Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, November 16, 1922, Night Extra, Image 23

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Schanche, Penn Charter
t i i '
peM charter
' If) ' i" ' "
U.SmitH, Schanche, Clinten,
enwyimcab nieven
First Rteven Positions Second Eleven
1 Hmith. Penn Chartern ;...,.. .left end Brunner, Haverford Scheel
XlMck Haverford Scheel. ..-J,.'.lcft tackle Fltler, Penn Charter
nird Ocrmantewn Academy,'1;. .left guard MevinckIe,Ht. Luke's
SJhiinche, Penn Charter '(Capt.) . . .center Bcotf,.:plscepal. Academy
Linten, Penn Charter'.....;., .right guard Coffee, Haverford Scheel
rin Penn Charter right tackle Powers, St. Luke's Scheel
lyltneblOUCKi H.p)SCOpnwiuueiijr,. .rijui eiu jumcb, ueruiaiitumu tiu
ramekwi, St. Luke's quarterback.... Illgh, Germtntewn Academy
IJCrr Oermantewn Academy.... left halfback O'Meara, St. Luke' Scheel
W Brill, Pnn Charter. ....... ...fullback...,. ...Odiorne, Harerferd Scheel
i the Interacademlc League feet-
season closes with tomorrow's
u1 .. arlfth aJMAWWAM
JJli 'precedent calls for two mythical
W.ifar tenms. xne ceys piacea en inme
.. . .vem cheieti only after the con-
JgJJg .of critics, coaches, achbolbeyi
?... nunrttr ! rlrhinllv Hired of
At title, lttenth In the same number
3 vears. It has without a doubt the
tat tenm in the circuit. Its members.
Etifere, font the. nucleus around
tftlAb the All-Intcracademie team Is
jftem eleven regulars en the Penn
Sirtcr squad seven gained places en
two mythical elevens. Five of this
amber nre selected for rlic first eleven
Ed'thc ethers en tnfe second. This may
tieie ninny argumentative schoelboya
te rise up in Indignation in having five
brers from ene school en the team,
fnt here they are:
31. Smith, end ; Schanche, peer of all
centers in the league : Clinten, guard ;
Ivans, tnckle, and Whitney Brill. Fit
ter, tackle, nnd Freeman, halfback, are
Sated en the second eleven.
Bchnnche, enptain'ef the team, and
Whitney Brill were picked last year.
fnd Candidates Abundant
This year's eleven is well balanced.
All five teams In the circuit boasted of
med end men. However.' after much
Jiltussien the feeling prevails that M.
Smith, of Penn Charter, and Knob
buck, of Episcopal Acndcmy, are the
logical choices for the first team.
Smith was about the fastest man
In, (he lengtie. Getting dpwn' under
lUIUR ns ills gruuiuai beci. . iiiuny
imkii' diirtns the leasue fames - he
downed the. receiver of the kick In hia
tracks. v .,, . .,
Knoblauch was the big noise of tie
Episcopal eleven, irespite the fact tout
the Academy bej-B failed te. win a game,
Knoblauch was in there fighting all the
tine' and scored several "touchdowns
liter catching forward passes. Late 'in
the season he wns shifted te quarter
tick 'Where he kept up his brilliant
Brunner, of J Haverford school, and
Jenes, of, UermantOwn Academy, were
tTershadewed by Kneblauck's and
Imith's performances.
Tackles en the first eleven are Sheck
if Haverford Scheel, and Evans, e
Penn Charter. These players steed
tad and shoulders ever the rest of
tackles with the possible exception of
Fltlcr, a running mate of Evnns, who
v is Disced en the second team.
Heles -big enough for wagons te passj
Fermer A. A. U. Head Net in
Faver of Proposed Plan Gov
, erning Women's Athletics
Biraucl .T. Pnllns, former president
f tie A. A. U., takes exceptions t
plan of Drv William Burdlck, of
tie Playground Athletic League, of
Baltimore, which 'would place wemen'i
Sand alrla' apdrls- under the direction
ffemen and net the A. A. U. Mr.
ulas says :
"I am somewhat surprised .that. Dr.
Burdlck should publish his personal
tevw with regard te the matter of
ateur Athletic Union control of ath
ts for girls nnd women before any
eatings of his special committee, ap-
Jointed hv President Pretit, had been
wd, or before he possibly ceuU- hnye
gad anv replies from th,e ether mem
ra of his committee te the letter
hlch he sent thera under date of No Ne
ember 8. .
"As I understand It, President
pout appointed a committee, consist
l of Dr. Burdlck, chairman, of Bal Bal
ynen; T di Benedette, of New Or
JHna: William A. Strcker and Geerge
J. Mitchell, of Philadelphia: Bey
ere, of New Yerk ; Seward S'mens,
Ban Frnnelsce; L. 8. Hill, of Al-
Mrs. n. Fiillant Lee, of Honolulu!
ul It. Jnnjnn, of , Indianapolis;
gjerge 11. Wendell, of Omaha, arid
Wlllnm S. "Haddock, of Pittsburgh, te
ttTeetlRate and report nt the nniuinl
Wing nf the Amutcur Athletic Union,
? ' held in New Yerk City govern gevern
w 20 nnd 21, as te whether or net
vi Anm,c' Athletic Union sheujd nt
w time tnke ever the control of
WW and women in athletics.
k Burdlck's Stand
. " .vine ti tr. 4)111 llll'lt i.
T,enf "v is yer' sincerely in faer
athletics for girls nnd women, from
J l axpeiieme in the past jenr, but
W ne states that he Is convinced thnt
g task should be handled by women.
?.' yractieully asks the ether members
hi j 'P'n'nlttee te ugrce with him in
m decision.
ua rt in?I,jr' 1 1",',e thcy Mlu net'.
t..nr. ""'snies irem tue lUinuic At
antic Association, at tlieir meeting held
Monday evciilng last, were Instructed
3 wte favor of A A u contrei
JL. .i "" w"""'n in athletics. I de
W ether aswciutlens fellow along
aame line. ,
. Anether geed argument why the
Z' ." , ""lid tontrel girls and
StV.'! T";0! (,,,rl"K " liint year
Stiff?1.?' "if1" nml wemcn wue reP
UnuiMn.,.1 "u" ",ute8 ", tne ",
JJSn competition weulj never
MT been sent. They were net rep
21 ?; n!,d nt thu time the selec
aM:'..?r? 80,,,w hlgh-daas or
.-' nu 111I1IIH vt .... ... -,
nr. 'I'niB.
Iab. .til. 8ome '"sh-i'lass and cap-
la A, V ' . "ln"VO. '
laVIJ:.hniiM ii.. J ......
l.Y. insT. T:-"?"?. '
four Mi.i;rr' """
Vn,i.vr' i,r , gei iiiK
gets five
Evans and Whitney, Brill
- MM V
naverjera ocneoj,
through were opened by these men and
very seldom did the opposition break
tnreugu them ler gains. Aieng wun
Fitler, Powers, of St. Luke's Scheel,
finds a place en the second "team. The
St. Luke player made his initial ap
pearance en the gridiron this season
and 'showed up very well, with an
other year of expcrlenca he should be
ene of the best in the league.
Guards Fast and Heavy
Fer guards, D. Beard, of German
town. Academy, and Clinten, of Penn
Charter, get the call. Beth are husky
and fast. - ' 'r
Mewlnckle, the Norwegian player of
St. Luke's Scheel, was also very geed,
but' his, piny, did net stand put as well
as the above-mentioned pair. lie '"
plqced en the second team with Coffee,
of Haverford Scheel, ' as his running
Schanche, white-haired leader of
Penn Charter, outclasses all the ether
centers In the league. He ran the
team from thls position, calling the
signals. ,
His nearest comnrtltef Is Scott, of
Episcopal Academy, who makes the
second team.
New for the backfield. As Whitney
Brill, Penn Charter back. Is eligible for
any position In the backflcld, Brookes,
of St. Luke's, a brilliant open-field
runner, is selected as quarterback.
Bendere and Carr Halfbacks
Fer halfbacks Bendere, of Haverford
Scheel, and Carr, of Germantown
Academy, are the best. Bendere is
triple man. He calls signals, throws
forward passes, skirts the end and can
Carr la the shining light of the Ger--mnntewn
backfield. His best work was
in the 'Episcopal Academy game, when
he tallied five touchdowns. He also
staged n hard fight for individual scor
ing honors of the lengue.
In' Whitney Brill, the mythical
eleven has a plnyer" that would star
in nny league. His performances during
thejlnst season even were better than
in 1021.
The pony backfield which represents
the second eleven is High, of Ger
mantown Academy, at quarterback;
O'Meara, the only player In the league
te snare n field goal, and Freeman,
Penn Charter, halfbacks, and Odlerne,
fullback. Timberlnke. of St. Luke's,
also deserves honorable mention when
considering the luttcr position.
As evcrv team Khnnlrl lini-n Kan.
tain, we, appoint Schanche us the leader
of the mythical eleven
one of the most popular and thriving
branches of sport. If, as Dr. Burdlck
says, sports for women should be con
trolled by women, will the A. A. U. be
willing te turn this branch of their
new-controlled sports ever te nny new
organization? If they de, I feel that
this would be a direct step backward.
"Many organizations are new seeking
control of girls and women in athletics,
but no organizntien, I am sure, is bet
ter fitted for this'task than the Ama
teur Athletic Union. There Is no rcB
win under the sun why there should net
be women representatives en the Beard
of Governors te leek after the inter
ests of the girls and women. Women
arc quite succefcsful, together with the
men, in politics and ether civic move
ments, and why net in athletics?
Will Werk for A. A. U.
. '.'Xe,w J? .tlia t,me for "' Amateur
Athletic Lnien te take control of this
situation, and I sincerely hope at the
coming meeting legislation te that end
will be passed. 1 for ene intend te
work for It. N
' "The Amateur Athletic Union Is In
a position te:
'Prevent exploitation of women In
"Maintain"? the amateur spirit
throughout all competitions and sports.
"See thnt girls and women are al
ways under trained direction and under
the immediate supervision nud chap chap
erennge of a woman.
"That efficient and proper medical
examinations are made.
"That they de net cempete when
physically unfit.
"Sen thnt nrnnm 1nfMti
nil competitions.
"Kestrtct the number and type of
events te enter in anv one set nt
Scraps About Scrappers
B".hIU,...b9S5 H""f Wawll
belnailnit Danny Uorden In tip-top (ettl
t th Cumbria tomorrow nlsht. wmis will
l-ex In.the plac of Temmy 6eMn. Thi
reml will lie Juck Pnrcy v. 0er-e llmnellT
ri-iiinn.i leung .iiuiuiran v. Johnny Hhn.
,i;'i'J?', B?.r' v. .Johnny Dun. and Kid
Atko n. Jimmy lleberti,
Jee Deamond. Pert Arthur. Te., Jltht-
welBht. who has bean in thn rln. tni, if..:.
two ear, with a total of twenty-ene
kneckdutu out of th rty-twe beuta. u in
l'lillaOelphla. He la blnV handled by P. a
. JeJItl J'? Nw fork' tomorrow for
the Veat. H haa two bout bonked out
thera. The champion will meet Eddl. Dily
t ?r"?flll. . . November St., imi
Krankla Daly at Indlanupelli November 80.
Marty Handera, who naa booked for beuta
Itnl te cull off IiIh maichea en account of
lllneiH. He la aufTarlnv with a heavy
cold 11 nd will be out of cemmlaalan tr.'.
aevtrnl weeks.
nnth Shannewrllce that Jack Perrr fell
miada at tToeten. Injuring hla left knea ae
mat ne wae unable te continue.
The Temmy Wilten who waa knocked out
nilly Pari has ben matched te meet
Fummv Novla at I-uncanter next Monday
Martr tlnrrl. bantam anulhpaw, la train.
Inn dully nt Teddy Ilrndle'a rm and he Is
In ahnpe te mtet any of the US-pound bes.
era around these dlvglnis.
Tiny Trlnklf, of Shjnnndpah. trill take en
Hebby Hur. of ncadlnir, In the star aet-te
at Moee Hall. Shmnekln. tomorrow nlsht.
Trlnkla nlae haa beennffared a date here
with Mattllns aiurray November 84.
Jarkle Beome-nd, New Terlf City welter',
weight, l maklnf hts home In Shenandoah
ami is be.na- handled by Jsmes L. pen
there. Hedn.end wanta te meet Danny der.
den. ,
Jee Bewe, nf Trenten, hai
Inn and Is het en i tne era . I
waa net Temmy . Wilsen, of phlladelehla. ie.
cnrdlnc te Ted llreille. The loeal Wilsen la
enen for any of the 180-peundere in this
, Chesen All
AlUSckelustlc -
'Grid Candidate
Although out of the last two games
and probably unable te play 'In the
closing two, Geerge Walten, tho'brll the'brll
Hunt quarterback of Lansdowne High,
stands a geed chance of obtaining a
backflcld berth en the eVll-Suburban
AVnttnn'a vnlnn tn tliA team la un-
chnnacd since lip broke hia collarbone
in the Radner tilt. Since ,that time
j.uuruun ntj una mm, two bjuiiice. i mm
Lewer Merlen Hiah defeated them 2
te 0, and then last week Darby handed
tllPlrl n Tatn.n linntlne.4-
Wnlten hns nil the assets of a geed
backfield man. He can carry the ball
through the line, around the end, threw
forward passes and can punt.
His work especially steed out In tne
Penn riinrter victory. He showed al
most uncanny skill in calling the right
plas nt the right time and was really
responsible for the win. - A.
Walten, llke the majority of the
All -Scholastic candidates, is playing hla
last jenr ntfoetball. He Is twenty
years old and has played en the football
team two years.
Beys Will Vie for
Announcement hns been mode from
Villanova College that u full tenm will
represent thnt university In the Phila
delphia chnmpiensls)ps, which amateur
boxing titles will be decided next Tues
day und Thursday under the auspices
of the Qunker City A. A. and A. A.
U. rules nt the Olympla, Urend and
Bainbrldgc streets. Temmy O'Malley is
getting the Vlllnneva boxers in shape.
Frank Pickett, who wen the Middle
Atlantic Btntes chnmplensbip last year
in the most MMisutlenal bout of the
tournament by knocking out Jee Ker
nun, of Kiiyeiiln, in nn extra round,
will be the Villanova hsnvy weight rep
resentative. Jink Gnrlecli will cempete
for the inlddlcw eight cup and tle ether
Villanova entries nre Harry Slmkln,
lightweight; Geerge Burnx, feather
weight, nud James O'Denuell, bantuin
weight. Hevernl ether cellege men who nre
te compete for the Philadelphia crowns
will represent the University of Penn
sylvania.. More than fifty entries have
been received te date, and the list will
be closed tomorrow with Temmy
O'Malley. 258 Seuth Third htreet;
Hnrry McGrath. 1832 Seuth Cecil
street, A. A. U. headquarters, 137
North Fifteenth ttrcet, nnd Sports De
partment of the Evenixe I'LDLIO
Admission tickets for the teurnnment
nre en sale at :13 Seuth Eleventh street.
Penn State 8meker
The Philadelphia Tenn Rtate Club
held a football unieker In the Clever Roem
of the llellevue-Stratferd tomorrow nlaht.
Undergraduates and alumni will make thla
their headqunrtera Hnd pat Penn Htalc-rcnn
(ames will be refeuxht. Nell Fleming, aracl.
unte menager of nthletlca, will ernnlt as
will alie lllnkle Hlnc. OInn Kllllng.r.
Pnell. I.lKhttiT nnd a host of ethci former
Penn State stars.
Billy MeCarney Relnatated
New Yerk, Nev. 10 Hilly Mei'arnav.
mnnufcr of Charlie Welnert and Idi mined
with several ether boxers In nn ncUlmry
capacity, has been restored te ceed standing
by the State Athletle Cemmlnslcn.
Hamilton Captain
rtlea. N. Y.. Nev. 16. Pred E. Brush, of.
the Hamilton
.WHIV. ...
.. nas eeen elected enptam or
en CellaaA football team for the
season of 1928 by members of. the varsity
squad. Brush has played tackle for tee
last two years.
T. H. Fairchild
Ltt End of tht '
U. of P. Football Ttam
JvPSaarv ' Ji 'SeaTaaaBaTaaTaaaTaaTaaTaaTilaTaaTaaTaaTaaTl
,JZMf "4. KIaaTaaaBaTal
faH 'JaliaaaalaaiialalHiB: "aalalalaH
' 'asalaA. fliilaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam ailalalH
JVTIbbbbbbbV itf. !T
v5 eS.f- Y"" LislPf WJ
ILttfi t ... ty l&4SMrif. .1 .'j r 41
A''vwfj i,:.. t, .,"xt tv
A -l
hi rum
- InWraca
. . . .
Football Eleven It Composed of
Fermer College and Scheel
Start .
The two most recent Independent
football teams te be erganised are the
Clearfield A. A., composed almost ea
clualvely of players In the East Falls
nnd the Manayunk district, and the
Mount Airy A. A., a cellectfpn of for
mer school and college stars, who nave
known each ether since they "were little
shavers," - -
The success of the Mount Airy team
this season is due primarily te the Mm
that players, who are from the Mount
Airy section, Haws- been friends from
boyhood nnd bring a little sectional
enthusiasm Inte their play.
When compared with the star line
ups of the Yellow Jncketa, Consho Censho Conshe
hocken nnd Holmesburg Mount Airy
somewhat pales. Vet it has wen seven
games this season nnd lest only one,
that being te th strong Melrose A. 0.,
of Atlantic City, te 0.
Mount Airy began playing Sunday
football two weeks age. ' It was vir
tually an experiment. Merris Field,
outside the city limits, was obtained,
the players, nnd ethers manicured and
chalked off the gridiron and everybody
lent a helping hand.
b i . a-i-i.
Kennedy la Coach
The 'team is managed by Frank
Teaan. former Villanova College player.
Dan Kennedy, Hely Cress star ten
vears age nnd luter mentor at St.
Jeseph's College, is the coach. Theu
the team physician, who has volun
teered te leek after the physical wel
fare of the players, is Dr. Van Delsen.
He is an ardent football enthusiast
and occasionally coaches.
Leonnrd Bracken, left end, Is cap
tain. He is from Catholic High Scheel
ssw.Ss9s9sKissm0smSMBSsm J' ' ky Sr
cibbbbbbbK JSWStimiSw t &Jt ileBr
Popular with
Admiral, IS cents
Perfecto, 2 for 25 cents
Populates, 10 cents
Five Minutes-
H. Fairchild
Hurlingham Club Overcoat
THATS all the time it took this sturdy
left end of the University of Penn
sylvania Football Team .te decide.
Ne wonder. The real value of tHe
Hurlingham Club Overcoat i3 instantly
seen. It has everything desirable m
style, Quality and appearance and the
prices are very moderate,
rAsJe our eaUmm te tell
you about its ipecial features
$30 $35 $40 $45
$50 up te $75
12171? Cheatnut Street
it iv
and 4 :deraen Uekler.-4 1. BJKh
left uekle.. is.a.rethe tt "WJjy !
Rochferd,fomeL BaU fUr,-Bew t
Teme Scheel. ' " ' ,. 'jr. J
Magulre, . lett gutra.'jrM TI:
elect at P..M.(5. thl fall
return te college." He ia-hnaky and ag-
and.-the 'pivot el
A" light,
.tint . ananny
center, ile
Ht. Man's
I Whelan, formerfyjef 4Mbifnl; Bt
He ls'ali aecuratt paaser and
plays a
roving game en tee defease.
of-the Brackea boys,Kay,
holds, down right Hackle. Then 'there
is Jee O'Donnell from Catholic 'High,
whose epd work spoiled Clearfield's pet
formations last week,
Frank Henrlch Star , . s
The shining star of the eleven ;' Is
vaiaiiianva j-uiiivm
R-ft HHAatr
fl. R. earner IRth A Clieei
ten .
psr.v . wir.i.f
S Other Beats.
' W I -. .-- -.
AamukieB one tmm i
Pennsylvania Stat Cellejr .'vs.,
-.University of Psnnaylvaakia
Satarday, November 18th, S P. M.
Tickets new en sal at AtMeti
ckte.nw. en sal at Athlette
OfBce, 8303 Walnut St., Olmbeia and flpal
amat at., QlmMia i
All Seats Beeerved
"& Ireaa- laiasriife T&f ?e
CAftp vs. ifflik
CHANEY vs. Piffs
PRICES, SO. SI. SI. 80. S2 and U
Neat, nn ante, Main Offlre, Cnleher
Claer Htere, 33 K. nth Nt. Walnat 1st.
C'unnlnrhHm. 10 M. Rid Ht.
10 M. Sid Nt.
Tendlrr' Peel Parler, 780 Market St
Htmen'e. N.
'a. N. R, Ce
ler. sth a MeKean St..
1412 Heuih Nt.
. i
successful men
Selected His
fi 'SAC Krx'viTSBmnnim e i
vjs v viuuuii
Hearlch. wW WeivMaal
preweea accounted for the) Uat two Tie-
ever vlctrix and .Clearfield. 4Hen-
rich play a quarterback 'and direct the
team witn-tne same earn ne-empwpu
while field general at St. Jeseph's. He
U the punter and drop-kicker. Hen-
$7, $8.50, $10
uiunesrauieireei yeiMJMenS
lijitttB?MlH3s JHfcsJJsf zV'BMRn!! HB shibI hb 1 BBB I
A ROYAL Value-Giving Event That
Clearly Proves Our Absolute Leadership
Thousands of Pairs of
$8 Shoes and Oxfords
bbbbV ' 'e I . ir SbV
TtK ', '" V
IMHfc. yS ""V J.
li rfsK X S
We. -rTV'
S5. yrv,"-'' '"!-V
BIBifc I i . '.'
BBw II ! v
VSw II "rv:
Pair of
UIIIIIX fHW ii i i i i Wm 0 i .. . . .W
siuiir T .BBBksX. -r.t - --;tti' .r...ei1A ".lW
I I bbbbbD " "eJTt.e" aell &
1 rJMf' ...Mr'!!!'.""! ' ... 1'7W
Buy Take Em Heme II Net Satisfied Meney Back
Mah companion no tale final 'til yeu're tatiifiwd.- That ihemi arm such WenJtrful
valuta, we guarantee
Come In Today
or Tonight
or any day this
week. See for your
self hew you save
money en your
shoes at the Royal.
rfefc can re.klek wit MenrMf &
Twe plunging backavart Wllllaas
Bracken and McCattlley, of Catholic
High. McCaullejr, with hts 190 peunda,
is a hard line nfengerOray, of 8tae,
is at fullback; wMlte 'OoWrei Carnegie
When you wear a Stetson
Derby you will knew you
are properly hatted se
will your friends. Smart
style and .real quality
firit &r Should Miss! I
That Absolutely Can
Net Be Equaled at
Our Lew Price
We want every man te knew, as
thousands already de. about
K O Y A L side-street economy
prices. The largest individual
Men's Shoe Stere in Philadelphia
During; our own leathers
making them up tn our own
specifications and savins
jeu $2.00 and mere en
every pair of shoes.
Regular $9 and $10 Shoes and
Our prices are star
tling te our competitors
hut most pleasing In
our customers. Kvery
pair of shoes curries
our absolute guarantee
that we sell it AT
IN TOWN for geed
shoes and we can
prove it te you that the
wonderful shoes we sell
at these low prices sell
everywhere in town at
$9.00 and $10.00.
Every Style
Every Size
them at reprtunted or money bach.
99 0U.W Ok
t -i -v
1.j. aaa
manager, frea
TIM average weight Jf Jil-M
nniinAa aUtl the. backiaM., 1T0..;
.. ..L.ifu ' - j -. i: j-;'a
Mount Airr-rmldenta ara'aati
ever the-eleven and-big crewdrH
at'Merrhi Field every .Bunday.
. '
, ,
In All Wanted
AH Styles
All S.iapes
Oxfords Are Here at
M Fer $9
V Values
Fer $10
It it your opportunity!
tifatt itAwA-A ;,
. h.. s,.