BWWWiWipgpBpg p r-r. ' wwi jm i wnnr mm. j.ti ,uwi.i'.w wraiB i mmwmmmmmmmmiimB m .1 .-' v u wbvsiiv ' t ' w i.ij'vii-i..'.i mmmmmmm YBMB19I 17 '19 FRANK & SEDER Philadelphia's Overcoat Headquarters Announces for SATURDA THE YEARS GRfATEST MEN S OVERCOATS SALE The sensation of the season! 3242 Men's High-Grade Overcoats, purchased from three of New Yerk's biggest manufacturers at 30c and 40c en the dollar. A sale made possible through the enormous combined buying power of our three vast clothing departments in Philadelphia, Pittsburgh and uetreu. UlMWAUU,'. These wonderful Overcoats, fresh from tailoring benches, bring te Philadelphia men the very pinnacle of clothes values. Men who come here for overcoats can rest assured that they are getting high-grade garments, backed by the powerful resources of our four-million-dollar clothing organization. .N ' iM -v W i ff 3242 BrandNew Overcoats That Regularly Sell Frem $20.00 te $55.00, Tomorrow r r 'A A r&i JJ fe Better Overcoats and mere of them than we have ever offered in any previous sale. Ne man who needs an overcoat should pass up this offer and no man who sees the coats will pass it up if he needs one. Ne matter what kind of a coat you like whether light, medium or heavy weight dress or business coat, you will find it in this sale. Raglans, Bex Coats, Great Coats, Belters, Ulsters, Ulsterettes New Kimene Coats All Hand-Tailored All the models have that built-in style, richness of fabric and exclusiveness of design generally asso ciated only with clothing sold at much higher prices. This collection of overcoats is convincing proof of Frank & Seder's Men's Clothing Stere's successful efforts te give Philadelphia men even greater values. IP v W k : w ra S5. Every Wife and Mether in Philadelphia who is accustomed te helping her husband or ion select his clothing is especially urged te come. Frem the economy point alone there is enough saved te buy a new coat or dress for yourself. 22s Seldom have we seen such coats. The markets yielded up some of their best offerings and weeks of hard work were rewarded with these 3242 coats that we could easily sell for $10 te $25 mere! This sale will be nothing less than a coat festival for every man in Philadelphia. Best of fabrics 1 Rough and smooth coated materials in a wealth of patterns and colors. Vicunas, Tweeds, Herringbones, Kerseys, Metcalfs, Chinchillas, Mixtures, Cheviots and Heathers Belters, pleated backs, sash or patch pockets, single or double breasters, dressy yoke effects, new nov elty pockets, huge cellars that turn up te the ears and satin linings in the greater number of them. Sizes te fit every man, whether he it in the Dempsey class or tips the beam at 110. te .1 . C " - 5 M'i rzk iii"j our word that this sale will be one of the mappiest affairs that have been seen in the clothing business of Philadelphia in the past ten years. cv K fifts ?" &? mm Take Express Elevator Frem Lebby te Third Fleer Be Companion Sale for Beys ys Overcoats & Mackinaws Values $10, $12 te $15 $7.95 a, & UL Wb"H WT31 K.J'.jW ivtra WKHtzm 11 arm in iir v Wonderful garments, moth ers, at the biggest Bavinga ever offered. High-grade warm, all-wool winter over ever costs and mackinaws in the season's newest models. THIRD FLOOR Newest all-wool mackinaws with high storm cellars and muff pockets. Plain colors and wanted plaids. Sixes 0 te 16 years. This sale for Saturday only. "C ? W. FMW&Sffitt Eleventh &s Market Streets niWr I.- m l. c I - 0"y' jSf'?. rsL '" 'Kb " An i j .i KA' '" Sfl raw? S f , K J'- j 4 j. t - w. m :CflP s. ev -v aw f i i IT ekei fa k'",is ",7t""""-"ti'H - - t r-. vY' t.r-'t' 1 A !kjtn icAivv,..vv,,,.v .!(&wij.j-jn..t a ... ... ff-cxi ' 't ir,xi?: 'zuz j-i:t. ..i-.vvvs.v'.u.'fc. , . .., 4 MilW t IV Mi ri ' ' t u.:.'A'tt?Jii 'fix-Ski 'A ., hi'., ..,v,fe;falasiiaM