r. v .nvj'vrte rmw.WA"Vi-9l i" ra , i ; j i . .,,- if -r . r Kt;AjE w.,j " rwMWvyiwei B'4J H('W Vf sAiTF! W EJrity ".iVA! .it TT-hT UT'lf..:,-,) I'M r. V IVVJlMk r- L-iAlv'Vi V'fti'J.IV-iV fv. ra 56,000 SEATS SOLD FOR TIGERS' GAME Recerd Attendance Expected When Princeton Clashes With Yale Tomorrow ROPER HOLDS LONG DRILL . Metering te Princeton? Observe Traffic Rules He utrn te Imve your nntomeblle drher's llcciite enrcls wlthiyeti. Xh puking In borough en the .ircets between Nnsinu nnd Stn- Ne imrlln en Seuth Side (Uni versity tide) of Nassau street. (re lie1 IHnilntlen.) , ... PniMwt en north clue of Nnssau street limited te thirty minutes. De net lenv car unoccupied. Put eiir car In n pnrklng space us Mien n't j en enter town. WnMiltirten rend between Tren-ten-New HrmiMWlck Turnpike and PreT't't inenne closed between li neon nnd " 1'. M. T.nke rend open en Hnrrlsen itreet tide for picnickers only. There 1" mere than enough room In the official pnrklng fpneen te tnke rare of nil the enrs In Princeton at thl triune. Warning Ttewnre of fnlse pnrk Inc agents who take your money nnd de imt protect your car. De net let them held ou up en the gieunds that tilth or Hint bridge or rend Is nn.nfu fur travel. All MiwoMens nnd criticisms sheuM lie addressed te the Director of Student Employment, Princeton Unhersity. New Jersey State Police will ns tlt the town police force In the en forcement of unfile regulations. Princeton, N. .1., Nev. 17. Mere than 'JOO.000 persons have applied for dmitt.neL- te the Yale-Princeton foot ball CJinc four times the capnelty of Palmer Stadium, which will held the largest crowd in Its history, when the rival clowns line up en the gridiron tomorrow at '2 P. M. There have been 63,71-1 tickets sold for the clnsie feny, toxins cery mailable inch of the btice cenciete horschee. This Is almost fiOOO mere jieple hnn have ever attended a game in Princeton before, nnd the extra space has been created by the erection of additions te the wooden steinN nt the open cud of the stadium. The directions for nutomebllists, n combination of valuable warnings and orders, tell the car owner te beware of fnl"c purking agents, who tnke tut tnene but de net protect the car Their fn vei 1 e method of deceiving the Innocent driver Is by telling him that nernc bridge or rend ahead is net safe for travel. Tnc driver is caiuieneu inn te leac bis car unoccupied until he hti put 1 1 parking space. The picnic grounds arc designated as Being en Uie i.nne reuu uiurii uu mr Harrison street side. Drivers arc warned, furthermore, te have their automobile and drivers' licenses with them nnd net te try .e ride up Wnsh Wnsh incten read between the Trenten-New Brunswick turnpike between the hours of V2 nnd ", as this section of read Is te be c'esed ut tbls time. The longest Thursday scrimmnge during the present season featured Princeton's Int day of preparation for bcr i!i.md football tinale with Yale here toiiie.iiiw. ltelilnd barred gutes, from which cen the old Tiger football heroes weie banned.. Hill Heper's 11122 Tigers battled with .uh ether in a flnnl effort te Mnoetli out the kinks in the Tiger's tall. Fer mere than an hour the Orange and Illiuk eleen practiced their new ind e'J plas against the "Omelettes" en Uniu'iHity Field. Fer mere thnn an hear 1)111 Ueper's hearse voice boomed out in constant comment nnd criticism ns play after play unfolded itself upon the field. Kvcry play in the Tigeis' bag of strategy was tried out. "The tenia Is In fine shape nnd Is prepared te put up a great battle en Saturday," declared the Tiger mentor, la his men trotted te the showers. YALK The last council of war be for the I'll troops go ever the top in Juneletewn en Saturday disc'osed that neither Charley O'Henrn nor Bill Mal low will Mart the Wittle anil that It will net be decided until tndny whether Danny Denver or Teny llul man will be given the right-end an ilpimenr. Ne foetlmll was played during the Bnal day before the departure of the warriors for New Jersey. The defi nite make-up of the eleven kept the coaching council In session for hours. If Princeton storms closely upon the Talc goal. Mnllnry may be tern from the sideline cluster of gridiron re Mrvcs. If Yale needs half a dozen P!a selected by the rare field general Mp of O'llearn. he will be called from the blanketed substitute list. Hlnce he retired with n nulled tendon x weeks age, O'Henrn has never re lalmil plaini form. rule's campaign at Tlgcrtewn Is wmercd nrnim.l the following line-up: Wt cad. IMtlyj left tackle. Miller; it guard. Crulkshaiik ; center, Love Leve hnV rl,'t ,K"nrd, Cress; right tnckle, v.ler,..rK.,,t "! Hulman; quarter ;i.lf:,Nf!,,ln''r' lpft lialfback, Wight; tint halfback, Jerdan; fullback, Scott. HABVAItll Fer the first time In 5J5J se,.,sm ,,le varsity football team "JW Us Pnce between its Princeton t t. n,(' Bn",c.s t0 'levete an afternoon te its preparation for the Brown game. -.. ..,. w-urB ie suestituteK nave wen worked Inte condition te play the w. l"""0' wane uie Pt hniiimeriniT nwnv icguliirs have nt iili J i nj uii I III" 23?. .' -'r ,wm r the Yale uiiunerlnE away en ii.. heir effense Min .'. '"" or tne inle gume tne the varwV; ' . 1,8tlly. however. prising i iy ,0,uc,."" took n team com and I 3 of tl,. flt-strrhg plnjers them tA ,KU,,ftutes and drilled The aind li"r'1 for Saturday. the mJ,, Zll ",Knll.,st varsity, but Jure? n ie "" ,0 "mke mn"-v t,0,,Jec ISelinnii'r.15"""," 1,e" tlint Ilrawil tiiangcil it stjle of play. bright ei ,,l,kr "l" fiel(l ,,nl"8t Al M season tt'J,njr in tl,e ""n' " of Etui l2 i.It,:'u;"', According te re- chenc vm s v" th MCen team Cernel '..,, ,r the majority of the pfftrs he nnlirndl"l, be,'' Saturday A Bed m ' "'"'""mlty te see the .t.r,i?." ''lne ' U(,on U(,en th 7 , tl "lpy, tl snappiest f cenditinnu ' ' ",l,Pr l,eer weatn lately" 'a jV ,hnin " .prevailed here diwJ "' of the retriili.ru hue Hn. oiriei regulars but Hen- Wd. werl .!nuA. He""... rUht ferw'ard,,p0,u"u' WB,cn lea' e2LTHMQRir CmA UaMa. Capacity Crowd Expected te See the Yale-Princeton' Game Tomorrow THE PRINCETON STADIUM -jl .r-NASSAU ST. r- .r -j-! C553ES: j . t ' I I SSS SBBa , gmcAL I 8 'I ' fc 1 MmrWa V wn B eww L ate we - phespegt Ave.-- T,0NBmr"T I Ill UcrnaALNa , 1 1 0 ctoMe -WC3TERN WAY J "7 f Trf - I I m V Y W ei I nil 1 1 1 I? I I I I g jl J . lll I I ciMtemrNQCM LAKE ROAD I I TRAFFIC ROUTES ' I fl LKff PRINCETON STAOUM LAKE S OFFICIAL PARKING SPACE C"NAlr I P THENtON -NEW BRUNSWICK TURNPIKE Bwnrthmerc regulars for their encounter with Muhlenberg tomorrow en the (Jnr net Field. Following en the heels of Thursday's severe scrimmage for the offense, the first squad went through rigorous defensive work, against both the scrubs nnd the second team. , Each error was picked out nnd corrected by Mercer and Bill Ward, who saw n line that was almost SEE OUR CUTLER DESKS laajai aaew yifcfc milCPi - j .-av "'Sa I Rell H H a a e ... mm r j uuosmessenflfcnai. jj T m Ne. 7104 WELSBACH GAS LIGHT This improved mantle light harmonizes with the lines of your up right fixture. Inex pensive. A great ens nwr r The direct way Fewer milesSherfcr time D an iiecre and en Gerqe lower bay at the at the very gates of a I San Diege offers you. iui san uiege "StPtnty YWars ofServtet" m olden Stale Limited Cen,tf i!!!.E??i,,!2&nw,,en' rrslls sad Illustrated booklets en application te easassw aMaaajajBaaaaaajaaBB avQaaaaa) irm is equally goon en defense. NAVY Bright, bracing weather contrasting strongly with the rnln nnd mud of Wednesday, spurred the Nevnl Academy football men te faster work csterdny. The les of riraetlce with se little time Intervening before the Army game Is n serious matter. Complete Line All styles and price , oak and mahogany fin ish. Rell, flat top and typewriter desks, tables, chairs; ceitumers, desk pads and lamps, inkwells, wastebaskets, filing cabi nets and card indexes. SPECIAL SALE and Flat Tep Desks 920.00 up impi uctrnble and n backfleld Many ethtr bargains. Call and Impact our Una. HARRY B. LEVIS STATIONER 702 Arch St. In the Interest of Geed Lighting A little attention new will as sure plenty of clear, mellow gas light throughout the coming win ter evenings. Whether you are interested in purchasing a new jight, or in hav ing your present light's' put in shape, we shall be glad te send a representative te leek ever your lighting equipment and offer help ful suggestions.. Call, write or phone THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT COMPANY CTe the way see Cwrise Imperial Valley CalibmiaMextce It is new easy te reach this Southernmost California City If you take the Reck Island'a GeldenStateLimited e All the attractions of ocean, mountain and very gates of a city this, beautl enei It is a trip entirely different; a trip of satis fylng meals and luxurious ease with mild, eunny weather meeting you half way. The low altitude route. Direct through service te Les Angelea and Santa Barbara as well u te San Diege. Leave Chicago 6:30 p.m. dally (La Salle Street Station), via Reck Island Lines. Leave St Leuis 8.03 p. m. daily. SYRACUSE TO PLAY HERE Mieta Penn en Basketball Court February 3 SyraetiM, N. Y Nev. 17. Twenty games arc booked eh the Syracuse Uni versity basketball schedule Just ratified by the governing beard. One of the most important is a game scheduled 'IF IT'S BUY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS! It Is net a bit tee earlv ta think te put off your nurrhnaba unill fver in ion. DUY xnWIV H an CAMERAS A "MEMORY KIT" AT 18.00 MAKES A WONDERFUL GIFT ( nut of one kmre Vent Pocket Jr. Cmrr and four "HDeltex, fllm rmt un In n btit'. milled mnhefnnjr hoi, DlStp for nntn iiex contains a brass sesM atop In and exNiulnu idle nmel sift. TOY MOVING PICTtmK CAMERAS . -.- '" T 3B.OO .JRARRY A FULL LINE OF f'AMEHAW rBOM S3,nn TO 9Jm ROLLER SKATES (Ball Bearias) $1.59 Rubber Quoits, $2.50 gg EVERYTHING IN GUNS Parker, Fex, I.. 'anne. Marlln, Ithaca, Le Fevre, C. Hmlth und Davis Bhet- .Murlln, Ulnclifnter, Hatuge, Remlne tnn, Ntevenn and Pase-LewU 22-caL Klfle. OFFICIAL BASKETBALLS New S5.00 , Offlclnl sire nnd wclsht made from the tent arndn el American rhhlp vrnln leather, cumplete with pure kuiii bladder, raw hide lace and Inclna needle. BASKETBALLS, IMPORTED New S3.00 KevuUileii nbp, mad from' the best jrnje cf BnKlieh cowhide, hand sewn, complete with liliiililer and mwhldw lac BASKETBALL KNEE GUARDS New S1.00 RKO. SI.7S "t,M njn wini pnrtdAfl 0 w V.1 WK Jl JheSper Ceure OPEN EVERY EVENING MmmmJ JZJZ?. aasiaBaiaBaiaaaBlaW DO NOT SEND STAMPS BROADWAY CYCLE CO., Inc., 527 Market 1 'i 0.i -rsiiM , j Ill Vi Tht New Hurlingham Club Overcoat TU William H. Wanamaker Stores c? k. w I I 'l rail ls n p , i . ir J Irl IcSL jLWjpas- back, having a semi-shaped effect or leave the belt a full, roomy garment. Thick, warm, handsome plaid-back materials ivwwu6 utc ucaeuii jis pruuueeu. Caps of the same material te match the coats. Fine Black Derbies $3.50 te $5.00 These have just been unpacked, and the new shapes are much mere stylish than usual. New Striped Suits $30, $35 and $40 Almest ever-night a big demand has sprung up for Winter suits in striped patterns.' Yeu will find blues with stripes, browns with stripes, grays with stripes pin, pen cil and chalk of vary ing widths. Several hundreds te cheese from. . with Penn at Philadelphia en Febru ary a. The i schedule fellows : December O, Clnrknen Tech.. at flyraeusei 14,i llebart. ' nt Hyrscunei 10. Main at Byraeuui January 4, iicins liniue. ni I tt. purani e. I'uineuran. . hi I'liianurani Pnn Htate. at mate Cnlleae: II. Cernelf. e. at Ithaca- 13. Uelifttn City of New Yerk, at Hyracuisi 20, Itechenler. nt llyrneuiei ST, prlncsien, at Hyracutei Pabruarv .1, J'enn aylvanla, at rhlladelphlai 10, Column, at Hamlltent S3. Cerntll, at Hyrncu 10, Cres. cent A. C., at llroeklyni 17. Cplteae City of New Yerk, at New Yerk! 2.1. Penn Htate, at Hyrneuae: March 1, nechester, at Hicnta ten S. Lehlah, at Syracusel 10, Colgate, at Hvracuee, ' s SPORTING GOODS WE HAVE IT": about fcuvln your Chrlstmna gifts 1 Yeu ilia n,Tni. t.... i.r. .innt h.tu ut. hu- then stocks have cnrlv bird thla time. A rteneslt will We carry a complete line of Lionel Train Sets And accessories, such ea track, switches, stations, signals, bridges and transformers. We don't have te tell you that Lionel Trains are beet 1 The Ideal Christmas pres ent for the wide-awake boy. Buy new whlle our stocks are complete. GET OUR PRICES SPORTING GOODS AT LOW PRICES SPECIAL "Davis" Denbls-barrtl tOO CA Hsmmtrleii Shelguni. .asJeiJU It, 10 and SO caune. Hen. 131.00. BASKETBALL SHOES New S3.25 no. Deet-arade cana trim med with leather. Iard te the tee with a nele that will held nnv fleer. FOOTBALLS, IMPORTED New $1.50 SEO. S3. OO Slsde from dtreng cowhide leather, each hnll cnnmlpte nith sum bladder ft lace. Boxing Gloves E 4.95, Youth's Site. . . $2.75 9fra. rfi tm In' n William H. Wanamaker STORE NEWS 1217-19 Chestnut St. Authentic for 19SS-SS Hurlingham Club Overcoats, $30 te $75 Here in great plenty for the men and young men of Philadelphia te select from today and tomorrow.. D that we have protected them at Wash ington. Really three coats in one. It has a belt which you can wear "all around" and have a form fitting Winter Ulster, Or Vnil Pan lien a navf nt v, uu : 4-U Exclusive Creation All our Aquascutum imported English Overcoats have caps te mmk -match $50 te $85 All our wonderful Stratford Overcoats have caps te match- 545 tQ jgj Take Them or Leave Them as Yeu Wish A new thought in offering suits with extra trousers te our customers. $30 and $35 If you don't want extra trousers, you don't have te take them. If you de want them, you pay only $5.00 additional. SEEKS CAGE QAMES Bnnta Maria Council, Knights of Columbus, of Wilmington, has a strong basketball team which Is seeking garnet with flrst-clasH Philadelphia quintets. The Delaware cage team has its own fleer ana will piay nt home ana away. C. MeOrnnney. chairman of the Bas ketball Committee, Tenth and West streets, Wilmington, invites .corre spondence with Philadelphia managers. knew that It Is only human nature lunMna flenlflnd nntt vnn tnkfl what- neceme aepietcn aim you take i helrt any article till Christmas. GET HIM AN Indian Bicycle FOR CHRISTMAS NEW 1923 PRICES Diamond Frame, C9C Af SS" or 20".... J'"" Motorbike, 21" or 10". Electrically (44 Cf equipped tJ.aU ,'lde,'", $37.50 Beys' Juvenile 0O CA 17", tS" Wheels " Olrls' Juvenile tee en KIDDIE KARS, $2.25 The kind with home's head en the teerlng bsr, heavy riibtwr titm end Indeetructlble metal dtc whfel. Vrry strongly made. "MARVEL" RECORDS Make your own Ulklnj mehlne QOp reeerds at home. SHELLS 85e Per Bex of 25 Choice of liniU Wetter. "SUPEK-X" SMI PENNSYLVANIA SWEATERS PURE WOOL V-neck pullerer. New $S.5O?,E80 GOLF SETS, $10.00 Complete with mnshle, mldlren, put ter, hrnsdle nnd Relf bnr. REPAINT GOLF BALLS " $1.95 Per Dez. STRIKING BAGS $2.50 " SPRING EXERCISERS $1.39 Elastic Supporters 50c I .'eg. 75c 99 Street, Philadelphia: i Mi IFFERENT from any ether coat you will Und in Philadelphia with individual features se notable off altogether and have in every varietv of new Tuxedo Suits of Latest Fashion $40 We won't use com parative prices, but we will say that te match their style and individ uality it would be necessary te have a suit built te your individual measure. U1AJ 4VlA JV Jfemican rsfr- Philadelphia's Leading Rug Heuse In Every Sense of the Werd Seven Floers of Rug Service Ne ether store like this in America One.whele fleer of personally selected Orien tals, in all types, sizes and prices. One whole fleer devoted exclusively te Wil Wil eons of our own manufacture famous French Wiltens, Bundhar Imperial Wiltens, Bundhar Wiltens, etc., in hundreds of pat terns and sizes. Then there are carpets a whole fleer of them --of every type and price: rag rugs, mat tings, grass rugs, lineleums a large and com plete assortment of each. And the salesmen each an expert in practical rug manufacture, and trained in artistic home decora decera decora teonand squarely behind them is the guarantee of this house that each piece of merchandise must satisfy you in every detail. We extend the courtesy of the house te visitors who "Just want te leek around." Come in and see us. HARDWICK&MAfGEE C( 1220 MARKET ST STEAMSHIP XOnCESi a white star N. T. TO CHEHBOUHO SOTTTHAMPTOir MAJESTIC (new) Net. 85 Dec. 16 Jan. 6 OLYMPIC Dec. 8 Dec. 30 Jan. SO Mttuu rnewi.. ..ee N. Y. TO COBK (QUEEMSTOWN) AMD BALTIC Nrn, as n.n. as iu. te CEDHIC Dec. 8 Dec. 30 Feb. 10 aukxatie Dec. CELTIC Dec. 16 Jan. 87 Feb. 84 REQIKA (new) Feb. 3 Mar. 3 Mar. 31 . NEW YORK TO AZOSES. ...GIBRALTAR. NAPLES AND GENOA ARABIC Dee. N. Y. TO BREMEN via CHERBOURG AND SOUTHAMPTON CANOPIC ... ......".NeVsS Jan. 8 Feb. S PITTSBURGH fn-w) ..Dec. ID Jan 23 Feb. 87 . .PHILADELPHIA LIVERPOOL. Dtytenlan ....Nei.29 Celedenlan ....Dec. IS IET.ND LINE . PHILADELPHIA MANCHESTER Daytenlun . Nrv SB CulHnnUn Des. IS Winter Voyages De Luxa MEDITERRANEAN Madeira, Gibraltar, Alrteri, Monace, NapUs, Alexandria Haifa, Athena By the peptdnr Trans-Atlantic TAnera ADRIATIC, 84 541 ten Jan 0 Feb. 84 LAPLAND. 1M tii. . . J.n 1 Mr. 10 WEST INDIES CRUISES Vacs tla A DAixa PS am . . Am ALa T'n.i.. ;,VW""" a"ulL',.rfjr,i.'y"Bi. - ...... .n r. kbd Ste.e ifm N.Y.. PLYMOUTH, CHERBOURG.ANTWERP ZEELAND Nev. 25 Dee. 30 Feb. S ilNLAND Dec. 2 Jan. fl ieu. U LAPLAND Dec. 0 GOTHLAND (direct) .D.c. HI Ib. 21 KROONLAND . . Dec 23 Jan 27 Mar. 3 . .. PHILADELPHIA ANTWERP Scythian Net, 22 Mackinaw ....Dec, 12 Naoterlaa Net. 22 Maryland Drc. 20 Mahopae Dec. 89 Anebbmn teB V. Y. TO HAMBURG VIA PLYMOUTH AMD CHERBOURG MANCHURIA Net. 30 Jan, 4 MONOOLIA TJ.e. 11 Jan IS , MINNEXAHDA (3.1 clnjs) . Dec 21 Jan. 25 I . , PHILADELPHIA HAMBURG Scythian. Nev. 22 Mackinaw . Dee. 18 Maryland Dec. 20 . ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE , . PHILADELPHIA TO LONDON Napierian Net. 23 Mahopae Dee. 29 Mltieurl j.n. 4 HOLLAND.AMEniCA LINE PHILADELPHIA ROTTERDAM Bura-erdyk . ..Ner 83 Hrelvh De 11 International Mercantile Marine Ce. IIS STFAMFPfl 1 e.e Am Twa Paiienajr Ofllee. 1319 Walnut 31 . PhlU. Fretsht Office. 405-414 Beurae Elila-. PhlU. W &17-NS-47 few Yerk te euth America evi U.(jeverfiinentShuis New Reduced Rates Fastest Time te Rie dsjanolre, Montavldee, and Buanea Aire. Flnaat ships Amancan errlca American Feed-Am rtcaneomfena.Sall. les from Pier I, Hobektn. 8. S. American Lagien Nev. 25 th Dec 7th Dae. 23rd Jan. 6th e. a. tan America . . & 8. Western World . 8. a Southern Cress . Portelajhtl)' thereafter PrHcriptm beakht, Kidn Munspn Steamship Lines S7WaUSt New Yerk City JU.S. Shipping Beard COMMERCIAL! snuwnir kinu (Operating V. S, Gevt. Ships) PHILADELPHIA TO LONDONDERRY BELFAST. DUBLIN A COBK ' S 8 "BALSAM" . ,. a aTpJuri"""1 unJ 1,ai.,lc "' ' A mtaaEa . .Flrat H.if nA Other S. A B. Perta aa Sufficient Carge , Offer. MOORE and McCORMACK, INC. 444.46 Bourse Bldg., Phila. J'Otnii, u&85 .Main 7513, UHjsnakwejsnm . , ",R" ".' " " uu. iu. h.rUie IVnOuv V..T. ..".". t ' "r.ii.""M.ffa'.. WiW U "i. wje let tfancHtUiL SKSGBf FALL RAINS EXPO! ROOF LEAKS. AtlMAAM ttn4 t1t ) Ja - TTAiCl kVftlCjr afJJJCA&a vYllttb Will JTUU UW""" 1 araa.ft nit WA.MAnf 9 1 This Free Booklet tells about the new' guaranteed asphalt reef we will lay ever your old slag or tin reef, at less than cost of repeated repairs. A Postal Brings a Copy Tiega 8700 tfnAu&ttien Roberts Are. cley tjt. BTKAMTJIP NOTICES CUNARD AN ANCHOR "" y. Y. te Cherbourg and Southampton BERENG ARI A Net. 31 Dec. 12 Jan. 8 MAURETANIA .NetVSs Dee"lS AQUXTANIA Dee. 4 Jin. i! Feb. 1 The ubeve atcameM tail 10.00 A. M. a.vnvT 1'lmeu,l, Cherbourg nnd, Ilambnra SAXONIA . .....Net. 29 Jaa. 10 Wa Hallaa mivlvJi! (-ul'h Jun'"'n.l und Llreivoel SAMARIA Wrtr. 1ft CARONIA Dee. 3 Dee. 30 TYRRHENIA fnew) ..n e J.N A v.... CABMANIA Dee 14 . , T .... ground the World Crulaa IAC0NIA (new) . ..Net, 21 .Nl'W Ynrlc t,i l.nnr1rn ALBANIA (new) .. ..Dee. 2 Jan. 89 Feb. B4 ..-i: IO iAnaenifrr and Glasgow ALGERIA Nev. IS z ASSYRIA Dec. " " COLUMBIA Dec. 9 Jan! 13 - ajlla from HeMim Jim. 2S. N. Y te Mediterranean Ports evi 4 jiij (new; .DOT. Ma . TUSCANIA (new) ....Dee. 0 ZZI CARONIA Feb. 10. laaa I ... 1'hlladelphla te Londen , VIROILIA ......... ..Dei IAU1U.A .. riOT. I "-m smm 4 Sp your Lecal CDNA1U) 8 CUNARD & .ANCHOR Agent or write STEAMSHIP LINES Paiienger Office. 1300 Walnut St, PhlU. aaeenger emee. Freight Office, jjoune mag., nuuu ISTHMIAN Steamship Lines Philippines-East Indian Service DIRECT SAILINGS FROM PHILADELPHIA DUTCH EAST INDIES and PHILIPPINES Penan, Belawsn-Deli, Pert Swet- tenham, Singapore, Batavia. Samarang, Seerabaya and MANILA and ILOILO S. S. "Steel Traveler". . . .Nev. 15 Fer ratea and partlculara apply te NORTON, LILLY & CO. beneral Agents Beune Bldg. Lembard 8076 Main 244$ Royal Mail Bermudu VISIT the Und of cotetW tunthine sad a learning coral. The ttaautlsntic liner ARAGUAYA. 17,500 teaa diiplacemenl, the IsrgeA A earner te Bermuda, aails Thundsv, December 2 let and weakly Salutdaya thereafter. Eicep. Uenat cuuiec and serrica. Ne Pattptrti Rtqulrti ThtReyilMallStumPiekitCe. Sasdhjen & Ses, Inc., Agents 26 Broadway, New Yerk or an teamiblp agent FLORIDA BY SEA PHTLADnPHIA TO JACKSONVILLE esawsr vu safAiraAjM 54.38 $61. liicludlDii nii'ai. end aiatrreiiin ariouinieuatlaaa, I ji in iliurj- (ur pnlrrtrd .,ai. Hound lrli llikel. Ued Iu Iletura VatM juni' 11. 1023 " 't'enifre "' 4 a.iiiH.ve, I f , A i ,, . T ' ?nrrl WW . .WK m y ?r " " u rjrya "" y- " a i i; s. ; ei Air lggwg.st K ii.lbiMrtr. am. Tl, M, T. jHjm v , 'LtW SallrSi C'.t.L 1 j. attvit.-, . ... . i mH&MM f.&i'V&.iM. M'tj i im.ittJiJ& i S . .. r .. iJlUfZHV? ? "'' f... . . a. in) mvzuu'vsiimsmi ....?' ww r ? i.?.Hdi'.iT ajryr , .!r,'-t " t . ... ivt ftwJj'riafl .'i. i V lfr t. ;im hi va