"; ,I',,nr;,lV" V i.-;i- JW?. TTT 3V, "W . w . .-. ,r- --n,. jvi ." ISli TiVJ' "'iJT3'T.KPBWnHrT v , r I I' h I"1 I "I '"'IP i I up Ml UN" HIM Mil I I 'WPW'IBW W II'" I'lllH I'lW'llPlI1'!1 II" J3VEMKO 1'UBLIC LEUOEK-l'HlliADELpillA, THUftBDA NOVEMBEB ',- 10. 1922 . , ' ' - .". .. .1 , - . '- M OH DOCTOR ft f mi mm 5SS rWff'rW-si9 m WW In Alse by Harry Leen Wilsen a series of short stories chronicling the further ad ventures of Ma Pettingill The chatelaine, and terror, of Red Gap And the adjacent cow country. The Concierge and the King by Geerge Pattulle One of a timely series of On Again, Off Again, King Again short stories dealing with the mishaps of an ex-king and hew the Fan Fan faren, the concierge and Bill the motion picture man forwarded his ambition. m III WmRXff A Nevel by Harry Leen Wilsen Auther of Merten of the Movies The Adventures of Tish by Mary Roberts Rinehart Alse in early numbers stories by: Alice Duer Miller Ben Ames Williams J. P. Marquand Sam Hellman Julian Street Sephie Kerr Hugh Wiley Hugh MacNair Kahler Geerge Westen Themas Beer Tristram Tupper Hal G. Evarts Jehn Tainter Feete Philip Gibbs Lucy Stene Terrill Earl Derr Biggersj Saturday Evening Pest stories are never contracted for; never taken en name. They are selected en merit and are the best work of known and unknown authors. This year we shall present at least twenty new writers. Our 'Trig names" are almost invariably first made in The SATURDAY EVENING POST. Every story must be a part of that greater story that runs in the magazine from week te week and from year te year, portraying the character, the strug gles, the failures and the achievements of the American people. The Editors realize that a great circulation is net only a great opportunity, but a great responsibility. v wV" r?MMVSSaSMMMKiaSMH: Tell It te Psmith The P being silent as in Pshrintp A Nevel by P. G. Wodeheuse Psmith listens te everybody's troubles, takes them en his shoulders and succeeds in making the world a happier and mere joyous place for eight weeks. Winnie and the Cepperfu by Bertram Atkey One of a series portraying the adventures of blue-eyed, but exceedingly capable, Winnie with the baby stare. J'j 5c the Copy city Newsdealer mMty Agent THE SATURDAY EVENING POST INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Mere Than Twe Millien and a Quarter Weekly Yeu can subscribe through any newsdealer or authorized agent or lend your order direct te THE SATURDAY EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Penniyl 2.00 the Year py Mail Subscripts : T T .., .,;..: a- .V'lWtMn'y, i i 'Li ylit h&A, h. , . L