I'.r i- KICTBi .? Kl KM WST1 tjfflft ' JiTY? Wt liSMV' rf tK WS V Wr" f7r,v rfwjy. HArj 1022 r (7We te Phoieplay for the Week te Cem STARS APPEARING ON LOCAL SCREENS NEXT WEEK fafB!RECTT6N STANLEY COMPANY OF AMErUCA. V New PhetraUya ' mfAtLSf "The Eternal Blame,'' from he BalMe etery. "The Dueheae of ' , .nMftl," with Nerma Talmaaja , a; " the Udy of the court of Henry V1I1 ' lid Conway Tearle headlna a iup . ?rtin cast, which Includes alie t ffil Mendeu and Reetmai IarANTOlt "Nere," speetAOttlar . "auction Bhewlnjr early Reman flays, mads by the Foec Company lr Bu- J ThhV. Violet, Meraereau ae IK niv American player amenf a urge cant of European aura:, J, Edwards directed. rlu "'..a ttumnaDfl at ftM .T. nAIa ARCADIA "Anna Ascends," with Altee Brady in the same, part aha played en uie wbc that of an Italian Immi grant who Is ambitious. wii'TOHIA "Shadow"," from the prlte (Sen " "rnliiii-Chlnji Chinaman.''' by Wilbur Uanlei Steele, with a cast that Includes Urn Chaney,- Harrison Ferd 'and ethers. reCVi "The Deuce of Bpadee." new Charles Kay comedy, with setting In 1 a small Western town. Previously Reviewed -' ALOIXE "The Broadway nose," latest Ma Murray, feature, with usual elaborate baclreunds of Broadway night llfe and cabaretu; Mente Blue leading man. KARLTOtf "Skin Deep," ntery of a criminal who had his face made ever and had te live up te a new role, with Milten Sills. PALACE "The Prisoner of Zenda," Antheny Hepe's fumeua romance, directed by Ilex Ingram, with a cast headed by Lewis Stene and Alice Terry. CAPITOL "Under Twe Flaw," Oulda's fameUM romance of the deBert, with rrlscllla Dean. 9REAT SOUTHERN "The Manque radcr," lllchard Walten Tully's fa fa metH HtiiKe I'lay scrceneO, with Ouy Bates Pest In his accustomed role. MARKET STREET- Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Manslaughter," with Themas Meljrhnn; Thursday. Friday ana sniuraaj, Tem Mix. "Ker Big- Stakes." with IMPERIAL Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "Human Hearts." with Heuse Peters; Thursday, Friday' and Saturday, "The Man who Flayed Ged," with Geerge Arllss. , COtOXtAT, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Pink Oeds," with Bebe DanleN : Thursday, Friday and Satur day, "Klmlred of the Dust," with Jllrlam Cooper. tOCUST "Hutrnn Hearts," Hal Reld's famous buccellu huccess, with Heuse . T'etcm, Mary Phllbln und Edith , Waller. JUXOX'S AMBASSADOR Monday, Tuesdav and Wednesday, "Human Heart." with Heuse Peters: Thurs day, Krldny nnd .Saturday, "On the ll!h Krnw." with Dnrnthv TlnHnn A BSLitONT "On the High Seaa," aea story by Edward Shelden, with Doro Dero Dore L thy Dalten nnd Jac'.c Helt JtlVOLt Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Moonshine Valley," with William Knrnuin; Thursdny, Krlday and Saturday, "Just Ttfny," with Tem Mix. COLISEUM Monday and Tuesday, "Burning Sands." with Wanda Haw ley : Wednesday, "The Sage Brusher" J Thursday and Friday. "The Uhest Breaker' : Saturday, "Just Teny." CEDAR Monday and Tuesday. "Moon "Meon "Moen shlno Valley." with William Farnum : Wednesday and Thursday, "Burning Kanav : -naay ana saturaay, "The Ghost rsreakcr." v JVMHO Mnndav and Tuesday. "The fiterni," with Heuse Peters; Wednes day nnd Thursday, "The Ijast Trail"; Krldny, "Kisses"; Saturday, "Leaded Dice.'' ftTRAXIt Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. "Pink Oeds," with Bebe Imnleli : Thursday, Friday nnd Satur day. "The Cowboy and the Lady," with Tem Moere. ' UXXr.Xrs'Tll STREET Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday, "The Face In the Feg." with Llenel HarrymeTe; . Thurrdnv, Krlday nnd Saturday. "On the High Seas," with Jack Helt. LBADEIl Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, "Uurnlnff Hands," with Wanda Hawlcy; Thursday. Frldsv t'li Wl!rUay'"T.ne ahest Breaker," With Wallace Held. "La Tendretae" at Bread At tlie Ilread Street Theatre, com cem nencinc Monday evening, November 20, Henry Batnille's piny, "La Tendmse," SI", , ("yen Its first presentation In Phlndclpliln nt the hnnds of Henry Miller nnd Ruth Clintterten nnd a large eempsny. . I" '"any ways the production of It Temlrosse" marks Henry Miller's rnet ambitious achievement In the tho the Jtre. It provider lilm with the most In tjrestinB role thnt hns fallen te his let T&?jLi,? ,St,:nht!n Ohent In "Theflreat i ?e, ' Plnv wns Wret produced ny Mr. Miller nnd Miss Clintterten dur in their summer sensen In California. Directly nt the close of this tour the eempsny will he tnken te Londen for the Knells), presentation of the piece, The large Huppertlnir company includes, amenB ethers, II. Cooper-Cliffe, Sydney Him, A. O. Andrews. Judith Vessclli, t!!17 wler. Marguerite St. Jehn, Jn dc i In Cruze. William Henley, nald Celman nnd William Pearce. Big Climb for Mlsa Qroedy When flrit-nlgliters left the first Xew Xerk production nf "The Night Beat" tnree years hre they were asking eneh ether, he is Mttle Loulse firoedy?" jst niitumii she was entrusted with ' princinnl feminine role In "Geed Morning . Dearie," which comes te the rorreHt Thentre Monday. As n matter L x.1, .M,ss Greedy had played in i "-rlor.b?fera "''e was "discovered" !",. 'The Night lleat." She was born in .n3cTcx;' 5rew ut ,n Philadelphia S2?. AiU?",,,,(! Cltjr "nncing was her .'."'. ',M'linn.tlen. Rn,l y the time ahe was thirteen she hnd liecome an expert J Innclng. Miss firoedy began her Profess una career with an engagement in 2!!( ev " ier $Jt0 u weck She was ?." i?,1,e tel the Kreater n8rt t fl f..iH.b,,fer? shB ""nl'y reached the u'i. nti 1tn89 ,n "Around the Map." ,ii.?Pidurl,n.8' ?n engagement in "Fld 'Hers Three" that Mr. OlUlngham first Leading Lady Frem the Start Dorethy Mortimer, who plays the ft lO r,"!,,r, M1!.0 '" "Just Mnrrlcd," tii. .? AUcIphl Thentre, hns been en 'ding lady nimegt from ,he fltBrt( stL. 'esun hn B,? fr with n 2f. n,nT,,n."5 ', Kansas City, and or?a",' th. jlln woman of that Yolk n"Jnt,i8- T,u" bl' wnt te New ..Si"'1 $, "'" Ending part In Ww&i? iN.,h.t' .. B,,a next was I.ee vY?.810'11 ." li-adlng woman In "The t.i.I-.i ..".'"Vy." tllt fiigiigement, she f7' ti i "" 'rcnce .Moero In 'Tar &i .7Uoe,n .,ul Hnt,." ntul it was sliii. ., w:?s l'lnylnp! In this picce that Married." sl ned her for "Jubt Army and Navy at Keith's anJ n."iHl.,n?tfmcnt of the Annapolis ils iT l0J"1 I'!0'""" teams, whleh IatftsMB.re ,H"t7ly. hnve eeeepted and ?tL"H.f,rem,"' ' KWth's Theatre tea .i?.cl,,,5 f00,Iml1 fi(l,,n,1', w,u ut" Si wrferiniiiice nt Keith's Tim- theit .' t'vc,,n 8 guests of the Jtre innnngement. IL.xcs hnve Sff kf JZ?l for. tue ' '"id there vSl V. 1Ja. n the party. There will ivir- .SJui"? "Vrabw. of Army -and JJ ,lfclal reat .tfcja aad ethr HPIHIHHHSwaAHyiVHaleH HK'lfe&nBH S shadows" BWWBBLIiW FLORENCE VIDOR. Vc-tvnst IH'alEHBSBBH "skin deep 2 IHlHHBaHBBiHI Kr-t-trw IBAkX a.r!f!l!Ill!l5IS!?T? ALICE BRADV I NORMA TALMADGE. "THE Wg'A'&lEygMM3tM "ANNA ASCENDS' ETERNAL FJ.AME" SUrthm Wlf W'T JFwBtUi AUAev fl?lm&YsigraiiMaeM MPIaaHi EH BHHRWMfSV'tTvKStJS'THE DEUCE . PHKM Meters aw PI;II,::1':iiS tr. Lfw(1 philbih SRa Jfit i't3aPPn'ViiiB I'lW.'tt? "HUMAN QMrliK'iVi)tiW,;,iB PRISCILLA DEAN.TJNDER TWO FLAGS" Cdpitel - RAMON NAVAPRO, THE PRISONER OF ZENDA" Patace All About "Tangerine" Carle Carlten, producer of "Irene," will present Julia Sanderson, In her greatest success, "Tangnrine," at the Shubert Theatre Monday night. The original rast, Including Frank Crumlt and Frank T.nler, arcempanlca Miss Sanderson te Philadelphia. The bek is a satlru en leve, matrimony and alimony. Mr. Carlten engaged Lawrence Lang ncr and Lee Blmonsen, te respectively provlde the basis for the book, and te design the scenery and scenic effects. Philip Bartholenme collaborated with T.unnner en the play itself, and Our Bolten adapted the finished product of the ethers te musicul comedy. The cast also includes Rebckah Cauble, Gleria Dnwn, Heburd Cavanaugb, Harry Puck. Wayne Nunn, Elsie Yeung, Jehn Kiino. and a lyric soprano named lieulnh Ilersen, as well as the famous Tangerine Quartette and equal ly famous Tangerine Octette, composed of Victeria White, Victeria Miles, Jesephine McNeills, Nerene Swlnten, Helen Francis, Ruth Richmond, Betty de Graiie and Dorethy Brown. Travesties at Dument'a In addition te the travesty, "North east's Most Popular Beauty," the Emraett Welch Minstrels at Dument'a will next week present another bur lesque entitled "Urowerytewn'B Most Charming Yeung Weman." The two programs will be merged into one. The program otherwise will include Alpo Alpe glni, the magician; Kelley and Thomp son in a ceti.edy, "Selling Leta," and WEEK BEOIHNXHO XOXOAT MAE DESMOND and HER PLAYERS XMTHE STORY OF THE ROSARY XI0KT1T AT till Oil), Ftten er Writ for aiU All SMirvsttesi.ftL fitardtr WlUBeSeM lntll ; snaar wniT LANCASTZB. AV re. mew eiev naTiwetB iTt-gVEWMQi, rt N.t W..kA Iladtrn Mutletl Oddlt "THE TIMELY REVIEW" rpAXUrinr luu nnvnciB) 0RYKfe wiuw sirtpuurrrieas IMS IMVUI OlOWM imt&nMimmmk ZANE GREY'S fieliOR Drams a xmjBttmimrm . v-"- ri'i-".iHtf'VU77.rA " ' HiH'-xije DESMOND ITHKATRK.1 KEKBIWOIQW AVE. CVMBWAMP ) K.k.-yiHv.HK.'" ;' '31M!5! ?? ::,'!;3ilB!W mY.tmmnrm' ; h: -mK ; Bra:iaHairVKtr'ariweirw x. BH W J 'Ugv I . T vHi, J yfjKBlsvA w!7irLr?BiiH c7ii a.&ifc.rfBPMK "Mit w HBajtkH 22t3I PAULINE STARKE. "MY WILD IRISH n08E"'Fya America's Cemedy Four, in songs and merriment. Emmett weicn will render new ballads. JA PHILADELPHIA WmmfE 5fy 2 OKEBTKPT STREET BE10W 18TK tTKEET. NEXT WEEK ARMY AND NAVY WEEK BILL OF STARS! EXCLUSIVE ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! ELSIE JANIS THE UTTEBNATIONAX, STAR AMD AJfEftXOAM OENITJi IN A RECITAL OF TYPICAL JANIS HITS JACK JOYCE BOY WITH TUB HMILE" -ROCKWELL & FOX TWO KOnt.K NUTS NAVIOATINO THB OCEAN Or N0NSEKW r-POWERS & WALLACE- 1M A aOUTHRRX nflMAXOB. CALLED, "OEOHQIA ON BnOAOWAT" HARRISON WITH niLLT HOOUB IN THE CEVENES IN A PAHIS CAKE AX10I"g TABLES TACTS EXTBA ADDED ATTBACnONI AND KU8 JULIANASH&0.H.0D0NNHL perrrr-An lkeitiwatb reMicrtT ursn. 2 A 8 P. M. Prlff. Mt., Deluded. Bftti aa SiU One Friday, November 24h Army and Navy Night rOOTBALL TEAMS WILL BB PRBSENT-BHOW BTA11T8 8 HEIABP METROPOLITAN fSS& I 2 FORTUNE GALLO PrMnts tha SAN CARLO AariMa flniiiil and Only Tenrlns Oifawtn, Caerae aad Cerp dt Dslltt. Km. BIPBBTOIBB AIID OAITB TOa rillST WEEK MONDAY.. . TUESDAY.... WEDNESDAY THURS.MAT.. THURS. EVE.., . rnivif . .mm SAT. NAT. Jiwiri if tin MiImm SAT. EVE OiviIInii tPiglliNl OOXDVOTOBIi NXOXI, rBAXOXETTI, IEM. TIXIITEB SECOND tmMx WEEK , MONTE BLUE and MAE MURRAY "BROADWAY R08E"A1i Trocadere'e New Shew An attraction announced for next week at the Trocadero Theatre is "The High Life Girls," a two-act musical burlesque. La Belle Helena is with the company and will be seen in one of her latest dance acts. The manage ment has secured special scenery and costumes for this dance act. There is a big cost, including Billy Bhuler, Harry Meyers, La Belle Paula, Marie CrUpie, Beb Griffin, Temmy Hlddans nnd Terry, the piper, songs, reels and dances. INSTITUTION: THE BRIANTS IfflKAM Of THH MOVXrf MAX . & DAKIN-""" "THB THBEB Of I'H" CAPT. H.C. MclNTYREftCO. weRtP'a engATBHT Hirm bhet NEWS TOKOS OF THB PAT XZTBA ADDED ATTBAOTXOBI KB. playktib in "almost binqh" 80c A 0.. Bexai, 60s, ,NtwaU: Waah te AdTine. I'hcnt WEEK axraxifMrva HOBDAY C e M P A N OPERA 5PfTAMe. Omnlutlen.. XSRPaeata, Oa..w ataiU Udewa, Prims Dal lutnas, '"" v . i1 iw.iEff'cw" - . . . RipiKti . .fisrbBja -. TfMI . B,&fU,,m'W'W M1lM . &&&! !a, BatM Miimi lutlirfly . .iKi,,K,, earipi . Afassiar AwiaieaT J?hTOk .. VMimnwvwtitmi ilL-ff.ii ; IT'S ' FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION IaSJ? l ? l?s.M T WN m&z i 't . vyj "m f ? s t$M f MW'l: -J' J.- J Ww8 EM H-S V t YT.aJ a '". . . a A'jTiM VICTORIA NINTH AND MAMCBT A. it. TO IMS PTlf. NBXT WRBK TUB OBBATBST RTOBT BYBB TOLD IN MOTION FICTtTRKS Wilbur Daalal SteaU'e Priia Stary whtek aprtrd la aiicaita fam nsdtt till of "Chtar, Chlnf. Ohlnaaiaa." THE CAST Is nnuiutt si tna (1st lUtlf, slaee rttrr msaibw althir bas ba starrea et ftttend ta tlf (leducUea, It iaeluJes LON CHANEY, Marguerite Da La Malta Harritba Ferd Jetta SalnaUe Walter Leng ul Uy Wassent ra Dlrerur Is Tern rvrais, wfeass Ittt et iunmim atsutM a trnt fodtctlea. EHRA PERFORMANCE TOMORROW AFTEH MIDNIGHT f . ' ' r f m A w Q) ttelMarfceit wHS g I J U ' iX in the drama 1 The Eternal CaW Supporting cempri5 trs oeuatBNccta mendat iCtk. rvi MARKET t V IttTAM FOX ?, AIAKF0 4- MONTHS W NEW YOBKAm&ADn mr 'Wn m, STANfbN ESEH iB alaafBBBBB amK ICafi BB me. 75rlten SBOAO CXXSXXUT TODAT AND NBXT WEBS THOMAS H. XXCE'S "C KIN e wltk Miltea Sills FleMBca Vit.r ABTOCNDXNC rNPBBCEI)ENTEr-A SBAUA OF DUAL LIVES-DUAL LOYBB MADB AS INCB AIXINB MAKES TDEU CAPITOL Tir"5tXRlOrf j NEXT WEEK raxaaxuA j?y la . UNDER TWO FUGS 610BE III II JUNIREI srareanANCEi AND CONTIMUOUS IX A. U. TO XX I. n. IARK1 OOMVEMCIKrt MONDAT T1IH THE SIRENS WITH A BIO OAST. FEATUBIMO TUB INIMITABLE JAY ELWOOD and CLAY HILL AND A BEVY OF CUFtON AND DEREX Tpttla DHfrnt "MISS A Miilrl TOMMY BARABAN,GROHS&CO IN A PANTOMIME NOVKI.TT ILJELl RAYMOND LESLIE Soen ftl LYNDELL LAUREL k CO. 1 NeTtltT Offarlns I "BY TIGE 6EA',J Okattif IL W W EXTRA ADDED ATTBACTION ethel Mcdonough THE TAYOBITE COMEDIEXNE XV "MILADY'S . ALHAMBRA rMORRlS IVAUKVILIE, NUVl' Wt)L,K HARRY ROMM REVUE Ab4 m Delicious Photealay Farce Leva It an Awful Thing aeaaa "Jiaa at ae iisru" nt. It Thedzzling romance cf faithful wife and wilful beauty in France's gayest court. .,,.,.. Tni c Aaai Bur lem McrniAii Iats I rare a es: ,.W,T a""rrKr - vj.?rrJf.. - WEDGWOOD INOWtLL, nQ5EMAKT IHtOT, IflUMAd IMLtl Id, IRVING CUMMINSS. OTIS HARLAN THRHOBlJi'S Merr -v "-r.xis-. kj rr rAdNIFICENtAMn :N1 SPHCTACULAR. HKODUCTION' TH CLIMAX OP- noneN PICTURE. ffteafuess: COST OVER fltmOOO TO PAODUC. Ef7 M,9e i.se P3 ,JaBy V 7.30 9.S0jW27 aflRll an incredibly lavish production cfthe brilliant photoplay by EDMUND QOULDING Badway J he drama, of a dancer who Anew the most dangerous streets en the Aaria eeaer man ner own NOVEMBER 27 VIOLA DANA IN "THE At XO A. X., II. 8. , . A 10 P. K. DEEP careniAT U tn. A Chtlt Area. Men., Tuet.. Wtd, BEBE DANIELS "PINK. GODS1' UAXimnc QVAI.ITT Of VAUDEVILLE XINIMUM COST RLABORiTE MUSICAL COMEDT BEAUTHTII, OIBL8 CUPID" TELAACK AND DEAN Skit EntltlM "I'M CALLINC'' Fait-K With TONER ARNEa KENNEDY Yanatila sua rBK-l UBT.HI BLOT UAY" CROSS KEYS JKET1 next vev.rw VAUDEV1LLEJ an erreitiNa ub luxb DlihtlMd te Ireiiwiy A Vetqua Crrla of Beesa, ae-z-a. aiune i'rawatea xr AETHUB ALEXAXfDEB CO. BILL CUAMOBD TUDMDAX r FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION incomparable Flame J. JSKTr.'. 1, iir-..ri-J? heart I nnd temu v t iriiKK SS BABY" PALACE 12TH AND MARKBT II) A. M, TO 11:15 P. M. NEXT WRtX. HBCKWMS, Ml MO i. Vrem thnuMepe'A brd-CottmeretAm ffersewen.t Kira rVenin THE MASQUERADE MONDAY IN CONJUNCTION WITU : VAUDEVILLE AT BOTH THESE THEATRES BROADWAY BBOAD AND 8NYDEB AVE. ALLEGHENY FBANKFOED AND ALLEOHSNT BIS GREATEST SCBEEN ACHIETXKZirf AB1ISS HAH"vnie fUKDCOtr XF YOU X.IKB BETTKII I'lOTDBXW UUHB IS ONE AT BOTH THESE THEATRES ALLEGHENY FBANXFOBD A AX.LEOXXBT BROADWAY BBOAD SNYDEB ATI. IN CONJUNCTION WITH wfr. $F h cm SS fr- r z: ' yu w A 8 XG xV aJaaW kWmWW M BBa BaaBT' . aiBsTZBBBTil BavBmalBBBlBVBB sbibvbi BnaTaBi aV i VWZitiVt r 1 lum m V 'yhCXLT SI LBBBBBVJBBBBI VAUDEVI n 4 m. JMJ' li r a m TA ' i l S ?z: y & smm .A M-ia . .v V3-S, 'A ! .11 V V. - 4 lift 'SiWIAWSm laSk, fi;cx. 'Ktf k'iiiw-f'r' ciV,?AiLWVtt. .f .;4f."ai-l:.lA i,ljjij ' ,', 'AniiM