Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 20, 1922, Night Extra, Image 1

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rc.'m t a J fC
n i
. V-."0.i.' !
am - ft
i ' 1W iiOJii'lU 11 .lyl
iRNnHterNy rjiaran rrw'
$V l.aii.. rt...l mUutnar ;
ire Women Ineludtd in Bedy
i rttkt win .Dtwrmint it in-
j, . . . . .....a . . t "
tftfj-A ...... Am UfavnMAH
nnnnnn ni
'i'. . l' M CMIPlnllAA
i- ThbUrlrur W- Murdtr
fe , .TrfaMi-Oh , .-
mr '
h. my a f OefMMMdmt
taWrUte, N. J.i tNer. 20. Bay
Bchnelder wu led Inte the artna
Jtarr'roem In -the court beum here at
tiB o'clock , thte merninx, and the
OT; wl- - -"- - - "
MBiimtO tee naifBiuiB aiaracr uj-
EU.-j-'-u-.. -1
rnn.aVKKHt - i
SaaVMlder. whete tpurleui "cenfti--
ET .T ... . ... - .
ptM" tbat ne ana a rrtena naa irauea
(.a.'. '' iu..l nrhsaU TT11. anil
'. Mm. feletner Relnhardt Mills en the
tfiet September' 14 and Ma friend
fif'lbet them was a brief ensatlen
j,W"ll " " ,'--
iJb.Ms been in jau at -new uruna-
i7'i . - null a
St WKI. 'COUIUT aeni 01 juhiicbv uran-
taad'waa brought t ever by Sheriff
SWr,'0f Somerset County. "
: a.n.M.1. 1ft h 'Infnr iwlik afai
'(KtUrlng. forfertJ'flre minutes, and
. ' MMnrfiM fi!n liiviiivfi tiAffMMf
''wUnkprs into the room where the jury
rt. wmm BHiinr. ceuia nee ddbciki jrraae
eattr-'Mett.iln cbarte,ef-the inrestlta
Hsa,t enfate Foreman Qlbb, of I the
Aaiailurr. in a conference, i
' t,f ,r ' : ... . .
t II ?
yl i' Staaelder examined a number of phe
teiniBAS taxcji en ue scene ei ine
" awrder en the day the bodies were die-
.'eTrd.' He -answered a number of
v iacttlMs,t explaining hew he came te
M there. v , t ,
' .Patrolmen-Derrigan and Curran, the
next wkaesms, celled, told of (incidents
eh the Phillips farm shortly after the
dlteererlM of the body.' .
, ' Dr. Edward L: Tebln, a TSttrinary
t. -.viaeen. uru icniiuea . EeuiniiiiK . uic
iVKmmtrt of the bodies, their vcendlt Ien
im ether details. .
ifttr Dr. ' Tebln finUhed'Mr. Mett
fflattltbe Grand Jury 'room 'and called
t-;Otfktlre 'TAttenl'whe breuaht in two
WsfcMB which contained'theclething Mr.
eau ana'airs. Mius,werp en me nigm
BAtl the murder. - - '
Wl-:t The clethlnk was taken in te the iurr
K'by. Mr. Mett.., Detective Totten was
Rnattr called te the stand;
tt was learned runeOclally that the
jVjai7 will remain in session unui vea
cuatistj wnen it is expecieaie aajeurn
i wit aext week, -r ,- -
ih mtk a decision in the case this week.
.w:. .-T"". .".. w. w .wm-
Sh , "ned that she telephoned the
pIMk at the request of Schneider. It
L$ilfOn. Ported that Mrs. Edward
KfttA&Jseykler had summoned the police.
i, "-acwiweer-s tesumeny was aesirea,
p-'t because of his later repudiated
ms,mi auprerea "conressien," out ne-.
ku cwst it waa.be and Fearl Bahmer, his
W. i?f3 ' weetbeart; who . found the
vSSLi we.dal a"r tbe murder. ,
vj ,.' wiQ.nni pew m me.neuse ex
gJJW ; Shepherd1 at iTrenten, was
Wi 2lTr.uV10 BOBemue ibis. morning ana
Kf; JWtin cencesJment.by, the authorities,
P e. w" scneauiea te ee one et tne
!, r7 witnesses.- '
' (3fr...Me -and' A'. .M. -Beekman,
WMecnter of Somerset -.County; were
D wtbjn the jury room te question the
TJs opening et whaf.i? likely tebe
7,frW1, mest-celebrated'cases'in.New
Jarsey- criminal ' jurisprudence' 'began
With llmnllMt m.A n..;., .......
lii. iiRrr3:'u!f"",-H'"'.,J.-"?' '..
lv ".v, ,'OT,""i' smnu duc eeauu-
L"lu'"BPit.claasrcl architecture,
" marble and, portlceed. with
l r.5i"u "? gracexui nignt or steps
a, w je its entrance and upon its
j, 2" brenie Justice with the scales,
il was barred te th nnhiti.
Wie Grand Jury inquisition is in a
Iv JI"""''nin'"ingea room en the first
FrMDOlders. There nr enlc mumH
T SV!mJ'4Clrch' 2,ch occupied bV
' !M?.tly from early moraine- b a
SSa-!S 5ute t'oeDJ". under com cem
mS? Corporal OTJennell.
wktS? n8.ww were.ta evidence every
Sir Shejr Ped the green com
SJ i.th" JSf of which the court-
whW, .e Qrena Jury room. through
wLh,ew,p"PM men could iee what
Y going en. .
ieiviJS'rt ude.?d.U,Mr WM eeUbllshed
bJekfl ft?i.bu.Ud,n' A State trooper
e' tli miBwl11""? B-weei Pcea it en
ft St nX?d.i0rdMe,lnene t0 cre with
V fcSLp?.rm,fJ9n- About '100 women.
mSSSSLLJm te the
K ii urT',v-.ney mounted te a sec-
K T' wceny which commands a
fsee Teartna Cstaeu U
eujpers AHE WEDDED
feT T.?rui'. Htppy uv" wnw
K, !!'!d-PPy-lbTe. '
WftelaiMS, 'J!! ww. contained in a
?VS3P,M Mcelved tedav h H n
WrVL?"! thesis.
I? tL-S3 -tuSinr" fenMr
P. teltcram . -. .,...
w i" school iO'u2.SZ
-I. iT" w.
araa .
'aakaala i a7" ajwaBaw Spaa
-T9'. j.? .Mftnta at
te. Ue wWdlag
.V'.AUaKBBTf . 'JIBI bt
, v , r J.iii. .,:
'Ml F LJ1i JkJ J
' ft
i z V
y ,
114 11
V , kiu!?,!,
4 i
l vl:.. (.. "iH'i,
-iulf 52 6swte'0ranet Jury,
wale wl I cessMtrTtaW Hall-MIIU
wse.incladeei three, women. The
emberaare: v VVilr- - .
JtSSi B 0lhMfrten). Ber
nardsrllle, ,
I Russell I. Cruiser," tHUsbore. .
. S w 8P, yranklla.
S"8 B;' 0ten;i Bemervlile.
Sf.?.k NI!wJK vY"t.
- WU"""' J. Certelm, Vranklln.
Arneld Owens, Bedmlnster.
- p Banks, North PlalafMd.
.Sanferd W..Tunlsen,, Bernards-
'rank Rowley, ,.NerUi Plalnfleld.
Pafker T. Ramsey, Peapack.
MCeffHna K.FcompieB,, North
Michael Rugflerl, Brlgewater.
Andrew Keepktc, BeaMrviUe.
Lelghten n. Nevlits, Bedmlnster.
Ch"ll Rl Welsh, Bernardsrille.
O. Clifferd Nevlus, rraaklln.
Peter C. Vannlus, SemerrUle,
Ellttbeth Tayler, North Plain
eld. , '
Arthur A.Canneh, North Plain
Held. Harry P. Miller, Peacock.
Charles P. Miller, Bound .Broek.
Nathaniel J. Sprout, Somerville.
David 3t Smith, SemervUIe.
Gang In SteUn yCar, Eacapaa
1 Fulllada Frem Pellcaman'a '
Vlatel in Daah
'One man was robbed and shot in the
shoulder and another man waa held np
early today by. three meter bandits, who
aiae exchanged shots with a pursuing
patrolman. r -"
Jehn-Starr, nineteen years-old, 2216
West Hareld street, was at( Twenty
sixth and Somerset streets-when the
highwaymen whirled up. They took
forty-five cents from him.' ..
i Aa' the robbers meved1 off,' -" Starr
shouted' for help. An occupant of 'the
eanait car nrea at Starr, who fell with
a bullet in his ritht shoulder. Ha wu
taken te the Wemen'a Homeopathic
Hospital. '' '
Three bandits,' believed te be the same
men, neia up uaymend .Graff, seven
teen years old, 81 East Seymour street,
as be, was passim Wakefield and Ash-
mead streets. They obtained a small
aum and hurried away.
" " retkentaa's Ballets Valm
, At 4 "A. M., about an hour after
Htarr had been snot, FatrelmanrBys.es,
or - tne-s. uermantewn euuen, saw a
laoterear with three men rushing along
Wayne avenue near wasningten lane,
flvkea ran into the street and op.
dered'the driver te 'halt. As the1 car
streaked past him he fired several shots
at tne tires, jnasnea irem tee auto
showed the patrolman's fire was. re
turned. He commandeered a small car
and attempted te fellow, but was out
distanced quickly. )
, Storekeeper Fells Held-up
While 'he was locking, up his store.
Seuth street near Fourth, late last
mint, Nathan Hcnenkman, the pro pre pro
nrteter. was annrenched bv two N.
grees who asked him te change a $5
note rer tnem. Tne storekeeper went
CeetlsaMi e Psse ranrteea. Ctluna Time
Men, Weman and Children Victims
of Mexican Disaster
MaxtcaU. lAWWrCahfentIa..Ner.. 20.
(By A. -p.) M6re than sixty persons
were ' drowned when a 'beat capsized
while attempting, 'a landing yesterday
at La Bemea, 'sixty miles .south ; of
Mextcall.-, en the" Gulf -of fclifernla.
according te -word tecelved.- here last
Uigbt.V , A .
According te meager reports of the
disaster received through a Yanul -In
dian courier, who came overland through
the,'deaert,"tne cirewneu inciuaeu' men,
women and children.
The Mexico)! " agency, ei the teamer
line operating between Ln-Bemba'nnd
Guy ama reported that 'the teamer ,Top ,Tep ,Top
elobatnpo wa "due at La Bemba' early
yesterday and officials expressed the
belief that the disaster was te pas
sengers of this vessel.
The Topolobampo sailed from Ouya
mas lnftt Friday laden with Mexicans
en the way te the cotton fields of lower
California, where they expected te ob
tain employment as pickers. They
were the first of a lame numbea of
workers, being collected in tbe Mexican
States of Senera and Hinalea te gather
the cotton crop of this territory.
Few persons reside permanently at
La Bemea and the country between that
point and Mexlcall Is an uninhabited
Suit of 'Phlla. Jack' O'lrlan'a Wife
May 'Settled Privately, Repert
The suit filed by Mrs, Florence Yer
gcr Hagan. an attorney, and. Wife of
Philadelphia" Jack O'Brien, against
Majer A. J. Drexel Blddle was con cen
tinued today by. Judge McCullen en
motion of counsel for Majer Blddle.
Mrs. Hagan sued fer1 f 25,000 which
she claimed waa due her for professional
services, particularly for arranging a
reconciliation between Majer Blddle
and his wife. The Majer, in his reply,
denied there had been an estrangement
and atated Mrs. Hagan had been paid
In full for legal services she performed
as his counsel. ,
The request for continuance waa
made by Owen J. Roberts, who suc
ceeded Senater Pepper as, counsel for
Majer Blddle. Pressure of business at
Washington forced the Senater te with
draw, Francis O. Menamln, Mrs,
Hagan'a attorney, waa in court. It
was reported the cue may be settled
privately. -.
Olrl Drlnka Hair Tenle
Bella Burns, twenty rears old, of T
Boataeuse row, want i, ,
drank th. .centeatsj el, a bottle s4
..,,:.,,r.,.,t, ... .,..,. .,..,, ,..,,. .. fc..M.-..TOI; .,..
nnnnniBBinr aB-vnar aanrnnnkaBnnLnnnBiiraannannnnnBBBB'ianinnnnB' "3 ';htu vnanp-tannpnnn ani nnrBni
I )l '!
. t $ KWft ,i ! .' . j BtWKA K-li M&i
?f TTT-P'. ...smmmSmVF n-smmmmf.mmmuimm mmmmmmmmtV.mmmVjglemmmmmmmmYt' ' ar7emmVmmmV . t JfaftTBgVsmr "am" mmmVL .W
::ammmmmmmmmmmrr. mmmv " .Hki'-uw sme'y ammw ,Bi.f j aamm-'.ammmmr.mmi ,n -" i jh.,' a ammkatf ammmmmaw
ft i i' i.v 'ij,..i fp'rj f '. i ji t.t j t;.i-- err x-: ' .. v -i' ?m. i maw T "a ; namm ir -xc.t;7 "-v- .t . ' -it r t
' ;, 3 s .. ti yaUfettwsMsamir CamwrM'Stuyir T',"S
a-gA!ailgl.'" '' v .v, t ""'r.MU'.y , TijggiatgHiLI -L-
L-tMaejk(e,ffB,V ,tta ' 3
' VU'r ' rt
.W-Vj" ''''
Hundr-.de. of TrelUy and Autet
Sttlltd Wartlrlf for "Six.
Mlnuta" iExptrfmtnt "i,.
Angry. Drivara of Machlnta
BraaThreugh Ouard and'
Break Up. Jam
Thousands of persona hurrying office
ward this morning bv- trolley and meter
from the northern part, of the city '
were neia up fltty-flre minutes by a
"fire test" in Bread street which did
net come off. t
The Rapid Transit Company, hun
dreds of .motorists and trolley riders
are voicing loud complaints about the
delay, which apparently resulted from
a misunderstanding et orders.
Bread street, from Diamond street
te Branchtewn, was closed te all
traffic at 8:Bft o'clock. Fer nearly an
hour a constantly.grewlng'llne of auto
mobiles, eaualled in fourth h n Mn.
stantlv crewing line of trolleys, waited
imjwucuuj xer wora.irem,tne patrol
men in charge that they might proceed.
Motorists and excited passengers en
trolleys were informed that' the test
would be "ever ,in six minutes." The
"six minutes" were multiplied nearly
ten times, yet the speeding fire engines
never flashed by the involuntary spec
tators. , ,
Angry Men Break tm
After almost' an 'hour the motorists
themselves broke the barricade, driving
through the police lines in -spite of
efforts of patrolmen te step them, and
proceeded en their wav.
1 Once the barricade was broken the
patrolmen let the. stalled trolley cars
cress Bread street, and every1 one get
te work mere than 'an hour late. The
delay meant money te busy f men who
were xercea te miss important engagements,-
', "' I ' .r
The transit lines worst affected were
Nes. 08 and 24 en - Yerk read and1 Ne.
75 en the Olney route. ' -
Rapid Transit Cemvany officials
complained that they had been given no
advance notice of the .tests. .
' 'Every one concerned "passed the
buck!' when asked why the city's'
principal thoroughfare had been blocked
for nearly an hour at one of the busiest
times, of the day, except Director. Cor Cer Cor
telyeu, head of the Department ' of
Public Safety. ' 7
The Director made a premvt investi
gation when complaint was made te
him and admitted frankly that there
had. been an unfortunate ''mix up" in
"There was no excuse for a delay of
that length of time." said the Director.
"Such a test Shouldnet take mere than
six minutes. As a matter' of fact, the
test was net held. It was postponed
until 1 o'clock this afternoon, when it
was held ever 'the some course.
"Official Course" Used
"There were six pieces of apparatus
te be tested. The specifications require
that the fire apparatus shall be able te
run ever the distance between Diamond
street and Olney avenue in a specified
time. This course is enjoined in the
"It has been measured and surveyed
and the grade reckoned, and is used
In all such tests. It is Important that
epparatua be tested under city condi
tions, within the city limits, se that
before accepting' apparatus we can be
sure that it will make the speed re
quired. "This morning the street was in bad
Smdltlen, damp and slippery. Tbe
en in, charge decided it would be dan dan
iereus te held he test.-' .
. 'Through some-misunderstanding the
men who. were heldln 'back the traffic
did net '.receive word that the .test wu
off. Hence the' delay. All I ran say
is- that..' I. am .' sorry 'it happened, and
tbat it' won't occur again."
' Others Jape -"Didn't Knew"
Fire '.Chief, RessDavIs said that be
bad net known about-the test, and un
derstood' that it .was te be 'held this af
ternoon, r Battalion Chief Rtttenbeuse,
who is-in" charge -of' the district where
thejest wav heldsald-thnt he had been
at a flreat-tbe, time and knew nothing
of the leday, '
Besides the speed test, two ether tests
were 'held this afternoon. There was a
demonstration at the Fire Scheel nt
Seventh andNerris streets and a high
pressure pumping test at the high pres
sure station en Delaware avenue. Later
the fireboat Blankenburg threw a stream
of water into the rlger. Anether test
still te be held. Is a hill-climbing test,
in whlcjj' new apparatus will engage in
Friends try te Free Da Valera'a
Lieutenant by Writ
Leaden, Nev. 20. (By A. P.) A
dispatch te the Evening News from
Dublin this afternoon ays it is rumored
Ersklne Childcrs had been executed ;
also that eight ether unnamed men have
shared the same fate.
' Inqulrleeare being made as te the
authenticity of the rumors, but aa yet
without any confirmation or contradic
tion being obtained.
Dublin, Nev. 20. (By A. P.) The
Irish Times today wys a' writ has been
issued from the chancery office qn be
half of Ersklne Childers, leading lieu
tenant of Eampn de Valera, with a view
te quashing tbe proceedings of the mili
tary court which tried, him en the
charge of Illegally possessing arms.
N. J. Court Refuses te Review ,Qlb-
arson Verdict at One
The appeal of attorneys for Mrs.
Ivy Olbersea, sentenced te life Imr
prisenment for the murder of her hus
band In their Lakeburst, N. J., heme,
must , be ' reviewed by the. Court of
JBrrtra and Appeals, Chancellor Walker,
ef New Jersey, decided today, .
Intention et counsel te
tetne Bupteme ueurt.
' -v ' iv - . 7rTTTrTTptSfe!rTtrTl7 mTTmtxtTr7T!r7Tfm'' .i ii A-.! l- ; - - L - .
Tirh lin lii iiniih n &ESfflNillR& FEL1J0N
UmmM M saafll sTgaam W f
bIb1b1b1b1 sTa'gM MM n i H saV k BaVM j . .
Ill II I IIMIII lllll-lffl III
' U . tall ! II II 111 lJil
aisaV - wa ' mmmmmmmmm -m l
J ,
1 - I
Oeergiar woman wtw .hepei iaka
! Ull ttAm.v
lathe senate,-
' ivlh SA
BBaBaBaffiaWPaaaffiBaBBtaaffiataffiffil '' '
' affiffiffiffiWaCa?BBJQRffiffiffiffiffiffiBY
J';''' iy" 'if'l' 'SBaBBHHffil
JgaHffiffir s' fs!Jv?? t " Hwaaffiffiffiffiffil
'aaffiffiffiR" '-".$ vaPaffiffiV
gaTaffiffiffir'ia? Sj.' HH;
gaffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiJtBaL JsaUaJf&-aBttBBffiffiffiffiffiffiffiBffiffiffiffiffiffil
' ggBalBaaigaaffiffiffiffiffiffiffi!!
Meaaure. Desired' by Mn!TSSSl& a.
tratlen Must Be Pasaed Be
fore March 4 or Lest
' 8)atf Cerrespsaarat Kvealas.YaMIe tedstr
Cn&Q1, itlt. 'hv;PWe Lin4 dwiiaaV
' Washington, "Nev.- 20. The- session
of Congress that opened at' neon today
isenlya curtain 'raiser for the special
session' of ;the newly 'elected Congress
that'Witl be held next spring. President
Harding' and his close advisers all. ac
knowledge privately" that the special
session .will .be" inevitable. The nre-
gressivea .who, are forming a bloc., and
wae,wui neia a cenierenve iiv iecwn
bet. iri determined te, force one. . -
At thit special session all the high
oelltlcs .which win nrelude'the national
campalgn'eM02 will' be played 'The
rate enne major ponies wui oe.cMur ee.cMur
mined and the question. whether a tflhl
party will tenter the field in the 'next
national 'election, or whether blofijtc blefijtc blofijtc
tien within the parties and the next na
tional cnnvchtlens, by labor and the
mere radical farmers acting together
will be developed, will be gradually set
tled. On the part of President Harding
and the mere, regular Republicans the
cuert In this session will be directed to
ward accomplishing as many resulta as
they can, net se much for the purpose
of avoiding an extra session, for one is
conceded te be necessary, ns for the
purpose of getting as much of their
program as possible adopted while they
have the votes.
Ship Subsidy BUI In Balance
President Harding must get his Ship
Subsidy -Bill through before March 4
or net at all. After March the'balance
pf power in both Houses will pose te
Senater La .Follette and his. friends,
and they have announced, their deter
mination te beat the ship subsidy. The
general belief. Is that Mr. Harding's
bill' will ' pass the Heuse,, where, tne
rules give the majority control' or the
situation and favor quick; action. cBu
the opponents of the subsidy will prob
ably be able 'te' beat' it in the. 8enate
and . se. delay ."all . ether, measures .that
the.paseje et. some essential; Supply
bills in )h.ls session -will -be Impossible.
,If Mr.-' Harding' wishes te '.pass.-any
of 'the farm, bloc program' in this ses
sion .he. will, probably 'jweeeed, in "jleJWg
it, ,-for 'all'. factions of all parties ';nre
mere- or less agreed tliut..the.. farmers
slieuld'.have, the. legtelatlQatwbUh.they
dtflre.. Th,e farm blpe'lUyt'ef MllaMa
lqqg.'one.-hewcver, and-It Is 'jet lkely
that tme can ' be" found te 'passtliem
before March '4. The Rural; Credits
Bill, which. creates a banking.. system
te supplement the Federal Reserve Sys
tem, will probably Kct through. tBeme
start will te made, en railroad legisla
tion, ' ,
But here Mr. Harding jind the left
wing of his party are far apart. One
side desires te stiffen the Eseh-Cummins
act; and the ether te repeal it.
Ne compromise Is possible nnd'thelena
wrangling ever the ship subsidy ana
ever the bonus perhaps will prevent any
definite" action en the great questions
et railroad votes, railroad consolida
tions and anti-strike Iogtlatlen.
Benus Bill te Be Revived ,
The Benus Bill Will be used until
March 4 chiefly te clog ' the legis
lative works. The advocates, of the
measure have no desire te pass it new.
They will be stronger in the special ses
sion, strong enough probably, te pass It
ever the' President's veto. w And , for
various reasons it will be politics te
leave the power tq meke -a. law- in
the hands of its supporters. '
The main object of 'a majority of
Congress, In this session Will be te 'de
as little as possible wltb'the greatest
possible noise. The Issues upon which
itartles will divide and which blocs will
le formed will be clarified in 'the next
three months. The big polices of 1024
will emerge. The fight for the control
of (he Republican Party" and If or" 'the
support of tbe agricultural vote began
at neon today. It will become clearer
aa the months go by. x.
The prospects at present ere against
the growth of a third party out efxthe
progressive conference which Mr, La
Follette baa called. .Ills erganised
anlnerlty wtll ezrclte mere power oper eper
atlng within the two major parties than
It will It it solicits the votes of tK
country itself, The percentage of
vetera who held the vlewa wkteh the
conference will announce, is aajaU net
large enough te challenge the BepuWl-
cans.aae uemecrsis at im, nelle, hut
tha Ball?
laraa i
. turn the eUetteeTa
way In 18
. h . U J
v ' .wr
Firat Weman 8nster Wata Jn
Vain for Nam te Ba'
laaua te Be Decided Tomorrow.
Threwa Kiaaea aa She
la Cheered
President Harding Expected te
Urge Ship Subsidy in
Meaaage Tomorrow .
By Atteciatrd.Prttt
Washington,, Nev. . 20. Congress
convened nt neon today for the special
session of two weeks called by 'President
Harding for consideration of the Ad
ministration Ship) Subsidy, Bill, upon
which he is expected 'te address adjeint
session tomorrow. . " i"
i In'beth Senate and Heuse the fall of
the gavel was followed by the usual for
malities which attend the turnover of a
pew page In congressional history. The
program in both chambers, was se ("ar
ranged as te permit adjournment' after
these ceremonies until tomorrow as a
.mark of respect for the late Senater
Watsen, of Georgia, and the late Sep
teen minutes, adjourning without 'giv
ing an opportunity te Mrs. W. H. Fel-
ten, of Georgia, or v any ether new
Senators, te take the oath of office.
'In the Heuse the business of get
ting under wav after the recess took
"eenslfferatila mbra 'tliinn tHan la 'the
Senate, but the leaders deferred any
actual consideration et legislation, until
after the President's address tomorrow.
(There waa theusual first day.harvest
jai new bins and resolutions au ex
.which promptly went te committee, and
the opening session was attended also
by the usual noisy outburst of .'welcome
by the galleries tot new and returning
members. ? a
Mr. Feiten Walts la Veta '
s Mrs. Felten waited in' vain for-an
,beur and a half Jnjthe1 Senate chamber
yt warn wuviucr dciiuiv icaucrn wvau
permit her'te'ta.ke herseat,'aa thelrst
Weman Senater in1 view of the 'recent
'election of -Walter S. Geerge aa; her
successor.. After, much ' scratching "of
Sgids -.ever the problem tie Senate
anagera decided te let a decision) go
ever until tomorrow.' '
Frem" a place In the rear of the seats
en the Democratic side of the chamber
the eighty-seven-year old ' "grand r old
woman of' Geergia'' peered out through
her spectacles upon the opening' for
malities of the special session, and then
without a mention of her name having
gene into the Senate record, saw the
adjournment taken.
Mrs. Feiten said she would continue
her efforts te be seated for a day, and
It was Indicated that the Senate was
prepared te act tomorrow, geme of the
h"t-infermcd leaders predicted she
weura net ee successiui.
Senate officials said there was no
thought by their early adjournment to
day of temperlrlng en their decision.
They explained that the usual custom
of doing honor te a dead Senater was
followed, and that it was impossible te
receive a new Senater until formal
notification of the death had been
received, with the customary immediate
Cheered Daring Vigil ,
Several times during ber vieil in the
Senate, chamber .Mrs .-Feiten waa cheer -,
ed ' from . tne ' gallery; There waa a
demonstration -half an- hour before' the
Senate convened ..when former Senater
Swith.'ef Georgia, 'KerWd' her down
the center; qlsle te the Vice President's
room ami iniruuuccu- uer te jur.-voet-idge.
The galleries,, filled' mostly With
women, applauded and the ajwd Georgia
woman stepped Just 'before the chair of
the presidfng'efBcer, turned anil threw
a.Msa'.te these, who, hed"gree(ed her as
the flrt't woman ever te be appointed
te "the 'Senate.i .' .'.""' ' ' ,
Angther ettthurst'-pt cheering. 'echoed
through the chamber , a few minutes
later wnen uii'iuv ururtu.eiMiaiur nor ner
rln, of Georgia, Mrs. Feiten again
passed up the '.enter aisle and was
shown te the desk of an absent senator
alongside Senater Harris.
Representatives of a number of suf
frnpi1 organizations, wearing the re
spective colors of their associations,
were present and led in the cheering,
which broke out once again when Sena Sena
eor LeiIkc the Republican leader, went
ever and fhoek hands.
A coinmittee of women representing
a ler il Democratic organisatien present
ed Mrs. Feiten with a bouquet of
eightv-wven large roses just before
the Senate cemened.
Applause for Bayard
Just before the Senate convened
there wan applause when-Senater-elect
Bayard, Democrat, Delaware, entered
the chamber. There was another salve
for Senater Ledge, who was re-elected,
and another for Senater La Follette.
Vice President Ceplidge was compelled
te order the applause stepped.
Sixty-one Senators responded te the
Senate rellcall.. In addition te Mrs.
Feiten, several ether new Senators
were present ready te be sworn in. They
included Senatera-elect Bayard, Geerge,
Democrat, Georgia, and Brookhart, Re
publican, Iowa,
In the Heuse a new amplifying ma
chine, um for the first time, sounded
like n ship's siren us it thundered out
the voice of the Speaker and reading
Mrs. Winifred Masen Huck, present
te be sworn In as Representatlve-at-Large
from Illinois, was the center of
an ever-moving group, eager te meet
her. She were a black silk dress with
white lace cellar, white gloves and a
corsage bouquet of carnations. Repre
sentative Alice Robertsen, defeated for
re-eleetlen, who will go out with Mrs.
Huck next March, was in her accus
tomed seat, dressed simply in black.
Alliens, Nev. 20. - (By Ja. P.)
The trial of the former Cabinet Mln.
Isters. V.IHCQ nss neon in progress for
aeverel, days, baa. beer mspended for
two dais owing te i the fact that former
- tlm. RMmtMML, ,' . . EJrrhL m
NeW Batch of Fifty Quickly Re
duped en Pleaa of; Family;.
Counsel for Defense Exercises
Challenge for Cause en '
First Man Up
fly c Staff Correspondent
of th Evening Public Ledger
Marien, III., Nev
en pin
nrtr nex
enlvreraen from lies around tll
tied their
"bosses" at the old hltchrack back of
town and tramped out e fthe biting cold
into the red rlbek courthouse today.
But witiiin dvn minutes 4tfter court
ODened for I lie Iliirin matnuiprn trial.
seven e these fmen walked bake te the
nitcnracx nsain. Thev were excused
for sickness in the family. Altogether,
nine men wanted te be excused from
Jury servlc.
irne, new venire, new reduced te
forty-three men, whom counsels began
examining immediately after they .were
sworn, must b- two-thirds farmers.
The atmosphere of the tight, closed,
het courtroom Is pungent with stable
' Thc prospective Jurer, it being Mon Men
day, appear te be unusually clean
shaven and starched but in a general
way they are a rougher, mere rugged
crew 'even than the previous batch.
Heavy ' sweaters of all colors are in
Ceatlaatd en rs Feurttaa. Celaaui Fer
W . .ali 'iw J SyrAS ' ' t tiuJT3.TL ,. .iii.TJ'tmEm
. . ' - - -
A ' (''J " T v -J ,L ' am sa'sl tW ' sal '.J '' grf W si sWsatV ' ' "
piMliN' ."-at- tDDSMiM
IN .iiirnmiiernrnnu BHa KrnTV.v'Si1 J
2SS?S5 iEM' itutflM,wafca
4 J I T "
. . . l
WASHINGTON, Net. SO After a conference between Presi
dent Harding and QovernerParker, of Louisiana, en the TCu
" xius xian a Wblte Heuae atateme'nt 8017 "there is netliina; at
' tbla time for the Federal ObTernmerit te' de except te,eive as
surauce te the Statet authorities that wherever-. Federal, interests
art involved the Federal authorities are ready te' extend .full
' . co-operation." s '-'. .. ,
BOWIE FlrBt Homestretch, 813.20, $6.10, 84.50, wen;
Puy Dear, Ha.lO, S3. 60, second; Vi'rglnius, S0.30, third i Time,!?
1.09. Tuibulent, Quarrel, Princess u'Ouilly, Setting Sua; High .
Commander, Old Timer, Sylvan Spring, Sultan, Zecu Ayrahe ian.
Madia Refuses te Take Caaa
Frem Register and Says
' i Widow Must Testify. -
Mrs.. Cutherine Rosier, acquitted of
the murders et Oscar. Hosier," her' hus
band, and the latter's stenographer.
MissMUdrcil Cerahllnc Reckltt, will
he n" witness in nn ' effort te break
Rester's- death-btvl nlll. Mrs. Rosier
U'ndw lh'AtInnlle Clt.v. accerdlna tn
Judge.' llannutu, of ledia, .who ruled
th,.sjje should testify.
-Judge' Hanhuin ' refuwd " a petition
presented by attorneys for Arthur Ro Re
sler, brother et the murdered man and
co-heir with Oscar Rosier, Jr., under
the dying testament, te take probate
of the will out of the hands of Register
of Wills Heller, of Delaware County.
Arthur Rosier asked that the Orphans'
Court take jurisdiction.
Judge'Hannum faced the unusual sit
uation et having te imp judgment in a
case where hts son, Jehn U. Ilannum,
Jr., -represented one of the parties te
the action. Yeung Ilannum is ceunsel
for Mrs. Rosier and fur the Cambridge
Trust Company, of Chester, temrdlan
of Richard Rosier, the car-old son of
Mrs., Rosier, and for the Delaware
County Trust Company, guardian for
Oscar Rosier, Jr., Rester's son by his
first wife.
Cel. Themas S. Lnnard and W.
Reger Frenfleld, representing Arthur
Rosier, argued that several efforts had
been made te get a hearing before the
Register en a caveat Mrs. Rosier filed
against the execution of her husband's
The younger Hennum denied that
Mrs. Rester's attorneys had purposely
delayed the .hearings. He argued that
as Mre, Rosier was in the room when
her husband signed the deathbed will
she was entitled te testify along with
the subscribing witnesses. Continu
ances hoc) been asked before the Regis
ter, he said, because Mrs, Rosier was
in prison. . There have been no requests
from Arthur Hosier's attorneys for a
hearing since Mrs. Rester's acquittal,
he said,
The attorney,, declared that Mrs.
Rosier was recuperating following her
trial, and could appear te testify within
i Jue0 Hemman agreed te grant a de
lay of three weeks and a day
During the hearinc several hrisk in.
Htw wet-as.
terchangea took place between Ji
1 t2.M "twven Judge
ilannum and hie son. The younger
Ilannum at one Mint argued that Mrs.
Rosier had been ta he room when the
will waa signed. .- ,
"I thought she waa supposed te be
srasy at the tf e&mMuji?5a Judge
' . .. r3i
'BaBsaVT M, . ' ; !'' Aif tV'I 'T www "..'atsTsaMsalaaaalal
d iJW.j . V: - '" V '.- " ,'l. 'LL'RlMaPjaPjffiBai
4WMML Governer Parker Seat' Htrlflg;
SPJEB. , and Daugherty and Wequ4li 1
HpKhte U. S. Ce-operation i It
I ' ' tSBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBVBBlal
bbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBBI '
s j2-BBmBf-Bai
.Lreedalnnn eaweatlve , wjie visited
President Harding today nasi asked
Federal ea-eperntlen In curbing
tatentnte activities ef the Ka Mux
Next Year's Convention te Re Held
! in the 8tralts,.CIty
The next annual convention of the
National Women's Christian Temper
ance Union, which yesterday concluded
lta sessions) here, will be held in De
troit. The dnte will be fixed later.
Choice of the convention city was
made at a meeting here today of the
Executive Committee of the, organisa erganisa organisa
teon. York'Hetelman Hanga Himself
Yerk, Pa., Nev. 20. Jeseph Keiaer,
for many years a prominent hotel man
of this city, killed himself by- hanging
at'hls home during a' spell of despond
ency today. He was 52 years old.
Senater in Resignation Charges
"Propaganda of Mis
..:, represetnat'.en"..
Washington" VNeV. '20? The' resigna
tion et Senater. Trumnn IT Va,LhAra
efIlchhran,, wtll; Recenj(. elf ective. tomorrow-.
Vice President Coelidje was
uqahle "nt ...todev'a .hzief. JHc!n tn
present- Scnoter Nen Demes', Jetter, of
reslgiintien, nnd the- Michigan (Senater's
i"- .-.. . .. . (JW..VA'
'" c.M..u . lumperaTny en tne
reljs.' ' ,,.", .
' Vice'PresWent'CbbTIdge recMv'ed'vea-
irruuy win resignntion.et Senater New
"crr' -ne ieer was addressed te
t,overner Oreesbeck, of Michigan. The
jiij imniuti re-inn vc I'resldent by
the Senater's secretary is for the rec
ord of the Senate.
n':"n: "rec.c .w,..hv?. the
........ H ,lt u nuL-ri-HBer, me New.
berry term having until Merer. 4, 1023.
iiL'xti'i.i f?m amplicatiens in
the Michigan election laws it is doubted
whether a special election mny be held
?u aiK Senater must be chosen at
the State elections nest spring.
Advised te Resign
Senater Newberry did net come te
Washington for the special session of
Congress. It Is known in responsible
quarters here, however, that, following
the surprising defeat of Senater Charles
B. Townsend, his Republican colleague,
who led the defense 0f ntf right te the
seat he wen ever Henry Ferd in 1018,
he would resign. He waa. advised te
.i80 V, hlf l)crs"1 managers, and
national leaders of the party believed
It te be te the best Interests of the
Mr. New-berry by resigning will de
prive Senate history of a chance te
of William Lerlmer who first gained
the right te a 'seat from Illinois, then
was unseated in Jul v. 1H12. anliii
registered by fees of "Newberrjlsm" in
the recent elections rendered it certain
the case would be reopened nnd an
adverse vote registered. Senater Cara
way, Democrat, of Arkansas, prepared
last week for Introduction. in ti,.'u.
NeVberry? tttoluUen t0 0U8t Wennter
letter ef Resignation
The letter of resignation, dated
November 18, follews:
"I tender herewith ay reslanatlen
as United Statea Senater rem ffiu
gan, te take immediate effect.
because nt the recent election, notwlth netwlth
standing bla lenj and falthul public
service and, hts alrkt Sfsherence te the
Burns Alse la Consulted Loeftl
Officials Swayed. by
. Secret Order
Powers of Government Said te '
Have Been Uaurped in
Seme Sectiena V
Bv , XMoeteteCtgu
Waafeingten', Nev. .20. ActiviUea of
the Ku Klux Kln'n formed the enhjsd
of a White Heuse conference today be
tween President Harding, Attorney)
General Daugherty' and Obvernor'Par Obverner'Par
ker and' Attorney General. Cece, of
Louisiana:' The conference was at the!
request, of the .Governer, who seeks'
Federal co-operation in curbing alleged
interstate operations of the Klan.
''Before going te the "White Heuse" thd
Louisiana Governer arid-the-Attorney
General had a long conference 1 with
William. J. Burns, chief of (the.,Burea.,
of 'Investigation of the Department? efj
Justice. It was' understood 'tbatitaay
laid' before Mr. Burns Inforantlo'n'eef Inferantlo'n'eef Inforantle'n'eef
cernlng the Reported inluence exttaiv
by the Klan 'among county 'and j :
efflcers In .their State. - '' '
In investigating the u dtsappearaaaei
aenn weeks age. of , Samuel 'Riekanie
a.nd Watt Daniels' from Moerhtiiaa.
P4rish, Louisiana, Governer Parker r
was said te have found tbat effort,
aacertaln tha tmrm'hmA -' j---j
by certain county 'effeers. HU innilryj 5-
-- - - hw.w nvm nv. MOM.1B i i . .
In that direction led.' him te BeettvViii'
that there was an Interstate '.csssik'-y i
Uea with whichSltwaa iietpgss'aisJawKt
hla te deal., "It-is this phase f if UrS (,'
aneetien wniea be hoe taken up wfth.' '?!
the Federal authorities.
t- -i ...... ' J.rVt itn
' Federal Ce-epsraUsa Vraaff
Richards and Daniels
after Dr. B. M. McKern, former Iteyar
ei aier-ueuge, naa eeen area upon
from ambush and slightly injaraaV
Daniels' father said the two'yeumg aum
were at the Daniels home at the ttase,
of the sheeting and bad no connection
with it.
Widely published reports that the
Governer came te Washington te wmk
Federal aid in controlling the aitnatsea)(
In hla own State were denied by Mr.,
Parker. It was emphasised that -the
whole purpose waa te determine whether
there could net be co-operation by the
Federal Government in the Interstate,
phase of the question.
Governer Parker is said te held that
the Ku Kluxism from which Louisiana
is suffering, is being engineered from
ether States and is net merely an intra-'
State matter.
All Washington, and particularly the
Louisiana delegation in Congress, wan
stirred yesterday ever the nubllcatien of ,
a dispatch from Baten Rouge stating th
Klan bad virtually usurped tne powers
et government in sections et Louisiana,
rendering, the State authorities .-.lm-potent.-
. . t. K-
Louisiana .. members qf , Cjetulreea
vigorously 'denied' that endittena wnr
i anting any drastic Federal actien.-isted;'dn-
any '.phrt. of ..their lilUte.i
' " Courts 'IJnder'.'Influenee' ,
. According te tlie 'diepatch f rem'.Baten
Rduge.'the Slate Govcrement')f:LoJUl-w
ana Jias alnrest .ceased te . -function, and
f ven .-thc.'CeurtH bnv 'iU!l;Underr Wt
influence'.of the, Klan.', . FindfaMLprnjeglf
pewerlesa'tp coea with .the slfuastesi.jlt
State's laws.
Concerning the activities of the Klan
in Louisiana, It was charged in the dis
patch that many murders and ether acts
of violence had been reported. In .en
forcing its will In the name of "law
nnd order," the Klan is alleged te have
driven many men from the State.
Leutslnnnns here conceded the Klan
bad secured n foetbold in Northern
.Louisiana, but said it was almost un-
knew n In the southern g)srt, where the
French element was numerous. The
Klan is alleged te bare elected the
Mat or of Shrevenert, ever the opposi
tion of Governer Parker, who defied the
Klan in .the campaign.
Representative Riley J. Wilsen, of
Continued an Pas rarta. Celaaw MVa
Accident Second of Its
Vicinity This Menth
't .
" d- .-. w' ':
uviuwiH.ia,, iiT. u. 1BI aW
P.) One man was killed,: and three
ethers Injured just Iwfnre mldniglt
Sunday In an explosion of the Jermyn,
Pa., mine of the Hudsen Ceal Cempear ,
Twe of the injured men are at the' MM-'
Valley Hospital and ere reported.: e
being In a critical condition. -
Thes dead man is Jehn Walsh, Jet.
myn. Pa. He was instantly, killed!" The
Injured are Jehn Vincent, IfayleM;
Jehn Beck. Jermvn : Jeanna ITaua.
Jerwyn. ' ' ,"" """
Feeney, who was Injured about the
head, was treated at, (he ceHlery and
waa aeie te-go i ms some waasassteji.e
Vincent and neck were mera -'g
hnrt, and wererushee etne beea)taU ',
The accident Is the second ef it alaell
te occur la tbla vicinity taU ZTS
six men baying kwt their Urse aTSe'.
result of the dynanjlta MBiaalesi 7JSr
occurred en Neve-eg i" Ttka f&ETS
r3 """!
telace. Uie. huinllintion'slnaSred huinllintien'slnaSred
pral aid 1n tlie.'aUmlnltwtknef7.lhe
la llnkIa I ! I
2Z22L r ", "BWrv'W:
ew, ' his eon
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w-rv. -f aa