w THE WORLD OUTSIDE By HAROLD MacGRATH Thrilling 'tery of fight for $7,000,000 and a btautlful gM'a th author of "The Man en the Bex," "Luck of the frith," ConiH'eM, 101). by Hareld Slacd-ath ...- mm tr -rnr HTOHt mtuwn coujsa'gvmeo DAcnert. S&SSSwwrw 'tV YOTK, Kt -. . . .j- . ..a MM WM IF.I. ft m? V ikjK'i: J5&i! 'M aw ttirtti MrariK the 'Ad'.rnture sum V A fii M n mi inc "nn-y'iini'i ...-.------. . .frrrw e t( acjucmure or ..- wascy new .v. ,urt!wM nMiMl "ji Mffll JteSiKS it fflfTf inwfi At w: irM. . .. it. .... Mr-i.u,': 'Tfantu' chum. U)he flffifjfrpew. a croefe In Steteart'e emrlev. iir,ftTcnlft"lcr et tfencv'. .hew. jlu. Me ia Jfnrscarf. She Threw Hun Down" UTTB'S get te. He's n mudmnn en II etic subject, hut nslde from thnt be hn reason. IJwWw, when he sees Suit I nm commanded te give him half dC'Je,Tif.Rlvr .Mm three Billiens? Thnt's teii2h. Knock en my deer when you come hack. I II he kT?A. , ... . Pi.nl9" mui. tipic Mm down. Muyhe she beard ou had t-even lnlllienn. "Yeii don't mean thnt, Jenny. "I'm n mean nupi " eimrse i mm i IMIin It. .HI1C WUUIIIII I HUH! J 11 Wlllen If she didn't love th' limn who They went out Inte the hull, Han croft with n light nntl Jenny with n leavy step. At 'Jenny's deer he hum -denly caught both her bunds and kissed them shyly. 'if nnlv I hud hnri n sinter like you. Jennv! 1 wouldn't have en red." "Vell. I'll be your sMcr from new en. Hetter toddle alone before Xancy has hyelcrics.' As sne saw me lop ei ma ueim van- llh below the fleer level, Mie leaned ualnst tne wan mm ict ! noun ei tears foil silently. Oh. .Terry, Jerry! BmUlcnlv she saw herself, ten years bence, wrinkled and fat, and both job's one. liancreii jiuniieu nue mu mxi uuu Imnmed the deer behind him. Ne need ef aklng the chauffeur any questions as te this or tnnt or wnereaueuis; tnu (nil of this Journey would be nt Stew art's deer, wherever that might he. As he settled bnck atrnlnst the ciislilen Jii sene'if the feel nf the letter. lie tad net left It behind. Then he ru- hiembereil the copy nt the ntliilavit ntuck belilnd the bow of his hatband. He would net require this new; se lie tore It up. . The mind had an odd way nf mls- behavlne nt times. His thoughts new iheuli! have been exclusively of Xancy and were divided between Xancy and Jenny. He wus very fend of Jenny; te wanted te licit) her in some wnv. The notion hnd been in hlx head for tome dnys, nebulously, where he could net nttnch it te a settlement. Xew tbe notion came into the clear. He would purchnsc a half interest In the dressmaking shop where"1 Jenny pecd. He would lend this half interest te Jenny. If, by some stroke of bad luck the establishment should fail, the lean would net become a liability, but would automatically reuse te exist. On the ether hand, Jenny should pay him an nually as much as she could, until the lean was wiped out. He chuckled. Ilcxnltn Mm fnnt thnt Jjr placins himself unreservedly In the sinus ei a mnumnn, lie mmlit be roll tog toward permanent injury or death, he COllld iltlH ROlnetlllnif In nlliu.btn iivii. Jenny was right. If he went en plvln the Geed Samaritan te everybody he took a fancy te his solvency would he ef ihert duration. Ne. matter. If thU night h business turned out well Jenny Should have her chance. inc taxi stepped se violently thai Bancroft Wfli ulinkcn In hli tniiiui 'I'l... thanffeur opened the deer. Hirst deer te the riirhfc ns rnn P. sir," said the chauffeur. noIiteU enough. Bancroft Pnt nn nml K..i.Lt,.l l.t., Jtnees. The locality was utterly tni- lamilinr. Ah fnr Ihnt Hw.w. .... ., ... eal of New Yerk unfamiliar te him. Am 1 expected te pny you?" 'Ne. sir. Tim centlpinnn vlw mni DC for TOU nnld tnn In nilvnnn.. II.. Mid Sir. Hancreft, room four. He said c" expected him te send for you." 'That's telernbly correct." ii No"c,ef my business, but nobody uvea In this house. Yeu can take that ftr what it's worth." The chauffer jumped back into his Hit and whizzed away into the deep Wing night. TheiigutfuHy Hnncreft proceeded into Jje house and bexan slowly te mount .7,1 ,rem,bIinS Btaica. A dusty smell suggested vacancy. The house was i2S.n,i . ! s,t'rt had borrowed n 'oem In it. Hancreft had decided upon one plmse of his conduct; he would ? V r9l-tnnce te any physical wreunter. This imsivlty would serve w lessen any violent intention en Stew JEW1, A" tn,,t wns required of Ki i?tfH w".s "K,lt ,iml straiht leek into Stewart's face. lit k ' "ST" nn'1 ,ower hallways were ih. f "",', wnvi'rinK Bas jets. The ,.f i s d'A11, "lm"st "8 ,,ill f It wa Jhl& lrs4 ,luer ,n ,,',, rlKht. the .gins chauffeur had said. Hancreft ffl "nt Jjescrlbe his emotions as le fcl,l!)1!,i " tl ,loe,1"'b. Hu did net I. , U r,,cu,nr'y ceiiriiKCNius: neither did irmlJCiBI!y lnr!!c l'""1''- IIc w'" well ui?.i A but we,,l(1 m' m Klvi' time te Me the en., formidable weapon lie pus- eI his filtlipr'ii InlCefV M...l...n.. Jjn oenld never nntlcipate them, an In , I , f',s,ert''1 n" "bsevsien for 'year n i. .. .. . " .."" iBeiinn. ";ni ii oecemes murderous InlJ vl'!u' A,", '''t Unncmft could neX ;,c',.,rn,', ,n .,lls theiiBhts: "The POOr. iinfi.. ....... ,i'...i i tt'.li .i """' UKVII, t.i... i J.' m.. be no dedderlns. deer i t.i . ' ,Kne nl" Ienea the 00r. iUt cr dllrlitiKim ...iti.i.. ,.Hcre I hiii. Sir. Htiwnr .'" ltent,I' ,n1,l'cr impatiently Hancreft ffi0' eer tbe threshold, lie had te iuf n.! 'i"" t,0,lI(1 ,l0 "' bucklim te ill runt I i t k. ether. "Biiiiunji, jer (me reason or nn- yhenlasn'tnultennlslied Till behinil i.. ll "ls,olliewH seized from It .' "J nweily powerful Krii. Ulan nf '"'. ,,w,l'ected in time his ii5d.0f l'Mlvity. and relaxed. Hepe X?.n'y burned his wrists. Tl.,... u-itl. wSKtMW,iftTH ,h,H r"" 1,,,a" tn W i arm. "V11 ventimlly plnienint; let h s V!"1 Wbh .A""' tlalA he was rather' un'ite.0,, Jl"nelii hlnuelf. ttrkLl 'l1?.''"11 f,,,,t ln tl,u Vflvul TkP SH of t,u m. lencS ereAcu,n" lhk out of the si Cp'.trl.W Z I'X'11 twin e baltciy e wall un'1 mevert '"ward fremIhurn,mn.Ue'." s,,1(1 n" ireailc video dMn.?.1lLmk,he ""'. "but the tJrrnt rittii. .r"n,'in"y m" keen te U'O SSeIj f Vi" .fennct. which consists iJStTmii IirlHn martHtuff. If foil will -w. jh-meph. 1 llimril nhnii tluir Ricu wj,eh of ceurw, I hud W te an nlk v... ... 1 i....lv nP, I hye ceid te beliave In 1 All. Ilra."tk.. If l Alnhiu. mm fTVm mwsmmmmimmmmmmmmmimm leve by ere. wall nnd n match flamed. The gns wnii feeble. Stewart nnd the few ebjtel in tin? room had the effect of beinjt scen n the nebulosity of wnter. Hnncreft aw n deal table and two chairs, one en eneh lde of the table. "Yeiiiik man, n little learning Is n dangerous thine" "1 might counter that, air, by sayinj! 'lint n tittle misunderstanding is equal ly a dangerous Hilnic." Hancreft's vole? was thick, for bin heart was pounding. He must de nothing te Inllnme thl-i niidiiian: he must wait patiently for the denouement. "Olie t Se you nnd I misunderstand each ether?" "Yes. lr." Stewart did net reply, hut approach ed Hancreft and carried him te one of the chairs, Hnncreft was forced te sit. Xancy was probably in some room above, numb with cold nnd terror. Whu'rver lie did. he must ulwnys keep this fact ln mind, Nnnfyj "De you knew who 1 umV" Stewart demanded, 'roughly . . "Yeu are Charles Jcrcminh Kennedy ,my father's friend." "Your father's trusting friend 1" Demoniacal laughter followed this, and it broke qtieerly. "Ah. my (Sed! Anil In another minute I should have had my hands upon his threat!" "In u little while you will thank Oed, sir. that lie died before you reach ed him." "Ii would luivn heen nn pxtrnnrdl" Miry miracle. I have wnndcreji, these twenty jeurs, ttirmiuli all the labyrinths of hell ; ie don't expert any merry. "De you intend te kill me in his slend. sir? 1 should like te knew." "I Imvcn't decided," said Kennedy moo-Illy. "It remains te be seen." "I have never harmed you." "AVhat has that te de with it? Yeu are his son." Then Kennedy burst into the Irenic strain again. "The Ureal Adventure ('niimnnv mine absurd bus iness te start our wonder. And u little inter you put two and two together nnd connected me with the man who entered your father s office. Kvervlhinit I Plan nod for you te de you did. Yeu icnsened tlmt by stepping into each pitfall you would eventually lenrn what I was up te. Clever, but net clever cneuch. "Thnt. is true. sir. I'm net much mere- than a hey. Still, I found out who von were." "Charles Jeremiah Kennedy, it has been many a year since 1 heard that name spoken." Kennedy turns, abrupt gestures. He did net want te hurt the hey; nnd yet the father's mouth and eyes of him stimulated the will te murder, se. te keep moving, te tin; out the inclination. Once he paused gloomily before his prisoner. "Are you afraid of me?" "Yes. Hut only ns n normally sane man bus the right te fear another who is ' I "I wonder." mused Kennedy. "Why net? What has there net heen te drive mc insane? I have killed a matt, I have spent fourteen, years In prison, I hnvc lest all that earth held dear my wife, my child. Fourteen years with iron bars between me and sunshine because of your father s pertldy. I t. 'listed him lib lib lelutely, and he beggared me. My child! She may be dead. sh may be hungry, she mny he a drub thing nf the streets. Day after day I have sought her in the crowds. Oh, I would knew her instnntly. She would have her mother's smile." The Mailman Rccemes Sane Tears welled into Hnncreft s eyes nnd began te roll down his cheeks. What an Odyssey of sustained mis fortune! Lawyer Snell's comment re turned : Johnny Jenes of Seuth Dakota. content te he a con boy. but whose bones retted in France because a man by the name of William Ilohenzellerii the Innocent bystander. He must let this unhappy man. relieve his soul of nil its accumulated bitterness; tell his story; then he should have the truth. Hut what n weak tittle staff it seemed for these colossal miseries te lean en ! Tins truth would net bring bnck the wife and child, return the fourteen years wasted in a dungcen-kecp: it might net bring back even the mail's faith in mankind. Kennedy went en. He did net address Hancreft particularly. "What have I done that (Sed should pile thec miseries upon my head? I have never harmed any human being. I had played square. And here I stand, guilty nf an inno cent man's death, guilty of the deatli of your father, if net by deed, by intent. Frem a kindly man, something of a dreamer, I became a piece of machinery,, dedicated te destruction ! Hooked me, when I was thousands of miles away and could net defend myself ! Fer fourteen years J hail nothing te de but think and plan, think and plan. Hut your father had hidden ie cleverly that I found him only that tiny." Hancreft's chin sank te his chest. In nocent bystanders! This unhappy wretch, Silas Hancreft mid Silast Han Han ceoft's son, all three innocent by standers, roeked and pulverized by chance-medley! Hancreft thought of his father's agony, never during te threw his arm across his son's shoulder for four the 'emotion might snip the slender thread by which his life hung. "I knew nothing of limince," con tinued Kennedy, resuming his pacing. "That was your father's game. Se J turned everything I had into cash borrowed en cail leans duiuiieil it into Ills hands, and sailed for Seuth America, I sailed away!" Kennedy laughed again. "I sailed away! When I returned, two months later, my wife was dead and buried, my child gene, the savings of years wiped out. Why, I didn't even knew your father's brokers! I was that trustful! I immediately wrote te a friend of mine in t.nl'iiz and turned ever the mine te him in trust. Te buy that mine had taken up most of my ready cash; and I would need capital te work It. I then destroyed all my luggage and papers anj tiling that would indentlfy me us Kennedy and started out te kill your father. Hut first, I wanted one niore leek nt the old home where I had known such hap piness. There wns a crowd about the deer'. An auctioneer was chanting in side. The world became red. I pushed people aside. A policeman interfered. 1 knocked him into the nreaway. He died almost instantly from concussion. An hour later I was in the Tombs for manslaughter, under the name of Stewitlt, the II ret that came into my head. Manslaughter!" Kennedy covered his eyes for a moment,. "I suppose (Sed wanted te see hew much n human being could stand and selected me te experiment en. Se 1 became Stewart.'I was mugged mid thumb-printed and numbered, and slewed away in a collin cellin like cell of gray stone. I seen became a trusty, dun te my education, and in a little while they fell te catling me professor, I hnd killed a policeman ; se the general run of convicts looked upon me with venerathm.' The gas Jet began te whlstle mourn fully, nnd Kennedy modified it. "Of course the first thlpg I naught, en being liberated, was your father, He was in neither telephone nor city directory naturally. "Hut In the end I found him a hoeend tee late Imagine me, entering that village home, of yours and finding my hooks, my porcelain, my chairs! Loet!" Hut Hnncreft new knew thnt it wns net se. His father had rekcued these treasured objects out of .the crush, in tending tern day te restore them, te Kennedy, beuld Kennedy ere ntvra, EVENING PUBLIC THE.GUMPS-rQh. What MtlL. W6 SVOMK C0M Uxn cne v tPf&UMT kwt re viivs Gfuu-rc&- WIN6 HNSfct- -.TWjff ww-i OXVTW ?EOPVt VWHVTW- THH VNrVHT WtrA ?. NOT SOMEBODY'S ST E NOG SefaE who's the Cum6a vaje AJTHE Ai&XT BlLCf'THE BH-L HER rL&RK i& PARIM THERE BETOAJD THE Time liaat iaiT The Yeung Lady Acress the Way The young lady across the way says there's no telling hew seriously we might be involved in the Near Kust new if we hadn't been in the League nf Nations. PETEYNew She'll Let GASOLINE ALLEY The vitU THE HCMTS AND MUSIC ANO ALL I ANO VOL) ACROSS THE TABLE PBOM ME V T'S WONDlBPOL 'f (CeTriKi sol CAMVJfOcjvJMOurr- ' ",9, v$ T ) iSe k Ii. ii- KKKBKKKMmxm'SmKKKKKmW'JIBS9 LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; FRIDAY, Will the Answer Be? IHtft'tE - A X ve W4 CM WHttJ X ' .L. WM6N "WW 0OtXttS v JpeH't WORM. F THES COOrVJ ,. f NEtI. rnfci Uvei VMHtm X AHuyiKi. ir nt.r vmti lice J7.. i ..' .:. i.-...:. l X NM tutCTum re, t cwit X5,.rr,atV,w.,rr - TkYir J1?" AT J1VKP VJ V I J . YUVK QMt M4T TVIPW V I ,ute ww " '" J"" tvv. wv- 1 J THrVT BUNCH teuut ris,. into f Es tea-ajw- i Ewcwm comede M en -deua Sua. ntws ( A J- x m r 5 'i l!i f ! if rfg&i 4 tweka coev.kx av.t -vvte J , Q& .F'j i.Hiat tx x i" nn i ' T Je t mx. J ibwm V . - - - - m- v.' i nut camx 6e j J wm igr k, Tjrj WASL L- ' ill B ri Parking Permitted en Vine Fleer Saw plC The Bess hired YOU SOT IT f?i6HT SHE.'S A fZ1 cuiMaiAiev'.- Aiwe-J '"'. &? I THE POWERFUL KATR1NKA tee HAD Tb Him Alene Nerve of Seme People! - i i ujppgyf ) 5 ' IVes WALT BUT you MUST j LEARN TO J. All ,t I . , '-" - r r " r "" "'" ' T "'" I NMSTHIWO UXJt. OT rv- 'l I f ntm.n TiKM! XMh MftF ML TMt I By I ' TH fewCtfFOL'KATKiMKA DefiS MeT fAO BRY Wett AMD tlTTr-ft EciBeRT WAS 5H0RT - TO et TH DlAU SO KATRiNKA Get" SeMfcOrl L5B Te KCAO IT. WHV HERMAN just blew in blossom, and rve cer te Mave a eancb with WHERE DID YOU .COWS PROM? XVOLM J ' 0L p2A ,, -r'3 -ITcet xwvi'A-.v.-arvHmwmmmwmaFsamjHum wmmmmsmmmm Iw' -z r , - J i - f r '-ft NOVEMBER 17, 1922 WHE(7THAT Foel Bill fs Clerk Maw ? hes AieVER 'ROUiD WHEAJ I DOAl'T WAAIT HIM AN ue'e iifcPE HEf?6 U1HFM -p i&r-l.. Ulli I j. aicw n'n i r CO,e CenniU. litt Oy ruilu txdjtr C FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL WALT. MIND IP I fMfW? ABoireu are) iff I?u3l QuA6IUgrnr ' m&Wlr'r 7 S Toe j 'JuuiMaulWbf pleased t Imeet ya J ONE DANCE WITH HERMAN, inHniK,j rteelstcred V, S. l'.ifitt WHV HAVCT T&UAJeTlCEO? -r At.MAS-WAft DAYS t$$ lflV Kn r J " J Sfcynja kkkmnBw r SkSM' MWCJAAml v3!9BbbBHbUbI rMSM&&4imJb ) VOU DON'T I HAVE DO VOU? delightee I I'm c;iiec ' Hk VI "S r.VZHM fi'f , .iLitei" By Sidney Smith By Hay ward omce he's Set IVT P0ISO4 "J6 Vv Bu C. A. Voight f. (1!!l3 By King (fl ' I a rnnl th ."w I 'vU!. XM$8 ' "WAf r Ji ' Slt'. l ..sf s 2. i : By DWIG M j?A NihiiI iul" " 7 " . '"TT. Mmt j v' . . .it,.;: Ar AtOKfi6C5dfe tlM,r, B&VJii.:. I, 2&k n M lit v nv.j ihu.'i'Mii ,amm ni Jt.V.Tnl : .1. .K"fi , yjrjL?!Wl awi-cftaa IPPHi.iHVll' K ii-'.:i-,,?M.v,v ', s'WT'i;Ti&.v?fciSteiiii