mmm?- VASivflH1, Wwi Wil.fe'iK!. '!.-' fabu , - -iv- 4 , '- J EVENING r. vkk 16 ' mkr: ...... -rt..J... M-iJji'lli5,") -AJk' iW'J Stere Open 9 A. M. te Si30 P.M. Gimbel Brethers MARKET CHESTNUT EIOHTH NltfTH m ir ;. .e Fer Pay te January for purchases made new. If yeti haven't had an account -with Olmbels, we. will gladly u t arrange one. AskMny aisle man. ST ' V mmi We are trying te help en the Christmas work prettily boxing articles you buy for gifttji ' na " Friday Friday 3. ei.frc;w ' "?rw "' ' ', I! II I , , ,,., I , II) tIMI f'j, 'L j) . , ,1 ..jj-JgTg T i ... i ...... i in. i . in. - i - . i. niiiai i . m - hi i m " ' i' L. .-, J j 1 .. I -ew f J r.j?v v I m m 1! II i& ffll J'.BM! l?v. illST, 1 M! iW'l m If UW 'mm SLiik M ''si I mi N K?t ..- . ter Special Offer Electric Sewing Machines With $10 Allowance for Old Machine Allowance of $10 for your old machine, regard less of age, make or condi tion, towards the purchase of a new Willard Electric Port able a Demestic make with the Westinghouse meter. $59 Machine, special at $49 Allowance $10 Net Price, Brand-New Machines $39 1 1" , ! , il, l'i ifi I,',! i ii 'i i Pi !!!t' , 'i ' m A I I'1 i l'txV'lfVi,l'l4J Every woman with a shrewd eye te economy, new using an old machine, will welcome this opportunity and trade her heavy running machine for the New Willard Portable Electric. Can be attached any where, used en any small table, carried in a convenient case, and placed in any small closet. $115 Demestic Electric Parler Cabinets at $95 pagf mM)rmm mh Weekly Terms $i $10 allowance for your old machine, making the net price $85. In mahogany and golden oak. Leeks mere like a hand some music cabinet in design than a sewing machine. An attractive ornament for your living-room. Runs with either electric or feet power and changed from one te the ether in a moment's time, $125 Table Electric Sewing Machines at $105 .; i.ii.Ki' ,.'., 1 1 Wf "'J i "i. .ft . t' i I ' SX i " 't J ;!Y: :l'il''ilB . 1 1 i ii i - ' i "!iP I'JrfHry 7 L7).."i" Vi f i hi i' aw 'J,1 ..'IW".,'!! "V. I .":,!!'; $10, allowance for your old machine, making the price $95. When net in use the ma chine closes up and has th appearance of a library table or writing desk. In colors te match your furniture. This is The Best Opportunity that has come te buy elec trical sewing machines. OlinbtU, Feurtb fleer tni ' V ubwy tun. The Gimbel Stere leads in value-giving, through economy of operation and the three-store buying power. It is economical for a manufacturer te sail Gimbels it gives him orders that keep the factory going, and the selling of great lets in a bulk wonder fully reduces expenses. Ne mere price-cutting meets such a system of merchandising. We serve with the splendid assur ance of safety and results you feel when aboard the Broadway Limited. ' New Balkan "Jacquettes" k3bhBL itBaV m I Parln-lnBptred Youth-Acclaimed! Reproduced at $29.75 te $69.75 Fabric-fur that is mighty close te Na ture! Adorably "Frenchy" models bloused into snug hip bands or straight hip lcneths box-y affairs. Fur-trimmed models start at $45. Qlmtxli, Third fleer. i r 7000 "Gift" Handkerchiefs Brought Frem Abroad Others Made in America Beautifully Varied Christmas Selection Fer Men and Women Christmas-boxed for the asking. Women's Handkerchiefs of Pure Irish Linen. Hemstitched and initialed; a box of six It is is i Plain hemstitched; a box of six 85' Hemstitched, with a dainty embroidered $1 motif in one corner; a box of three is Deep, deep hems, or with several rows of $1 spoke stitching; a box of three is .- Men's Handkerchiefs of Pure Irish Linen. Hemstitched, a beautiful smooth quality, Ogc each Hemstitched and initialed; three ?1 for. Glmbeli, Ftrtt fleer. Just 500 Mesh Bags at $3.65 The Equal of Regular $5 and $7 Bags The wanted long slender styles with dome top and chain handle. Geld- or silver plated. Olrebfli, Fixtt fleer. Your Hair and Skin arc vital points of beauty that quickly show neclect! -f V- Thc Gimbel "beauty studio" will give you individual atten tion. Resy flnjrer tips ae an as set Manicuring, shampooing, scalp and facial treatments, permanent waving ; by experts. Hair "helps" for thinning locks. QlmbU. Third fleer. Final Opportunity! Last of the Splendid 3S& Phonographs at About One-Third the 1921 price. And just above half the 1923 price. This 1 8 the Final Chapter of thePathe Receivership and Gimbel Aid The company has reorganized and its 1923 plans of production are completed yes, actually, the work is en. Pathe Phonographs are being made new. $48 for the model shown, models) te sell. A thousand (of all A Year te Pay! $1 a Week MjLfasMaEEEEB Ajnd the Pjithe is one of the country's deen great talking machines, first payment then at the rate of $1 weekly. Tliln WHO IH Small net convenient te call, mail in this coupon Messrs. Gimbel Brethers, Philadelphia. Without putting me under any obligation please send fuller particulars of the Pathe Phonograph ind your great offer. NAME TOWN ' STATE V The Neckwear. Gift of Real Lace may be a dainty roll cellar of real filet at SI, or go gradually up te a deep Bertha with real Irish at $14.95, or a flat cellar of luxurious real VenUe at $18. OlmbiU, Tint fleer. Women's Big Fur Fur Cellared Sports Coats -i-Fer the Football Games Games 'eor Metering . Fer the Great Outdoors Made of Finest British Coatings Wonderful plaid-back Irish Caledens; Famous Scotch friezes and fleeces; Yorkshire nap coatings and everplaids Reflecting every.glint of the bracken and the heather en the "bonny hills" 'betides oxfords, besides mist-grays and fog-grays, besides navy and brown. In Styles True te the Londen Manner With shawl cellars of natural raccoon or of skunk-dyed opossum fur. at $39.75, $49.75 and $69.75 Without fur. at $29.75, $39.75, $45 and $55. Otmteli, laleai of Droit, Tllrd fleer. V Women's Suitih--Three Sale-Groupings at $23.75, $35 and $55 A ft ' S '1 that are "head and shoulders" above what you might' expect at $30 te $85, because nobody in Philadelphia' "specializes" in suits the way Gimbels dot' Sizes in each group 34 te 48. f , Every suit a "Salens Suit" which stands for quality, style, beauty and that' illusive something called "tone." , Duvet-delaines. Suedines. Tricetines. Tweeds. MenV wear worsteds. Hemespuns. Evannas. s Wonderful tafllcur types te wear with her own furs. Wonderful furceUared Suits with big generously bigw cellars. t . OlmVeli, Itleu of Pnh, Tklrd fleer. . Beauty Clay The very Beauty Clay that is widely advertised at $5 a jar we knew one offering at $2. dT Here at '. And it really is one of the fureres of the day. i Olrabeli, Tellet Qoedi Soettea. A. DozenStylesinHigh-NeckNightgewni Wj at $1, $1.50 and $2 &g Durable muslins and excellent cambrics. . ' ' , v AfiuKalk Tucked "bishops" slip-evers fine ' embroidery-trimmed "V-neck" WIQumEJ models with double-yoke back. . JLJSkJ1I Carefully made carefully graded te size. Hfiu 1 1 11 ExtraS!x Cambric Nifhtgowtes, Special at $1.25, $1.50, $2 J j' 1 I High-neck, long sleeves. Cut very full. Exceptional values. -. ' . eimVeU. SkwU flew. , I.WHOBiOaBMHllHOMHMilOMBMkMaMa $7.25 Window Curtain-Panels the Glory Sorts at $4.25 Each 2Vt yards long, 44 inches wide; with insertions of Madeira eyelet embroidery and wide, lovely, cluny-pattern lace. Wonderfully effective! $1.75 Ruffled Curtains at $1.25 a Pair Dainty, ruffled white voile curtains. Each complete with tie-backs. Velour Window Curtains. $3.95 a "Three-Piece Pair" Pair curtains each curtain 2U yards long, 141(1 inches wide; with the separate valance included. $1.10 Terry Cleth at 75c 36 inches wide. Rich beautiful colorings. And being alike en both sides it's Olmbeli, Vpholitery Store, Fifth fleer. reversible. - Men's Correct Hats Stiff and Seft Fer Winter' Thia Let of ' $6.50 te $8 Valeur -JJ QC Snappy styles at a remarkably low Pce. . . .?i .v - Gimbel Special Seft tO QC and Stiff Hats at MO Geed te leek at. Geed te" wear. Wcl don't knew of their equals at the prict Mallery Hats, soft and stiff, at 13 and (6. Gimbels are Philadelphia dii- triDuters. . , ' Stetson Hats, soft and stiff, at 87,' $8 ana siu. And veleurs at 1Z. t Uncommonly geed selection of Caps at SI. Olmoeli, Vint fleer, .Ninth Stnet BOYS' Hats and Caps in newest styles. Alse "Jackie Coogan" Hats and Caps in Philadelphia exclusively at Gimbels. Oimteti, Third fleer, Sale of 4200 Pairs Women's Weel Stockings 68c I H BBHuk "efl II BBHH .SBl SSSBasZSj t I SS2ff n SUBWA Y STORE Sale of Women's DAMAGED .jffjggSg SheCS at $2.90 aoeui nuc en ine ueuar They possibly show a "scuff" or scratch but peifectly mad as far as "last" is concerned. We sell thousands of pairs yeaily that are just a point or se below "firsts." And you get Practically Three Pairs for the i Regular Price of One Pair It's quite an event te be able te secure shoes with a,' coumry-wie" 'PDwauen ar. sucn an annermany low puce w.w. Black Kldakin, Patent Leather, Brown Kidskin, , Gunmetal, Tan Calf and Smart Twe-tone Leathers . Plain and tipped tees. Turned and welted soles. Louii heels. Baby Leuis heels. Military heels. am and widths. Tomorrow at S2.90. Imported and American Fer Sports and General Wear All are first quality. These from England are all pure wool, and are in grays and mixtures. These made in this country are part wool and come in numerous smart heather mixtures. Best Shades for Fall Wear 68c a pair special. Mail orders are subject te prier sale. OlmhiU, Flret fleer. BBBIK L"2cBBGa. V i 4 Women's Felt Spats at 75c Olmbeli, Subway Store, Subway Sterfe : 1556 Hand-Made Perte Rican Nightgowns at $1.85 Mef( Ordtn Filltd r Instead of $2.95 Because a big New Yerk importer whose real business is waists tried out muslin underwear as a "side-line"; was summoned sud, denly te Perte Rice, and temporarily closed his lingerie business selling the stocks te Gimbels. , Nine hundred four styles have real lace medallions real Irish and real filet laces. The ether four styles are hand drawn and hand-embroidered. Wonderful for laying aside for ; rKriittviQ.I ' I. 'vr.w t .......... uul ,. sJrw Olrabeli, BoTenth fleer. Olmbeli. Subwey 6er. l w; vc .'?. Vfff a .J ... J,i -rA ""'d Mf-Lilk. . V, "-K " "v i ' t 1. . .:-. fct t in. 1 u - . . ra-MmMffiKVAJi i!)?A '"jifiLas ajtflllr II f'1 I ,m v L ' ' " sl'i 1