w&Y,i&8mm:xmmmr ?wJssBas imWMV ti?Wmv V' t)yf' ' w'-v-m. -i'vi YWr$ ill) 4 jaa iivf ' ' - i - ,'j ?l' -x"ia.xliAlAix a!1 'mmmSammmMmmt -, -m'mm1 A, iilikY; iNOvlrJEH 17r liJ . , . " r uf 'r $ &. . Bl 1 V ;tt I'l at n- rv 'v s j" i ft. v . , EWW roc r. "V Strtkina Kamnnee oil mm and Fall of an American tamlla mi Ha Comeback THE HOUSE OFMOHUN By GEORGE GIBBS Auther of -"Youth Triumphant" and Othrr Successes Copyright, 1DH, D, Applcttm ( Ce. Are Flappen as Bal an Thtjfre PalntetT Are Jazz-Beys All Umba of Satan? tvttiva ttnn tv TH'. HTIIRV ! CltBRPY UOIIVtf. a tunleal elrl. of. the bcHm, inclined te flanvrlsm ami ihellu independent in her bearing ana eDinluns. found at heart, she hat net bren snelled bv the adulation that folleu s her brautu and prospective Health. She is Irrllntrd vet omcneio fascinated bu DAVID BASOItHn. a veunq American ctlt ctlt ctlt noleolt, line at tolleu ed Mar senlcc lit lh Orient bv an expedition in line u Ith his scientific (nili Scholar It but net an inttlltctual prla. hi is. eerelcxed and Stunned at the chanae In manner and etnlemi en hi return te his native land particularly among the ueunuer "I. of unem ( htrru is irresl.tiblv nfrrtlN0 te him. He is net uealthu. but has modest funds, invested tilth JIM MOtIVS', Cherry's father, a silent, force ful, fvrlrnl American business man. Mho from a small start in the unit Inert ha. ! ! retne n financial lender in .Neie l erk, Absorvtlen In butlncet nrrtenlt attrnKen te hit ten eiirt! daughter! uhe are lelt te the slack care of JfKS. MOIIVS. still a hand'eme and attrnr. live u Oman In middle aae, v Ith tome of th' imvuhrs of ueuth and a aed dial of the tflf-centertdness of th' ioiiiieit ornrrntlen. She has vulted u her familu te ftleh social volition, BOB MOIIVX, the ten. one of the hanhasard reckless lads of the dau. BEOKOi: IYCFTT. an tlder'u trUnd of San pres ana tni .iiunum, tuie etnin'i nun DilloseuMi eicr contimveraru trie and-. tasu ueit. i "WlmtU a Sn" i "Say."' she tlrnwlctl nt list n tlteiish i n n kiml of nmi7pment nt her omlden (Jlsievpr.i. "jeii knew. 1 IIKp jeii." gilnncd eliei'rfully. "De SkBmP JmWJ "Anil tlnn'1 jeii lielicp cMTjIliliij jeii heir nlieiit llu .tutttucr trilitt of M.i'ih.ill.m in jiImhiI iiii" Hancrtc ten?'1 "Yen ' "WliV ' "IIciuuhc eu'ir .i 'whiz. ' Snngree's brew purlcil. "Wli,H'' .1 whiz''" he iili'il. 'Ols .imthiiu that's .til ru'lit. J theujtht " en- u 'iiiltter' tint eii rrrc friphtcned. mui Knew." "I uih. At the ri-k of b ins no longer a "wlii." 1 must that 1 till Btn inore se than cer." "Hut jeii did It. Tint's the point. insist that eu'u a 'uhi7' whether en want te he or net." "I hope jeii won't as'.; me te lido Jigam. though." hi slid. "I had no dea that a horse ionic! be mi ielent." Shi laimhcd. "I won't. 1 wen i pii kk jeu te de nntliliu u don't want te de, that is eM-ept te ceme te nn tn." ... "Win de eii think 1 wenldn t want t de that?" "Well, it isn't nlteether your line. i if" "Ne. Hut I'll eiinp." She smiled at him charmlnsh. "And fbis means that I'm fenacn, doesn't It?" "." There was n silenee. wlildi Chirry Snprercd by lighting a ik'nrettp. Siie dn't been altegetln-r at her en se, al though she had mu eveded in ereiting the Impression of being mi. Hut -hi new enme te her point with the dlrutnes that was one of hpr i har.ieteristle. "Yeu knew. Dr. Siingree." -he went en. "that when I decide te like ,in -bedv. I want them te like me." "Oh! And jeu metin ?" She laughed gijlj. 'That 1 want jeu te like me in pit f what people stj in spltp of whit I teem te be. Beciiiihu I'm net neirlj a had as I wanted jeu te think I wan " "Please. I beg of ou "Let me finish. I don't want you te bellce beeause the girls of ted u aren't kept In huender seelusien that th'j're going te the deWl.t Seme of them ma but tint's because the 'il h iv gene there nnjwm. I'mple don't hinge s mueli ii- tint. The old people ued te run tlie hew and hrliu' up a let of mirkiii? little hipeentes who knew a treat deil mine than thej nr tended te Knew, nnd did en the ijiiiet a let of thlng3 tint we giiN of today de open Iv." She wni-l hei linger- nil tU . "Oh. d m't thitf I'm apologizing for mj irewil. I'm pet. I'm ,i"-t putting you RtriUht en tills: that the girls of tedty ate no were if no bitter thin the Hil' that ummI te be, 1 knew it. BefiiTi-e- I'm one of them." f i"ngr e liughid. "Wlu should yen mippesc th it I'm -ettiiig mjsp'f up .i I celisijr en the nulu people of ted n ''" "l'eil tips 1 don't t-uppese it. Pir blpii I lusr fi el. in Mew of a tiling jeu aw etin niglit. that I ewe jeu thii e e Jilanatle l. Yeu knew, Pirk wis drunk. l)U!e i. i fiel ent,,tine. but fee's "tr. ight.' 'ini me in nmi ilh, of reurse, ' said Ills spM of Mimeihing een diepert thin thise (u bpiritual ipiilitx tint lie .iw in her, i Hashes of gentleness nnd -elf-ri pre leli l geni'iesltj and w lilil-lu liti dliess Iwlilih made out wind and lihle tekui" "f an Inner grice hiililtualh iiiipies.id e lilei't tlie i igeln Its of in age of till- ien'' Vlnteer it wii-. hi w is mho thati the opinions tli.it he had fermi d if his sitnr liilil .iln .i.K Kei n . niivfil, i . iblj uieiliiiid and th.it lie w.i- new iinti l!,,.,,,,'!L, rriiin te lerL e in r ter lie slim, ii Imi hid in hi iindnlii,: IikIm.I he llliid tint he . is eenitllltle 1 te .1 Mndlj mew of lit i- behniier no unit tf t what Sim diii, mui, minui-h ineugh, hi' found hiliiM'lf iliite willing te blii'e lint s, wus net niMrli mi hi 1. 1 n he had been p.ilntid. Iti- b'en 1 nngled a little at tlie tut inmj of In r its who h 'mil been buit upon him with Mieli a kiudlj blue. lfeitflihe,' Me sighed jut ,nn e for his i.inMied jeuth (he w.i- tauiM. ami tlien. lighting his p,,.. took up his ii oef sheets and begin t.i n d. Mur 'he sun glared upon the pig. mil i little strm bit ere. leui.titsieni nt lite Mtiimer. iiiimiI ineuih ni. urn I h's tt.m plcs, reminding him that tl itgi.itn.ii t the 1'iul.isi, inbes into Ainiema, f wlileh lie lead. Im, tnkni plm e min hundrid of jtais ,u. if ,. .irt.iil, t the fniulh life, (he linpleiin tils nt heiiMht.ld usage, tl ti ineii. lis nt theM' races hul waited for hundreds "t Mats te be gien te the wetld. a tew hours mere or less (.iulil in ife no liffiriiin' new. Se he la.tl h.s j reef sheets usidy uii.l gaed d.,n th lull ''i whete the blue wnttrs ..f tin Nmnd wire riifili.il with silM-r. while a I m . f fnrgett.ii ers(. thnt he ha 1 u id m its ige waftid luck te him: One in ihe ruture i!n I i,x If l'reent ek-iiicmI t,l0 ,iM t r m Tin- r.iture: Win hid It nei.r Ihh Ki mil te l im. (tipt us mi aggie aggie gitleii tt dijs, w,.ivs, months and m'iis vvhitli he i mild impieie h luting nhi.iit the I'asf- It was that past m which he bid lii oil while tlie geed M.irs of Ins jeuth hid gene tllttuig In sl i tin ti in the ttuinll of a ,urd tint was ski: unto de ith. Hut w is hi still tot jeuti' Whs there net a futuie for him Miinewhire litre am uis his own pteple eiiisi.l,. i,,. jeading of drj sCi,.M. title men , iihs ur in the page- of his own ltpmts .mil aehleieiiunis.' What did his uerk m mi? What wis ns alue te tin world toil ij whiih w i tiemblmg en the i,i ink of disistir"1 The wi.rls t h it ! hail jn-t been tijlng I" ri id mi tin. pnges scpind te ("eiue ftem it long tlistnnee, out of the. iliep ahjss ,f time, nnd re iliitleu i.tme te bun sutldenli tliat the one who bud written the Intuited teihuiml phrases was hiins, If Ad i, the light ,.t this sudden l.Mliitien he saw liitns.lf s th. larger world must s(.,. lum m imdnit, innetnttH1 jut ie of seientine mai him : , absitiillj out of plate eecit in Its proper relation te ether plcees of ma chinery of lt own kind. He realised with nemething of n shock that the faculty for nnaljHlH nnd criti cism, carefully de eloped through jeari of studj, wan applicable eitlv te the prebleiiiu of hi own profession, nnd that it was net n lit fciiIe with which te measure the larger activities of the win Id about him. Fer nil his experience .in dealing with event as they hail ueme te him In ether lands, he new I felt hlmelf slngulnrly hclpliss when I In ought ngnln face te face with the newer aspects of the present day among ma own people in Ills own country, (ieeige I.jcett had named him well "the visitor from Mnrs" nnd the nvvk wnrdiuss tlmt he had felt In his social eetitiuts hnd been unpleasantly ue- Ivelepttl in his helplessness In the hands of this gay young creature who had. lit seemed, up te the present moment done preolselj as she plenRi'd with him. It astonished him hew complete!) she 1 had subjugated him by her smile hew willing he had been te neiept her friendship en her own terms. And jet I net for a moment did he doubt his own willingness te accept her offer. I'er she hail llntteritl him. Other worn- 'en had thanked him, dined him, pialsed him i veil, but no woman had ever tint - 'tend him as C'herr.v Mehtin had done. (She hnd touched n chord that had been silent for j ears mid the melody re re mniueil. Cherry alone, of nil the people that lie bal known, hnd discovered that i Youth still sung in his heart. When (ieerge I.jcett returned with his wife for luncheon at home (for he was tm longer In active business), thej ft mi. I David Sangree en the terrate. lis lirmit shiets in nla.v of the Miertlve ins extinguished pipe bowl- tinl inquiry as te his arm, his host nsked no sueMlens, seeming rather en grossed In thought, nnd It was net until luncheon was ever and Mm. l.y-1 cett had gene upstairs that the topic uppermost in ueergc ij celts mind was brought Inte the conversation. "Hang It all, Sangree," he said with a sudden explesiveness which was un usual in one of his nature. "I don't suppose there's nny use In keeping the matter from you. And It may be only n flash In the pnn " "Zsetliing serious I hope," sold San gree calmly. "I hope net. People are always downward In his teeth, as he peaeefullv slept. Hut he nvveke nt the sound of tlieii velus nnd slinking himself like a sluiggj wolfhound get up ami followed tin in into the library. Hejend a can- I W aWMs " "HHlHiB "HP Bam US 35 Self Starter Ne.10 Remington 10 DAYS'FREE TRIAL. 1'YR. GUARANTEE Ilfntrra In All Mnkrs Iteudquartrr for rertnblm BONOTHMR i ' " u running around telling ether neenle n let of things that they don't want te hear. I never go Inte n club or an office that somebody Isn't trying te take the Jey out of life" "Human nature, Mr. Lycctt. I hope It's nothing te affect your own for- "I wouldn't mind te much If It were only mine that It affected. But it may affect yeura tee." Te De Continued Tomorrow Clethes Make the Man and the man who tenda hit clothes reguUrly te be cleaned and pressed achieves a reputation for geed taste and mart appearance, no matter hew moderate his wardrobe. .Our cleaning is master cleaning. LADIES' SUITS e in OR COATS... PJ.VU LADIES' DRESSES, $3.86 MEN'S SUITS ORO'COATS.. $1.50 Phene Poplar 7660 for Aute te Call NifcfctsAVs GtelSfy CUaaen eai I 1616-28 N. 21tt St., Phaadtlphla Branches: ills Chestnut St and 6B87 Osrmantewn Are. Jterg' KstaOaes saa worn rasa RADIO WANGERS Everything in Radie v ? rrtjeuwi mm n S Evury Articl Guaranteed ? Cxpcrt Radie AdVic fr Watch for Our Weekly Specials SPECIAL Your Burnt Out Tuba Taktn In Exchange for a New One DE TEC'l OK $0 A A AMPLIFIER $n J-A FRAM1NGHAM RHEOSTATS, CQ Ref. $1.35 DUC POTENTIOMETERS 300 Ohmi, $ A A with Dial. Reg. $2.00 lsUU W. D. 11 TUBES IH velti. $C AQ Rf. $8.00. Oer pries Dst? TURNEY HEAD PHONES, 3000 $Q A A Ohms. R(. $6.50. New.... Ot'tlt Varie CeupIers9Specialv$1 .1 0 43 PLATE VARIABLE CONDENSERS, with bard rubber endt. $1 A Rez. $4 75. Oar price leOU 3 PLATE VERNIER CONDENSERS, A A btkelite endt. Ref. $2.25. . ?UC 23 PLATE VARIABLE CONDENSERS, with bird rubber ends. Reg. $1 Or $3.50. Onr price JLttttJ COMPOSITION SOCKETS. Ret. At $1.10 Our pries rlUC SWITCH LEVERS Special, 1Q Ref. 75c new IOC AERIAL WIRE, 100 ft. OC We have all the parts for the new Flewelllng Circuit. Mnll Orders rrnmplh 1 IIImI, I'mtare 10c 502 MARKET ST., Phila., Pa. Open Ermine 59c 1.50 Special for FrL, Sat. ft Men. RHEOSTATS Complete with Dials Reg. $1.25 "B" BATTERY SWITCHES With Dials 71- Reg. $1.50 I DC 23 PLATE NEW YORK COIL CONDENSERS $1 OA Reg. $3.50 l.eJU 43 PLATE NEW YORK COIL CONDENSERS $ Reg. $4.25 .... CONSOLIDATED VARIOMETERS $0 P-A Reg. $6.00 L0J MONRADVARIO- $1 7f COUPLERS. Reg. $6. 1.1 O BALDWIN TYPE "C" HEADSETS $1 O rA Reg. $16.00 .... 1.DU "WD 11" WESTINGHOUSE TUBES, iy2 V. Used $f- CA with Dry Cell. Reg. $8 DeDXj SOCKETS FOR WD 11 TUBES Mail Order Filled Promptly EUGENE G.WILE 7 North Tenth St., Phila. m 09 IT T9QAY Satisfy yourself by any test you may tug - "speed" in gest that the abundance. Paige has PAIGE QAlnst Beautiful Car inimerica The world's stock chassis record rnade by the Paige 666 Daytona model proves that this car, designed and built for the daily service of the average owner, had the extra power and stamina te withstand the tremendous strain of a speed of almost two miles a minute. Call Spruce 1410 for a Demonatratien OPEN EVENINGS COY A. WILLEY M9T5R C9 ePaiic and Jewett Distributers BR9AD STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA Associate Dealers B. BHOAD ST. PAIOE SALES 00 S010 Seutli Ureiid St. FENCIX. MOTOR COMPANY 38 North U3.1 Ht CT7BBAM 87XCS KOTOH CO. 4JJ3 N. llrvad 81. BROOKMAU'8 OARAOE kOr. Ilalnci ht. and 8tcuten Are, OIBSOirS AUTO WOBRS 393d HaTctfi.nl Ave. ARTHUR 3. XEAM 1A10 8. 57th 81. OBR OABBOXX M1MS 8. Chadwlck Ht. SIMONS KAW1CE SOIT N. Bread Ht. NORTHEAST OABAOE "85KD'EH's8OAfienif0rt L"nrcaA'aifVdfiaaia?wr Flourtown, Fa. MM m Janicrei' ililj "i tln'rwin' inctlnii i or fiiulti." Jim ilf Jeur )U . In' liMizliPil. Ami tlii"i. "I suppne Jim ilen't t)'li'e mi' I kimu lie'v nut I w rt. .1ip vjiii, "Itut I lki IIc'x ii 'whiz' t"n, .mil he nts in of i linml i "Der hup liaip in (in tlmt te prccrvc four fr 'iiilsliip''" iisliril nn5ne. "Vei Miu'ri' I iiiffliln? nt me." "Ne. I't.i nut. I u.ix iuvt thinkini that I 1 ail ain'ailj -lHwn j iiiiteins of deliu tl ' " line tliin;; " "Saj . tlmt s riiiiui; nf jeii. ifn- Minx t( i .ifti'r vii.it Ii ippcncd. Rut I I'm ileii e all J t.m iu in.iUe anu'inis, aidi't I'" She n e ami tic-ul lier tisan'ttc into ' thf biiHl'i-'. "I'm; gut te km I.iiwIipeii out at, X,ip(inis Kix'l;. Rut I'm liul jeuM (.' Snel Wmi't mui roine out as ineii us ou can? 'et Suncluj iiftorneon that's a liert- I'limu1 ili(ti i"' fun get out. Wiiuliln't mui llki me te take . feu for a meter nuV'" "I mui1iI, ' bald SunuiHc ' pre; i.li ii toil don't go Mi'i a liiiiiJicil mil. an our." "I'll etilj go sixti. 1 prjiiu.' jei. Goeil-by." She effiTdl liim ln-r ii.iml uliiih lie took with lii left. It win, a linni little hand, with a hi in. lnuMi grip the hand of friendship, lit- ImH.mmI, of ene "whir." for nnethir. ( "Ooeil.tij ," hi' iiiuttrriil. Shi' took u fw hfeps down lewnid the mncliiui' and tlnn llasli.'il n quick mile exer hrr sIieiiIiIit at him. "Uoed-bv again." shi- miIiI. "And Jen't j mi Lt'lii'U! iu'1 till n.' en hi ai bout the jeunjr tribes of .Manhattan r about me. Rreuiisi'?' "I premise. " "Ooed-by." She put her feet en something and With n whirl fellow pd b n i-eries of nertH and explosions she went down me nnve in a Bale of iIiik nnd dl-up-pcarcd niiieiig the tieey aleui; the high high wej Sanree tiirnid tmi'lt at Itint to te ward his quiet chair ami ninuiihcrlpt, with much tbi Hiime attempt ut mentnl readjustment with w tilth one enters a doorway after haunt; been exposed te n JieiBtenuiH air. It surprised him hew be had carried ever tiling before her, fixing bin KtitttiH and her own with a !efinlteiu"-H whlili was bewildering ami Ucredible. Slie hnd lifted him, at a bound, out of Ids hleiigh of meditation into the wide eiupjrean of jeuth. Fer the moment he wnti no lengir a many lettered philosopher grown staid Heme yearn bifere his time, but a hopeful and mused ppvetuter of the Human Com edy. Fer n new degree hail been con ferred upon lum. lie was new a 'wuht." lie grinned as lie took up his pipe . , and with difficulty tilled It. What was U ftjwr about litis wild jeung creature 'i" hlch mi remiK'lled lilin? Was it her ft., fesautr, her vigor, her joy of life that 7; Mjgeacaed niiu in fiinaina 01 tot jroute I Mfa, wCfc had irer been bla? Or wu it I Vs IL3J Lamps and Mirrors for Holiday Gifts What lecher or mere useful Rift ceuM ou make? Ecry one will welcome the new and pleas ni; decorative note which will be met elTecmely supplied by our- beau tiful Period Mirrors and Artistic Lamps and Shades. Our expertly assembled "tucks are jrrcat and varied, but selections should be made new, for we have net any duplicates. Hair Dougherty's Faultless Bedding Mattresses fiex Springst Bedsteads 1G32 Chestnut Street 1 i HeRN&HfflART Baking Cel CkH AUTOMATS ALL L M ' r RF.STAURANTS fKj CAFETERIAS CENTRALLY LOCATED One person out of en ry of the total population 0 rhuadclphui, (men, neme and children), cati in e Hern d. Uardart Restaurant every day. !6 .s$XSrfi JW A iK v A SUPPER S SPECIAL for L Baked Halibut with Spaghetti nd Stewed Tomatoes (except in Automata) TO-NIGHT ""4.,, , ;' THIS IS JUST ONE OF THE MANY SPECIALS GET ACQUAINTED WITH HORN & HARDART SERVICE TODAY. Ships, Shoelaces and Fire Insurance WE paraphrase the old slogan "Shoes, Ships, and Sealing Wax" te indicate the variety of Stene and Webster construction work in and near Philadelphia. SHIPS. Stene & Webster built the Heg Island Shipyard, the largest project except the Panama Canal ever undertaken bv the United States Govern ment. It is described by the PUBLIC LEDGER in a recent publication as "the wonder work of the world." It included almost every variety of con struction and, among ether things, with its eighty miles of track, outranks any regular railroad terminal or yard in Philadelphia. SHOELACES. Stene & Webster built the new plant of the Narrow Fabric Company at Wyomissing, in every way a model manufacturing establishment, producing shoelaces and ether highly valued necessi ties of life. FIRE INSURANCE. The Insurance Company of North America, net only one of the eldest Phila delphia business institutions, but the eldest fire insurance company in America, has retained Stene & Webster te build its new building which is te be one of the features of the Parkway. Messrs. Stewardson and Page are the architects. Whatever you make or de, you also want your new establishment te be the best that a widely ex perienced organization like Stene & Webster can build. nifiifinnHHHiiti Stene 8c Webster INCORPORATED BOSTON, 147 Milk Street CHICAGO, 38 S. Daarbern Street SAN FRANCISCO, Helbroek Bid-. NEW YORK, 120 Broadway PITTSBURGH, Union Arcade PHILADELPHIA, Real BeutaTnutBldg. OPEN EVERY NIGHT rN 1514 Market St. bought out BECKER and hat re-marked Every SUIT & OVERCOAT y2 PRICE vvWIIPEW. wHiawV Hit, " CM; iviJVv w anl WhlWIwaWmnP7M9m ftp "Msiiwr i iiTtf Mwlfetif WaalmWw TWall Uat-. W'MxfM r Hi Wv aa Bam''W'-vi amf9 mi- Am LbbbbbbbV lVaBBBBBaUar Think of it, half price for one of these smart Becker Quality Suits and Overcoats that were made up te sell and did sell at from $25 te $40. We bought out Becker's entire $250,000 stock, and Yeu pay less than Becker paid the manufacturer A Am t n ueme m teaay, or tonight, and see the wonderful price reduc tiens see the gar ments we are closing out at HALF what Becker asked. Abse lutely every price for; these beautiful Suits and Overcoats slashed in half. Your Size Is Here Nothing held back -;-every- thing 50 off Get that clear ever y garment marked down te a price lower than the manufactur ing cost. There fore, don't delay if you need a suit or overcoat. This is your great op portunity THE opportunity of the year. H9 SvyVyyl aKaVVVSyVBBBBBaLZr Wonderful Bargains In 2 Pants Suits and Overcoats Toe many te mention all styles, all sixes and an colors. And all at half the regular Becker price. See our attractive window display. Purchasing Orders Accepted. 1514 Market St. arknvM . ,.rr y:i EivaitY men aratVA-WV. tyl&&f 'fi Iff: & "-- -9 Airs 1 b $ .,.:. aUTWr.V m "Ji-'ll s r lid' . i . atfflaS.ffiH.A,,J. JT