irwr. JmFmmStM bwteWMfM&ffii ssjwppspssssjii m MJ DHHisn I . rl.i.V m 7.&M;Mi. y$&My&$ww rt-?i , r Hand at t; Organ, at 11 Band at 5:15 OhtaM "" Mtei at Moes WANAMAKER'S t- op- WANAMAKER'S WANAMAKER'S WEATHER bleudjj Stere Closes 'at 5:30 m E If Yeu Ever Wear Stockings or Give Them for Christmas, Menda Brings an Opportunity Toe Geed te Miss De Net Let Old Friendships Be Easily Broken Try te cement them mere and closer as jtfme gees en. -" Neither prosperity nor poverty should alter the relation of old friends. It is human for us all te make mistakes. We have all te cress the same bridge sooner or later if we expect te be forgiven. Signed November 18, 1922. ffiffmmfe The Most Distinguished New Wraps Are Trimmed With Black Mele Only the handsomest wraps are using this fur, which is rapidly coming into fashionable promi nence. In the case of a gorgeous black duvetyn, the cellar, deep hem facing and enor mous sleeves are made of black mole. Anether new wrap of bo be livia has the cellar, cuffs, the front facings and long panels trimmed with this fur. A nen and. interesting triple cape wrap of cinder gray duvetyn cheeses gray mole as a banding for the edges of the capes. Beaver, black wolf and gray squirrel are generous ly used en ether coats and wraps that arrived. have recently They are all the finer in dividual wraps without duplicates and the prices are $225 te $475. (First Fleer) Individual Fur Wraps Come ' Almest Daily A new arrival is a long coat of beige-color caracul with Drewn fox cellar and tan brocade lining. Priced $900. Hudsen Real (sheared musk rat) fashions a beautiful gar ment whose wide sleeves start as low as the hip-line. Cellar and cuffs are of taupe fox. Priced $750. A black Persian lamb coat with skunk cellar and cuffs, at $650; a bloused gray moleskin coat with taupe fox cellar, at $525; an exquisitely-marked coat of baby leenard with beaver cellar and cuffs, at $550; a hand some blue-pray squirrel coat lined with silver-gray matelasse, at $1000; and a reversible black moleskin wrap at $600, whose in terior of copper-brown matelasse may be worn outside if desired these are a few of the many rich novelty garments new in the Fur Salen. Lengths are from -44 te 60 inches. (Second Fleer) Women's Loveliest Gowns for Evening $75 te $150 Chiffens, Geergettes, deli cate silk crepes, full of grace and charm in line, decoration and color. Airy draperies are al most the rule with these models; when beading and embroidery appear en them it is completely artistic in design and quantity and' placing; and the colors are usually the softest, most delicate tones wonderful blues, violets, sapphires, greens, roses and pinks; (Flrit just a few flames and tan gerines. .White is very much in evidence, tee, for this is te a certain extent a white season. Alse the gowns are net extremely low-cut, only prettily se; with little cap sleeves or sheer dra pery where there are any sleeves at all. Of course such gowns are usually one of a kind, and prices are $75 te $160. Fleer) As Levely a Ceat as We Have Had for Yeung Women at $150 Net only for the rich quality n its fabric, which is one of the finest belivia weaves made; but Ise for its unique lines and luxurious finish. - Its sleeves are a study. They ire small wraps in themselves, Meply pouched and tasseled, oddly shaped, and gathered intp a deep band cuff of fur te match the large cellar, which is beaver or squirrel of best quality. In brown, navy, kit-fox gray or black, lined with self-colored crepe de chine, and warmly in terlined. Sizes 14 te 20 yeats. (Second Fleer) Paris Sends Exquisite Gifts for the Baby What prettier gifts could one Mk than these dainty little gar ments made of the finest mate rials and entirely by hand. Near ly every ene is hand embroidered m only clever French fingers can. some are trimmed with real lace. There are bibs, starting as low as $1.50, also petticoats, dresses, both long nnd short, pillowcases and the dearest little lingerie caps. The highest price is $22.50 for a christening dress beautiful enough for a baby princess. (Third Fleer) Yeung Women's Regulation Dresses, $7.50 Cuttem made In our own work werk m, ati exceptional value. e.pce me(,eB of elthcp heayy "" nen with blue cellar nnd m1' L0lt 'f0,, 1ui4mr navy blue TW' Th sailor rellnra nt .L.u. W.smbreiatred, in 14 te 20 mar liMi ;;". ;: ., 800 Dezen All-Linen Napkins Direct Frem Ireland Three different sizes in a won derful choice of patterns. Silver-bleached napkins, 20x20 inches, are marked $4.75 a dozen. Full-blenched, heavy, service able napkins, 20x20 inches $6 and $5.75 a dozen. , Standard quality goods, woven of pure flax, certain te glvs geed met. -.-.i.! "Wherever There are Pretty Women There Will Be Pearls" A pearl necklace, in a way all its own, enhances a woman's beauty. Unlike ether Sems, wjiich call attention te lemselves, pearls lend charm te the wearer. Is it any wonder that women love pearls and, such being the case, could there be .a mere welcome Christmas gift than a necklace of perfectly matched Oriental pearls? The finest pearl necklaces in the Jewelry Stere are priced be moderately that they could net be duplicated today for anything like this, $240 te $8000. (Main Fleer) Little Hats Of Slipper Satin, Brocade and Fur The most charming things imaginable te wear with fur coats, or with any ether coat whose cellar is huge. They set closely down en the head, with little or no brim. Geld or silver metal brocade it combined with the black slipper satin in high-draped turban ef fects for afternoon and evening. Others are softly veiled with lace or lightly touched with fur. A delightfully youthful idea is the tiny short-backed toque af fair of black slipper satin, with wheels of white ermine tails, or ether fur, at the sides. ' All new, and moderately priced. (Second Fleer) Thousands of Pair of Men's and Women's High-Grade Hosiery Ge .Inte a Sale With Prices Averaging Half Belew Regular Net broken lets or shop-worn goods, but excellent new merchandise. Nothing but Wanamaker purchasing power could have brought the prices down se low. Nothing but Wanamaker merchandising ability could have brought together such a great assemblage of better than usual he3iery. And with it some silk undergarments for women that are equally geed values. The goods are products of high-grade factories, bought especially for this sale. Fer the most. part they are fresh, fashionable, unhandled, perfect goods, although here and there is an honestly marked "second." All in all it is one of the most unusual groups of merchandise offered at less than regular prices in years. There are , 22,548 Pairs of Women's Stockings 2500 Silk Undergarments for Women 12,094 Pairs of Men's Half Hese And Frem the Tep te the Bettem of the List the Sayings Average a Half Fer Women Blouses With Cellars Have Many Friends Many women, tt seemi, find them se much mera becoming than the cellarlcia blouses. One of the favorite crepe de chine blouses with a cellar has a V-shaped opening- down the front and Is elab orately braided In seutache. The sleeves are long am! full, end-lng- In a tight braided cuff. In the geed suit color nf navy, black, brown or bisque, $13.50. (Third Fleer) Silk Stockings, $1 a Pair Full fashion in black and colors. Seme si-Ik te the top, ethers have cotton soles and tops. Slight "seconds." Gkrte Silk Stockings, $1.75 a Pair First quality. In new shoe colors and the fancy vertical designs. Silk Striped Weel Hese, $1.75 Beautiful silk stockings with vertical silk stripes. Brown, blue, heather mixtures and camel's hair. First quality. All-Silk Open Clocked Stockings, $2.50 Full-fashioned and in fascinating heather color mixtures. All-Silk Stockings, $1.75 a Pair Full-fashioned. First quality. Black, white and cordovan. Black Silk Stockings, $2.50 With effective open work insteps. "Seconds." The entire West Aisle will be given ever te the Sale en Monday. Fer Men Wool-and-Cotten Half Hese, 50c Brown heather mixtures. First quality. Silk Half Hese, 75c Twe styles; one full-fashioned in black and colors and a "second." The ether first quality, seamless and knitted of a fine silk in self stripes, drop-stitch, clocks and vertical stripes. Silk Striped Weel Hese, $1.15 Stripes vertical and in self colors. Brown, blue and heather mixtures. First quality. Wool-and-Cotten Hese, 65c Smart heather mixtures with embroidery clocks. First quality. A k Rachmanineff will be listened te with delight in his recital in Philadelphia Monday. But you may enjoy his wonderful playing every day if you possess r.M The Ampice The great Russian composer - pianist records his playing exclusively for The Ampice, because he regards it as the instrument best fitted te perfectly re enact his playing with fidelity te the minutest shade of expression. The playing of a hundred or mere great pianists is brought into your home with the. Ampice. There is no instrument te equal it. It must be heard te be appre ciated. A private hearing of the Ampice at any time in the .. , ,K.!iiiuntu Wanamaker Piane Salens in conjunction with the Chickering, the Knabe or several ether well-known pianos. This is its only distributing center in Philadelphia. (KirptUn Hall, Second Fleer) Mere Roseville Pottery Lamps Simpje, of exquisite classical shapes and lovely colors rose, copper, amethyst, green, yellow. Even the mountings are simple and each is equipped with two lights. Prices SS5 te $105. Shades which might go with them, $55 te $140. (Fourth Fleer) A New Let of Scotch Grain Oxfords Has Come te Sell for $7. 75 the Pair Made of the best Scotch grain calfskin obtainable. Every pair in this group ordi narily would sell for several dollars mere and they are exactly the kind of oxfords that men are putting en right new te wear all Winter. Every pair perfect, every pair better than ordinary. There are black ones and there are tan ones a rich, deep tan. Made en the brogue last, perfectly plain and smart. Deuble white oak soles run clear te the heels, four rows of stitching. add strength te every seam. Shee making of the better kind shows in each detail. (Main Fleer) w 69 200 Excellent Quality Dinner Sets One-Third te One-Fourth Less An unusual Thanksgiving offering of standard dinner sets from the regu lar Wanamaker assortments, bringing a fine choice of the most desirable decera tiens m wares of recognized quality. Fine American semi-china dinner sets new marked $10 With wide bands of 18-karat coin geld, half-matt geld handles; sets of 47 pieces, complete for several persons. English semi-china dinner sets of 106 pieces new marked $32 Berder designs consisting of handsome fruit decorations in natural colors, leaf-green edge and handles. Fine American semi-china dinner sets of 106 pieces new marked $18 Medallion border decorations of baskets of flowers in natural col ors; blue band and inner hair line. French china dinner sets of 106 pieces new marked $67.50 Of flne Limoges china in a dainty conventional floral border decoration with dark ivory band and geld-line edge. (Fourth Fleer) Something New in Gloves A dainty 12-button lentjth mousque meusque mousque tnlre glove of tine chamois lisle, with hemstitched and embroidered bend top, giving; It n pretty finish as It lies ever the sleeve. In pale fawn, covert, beaver and liver sray. Priced $2.76 a pair. (Mala Fleer) Neckties of the Rich Spitalfield Silk, $3 In all the world there is nt better silk for neckties. Heavy and firm, still it Is soft, supple and beautiful. It is brought ever from Eng land in big squares and made into neckties by one of America's best manufacturers. There is a world of colors, world of patterns te choesa from. Stripes, fancy effects, figures in subdued colors or gayer shades. Plain color neckties of the same splendid silk, $2. (Main Fleer) I A New Wealth of Celer and Interest in Chinese Rugs choice at $365 4 Chinese rugs are enjoying a wonderful popularity, net only because of splendid service quali ties, but nlse because of positive and striking decorative effect. Beth characteristics are re markably well exemplified in the new Chinese rugs here in a splendid selection of sizes, large, small and medium. In sizes 9x12 te 10x13 there is an attractive group priced $233 te $425, with a geed in-between (Seventh Fleer) $38.1 and $390. In size 8x10 ft., there are many handsome pieces at $110, $130, $145 and $175. Other excellent Chinese weaves particularly liked as gifts are In sizes 2.6x4.6 ft., at $30 te $35; 3x5 ft at $45 te $.", and 3x6 ft, at $65 te $75. All rugs of exceptionally geed quality, in the most desirable colors and designs. Geed All-Weel Blankets at 10 and $12 a Pair Emphasis en Geed r N They might be called the best in the country. Of pure California wool, warp and filling, and in a choice of white with borders of rose or of blue and also in several plaid effects. .Wonderfully soft, warm and serviceable, the single-bed slse at 110 nnd the double-bed size at $12 a pair. Fer these who want still hotter blankets we have seme of pure California wool warn and filling, white with pink or blue borders, cut and bound scpurntely, Bingle bed size, $14, double-bed size, $15. and extra Urge slse, $20 a pair An Egyptian Clasp Identifies a New Handbag It In one of the prettiest of the new hnrnlbnus In a soft mocha dnve. 'tyn nnd the clnp b one that we spe. dally ordered hb Bn added mark of distinction, Most women nre nxUlnic for the lareer nUcd handling, mien n thin la, mid It cuiiH-B In th mont-iibked-for roleiH li'-aver, fuwn, navy, hrewn und lilacU. It h lii'iiutlfully Unrul with chnnR.' nhle tiitt'etn or satin nnd hus nn inner frame. In two styles, 1175 .and 1. Embroidered Pillowcases Are Always Nice Gifts Women who study thelr women friends' tastes are ant te buv such pretty pillowcases for Chrlstmns presents, for they are se sure te be welcome. HemNtltrheil plllewcie, ft.?. for ii lin of two, hi-allepeil plllawrut.r, Sl.0.1 it l.civ, Kmlirnlilered plllewrnM-n, s,'.se it tiev KmbriiliUrM a tealleped plUew eaie i, S1.7S m bas. (Mnt )) VfHsW s SJ--Sli fGvS'w Ju VI '-.- ..'', ';? "Gee Gee" Has Come Galloping In Bringing a "Pack of Fun" for Little Beys and Girls He's the new wonder of this wonderful Christmas. Little folks are wild about him. "Gee Gee" is a horse. A real galleping: horse or at least the toy-like image of one. He gees like the wind, speeds here and speeds there. Races around corners and in the narrowest places and all the while his youthful master is clinging te his back, having the ride of his life. He runs en two wheels, the back one higher than the front and oval in shape. The rider balances him as he would a bicycle and the motion of the body bouncing up and down makes him go. Never was there such fun, children all agree. "Gee Gee" is just the si.e for jby or girl of 5 te 10 years or se and he costs but $T i Meet him in the Te . Jere it's the only place in Philadelphia you will find Kim. (Seventh Fleer) mm m i vtrum '4 ,t Hpt" . T Y.V' ""rV - ' i ! . . out; ,T. f J H V , ' ( t . ; ? 1 T1 AjwKl'yr- . ! .,r . t& v(t:.h &Wfca&& r wvwv t .' Ii UjLtiln a'ijtf.i . . ikn ifefsMft fe,u .... J.KWft3taa-ifcjct.Mfe A ih :l I i 'iW'J i-V&A a&!&iiw& f.iiV". "ft 1 11 i zmm: ffwl . riwdSattWk-Mififa.