Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    r imsm!m&-- w'mwtew
rv .ira - vj wis.PkVht-jt (TT'TCncHr f r f iv-tfP"-yv
" - - - - ' :.tt erv ;.;j. jh.i w.T v-- in. ' -- ... . arj.
7 -w i-'J ' M piwv-jpp. ILTf V7"1
- . VMXM
- - k Ytrttf - ' rV.TTT:&sm 9 '
: .-r y fl r v -' .' 'Kr wvwaTfs i rvw&i
,1 ,
i f
ai 7ae Wedding Rings
. , Makes Marriage Mere Fifty-Fifty
WOUSIE'S new husband has a wed
p dlni rlnit, tee; enn you bent It?"
Med one of the girls In the nutllt ec-
Bil 93
-; -,
"Yes, something like thnt. Kvery
mnrrlcil woman wears It ns n symbol
that she is some man's property ! Other
men sec it, nnd knew. 1 don't llke
the lilin nf lirlnc ticketed. If 1 were
Idea?" chorused the mprri.,1 J" Mmve n" ,,e ujBni"wlf
..I,-,. wneincr i were a mm r nm. uhj
"Search me.
tien nt lunch.
"What's the big
Please Tell Me
What te De
think it was home
thins about euual
Ity of the sexes, or
modern customs. I
don't knew what
geed It docs."
"That's net new.
1 knew some folks
from Middle Ku-
rope, long uge, who
married women just slip the ring in
their pocket, se it won't scare off men
from little flirtations, when they are
"What nonsense! Yeu have funny
I ideas. I'd be nhamed net te hnvc a
I ring. Ne one would knew I was married."
"Well, why should people you meet
enxunlly knew? It is none of their
husini'SN. Men don't wear an emblem
1 had double wedding ' en their finger or In their lnpel, ns If
rings. They were I It were some secret order, or go about
HAiu-un cdeluy elder people, it n dt ticketed, te warn nil women of their
Mid it was the custom in their ceun-, wedded stnte! It might be n geed idea !
try." I Then we wouldn't let them Jelly us,
"Well, I think It Is n geed idea, supposing lliem nice bachelors."
Every one who rends interesting bonks
telling nil nbeut the ctelutlnn of mar-' MTJt'T you said that Mr. Kvnns does
riate customs kns thnt n let of sm- w ,. Wp(i,in rng?"
bels nnd superstitions nre perpetuated ..y4 Tle comparatively few men
all the time by nearly everybody. ct' ,. t fUew the -iitem en the
tnest people have no conception of what ,, 1lt ,f thm, mwtbp Mmc ym.
they are doing, or. why. lhere s or- fnl , ... ,., ..it,, nnnrt ln ,.
nge blossoms, nnd the veil, ami the n(1 MnT(fl weri,i. th, Wh
ting, unci giving the bride away and ,,nrtles ,,,, IuJ RlmnriiV labeled !
throwing rice and old .shoes. t..ich has T1i,r(, u J(gt M mwh WMttinfnt ln
f1."' """" "" .""""' hrcp's civiiiB n r lie ns n br decroem's
engmnieu centuries age in uiin.i. .ai- ,,,, w ,t is mnterllll ..jedce. an
l.rtters te CvntMa'i eelumn mull ft,
wrltttn en one ldr et the vantr enlu
and Diiuf be laitrd icllh the writer
namr nnd mtttrtm. The name will nel
b published U the icrlCcr doc net irlJl
ff. .t't'tleiitd Jfcr and Itttrm trnff;n
en both utile of the tiaver icltl net b
nnnccrrd. wtlttm who with prroeitnl
ciinti'frj thnt can be eiven in the
column Kill please leek there, as per
tonal lettim nre only tcHtlcn ehtit aea
lutein ii(cr.arv.
Te Helen
Cynthia cannot understand your ques
tion ; perhaps If you explain meru
clearly, he can give you an answer.
Wants 8eme Games
Dear Cynthia I have never taken the
opportunity te write te you before, al
though I am very much tntrrexteil ln
your column. Cynthia, I have a girl;
friend with whom I cerrestimul unite ,
iirtiurnwy. hub inena is ROing 10 givn
a party in n few weeks. She wrote te
me nnd nsked It I knew any games.
They have alieut worn out spin the
plate, postefflce, wink. etc.
Will you please tell me a few? Thnnk
you. BETTY.
The Weman's Exchange will send you
came", if you will tend a Belt-addressed,
stamped envelope.
Hew te Win Back Leve
Dear Cynthln I nm a girl past sir
teen. There Is a fellow I love, who Is
twenty-two. I went with him for n
while, then we broke off. A girl friend
of mine gae a party te which we were
both Inviud. At the party he was In-
ireuuccu te anemer gin friend of mine.
il meaning. I think rice throwing , ,,, . ,!, , , bridegroom's
anted centuries age In Uiin.i. Nat- ,,,, , ,t is tnateriat pledge, an
y, hnvins it male relative give jeii PXChnnge of gifts te betoken their inn-
nd'gfen bvlVhirV,e a,"'1'1 '? ,,n hN , '"' ,,!,-, hl', Ven heV me he only sa -SK el.e.
t v... i, ,i, r,,i,r t.-..M i...h ;""" "' '.".""'". ""-. i"'ji"i- . "i-:::
i. i '.i ii i7. . .1 i eve. I thi'V it is itentt trui.
kvny, It is the same idea, only no one' , , iwut i
links of It as degrading, lluine meJi . 'Then he can t ny ' It It
e one is going te give me te any I thee wed. nnd with nil my
" " goods endow, can he;
- . m . c iiiii ni' fl kiiia iu nvivrtvn nun mn i mm.i i.-. . ..ii i .., .
away Miggests tie en tact tint n girl ,nl (TtintV m,n nuts W Initials i. ," "' ",in mJ luiei eiwn,
was n chattel, virtually a slave, ewne.l "V V1T $2 Jaa .,n,,T I T 'l.1.. .. "jem together.
by ucr father, nil
man ns n imsi
WU), il is illi: -;iim.- iiivu, iui, uu uni- ' . , , ,tl-i.t t.l . -t....
thinks of It as degrading. Hume meJi . "Then he can t ny It h this ns,
N'n .hip Is imliiir te cive me te any I thee wed. and with nil my earthly
- I ''frtrlintm lint. Ittlf it Is n untlrn
T0 OSV. thinks about the matter, sometimes, when the man Is peer, and
1.M se it reallv Is net humiliating." the girl nn heiress! The couples w;he
"Yes. but folks ought te think ! exchange rings use some lovely pledge
Might ns well be n dam!" i and plight their mutual love. It ap
peal in me.
Sert of
"A L.ITTI..K .JE.VT.nrs.'
Don't de anything about it. Why net
have some proper pride In the matter?
.Mmply Ignore the happening and turn
te ethers for friendship.
The wide
brimmed one
for the tall girl
with the round
face. It cuts
off her height,
dwarf 8 the
width of hot het
face and nor
malizes her
gene raj, ap
pearance. The
little girl who
longs te be tall
can attain it
with her long,
narrow hat
and its impos
ing feather if
she misses out
with the top of
her head. Inci
dentally, the
tall girl should
avoid the high
feather as
carefully a s
the little girl
should shy
clear of the
large brim
which dwarfs
her se unbecomingly
wit t aitntinn f ln rmif menns neals te me
that n girl Inn gene under the kc "Net s0 bad, net re bad.
and Is bound?" I fifty-fifty, from the start!"
The Reckless Age
Aline Feitcr. a member of the Jty
teunprr iff. fccremri cnij"3c" te
Chartrti Tunc, tint hrcattic hc leir
him. hut limine then "nn 'e irrl
luital ie cifh ittln'r. Hut AUnr in
tinti upon hcimj fice te nrccit iiffni iiffni
fletu from ether mrn. unit, ucurv in
her ability te held Charley, hr km
a flirtation of mrt,i rlth .luteii .eik.
a trriter. Three neiifit nfttr their
engagement, Charley eem fe her
mnd asks that it he heken off.
Playing the Game
"Wn ,7UST let'Uk'1 te eaH lt off'"
Aline explained carelessly te her
family. Of course they had te knew
about it sooner or later, but she did
resent their pryins into Iter affairs ; she
felt ns though her independence were
being menaced when they ns-kul que--tien.
Mrs. Fester knew thnt it would be
tiselcss te say anything te Ali".e. It
xveuld de no geed te expostulate with
her becaue from early slilhed Aline
hed always had her own way. And
neither could she get her daughter te
talk nbeut It. te explain what had hap
pened. Nothing but that maddening.
"We just decided te call It off." With
thnt the elder woman was forced te be
I'hvllls was scandalized.
"Of course I knew it would happen."
she said when her mother telephoned
the netti-. te Nutley. "And If jeii want
te knew my private opinion. I think
Chnrley get tired of the bargain. Aline
was tee sure of him. but of course.
no one can tell her anything. Dees she '
seem broken up about it, mother?
Phyllis would net have been sorry
te sec Aline somewhat er"-tfallen. She
might even have pitied her sister if
Aline hud shewn igns of unhnpplness. t
It would have delighted her te knew
thnt just once the proud Aline had been
humbled, but there was no danger of i
anything like that happening. Aline
was ln the habit of keeping her affairs
te herelf and te Phyllis least nf all i
would she have steeped te unbend. j
And se when In response te Phyllis' i
eager question. Mrs. 'eter returned.
"Xe, I can't ee that it Ims made any
Caracul and Tucks
en Broadcloth Suit
i A yfflm 1
' n ill
v . I
I s
vBiftSBaaaaaaS ,x . T?l: ? aaaaaaatSclifTKV
JPItiSCTiBaaaaal. "i -?RV' 'flavBafl&r
aaaaaaaaaa vKXr v Wt
aaaaaaaaaaaav ;v --L. m
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV vx ' -aaav. ar
..,- "; ""'Bf!y
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV s a?xaaw
m 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbRbbbbbbbL
ti&x-;-- - . - -TV
Seme Unusual Recipes Are Gathered Up
During Mrs, Wilsons Lecturing Tour
Conrleht, UU!. nil .Vrt. .V. A. Wilsen,
He'a Five Yeara Younger
pear Cynthia I de hope you nre net
I ..... " " u. urainiess, suiy
f CreatUre When vm, mail .( n... T -J.
....j.. ,.v ..nu .ills. UUI A lilll
In a quandary nnd would value the
opinion et some disinterested person,
will you give me your advice en the
I am a yeuwr woman twenty-three
years of nge. Seme time nge I made
the acquaintance of a boy. At the tlme
of our introduction and or a few weeks
after I thought he was about my own
"". J'..0?"1? vcr' chummy nna
eventually fell in love. He Is a darling
In every way the very type I have al-
net de for me. He is9abSeiu"fiy devoted These Dclicieits Dishes Will Add Variety te the Menu if Put
dp1ntilnc0aMeef'TBethaAthV.mi(5r In mt en Everyday Things Arc Getting Tiresome
net believe It nnd raid' no attention, but
upon nearinc ic irem anetner seurc I
became suspicious nnd at length asked
him about It. It was true. Imagine mv
feellncs! A girl twenty-three and a
boy eighteen !
I te.d him that I would net see him
any mere, that It was absurd for us
te be serious, and for several weeks I
would net see him. But he called me en
the phone every day and begged se hard
tee sec me that I at last consented. He
was thin and stricken looking.
Before I knew him he had been going
around te cafes and cabarets nnd was
In with the wrong people entirely. Our
friendship changed all that. Mv Influ
ence HPni geed for him, and I think
he needs lt at his nge. I am fearful
that he will associate-with the wrong
sort of people If I iflve htm up.
Dear Onthla, what Bhall I de? He
seems se much elder than his vears. He
nlwa has been way beyend'hls vears.
Shall I wait until he makes his mark?
Or am I slllv te even consider It? Is
five years' difference In age tee much?
Please give me your advice and thank
If you were both a little elder five
years Is net tee great a difference. I
should say, but eighteen Is certalnlv te?
young te marry twenty-three. Better
wait till he. Is of age; then If you both
Bt ill feel the same toward each ether, go
ahead und marry.
"Sparrow" Has Hopped Back
Dear Cynthia Well. Cynthia. I Have
flown bacic te our gentle climes again.
Daphne, the Mir writer of a jarzy epis
tle of a few days age, has encouraged
my return flight 1 have followed the
advice of one of mv kneekers nf a few
months age and have flown te ether
climes during my absence from the col
umn nut I am glad te return te the
old-time stuff again Daphne states that
I was growing tired of the kisses m,
easily gotten. I was at the time, but
lt was Just one of my crazy notions
During my nbsence from the column I
have met quit n few girls, and then
was only one with whom I had a hard
time getting a geed-night kls. I took
rlahts reserved
HAVE accumulated many splendid
recipes thnt are very suitable te this
season during my recent lecture trip.
I have tried out these splendid dishes,
thnt nre Just the wee bit unusual.
Try them nnd if you like them pass
them en te your neighbor.
Pineapple Baked Custard
Place in saucepan
7'ire and one-half cups of milk,
One cup of sugar,
Seven level tablespoons of corn cern
stareh. Stir te dissolve and bring te boil
ing point; cook for one minute. New
One cup of critthed pineapple,
Twe tabletmem of butter,
Yolks of thric rags.
Heat well and then fold in the stifT
Iv beaten white of one egg; turn in
well-buttered custard cups nnd bake In
slew even for twenty minutes, feel nnd
top with meringue made as follews:
Plnce in small bowl
k Whites of fire egy,
OnC'half glass of quince jelly.
And bent with the rotary style eg
beater until the mixture forms in stiff
meringue ; pile en the pudding nnd fleck
here nnd there with Heme well-drained
crushed pineapple. If this dish is baked
in the glass baking cups it may be
served in the cups.
Charlette Itussc
rince one tablespoon of gelatin te
soften In five tnblespoenH nf milk for
ten minutes: then nlnee the cun con
taining the gelatin in pan of het water
I One and one-half cups of bread
Alt erumes,'
Three quarters cup of flout,
OnC'half teaspoon of salt,
Tice tablcwoens of bakinn netcder.
Three-quarters cup of breicn sugar.
tmc cup of raisins,
One cun of finely chopped nuts.
One and three-quarters cups of thick
apple sauce..
Turn in the prcpnred meld nnd bake
in moderate even for forty -live min
utes. Turn from the meld nnd serve
with the snttcc made while the brown
betty is baking in its own meld.
Thundering Reck Macaroons
Chop very fine sufficient nuts of
choice te measure one cup. Plnce the
finely chopped nuts In mixture bowl and
One cup of very coarse bread crumbs,
unc-naif cup ej nneiy chopped coco-
h,r out a ceupV of times without get-1 , bent slowly until the gelatin melts.
tine the coveted ltl'S, But I adopted c,nn,l naliln until nnnl hn- lint vet- then
Columbus- old watehwerrj for my slogan. ' ,,a.n'1 ?,1C ,"":?.?,. ,V l ti ''""
Sail en, sail en," nn at last I suci "'?' gelntin In slowly Inte one nm one-
ceeded I admit I had te step pretty
n.. rnmvvr x nwt? nveiy rer in.-u kis. ner i kei me kiss
U l.tJKi:E L.U'.'.fr . .f-.tsfled myelf I found nn excuse
It's ni brocikleth ns It's lone se I for net peelnir thn Klrl arraln. This is
- . 1 I . . I ! tn j-.t tries tViri T lint'A Alllllf V r. .1 . I
"eeiu te uci'inri1 ninny i iiie winter u- mi-. "" ".' i"" "',.-. 1,.. ..,,i., .. i. , . i
suits Km- hrenilelnth has been one work for. me einers were given as a " N"".- V"?,' ' """; i" .'" lJ '" " ""
half cups of whipped cream, nilding
:Tire teaspoons of vanilla extract,
One-half cup of picdcrcd sugar.
Line custnrd cups with thin slleen
Isn't Your Jeb That Counts;
It's the Way Yeu Loek It
The Stenographer Who Thought Herself Above Her Werk
Was Inferior te the Cleaning Weman Who Was
Interested in Hers
difference te her nt all." Phj Ills sn ffed. f the ferelBnli'sianers' chief mediuins mat,Pr r fnV' .Vne Kin that I nn. bottom of tne cup irem uu spenge
nnd in talking it ever with (ienr-e i Ier.H1'n1 '". I? r"'p "e' ,l1,s palling around with new likes me te ' ,.ke. Fill with the prepared cream,
that ev.niii" enlle I v in . f..V Vl... V. eii.Td l,f ePien In tuiler-miulis and tl ret- ahH her often. One night I told her te , llsin; n n,trv bas nnd the rose shape
that cenlng. en led Aline fir the ecend ,,j,.t(. lestiimes. As te length, leek uthet up for about an hour, nnd she cot , ,1 , ,?rI 'h nitW
time ''hard nnd unfeeling." h familiar bloused jacket and the l almost Inrulted. If I don't lclii her J'"r" ."' "J. .,'rres PP
"iseme day she'll cmie a cropper" p,lu.,Hv llm-erinc skirt This nartieulnr I nbeut a dozen times an evening sh. nuu or muriiscliiiie cherries.
Mid Phxllls a little vindictively. "She l S : ls rieS out in h el- Wins thinks I am sick. The ether night I was ' The little paper patty cups one enn
won't find it se easy te pkk up another ' 0 brotidcleth und tl e c rnc'iil which I nit,!ler ,!"ew' Z.b)!? hell,'1 me alenR.- ' I"irolin.e nt the stationer's nre very
man n desirable ns Charley verv seen " 1. u 'lrLBI . Lf c.'Lu. . '' n,'.ml? .tllat these kisses are about citable for the charlotte russc.
ni" ew n- ni.t "M-t ii'iei - i t no f:iMif'N i iiili rcr kulu' .
n.i ,i, , .11-1 t r i,n,i.v tJ" f -. ""-erded by the blouse of cardinal red
that the eligible ( barley I. vne was net cre,le Kenj'.jiiic with embrelderv of geld
te become one of the faml v. in u sense. thr'ea(1 ex,,0t., )V the s,lrl,i(.;. 0i.illB.
ni0l:,,,Il c!Vy,S,'!'1rnt 1in,1t lN ,"-I , An original conclusion is reached by
pensi tiens. If Aline !! married i . ,lrrmv tuf tu v,,.,wI.,l. m, h,
lllnMl,i.. , inm ... .!. I U .1 ..n ... 1... 1....A- ---v "' " r ..... ...-
Vvi.iit.v,, , iii'-iu itiiini! it- --iiii- hi iiv null-
ful coinpnri-ens between Cliarley and
Cicfirge, and Phyllis would have' hutetl .
that. I
As for Aline, she carried her head '
high nnd outwardly was unmoved re
garding the whole thing. Rut en the
night thnt Clmiley had broken the en
gagement, she had slipped up te her I
room, and wept bitter tears. They '
were for the most part tears of anger:
anger thnt Charley had dared te treat
her with such scant ceiiiddcrntlnn, that i
he had actually admitted te her face
his wish te hnte done with the engage
ment between them. Hut mere im
portant than her anger was the fuel
that her self-confidence was shaken.
8he had been used te consider herself
omnipotent where men were concerned;
she hnd openly bensted of her ability '
te held f'harley, and even though no ;
one would ever knew the truth, she
knew it. nnd In consequence writhed
'Under the humiliation of such n thing.
She had no desire te see people.
If it had been pos-lble she would have!
Kept te tier room for a time, but te de
thnt would only cause comment. There
fore she had te go places, she hnd te
make herself prominent In the gay
eelal whirl, nnd te every one who asked
abe miiile the snme answer.
"We just decided te cull It off."
This explanation would have done
very well, for the jeunger set is fairly
casual nbeut engagements and the like,
if Chnrley hadn't appeared nt n dance
given hv the Ituthcrferds, nccempanled
by Mabel Collin. This hnnnened nbeut
week after Aline's broken emrniri.. !
ment. and as might naturally be ex-
pected. caused a grcut deal of gossip
and talk.
1 don't nurfe with your writers when IJrewii Hetty
ky a "enew UdS' 'wen't'1 !? Try this brown betty ; it is most un-
a girl net se very long age who win as usual.
decent a girl as there ever was, and she Plnce In snucepnn
rtAw. rsfnci.i1 m n pneil-niirht tta 1 I r 1. -
lower section of the jacket and plnced i took her te a petting party one nlcht , r hrZ i,,)1Z , 1,,,'tlrr
above the fur ciifN,
e are nt leas
tiens of the -ort of suit shown here
1 and I had a dull time of lt, for sh
This Klrl wen d
- - - . m rt I. (nn !-. A i IJltIIS
The am nt lr.i,ut iflflfi if.... . went upstairs hy nerseir nna wouldn't, '"" '"" " -"
,..u ... .1 ..1 ...1. .1 'i ' mix in any or me siuii.
&r x& L a 5? .Tm-trxAfV s, ,,,'zJ'
" v"" i.iniiev no iiiiiiui-.i hi- jjerj' one ie wneui i nave inirei luceij -.i ., . , 1 .1..,.. 1.. .1... I,it..i,i
ecptance by these who pride themselves , the girl. Including my fnthu and l",lr, ,""' I'repared sirup in the bottom
. it . . ... 1 . 1 . ' .. .... 1, 1 u .!.. - ,.t l.n .....la I nf ..tdii.t ul. hi nrptlnr.
Cook until n thick rich sirup.
betty liberally
shortening and
New place ln mixing bowl the whites
of two lnrsc eggs. Heat until stiff
nnd then bent in one cup and three
tablespoons of sugar. Cut nnd fold in
the prepared crumbs nnd nuts and
drop by the spoonful en well-greased
and floured baking sheet. Hake in
tlew even for fifteen minutes.
Oatmeal Macaroons
Place in mixing bowl
One nip of breivn sugar,
Yolks of tire eggs.
Cream well ; then ndd
One and one-half cm of oatmeal,
One-half cup of finely chopped co
conut, ,
One cup of finely chopped rai.iini.
And work in the stiffly bentcn whites
of the two eggs. Ferm in bnlls nnd
plnce en well-grensei) nnd floured pnper
baking sheet "hnd bake In slew even
eighteen minutes.
Adventures With a Purse
ALL of us give niueli thought nnd ns
much time ns possible te our per
sonal appearance nnd I'm sure thnt we
have nil taken n mirror and anxiously
scanned the reflection gazing back nt
us sometimes with the thought thnt
something just must be done. A thor
ough cleansing of the skin each night
with 11 geed crenm Is n very geed idea.
11 j 011 want te give n cry acceptable
gift te some one you knew rather well,
or yourself, you'll be interested In the
be which has lemon cleansing tissue
and vanishing cream and n box of
rouge and lipstick. Lemen crenm tends
te whiten the skin, tee. The box Is
$.", which mny sound like n let when
j nu say it nil nt once, but isn't, when
jeu step te figure the cost of each in
dividual article, or the result.
Far nnmr of shop address Wemsn't Pace
Kililnr. or. phone Wnlfint anon gr Main 1601
irtwrrn the liniirs nf t nnn R.
TUB stenographer enme In with n
hnughy sniff becn'use the cleaning
wemnn In the hall outside had slewed
up her trlumphnnt progress tewnrd her
The dcnnln wemnn hnd been wash
ing the windows nnd her bucket of
black wntcr had been set down near
the deer of the office while she brushed
up the hnll.
The stenographer took off her hat.
fluffed out her hair, arranged her pearl
necklace nnd put en her enrritigs.
She sat down at her desk, but net te
get te work ; there wna a distinctly un
powdered nren en her face w lilch hnd te
be nttended te nt once.
Fer the rest of the day she dnbblcd
delicately nnd aloofly nt her work.
Her whole expression nnd her every
motion said plainly thnt she wns tee
geed for her Jeb.
She undoubtedly felt very much
nbevc it.
And if you hnd told her that the
cleaning wemnn in her dull, soiled blue-nnd-whlte
apron, with her bucket of
dirty wnter nnd her presnle, ugly
cleaning implements) was better than she
wns, she would hnvc fnintcd elegantly
nwny !,
Hut that's the truth.
TIinilE'S n geed old bromide which
hns lest most of its power from
ever-use: "It Isn't se much, what you
sav ns the wny you say It."
The vetinget descendant of thnt old
soldier is this one. "It Isn't se much
our job ns the war you held it."
It wnsn't the elenning woman's Jeb
thnt made her better than the stenog
rapher. Vnhedv knows better thnn she hew
unpleasant nnd hard and despised her
work is. . ...ti
lt wns her attitude tewnrd lt which
rnled her nbevp the dressy lady in the
handsome freek.
Tim ti-nv nhn Imlfl he fob.
She didn't consider herself tee geed
for it, or nbeve it.
It wns there te de, she knew hew te
de it. and she did it te the best et her
indeed. Rhti took a sincere interest in
doing lt right nnd mnking the offices
leek really clean wnen sue get inreugn
with them.
Tlin stenecrrnnhpr wns Inferior be
muse she held herself above the work
slie w-ns doing te such nn extent that
she didn't de it right.
YOU enn de this with any position
von hennen te have.
If u take it lightly and easily it
will amount te nothing mere than a
light, ensy position.
It rmi nnf vniir linnrr tntn Ir nnd
esteem it highly, it will grew te be
something worth while.
There nre two ways of holding it ; the
wny you carry it en nnd the wny you
leek nt it.
Yeu have te use both ways if you
hope te be successful, for it wouldn't
be possible te work hnrd nnd well at
something which you held in contempt.
It may seem semcwhnt belittling
sometimes te de the petty things that
nre required in order te carry out the
wishes of nn employer.
Get Going
5c Everywhere
Nothing like these Little
Sun-Maids te put you en
your feet luscious, peppy
little raisins.
Full of energy and iron
practically predigested nour
ishment that you feel almost
immediately after eating.
Delicious when you're hun
gry get you going again
when you run down.
Try 'em and you'll knew.
Had Tour Irtn Today?
Hut there von nre attain '. it's net the
Jeb, It's the wny you leek nt it.
If he considers these things neees
snry enough te tell you nbeut, then they
nre important enough ler you ie no
thoroughly nnd correctly. , It'n the enlv
wny te get en te something thnt" isn t
se petty.
Things Yeull Leve te Make
11-20 "V- -SH
Something New In Hat Trimming
Here is one of the newest hat trim-
mines that you ran make for one of
your new hats. Cut bins strips of silk
of a color that win go well with thnt
of your suit or cent. Stitch them up
te form a tubing. Fill the tubing with
cotton ana nenii it witn erigntiy col
ored beads. Urald three pieces of the
tubing nnd fit the braid around the
crown of your hat. Make loops te
hang ever the brim and some te stand
up. This trimming is easy te meke, in
expensive nnd fashionable. FLORA.
TT IS possible te dignify almnx
A Jjosltleif by holding it with dlMlt7?l
dltnlfr ' d,,n,t,' net deub "lift 1
If you have the latter kind yea .
iieldlna yourself in hlhe t... .,"" ,
v - -:i-"-- "m mi i
your went, or anything else in til i
world. ,J
uut tne nrwt kind means that i
l-esncct yourself and bellnva i a... . '
sejf net te bclltUe the work you JJ ,
n..ViMn.?reM B,0.p t0 th,nk nbet t d I
Itlltig the work you are doing ii l M
inning yeurscir. . 7
Fer you have been -riven that
you have been considered worthy
uu nun, Heming cisc; II It Is te Ii "J
Innuetl ilnwn nnnn nmt itnl.nj .1 t J
It i,ni,i.nlli. fMl..... i... ...! ug8 1
it nnturnllv fellow that
such u much yourself?
Xma 6ift anb Cartel
cmoretaara tnttlut
Your Baby
The Earth stands still
when we say The Baby
mat cuaannjr niue eunch of
loveliness, a mart's hope in
Heaven his baby. Wen'
dear old Grandma and
Grandpa and , everybody
else who has ever heard '
about Baby be overjoyed te
get a picture of the sweet
little thing this Christmas.
They would naver forgive
you if you didn't send Baby's
picture, tee.
We are featuring te suit
ably solve your Gift Prob
lems. Six Large Portraits,
0x10 ins., finished Sepia en
Gray, moderately priced, $3
only 'te these who show this
ad at our Studies before Dec -1.
Tell your friends.
'HERE can be
no substitute for
Tetley's Orange
Pekoe. Ne ether
tea combines that
delicate flavor
with strength that
Makes geed TEA a certainty
upon di-timruMieil drc-iim. metlur. has liked her, nnd I uns told
It is well te remember, in fact, that morn than ones te brin her .irmiml
teduv some of the most exclusive women nun In Tills Btrl I w-tw what I rail ,l,..
In Vi.w Ynrlf urn un-irln.. suits ultli Ci-nt, lUlll yet I get my BOOd-nllfht W Ith.
in .ew lerK are e.iring suits witn t f Se l aen-t belleM- that till
thlrt) four-Inch jackets which are built e..d irlrls are opposed te klsslni:
en severely tailored lines. These new j )mVP new nlred some of my seritl.
sulci with their semi-flttei jackets ments and hope te hnve some "amens"
made, of ceur-e, without belt and from the members of your column
usually braid trimmed, were among the SI'Annew
smartest of the autumn suit offering jf the girl you see most of bchnve
abroad, nnd one feel convinced that like that, the sooner you drop her the
midwinter will de much te popularize , better. The ta'e of such levemnklnir Is
.i.in qulte unpleasant. Lnfnrtunately, you
.'." '"' are rlifht. Seme girls who .ire otherwisn
I periccuy nii" uiiu iii.iiiii.-w.iu.-, mriainK,
but they'll live te renrct It. Would you
of the meld. Let stand while, prepar
ing the betty,
I'lnce in mixing bowl
Ry Helen Drrie
Tomorrow The Rutherford Dance
r i
i ipK i
1 0
'I. 9
like te marry the girl you say you are
palling with new?
Interesting Women
, Miss Alice Van Lean, who is mere
Man 100 enrs old, is nn active inembrr
ej, the Women Voters' Leugue of
Oreene County, New Yerk.
When a woman cr girl hai tot gotten
ner citru case, mi
In company with
History of Mankind
Though 'tis net written in the nnnaN
vet every mnrricd woman knows these
things by heart
"Ne! I haven't any chnnge in my
pocket! Wbnt de jeu want It for?"
"Didn't I give you money for a new
hat just u little while aeV What hnvc
veu done with it';"
"I'll tell neii right new before I cut
Inte this bird that it's tough as '
leather." 1
"Hew enn ou expect te be anything ,
but chilly with nothing hut that gauze
thing nretind you,' its a wonder wnin-
It Serves Yeu Well
Bcqrdsley's Shredded Codfish is the
favorite with thousands of women.
It is easy te prepare ready in
aid she is SiniTruii ' " 'lnn,t '",f,, ,ll"lr ,,,,nth ,,f '",l1-" 1U nunutes and each packace will
th ntrnther w'Vnan. It l" "Hew much did jeu pay for it?" make a delightful, substantial meal
quite proper for her te wrlfi htr'nmna IWhen price Is fairly large) : "De ou ' for c.. n.nnu
beneath the engrnved n.nne of her think I'm made of money'" (If price ' "c J,cupic.
11 1- nu. iiig ineiiii men le.ive.i me 1. .,,,.111 "Wi.M' it i.i.bu it i"
card for birth. It Is nut correct te nu'iiv ilmi't mi trv te mnl.-i. t-nnru..t
iwrlte the narne en the rovers side of. .,, ,.r..fv lit ?i, , 0,,1n",If
the visiting card, nor te write It abeve Something I rettj like that red dress
the cnermed name. Mrs. Imaslght had un nst night V"
illy woman in Kugland who
lanr tli lionden rt.
eat nil thnt
rK1 t. iii,i..b.. Vnmnmnt.. !... i.eul As stated In a former What's What, I "Hae I get te nut en 11 dress suit?
. . ,,B' ,.i. ny .... ..w, ,. .1.. ii"1- n wemnn fchOUM uka hop ulnl nutnn . ...! !.... Ill
,i-Q. MAAII lltltlllllltml I
fijff. Murnlinn Depn
ti vmn.n 111 jnpu
clal name,
(.'f'.j.. iuii...... i,. .!. .iiuiinn.inn ..r should be
secretary te the Osaka ft, S3,n .ft n K ff.S? MSS!"' T? lmWi
ircniffir. is the Ilrst known In swne'buslneiw or profession I "W'lmt did )ou let ine
11 te held u municipal by her legal name, which Is, for In- Muff for, nnywny.
stance, Mary Wilkes Towers. Her se-
Mrs, Lyman
engraven en
cards. The same rule
cardleaa, companion who
fi pamaI nsni if Um 1
v- l. ....-.. 1 '- - -Y-" 1 -:-:. .-" -
nt, .t..vii-jt v..,r it. im i.ii.ii rM. .vn .... inLAu t K.-j
mnxm& v r. : "&wxzr w "" ,immi Ul !
Dlil you se 10 a "lltl rc.l rhoellioue" In
ill'ur.- 'K .-,- - urn tM will
iliilnly enjoy resillnu t'il Immely nerv e(
K. Powers.
her visiting
inlles te her
khnulil wirltA
tl 1 nn, t I.. rsCuI mr.K- i ' - "'"'. "!' ""'I till.l. t Kin it-nej
,ipie. b.lew the pubm of Mr, i.- i'ijiuc uhmcu. "iin.-e i u Ji4it'"-v
When you buy Shrtdiitd Cedfiih, leek for
the parkajje ititi the red baud wA don't
ferfjet te ask for the free recipe book.
Beeth t, FhlU. Feed Fair
, W.iViftM, fitmmUmn
Why is Bell Telephone Operating pre
ferred by se many young women ?
Because at the very start they are paid as high as
in any ether industry $13.00 per week.
Because permanency is an important factor and
for that reason increases in pay are frequent.
Because there are many opportunities for ad
vancement te supervisory positions.
Because it's the cleanest and most pleasant work
in the city.
We pay well, because only
with a staff of permanent,
satisfied, happy, contented
young women can we render
the kind of service which
the public must receive.
Yeung women who are looking for
the better kind of position should
see me at once.
Miss Stevenson, 1631 Arch St.
8:30 A.M. te, 7 P.M.
r . "? .
Thanksgiving calls for rich, mellow,
spicy mince Pie. The easiest and best
way is te make it with Atmore's
Mince Meat All the eld-tlme flavor.
Mince Meat
At all grocers
With all the old-time rfirar
WOOLEN Hosiery
that WEARS
WE take great pleasure in bringing te you
the new line of WOOLEN Hosiery
that is built for WEAR and DOES wear.
In the new Cadet Hosiery of Silk and WOOL
and WOOL and cotton, you have all the
warmth and beauty of sturdy wool and mere;
you have the definite assurance of long wear
and absolute satisfaction.
Economical Because It
Wears Longest
Ne longer need veu question the durability
and wearing qualities of WOOLEN Hosiery
just leek for the Cadet label. It is the mark
of scientifically strengthened' and reinforced
hosiery that will give the satisfaction the most
critical demand.
It includes all colors and color combination!
for Sports Wear and General Use.
'Is f j-
rer MEN . . .
1.30 and up
, 73c and up
, 75c and up
Ormnattd, Manufactured and Guaranteed by
Cadet KnAing Company , PhllaeUplua, P
!i .) -n -
iimmAM-'Ai'ji yasc-L
' -
gi;i.fc.jM.. .a