Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 17, 1922, Night Extra, Image 27

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Killed Judje Andereen After
--tier. W. Va., Nev. 17. (My A.
."?! ii An.lpriinn. frfiPil from D
' . ....f. wnM rccelvlna con
!!7iiIeiii today en the verdict which
w" ...
Ut her linen .
" - n..t.ii.1 vnnint-ilnv n nir
W.V.L.,,. nf mlntrentinent by her
ind, wlielintll lilt denth wag Judge
USffiUJllNHHI 1 1. ?
Jt . :'' i 'I1 t..J i 7;.: ., '0 'J'l1 ... . 11 ii qiMP
Of ' tie MaMea ' tMiMhtat ;rW:- 5-'
Andersen te tried before her hue-
bftnd'n RllCVMMf. .Tlli1 ItarMnn rm,m
Jury, which Included four Negrecx, de
liberated only linlf nn hour before an
neuncing its decision as tlie hour of
midnight rang out. , '
The trial moved' quickly fiem the
tunc the drawing of the jury be Run late
Tucrday afternoon, Only half a tiny
wn required for the State's testimony,,
and all evidence wnt completed yester
nay afternoon. The case was mit In
the hands of the jury nbeut 11 :!i0 last
Much of the defense testimony, in'
de with tnr frequent family quarrel
ana in remittal the state caned Baentr
ulankenshlp te tell of two occasions
when he was .called te the Judge's home
te restore order.,
FtlM mm -mt tMiwMatmm .tfr.Hie
noetini of Judge Andersen en the
night of July 20, but the first peepie
who rushed Inte the house at the sound
of shots said Mrs. Andersen admitted
he bad fired them in self-defense.
V " ' m Vrv ; 'i
WWW? f '
35$? , rHyyyi;(m
Are Yeu the Lucky
One in Five?
Net if your gums
bleed easily
Wise are they that heed bleeding
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Ferhan's Fer the Gums, if used
consistently and used in time, will
prevent Pyorrhea or check its preg
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will keep them white and clean and
your gums firm and healthy. '
The formula of R. J. Ferhaa,
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Victer Bread
Formula afR. J, Fcrhtu, D. D. 3.
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A Geal for the
Winning Point
The score is deadlocked! They are fighting;
grappling tensel Time n flying! Crowds en
both sides are going wild wild with that some
thing bred in humans that seems te call for lust,
battle and victory. Then from behind a barrier
of men there flies the ball straight and true it
gees between the pests. Victory! Bedlam is
loose! He who kicked the ball is a here en
the shoulders of the mob his team is the
Victer! Always in this game of life there is
one person or thing that stands above all ethers
in achievement our bread for Instance. This
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rightly priced at
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A welcome te
Geerge F. Beyle
As the Philadelphia
representative of the
Masen and Hamlin Piane
Company we join with the
Settlement Music Scheel,
the Musical Art Club, and
the music-loving public of
Philadelphia in extending
te Mr. Geerge F. Beyle, the
celebrated Australian pian
ist, who has recently come
te Philadelphia after many
years as Director of Music
at Peabody Institute of
Baltimore, a hearty wel
come and our sincere wishes
for a continued brilliant
and successful career.
November is our easy term month en a
Te all persons who give us their
Victrela order in November we will
deliver the Victrela new or at
Christmas time but you de net
'start your monthly payments until
January. Yeu merely make your
down payment new, te cover the
November has ether advantages
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lighten the Christmas rush.
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Bread Supreme H 9c
Our Master Bakers' Masterpiece
Will the Radicals Control
the New Congress?
A Republican Congressional majority, se large as te be unwieldy, has been cut te a
margin se small that in both Houses Republican legislation will be at the mercy of a handful
of insurgents of doubtful party regularity.
While the Republicans sustained losses in the election, the Milwaukee Journal (Ind.)
cannot see that the Democrats made any conclusive gains. Indeed, it is forced te conclude
that if one lpeks for the real gains he finds them going te the radicals. The New Yerk Sun
notes that "Voters with radical sympathies have lined up with the radical candidates almost
as generally as they might have if there had existed a great radical party. It has happened
in the East and in the West. The radicalism that has come into evidence in this election exceeds
sectional bounds. It has eaten into the very fiber of both the old parties."
De net fail te read in THE LITERARY DIGEST this week the summary of opinion
upon this very interesting development that has come out of the election. There are a host of
ether important news-features in THE DIGEST this week which will have mere than an
ordinary appeal. Among them arc:
Barleycorn Fighting for Resurrection
Ten Thousand Automobile Deaths
Turkish Fanaticism "Gene Wild"
The Cry for Mere Immigration
Discoveries Among the Southern Stars
The Presbyterian Attack en Dr. Fosdick
Four Miles a Minute Through the Air
When the World Gets Overcrowded
Venomous Fish
Mussolini Garibaldi or Caesar?
Thanksgiving as Turkey's Head Falls
Dr. De Ferest's Audien Orchestra
Commander Owsley, of the American
Legien, and His Four Points
Many Interesting Illustrations, Including the Best of the Humorous Cartoons
Hew Many Jokes De Yeu Knew?
Whoever people congregate, the spice of conversation is a whimsical story. Nimble reporters garner the best
and haften them into print. And from tin's elaborate array The Literary Digest selects the cream of clean humor
and presents it in the leading theatres of English-speaking countries in a sparkling new motion-picture "Fun Frem
the Press." Laughter is the uge-eld antidote for depression, the "high-sign" of geed-fellowship. And wherever
"Fun Frem the Piess" is showing, you are sure of five minutes of wholesome mirth, some clever new "wheezes"
te "spring" en your friends, and a geed dramatic program besides. Watch for it weekly at your faveriteheatre.
If net en the bill, ask the manager hew seen he can get a boekingtof "Fun Frem the Press." Produced' by The
Literary Digest ; Distributed by W. W. Hodkinson Corporation.
Get November 18th Number, en Sale Today-At All News-dealere-lO Cents
"nr The"
Mark ! w
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