PPpraH WFWWfSIfPJ m?mmwmwmm. IBjft-fVi D .AJlrr'.riWl'.lMlHa rwiM t.; i'.. '. EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 17, 1922 &v.wt J'i r?wi ."i I BvlliL i.1 ag ffi?5Mrrl Jntin Matelasse Suif W' nr'.l. r-.. " W ITU jtipv JUU I By COBINNE LUWB The black bone of fashion has been wvii. Today brown In every tint from the lightest beige and tan tones te the deepest of tobacco colors tts fm1ant1 one MUCK COStUmO Ol MS- ttrdar. Bere we find the Irrepressible tbtde in a suit of brown matelasse col ored In brown fox. The itrlklnK feature of this costume, spirt from Its fabric Interest, lies In the dashing cape coat. The skirt ob serves the edict against regularity. ni.l. .Ma la tvnm n ttlnii.ll nf tlrlntflfl tllk which presents n pattern of black en a bacKgreuna 01 turquoise eiue. no Utile matcuing nut or mateiusse is a.immaI ttl,K a nnrmw fintirt nt feT. Bust and henna colored hats often appear in conjunction witn inese Drewn costumes. These tints, in fact, are l.n mAim Ulttl tlleelr VPflV AM tlAW costume. And, in speaking of mil linery, one mum nor target we mncy fa- BTirh narenw hnnrfi nf flip flu we an in today's drawing. 1000 ABBE8V9 VOB 8HOPMRINO A tllmP Inte fh ertanlMd builntis of ipllflin. which has attained auoe propor tion, tnat tta. above number of arre.ta war ntd. In en yar in alnii Urn depart. mint iter. A timely article, which appears te In Mitattne Section of tn Sunday. Pva. UmLbmr "Make It a Hab t.r' Atv. r-STORE ORDERS-i Enable Toe te Buy Anything Anywhere and Pay Us en Easy Terms S.R. WEAVER. Inc. 1112 CHESTNUT ST. .Roem. 21 and tim Sweater Sale M.50 Shaker Knit Sweaters, ffi.BO $10.00 RolLCellar Sweaters, $7.50 la white, miroen nary and brown 16.00 Men's Sweaters $,4.50 COLUMBIA KNITTING MILLS till Ktnulnatea At. Odcb Erinlnn fruUerd Oars Ne. H 4 Pass Oar Doer giMKemmninnnmiiiiiniimmnnaDiiinnniniiniiiuin JONES' SHOES Arch Support Shoes 2752 Germantown Ave, lfW Fiiwit Vlei Kii Ccmlert Shet; with Stttl Arch Support, mntr Hull AttacM. RmI Nature's Comfert AH (lie Frem au width J te te, BwKJffliniiiiiiuiiniiiiinitiiiiminiiiniiiniiiniiniimifl rK$e.85 0, etTt-w TAPF.STBIRA "HHOR WITHOUT NKEnr.WPflTNT FOREIGN or Demeitlc it RIGHT Prices CANADIAN HOMESPUN BAGS GIFTS BEADS WOOL Garmantnun TiTiii.. 6l iCHKiTOi ave. ataTeMa I m. Illt.r "T00 aralm. n"x- Chairs, $5.58 MIbjM ni'N.,Wafc.rMfaC.. hi Your Husband Husbands revel in the te8n of thelVr wives and .i, ??d Bre ever Proud Whin.hemi.eff- Why net? ri.tnlth.WddIener "Werth u.1,11 ?tB. 8 1Jl0 humLhi ?.??" into his Yeu i,,.V worK;a-aay-wer d. Chrl8fctB.8Urpr,8e hlm this abUe ,r featuringr te suit- bms Se our Gffc Preb ffie ln?lxflL?rLge Portraits, Gray ,Ifln,M Sepia en enlvyVnl0i.demte y Priced, $6 2 at nihBfQJ?vhe show this 1 Tn r Studi08 bofe" De Tell your friends. WBAMPIAIN STUDIOS mi WAWVT IT. Wahamaker's Deu?n Stairs Stere Is a Happy Christmas Stere Because There Are Se Many Unusually Pretty Gifts at Lew and Moderate Prices Women's Sports Coats, $&25 te $42.50 Smart Fur Cleth Balkan Blouses, $25 Fur-Trimmed Leng Coats, $38.50 te $65 Extra-Size Coats, $25 te $78.50 .That's the coat story as concisely as we can put It. It's the Big story of the day, because new that Winter begins te show its blustering wintriness, warm coats can no longer be evaded. But the coats are mere than warm they are'ef beautiful woolly materials that one likes te see and touch, and.the styles really "fit" and drape and give one the proper silhouette and a pleasantly American air of independence. Extra-Size Coats $25 te $78.50 Sizes 42 te 52. "Velour coats with beaver-dyed ceney cellars at $25. Plain geed belivia coats without fur at $38.50. Belivia coats with large caracul cellars, $45. Finer wraps up te $78.50. Beautiful Coats With' Gray Squirrel Cellars, $65 Navy and black belivia coats of particularly geed style with large cellars of fine gray squirrel. They arc lined with peau de cygne and warmly interlined. Other geed coats at $65 are of belivia with straight or shawl cel lars of nutria. Seme also have fur cuffs. Plain or fancy silk linings. Plain style or elaborately embroid ered. The New Black Coats Se Much Wanted $42.50, $45, $50 Straight of line or youthfully bloused in back. Trimmed with luxurious col cel lars of black or brown furs. 100 Coats Specially Priced, $38.50 Plain and cut belivia eeats and ethers of various popular trade marked coatings. Often only one i or two of a kind. Plain and em broidered. Almest any color one would want. Fur cellars and some times fur cuffs of Mnnchurian wolf-deg, benver-dyed ceney, nutria and caracul. (uewn Btiurn htnrp, Miirkrt) Sports Coats, $9.25 te $42.50 Herringbone tweed double-faced coats at $9.25. Rough loosely woven tweed coats, $10. - Pole coats with fur cellars, $20. Tweed and herringbone coats with badger, brown opossum, nat ural raccoon and even beaver at $33.50 and $42.50, according te fur and material. KK9EuA I Caracul Fur Cleth $25 Remarkably Geed Shoes for Women and Children Moderately Priced All of them made specially for Wanamaker's. Such comfortable, shapely lasts, such sound, serviceable leathers, such down-te-the-minute desirable Btyles that they are remark able in shoes as low-priced as these. Fashionable Pumps and Oxfords for Women, $5 te $6.50 Black or tan calf and black kid oxfords en welted soles, with Cuban or military heels and comfortably rounded tees. Rubber top lifts already attached. One and two button one-strap pumps in brown or black calf, black satin, patent leather and brocade combinations en turned or welted soles, with medium, Cuban or Spanish Leuis heels. Full range of sizes in almost all styles; none ever $6.eu. (Down Stair. Stere, Cheitnut) Infants' Shoes, $2 te $4 Infants' shoes in black or brown kid, black or brown calf, white leather or white buckskin; priced according te size or leather. Girls' Shoes, Special at $2.75 , High lace shoes of tan or black leathers; stout soles, full tees. Sizes 6 te 1. . Spats for Men and Women, 75c Les8than half last year's price. Six button ones for men, en the Men's Gallery: eight and ten button ones for women in the Down Stairs Shee Stere. nL A MA UP flKSe ffljffi $9-75 ar $25 rfJ kp m$8.75 u$5 "t jm & $16.50 Mere Than Twe Hundred Styles of Fashionable Frecks Specially Priced $5 te $25 29 styles of crepe de chine, velour, serge and corduroy dresses, all $5 43 styles of crepe de chine, charmeuse and satin back crepe dresses, all $7.83 5 styles of Peiret twill dresses, all $8.75 27 styleB of velveteen, crepe de chine, lace and Peiret twill dresses, all $9.75 9 styles of Peiret twill dresses with braid,' all $12 36 styles of velveteen, Peiret twill and silk dresses for day wear and lace and light colored taffeta frocks for evening, at... $15 19 styles of silk, velveteen, lace and Peiret twill dresses, at $16.50 39 Htyles of lace, velveteen, Peiret twill, rich silk crepe and crepe-buck satin frocks all $25 17 styles of extra size frocks in sizes 42 te 5Z'j, at $12.75, $15. $25 That's This Week's Freck Census! It may sound interesting, but the clothes themselves are ever se much mere inter- V IB flstiner. It is se delightful te knew that there is a place where one can always find an appro priate frock for any occasion and at just the small price one" wants te pay. Fresh, becem- . 1A. .iHiitm nnniAMn ing, laBwniiiuMJ iftniuuiiD. Dresses at $5 Corduroy with braided duvotyn-like vest and cuffs. Navy blue serge of the better sort with geed braid. Brown or navy velour attractively embroid ered. Weel jersey with pleated skirts. All silk crepe de chine with the new crochet trimming. Dresses at $12, $13.50, $15, $16.50 Charming evening frocks of light colored taffeta at $15. Delightful lace frocks se suitable for dinner and theatre and of the nice Inconspicuous sort that can be worn en trains or subway nre also $15. At $13.50 velveteen frocks with gleaming bodices of geld or silver brocades. f sin.ne finn Peiret twill with a suede polemd duvetyn vest and sleeve puffs daintily stitched and tied with ribbon, a copy of a far mere expensive Many einera. gown. Dresses at $7.85, $8.75, $9.75 BI5ck- crene de chine combined with lovely blnck Ince, $9.75. Peiret twill with dignified braid, $8.75. Peiret twill with Paisley printed silk bodice? $7.85. Brown lace frocks, $9.75. Sample Frecks at $25 One and two of n kind .models se fine that thev can be culled gowns. Here a beautiful velveteen with the new bleuse back and set with flashing jewel colored "stones." There a black velveteen with medievally slnshed sleeves showing bands of vivid blue.' Here n beautiful frock of rich crope in quiet but perfect navy blue. H Or a satin and matelasBe frock. ' eryOdronfte,n,V.0etl0denthSahd.8trikin'f Egyptlan (Dm ..air. L Sff id " f .l,.t s-- j -? Festive New $5 Hats The little "roomful of $5 hats," of which you have perhaps heard and which you will certainly find interesting te visit, lias had te make space for fas cinating new arrivals. They are among the most welcome hats of the season, anticipating the gayeties of the coming holidays in their bright metal cloths and brocades, in their large drooping soft ness or dashingly smart smallness. Draped turbans, some combining duvetyne with metal cloth. Metallic brocade turbans with fur and metal flower trim mings. Large hats with sweeping ceque feathers, with swirls and loops and bows of velvet and unusual "jeweled"' pins. Bright, dashing, unreservedly gay hats, all $5. (Down Stair Stere, Market) i i " Sample Silk Hats Specially Priced $3.85 These samples were bought se advantageously that their price averages a quarter te. a third less than one would expect. Alse, most- of them have the fashion fashien fashion ienable narrow back brims wanted for wear with fur coats or cloth coats with big fur col cel lars. Other shapes among them .turn up in front and back and are becomingly pulled down' at the sides or have brims slightly rolled all 'round. Brightly col ored flowers, cranes and cherries with sometimes folds of silver brocade are used as trimmings. ' French blue, pearl gray, sand, rust, dark brown and black in silk faille and silk taffeta, sjlk lined. (Down Hlalr. Ntere, Central Al.le) Exceptional $5 Pearl Bead Necklaces Dealers and customers, experts who appreciate their unusual quality and enthusiasts who admire their extraor dinary beauty all agree that these are most realistic imita tiens of real pearl necklaces and de cidedly uncommon at this popular price. Quite indestructible and guaranteed aga:nst peeling and discoloration. Carefully matched and graduated in 24, -! and 30 inch strands. Alse very attractive 18-inch necklaces which we call the "Debutante" are of smaller beads, graduated. All hnve sclid geld clasps. De lightfully acceptable and moderately priced for Christmas giving. $5 Pearl Bead Costume Necklaces Ungraduated strands of small or lnrtrer imitation pearls, 54 inches leng: Indestructible. Lustrous and carefully matched. (I)eun ttttilra .Stere, Centrul) 11AKAMAKER'S Down Stairs Stere has all " shens nf low nnrl mnHprnteIv nricprl rifts : sorts of furs and sweaters, linens and quilts, stocking and .slippcis handbag and jewelry, gloves, art n""dli"ver'- ribbons and many ethers; all of standard quality, of course. WANAMAKER'S Down Stairs Stere hnn a ltab Shep crowded with ndernble gifts for Baby all at low and moderate prices. Sale of Weel Hat and Scarf Sets, $2 and $2.90 Won't schoolgirls love them and won't their elder sisters with cropped hair welcome them just as gladly! $2 sets include woolen tarn and long scarf, both stitched with gayly contrast ing color and with tassel or deep knot Led fringe te match. S2.90 sets hnvn thn Vif n,.,tn, ec jwell as the striped scarf and come in CJJall sorts of striking colors that can be worn with every coat or dress. Beth s-ets come in tan, beaver, buff and gray, some plain, some contrasted with orange, $2.90 "I'chid, led, rose, Copenhagen nnd ether colors. Bertha Cellars and Real Lace-Trimmed Sets uau rrice, eve Anether fertunate purchne of these dainty cellar and cuff bets of net and imitation Valenciennes with insertions of real Irish ni filet lnce. They will make delightful Christmas gifts at OOe Bertha cellars of imitation laces are also half price at 50c. Silver Grapes, 25c . Pretty touches for an evening costume. Larger and mere effective cersage bouquets of golde silver at 50c. (Dewit'HtalM mera, Centrul ALU) A'llV- A' j :a I5x VII -C (I I J Women's Specially Priced Geed Gloves $1.65 te $2.65 Made of soft, elastic leathers which combine geed leeks and comfort. In the gray, brown and tan shades which tone in best with new Winter colorings. $1.65 for one-clasp mocha gloves, eutseam sewn; soft gray. $1.65 for one-clasp capeskin gloves in tan and brown. 81.85 for slip-en French lambskin gloves, everseam sewn. Tan and brown. Six-button length flare cuffs. $2.65 for strap-wribt French lambskin glees, pique sewn. White, black, tan and brown. Five-inch cuffs and hnnd-ciuchuted backs. (Iienn Ntnlr Htere, Centrul) Seft Brown Fex Scarfs Specially Nice at $27.50 Really soft, silky, full-furred ones in the favorite animal style. Their deep brown will be found almost uni versally becoming. Women's Seal-Dyed Ceney Coats With Skunk Cellars for as Little as $150 They are representative of the many geed truly named, moderately priced furs in the Down Stairs Little Fur Shep. 40 inches long, silk lined and with either fur belt or rilk cord girdle. Same stjle coat in a belter grade of pelt 51"."i t.'t-inch seal-d.M'd ceney coat ith skunk $Ki0 and Slfi) 10-inch seal-dyed ceney coat with squirrel S1!)0 1 5 -i iuIi seal-djed ceney coat with squirrel S'JOt) 10-inch teal-dyed ceney coat with beaver s-l'JO le-inch seal-dyed ceney coat with beaver .sDO (Ilewii sfir Mure, Murlu-t) The Man Who Needs a New Overcoat for Thanksgiving will certainly want te see these that have just com in te sell for $32.50 rr n A tijj They are of all-wool heavy, warm, soft-finish herringbone weave overceatings in brown, darker brown, gray and greenish-gray effects. Deuble breasted, rnglan sleeves, belted all 'round and patch pocketed. The sleeves are lined. Ulsterette length. A mighty fine $32.50 worth ! Other All-Weel Overcoats for Men, $25 te $37.50 Full and semi-belted ulsters and ulsterettes in plain cheviot overceatings and a large assort ment of herringbones and novel ties. Geed, big, warm overcoats, the large majority of them plaid backs. (Down Stnlrn Stere for Men, en the (iitllery, Market) Men's Furnishings That Can't Be Had Elsewhere All Wanamaker quality neckties at 35c and 50c are new in the Men's Down Stairs Stere en the Gallery, just inside the Subway deer. Men's mercerized cotton shirts in the new plain blue and tan shades are extraordinarily geed at $2 in this same Men's Stere en the Gallery. Men's blanket bath robes and men's rubberized tan coats are specialized at $5. Men's plain-color pajamas with frogs are exceptionally geed at $1.50. Men's Demet nightshirts are "special" at 85c. Men's White and Striped Shirts Specially Priced, $1.10 White cheviot or striped percale and a few madras shirts. Odds and ends! Seme show marks of soil. Pi ices nrc a third te half less. (IJemii Miilm Mure for Men, mi the Culler), .Mnrkit) Mighty Geed $5 Shoes for Men The best, men ray, they can find anywhere in such an' assortment of styles and in all sizes, at the price. Black or tan leather or black kidskin high straight lace or blucher shoes and oxfords. Conservative and semi-conservative styles, with straight tips, shield tips or wing tips. Plain or elaborately Derferated. Beys' Shoes, S3.25 te $4.50 Tan leather, tan elkskin and tan calfskin shoes in sizes small 10 te large ( and priced accordingly. Stout welted soles; comfortably rounded tees; all with lubber heels attached. (Iltiuii MuItn Mere for .Men, en the (.iiller). Market) Winter Coats for Girls a Fourth te Third Less Serviceable sport coats for school and everyday wear; finer fur-trimmed ones for dress. All specially purchased te sell at con siderably less than usual. Girls' Pole Coats With Fur, $11.25 Tan or brown with heaver-dyed ceney cellars. Belts all 'round, j.auh and muff pockets, novelty fap or inveited pleat backs. Fullv firul: sires 8 te 14 years. Girls' Geed Chinchilla Coats. SS Exceptional! DeubU-brta'tcd chinchilla coats in brown an 1 I'avy. Flap and muff pockets, belts rnd tiap :.leee-. Lined; .Mzes 0 te 12 yiar-. Fur-Cellared Pole Coats for Girls, 813 Chamois-cloth lineil throughout Beaor Beaer dyed ceney c 'lar. Others nrc cloth lined and similarly fur-cel'ared m brown and blue. Sizes 8 te 1-1 ye.m. Juniors' Spert Coats, $23.50 Kaglnn sleeve, leather-buttoned model with beaver-dyed cone. col cel lar and hi If lining of silk serge Brown and tan; sizes 15 te 17 years. Juniors' Sample Coats a Third Less, $25 and $38.50 Velours, .t 2." nnd belivins nt S1.'.50. With nutria or wolf cellars, some wth fur-trimmed pockets. Straight and blouse styles, all line I in ; Iain or nov elty silk. Sires 15 i.nd IV year-. Girls' Coots, fill. 25 te S25 ISelmn and ileur, mhiic witn fur cellar, some in plum -,peit. stles. Sizes B te 11 oare. (Ilnun M ilr Meri' M.itl.il) wc M1-3 V CF"5 New Dresses for Juniors, $6.75 t'mib'ning twill-back elveteen bedue will be-pleated skirt and tiimnung of neelty prunella cloth. Blown or blue. Pictured. S'zl's 15 and 17 years. Vfilveteen Dresses for Girls, SS.75 te $16.50 Allelttecn or elvetcen-aiid-crupe combinations. Em Em bteideied in silk or wool. Brown, blue and black; siz.es ti te 14 years. Girls' Raincapes, $1.75 and $2 Ci'c'i'a- laincanes 0f Canten cl t i in red and blue. Billy Bmki l-i t'(I , some of them lined wiui siik; sizes e te 11 years. Fur-Trimmed Overhleuscs. $9.75 Inusually geed, s'mple medi'- in straight-line e u blouses with plain round neik and sheit fur-idged kimono sler...s. The fullness is gathered into n 'Me-fastemng cull ever the hip, emphasized by two lows of fur tr mming. Women's Blanket Cleth Robes Specially Priced $3.85 Especially soft warm blanket cloth. Cut particularly full and long with satin-banded fiat cellar, pockets and cuffs Navy, rose, lavender, gray and Copenhagen. Regular sizes. ( Dim it Mulr store, Central) WANAMAKER'S Down Stairs Stere has complete stocks "of fine gift gloves for men, women and children, sutl all the prices are low and moderate, many are "special." .xJiM&A Aa.& JmMiM3 rv- ., ivfil Ml' ' ft 4 I, Sl!Wil)Jt. . WLVii.T mkMkMLi