Yv fVimWv?"-!' T. r . 4MSTCET WMTOM Y1'"' n'ft Aim t 1 'vK';xy faM&wr - ,?Mjmpiv9nw I SM? " wu 12 . l . .. -r--r rtiM.! i , . -.... a . t w..." . -v i ihim '.) -i i . inmr T?.VTCTJTTW HI JK1AU !LJaUlimfr I'UllAUJQl'illA. TliyHUAl. .NU V JBim.DJBiXt . XO. ' xam " t - "-7 "' ?" w , . r -j v . 'r s ; - r " , f-y 1 , ., i IV? mmmfmmmvm i.. ' ' ,v?f .:. - ,m ti . t '.j. r7, ,i . .4 1 . . ... 1 1 ttti nTTmrmra 1 n " I. mi Mm- iV.. i l I mu 1 S .'Ir m le w 'Mnd Yet They Say We Women Adern " V and Dress fust te Please Theml $ r VAUheugh te the Best of Their Knowledge Wc, Would Get Ourselves Up in Blue Denim or Brown Plush te Play Gelf! ? '? it it 11 4 TpHEKE'S a woman nt our club," began the golfer Irt n tenp which owed very plainly titnt lie MuinreviM women m a coif eiue. "wim trii" Ste attract nttciitlen bv ui-nrlns knlck- m. She leek terribly in them, mil he Insist niten appearing every But fitirday nftcmoen when nil the men eeme out. She linn two Fiilt', one blue "denim and one brown pliHi " J "WlintV" liiteriupted a feiulnlne l's- tner. "Are jeu sure iibeut thee iKBterlMls?" "Why, W "Did jour wife tell ou they were denim nml p1uhV" persisted the mom mem mom Jteer of the sex Hint knows material "Ne, but I'm ure they were. It 110 Jdenlm die were nil summer, nml new ihe's wearing brown plush. And she leeks like n sliivileteii in them. She's Jten old te be going nnmnd tint wnv " He went en w'lli hN xterj of (INjuf, 'perfectly -utStled that he was rl,'lit Sin every particular. t JTMAGINE n woman who was se peer J-Mhnt she had te wear denim In um- mer suddenly becoming wenlthj enough Jte wear plush in winter! t She would leek like it nfa cushion all Jfear round, nt least It was nice of him te be that consistent. - He was se mre. J And se serious, J And e Indignant nt being doubted. It's 110 wonder that men think our jclethes nie fu'iiiy 11 11, 1 we nrc slllv about tlicm when t Iic think suili trnnge thing iheut them theuisehes THE HOME DRESSMAKER'S DELIGHT It'i nlvvn.v getting In the way m. He speaks from bitter experience, having (llsentnngled It many times from the heel of his dancing pump, and paused numbers of ether times te tuck It snugly down while aiding 11 lid nbet- ting In the donning of 11 tteublesume J c cuing wiap, te s,i nothing of the time he has wasted oil retiiewng It fiem clialrs with uunpllcated iirlng, or the Intrlcadcs of a theatre seat, TI1H great ittcstleu is, what materials were the lady golfer's knickers really made of? t reininlne curiosity! Denim could he linen perhaps, or inn he tweed, and jdifli N pretty surely corduroy, ultheiigh as far us that gees It might be khaki! In tbN nse I suppose the joleis are fairly accurate; blue and brown lire pretty easy, If the lady had went tan, 1 hate te think what she might have been ac cused of, for u man Is ueer ery sure of himself en off colei. The girl who sicks te bring n soft becoming (lush te her checks by wear ing delicate old re-e would be shocked te hear herself described bv a man. "Oh, she had en some sort of bright red tiling!" he would ptelmbly re mink caielessly, "15ut It was awfully lie iimlllg." Viel t or biender are el-si difficult shades te diagnose. Thcj may be libeled as purple, gray, pink or even blue 5 If they think we could make sum- ' ,v"lk w vVvtt bU"'' Jlner knickers out of our l.tundry bngi 1 , ,.,, . ,., , . 4, and winter ones out of our parior-deor ' TT MItilll just be possible that tin dCurtnlns, what eKe must thej think! I ladv of the knickers is eccentric, ntn' Of rnursi tliev thlelc flint i. ,iii,1,l fet nleng en much less th.ni 0 think xve need In the way of clothes, and se Jtierhiips they de bellexe us capable of k getting evening dresses out of luce "curtains. J Although I de knew one who knows that we wear tulle in the ewning. J He considers it one of the met nn nn tBeying materials a woman wears, tee. - that her knickers are denim und plush. In that tnse we apologize te the gen tleman. Hut If It's true, then he Is one of the few exceptions in a class which 1 makes 11 general prsutlic et ranking nil women's materials under about two general bends, such as "either cheese cloth or mnrnbeu," or "If It wasn't organdie then It must llne been cerise." lv fj afflr 1 v- iii k J i cuff JA. J , !ES. .s . i -?4,.KABWiVW yu :M-MI f,'i' .t! f 1 '' U ' ub9M!QiA Xk, - M . m . ..'. i , A! I .;.' v. 0' iTtiWjriM1 -.e ..1 HHV n r i IBB Please Tell me What te De tr CYNTHIA l.tlttri te CvnlMa column mvit b tertlfm en one tlrtc. 0 Iht pavtr enlu and mwe bttientd with tfut wrtttrs game and ndnrtaa, Tht name will net r publtthti 1 tht irrltrr deet net ii'lih If. J'iMlnril lcrr nun Itttrr erift;" en both tlrfff of the tlaptr will net d an mcr rea, . wnirrt wne town prrena that mm hit column ti'tll slran loew there, nnit terra etven In the ai r- sennl letter nre enlu written when aiie- luieixj ntceiiarv. Inside Our Coats isy hazel dkye iiatciikler We Neiv Park Our Hands ft u The Reckless Age Mine Fniter, u member if the gay pnunmr net. deeitte te beenme rt yaptcl te Climlcii Tunc, net burnt if ihc htei him. but firrnnte thcii mem e tceli suit i',l tu inch ether, Hen tr, she initials upon biinj fite, (Did her flirtation irttli Mnu'n Lenn. n unter, makes Vhailci mUctable and bnntn ileicn en tier haul tin irrath of her family. Annoying A'eiivs JM. day nbeut three months after1 Aline and Charley had decided te I Income engaged Aline was summoned te the telephone one morning. I "Oh, Aline." came In Helen I trad 1p5's voice eer the wire, "1 line the most screaming news for jeu. Mj di-nr, jeu'll simply die whin jeu hear whnt it is. I can hnrdlj wait te tell 1 jeu." Aline had been res nil dnv. Sev The combination frock ! Whnt possibilities it affords of making ever and combining the old with the new. Here nre two ways In which it Is made uttinctlwly. The one shows 11 Meuse, of blsipie. With loops of siutaihe us trimming, combined with a skirt of heavy black satin, with nn Insert of blsipie te make it wide enough, perhaps, or just us decora tion. At any rnte. the idea could he lepled by any one who In hard up for width. The ether dress is the familiar juikct effect of steel nnd Oiiental colors ever n pleated skirt of the predominating color of the. blouse Here's a Chance te Learn Seme of Mrs. Wilsons Ways of Maying Soup Three Times the Required Amount May Be Prepared at Once and Served in Ways That Vary the Taste WHAVS'WHAT ' By Ittlen ntcle ity tcturiuht .MHS. M. 1922. Mrs. St. A rl'ihti rucn 1 rl . WI1S0N IfllSOII. e 4 9 t R m I. e T Ry CORINXC I.OWR lust winter was, "'lheu muff net. tBliiffs were almost extinct, and this there is little pinmlsu held out tills ac- te tlie quart of water, nnd dimmer All 1 slew lv until the vegetable may be rub 1 bed through a fine sele. A HOT tasty dish of soup is wel-1 Te use potatoes, carrots, turnips use cenifd by the family during the cold 1 f we and ene-hnlf mips of the flnelj uenther nml If the bnnseu-if.. -''"s the "llm' ,l.'etable te one quart of wnter weatliei, ami it tlie neusewit,- 1 s iue , . ... , ,.,,, nt,i t,,. Nlta Naldl, 2d, Aniwara Dear Cynthia Will you please print this for "Nlta Naldl' 2d's" advisers? "Hnndaeme," your little note waa won derful but net quite long enough. Yea, "Handsome," I dance and enrage In most nil sports. I'm sorry we cannot meet as I'm sure it would .be R pleasure te meet eeme one like you, but, as Cynthia nays, It lan't done, te I guess we will just have te correspond through the column. I certainly would like te hear mere of you. Thank you. New, "William C" your ndvlce was very acceptable nnd I will try te de as you imy. Ne, nn yet I have net been jilted nnd If I was I certainly wouldn't be blue ever It, as I'm net that kind. NIJA NALDI, 2d. letter Let Him Qe Dear Cvnthla I have never written te your wonderful column before, but new nnd It necessary. I am a young- lady In my teena ana about a year aax I met a young man cf my ace. We had been keeping com pany rer aoeui six menins wnen ne asked me te marry him and we were te be married several times, but some thing always turned up, and It was postponed. My parents never knew that we were going te be married nnd neither did ma parents, nut W9 were going 10 elope. Rut, dear Cynthia, he never treated me right. I always did my very best te help him along-, but he had several bnd habits which I tried very hard te make him conquer, such ait drlnklnr and ret working and also gambllnr, but net very much, only that I was afraid It would develop aa ha grew elder. He claimed he loved me and I am sure I loved htm ; In fact, I still de. He used te break appointments with me at the last minute and always had some kind of an excuse and I always excused him. He disappointed me twice and kept me waiting all evening and never cared or called me en the phone te tell me he couldn't come, for no rea rea ren at all, but still I forgave him be cause I loved him. He never gave me a box of candy or took me te a show, hut I never thought a thing about that. Still I was always having trouble and lately lest fifteen pounds worrying about different things. New, some people might think I was a feel. Just whnt I was. but when you leve a person It seems te alter things a grent deal. I steed everything and tried te be happy because I thought he would change. , But at last, two weeks age when he mnde a feel of me, I simply hnd te gle him up. Se I did se Just for a little satisfaction because I nm always se Independent, and te think what you would de for love! 1 suppose you couldn't tell any way In which te bring him te his senses, but maybe you could or some of your renders could as I love him and think he might care for me. JUST A POOL. Yeu would de well te continue the estrangement. Such a man would make a most seinsh husband. Dctter let him go. Wide Is the diversity of religious be lief nnd unbelief In these United States. There Is no "Church of America" cor responding te the Church of England, lissome American churches baptism is .'...nnint in nfheM It In mersly a fesmnl nnd semi-legal rite, while, of, course, among Hebrews tnore ancient ways of name-bestowing are scrupu lously observed. When a. child Is born Inte a family which nccepts godmothers, fairy and otherwise, It Is usual te- have an In formal christening party, after the cere cere tnen The decorations nre pink and white rosebuds. The traditional "caudle-cup" gruel punch or. hets eggnog Is forbidden In these prohibition days, se that the Infant's health, success and longevity must b "toasted" In tea or het chocolate, passed around with the christening cake. Gifts for the newly come may be presented at the christen ing pnrtv, hut It Is mer usual te send these tokens of friendship in advance of the festal day. - . r B TBLRPHOMKl HMCCMM : ernl thing, Ind happened te aiinev her. ""'"" '""'fully these soups may beruMird through a fine sieve, the iu.st important of which was the ' "eru"1 XUrw "r l""r u,w ''at'" "teK fact that a new e,rn!n frock had com. . """ ",Ue, '""'"""ilil1 i('08C- home net at all te her liking. She had . A M,itnbl" Uul is ,,,'"-'!";j for sueeespttll soup maKing, ana 11 m: be vufl'.rien:!;- !arg It wl'l pay te puichase n geed-sized kettle with flsed nearly the whole nmr"i"" nr If. nml inn) Ciniiv .!.,., 1. tn.i .. 1 1, ,.,i. family til M, win, nit itii1i.'.i 1t,, tfr li.i.l li. .I.....1 .0 ruin her .lay. At Ihe M,um! of Helen's -1-"""B "' n ""''' "l' mice her f.-iri. relnnsl int n .,,,ii.. can be made at one time te serve two "All rlifit " she iniuinl,i ,ii,.t.-K. or nirce umes. When purchasing the meat for Snt- urd.iv and .Stinc'.n. hae butt her cut a pound ami a half of beif from the shin, nnd add te it nil bones and trimming from the nuat lust Imihaed. Wash . ' bone- and meat and place in soup return"!!, ,,.. ,,, ,.,,,1 I m nil ears. "It's about Charley." Helen hi'iran. purposely drugging out her news s as in gci mere ei an euect. .My near, jeu just won't believe it!" "I 11 de my best," Alin nnd smiled tnlerantlj. As though Char ley could de iiuyiltinc that uenlil ser. ! Thier nuarti of li nter. prise her. If he were capable of th.it One fcwHi'A uf seii hcibi, I li.. mli.tif liu ,mifi. Ii,r li :.... !... - . i. H'li i s..,iiji?Wef tf tun fit the fiiieltl One of the fashion commandments of' ns, there wasn't a tlilns"nbeut him I theppid 'teen tepi of itall; of iclery, that Aline illdnt knew bv heart uiree-iiunrieri run ''" .""i"." "Well, gue-s who was "out with him Tite carieti pnnd nml cut tnilnc. last night, .lancing at Sai.km's after! '' '" t 'triune pnud amlni '" ' '- tin' theatre'" ! 0nr rnn f fnmalncs, that hare hern "I haven't nn idea." drawled Aline. I '",'"' tiueiigh nice fu ei jmi .,, "(Ill Villi., inii'ni tnini.Lvll.t . I I Kill' I' 'MJI'IOII IWHIIIJI " " """"V. wen. an rigiit. ns long ns jeu re de- ""' termined net te be MirprNed. It wusi I'.ring te boiling point and simmer Mabel Cellins'." Cij slowly for three hours en the -lui- "Mubel Cellins!" Aline repeated tlielmer'ing burner, weids after Helen as though sj,,. hadn't j Place in small bowl I'earu aiignt. "iieieti. dlil jeu s.ij ' Mabel Cellins? Yeu :nut he joking." Helen was gleeful. 'Se I did pet a1 rle out of jeu after all'' she uld slanglly. "Well, it's (iin,, true. .ncl i .Mamma Cellins was (hapeiening Mabel. ' i un jeu imagine ine getgisiii- ( THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE Bv UaretS Donaldsen Ehtrltin i 7ear jfer the lmmc.llatQ icMvai of leessery. J; However, we eur muffs eland uie new geln .-tlnely. 1'er one of the newest iffects is te pun hie muff accommodations from the fullness of the fur bodice. A been this will prove Jte the absent-minded and perhaps it may lead te the pel feet ion of a sjstem Including the umbrella, t The sort of muff which we cnr.iiet smlslay is shown in today's suit of black Jbrouddeth and black caracul The I jacket of this !.a .. Lad; panel of fur corresponding te the hospitable front t panel. J Meanwhile the novelty of the fur i Bensen continues te be the little bleuse.l model with the tight hip band nnd J this is tlie wuj we are all remodeling tlast year's fur coats. Thne-'iuarteri eitp of flour. One lent tablespoon of salt. One and ene-hnlf tcttipeani of peppci, One can of cold Killer. Stir te dissolve tlie flour, and blend j nnd add In the spices, nnd stir in te tite tieiiing ,ycu. ffrcj t,itfr.?poeii of flour. Ml ether vegetnbles, such ns green pe.is. beans, et cetera, use one nnd ene-hnlf cups of the prepared vege table te one qnnrt of wuler. When the vegetnbles are cooked very (oft, rub the entire mixture through a line sjeve te mnke the wgetnble puree. Te prepare the soup, add one cup of puree for every cup of milk, nnd allow two tablespoons uf flour, using the level measurement, for each cup of milk and vegetable puree. Stir the Heur in the cold milk, then bent te boiling point, cook for live minutes, then slowly whip in the prepared vege table puree: season te taste nnd add ' Tne tableipeiini of butter te every quart of the soup. I Tomate soup may be made from the prepared canned tomato puree or from a special puree mnde from canned tomatoes, 1 Te prepare the tomato puree place a i pan and add One bunch of soup htrbi, chopped i fine, , Three onieni, chopped fine, t One carrot, chopped fine, i Tin ec-quartet cup of the finely eheppid tepi of the green celery, One-half teaspoon of poultry season in P. . One-quarter teaipoen of thyme, 1 Three eupi of told trater. Simmer slowly until the vegetables an- very soft, cool nnd then rub the mixture through a fine sieve. l'lticc two cups of milk in saucepan Put Raisins in Oatmeal Add the lure of tweets te eer call that your children should eat and you'll no longer have te force theie healthful feeds. Try raiitnt in the oatmeal they make a "new diih" of k. Ratiini also Increase the en ergy and iron in this farneue feed. Sun-Maid RaSiini should eeet you no mere than the following prices: Seeded Un U et. N s0.)-20 Seedleu (in U m. red elite.) ISa Seeded or Seediest (lies.)--lBe Always aik for Sun-Maid Raisins Had Your Iren Today f SKB OUR EXHIBIT AT THK BIO FOOD FAIH COMMERCIAL MUSEUM NOVEMBER 13th TO 25th. I j . J ,1 I w li. li, I n firTx 3411 UJ"v I MSur fsmsm.iu P0MPE1AN OLIVE OIL Sold Everywhere cm genu, 'linrlev . ln ""' .N'" " -" ;. ,''.",".: "'' T.,e spending an ev.n.ng wait MaUl '' 'V ( ' mlnu.es '" I Stir ... dissolve nnd bring te boiling; and her mether: i f 0 like veu mnv add wok slowly for fie rainutea, then add Aline (Olldnt. but , ie rinssnil H,e " uU "M lu ( ,k l,miln iuim. el,lnnn whole thing etf llglitlj, chatted with Tun cup of finely dieid ';'"'"'" ""' in the tomato puree clevvly and bring Helen a few moment,, and tinallv rnng one mid one-half eupi of .ineiy c10,,,,,,1 ,11(j. tf) jij,, p()lnt. M0, two m(nutc, off. The niw, vag'ielv aiiuii)ifl hvueubl'Hic "fiO"' one-half hour Ufme ,..,,. wjtll st nn(j ,,c,,j)eP nnj tjny although Can Yeu Tell? JSy II. ,. anil .1. 11'. Iledmrr Ot What Laughing (ins Is Made The sclentlhc name of laughlnj lie 1011I1I11 t tell whv. Mnbel smma. was the lea-t uttiurtlvc girl she knew. T, , Beup mliy l,e served. lh re was nothing i.lmut her that ""il'l , r,,st ime an vegetable soup pn-Mhlj appeal te Charley r am man -ei. i KPp,1 time, sti.tlned et Ills tvlle I hell uhl nn mirit. 1....1 Clinrln ..,.. ... rl,.. ...... .1.1.. . .' ...!.... Cl1!' . ..... i .'.. iw hit- IllfUlflU l llllilll .viatiei. I'liiipernnxl liv .Mr,. ( ellin. fur the eVelllni; It for h t The sclentlhc name of laughing ga 'In nitrous euile, which , miiile m a mixture of eiiial parts of ei.vgen and nitrogen, When It Is brcitheil into the 'lungs it creates u pleasurable eclte inent te these who Inhale it therefore Jthe name, laughing gas This i ffect is produced when Inhaled beciiue mere Jcxgen tbnn the nermul amount enters ,the system and the nervous sjstim Is disturbed, living n powerful stimulant Sit gles nn uiinaturjl activity te the nerve centers. 5 Sir Humphry I'avy. the inventor of the safety lamp, is responsible for theibels iiigerness te be popular and her J use vvc iimke of laughing gas in miner I failure at it Charley, with the rest of operation such ns cuiuctlng teeth, etc. the boys, had ducked daw eg with her, J Known as nitren- evide, this gas at the j hud ibplercl her taste in clothes. Then tlme Davy wes about twenty was con- what had pes.e,s(M i,m , (,,),,. j,,,,. mlt Bldered very poisonous, Hut I'avy ex- dnnelng? Had he done it with the idea i perimenieu wiiu u upon nimsen ie un- , tnat she, Aline, mlglit be jnileiis'' Hut ; rover its effect upon the human system, no, that huidly exphuni'd it If he had jlle expencnceii no imrmiui eitcctH ami wanteil te de thnt In- nev.r would have i-as be became bolder he Inha'ed mere ,.ien Mabel for his putpe-e Aline J and mere of It tit one time, until he nWls intensely mrleii-, lueliued te be finally beenme uninnscleus. He found i amused, and vet she mmiIiI net seem te himself in the mldt of delicious dreams 'threw off that feeling of irritation that Snd experienced the most pleasurable m(l hW(,,lt n,,.r ,er ,v1Ptl IIf.,( , , Bennuuens. "iini m "'"", ""''"-" iirst ImpatteU the news. JIveiv one who' did iu a short time he illsceverea that , u.,,n ,,h,u, it would laugh just nS 0L. al ltjhfxei litl(itfhil n 1 1 lliiitif.fla 4 1 1 1 1 . I plneh of allspice. th" This amount will serve four persons. 1 I'er 11 general itile for mnkitur the and In tomato soup, add two level tablespoons in ueur ler every cup 01 milK nnu I'he ttilril time, siruincii nnu witu 1 tomato ntiree, iiieiui the Heur m the eutifir.v itiiTiitillni! in the soup, mill; and cook, and then blend in the wa, tin hi'licviih e. I 'in.., ,,,nnr U mnde Inte 11 mint lout, toninte ninee. uhlnnlnir In slowly. and Aline leuldn't unileistund it, that i and the vegetableH .llscanh .1. This will pi event this soup from curd- was win -he was Irritated. 1 Cream soup can be made from nl- ling and eliminate the use of baking If Chnrlev had been seen with Heb n, met everv vegetable that grows In the 1 soda. or wen niiiiiny, or .Mitrgilet Kuther- 1 raiMm. Tne propenioii is as niimws f.,n.l vi,,, .,,.,. 1.1 1 1 1. ., " ,. . 1 1. ....1.1.,,.,. 1, ...... ium iniiv ,iMiiu nil, ,' 1IIMI1U1IL lldlll. '11 iirv. hllliim II, , iiiji.ii, , liliutr- , -, .. , 1,001; eer iweniy-nve slewing for bits of abell, and then ne. ritraln the evster liquor Ne. 136 Hints en Paper Hanging There are a few things te consider before we hang our wall paper. First, are the corners of the rooms straight and true? They Hheuld be, in n new house, nnd may be in an old one. If they nre, then the striped or figured paper chosen may be hung. If, how hew ever, the house is out of plumb it would be better te use, a paper of a solid color. If the wnlls te be papered are new their surface should be firmed by n coat of het glue siring. If the walls have already been papered it will be necewmry te scrape off the old paper before beginning te hang the new. Tlie surface of n wall which hn been properly papered is usually In con dition for repapering after tlie old paper ban been taken oft and nny pnrtieles of paste adhering te the walls lemeved with snndpnpcr. If 11 wall has previously been painted and repels paste it may be t rented witli a sizing made of brown sugar und vinegar in the proportion of one pound of sugar te two quurts of inegar. If the surface of n wall is in bad ondltien, cotton cloth may he pasted eyer a rough place or a heavy light colored wrnnirina naner may be nasted an with butt points. Tomorrow "Paneled Walls" Mine would huve thought imih- ' Celery, snlnnch, cabbage, bttueel ing of .t All three nf the,,, ..iplu ,. ..en. i...,u nKtun nirns. use two cutis of 1 attractive, they had chaim. but Aline i the finely chopped vegetable of r lieice , evt,'r,, . , lllllll? III did net fnir them, she wna tee lenhdint of her own attractiveness tir that. I!ut Mabel Cellins, with her thin little face. and lug, lialf-frigliteneil eyes, Mnhel and Charley, the exquisite, the fastidi eus, the most easily bored mnn In the ' I world, why, it was imerigriinu,. A I lezeii time. Aline hnd huud Charley liillgn wiin 1 ne rest 01 inein ulieut .Mil- Things You'll Leve te She had net been Injured nt all. Davy carried en these experiments for ten I months, and then published the results, J In which he told the world thnt the ere breathing of a gas would make a J Ban sleep nml dream and laugh. This lrreated a sensation. At this time the Heynl Institution iked been founded and Daw was offered the appointment us iismsiiiiii ciiciiusi. lie accepted the position and devoted klfl life te science, Many remarkable discoveries in the sclentlllii field nre a remit of his first successful experiments tjttb. the laughing gas which dentists en se generally in puiung tee in. I ., M I I M I III I II I 1 11 ' 111 Mi ,' .llii HHIInl 1 H ritt ; Al Millinery Reduced The very models that have given this new ehepe Its popular repute. OLIVE It. CRAWrOtiD, Designer &0$d JJhumery Shape gSSSsJ56'St & (jlngluiiu und I'nblcached Muslin for Urnperics. Ter guest-roemn and cliildien's nurs cried, Hlughun and unblearhcd muslin arn being used n great deal. Here is n nice way te lemblne the-e two mater iitlp. Cut 11 valance of the gingham. Use a small plain chick or cress bar. Applique a Hew er of mlercd plain ging ham or (liumbrny te the sides of the villain 0. Stltdi a mtirevv hand of the unbleached muslin across the ten be- twcni the two Illinois, ,uin n triangle and measure ; tliere should be one cup, Matte ' ' und if net add sufficient cold wnter te tiinke this amount. I'lace one quart of milk in saucepan and add ,St Jctr! tablespoons of flour. Stir te dissolve the flour, and bring te boiling point ; cook for fire minutes, then add The prepared oysters, One cup of oyster liquor, Three-quarters teaspoon of finely grated onion. One, fuMtJioen of finely icrapei celery'. Hring te boiling point; seaaen with salt nnd pepper nnd add Three tablespoons ej eutter. Heat well and s;yve nt once. If you llke the evstcre whole, allow six oysters for each person, ihls amount will serve live persons. Toasted strips of brend croutons and toasted crackers nre the ueual accom paniment of nil soups. Te make the croutons, tenat ellees of brend. which have bud the crust remov ed before toasting, nnd toast, cut while warm in inch blocks. .Then place in even te ke.ep wurm while dishing the soup. - . . The correct serving of eeup during i,u ,.ni,i umitimr has much te de with Hie success of the dish. It 1b necessary SAUNDERS Aik for Ne. 10138 Diamond Ring $150.00 Illmneni Kins, At pure wliitD illumnnitii ?t , In Itnu nelli platinum. EUb. s9 Yeart 13 S. 8tk St. 2710 Ctn. Ave. 11 ft Your Wife It's a long, long, day for her in the home waiting nnd preparing for your com ing. It's the little things that count in life; und such a little thing as your photo graph in the home is going te count a great deal in your wife's long day without you. She has been waiting pa tiently for your picture. Surprise her and please her. We are featuring te suit ably solve your Gift Prob lems. Six Large Portraits, 6x10 ins., finished Sepia en Gray, moderately priced, $6 only te these who show this ad at our Studies before Dec. 1. Tell your friends. CHAMPLAIN STUDIOS Jill WALNUT ST. YOUR FEET NEED THEM GOOD TASTE DEMANDS THEM !&&&' "When Were Uiedr" lleanrs rt'Mife Helen had, and somehow Allim felt thnt Charley had limde her rldiculuus. Tomorrow fehalien tmilldriwe Unusual Although four times married, n woman in Nebiusku has elmngul her name only twice, Her first two husbands horn the same surname, us did nl-e her third and fourth. A rnlhee ht.irrlitiv fn,l tu 1,, r.9 n French woman of wealth, who has her of the muslin te each side of the valance U,Ihv.I.i lletn.l 11., .. u .... I.U,.1,... .. .. I1U MllflMM. AtltllillllH II ill'Mll'tl fill OflCU !.,,.. tuUl.in i,nmtv.,.. i.. 11.. i.t- ..i. I IriniiLfle. .Id lit 11 fr-lnnflit nt tha utl- I tlt au ciAi-vtnir fl TJfl 1117 C0U1 fiOtltl elutely hidden by hideeun Infltrumentt Ipllqued muslin te the emit of the iUtia cold plate. All ieup roust Km served or toriure. r 'pieces auwe majha. Kaimnf a :l 'MsL. te serve nil soups In het dishes and nnd this means net only tne service dish but also tne pmie r cup 11 is served in. Nothing will cause the fnmilv te lese nil liking for soups ns THE NEW A.E. LITTLE SHOE One or the ether but seldom both! Most shoes are either right up-te-the-minute in style or else built with both eyes en comfort. The A. E. Little shoe has been enthusiastically .endorsed by the highest medical authorities and approved by the strictest connois seurs of Fashion. Tired, aching feet will find instant comfort. Patented methods insure this, and expert designers have in sured their smart appearance, seraas Shee Company 1314 Chestnut St. YOUR FEET HEMP THEM - POOP TASTE DEMANDS THEM- Fur Sttrttt and Rimedtlint at Batrtmtly Lew ftfea c7 1 w ft rsi 1 n f it r n r JUUIKjI I1Ej1V1? s,'M CORRECT APPAREL FOR WOMEN na 1714 Walnut Street 'M DRESSES Taken from our Regular Stock and Drastically "I Reduced te ' ffl 29'50 Fer Immediate Clearance S5B 4 4 I EVENING GOWNS 59.50 75.00 Exquisite Medels of Metal Brocade Hand-Made Imported Beaded Gowns v SUITS COATS WRAPS-FURS v 1 ffl -sa i Ki "5! Z if. i ey v ieminic JjeXuca (Dnifc XaBies' Citetbm 0aiietA Suits, 3-Piece Suits , and Topcoats Ranging in Price Frem $65 Up for the Plain Suits Orders placed new will be finished for Thanksgiving t. 11 f j -Hi TM I t ? H iffimfimimmmmavSmTm&mmiiitfftfl IT II" """ " .... TiTilsMm HWHimim JSSSeePPM I A NEW BIT OF EXCLVSIVENESS ; jij In superior quality Black Satin, this nfl new pump, with its striking tongue ijjl nnd ornament, will appeal through its jH beauty and fine value. Including the JH ornament, its price is unusually low Hi Gun Metal Chiffen Hosiery, $2.50 I Winkelman ffl Style in Quality Footwear 11 1130 Cheatnut St. JH 3IS-iO S. old St. At Twelfth 29CJ-i Frankford Ave. Itfijl BB8Uli"','.','.'.''jVi'rrfff '.'.' ' V.'i'iiliiiffi'X'OF.M w)'i'i ' H j rj j unrn urame Am8terdam8 Incorporated Change - of- Management FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Ceat Sale a Save $25 te $35 en the Fashionable j Fur-Trimmed, Silk-Lined Coats in this group' at Trimmed Beaver Caracul Fex Wolf $ 49 0 Val. te W Of Ner- mandle fj Marvella Belivia ,;; Gerenas 150 Dresses Werth $45 and $65, New 18 and 25 rru .?i . -. J 8 KJiuxrminy meuew jer Street, Afternoon a;i Evening. In all the lovely new materials and I .irtf mya. DRESSES Ajj - $ Sftartfit f h'Kh-Rrade dreB8CH ,n .,! I ' mM te ! 1A $3S j . 4 1342 Chestnut S hf is i Vl; htSzisUtoM'katetcti.. fkmitteMMLiifiM