B.ViyW EtSWlfA'-.TIl .-.'Ak .mb.. 'WiiJ vimm '.'. A4MXJ 7 H , of Princeton and W. dnd J. Tbmorrew Will Furtiier HcMge IP We. ffW P'SB rtfii? ' Tnjy-' '.,'???'5r g "BynmpijM ruuge roaster ii wiu. xaugiv m fhlAT V-.'.'. 6S?:j Wastern grid title HINGES ON OUTCOME OF GAMES TOMORROW s ; .('' ca? T. J'.W BK. WIN SOCKED ! BY PANCHfl VILLA 14.003 Fans Hrwt Rnvni? ill M'f . - . . . . . - ww.- ... supposing rut bocks Washington and Jeffersen, Tame Beut at Madisen Yale Whales Tigers and Venn Tumbles State, Then Where Are We? By STONEY McLINN fpHE calendar having indicated tlint tomorrow N Saturday, November IS, It Is hereby announced Unit thrre Knstern football communities, each having a nnme beginning with the nixtccnth letter of the iildinbct, will watch young college athletes Imttlc in games that will hnvc n decided henrlng en tin1 gridiron championship or team ranking, If tlint Is mere ilenMng te yen. Ililli:delihiu has tin' auirinl I'ennsjlHint.i. I'enn State content nml n stirring one we pro pre diet It Will he. I'llnceten entertain t lit Yijle Hu'ldegi--that always Is u grid Mtclit of serleu import. 1'lttbtuimh f mis her university IniN against tin- undefeated Washington and .leffei'eu eleven and nu may bet there, will b" a struggle brimful of nrtleu. New hetc N the .situatien: I'enii hnv ben defeated, by Abibaiaa 1 te 7 and by I'lti 7 te !. Hut the Red nnd llluc bent the Navy lit-". And henchtly. In ra fur ar nctil.il scoring strength nees, I'enn get n draw with 1'ltt. Mnee It wiim fiil'ure nt the trv-l'or-pel:it that gave Warner's I'lintlivrx the one-point murlit hist Siiii.nliiv. Trim State, en the ether band. v.:i STONEY McLINNO beaten by the Navy H-0 and played a score scere lew tie with Njl"'cU!(i. Se far. e geed. I'rlnrcten I undefeated, the Tigers bavin? te ibrlr credit a UI -IS triumph ever Chicago, and last Saturday they made Harvard eiy ad by a 10-.1 cempict. Yale Iet the interaectieii'il light with Iowa U-0 and wn lied by the At my 7-7. l'ltt mis nosed out by Went Vlrclnla 0-tt, be.i'en by l.afajelte 7-0 ami. as already 'fated. get a trj -for-peiut victory ever 1'er.n. W. and .1. also has n try-for-peiiit win, that of the President hMii't ever l.nfti.M'tti'. Tlti-n-1 a 7-7 tie with (.'aiiuvk' Tcili en the llt of battles fought bj Ncule'i. men. ft.WF. ieii joHeieid along carefully te this point? .1 riehl: .,'i MM jmi' ire irnecfl d little bit further, It can't de anj harm though it may net git us anywhere in particulil'. aua9Aiufli33Hfj3S!vHKk Sur t. n here Will They Stand Tomorrow? 1UPPOSE IVnn,iinla beats State. A!'e .suppose Ya'e win- ever Prince ten. And. In the tblid and last p'.ace, "lprese l'i't be.it- W. and .1 New where undr (he ninepy of henven are we at'.' We bav.- an umb.'eated team uireni: the 'lx mentioned. All, in Important patne-, have shown Btrrngth which marks them as top-neti her'. It weu'd leipiirc mere lirn tn and paper than we pos-e-i te nor; out the preb'ein of which, lomeirow night, Bbeubl be considered the best and most powerful of the si-tet of !.-:iliiiK teams. Never mind that bowl. Ithaca! We are net fursettins Cernell. Hut we are deallni with th" pri'ient only. Ten dnv hence, en Franklin i'ie'd, i:;i Debie's be.is H have the opportunity te inter what then may In a uienv mlx-ui of toii-uetch tnms, or well, mpre-e we let the future ta'.." i.ire of itself. A'theiigh iime of us mny have pcr-ennl 05 i ti Im- al out the outcome of the football lights in Philadelphia, Princeton and Piit-biiuh tutiiorrew. that Is all they are personal opinion bused Hrpely "ii what we think should happen. Lowering eiir-cive te the ce'd, hard turf of the uridiieu fur a niiirere and hene-t surey of the st-catlen, ve li:iil -I:; t'ams tlint. despite what mnj have happened in the .:ist. are a iiml! 'citclud as it would be penslb'e in have tliein. It will be the bvenks, the pcli t'egj, the l4ght that Will ditei'jnlue the iqtic. TTJITllOVT intention te implant n leather sole ii;i(i the cmn of rf anil aperttD.ien xrhe may have e?ern ei en inu e' the wiwi. ire ilevire te tnte that it in rr'ii money in fhihitclyhiii ; ditto in I'rinrrten', lil-etrite m l'tttburgh. W'hii'i mmm that iec l,i:ll het Ic xurj,risul at anything that happen en the innliien tomorrow. IS'itlany Liens an Improved Eleven PENN STATE ! bringing a team te Franklin Fle'd that I- stronger than the eleven Vittanj Uen- who were licked bv tbe Navj IIue Hedek liai had a line that matched any In thee nnrts, What he needed was a hacktield punch. Te get th's he promoted te varsity tog a husky kid from the scrub', Wentz b. name. He a se moved an end, Uufferd. l.ite the backllebl. And With Wll'en, rated by Nnvy men a- one of Mip tirst-trlng backs of the ar. and Palm, a wise and ageresive quaiter, lie arrnngrd a ipiartet that tupped ever the apple wnsen when they heal ri.nifgie Tech 10-0 the Technical team, rt member, having a 7-7 draw with W. and J. te enthU'O about. nr negle had been weakened by injuries te stars, but wa a :,'oed, -treiiK team, nevert'ivless. ('enfidentiallj don't tell Ilusi we )irln'ed this but th.it Navy wl.i nur State was In the nature of a relief. Fer nearly thrie .easin-. Penti State had been muhfiatid. Have jen ever Heed under a li'nck cloud In jour summer duds, knowing that rain was due seen and that jeu mii't remain out there and get n wetting? After inn pet it you ready for a c'emlbursf. That was the Hate of mind of 15rr!ek and lil ptii IK. They knew defeat must come Heme day -it did come in Wahlnnsteii ou November .'J. New they are wet and have returned te th.. fight with rc"ed vigor. Against this Pnm State team, figl.tlas de'-i.eralelj te grab the remainder of the garni" en its rhedu'e, v ith a powerful line, a icvnmpcd Imclstlcld and heads tilled with the Iledik winning s; -tem, Coach Ileiimun will send deven men who liave learned hew te right. Penu's line last Saturday r te tl.. occasion splrndldl:. In f.nt, no eleven we have watched this year pur up a better def-nslve tight than did the Hid and Utile against Pitt In t'i laii three qunrtuis. M POS M 11,1, lUl anil his nnte.i mutt nhew their tlcfrnncc .i.ij railir. lit the yanie tomorrow if thry uant te held State, llrvhk I.ien. if thry j?t into (Junker tciritery tarty, will fight with fnerity njual te that dhplayrd by th I'anthtis. However, th- Quaker ,,ai 'n i Afire had a full week in wht"h te im;nVei upei the playeri thr w w pertance of the firtt peiied ej the game. i Sullivan Is Penn's Threat OFFENSIVELY. Penn has a threat that wenlis all epp.ments ; tieerge SiillHnn Wl en Heis-nan cb-i hired that Sullv ie tl... ,tn-,. . the he'e ' he epeke the truth. Putting aside whit the grldi-en's !;ie,itvi lri!.eii -li.dil runner iclsl.t be, or might be taught te de, ilic fait iem.liis that he imis m there and neres lencl downs when al'i d M en or has done this for two Saturdays It is one cinch thnt Ili7.dek and i .- Liens will be anxiously nnd fearfully awaltin.' the substitution of Sulliian t .M. lruw. if Heisuiaii fellows ifU usual plan of attael;. Wirner and lis Panthers knew nil nbeut Sully and did they step him'.' On the ether land Sullivan can't de ir all ,' hf; can't score touchdown, every time lie s ghen i',e hah Humer, in the l'iu e n. showed imprevenc-it. paidf u'aily in carrying tbe ball and kiikmr; III-' defcnhe work u- b i-n g I all' weun If Ertrisvaag is physically lit. tin threat of forward pas.. hy llauier te the plucky end will kiep State su.'..ii;;. DernV iibs-iin. truin the Hue may hurt he is one nf the season s in.ipj i.nmg, defensive centers, Adams, l,nweer, ban had oppeituuities te show and the reachis believe he will de iiernS work satisfactorily. KXS'SYl, I'.t V.l km na rm chance te heat Stn'r tomorrow. In fm I, if tint ipirit that th ii tliewrd anainit the .Vurj and l'i't in tin final ttages of the two battlri coma te the fore inilier agaimt the dittany Liern, I'cnn etui win by one or lira teurhdmnu. Tll.INCETON. A epirit nuil her alertness with ti loose fr Fj Jf attuek did net put it te, If a break comes aim;. jftViti bfause that in the hind of football they play. feli " m I' that ire Philadehihinni looked upon tail Sntiinlaii there may hi an J upurt in Hmnketewn. Several I'nnthirt were n hit battered an Hie re ?,,''v, uft of the haid fight en FiunUin Field. Hut, eliminating nhni Inn e'afc happened, the I'rcildent and the Panthei an- two upunndlny, MlltKU itiii linn invre cernc iriiuniun i.inr miu u';wir. nnrr "'V- ANOTHER CHAPTER OF THE "THREE-FINGER MYSTERY BVJlMMtMY VcVcCtfFTbWlM ALl. WBEK IP auciB rwx ll awir-lW 0U(l SiffNMS.VDB'LL HAPTJ, MAKE UP SOPS NEW ONB MMM' Square Garden i CHAMPION FORCES MILLING i Hy MH'IH II. .IAKEE ' ALI.LK, heavier nnd n longer reac'i. thee three (.rent physical ndvan- ' Inne.- I; the Hug failed te. serve ble , Altell (iitldstein, and because he lacked I .'I llclltlllL' henrl the V,...- V,.l- .,,u , defeated in a eni-'lde, llfteon-reuuder I lit the Madisen Seitare tlnrdcn er- ' Iat night by that little battling brown , man, 1 edre lin::er, utlierwise Panche "","' iiini-ni.iii iiywrigni cimitipleli. Feuiteen iheii'imd (ani were dN- , gusted and dis.itiipelnteil will. ii... ,,,. ... , 'ten-ting cvhihiilen given ,y fjeld-lein. i ....I tin- iiinr nicay iinxtn fans in t l city today were the several theii-and who were turned away alter th,. S(,,re laid been cemplelely s,, ut --ju. contest was m, void of thrilln or e.-! Itemen that bundled-, of speitatei-s left their chairs ns early as the eighth leund. i . ..u for n Hlnglc MiMiitit (luring the ' ,ierty-!ive ininute.M of boxing did Abe1 ''" i Xl,)'a' ""''y up te the llt- pound Mllpliui tu mrry the m.M- ' i .nv te his 11.V... pound niitageni-t. .' ; who Miutluiially remained In his shell. ' CniHil Hoels Boxers j (ie'dstiiii .-eemi-.l te be waiting for a clia.ice te .,h int ever n straighr right no- jaw. wallln.t for Villa te I. i-l - I .ii fue rei-Ms there Wilh 1!lr j iny .... action whatever. The petit pun-'., r U f " ,''11; Nil -PI me- remained .n' a W I crouch during this time, expecting Ul uiiisieiii i teiue te htiu an I i.i.n ' . . y "' .'nil en i , .trim.-- .irfr siiewiiig any tendenei te take the lend, the big mob let loee ith i an ei h mi-'. Jens hii.i nit..,,,1 , Ian h was .reda.-d wild ,t mund and thru, i.eie ei -n. v.hen the hell seui.iiul ter the rlMii. an.l then the fans we.- given their Ilr.-t thrill. lieu Fanehe. t ..e puiii'lie, leapt (I from his corner like ' i panther aim tore afier l.i r..n.... ul xm l X J s l I J,l J-, wjife . n MmA JIMMY ' far &Xkm u i) x J'(9t 5tllrTOuaOtD9l(M.? LCHH"M(tMUMBBlt CALLED BETH' ttCf KICK feOMAItOtf WILL BE AMVCSvlBiXXTidM OP ff-X AueA PEAL itiCJc WILL BE AwYvABlATTetf OP rl4i0M T - .. .i . al if II ffivAv vow .kick ! wcw.jggft.cMwweD-i VoetVTiovff(i.Tit'rewc:e - 1. .n.x aiimm w. r- um !-. rz , , (JtAVM A l'J) a. mNj-w 'HM D 'EA ''tPaaW r.jm& i JttA Mtftwjis: MnnH' tnsins ewe IMBTl fitlBSC, ffflPP- 5HWenw IT Krt AWFOtVAOK L'uj'ViDht. Uil, t)i) I'ubtie l.cdutr Ceiavuiiy iNT TESTS FOR FOURTH STREET CLUB WINS BRIDGE MATCH U. S. OPEN GOLF Defeats Gsrmantewn C. C, and Art Club Wlna Frem Princeton The Fourth Street Club was high sc.rer in the opening matches of the recently organized Intereluh itridge crushing its old rivals from the P. G. A. te Recommend East-1 league West Qualifying Rounds Be- 'lerninntewn Cricket Club by the wide I margin of ifini points. llit'i Ji.lilst . ti.r!. no.,.. II. .J.... t.. . , - ..... ii.iiii- in. i i ii i . ... . a . . . uiieus. (.!'i.il-te:n lniniediat-li 1 ,au ' tore National TUSSle IS Staged Tl,,. Art Club Urn: gave the Prince Ien Club team n very delightful dinner ,11ml then a sound lacing nt the gteen I cloth tables, winning by IfeOt) odd 0 ivr.eat j !etting into close quarters villi e.n- Minuid te ;e,.p his arms l'aili.M. .md U. S. G. A. TICKET SELECTED when Aue A. tried te clinch l'anciie lane rl.nl selera! loep-tbe-loop pum lies " 1 111 rapid succ,. 11M. lauding te the no-e, , n.v SAXDY MeNIDLICK .... I ., .1 b..,.;a.i .,. s,H,,m tacLfiem. M(),r ,pllPment Iiml c,irVgetic Is e.t- 1-mm the s.m i .,.!,,., ,.,n ..... .:., LI M'!i of tin- fi'iu-as It was all v II In tie'il. peeti'd te be the nttaek lieints. The ether niaieli staged was tlii clos est of the bunch, the Hamilton Whist Club finally bra.lng tile Union League by ."ilt pelntn. The lMiurtn treet vs. wcrmantewn was ... i .i n.i. ..... .: .. HUM- ii iiiinir. tin, nine nvt,.M . ltl..1...l.l ... .. -. .... .. .. !.. , n '. mi. r.iit-i ....s i,. ;i.,niii'i. ter wiiiiti'icr ictual bnlii. !": was exhibited, tignt- i ii- ii.ii-ii an i lis; ii iaci, ieiiiK en- urcjy ni"i" ii.et.js, lueiiuei wt.ii uiseiin.'je te open n One of the first moves against having these IuimiIh te scei'i j up te no .ncil. Abe refused te ile the' proposal of the U. W. O. A. I The Tiger ISratN were anything etlur than back up, stall i.ud ?n, , he tne Idea of the P. -.. A. te .accumul.ite the joints te , "!,e"- ijiebl two sfctlenal ipiallfylng reuniN for hem. even when laitly !,u of the 'tela nevir i.as m the runniiiz. b.-iii-r P.otes!er,al Golfers' As.oelntien nf.,.1.,,1. ....... .i,,, fnm'tli l.Mween these ' ll th ' llefl llsile a'lll 'lever lielllir u llli-nr A .I.. . le ., mnnlhi. ,n III,. ( ..t,,K. In tl... l.itl Ovn vmit-u mill mil mm... ii. ,i.. 5.:: ; ." '"" - ' - ...".. .. .. in . i.... t... .,.,. i,iu tvsnt.- l.v ilie IT. St. 'them en even terms witn tneir lrieniiiy (i A. ashing member clubs te cut enemies from Manhelm, each having down the big purses offered the pre in new wen two cen.ents. . III lil.. 1 I leiiL' ti .iiiiu .if liiUun.! mitwinfilliltiAii tli'in his s!m..e t i,, ti. open tiiurn.inienii anu exiiiiiiiiens. n "" r im"" - ia. in nis snare of leaiiine. ' .... . . ... .. n ... .i.. ... it,... i..i !.. i:..pini.t..i.. 1 1... .. i.in-. I ,, , ,, , ., , . aai ameuiiis viriunuv n tin- mi- ", ' , ,, ; ... i"1.', , l.-tv ecu the sixth and Keventh rounds ,,ai meetl'ig of the P. fi. A. will be er holding the Kant and West cards .ml dnriny every i ii'iate's iuteriiii-si,.u ' m,y, Xeminy in Xew Yerk, wlie:i , wliuiing, but net by ns wide ninigln i hen utter ti ! t -in's mainuev. Willie i,, ,.,.,.'ntive ceninilttee starts a meet -, as did the Fourth Street con ingent , l.ewis, pii'inie l Wttu uiselin.'ie te nn..ii i.. ,.,,. ,.t .!. fl tiinrmi n'ilnst hnvnv these baneH tn Hcere with. i rails were net a hie te any great ex .ucll cave them vm. i ... n i. i. . . .1... r'..i...l s'tni..,. mien till, one in tne . t lie lance. PPm'MS. BUOKiSTONJS BUSH clenk. t seventy-two. K. O. In Third Seaslen Sam lilnc'.iisten, feimer amateur box- in. li'll'iplmi, tic ii'eil i t"'iinle.i kiio"K kiie"K eiit ever due Push, of West l'hlladel phia, in the third round of a scheduled liu'ht-niiiiid cente.'t last nisht at Chtt nut Street Arena. This is secem1 suc icsslve week that a former nnu.teur has appeared In the stellar bout at tin- cen tral city club and both turned in vie toiler. In justice te Iiitsh. It may he said that this was his fust encoun ter in five months and he experienced a great deal of trouble get tine back Inte proper condition. ItlacKh-ten weight d loll and llusli two pounds !csh. The semi-final brought ti rlh .Tee Clark, iiubstitutiug for labile Demp-ev, nnd Willy Curry. This contest was also rtnppeu wnen t inrK, i.it and out of I cloak. I Net being s.ntistieil with the way v.a- winning, iitunlly as h- jilca . Mini ejie'ie I up his sped tl.rett'e Miether notch or t.e m the tliirteenii:. i, Whether the T'nited States (mlf As ,, !i.ec!af.u will approve of this plan i" '.' ' l. .. ., Tf .. nlnvnr l'nl H te Illlnllf.V , i-.,. ni....... .. .. ,.....-. -- -. .,,- thus hi his FCCtlen aim can niiyi ' III I 1. .. .... Ilm iilinilnllj It., ..,. i...r .... ...... ., 1 1, iniien anyway. II lie cnoeses, inu ' ,v " " "".I.. . f tllt! u j (;, a. will ir.ver , Starting a left ji.b en the ily, I'ain he ,, ' t.hfine. for it ought te boe.-t J.oeKc.l the Win. ireve qui hlv te the , ; ,mxUlM Hltry list. bed-, and (tehl-tem mab bed the ehain-l ,, . ,. , ,.,.. ,, wm I.. Plmi around tin n.uIm with both hnn.N. L The srjnc of I. neM op ij I" limlltng liisbed, vtaj , ,1 me tin, . ! r. "', " '?, LA ' -' ll I I'NlU'Htl I" "4 ' , , LAFAYETTE SOCCER ELEVENJSSPEEDY Opsns Season Tomorrow by Meeting Haverford College Kickers SEVEN VETERANS ON TEAM Hew Dees It Strike Yeu? Penn'8 "All-Americana" Bell as Captain Limiting Grid Schedules By THE OBSERVER CIIIIONIC knockers must find n new line for their criticism against the Ual. veralty e Pennsylvania. Hew often have you heard It said that unleta n football player were a member of n prominent Philadelphia famlljt, he would net amount te anything at Franklin Field? The C. K.'s contended that favoritism was shown te lecnl athletes' and tktt the out-of-town boys did net have n chance te make the gridiron eleven. Tlicse reports, of course, v.-ere ridiculous, but, like most rumors, were hard te squelch, ' Here's lie best antidote, for poison tongues t Fntrchild, left end; Lewell High, San Francisce; Rene, Ncv. .Sutherland, left tackle; Oeeur D' Alene High; Idaho. (Irnf, left guard; Htamferd High; Stamford, Conn. Kelly, center; Cnscadllla High; Ithaca, N. Y. V. Uew hirst, left guard ; Irving Prep ; Tarrytown, N. Y. Thurman, right tackle ; Columbus High : Columbus, O. , llrtrcsVaiig, right end ; Shattuck M. 8. ; Bottineau, N. D. r,angden, quarterback: Scrnnten High; Heronten, Pa. .Miller, left halfback; Lebanon High; Lebanon, Pa, McUraw, right halfback ; Lnfnyctte High ; Buffalo, N. Y. llamer, fullback; San Antonie Academy : San Antonie, Tex. This is the line-up which will probably be used at the atart of tUe Statt game tomorrow. Yeu will notice thai the eleven players represent eight different Stales. Twe arc from Pennsylvania and no one Is n son of Billy Penn. And for the ether members of the squad, there's Adams, from SpekiMi Sullivan, from Cortland, N. Y. ; Craig, from Oklahoma, and Papwertu and Dra from fait Lake City. It's an All-American team. KAIJFF.MAN and Vecgellii an the only leading substitutes who are Ililladelplilans. Perhaps this will give the chrenle knockers a new slant en Pennsylvania athletics. Mere Anent Philadelphia Athletes IT WAS hark in 11)10 when the knockers were knocking the loudest. This was because Bert Bell was captain of the lied and Blue. Bert Is the seu of Jehn C. Bell, former Attorney Oenernl and a trustee of the University, At the time Bert was elected captain, Hobey Light was another logical candidate- and the aforementioned chronic knockers lest no time in pointing eat that the Lebanon .boy was mere deserving of the honor than the Philadelphia They mennt te say tlint Light was a better football player than Bell, which was undoubtedly true. If captains were elected solely en their merits ni players, then Light should have been the choice. But honor is net the enlr thing that gees with leadership. There Is also considerable responsibility. The personalities of Light and Bell were as far apart as New Yerk an! Frisce. Light was a unlet, retiring, capable and skillful chap who inspired only through his own daring feats. Bell, en the ether band, possessed the qualities of a leader. He was a nil.vcr. and knew bow te handle men. He was a driver, and he certainly ceuli drive a football tram. This Is n valuable characteristic for a football player, especially for a quarterback. I'hls left Abie opt ii for ii tight nep. cur iii'Iile. and that's cacth whit Piinihe did. Villa briii'ght up his cnrreei l.,,. I with a let of force behind it nnd (S.i1 1 I stein Mitrt"d te wobble. The ht..w . I..tnl-d in M.e's mouth and nose nt th. line titi'e. in'i'lng bleed te i eme from . both ; lace-. j Kiferee Mi-I'iirtlnml bad some ditli . ulty 'cpaicing the clinging Ue'd'lciii t'liiui his gui'p en Villa, nnd wlnn h , lid the ever-liL'hting Filipine, unfuiled I a bli::ard of gloves en etery part of I Abe's terse and head. (Jiihbtclu was In a bad way. He I wobbled and his knees sagged, but il.e New Yerker succeeded In l-repli's hit fiet and managed te last out the n iiml by a ci uii'lwd ruiiniu:; away and I I 'inching defe'i'e. pelltan district, the setting for the nest 1 C. A. titular iwent has net as yet bren set. At any rate, the recommendations nt the next" meeting of the P. O. " ecutiie Cemniitiee next week ought te bold lets of interest for golfers. Nominated by U. S. O. A. Keen about golf and well-known here. Ci.nieii.il H. Buxton has been iiemlivited for a berth en the ii'-xt nominating coin cein miiite et the I". S. . A. IWx'eii new hangs his hat In Uail.t-, Tev A former icldent of Philadel phia, liuxtnr. is a former holder of the Phlhiilc phln amateur golf crown. i.'ined m tlie tourney here this year nt L..' . . --1.I..I. .la.lk lM 111 L fr I I 1 l'ilie alley, et which ciuu no n KaMnn. Pi . Nev. 17. With a team composed largely of veteran players, the Lafayette College varsity soccer tram will open Its season tomorrow nfternoen bv me-tini' llnverfeni College in a IVii'm Ivaiiln Stnte Lengue contest en the Main Line Held. Seven members of last year's Lafay ette team will start. They are Captnin Heb Paul, goal tender; BUI Lee. a full b.ick. hut new playiiiK outside left ; Den Iliddigh nnd Billy MeCnll. inside left and eenterfer.vnrd. respectively ; Charley llenekert and (Jcerge Orr, halfbacki, and Den Carrett, n fullback. Twe of the new men are members of the freshman class. Whittlesey, the out eut shh right, is a Phlladclphliiii nnd last year played en the (Jermnntewn Friends' Scheel eleven, while Hicks, the inside right, was the captain nnd star forward of the (Jcerge Scheel team. Whittlesey an I Hicks are very strong kickers nnd their experience pas en abled them te lit in well with the vet eran Lafayette linemen. Lafayette has been drilling daily for the last five weeks under the direction of Coach "Scotty" Cuthbertson nnd Captain Paul. The incoming of u num ber of men with previous soccer experi nice and the larirc number of seasoned players en hnnd has enabled Coach Cuthbertson te meld together a team which is about the best that ever has represented Lafayette. This sneaks for Itself, when it is considered that La fayette lest but one league match Inst cnr that te Lehigh by the store of 1 te I). Il was the Haverford game last fall that really prevented Lafayette from winning the Pennsylvania State elm in in lileiihIp. This mutch, played at Fus ion, was deeidellv In Lnfmette's favor, e aiiey. "i iui-ii s." .. -- .1 .1 tL M.i, n t.l.iti... i.r ii memoir, aim mere "" !"". neti. in th town who nees net ciuim The fantci'ii'li ali-e found Villa j,i, ,-n inialntanu'shlp auxin i" ;or a iio"keui. rim inn wan mi. I iUlil;-i.i ing (inldsteiii was in th.-rc te st.n. and he pnve a line but ip'et-eiliting i blliitlen of baeksteupliig. Villa idinsiil lieldsteiii all around t'ie i Itia nd li.i'-l. again for the entire tlirn inn. ins, Hi'ii'ly, it looked funnv and sceiiieil unreasonable te n'e the logger man se much en the defense. Pain !:e FinNi"'.! .Streng Vil'n sped through the (Iiieemh .,! , iinal r.un'd jnst a be did in the pr .;. eiib canto, anil the balder he l'.nigh' i T i . - less Celdsteltl trieil te cress. jiie get 'e tlint the fans theuehr 'low watching n running match iustciii boxing i xhlbltlen. Te the surprise of the large erlng. the jmlu'Ch Tennm v!l .lehnnv McAvoy ami tc : -c '.:. . Me Partlnnd agried uiuuiii'ie. , , ,, as the winner. Tl li fact is mentlene.l becimsi of th. wer. decision eve" perpetniieil hi New Yerk t.'itv. according te -iterm ilng slders. when n draw was reiidrii ni the conclusion et a uesseii ionic's training, appeared tee weak te stand en . n,tt iry as the Lafayette forwards did, bis feet In the sixth round, and Curry I tm.v could net make their scoring op was gii en credit for a kne, bout I peitunities geed, with the lesult that .lininiy ltrlggs defeated Andv Martcll ,i,., ..,im,. ..nili.il i'n n eiii..ir,,i n., ,. .. . ..I.. I . .. ,.... .. ... :. ., . ' .s r......' v.... .... ,,.... ... Ill lie OIII.V UI.IU llllll V.CIII 'j.. jt in t Fi'inkle lV.noliee and Fraukic I'd wMiils weie chased from lb.- ting in th. sei eml leund Manila te Hener Villa BELL was entitled te the captaincy. He was a great leader and , rame. He absorbed an unusual amount of physical punishment, hut this was mild compared with the tongue lashing he received from the stands. And he steed up well under these handicaps. Harvard Would Schedule Only One Game TIIKY are talking of limiting intercollegiate football games nt Harvard te t single annual contest with Yale. There Is no likelihood that Harvard will take this action, that Is, net within the next scrrral years, but the talk Is serious and has support. The subject was chosen In two interclass debates and the affirmative wen en the preposition : "Resolved, That Harvard should limit intercblleglate football games te one annual contest with Yale, supplementing this with the Oxford system of Intra mural contests." Intercollegiate athletics Ik the very llfe of college sport, nnd Harvard would mnhe n grave mistake if this action were taken. Intercollegiate rivalry stimulates interest among the alumni ns well as among the students. We can't Imagine nn old grail losing his dignity, snake-dancing and teulnt bis hat ever the goal pest because the sephs beat the fresbles. The man who wants a light or medium weight union suit will find it with us. Our stock is large, varied and of the best makes only. A Light and medium weight Union Suits $ 1 .50 Cotten $ yf .OO JL IAS 2.00 2.50 3.00 -jp $0.50 $r7.Q0 iQ.bO Woolen 97 J 4.00 B.00 0.00 Beautiful Weel Sex, heavy or light, SOe te $2.00 Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Afen'a (Incorporated) Athletic FurnUhlnge 724 Chestnut Street Geed lrr Kan Vrmflnfe. Nev 17 - hu it cnlhusi .11.111 of Manila have itin'ei ,i mm, ,n ,uv lelltiuy Walker, Of Se'lthw.irk. who ' li.imnnil l'lt tut . I'liml.n Vlllii. il.i. Fuipln, leeks like n cemlii" bev lmii.-,.il ,.,,, i Iml v.lie toeu ine luweicm in . n m Julinnv J ..... leiuiiu oej. I'll " I. ei out luff nt UninklMi. ncinriln in iiu.il nth lis., Jee Miller in the second cbuM.er of the recilH from the Phlllrrilre- cinlui The ciirtnill raiser '"'"' '" ,t" tttnt llay re'C'1"'! n ,c,lal of ferlv .,..i ,.,, i,m nn reaiure in iinu l'n den. k ll.vci. IMttshurgh. lins agfi.u been neuilnated te head the ahwrlntleu us ts pusldei.t. A Philadelphia!! i.s .M.n.11 slated for the Kxecutlvn (.cm mlfie in Alan I. Wilsen, Mellen, 'lhe ii.. 'ins aircain mtviii ,'",",' i falihfullv. The election will be held i.t the annual imetlng Mated for .lain;- ( hi m New Yerk. j Ijiki'Miinil ' pAiu rnu.lii.i proraralle'i" ,.. ,r, ,). ! f!f rr.n te IjUj'e. Ill , lh,. , imiih Uie In Hi" pi-nn It will nole . I nn Mie in ii ' . ,,...j , ,ia I 't !!', Tin'.', is-lvim: l'iy Km! le crnl two weeln i ere trein tun crrew. I a ti. ..,,,. hi. In r. j-.1 for the British epen , rhnmri ' i "Mil h"i 'i t ln nnnouricei ter ih" T-Kiii (ie'f I'lul.. Avrhlre. Scellnml. . i'f.."m.niry -"- will likely be plel. ' I'll Hfcald. the icien.l or thlnl week In I is.''? . j ' simiI.'m rf whlrli ll wl'l Inlerent mnM I it .. wnenrinv iirii e Saddler's Belt Alse ulth flOfip V!nil turn Vntip e uucki. !S A GENTLEMAN'S BELT "TllCSaddla'SBtl? Fashioned from a solid piece of r' ;.'- -sss best quality English bridle feather. Better leather cannot be had. Ne stitching. Given no mae end of wear. Keeps its shape. 1713 CHESTNUT. PHII.A.. PA. d? ) tvW fSspSi 6" M r Iff "J m y "" x. l.ni.w lent Tni i.frri(.in, -"''"'' r..l Yii'; "in '' "irner-up In th nr! ll l .., , M-ir me, . n rv re'tir.1 for In I m r. mi ce tMi ';!.; im, '!''";,", Jl llr. w.i- mil In Vi r.e;l limn" In 34. ""'.K ''T p. in ill- rrin! if Mt li ih-inil wllh Jetim Turrri dutiful pre in the i-ame purl. leh 'K'rnstei;,."::? Wrl' lu1 ' rr r.J ffivW'ffi Iteritelti e'ltpuuchrd ni 1 eutsuK!:,wj j;, j,'. ,'n e,V PlnPhiirf t ceur w. Martin Martin Jnv. SADOLKR.S . AND LONDON The Branress .Uh for "THE SADDLER'S BELT" A Fi.lrt'e '-i'i" niir'i' i'iht'I O'l vrv enr. j $9 Jfe a sSSvBBHaaHalBHIaBBBBBVI SMMMBiaaWBaaaaWa V'eres three or Mill tu one, i .'es A Traditional Fight at Princeton bemuse of her nggri-sivenrs, her ueierceni eib'-victerv ball mi (lie turf, would nib- the favorite ever Vnle but for one important thliu' - liaditimi The lluible-'s may size up at least one touchdown below the 'J'iger.s en paper but en the chalk-uiarkiil gridiron It's quite a different thing. In New Yerk the wise men who have had frequent occasions te see both ttaniN play Incline te the opinion that Yule bus the stronger line, the sturdier defense. This may be true. Te offnet tide, we wiuuiv the assert, mi that Princeton bun the mere vermtlle attack and a Held giti"rnl in ('. inn who will take the long chance if If beeemeH nerei.surj--and likely lfl. nway with it. lllll Iteper alwajK haw the opponent wondering whut will ceiae next efr, if you prefer, he tutors quarterback!) who direct the surprise stuff. If the Tiecru' uncover that Hprend formation, with t'leavr-i and Suivilv bael: there 3?A te threaten uny attaching mciiBiirc that was ever seen, nnd mhhe that are te '. the riln are anlna te have their defeiiM' nut te u lest that even Iowa's y , -t" -.... ' , - . , , , i. , .... i-uiiiiT. iii.'i.). ...- ie,iiii- no- i i;;i'rn tu jji'i tour pun In nt the flnlidi of the se. the iml .mil referee lillleil 'e piirei. mi n v. in ner. a liftj -tift verdict bei-u; ,, Ilughey llutehlnsun. f nner ; , adi'lph'nii anil new iiuiuiiu; ms i i,. jn , New Yerk, uni'er iii miinii-.'e i.ei,i n Seettv Mellteith, gae i r.iHi. r nu'iv exhibition l c ean an I ,, l.ttiu.;.- .,-u. nrtim Kast PIiiIIIm, the tip- 'flnullv knocking out I..,lie .Inncs in . ,,)V n i,m,ketball team that created n the Hltth round. S(,..M)lin the cage rank lf.t car i Al P.rewn. ii premiMng Utile Ihist ' i,. wlnnlnc nftvoiie out of flfty-M-vcii Slder. .'ou the lirsi tM,.t. f,lr. , ,,iiU;l, re rendy ! ftart the rounder, from .Inckie Ilariis, of retium and the samn team will take liriieKiyn. EAST PHILLIES READY TO START CAGE SEASON' 1 Uptevn Dasketball Quintal naa Lat Year'e Team Back , DON MAZARO Mild Havana Cigar Perfcctes "s"- W- ! flT?) JEfl Panatela Yeu Aute Knew $9.50 IPS! Bex agsfisKi 'ir n u MitM j I. . i,M.t iinu I n The pla vers wlie will upheld tbe Tnnt ni.nii... nr.. CnliM. Tleimin. an i ..'..... m, ,,.i-.. .,ii ,,.i,i i. off. I.iikI ve.ir. i nil th!' Undlnz ilubs were enceunti'i'-'d , "ll ilm lili'illiilUS .Mirivil, .viiuiuim "ici ' ,.''" in- iiml: nml t h h ven;' iintcw nre.nn in- : find with Si. Peter's. St. Henry , ,,., Atlantic ('it; Pi os. Went Chchter and icani'. ei ini' ciiiM-. .Manager T.nfT is new working en the schedule ami he wished te an an neiinee that bin team him no cennei'- i lien with another traveling team under! ,1... ,ii,ii,.. i.r 1'ni.t t'liiiiv Pres. Mummer ' Tar i-nnin ' femlnr lr .in- i,,,h.. ! l.ufT itltl he inhlri'sMMl lit U'JOO Frailk- eVutci fm haif nn hum ' iJi, neat ."tt during the dny. nnd Kens. WWII nt llftiiil fctt tli i-nthe imm. """I night, m. (HV in dex; Leng Havana Filler A Smoke You'll Enjoy Buy Enough at This Lew Price Tli urrst nii'l li .1 ' Unlllen .) hlem t'i t, Ijl e I en th liirt" nffi"il II In THlt e.lel-'lll li I. .. UlllUil It l'"imi ' '" I '' Kl, , ilihi back ii.m ii'ci i. 1 Oc Size LA PREFERENCE 2"2 fti ,ni.j ' Te pretM't Hi' I lV n ciLiuiner fi.,in e. trrlersllnn ei.ii th- . n. ,,r wj,h a, , hnllM. meltisJ piriimn ci- Hien MiiMjui Ktuaee. Mall Orders Rccclvr Prompt Attention City Hall Square West lemnirrcUl Trunt Itullillnir.) CIGAR CO. The Branresi $9 Bilt for fall and winter wether, the Bran Bran eoss is noteworthy for its simplicity of pat tern. Ne this, no furbeles just plain shoe. Scotch Grain Calfskin, glossy and long' wearing, Hevy dubl soles, meistur proof and durabl. Quadrupl upper stitching mvisibl sole stitching, $9. The Branress is "down front" in our wlndes all this week bKivVitl Ksiees I -'J 1-122 J CHESTNUT STREET Just bcle the Adelphia tetcs in New Yerk and Brooklyn fetv TOifi vt 1 Ki' V asxv, i-J&t.. hi 'Z&?&r.SL i'!; .if.' ltK.r,-b.i., A iwjMtM.ii rs.r..