$a. r ?m'tm SffiftSBBl'' n Wrt Ti! C (Vv'vUT v X1 fwcrvwv ' w" iv,v : .1 jiii"' W.A" ,i 22 KT r; ? I! i i ir i i iv i &. , & ft the NEW YOKK'S CLUll LIKE HOTEL hermitage Times Square (Southwest) ' INDIVIDUALITY teSSa Slntla. S.OO te $5 00 UACOBS FOR BOOKS 1628 Chtslnul Street CARPS ANP CALENDARS Our newcomer JAY WILLIAM HUDSON in his novel ABBE PIERRE tells the story of a delightful old priest, a young American man and n French girl in the quaint province of Gascony. Sixth edition. $2.00 A Best Seller Since Publication D. APPLETON A COMPANY Publishers New Yerk I - ', .,. M J-VUHUJDVUU WJ r Ciwa 1 m. tuut Pfillti .i ssassasssasaB Our Price 23 lb pkg In all our Stores gfeMM WiV Stubborn inflammations usually respond te Resinol Although Reslnel Ointment is pri marily intended for the treatment of Rkia affections and the control of itch ing, it has such a strong healing action that it is highly and widely rec m mended as a dressing for the most stubborn boils, sores, wounds, etc. It it mild, toething and den net tmtrt or tlinu when applied. Mtny tttlifitd utatt letrify that it hat htalad qultkly an cttilj, teret that '-are refuted te yield le ether tieataeau. Seli by all dnttlttt. ESS .f.'.ivLir.iy.v. BUY NOW for THANKSGIVING Only 9 Days Left! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MOST LIBERAL CREDIT TERMS IN AMERICA Drease Triciitlnrs. Canten crepex. twill uuJ tirKt. $13 .50 Spert Coats Smiirt lientlier mil tuie ud.1 pule n 11 t K l)Ollll, xleum, t'ti-. 13 .50 up i Fall Suits, t'elrrt t w 1 1 1 , nii lettt h- 1 iiir, trtietlm1. itr. M $17 .50 Dp Men's Suits & 0'Ceats $25 TO 11 IK Ii ,"' limul tullnreil. I n it 1 e sit't ilmiMe tirentteil $50 IIIMII'I". Alterations Free is. aaaavMaaaHieaaaHi.aaHaaaaaBH A WEEK Tiir Hir.i. fiATELY &FiTZGRAlBi liiMMivrir. 24 iW. Wri-lAtr V HSfe' Daily Mevie Magazine n FOR THE FILM FANS SCRAPBOOK IH 4vr.i ..IHrfKtP3&,i'H aTaTaTaraTf YaTaVaTaTaTaTraBTaTfrEa ? V - ?!B(nk TflTflTflTflBBBBBBrJ HLLLLLLHrviZaLLHK.lKaLHV.BB'laLLH "riHr alaHIIHHMlASrKaMawirt'7V'' v TB H la-.a: -MElralfcSBPl p iiiiiiaimiiiiw mi ! ' !?'; "aLWvrvAi'.''.' vi h.SsPIM-'v.!:;!? LaKfivBBBBBBBBHlttil9i) "IliPiiWiilw -"B :--::'?::v- We Kill be glad te publish the picture of such screen playert an are suggested In the jam THE MOVIE FANS LETTERBOX By HENRY M. NEELY Dementia Prepense writes "It seem.s that the amiable Mr. Harvey wns rlsht after nil when he advanced the opinion thnt the Decnlegue was net aimed nt the ladles. I don't knew hew you feel about it, but personally n urent weight hns been lifted from my chest, especial ly hlnee the criminal courts of the I nit ,m1 Stntes nre se gloriously confirming hi-, decision. , , "Yeu see, 1 hnve been cherishing homicidal thoughts against my husband and the children becnun' they insist thnt I snore in my sleep when I knew perfectlv well thut I len t. nnd the eiilv tiling that has kept me from car rvli'm out mv deslgni ha- been a tear, inspired by thut terrible picture .Manslaughter.' that 1 might possibly hrne te se te jnil for a while. "Of course prison life may b" pry interesting, but 1 should like te l.ecemu a motion picture iifterwnid. and I un derstand that a jail-ieierd p-'riiiatieiit-ly debars one from that pmu ion at present ,. , , "Ncvettheless. if the M hnppen nnd'l set locked up for 'i M'.ir ei -e. 1 could net bear te be cut ett fmiu the world without first hniiii.' dropped m widow's (or almost) unto Inte the box l'le.ie be l.lnd te u pr-peiti- i mil nrlnt tin-, nihvrwj-e m I life will be quite blighted. 4.T-!.b ..in. linv.ti. i u. een 011. re 1 of (lleria Swanson ' Her ligure. -e far ns one can di'termine. i- ndtiiir.ibl" an I ought te screen beaut ifull. 1- it I" -ible that -he i- hneek-hn I"' ' "Seceiiil. don't mhi reiilly tl nds tlinr :..., i.w liltr. 'Mun-liiuchter' eiuht te ' he suppressed'' The gle , . eple an ultegether wrong idea (iheut hew lnws niv enfercid -pr-ml in-ldieu- propa ganda nsnlnst the female -e. .itnl in timidate respectabh" wenn n in"' sul- ...,, Intf.Ti.rnl.lc unil).'- which Cfillld and should be lemedied with y r; lit- I tie trouble. I'erhnpx the Ku Mn Man might speak te Mr. H-Mllle nbent it. 'Third, what hn- happened te Ilur Ilur ten HnliuiH mid Ids mnrele.s trnel incur, s.' The in" le-d-n't quite the -nine v. it In i' him I euith. nnd l.i-t. whnt i- Meir mid . le name? The lir-t iliree .pi. -tn.ns ire meie or le iheterunl nnd may be iiii-wi'ied or net ml libitum but ii'"i tin answer te the fourth di p mis i"j tuturu hnppinesa." (One: I snw enough of (ilnri.iswnnsnn In s-itlie seem- in "Her Hided J 'age' in conlnce me of the wi-dem et hav ing her always well gowned. I fancy she in quite in fin or of the new long Twe. Really T de think thnt pictures, like "Mail-laughter" euglit te he sup-pte'Aed- and "Nne I'.e.de and, "O.er the Hill" and Thunderclap and u let of ethers but 1 den t dure admit It because I nm tenihly nfiaid of di-iigreeliig with m readers. J Three; I haven't heard of Iturten ' Helme-.' picturiM f r n long time and don't think the ine being made any more. Of ceiuse, Kurten Helmes him self is still giving hi- iliteie-tlng lec tures with his own lllnii-. but the old "Truvelegues" thnt u-ed te make hucIi pipular sheit subji-n in the movie houses hiem te hale Hteppeil, Four; 1 had hoped te keep my inlddi inline It seeief for I nm very i-emdtive about It. Jtut line's the awful truth: the nnine nt the top of thi- column I- u nom de plume: the II M. N. ically stands for Ham Man Neggn. Mary, Jr. Yeu rather etnggernte whnt I said about Maty Mile- .M Inter. I simply Olr-elM'd tllllt slie Hull! t IIOIII my Interest enough te make me wuut te ue te see her. Hut tliut'H just my leiseuul leiKtlnn nnd I luiew you and thousands of ethers think she is, as ou say, ".lust perfi-i t y adorable." She Is new getting ic.iil.v te make "The Tinll of the Lonesome I'lne." I let vm think that will be u great combination, don't eiiV Ami, d'ye knew; 1 believe I'll go te nee it myself, , i.'. . IVr -.Ites: "SavA 'Hener ,.u(i I was mucb isa !&, -.....' " 'Ateti!?. EVENING PUBLIC m 'b&.'v aLaaaaV';jaLILaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaa! BaaV" laaaaaVataUalHaaaaMHaaaT """"J"i pressed with the work Jehn Gilbert did In this picture. I thought he played the two pnrtK very creditably. There was a difference of day ami night be tween the two brothers and he gave each ehnrncteriJiatien with such geed work that It seemed like two different people. "Don't think much of thnt twin brother stuff played by one actec, but thin one seemed te stand out ever many another I hne setn. 'The story was net se iinpre lie. "Snw Iorethy Dnlten nnd .Tack-Helt in 'On the High Sen,' and while there were plenty of things out Of place, I enjoyed it u-ry much. The title vfn-n'' mi-leading at any rate. Ily Geerge ' there sure was 'enough -ea te It and 1 rather hated te see it leaie near the end. Of (.nurse, I had the whole end ing figured in advance, but net quite as it happened. Thought the ending disappointing in the feim shown. "A week later .-aw Det again in "I'l.e Siren ("air and it made me wonder when another 'Foel's Paradise' will (oine along. She i-n't dome -e well lately, I think. Looked about (is fero cious in this 'Slten ('.ill' gun play n she did in 'The (rimen Challenge.' The ,jti who playid the Iri-hmaii aete ' as well and sometimes better than any of the elheis. "Yes, I enjoyed Lloyd's 'Ginndmn' I!ey' ery much. Thnt hobo burnetii -lire wns n type. And hew 1 de hi, te watch Mildred lni with all . magnetic chnrm. "Spenklng of charms, I thought t1 was u -pletidid slirpilse wlieie (.1:111 ma'- geed luck charm wn- nitiedun into the plot. Net only wa- it iiin ihiug new, which is -e wi Iconic 111 th Q. a" aa 0" e- Heuse of Wenger 1229 Walnut Street Walnut at 1 3th Opposite St. James Hetel . Furs - A N unexpected delay in the completion of our building necessitates an immediate and drastic reduction of our exceptional col lection of Furs of Regal Magnificence BABY LAMB BABY FISHERS- SILVER FOXES BABY CARACULS CHINCHILLAS PLATINUM -FOXES RUSSIAN SABLES EASTERN MINKS HUDSON BAY SABLES Offering te the discrirfyinating buyer a choice of the most beautiful garment in our exceptionally well-chosen stock at surprisingly low prices. In Our Lewer-Priced Section An unusual opportunity te make a choice selection from among our thor ther thor euf'hly reliable fur garments in Raccoon, Nutria, Opossum, Squirrel and Hudsen Seal (dyed muskrat) of Standard Heuse of Wenger quality at attractive prices. a) B. Chertak Wenger Millinery a 1 & &- LlSDGER - f PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. - ilnys of sd ninny repents, but It ncpnied te fit into the story be wcU, I like Lloyd very much. "Many hnve voiced their opinions of Lloyd Hnmilten nrid he doesn't seem te liuve Mich u large following of nil mlrcrH. Well, I must sny 1 nm net one of whnt following he may hnve. I Ind te I'll through koiiie of IiIh picture nevcrnl tlmce In the pant nnd come- I I mi's I rrnlly liinl te lnugh, but mere nt the rlclIculniiMir.ss of bin efforts thnn tlireugh nctuiil letnlcnl nbillty. Yet there nre theso who like him, nnine nit trvin Cobb .thinks n mnn tnklng off several vents In Miccesiinn Is jiroveklng of much mirth. I'll never grew fnt lnughing nt Lloyd Hnmilten. "Seme of these guc.ssers fis te whnt you leek like mnke me IihirIi. T don't need te guex ; I knew. Its a pleasure te knew I nm writing te such a well known nnd intercntlne person ns n cer tnln 'write-up' describes you te be. The ueenmpanylng photograph reglsteiisl mvernbly, iiml cheuld rcmnin hi ni. memory. I "Y'enghtn see my erfice. CJet it n'l dressed up with pictures of movie star.', iiiul mnybe I luiveu't get nu nssertment. Yep, seme of these you printed, tee. "Ain't seeing much Intely. Cnn't stny nwnke. l'ictures nffectlng my eye somehow. Se I nm Inylng off the 'dumb drninn' for the present. Will Mnnd by n while nnd listen in en the ether taw." . Verb Sapp writes: "Judging from .1 .- J .L ...! nne l,ln. nn.l ,1,1. IlllS Ullll lull. 11.11, WIIC l.. ... Htl ether, I feel sure that a movie vrslen I'HOTOri.AlB The following theatres obtain their pictures through the STANLEY Company of America, which is a guarantee of early showing of the finest productions. Ask for the theatre in your locality obtaining pictures through the Stanley Company of America. ALHAMBRA mn A!,?,S TOM MIX In "FOR BIO STAKES" APnirin BSD TltOMI'sON PTS ArOLLU MiTivtt: nuiA BEX BEACH PRODUCTION "THE BRAND" ARDMORE "WKffli.A ALMA RUBENS in "FIND THE WOMAN" ASTOK iaiini:k tmi.v 0REERMEAMBlNCST', WRITTEN BY RUPrRTHOOHES AAU fy-jrfi Rl t IF.RIRD UrOHd 4 Suiquehfttva frt"t 1iU " ii ni 11 WltTON 1ACKAYE in "What's Wrong With the Women?" -r7STvirXl ntu. ct Mnt'i" A t 1 JL.Vllsi-Mj "." in T ii"' '' : THOMAS MEIOHAN ami T-,"RTiLE..,01r ln "MANSLAUGHTER" FAIRMOUNT soe,r,,r;1, v "THE BONDED WOMAN" ,ndct-"IN THE DAY8 OF BUrrAtQJRH.1." -,T, 1 ex THBATIIK llelnw SeruLe DOrrl 3l. matin-it. tntt.v JAMES OLTTrR crRfnen- "THE BROKEN SILENCER llr ml st it llrl" 1 Una Nl IK I rltlMN v , - . ., v m JAMES RtFKWOOD b HFtENE 0HADWICK "THE SIN FLOOD" ' fiTSriirei Al e0-"1 walni't st. 'IVIPEKIAL. mi-. s 'in- ': .a."1 , THOMAS MrtOAN nd irTTirE JOV in "MANSLAUGHTER" 1 1 FffrbTV imeAii a rehmniA ai, , '-.IDEUrV 1 M'TIV" "Ul.l SHIRLEY MASON In "VERY TRULY YOURS" ORIF.NT Wnedlamt Alp. nt I .si '! , Vfl- CONSTANCE TALMADUfc. in "THE PRIMITIVE LOVER" OVERBROOK ,:,D & "'L-. GLORIA SWANSON in "HFR OILDED CAGE" i-Ta i" 'if it rilASKFORD AVB. A ''MI-JV1 . v vniKtrr H0UJE PFTrRl i"nd MATT MOORE In "THE STORM" REGENT MA"Illcl!rrr;.,,f,.Ti VTS CLAIRE ADAMS in "GOLDEN DREAJtS" O I A I TV. (IUHMANTOWN Avn.vcr. BARBARA 0ASTLF.T0N In 'hatVWrenjj With the Women?" 33 MARKETS7',.:.T T? RICHARD BARTHELMESS in "THE BOND BOY" .e- O"1 -a- e" .a" -?n-rrt'TT'f'ir-'f4g5 k&felky i.fJI df it cci'lnlu murder trial which took pimv lit'iv recently would be n 1'K iiiidiii-y-iiiitldr. We ?etild Imve H.vlt- IhI.iii b (irlllltli. with a thrilling 'rlilc ;.,ii i.. i... i..- ... ., 1,1. l.nmiflfnl . .... ..... ..a... .... ...n n m e...i .. Hiciitf cuVc'l". 1( we could work In n I fun-Hi lire, u tnllreml wreck, n Inelirv ii.ii., imitlivp mill ii I'liiitile of extrns (or ""', . " .. r :. .. . . ..i.i tl.n 'hiiiiIc relief.' t be effect weuiu ue nil llmt could be desired. .. i i Ihi..iiuIi.I Im rtiit. nnln I I1HVV IIITII uiii'ivsivu iuj"i. mrnts en the various movie plnys mm plners, nnd would like te venture one or two of my own. In my humble opinion Kmll .Tnnulngs Is one of the greatest actors en the screen, wliiie Krncst Lubltsch is undoubtedly the creittest director. ... . "However, I feel thnt some of our own directors could equal him, but Amerle.ui audiences hnve demons! rated . .. ... ..L At tukaAn.ik llllll tfk. V tunciiiMtciy in iiiu uuuivb im" , piefer hokum te art. se. In the wnnNui the liiimertiil Deeley, 'there ye nr-re. "llecentlv I snw ..lackle Coegnii in 'Oliver Twist.' liy a curious evcrsigm the iirmlucers fnlled te linve the story cutlrelr rewritten by a Hollywood Mi'imrist, as is the custom in producing the great novel-. They have even cure. , lesslv permitted many of the sub-titles te 1)0 in tllP wOniH Ol WIP HUlinr, vci "Hewevijr, there Is still hope thnt the t-ensers will remedy the matter. I "Toe bad the title role could net have been taken by the great' and only ,t PrelUe Uiirrymere, whose imiicplien of n lovesick Sherlock Helmes Is still , fresh In my memory." , , (Y're n delightful ensis In a monot onous desert day. Verb Snpp. Come iiRnln, won't you? ".1. Preti'.c llnrrymere!" (Sesh. I wish IM thought of that one!) i All you bright children who nre In the nthnnced chiss in Oriental mysti cism will new sit down in your nice . ...... iii.iiAMusBnn in iiiiiunni. I I.U nlintra. I.eilll VOIir llOnilS tmCK. ih .......- v close your eyes and let your minds j.e rnnTnri.AVK I ftf. The NIXON-N1RDLINGER ZtV I $! THEATRES UJ M.M..V8 AMBAbSADOR m,'V, EUGENE O'BRIEN in 'CHANNINO OT THE NORTHWEST" BALtlMOREV'i'.rjI-V RICHARD BARTHELMESS ln"THED0ND BOY" RFI rVIONiT 62D auevi: makkitt THOMAS MEI0HAN and 1EATRICE JOY in J!MAJNSLAUGHTEjV fFDAR UT" CCDAH AVENUr. MARY MILES MINTER In "SOUTH OF SUVA" . COLISEUM '"""V M n?,h lce'h ANITA STEWART In "THE WOMAN HE MARRIED" HIlvIRD 1'IWNT ST. A tllllAItDTvU JUIV1I3U mTunonranUrerd 'T. "THE FAST MAIL" LEADER 1S TLiNCASTER AVB JAMES KTTtKWOOD ft nrir-T "ifADWICl "THE SIN FLOOD" .OH 1ST f'2,). AN" l-nt'i'RT STitiiKi .THOMAS MrirKV " tftT0E JOY I- "MANSLAUGHTER" NIYHM 52U AJ'D MAIIKHT STS. . DOROTHY DALTON in "THE SIREN CALL" RIVO! .! 62D & 8ANFOM PTS. GUY BATES POST in "THE MASQUERADEB" I'. Jl. SHFRwnnn nitimer a. . ww - "X n "K (1-30 DOROTHY DALTON H "THE SIRtN CATL" 69THST.T,"nV0p-pv.;' T.-rmlnnl P M DOROTHY DALTON in "THE SIREN CALL" STRAND TmT, Vp. Vv-'" ,nce TH0MA MFTi"'v nt Tirr"""r TOY in "MANSLAUGHTER" AT OTHER THEATRES I MFMRERSOFM.P.T.O.A. I GERMANTOWN 'Vr'r?, ? JAMES KIRKW00D A IfLEVF 1HADWICK "THE SIN FLOOD" sjlrtls( I Mt Turn r. I'.nr 7A9 HOUSE PETERS and CLAIRE WIMflSOR In "RICH MEN'S WIVES" Of a- 0" e ..a -e Ii. CUKIiTAK WENGER Millinery i fVL if?. NOVEMBER 17. 1922 with mine Inte the pnychlc world. We nre Rfing le loeK into tiie lunire. nre pelug te try te vision, In nny nl the nKi" te come, nny )hotei)lny worse thnn "The Mnn Who 8nv Tomorrow ' TH la n anvnrn . nvnn fur nilvnnCPI, Oriental inyntlclsm. Any bright child who succeeds will be rewarded with two lumps of ten In her sugar tonight. u L. V. D.: It's a -geed thing Important Sale Tomorrow Cleth and Silk Dresses All Sizes for Misses and Women Up te 44 J W ,'L V.- . wBSrr And YOU would be wearing silk underwear this minute if you knew ITALIAN Silk WHAT is Kayser Italian Silk, anyway ? " Oh, yes," you say, "I knew it's that finely woven silk that stretches." That's all right but wait just a moment. De you knew that it is made of the best silk there is, the finest, the strong est, the purest selected silk, the silk of silks; that Kayser alone makes Italian Silk Under wear; that geed silk is die longest-wearing fabric in the world? Could underwear be mere luxurious? Could underwear fit better? Maybe some day but net today. It is the most economical underwear there is because it lasts se long. &Mrwear tt8WlL ri Ay. vmir first tinme Isn't Herthni Yeu wouldn't dnre sign your inltinl-J. Yeu mustn't be. Impatient for an an Wmeva's "Hn'eme." The t",?i,n"?" you heard about wasn't a regular show tngi It wns Just an Invitation affair nt one of the big New Yerk hotels. It's quite the thing te de that new with pictures. "Saleme" will have a New Yerk run nnd be generally ''released Mimcwhcre around (fcinuary 1. 1312 -WALNUT Regular Values te $35.00 Yes! You've get te have GOOD silk f fur the mmd UM. OiW.ilar fit mtdtHmttulH.ThTtt, Utrfer httrf wtifht. dtnknn.cnfc I 4 WSIIXI (1 Screw Maehlpa, tf DK1llal, "1 Parti or Aitmbkd Artltlu mid ta Specification : PREM1FR RADIO MFG. CO ? ... ivr. North 6th St. T s ceiunibu vm rrk jm wjrmjjmsMmjjHUimiffflZr;- Reduced ! $1 BvJbL. Extremely smart street arid daytime cloth frocks, priced te introduce "Engel" quality, style and value; but two of a kind, se early selection is suggested. As usual, Engel's court comparison! "Quality for Quality," their fashions are lower in price than at any ether establishment in America. Handsome "Engel" Afternoon Gowns Values $'2Q.Q0 te S65.00 ,jf J Gathered together in one group are many lovely frocks mostly one of a styl-c frocks that have been selling in our own stocks at much higher figures. Every one has been radically reduced. There's a frock for every occasion. A frockfer every type figure. In all the most up-te-date styles. And fabrics. And colors. A big saving te YOU en any one you ae.ect. 3 "1 It is In trie wearing of ttis Kayser Italian Silk Vests that their superior quality and ex quisite tailoring arc given the truest test. Just three inches above the knee they de net wrinkle or roll up. 2.30 and up Loek for the Marvelftt rein forcement in the crotch of every pair of Kaysir Italian Silk Dloemers it iiis"f their durability. Stretches with every step giving comlert ana ease of movement. ManelCit reinforcement $3.50 and up Designedfer romferta Kay" Italian Silk Union Suit ful fil, its purpose -with room enough" yet carefully fitting thefigure-itUprscticallyarea; uiaite te the tailored cestutn 6.00 and up . w jvM2$ lfc.c.;XiJt jML ..-SAaBak ' flan .'uv ilii .i i umi ,. .. . m. r m &.&&'&&& ii I &&&&diirt8&