtained by committing them
te bespitals. The present custom of
considering them as criminals, they
xeel, is wrong.
Other problems include a study of
Means of improving and protecting the
health of police nnd firemen and de
termination ei mere efficient means ei
treatment for injuries.
Dr. Hublev It. Owi
renimenc mi
Dr. Huble
It. Owen, chief surgeon '
of the Philadelphia Police Deportment.
la father of the idea of a national as
sociatien and suggested it a ve.ir age
te three visiting police nnd tire sur
geons who were his guests.
They arc Dr. Jeseph Smith, chief ei
the medical staff of the New Yerk Fire
Department; Dr. Charles llu-e!l, of
this cit), nnd Dr. Daniel I,. Hnrdeii.
chief surgeon of the Washington Police
Department. All were impressed bv
the iden and a movement te establish
the association was begun nt once. The
sessions here today und tomorrow wilt
fee the first annual coiuentlen.
Today's se.ss.ien was opened shortly
after lit o'clock with addresses b) Di
rector Corteljeu, of the Department of
Public Safety, nnd Superintendent of
Police WU'lain H. Mills. Dr. Owen
presented a paper en "The Objects of
the Convention."
This afternoon the delegutes will visit
the Firemen's Training Scheel, Seventh
street above Norris. nnd see a demon
stration of first aid nnd rescue work.
Tomorrow's program includes n clinic
In the office of Dr. Owen In City Hall
and a demonstration by policemen of
first old and humane handling of pris
oners. Among the subjects te be disctusfcd
will be "The Care of the Convalescent
Policeman nnd the Question of the Pen
sioner," "Artificial Respiration," "Ex
aminations for Appointment, as Police
men and Firemen," "The IKmergency
Treatment of Wounds" nud "Medical
Supervision at Fires."
Stirring Scenes of 200 Years Age
Rs-snaeted en High Seas
Hongkeng. Nev. 20. (lly A. P.i
Sixty-five. Chinese buccaneers who
night have stepped from some ancient
leg of the Spanish Main traveled ns
passengers aboard the Itritlsh steamer
8ul-An when she left Macao for Hong Heng Hong
Ven vestetdav afternoon.
- Seising the ship a few miles out, the
pirates held her (or thirteen hours.
The crew and passengers made Uong
1 keng today, with their captors driven
away in sampans, only after a fierce
battle In wnicii two were billed nnd
several wounded, including the captain
of the" Sul-An! a French priest ami
- . another i-.umpran passenger.
The captain's wound Is serious
v The invaders nfter threatening te
eurn me uij kui me upper nunu nml
locked up passengers nnd crew. The
1 nirstes passed Henz Kuns. out nt sen
, and began te steam in the- direction of
$ Finally, twelve hours later, n Kure-
': Wl S5let PP'J. wen,l'l the pirate
f. chW. The chief's wife then directed
;' that the excuTblen be nbamlened.
Man Armed with Knife Said te
Have Entered Roem by Window
StfCtal Dltpalch te Evening Public Ledger
Atlantic City, Nev. I'd. Daniel
Themas, Negro, twuiitj -four, Is being
held by the shore police us a Buspett
in an estuult en a jeung woman ut I nt one time and could liuve neli! out nt
tbe Floreme Crlttenten Mission Inst a profit, but was advUed te held en
night, during which two ether girls in I for n further rise. He wns caught bv
tb room cowered in their beds, tee 'a declining inurket and could net pro pre
frightened te scream when he threat-1 tcct his margins,
ened te slit his victim's threut if thei I Mr. and Mrs. Churles C. Titux, of
made anv outcry. i Trenten, the young cashier's parents.
.me ,irru, uucuruing te tne hterv told
ey tne gins te tne matron of the home
ami ie ine pence, enteral their npnrt
ment by a teur window us thev lay
The first they knew of his presence,
they said, wus his curt demand, "Keep
ypur laces shut or I'll kill her first
ajfd the rest -f jeu next," us he walked
te the bedside of one girl, who had u
babe nt her side. He held a large
knife in his hand, which he plnced at
the young woman's threat.
111m victim was unconscious nnd the
ejber two hysterical when the matron
responded te their screams after the
negre hud tied.
arreted' 'iiSnZTt' ffii!" of '-e.uUr.t.e. Against
nUbed by tbe two witnesses, ills vie- ' Twe Men Up in West Chester
tlm is In u critical condition. The Charges of Irregulurltles made ngnlnst
ether two girls will appear et head- I two members of the school beard of the
quarters today in nu effort te identify 'Treilyffrln district by eleven wealthy
he prisoner. hesldents of the district will be given
liin nlrlng today in West Chester.
POSTAL CLERK ARRESTED I The men against whom the ouster pe-
tltlen Is directed nre Samuel W. Tener
Dscev Letter TraeDed Norrlr.ten and Duvld Whitworth,
tfocey usixer i rappea ixorrlstewn , Accerdlng te Ten,,r, ,le petition for
Manr According te Inspector ljwjr removal Is a spite thrust Inspired
Jeseph Ilesenherry, thirty-eight
jesrs old. u liestul clerk lit the Ner
rlitewn PoHtetnce for eight years, was
arrested lust night by Pestul Inspector
Jennings when caught taking u $1 bill
xrem n letter in tne pestuitice.
Letters lune been uilsslnir from the
snails in Norrlstewn for some time,
according te postal Inspectors, and lust
nigbt Jennings secreted himself in the
building. When he saw Uescnberry
open the letter he arrested him. The
letter was a decoy and the bill was
marked. Resenbcrry, churged with"
robbery of the mails, will have u hear
ing t)duy before United Htutes Cem-Mis-loner
Munley In this city.
emdsn Prisoner With Pistol Gets
i-. ' ' Thru Menth' Bantaitea
Kuaene Tracy, twenty -six veurs old.
as 'sentenced te three mouths In the
.j. e.,,.i c. II ... ' i....,.
tHisa today fellow lint his arrest
Ight en a charge of drunkenness.
leunu a .tu-cuiieer pistol in
st, He telit the Judge he wgs
.of nole -up men who had
" ' - f "
E)bBBBDv!&s ?i TOBBarBarBarBararBaraBa
HBaHmb. -Jx. t M xSieS bbbH
I " '" JVifV- W'fi'ivXSBaTaTarJ
B . V i ., T . . Sc v VrydlKuH!sVFaH
BiaTaBvaTaBvaTaBvaTaBvaTaBvaTaBvaTaBVBVJ - . . ; ,1 . Ernest uses, nmr-twe vcsjci ew. 01 ' arB , , t
Amelia Hrehr, of 530 Kim street.
Camden, enjoys distinction of
having been kidnapped twice within
the last eighteen months. Her
mother. .Mrs. Mary Baker, was tht
kidnapper In both cases
The Rev. Isadore Certesl Run Down
at Vlneland, N. J., Cressing
Automobile accidents In nnd near
Philadelphia caused tin. death yesterday
of n priest en his way te conduct serv
ices, the serious injury of a young
woman and miner injuries te nineteen
ether persons.
The priest is the Hev. Isadore Cor
tesl. forty-six years old, who had been
in charge of parishes at Lnndisville and
Minotelo. N. J., for the last twelve
years. While en his way te the latter
town te held services yesterday morning
his automobile was struck by a train at
The priest was buried in the mass of
wrcckace. every bone in his bedv belne
broken, nnd death is believed te have
been instantaneous.
Jehn Crown, 2720 Ingram street,
who was injured in an automobile ac
cident en October 'JO. died esterday in
Mewnrd Hospital, Jehn Tnviane, i.il
Seuth Sixth btrcet, driver of the ma
chine which hit Crown, was re
arrested and held without bail te await
action of the Corener.
Brussels. Nev. 21). Cardinal Mcr
cler, I'llmute of llclglum. is ill. ie ,
suffering from a bad case of influenza,
which in itself is net considered bv the
attending pnys'clans ns alarming) but
there is some fear by them of cempll.
catiens which, en account of the age
of the prelate, might give his case a
mere serious turn.
Titus, Formerly of Wrightstown
Bank, Turned Over Collateral
Valued at $4000
Ilnrry M. Titus, former cnshler of
the First National Iiank of Wrights
town, has turned ever his household
furniture, hlx automobile nnd stock in
the Wrishtstewn Hank worth S2000. in
part repnjment et the .f22,:iX) of the
en nit i lunu ue is aucgeu te nave lest
in speculation, it was learned today.
The estimated value cf all his nset is
about $10(10.
Titus was committed te the Trenten
jail in default of $20,000 bail by United
States Commissioner Haines when he
wns unnble te make geed his shortage,
ills wife bus returned te her parent,
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Itidgway, at Co
lumbus. According te ruuinr which the au
thorities nppesr te believe, Titus lest
the money speculating in oil stocks.
It Is Mild he wns "abend of the same"
buy tney nave Niumini me iiiiiik ie-s
but huve yet te make geed hU surety
Titus is still in Mercer County jail,
Trenten. His parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles C. Titus, suid teduy they had
fulled te get bail for their son. They de
clared, however, they will continue
their efforts.
'he Fcdtrn' Grand Jury, new In
HHsleu ill Newurk, will prebuhly taLe
up Titus' case.
when be defeated unuries ai. i.ea, re
tired weaitny book puuusuer, ier a cu-
Beth sides of the controversy will
be rrpresented in court. Tener and
Wliltwertn mtiHi nie incir answer te
i the netltlen teduy. The hearing en the
' complaint will be held at West Chester,
December f.
, The petition is signed by Mr. Lea,
'Mrs. Eleaner B. Cassatt, H. W. Riddle,
Helen M. Dungee, T. Truxton Hare,
i Stevens Heckbcher, Rebert I.eHentll-
Her, J. R. Trlndle. Clmres V, Bally
and A. Edward Brlnten.
Counsel for Accused ireksrs Has
Trial Centlnusd te December 4
Judge Stern teduy granted u motion
te continue the case against Fred T.
Chandler, Jr.. und Earl T. Mendcn
hall, partners in Chandler Bres & Le.,
bankrupt brokers, until December .
The two men, recently ucciujttecl by
a jury op charges of fraudulent con
version Hticl embeiileinent en one In
dictmept, face triql pn several ethrr
(ndlctmrpts en the sa,me charges.
' Their attorneys, Jeseph 01 fllun and
Charles 8 Veleg, beser their pufl
Qm Ettablishmtnt Sadly Dam-
agtd and Ona Fireman
Hurt In Fall
A II renin n fell from n shed reef nnd
was bruised severely enrly today during
a 110,000 fire which destroyed the sec
ond and third floors of the Iaji Jewelry
Company's establishment, 211 De Knlb
street, Norrlstewn, and threatened
ether bulldlnes.
All of Norrlstewn's flre-flehttnc
forces were cnlled out shortly after
4:30 e clock this morning. Firemen
battled for nn hour before subduing
the flamcH. They had te reach the rear
of the burning building through n nar
row alley.
Leuis Iteale. a member of the Norrls Nerrls Norrls
eown Fire Company, was playing a
stream through n window ns he steed
in the serai-darkness en a narrow shed
reef. lie missed his " footing nnd
dropped fifteen feet. He was token te
his home.
Crossed Wires Start Blaze
The fire started en the second fleer
of tne Knnz stricture, presumably from
creied wires en an electric dork In n
workroom. Tne glare, rellectcii in n
window, was seen by Patrolman Emll
Fernrri. who summoned engines. Later
a general alarm was sounded.
The Warner department store, front
Ine en Main street, extends In an L
shape en De Kalb street, nnd Is
separated from the three-story Jewelry
establishment by n narrow alley. The
Der Building, containing offices and
apartments, is en the ether aide of the
burned building.
Persons living en the upper floors of
the Dyer Building were aroused by the
clatter of Are apparatus. They pre
pared te leave with their valuables, but
the Hemes did net penetrate te their
The rear of the Lanx structure is
hemmed in by ether buildlnss. Firemen
had te drag ladders and 'hee lines
through a narrow alley. The second
nnd third floors were stocked with
watches, clocks, bracelets and ether
.articles of jewelry. Many geld nnd
silver trinkets were melted by the in
tense beat.
Fleer Flooded
Streams of water were flooded into
the second nnd third fleer rears from
ladders and nearby buildings. The
water conked through te the first fleer,
damaging showcases and costly articles
en display.
Thcre was scarcely a ripple of air
se tnnt tne names am net leap out te
surrounding stores. Sparks rained en
two-story structures nearby and fire
nun doused the roeN as a precaution.
Itnlp Lane, owner of the jewelry
establishment, said the $10,000 less was
fully covered by insurance.
Aged Couple Victims of Cas
While Sleeping After Their
First Aute Ride
A daughter who 3 esterday treated her
parents te what they described as the
"greatest day of their lives," this
. , ., , , , ,
morning found the aged couple dead
from gas. (
The treat she gave them nnd which
iiimlc them se happy was this first niitu-
mobile ride. It was made In her newly .
purchased cer and Included Klver drive
In Fairmount Park and many ether
siiefn of henntv in and near l'lillntlcl.
tihla seldom seen by pedestrians
The dead couple are Frank Desumnle,
sixty-seven years old, and his wife,
Maria, sixty-five.
The daughter, Mrs. llesln Agenl.i.
of 713 Pemberton street, went te the
twime tit liep nnrentH i.vnrv mernlni- te
awaken them. When she arrived thl-t
morning ubeut H:2D e 'clock gus was
pouring down the stairway.
She went te their bedroom, whcie
.he found her father dead en the bed.
Her mother's lifeless body lay just
Mew u window of the bedroom, when
she hud dragged bcrself, seeking frcdi
She called the police, who had the
hniUes taken te tne I'ennsyivnntn He
pltni. riiysii'iann sniu tne couple nail
dead several hours. I
The daughter found gns flowing from
a jet in the tern. The jet. the police
say, had a broken "jilt" se that when
an attempt wns niniie te turn off the
gas, the step was turned a compute
i evolution, turning the gus off and then
Deiuauie was n familiar figure in tlu
neighborhood of his home, win re for
many years he had sold fruit fieui u
curt. i
Bridal Party Slips Away te New
YerK for the Ceremony
Sheriff Hatch, of Camden Ouniv.
nml Miss Elizabeth R. Debbins, tele
phone operator in the fumdeu ( euuty
Courthouse, slipped iiwny from their
pests of duty today und went te New
Yerk te be married.
Sheriff notch Is vice president of
the Merchants' Trust Cem nun v. of
f'nmilim. nml In (1ft V ears filil Mia
bride Is thirty.
Accempunying tne couple te New
te New
Yerk were Mr. ami Mrs. Meivun
Hatch. Mr. und Mrs. Clmrles Sliurp
and Mrs. Alice Miller, a Muter of the
bride. .
tin their return Mr. ami Mr-. Hutch
will reside at Delalr, N. .1.
Camden'e Cave Man Shave Whls
Kersf Haircut Considered
Wllltnm IVlira. ln.rrnlt nl... t...u
taken from bin cave in the' weeds ne.ir
U'uincien lust ueeu nnu nreuelit Imclt te
iiviiuuiien tine i iiiiiuen riiiiiity jail)1
en u cnurse ui luuure ie pi'eit prep-
erlv for his wife and children. I riinlillv
suceumblnit te the uplifting Inllucnees
et juh eiviiizuiieu.
Today Wnre horrewccl the jailer's
raxer und shaved fur the tirst time in
a year. A beard several Inches jenj
was' wuevi'd. Ills next step, he said,
will be te get a haircut ut the first op
portunity. That, tee, will he the IJrst
in a year and the lucky burber te whom
tbe contract is uwarded wll have the
pleasure of removing ilr a feet long
from fhe cave cjwpller's cranium. m
Cabin at and SpaaHarajip
Speculation Renewed Wfth
Arrlvaj of Governer-etac?,
Governer-elect Plnchet is expected e
arrive here from Milterd late this after
noon for n series of conferences which
will continue throughout the week.
With his return te the city, specu
lation eyr the cabinet and the speaker
ship will be renewed with vigor. Infor Infer
mn t Ien in Mr. Plnchet's r.ffice was te
the effect that all reports of selections
having been made for the cnblnet nrc
premature. This statement was par
ticularly with reference te u report that
Mrs. Mary Fllnn Lawrence, of Pitts
burgh, hail been nielnted Secretary et
the Commonwealth in the Plnchet
Generally speaking, all wan exceed
ingly quiet in political circles today.
W. Harry Baker, State ehnlrmnn, nnd
Governer Kprcul were n llarrlsburg,
mid Congressman Vnre was In Wash
ington. The only sign of activity wns
In the office of the Governer -elect,
where the prlvute secretary, P. 8.
Stahlenclter, wns busy with callers and
innll. Beth callers and the letters, in
most instances, discussed the avail
ability of men and women for jobs ut
Governer Sprnul railed attention to
day te the fact that William K.
Sweet, the newly-elrctcd Democratic
Governer of Colemdo, was graduated
from Hwnrihmerc College in the class
et lMitt. iietu .Mr. Hpreul dnd Mr.
Sweet were undergraduates together.
Governer-elect Sweet pleyed Quarter
back en the Bwarthmere football team
of these days, which was one of the
nrst notueiy strong awartumore elevens.
Prof. Clyde L. King, chairman et
ine i-incuei viuzens i;oremittee en
Htntc linnnces, expects that Governer
bpreul and the Governer-elect will
speak at tomorrow's meeting et the
committee in tne t.ity Liub.
Governer Spretil, It Is believed, will
appoint James Way Gorden. Jr., te
tne vacancy en tne common Plens bench
caused by the death of Judge Rogers,
either tonight or tomorrow. It is un
derstood there is no reason for stippos stippes
inj that the Governer will select Jtimes
A. Walker for the vacancy despite re
cent reports te that effect. Htntc Hep
resentntive Walker was fleer leader at
llarrlsburg for the Spreul-Orew forces
at the last session.
Deaths of a Day
Fermer Head of Phlla. Orchestra
Alse Known for Water Celers
diaries Augustus Davis, artist and
concert mnnager, died Saturday at his
home. t233 Laurens street. Germnn Germnn
tewn. He wns born in this city en Oc
tober 17. 18r.r, the son of Augustus
Hall Davis and Careline 11. Davis. He
was graduated from Philadelphia Den
tal college nnu practiced ier some
I yearn, also lecturing en chemistry at
! Franklin Institute.
Ills strong literary nnd aitlstlc
tastes, Jiewevcr, led te his giving up
dentistry te paint nml write. He,
studied In the Scheel of Architecture nt
the University of Pennylvnnin and
nt the Academy of the Fine Arts, where
he wns ut one time chairman of the Fel-
low-ship committee, tils water colors
wm. frequently exhibited nnd wen
much cnmincmlntlnii.
, Mr. Davis wuh musical critic of the
Philadelphia Press for neenil sears.
nnd ,,, ,)0nlR. nmnt manager of
ta. I'hlludelphlu Orchestra. He wns
promoted te mnnager during the regime
if l'litr. Seheel. conductor.
He is survived by his wife. Alicia
Visseher Knickerbocker Davis, te
whom he wns married thirty-seven
sear age. and one son. Leicester
Knlckerbacker Davis, of Philadelphia.
Among live stepchildren nre u. Knlck
n backer IIci.mI nnd Lawrence VIsscher
15e3d, of this city;
Ferdinand Tldmarah
FirJinaiid Tldmnrsli. n well-known
ncler who had wen wide recognition in
screen work, died yesterday nt the home
of his parents, Mr. nud Airs. Illchunl
AV. Tldmnrsli, 020(1 Hnzel nvenue. He
acted with Jnmes O'Neill when n boy,
and morn recently did motion -picture
work with the Luhin, Metropolitan und
rumeiiN Plnyers film companies in the
support cit J .en 'leiiegen, I'auiine t'reu
emu and many ethep stars
The funeral
will he held Tuesday
smlces in the (Jiiurc n of tne xr
Mrs. Ida May Cogswell
Mis. Ida May Cogswell, wife of fi.
Dure Cogswell, a prominent Camden
uteiuey, died yesterday ut the family
home at ri-ll Cooper street, Camden,
after nu illness of several months' dura
tion. Shu was sixty-three years old.
Albert Brlnkmann
Funeral services for Albert Brlnk
mann, sixty-six ycurs old, of 1818 West
Tiegu stieet, for many years a raauu
Incturrr, who died suddenly November
IS, will b.' held at his late residence,
'J'uesduy. at '! o'clock with interment In
Greenwood Cemetery.
Mr. Bilnkmnnn leaves three san,
Adelph, Charles, Herman, nnd two
daughters. Mrs. Carrie Stctbeck, Mrs.
Kmmii Iltitke, nnd his mother, Mrs.
Bertha Hassenstub. Ills wife, Emma
Brlnkmann, died some tlme nge. He
wus nn active luember of the K. of P.
Evan B. Haines
i Kwiu
B. Haines, clghty-lwe years
nM n' retired b.inker living nt
J Merlen nvenue, died last evenlpg after
a short Illness nt his home, ue iff sur-
ived by
one bister, Miss Itaebael
Elmer A. Klrkpatrlck
Iiincaster. Va., Nev. SO. (lly A.
P.) iriimr A. KlrUpntrick, cltv pijlter
of the Lancaster Intelligencer, died this
iiiernlnx of pneumonia, in his thirty thirty
hecend )ear. He was born In Harris
liiir and Is survived by his parents,
his widow, a duuKhler, two brothers nnd
a sister. Jic wns employed nt vnwuun
times en thu Hurrlsburg Patriot, the
Teuandii Ki'vlew ninl the I'hlladelpbln
i'l'iu.iti iji.mu;ii
CJll'lli;j.l.. Hudlenly. en Nev. 18
jams, ciniigmcr or the jb Jm sn mut
(caret C'uinphell. Itelatlvea ami trtnd In
Nlted te funeral ervlcr en Tueidsy. i
M.. nt thu re "denee uf hr Uretbir. Jehn
iamibl, iiOHU K. Urlani St. Jnterrnept
PrilIllMWJY. On Nev. JO, JU22. ALBKBT
IIRNUY IlllOMLUy. at hfs late rfW.n;;
inii v. Sim at,, J.ea Anselts. Calif. WV
ylcea and (nlrrmmt at l.e Anaelea.
NKCKbAUK l.t. Baturday , mernlns. at
llrvn Miiwr. naeltlaee
coniainies " "f '
wiin ei,iniiini emu.
furn4 tq
L;wiqweii ai i;
well m Ce.. c
t-nprlsoned Whlls; Trallln, WgUrj-
. ntrvl-i l
. Ernest Bees, fifty-two yeajtg old, of
nfeht watchman, at OseMhslm. Cel
llns A Cel's store, mtphsstnut
street, was arrested ' last hint' "When
City Detective Fnrrell.'hlldKlfi the
store under .'Wje rape, m him mit
several waists ana silk steckiags under
ins coat ns tie msue ps
Managers ei rpe sipre
ters had beta pus
zieti ter mentns ey
of small articles.'
and Schecklen were sent te investigate
nnd decided it was an 'inside Jeb.
Fnrrcll went, te the stars yesterday
afternoon nnd remained In hiding." lie
saw the watchman make his first trip
nreund the store, buf nothing happericq.
ever. Farrell suld he saw liiip pi
iiur iirii (iiiiv with vein nruuiin, mw
nush Hair
erai nriicics uiiuer qvt con
then cajue out of his hiding
ernl articles under his coat. Farrell
lis hldlns nlaee. but
found he was locked in' the stert. He
dropped a note' out pfv window te
Schecklen, who was waltl,ng, te irresl
According te the detectives, Decs
renfpsscd taking articles from the store,
because be could net resist the tempta
tion. At his home,' the detectives found
he 'had net disposed of pny of ' the
stolen goods, which ' consisted chiefly
of silk waist-, stockings and ether small
articles. "w r' .
Wants P. R. T. te Restore 16,
73 and 75 Lines te
Old Statu
Restoration of trolley routes In the
Xerthcnst, .altered because of the
irnnkferd "L,'! was taken under ad
visement today by the P.,B. T. at the
request of a ,delpgntlen frOm Brides
burg. . : ".' - '
lhe changes were, requested en
lleutes Nes. IB, 73 nnd '7B. The first
named was known, as -the Girard avenue-It
ridesburg- line and ran from
Hixty-third street nnd Glrnrd avenue
te the Frankford Arrlenal.
Since operation of tbe Frankford ele
vated, Allegheny avenue has been made
the eastern terminus' of the line. The
delegation wants tbe 'route te continue
te the arsenal.
Reute 75 new has its eastern ter
minus ut Orthodox and Richmond
streets. The delegation asked tbut the
cars continue te Bridge and Richmond
streets. Reute 73,- traversed by one
man trolleys, formerly ran from Frank
ford avenue nnd Bridge street te the
I'runkferd Arsenal and return. It new
Is from Frankford nvenue and Bridge
street, thence te. Richmond street and
Allegheny uvenue. Residents want the
old unite restored.
The delegation culled this morning at
the P. R. T. executive offices, 1520
Spruce street, nnd was greeted bv Ralph
T. Sealer, assistant te Themns K. Mit
ten, president of the company.
The members included Jeseph C.
Muir. n textile manufacturer: W. J.
Hcydrlck, a hardware manufacturer;
D. A. Little, Ilermun Helm, former
Councilman Fred Schwartz, William
W. Bates, Geerge Hunter, Walter
PytpUe, A. II. McAlcer, Charles Hang
staffer, superintendent of the Brides
burg postefiicc ; L. It. Ervlu aud Geerge
C.lllillan. ,
At the suggestion of Mr. Seuter, the
delegation named Mr. Muir, Mr. Hey
drlik, Mr. Little nnd Mr. Helm as a
committee of four te cull next Monday
at the P. It. T. executive offices.
After the meeting u representative of
the empnny said :
"On November 2. P. R. T. in Its
notice te the public of changes in re
routing due te operation of the Frank
ford L stated that new routes estab
lished were believed te lie the best
suited te changes in traffic and prom
ised, after sufficient time hud chipped
te demonstrate tne actual conditions,
that they wen hi welcome any sugges
tions offered by these nffectcd.
"The company appreciates the co
operative spirit demonstrated ut the
meeting of the Bridesburg committee
today aud will give the suggestions out
lined by it every . consideration and
hopes te have u definite answer at the
next meeting of the committee by
Monday, November 27."
Norrlstewn Candy Dealer Returns
Frem Greece te Find Himself Peer
When Peter Memphis sailed uwny
two mouths age te his home in Greece
he had two candy stores lu Norrlstewn
and tuuglhle assets of ulinest two thou
sand dollars, but when he came buck
he dK'ONcicd he no longer possessed
the stores and that his assets were nil.
James Krikallls, thirty-five years
old, the muuuger whom he hud left In
charge nf his business, is in prison
nt Norrlstewn tedny charged with buy
ing sold the Meres for $11100 nud stolen
receipts of $1200, Detectives arrested
Krikallls in New Yerk Saturday.
St. Michaels' Postoffice Robbed
Kuslcm. Md., Nev. 20. (By A. P.)
Thieves broke Inte the'posteffice nt
St. Michaels, twelve miles fieni here,
curly this morning and toeK 9,1 jiem tne
stamp diawer. They also entered the
office of the building nud lean associa
tion, about 11 block away, but found
(HO (toy IK MR
Crawls en Plank te AW of Mm
tinWrn te Daath In
" Oamttn peg
: l .
Rchanl CelUngs. ;f)fty rears ed, of
East Smth,yl)le, .Pa., s . n
serious 'condition In GoepCr IIpsplta.1,
Camden, semiconscious' and pufferlng
shock from his narrow escape from
death in quicksand early yesterday
morning. ' ,
He was rescued by police and firs
men from a swamp If BIvm ""'"
near State street shortly before day
light after haying sunk Inte tht mire,
where he was stuck for almost Ave
Patrolman Slombewskl heard feeble
calls for help from the swamp and by
bis flashlight located the pan. Only
his head could be seen above the
level of the quicksand. Knewing fat
could de nothing by himself, the .po
liceman ran back te tbe street, 800
feet distant, and summoned aid. A po
lice nmbulnnce with Sergeant Nnyler
and Patrolmen Andersen and Stanten'
Fireman Vd-ite-.
It was pitch dark but lights en the
ambulance were thrown " upon the
swamp. Seeing that mere help was
needed, the rescuers sent for a Aft truck
nnd Deputy Firs Chief Patterson and
ethers responded. After Betting Jeng
planks from a lumber yard, a .volunteer
was called for te carry out a rope te
the sinking man.
Fireman Dyer undertook the task.
Laying beards inrent him, Der,
with a rope around bis body te haul him
back, crept cautiously ever the tresch
creua sands te .Collings. When be
reached him Collings was speechless.
rv-nr due- into the swamn and nlaced
a rope under the man's arms, and these
en shore pulled in both' rescuer and
rescued. . , ' A .
rveiinm wns en bis way te Camden
from Delnlr, N. J., where he wes
working, and get off a trolley car nt
River and State streets. He attempted
te take n "short cut" through the
swamp, which appeared in the dark as
solid ground.
At the hospital thjs morning it was
said be is still In a serious condition
but will recover. He is dazed and semi
conscious. .
The swamp Is near the General
Chemical Company plant, 200 feet from
the nearest street.
i. b . 4
Intruder Flees East Cambria Street
Heuse After Biting Occupant
Utnjamln Geldberg, 3804 East Cam
bria street, wns surprised en bis return
from work thU morning te find nn un
invited guest sprawled comfortably In
Geldberg's favorite chair in tbe living
Geldberg ordered the Intruder te
In the fight that followed Geldberg
suffered a bitten finger, but retaliated
by scratching the stranger en tbe face.
Finally the man floored Geldberg, ran
through the rear deer apd disappeared.
Cambridge, N. J.. Man Alse Is Fined,
925 In Camden
Fer driving his automobile while in
c.vlpnieil. f!nrl Burxis. of Cambridge.
N. J., wns sentenced today by Recorder
Stnclcheuse In Camden, te two months
He also was fined $25 for failing te
have a license en His mncuinc.
Dr. Patten Lectures Here Tonight
Dr. Francis L. Patten will begin n
...:nu nf five lecture nt Cnlvurv Pres
byterian Church tonight. Since retiring
from the presidency of Princeton Theo
logical Seminary, Dr. Patten has been
lling in Bermuda. Ills lectures will
deal with, the general subject of funda
mental mommy, aim i-'r. ruiimi niu
cneli n non the snread of rationalism in
im.Htnnt Cbrlstlnnltv. and soma of
the matters new vexing the Presbyterian
Church. Dr. ration win ue ine guest
of Geerge V. ftiussey.
Pays 4U Per
Ceat Interest
21st sad
aiabridfe Sit.
1343 Cktitast St.
Jehn Wf.nsmaktr.Prci.
ELECTRIC Company prod
ucts, we are equipped te serve
you mere completely than ever
before. ,-
Frank H. Stewart
85-IT-ISNerth Htventh Htrtet
f0-SSrVIbrt street
of critical selection
as pecklacei
and for additions te necklaces
Ropes of Pearls
Pearl-Mesh Sautpjr ,w?th
Pearl Taspels
l'uychaB$ fftserved for Chriitna$ Delivery
Qalltd Ra Haad of L. B. Tay-
ier A Ce., tuad by Twtnty t
Parienf ,
tVtermtnxi ntt totecste Walter
W. Weed, treasurer pf L Vny1?T k
Qe.. stock brokers, most of wnese
frs'are undsrarrest for alleged frsudu
nt 'transact, tens of the fjrtn, are being
made by defectives today. s '
W004 s charged ny four oaicere. 01
the concern as being the real head of
Tayler k Qe. and te have appropriated
tb money of clients te establish his
ewestleart in business. He has ap
apparently left the city. , , . ,
Bight persons hnve thus far been ar
rested n connection with the company's
Biicgea , irauuuicni cinum iium, wyui
them being the Rev. T Ashir Hpis, la-
mena Urumm-r hnv of the Civil War.
and' formerly secretory of the Pennsyl
vania Mstireaci x. m. v. a. mis con
nection with the case lies in having in in
trediifvd 11 Miteiimnn of the firm te an
aged coUple and tar have helped induce
tnem te piace tneir ine savings wiw
the brokers. They lest fpSOO. Mr.
Hess Is ill nt his peme. He collapsed
foltewlng his arrest.
Efferts te aln the dlschsrca of Mr.
Hess are expected te be made by many
pf the twenty or mere prosecutors when
preliminary hearings are given the pris
oners tomorrow. At the request of State
Representative Clinten Sewers, repre
senting several of the prosecutors, the
minister, who is seventy-three yenrs old
was released en his own recegnisance
for n further hearing by Magistrate
Ceward Saturday, while ether defend
ants were held in bail of from $1000
te seuuu eacn.
Although county detectives believe
they nipped the L.' B. Tayler Company
brokerage business while It was' still in
the bud, they have, nevertheless, started
an investigation in an effort te 'deter
mine just hew much this concern suc
ceeded in getting from Its alleged vic
tims. At the present time the customers of
the company who have complained te
the office of the District Attorney num
ber fewer than twenty, suffering a total
less of approximately $75,000.
Frem the accounts of the modus oper
andi of the company, as given by de
tectives who have worked en the case
and the lawyers who have been Inter
ested In the prosecution, the entire busi
ness of the concern was nothing mere
tnan a uciiocrate steal without any pre
tence nt doing legitimate business.
The only and most Important arrest
needed te cemnlete the case, as far as
tbe prisoners are concerned, is that 'of
Walter W.'Weed, treasurer of the com-
inny, wne is charged by tour 01 tne ox ex
ccrs under arrest with being the rent
head of the company and who is ssld
te have appropriated the money. Weed
wns sought all day yesterday, but 'all
efforts te find him were futile.
ThntnAB H. Wltien. 2090 Arr.h mi . and
Susan C. PUnaJrsn. sose Arch tt
William C. Hill, mt Uoene it., and Mary
is. iiuniwerin. ids Atmuna v.
Stephen Zutckl. 2SS2 Salmen it., and Btstts
mastewik. 2405 Ambfr it
Kennetb P. Mennttt. Hamilton, N
1,. and
Mtrlerla WMteett. 4UST !
IjllUM, it
N. 8th st.
Qarten S. arcne. 184 . w.
,urav at
M. Drltdcxick
eabnek. USUI N. ISth at.
Denjnmln Mills.
24 !
ii2 Stat rd.. and Atverta
Wlfllatn at.
iierwr. zzii
Etnd J. Kaplan. 2SS . Queen lane.
jlriiih. iii.i jii.uuiia. x'
Aitoena. ra.. ana
Antonie Fleava, 10ln Federal it
and Teresa
Harlca. 10IS Federal it.
MerrU Wnliky, New ark. N, J., and i:ilxa-
blh Atkln. 12ST 8. Sth t.
Ctinrles 1. Sllverthern, 3025 Terrace t.. nnd
Mary L." Qulnlev. 43is Stejamenilnt uve.
Ui" jenea. aia'i aeuin at,
and Annli-
neil parker. S1Z4
Jehn It. Nevelt.Jr.
R4!i E
Thomp-en St..
ami Alice MeKlnnev. 20AA Cedar at
Alfred K. Plddley. lUSft . N. ISth it.
Mary urar. iuss jiericsnire at,
Arthur K Edmeiui. 1.130 S. Oar
.130 8. Qarnett at., and
---"- .. ittt . -. - i. -r-'-::-- .
Ilarvav W. Snider. Tuckahne. N.
Kexiina mwi". lean b. uarneii ac.
J., sad
Ada McCracken. 'Jllll 8. 20th at
Charlea Olllen. Darby, Va.. and As
Ml 9n tfnlaiid at.
Agnes Q ray.
Owen 8. Mersan. 1224 N. Warnock at
Ever step te
t h i nk hew
many people il
lustratiens from photo engrav
ings influence? just another
reason "Your story in picture
leaves nothing untold."
Entrance en 11th Street
In all
1 fc T" 1.
'i X.
Eat hearty!
Bat all you want of y.$
Heinz Spaghetti Ge
ahead and eniovveur- 'ij
elC Makdamealbfit 'i
Ithasthebbdy-build- ,'f
6 wMetvyp,ur
yitem dendtthe
flavor your appe$t,v
crayM. Qoedhy mijfa
efthe cay. an fer?ny!
occasion. Skillfully
cooked with Heinz fk
meus Toinate Sauce
and a choice cheese:
Mmubf cook$d, fady te mm
Filbert Street Raid Nate Three Stills
and loose Ingredients
Policemen of the Peach and Medls.,
streets station early this morning un
covered a -large moonshine, plant. la,s
raid en a supposedly unoccupied house
nt 5216 Filbert street. Three 100-gsl-Ien
stills in operation and large quan
tities, et ingredients were seised. A
man in charge of the beuse escaped by ,
jumping through a second-story win
dow into the rrd. ,
Curious about tbe place, Lieutenant
Graham ordered an Investigation fad
the raid waulteij. It was pads by s
sergeant and two district detectives.
Their approach was noted by the one
man in tne neuse, wee ran ie tne sec
ond fleer, with the detectives after Urn.
They fired, but none of the shots took
The stills were run by gas tbreeib
three large heaters, ine.natsrs wns
supplletlr.btL-wn ' -neb W
half pipe, which tapped' the gas matt la
the street. Among ins i
bpIipc! were corn sucar. ISO
'fslleas e.
mash, 250 pounds pf yeast am
ions ex moensuine.
for Men and
We are informed that
in variety, quality and
general excellence our
assortments are un
equaled. Four special Items are
At $3.50, flruahed-YVoel
Mufflers in a fine selection
of colorings. Very superior
quality for thia price.
At $5.00, Cam'el's-Heir
Mufflers, sqft and warm,
and of delightful texture.
Striped borders.
At $5.00, "Itumchundas"
Silk of splendid quality.'
Whits ground wth self or
contrasting color figures
and stripes.
At $18.50, Swiss Knitted
Mufflers n stripes of ex
rAPrllncr beautv In both COl
erlng snd designthese are I
qiite out pft the ordinary
1424-142 Cl-iitani Si.
i '
1 i t
Sv ?
Hmm M Hffpare a
jm waw
4T A V.UWWk irmi
jt-a y,v v
wn riw 1
no ciajHinft
claaUtlluir Mliimna r ,
rUi-VU UH of tbe 'im
mCa ft
'i'T77 Tf
r ."TV
? '
jr. i ir'-tevv:
a.YfeA4Jtj,wivx wWk
J i rFZ
lien m fiff sniff
nr ih ii Mi" Blf
ttmmi'Mm was: i