$? M WW?' ' liTtft f , - -. . ?Jfe , V."r, jli "M. : HS ."': b nv srrS W FV JiS"W..ySi fJWB .; .-! i1 JBfc.it ; m?i;4igi ayaaaSSS-" I HIMKiJJ".'C -k 'flBiHmp (.MU:!j-'wrj.' SgEggJ ' "SL JAMB ' I&JML jMyLHfc? lumlMJLi J"'. . STv PT" V-..,JL1l' l T, . taA'Afc jlilllllal ' ' '-- in" r EviuilMli! I - id St MldWuyiftdChtttnui LPtgtftnWtWSupT t ft'.P ' r "A. BEASTS UNDER VOKE; DANQERTO;CITY HALL Mm. .. ,- ...-,. ''V: .. frttr Would Mike Fair MMt S'fii -..,: , 'it-l ri.i A ?i'KnlTIOBnXt nsuuvr uii m th. 'tin '-a til. - . ' tiaaier Pepper 1 , ''heartily In i?.fil ti uee' of Falrraeunt Park iUfjit Seiqul'CenteiinMl, BB',,pre LtUh t he v clan already adopted by IHix. Iki'Benater is aollelter for the Fair Jaat.Park Commission. The North FttlaMpMa Manufacturers' Assecla i tlB Recently protested te the commie f slea'aialnst the use of the park for the ft" ' - 'I 5Jj(ir. Pepper eiplalned today, In bfnften, tnaittne concepuen'ox ine which he presented In an address Tuesday nlghtiras in njwnie. sup mmnt ia" th' tilani already or .'''. : '- 't.'had taken it for aranttd." ne i . t -. . . A ked. "that the 'plan steed as ted. with tfte-Park as' the nucleus.' mtI wished td show, was hew the fee s community could be put into fi relation- with this plan. ( Vf, Wants Whole City Draw la V"It' was my function te demonstrate 1 a preptr ccieDrauen ei iue oen een fVntennlal could become a com nitv' Interest, and net. mereur.a local rtlepment' of any one point of the' ftp It, was 'With this object, the Sena ter explained,' that he ylsiened. Chest nut street as a court ei noner, wiin ' patriotic scenes- and celebrations cen- utertai 'around Independence Hall,, and BrOta street as a Ntreet of all, no' liens. His conception .also, drew, in ;' '. At.. f . - said Mr. 'Penner. i'aB the-dty.-wwiMshare.'!. -He. went a St6 discuss the 8erauiCentennlal ii-' - .l..Jj .j..,l,i'i - . LTIIV .UKJ 41.-' .I. MM M..MI bserredf ''IiwMl(i:.btf4d;flu 'that dationVXe' relate .eWrf.Aart . ;of slUdshhla .te.ttie 'centtai) feittfre. I BfeaiA' taajMnef tee .nsequi-uentenniai waTMBawaass?.wiaAceieDraiwBi.i. .- ..., 'tMenUoVwas-eade te Mr.'Feptler'ef l..ths tmnAmlinw 'In', feitm 'nnmiitM in rut W the scope, of the f,nlr,. te, "bob-; M '1lest Fair", Npt His Idea . . ..'JIM. ".t.. ..... .. .. ;r. vue you mina mis sneum ee, uene ; H;.wss asitea. "ue yetK nenevir tins Wuldl)e an international fair? Don't you think it should be the biggest, rrtiteitt event of lt. Mud .In history?, "I weuM sny'the most, significant,' rsther than 'the biggest, " was the Senitdr'ir reply; "1 would make it different In-kinds" . ,. "But don't' you bclleVe -this should b a world's fair?1' "I would mpke it n world's fair In the sene.tliat it would be a celebra tion, te itgnlflrant that it would, compel the'attendsnre of, levers of liberty from aU'Artt.ef the. world." V ! Iv p-aiur t riter uui eiutru ll ic win ,;rllr-hls idea that camels and ee- nia uim niiraes mm neimeyii unauiu be allowed te reara.free en Bread street, an idea that created soma tmenslness MSUlM IfAHtlAlnBtl MB- jTt4-a TTa.1t .. caue of the huUH proximity te thn :CstlsM en Pait Twentr-twe Column Fl IBENERAL LUKE WRIGHT I IN CRITICAL CONDITIO 1 0tpert of Hit Death Early Today rna te se erroneous .Memphis, Tenn., Nev. 10. (By -A. P.) General Luke Wright, former iseretary of War, who has been ill at lis home here for mere than a week, Wis reported in an extremely critical condition curly today. .An erruni'euH report that General Wright had died during the night was denied today. ' MISS MARTIN INJURED Daughter of Judfc-e Fractures One k, Ankle, Sprains pther, in Fall ' ''y-" !'V .'.'''" M'ln, daughter of Judge end.Mra. J. Willis Martin, frac tared one ankle and sprained the ether, wen it jiU from her automobile. The lldent occurred Tuenduy nfternoen. Jlw .Is aHier hemi. n Chestnut Hill. 'Twe years nge Miss Martin fructured Ii.ui." , ir"c. ,."..u" '"-"imam cemniiH-4-S5J7 of 'J10 -' wWphln Girl Scouts - S&d a ttlfmKni .. mm lh. a i.i h "--' "i uiuvrseui-y Aid. Aute Reute Advice for Princeton Game , . Autemnhlllsta min..i. it.. -., J Princeton football game Saturday tk uT. i r ,n8 yone Auto mobile Club te use one of the routes te Princeton even lu.i ' n-u-rt- eln. Highway is dosed at two places jnd bcciiuse the deleurs are nor- ,row anu rnugli that route la' net (recommended. , ueuie i .erth en Bread: turn .right into Boesevelt Boulevard! te -... u.rii.,-; riKiu en KebblnS sventin te Tnnii.nei.- ". ' . - - nitjrrii jerry, .tftets ferry and fellow river route jwre?gn Hiverten, Beverly, Bur .Uniten end l".nrlntft-' . m ." Taki Brunnrlek avenue te Penns Neck: turni left intn v...i:"j sreiq, lcedlng direct te stadium. I, , Reute 2Fer persons wishing" te I lS Tv. usu iravei. Nerth-m lijsd., turn Inte Old YerrVad t" In, billow Greve en Yerk rend Uhteugh Buckingham ie, New II.Z ff0.? .rtver te Ijunbertville : bene ngnt into river read u, Washing, fjjad te Princeton, .' ' - PMHf r niDkf LIIU LMIU I : n runix i im i nin.i felSTS MFL PEPrt R "Sl '-r ,VA x -Tr , T - T - - I rj i -r fit .f; ' Itniq .tufti ftuitu uB.uiuuicutu, 'at it' was. outlined byMhe-cemmittee," .1.....1. fc , Is That of Society GirllB Back in Her Perfumery Shoe After Bageing Big .Game in Canadian "North Weeds . "C?of Him With Three Shet at ffiYiirde Range' She Says, in Telling of Her .Exploit ;i . t ' . r" - Miss Pfitw Thurer. ilaushter of Mrs. Jehn B. Thayer,; of Havrrferd, popular society ilr,'.ls back' in her Itlttenhetise Square perfume' shop today from the Canadian North .Weeds, where en a bunting trip; She killed a -large moose and a deer. Besides ihe.blg game Miss Thayer, with her party of friends, bagged many rabbits and nnrtrlttMn: MlurThivar bears the 'distinction' of' being the only woman nunter te bring, down a 70U 70U peund medse'in. the, North .Weeds this season. A ' t , Meese are known as dtfngereus ani mals, .especially .If the hunter happens te get ''buck ferer." But Miss Thayer's aim, was ..deadly. , Every shot from; her high-powered rifle took effect until the nnimnl dropped.'. .' . ... ' "I wa tee 'excited- te be1 sckred," said Miss Thayer, telling "of her, en en eounter: ,. ' ','. "Yau.see, we had been tracking Ibis moose all morning, and suddenly, came en him .at a distance of sixty-fire yards. The;' day before, I had seen three, ethers and' missed them bely .when' ."shot, se this . time I ' aimed carefully ana hit him just -where I was supposed te ;ln.the -left shoulder. '.It .was, a Starts Blaze in Her Roem and Waits for Flames te Envelop Her LIVES OF 25 .ENDANGERED 'ffieiei JDftiM'eft te Eviie'Piiblie'T.itstr AtWntlc'tlty, NewM; --- Aiweman wne registered as Mrs. Clara Htevens, of ' Readingv Tnt, was'-burned 'te' death' this -morning in her room en the -ecund Jloer eff'the Ildtel Harris en' Sonth' Carolina avenue.4' The Hre also" en dangered the lives of. twenty-five ether guests, three of whom were carried te safety by firemen. The dead woman was about fifty years old, and had been a guest since Sunday. v It Is .-believed the fire, which dnm-' aged the, hotel te the amount of .2.100.. was caused by Mrs. Mtevens' attempt re commit suieiae; wnsn nremen bm!;e In the'doer, they found keyholes itu.Teil -with, paper and windows .rfiut tlghtly wlth strips of cardboard wedged in the sills. Her .clothing had been destroyed and her features were almost unrecog unreceg nisable. Indications worn that she had crawled 'from bed, te the renter of the room and waited for the flames te en velop"" her; ... ' Hetel attaches-said Mrs. Stevens had been morose ,slnce her. arrival. She' confided te Ralph W. Harris, preprle- tAI. thflt t tilltilllinrl lmA .lta.l tl.... months age and she had nothing te live for. The fire was discovered by a maid who detected 'smoke seeping through Mrs. Stevens' deer. She attempted te force her way into the room, and fail ing in this, climbed te a transom, where she saw flames eating their wny acse'ss the room. Sheyturned in an alarm nnd aroused ether guests, who hurried from the hotel in their night clothes. Firemen en their arrival found that the escape of three-guests en the third fleer had been cut off by the flames which had spread te. the hall and along the stairs. They were rescued. The body of Mrs. Sevens wns taken te the Morgue and police communicated with Heading authorities te locate relatives. JURY STILL DEBATING - ON HAMMER MURDER Rumer Disagreement as te Degree of Quilt of Weman Les Angeles. Nev.' 10. (By A. P.) The jury which heard the evidence against Mrs. Clam Phillips, tried fee Ukj murder of Mrs. Alberta Tremalne Meadows, who was beaten te death with a hammer, still wns out early-today. The jury communicated In no way with the court from the time It retired at 10:115 o'clock yesterday morning un, til It was ordered locked up for the uffht. Humors as te the jury's stand en a pr.sslble verdict were few. The prin cipal one was that the only thing pre venting a speedy verdict was a dis agreement as te the degree of alleged guilt whether it should be murder, or manslaughter. ,. 4 RAIN CAUSES CRASH i Vlneland Man and Wife Slightly Hurt at Cressing Mr., and Mrs. Jeseph Vent I. ?f Vine land, N. J., were injured slightly Jast night when their motertruck was struck h glancing blew, by a MDlvIlle electric train at tne Pear street, creslng,Vine land. .... . ,, , . Venti's vision was obscured in Itua rainstorm nnd he failed te se$ the ap- preachlng .train, Ills twe-yearTOldl daughter escaped injury. Mrs. Catt III In terlln ' Paris, Nev. 101 (By A.-P.) The French Union of Women Suffragists, te. day received a telegram from Mrs. Car ili, Chapman Catt, American feminist leader, who Is In Berlin, stating that 1'lness would prevent her from keeping her nigagcment te speak here tonight. Mrs Catt waH te have opened a ,blg Hlln'ra8 meeting in the Sorbonne, OarMul Deasbtnr 'fiS,-tfslHB f. P ' ' v V i.&jft!?'.: fesa mmmmm wm Meese !. i" x.' '.'J ? "!.. 1' rea?ji 1 1 3VJJ '. w8& ?.T' xr-i - mSS PEGGY THAYER . luckv 'tthet. "B turneil toward ttae. and' then Ishetiand hit him again. This time1 he turned, te the left, ran abettt niteen yards and feu dead. 7 it.. Bin. u.d 'ktt'Ji ' v s .. . uiv' tmmm cma. "Kick? Sure.lt kicked: I mean. my rifle.-for dt was a Mauser'. ,7 t. ',, "There were .four of us in' the party and two, Indian guides" and it was,' a horrible day snowing and ralningnew and then',' se we' could net get. a' picture of the animal. He was net such' a 'geed tone, anyhow. 'He was a two-year-old bull and his horns didn't haYe--a, geed spread and .his head wasn't, even Csatlaaed en Fan' Tweatr-tw. Cstaraa Tw Says Statement .Made by Mrs. , Corrinne Reblnscjh Misrep . , resents His Atttiude CHANGE OF SENTIENT SEEN ii .it .'...---w;.w-.i; j A l' . . , ?l -.nii(i,vilMl' . Copyright; tut. tii'fiuttlc, Ltdaw Company ' -toMhtagfenr "JfeV: Mid; Presiaeh't Harding its anneyddby -a statement made.br Mts. Cerrlne' Roosevelt j Reb-' Insen .that she hnd received', a .letter from him conveying the' opinion that public sentiment had' chiilged . en the enforcement of prohibition,, and that the question would net be taken out of politics within this generation. H It was' said at the White Heuse that the, letter was private' and that the digest contained jn the newspaper dis patches did.' net fairly .represent the .......I.... Mu ' IImmJImb ..w nuui.J lta Itoblnsen. -The question of making the letter pueiic is under consideration. 'Nevertheless, the opinions attributed te; President Harding arc these com monly held by public men here, but the difference in the. situation is moral and sentimental, rather than one which can be measured- in, actual votes or eac likely te, result' in legislative action. . Nothing may, be expected from Con gress asvit is new constituted. The Association Against the Prohibi tion Amendment -will held a convention in St. Leuis beginning next Monday te Slan its future campaign for the medi catien of the Velstead act. ' The line of attack. likely te be adept ed will be teseek planks in the national party platforms of 1024 favoring the liberalising, of the Velstead act. An attempt te de' this- wns made at the conventions of 1020, but without suc cess; but, 'as a result of 'the develop ments of the last few months, especial-, ly the recent election, there is just a possibility that one. or ether of the big parties may commit itself te light wines and beer, Edwards' .Victory Sign of Cliange That, measures the difference te which Mr. -Harding alludes in his letter when he says the sentiment .en prohibition has changed. A variety of incidents have contributed te th change, one Is the striking: victory of .Governer Edwards, running as a wet In New Jersey ever Senater Frellnghuyscn en a dry' platform. Then there 'was the iaei ,iuni, Dein parties, reit compelled te be wet" in New Yerk. Although' the tests in the', referendum en liquor in Massachusetts, Illinois, Ohie and Cali fornia resulted in a stand -off. wets win. ning thefirst two States and the drys the ether two, still any victory for Ceatlaard en Pas Twcnttr.twe. Column Twe WOMAN TYPHOID SUSPECT SUBMITS TO A CULTURE " " ' . Mrs. Mary Maaujre Volunteers Afterv "Being Virtual Prisoner Mrs, Mary Magulre, 2001 East Elk hart street,-, suspected by the Depart ment. of. Health of being a typhoid car rlefc 'voluntarily submitted te a cul ture at St. Mary's Hospital today after being held a virtual prisoner In. her home for several days by two police men whoeod guard and prevented hep from going out. The result of the culture wlllnet be known for several days, it was said at 'the' hospital. St. Mary's Hospital, which 'Irr-near her home, was agreed .upon by .Mrs. Magutre as a compromise nfrti -from thV- Dptmrt ment of ' Until th . It had.erigtnallybeen intended te send her te Bleckley, hut she refused totge. TRUCK CRUSHES WOMAN i . J -r, ' Driver, Kieapes After Causing Acci dent en Second Street . Mrs. Jese De Marce, 1014 Reese street,' suffered serious internal . in juries this morning when n truck en Second street near Spring .Oatden crushed hen against a wagon. TM , driver ,0' tne i hick sped away and his victim was taken ta ke Pepi- Vfee PFIAMTIR Succ-M.h B SL.bj.tuT r A' j. A. ggaaammmmmmmB-ri(, bbbbbbbbbbHbbbHbbbbbB" BBBLLHPIeLBH bbbbbbPhIbbH sbbbSssbH BLBLMiiiiiilBI'' BBBBHliBViBm':BBH V BBBBBHPIBBBaaHBBBHv BBLaHPPIHPIBBH BBBHPJS9HbV fiSflu'Jz's sfBBBBH Y BBBvfjgi;.: t',',.K!i0mU.'' BBbWSsSSSV ! i'-'7'if'-(?ZMM'.,' BBBVCflBP? "IbBH ' BBraKmaHi BBBBHIMBVtfevPjBRPSai sKHt vt.; JH vnJmWtiwmr BBBBBB4MJ'f--a:r','4atVCna ex HbVbbU i v r-"1 yji ',BE-?v' Is, tf2W5f3f!r , S5sa ryV vf-f..1 ffr i kuu winm &' W: r x WfcihlHften " Polie wemmn .... - -f r 'Ctrl Downfalls ARLORiPETTlKQV SCORld r AT DRY CONVEMTtOK - .ft' 4 -. Th - Rev. 'ft M. WllseniDi- ,nurCM FercM Opposing Blbl " ' ' ' vi " ,5 ' i eacning in ocneon ,- , The downfall of many, 'girls,, .vhe go .wrong can ie; traced t'e"he hlpVpeckeiJ flasks of Uauer carried -by''" their escorts at" dances ,and automobile ''WttesiV delegates te the international session of Hi Weman's Christian1 Temperance, Union .were told today.- ',.,;. Drawing en her' experience vwlth 'the metropolitan 'police of 'Washington, xdenienanc aiina u. van winue, -ai rector, of the woman's bureau! tM of the , false steps made' by girls' who ineugnt u smart, te tippie ironxiaeer bidden- flisk. , - . . 1 V, ' The delegates in the Academy of Mn sic listened with interest as Lieuten ant "Van Winkle told hew. her" nellce women patrol dance halls (kncf etb,er, nlacea where sirls and veunr men Rather. The women police are ihsplfe by. the ideal of social service, -she said, anil are .always en the alert; te savethe unsophisticated girl from the evils that beset her. " " l Would Aid Girl Workers ' f1 Miss. Henrietta Addlten. executive secretary of the Big Sinters', Association! ei f nuaacipnia, suggested tnat -women volunteer" ns symnnthetic. friends nnd counselors of girls thrown en their own resources. ' ".People. have . talked enough s.beilt 'petting parties,' the evil of the parkrtl motorcar and immodest dancing," she, declared. "It is time te de something. The ideal situation would be' for the working girl te have a, sympathetic friend te advise her. "The problem is te make the working girl accept net only a standard of con duct, but a standard of geed taste. Constructive recreation- is one way, te de mat.'- . . ."We, must put. religion In and the ueyu-eui or ine pain e reur cminTen,;: ww-w rv. -. -ai. jtvusen, ei; Third -Church of the Covenant? lin and Daunhln streets, in addresslna- f-tae- meeting.- - - j - -.su. v v. Mr.- v ilsen denounced , the . forces -werawg-in prevent, tne spreau eiWDie teachlna"ln the schools - . ' i. ! "IHOie tcaciung'is included 'in,-the .... v , . .' j . - . , . . - , curriculum ei nut mi per cent of our schools," he said. "117 per cent it is excluded. We must have the co-operation' of all branches of religion if ..-. fr-- aj j .t : .. b ure iu iircveui. me coming or tne uKeiui-iuiiKiiucss. juvenile crime; is in creasing in this country in'spitcfef tlie iuci mat wc arc i-peniiing live .hundred million dollars annually for education. We must have mere artistic and sani tary school bulldlncs. but even nlMiuint school surroundings would net prevent j";v"" -'" ue iuubi ue some thing else." .'- ' ' Says Bible Must Be Taught "T.he only answer te the accusation that semetblnt- is the matter with" the school . is v.that' the Bible fmust be taught," he declared. "Are we te' 'make clever devils 'out of our chllilrntJ i "Without the Bible, education is net oniy.nenrmorni out immoral. Educa tion without-faith in Ged becomes an education wnicn uenniteiy teacnes un belief." A systematic- effort nn behalf 'nt hm. mal children se they can become even mere emcient ana extract tne greatest possibilities from their mental and ehysical- equipment 'wns described by r.' Bird T.. Baldwin. ." ' Dr. Baldwin Is connected with the Iowa Child Welfare Bcsearch v8tntlen at Ames, la,, the only one of its kind In the country. The station is making regular tedts with mere than' 500 chil dren and young people from one day te eighteen years old. ' A study of heredity also engages the research' assistants, and valuable In formation, Dr. Baldwin said, has been obtained from a study of rabbits, guinea pigs and wasps. . tDr. Baldwin cited en Instance, where a thirteen-year-old girl has the physi cal development ef.n sixteen-year-old girl and the- mentality of eighteen. VERSATlLEm! "IS NOW CHASING BAIL Youth Found Bills In 'Mall lexea and, Get Payments, Police 8gy, Without consulting several business concerns of Germantown, Michael Pep per; eighteen years old, of East Haines street,' appointed himself as their bill collector, nil versatility in thus work caused se much comment he was finally arrested. Today the boy found 'it 'necessary te collect $1000 bail, as he was held in that amount by Magistrate Llndell. He was charged with robbing mail boxes of the Delmar-Merrls Apart ments, at. Chelten nveime and' Merris street. It was; through his curiosity about mall boxes that Pepper get the.inspirn the.inspirn tlen te become a bill, collector. .Often, it is testified, Instead of finding a check Or ten-dollar bill in the envelope pil fered, he discovered a bill for' the wom an of the house. ,.... In the mail box of Mrs, Henry Mer cer he, found a, bill from n florist, .Pep per explained that he was' connected with the florist in question and called te get the money, it is said. As the bill had net been received by Mrs.' Mercer ,she became .suspicious, Tenants of ether establishments re- erted their, similar experience with epper. Their tUe police were called iu. .x . " Child Scalded at Heme . Charles Par'sl, eluhteen months old. 1332 Seuth -Tenth, street, wm scalded Yhtlepylnfi about the kitchen of his home today,,. Mrs. I'arsl toek'hliu te the Heward Hospital. mw ,0 ABB VU, LAOKINO FOB SS.! CBB. USitiABB AS 1 dlk i tV t- i hl . .T"! BBmMmmimmmHMMWMM ,iwi i ii iVf. ' " .jblllllv: liitiiArnif iTitire 5 ..""r. V. .r.'i . BBSS BFbI , B"ifir.W"---w, iL'MaVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVBVlir? .'. fL'i"t'.A,V ' riULL, Villi ;ll tllULIJ . . bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV 1 lHtlL 11 n 1 1 ,IlJ 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV' aaBmlT :iSSBBBBBBLBK UUIl I JBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMf Wl.f BBBBfMBBBalBfBK' SBWBBWBBWBBWBBWBBWsflKs V,!j'vSjBWB ' BBWBBWBBwHBlfHIBWBBWBl'1 " BBBBBBBBBHUKf!s1aBBBBBBH ' bVbbVbbVbHbVbkbVbVIbbVbH sHalBBHIBHBHbBH'''' DR. CARL J. W. CtrfiCfc ' fl" Director general of Hamburg-Aaeer... 'lean IJne, who ha agre.te;feraV a new Cabinet la Ottmutf- CUNQ WILL NEW BERLIN CABINET ' . i- . Manager of Hamburg AmtrlMn x Line 8ucceeda -Wlrth . '" Berlin. Nev. 16. (By A;' P.)2-Dr. Carl.. Jeseph rWHheira Cune, Vs&mJ' mknager.ef .the 'Hamburg Alrkn Bteampship Line, has. accepted the-ltMk Dr: Cune was born in;Thrlyfta, July 2, 1876. the son'ef a .PrlvisCJCU V dller in'tlic German ministry., j 1 .Tu-icn elnen the wnr"h'e "viiitSd the United Stntcs. On his first vislti.BUtde fnl!20, he. nnd his, associate directors nfMhp Hnmhtifir. American T.lneT 'Cen cluded an agreement between the Amatimn Sliln ntwl Tnmmerce. fVirttera tlen (W. A. Harrlman interests) and the Hamburg-American Line. His sec-nnd-visit- ended about three months. age Dr. Cune married Martha Wlris, of Hamburg. The .couple hnye ' four children. ' ';'.' 'He is unusually well educated, sav ing studied at. Berlin and .Heidelberg Universities'. He acted as Assistant District Attorney in Berlin and' later, in 1005, held an important, pest at' the German Supreme Court atLelpxIg. In 1007 he entered the Finance' Depart ment of the Government and waa made a Privy Councilor in 1012. J . ' j. r. During the war Dr; JiCunp.,..vaa 'economic- and financial'' advlSer 'te' the Government and manhcln's.'dlrecter of the grain and ''feed organisatien, He, karmanv. business interests. '- .Hv .' ' ' Herr 'Cun6-Mearae' nremlhentlv Inte 'political notice .in 1020. -when' he:' was urgea te acc--tne-rHsi'Ci-miniit-erT)i finance in the reorganized .cabinet. His refusal, te act resulted iu mdeh criticism. WAT CHlJrl AlSl BLOCKS ff :V ROBBERY OF.MILL urglara Flee Whan Discovered at Plant In Northeast An attempt te rob the Northern Sweater Company Mill at Terrcsdale avenue nnd Tiifbny street, Fraiikferd, .was frustrated by the watchman-of-the plant at 12:30 o'clock this morning, .when he saw two .young men drive a wagon te one of the side windows and climb, through. "'The watehmnn ran toward the window flashing his light. The robbers fled when they saw htm. leaving the wagon behind. The watchman chased them for a short distance along the railroad, siding, but Ien the trail in the dark Hnt.a f t Police of the Frnnkferd station Hoek1 charge' of the horse and wagon which they believe were stolen. ' r - KIDNAPPED CHILD TAKEN BY FATHER Mether Gets Wire Frem- Him Sty Ing He Has Qlrh Beatrice P. Wetzel, five years old, 2733 North Bonsall street, who was reported yesterday te the police as hav ing been kidnapped, was taken by her father, the mother, Mrs. Margaret Wetzel, said this morning. The father and mother ere separated. This morning Mrs. Wetzel received a telegram from her husband, .whose home is nt Steny Creek Mill, near. Rending, which read: . i , "Margaret : I have Heney. '(Sign ed). Rebert." "I feel greatly relieved te' knew where she Is." Mrs. Wetzel said, t'but I de net think It is fnlr for him te have her. I am the mother nnd the one who Fhnuld raise my baby." The tittle girl, while en an errand with Mary Trey, ten years old, 2740 North Bennnll street, was snatched Inte 'an automobile by a man at Twenty fourth and Somerset streets yesterday. Mary held her hand nnd tried' te pre vent the "kidnapping," but could net. She ran te the Wetzel home and re ported te .Mis. Wetzel, who notified the police. girldiesafter'she swallows medicine, Physician Believes Violet Tayler , Toek Overdose te Induce .Sleep Violet Tayler, twenty-three 'yeara old, of 21iU North Slxteentb.street a stenographer, ' was taken violently ill late Inst night shortly after she took medicine te allay pain. Dr. Lnnnhenr W. Webb, of 142ft Diamond street, vas, caned, -and when be arrived found the girl dead. The body was taken te .the. morgue. Dr. Webb said he found a bottle of a drug, empty, beside the girl's bedside and that she had evidently taken the drug In nn attempt te produce aleep or step pain and had succumbed te an overdose.' ' ' . An autopsy will be performed today te determine the cause of the girl's death. Weman Used Oil en Fire Mis. Henrietta Beldcn. 1025 T...IM.. gew street, was burned slightly when she started u furnace lire this morning with kerosene. Hie. flames caused fftNl damage tg the basement and first fleer. HO YOU WANT A JOM M TH -Untv of thm. .dv-rtlHa la wsntta Miumes ww si of forming n cablnet.'.te.'Succeaaiie Wirth ministry, lt.wasfunefficiatfjajt neiinccd this nfternoen. ' ' ' $ V - -j-r Bail. J.,' wv u v- Msjerlty Obtained In Sprteef & Surprising Gains -Made r by Laborites LADYASTOR ONE OF TWO WOMEN WHO ARE VICTORS Minister of Health Beaten-rAr- hur Hendersen Leses. Seat. Majer Aster Elected ',. ,Bu Aitectatei Prat LefWea, Nev. lC-At 4:30 o'clock returns from yesterday's elections showed the Conservatives te have mere than .the necessary 308 for a majority in the. new Heuse of Commens. 'With only seventy divisions missing, they bad elected 310 members, the As qtilthlan (Liberals rift, the Laber .Party 120, the National Liberals, or Geerge .itesj 88, and the ether partles'lS.-""- (These returns show a victory for. Prime 'Minister Andrew Benar-Xaw. ' .who is leader of the Conservative farty, Dut nise record a surprising 'KabOrlte'vetc. The Cengeryiitlve'nin-' 'jerity' In the Heuse of- Commens', en, the present Khewing is-03. , Sensational Laber Gains: Laber furnished the .inostsensatienal features of the retut-iiB, nheut half the total of Laber Party seats represent ing gains ,nK compared with the Inst iatlaaa an Fase Twtntr-twe. Cslaawflltr urii miiMbUiiN? LAST-MINUTE NEWS MRS. PHILLIPS GUILTY OF SECOND-DEGREE MURDER IN LOS ANGELES HAMMER CASE LOS ANGELES. Nev.. lG.-rA verdict of murder in the sec ond degree wns. returned by the jury today in the case of '.Mrs. Clara Phillips, charged with beating: Mrs. Alberta Meadows te death with a hammer. v. . :r LATEST RACING RESULTS 1 . MARLBpbFirsteive?. ,88.70,.40, mi ' City, 88, S3. 70. second; Evadner, 83.70, third n?'"Auntie TlurJNhe"Kh6wa(in$Tvirtiiig also ran. .U- f WINSTON CHURCHILL BEATEN FOR PARLIAMENT LONDON, Nev. 16. Winsten Churchill -was defeated for re-election for Pail lament from the Dundee division. Be was former Secretary of the Celonies. i MUSSOLINI HURLS E Italian Premier Tells Parlia ment He Must Receive Net Ask, Favers "REVOLUTION HAS RIGHTS" Bv .leci'n(ril Press Reme, Nev. IH, Premier MiismiIIiiI in his first address te the Chnmber of Deputies- today threw down the gauntlet te that body ami Indicated in unmistakable terms, that he was net there te ask favors, but te receive them. .' "What I mn doing today." said the Fasclst.1 Premier, "In n formal act of courtesy toward you. for which I de net. desire any speelnl expression of gratitude. '. "Fer tee' many years ministerial crises have been nettled by the Chamber by political maneuver, but for the sec ond time the first was In May, 11)15 the Italian nation ha overthrown the Cabinet nnd given Itself a ministry In hplte of rnrliament. MI- leave .te the melancholy worship ers of' super-constitutionalism the dis sertations and complaints, but I say that revolution has Us, rtuhts. I would add that' the -whole world may knew tuet I am here 'te descend te tlie ui-e, te its highest capacity, of the revolu tion of the black chlrts, te introduce it us n force of development, progress anil balance In the history of Italy." Outlines Reform I'resram The new Premier acquainted the Parliament with his program of in ternal reforms. He explained lirielly the Government's foreign policy nnd demanded blanket authority for n free hand in the execution of fiscal and bureaucratic changes. tylgner Mussolini's parliamentary debut as Premier was impressive. Never since the' war has an Italian Pre mier appeared before the Parliament with such self-centidence. Though the number of Fascist! deputies enlv reaches thirty-one out f ere than TM), the new chief of the Cabinet exhibited no apologetic tones, which wns the cus tom efhls predecessors who operated with coalition forces, "Exacts" 'Confidence Vete Te use his own 'word, he sininlv "ei- acted" a vote of confidence, lie imt hjmself forward as net asking the hup hup tiert of- the chamber, but as one wne had summoned It te show cause why It Milium uui en uimuiyhi ana oeunu ever te keep the peace for two years, until HUM, when its duration would auto matically expire, nccerdiug te the Italian constitution, The. chamber was kp1iv1 rtin shirts were especially prominent In the visitors' trlbunea te the extreme left overlooking the. beaches when the Se cialist, unu vesusajs aefutles.sat. GAUNTLET IM ROM N T kr l - tuff. ElecUd tePsrllsment V. h .- WkeOW AfSTOK., .M.P.,i Iftfmoetfi, Utd wiKnmiWM GOLO LETTERS ON BLUE 1923 AUTO TAG STYLE Enamel Guaranteed Net te Chip. " New License Demand Lags k' The .fashion in automobile license tags or. 1028 runs te, blue .and geld dull geld letters en, a. dark blue background. The -toss were made In the Hunting don (Reformatory and, according te the State' Highway) Department, the enamel will' net chip off as it did this year. , Althnuah the nutomebile. division at Harrlsburg is being kept busy filling orders i. for li)23 licenses, the demand, since.'anneunceinent. several weeks age that' tags were ready, has -net come up te expectations. a Time, l.l.t r - '..!'-, 3 , . J -. "RICKETY WAGON" DRIVER QUIZZED Detectives Find Vehicle Mrs. Gibsen Trailed en Hall-Mills Murder Night OWNER KEPT- SILENT Hi a Staff COrrD0rf, New Brunswick, N. .1.. X..v. 111. 9SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSV1 iTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBn .bTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbBBB9 i'BlBBBBBaav .BBBBBBBBBBHHBjgBHr- SbIHMR: 'v;::.C?aBm;,V; JMmm v f fy?'- y-y?MsBBsTJMafaTaBTa! 4 v ' jsBmit- -"t?mTtBsbbW . 5 fsHaiaxH 1 SaVHaSlaTaH BBBBBtejBaaaaaaa I xKKaTsTaTaf7 'IHsfaKBTsTaTaTa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrrSBBBBBBBBraHBSBMatraTaTaTaTfl alalaaH BvylBxxHIi' - KsV-HPPM The "rieketr wi..nn" ,,i i, ,iri. , tbe table, 'iiie attorneys nnn news t!l J. .if nvm? , . . , '' Papcrmen gathered nbeut him. It was seen near, the Philllpa farm the night apparent he wns troubled by the Issue, me uev. r.uward Wheeler Hall nnd Mrs. Eleaner Reinhardt Mills murdered, have been found, nccenlin, te Detective Lieutenant Davis. The driver, hnuled out of bed early this -morning by -Investigators- will be croas-questlened today. T detectives think he may be one of the we" im? ifK' Afe Is pig woman." who sava sh. i iK murder, fhe name of the driver of the "rick ety wagon" has been kept secret by Lieutenant- Davis. He said; however, the man had 'denied having been out the night of .the murder. The' "Pig Weman's" Story "Wis knew he lies," gnld the lieu tenant. "We have proved he wan out In hi wagon. The identification Is ab solute. In rplte of his denials, w !0,,nJ m.""0 h,m u,,mlt ,hlt e passed the Philllpf farm nt the time Mrs., (lib son snys she anw him. He should be m a position to.cerroborate her story that when she fcnehed a point near the farm she saw the 'Sveman ln gray" standing with a man nt the rear of an automobile, the two illuminated by the light from a second automobile parked near them." The "rickety wagon" figured exten s vely in Mrs. Gibsen's first story. In , , ,f nnd circumstantial account which she gave of her night's adven tures mounted en "Jennie." her mule, the "pig woman" said she had seen an old wagon standing near her prop prep erty, a mile away from the scene of the crime, about l o'clock in the eve ning. Thinking; she said, that the driver of the vehicle, might be a man she sua pected of 'having- stolen her corn, she bridled Jsnnle" and sallied out. She followed the wagon, which was rickety and creaked and rumbled as It moved slowly along the .reed te the point where she stepped near the Phillips fnrm. then rat watchluR It disappear down Kasten avenue in the direction nt v. it-.,... wk-k. convinced bv that: Mm. i. .i-i... was net the thief she hnd been en the i, watch for. '". '!,K "" " ne -riciieiy wagon because they hHv,i ii.t, driven pasting close by the Phllllnn r nCr " y-." w '"' PRICE TWO ' ' aB-rtvastBtastasBsM $F'?1 Attrierm CtrtHna Wknfattat sUsslB&sl. UNION . nation of VaYhimrrMti t- t-v;-' Mattacr Trial '" WILL RULE INDIVIDUALLY ' ON EACH CASE COMING Uf Fears Entirely Nen-Union PantJ Would Be Prejudiced Afalnet the Defendants ' By, a Staff Corre$pendenl of the Evening public Ledtr Marlen, III.', Nev. 10. Judge Hart well' will net permit any. "whelesali" elimination of veniremen in the Herrlri massacre trial because they are mesa hers of the United Mine Workers of America or because they are assessed 1 per cent-en their, salary te defray thev expensed of the defendants. "But I will rule as each case comes up," said the Judge. "1 am net going te threw out a geed man just because he belongs te' an organisatien and pays' his dues." ' The Issue was presented and the ex aminatien of jurors halted by State's Attorney -Deles.L. Duty, when Venire man Ames Andersen, a union miner, admitted' his , salary, was reduced .1 per cent some months, -age. Asked whether lie knew that the, as sessment "was used te pay for the de fense of the five union men charged with the killing of Heward Heffman at the Lester strip mine massacre last June, Andersen replied, "Net that I knew of." The State immediately challenged for cause. Judge Hart well overruled the challenge and invited all the attar, neya te a closed conference. News papcrmen were admitted.. "We are presented here with a cari ous situation." said Otis F. Glenn, mm of the States asslatanta'. "u-h.. i out of every seven veniremen examined urn aciunuy me employers or the coun sel for the, 'defense. i justice te.tbe people, we should net be forced te waste eUr peremptory, challenges en. men wk' are.cmpleylng the opposing attorneys.- 'All ITBJ a...i.i ' "We ."re all uad $& n tW. irim. mc uiieuia. aoeve nil, be pet uilttrij;toreaeT. this suapleien.- . t,alnly the men-who are hiring the law vera en one side of a lawsuit syastk thise with their own lawyers. ,"yV5T "The State can prove that memt-we of the coal miners' union here-bars' been contributing 1 per cent of their salaries for the expenses of the de fense, during the past sixty dnya." said Assistant State's Attorney Charles W. Mlddlekauff. "In the interest, of coil' men Justice the 'prosecution should allowed te bring such facts before the Court." Judge Hnrtwell replied that such' ac tion would require a separate trial far each juror. "If these men go Inte the Jury bpg while paying for the defense! nnd' then' Insist falsely -that they have no preju dice,, they are guilty of perjury, .con spiracy' and perhaps worse," said Judge Hart well. "Buti" he continued. "I wonder hew t would be te leave the fnte of these union coal miners In the hnnds of a selected body of men net miners,' ant union men. Would It be any falrerT The, whole country is in two camps. Maybe the farmers nnd non-union men have powerful prejudices. Can we elim inate a miner when he swear, he has no prejudice? Hhve we a right te say, 'Yeu are net. -competent just because you are a member of a certain Of ganlzatlen'?" "" 'WW SWHIISH ISSHK Judge Hartwell sat with his feet t I but no less apparent mat lie wanted te . be fair and appreciated the gravity of the problem. I "Cnn we rail a man a liar when ha , sava he Is net prejudiced just becans he's heen assessed?" he asked himself ,as ,mVh. ns U"J Kren,p .ftbeut blm' r-Ani1 ,1?tJ'r' ln s,",f,,i,"re' ,-i""UJS; K,'rr' chM ,cel""('1 f.'?r the ,nIner"' trU(l ,0'relh!ive right of pc P e" ,,,n '.". "'IV''""'"" -" " lvlmr." sniil .Mr. Kerr. "Pie case nnu no court in be mrx Continued en I'ase Twenty-two. Column CtM HUNTER IS ROBBED DURING TRAIN FIGHT Accuses Man Held of Picking Raw and Taking Watch and Pin A geld wntch nnd n' diamond scarf -pin were stolen from a gunner eaily today during a light nn a Pennsylva nia lUllreud train near North Phils delphlu Station. William McMahon, Chlpeeteaatat, Va accused Samuel Fuhrman,' Fourth street near Ilainbridge, of stealing ala valuables. He said Fuhrman plafeatl a fight witu htm, struck mm ana tg leaped from the train as it drew lass the stntleij.. ' Patrolman Daniels, of tbe Penaafl vanla llallrend police, heard tbe shouts of passengers and saw a man sprlfMSSf down the station steps. He caught the fugitive, who creved te be Fuhraaa. McMahon testified this morning at the)' hearing before Magistrate Dara in the Twenty -second street and Hast ing Park avenue station, and Fuhrssasi wns held ln $2800 ball for a iurtkav hearing November 23. McMahon said he had his coat asMf gunning equipment. in an overhead I and that Fuhrman entered the car threw his cent ever Aicaianen s. the luttsr tried te' move his desm the ether objected end struck hiss, Miu. j.mer no uiiBneu uis WBISS pill. AMERICANS WIN IN TOKM Tehla, Net. W. By A. P.) ail-star Amsriwut.reiiassiM.l lam TT-tTntr iil mil j tftllT . .:' I Mltv. lliajfl.' YKhlr!M.V''t m Vi n a jfi - :& V.S 41 LJ m mkJmMn .tSiW.' tiFXtS. L&sm sSB& . . . . IV Hi-A. ' i., '-tiT-li . "- . .. iVl -. , raiMTtfi hma WM'&ttXtZ&.iMt raaasw H'1iirJ' L !&m:J