mepmrntm jnTVTiTYiLllWaVTi,! IpeM' .1 A?v if" JlliUPRHHiail .' j i ,v t y r m - ' ftw VjlV V .SJ i1j HlfiVl'llT 'iJil 'T .- i;tTl't.Vlti '. ,. -.,., -,f Vf - Mr "1V"1 VI t '.' . ' Yi,7mmFv.r:-&L iRPWPf rj'w.''1.."TWPrr'jb'V . MS I -' t ! V-" V ) iiBEfift. f W 'A vr '- I n ' it I 1 M JM M m ft EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA; WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER IS, 1922 . GIRLS A M L CONVENTJNQUAKE ky Lit by Intense Light When Earth Sheek at ! Copiape SOLDIERS CONTROL TOWNS ' Hit Amndntril Vrcni Hhntlnun, Nev. IB. The rnrrrspnml fnt of tin' iipwupniHT Mpreiirlii. vlu Inn arrlvwl from Cepintin, mivx tluit wlimi the vfirtliquiikp whs first felt tin-re l-"rl-dny tilglit the PiiHtirn sky vn II lumlnntnil by nn lntt,ii"t red lljrlit in tlie hnpc of grout tlnini"'. ThN ihinetiu'inin Could be twit for n Brent lltnncp. Thp tremors oentinui'il Intermittently all night Mtnl Sntunlnv mernlti. ,Tut before nililnlKht Snmlny nnetlier pro pre pro lengml qimkc win felt ntul it win re- Seated Intermittently until ilnybreiik femtny. During the tremors young girls nt n convent and celioel jumped out of the Window. Mnny of them were Rerieuxly Injured when the screwl llner snggnl down. llie Imi1tnl nnd prlen nt foplnpe rp lu ruin, but the prisoners mid the Sick esetiped uninjured. Prleners guilty of "light offense ere freed by the authorities. Several Criminal" Iirnke jnll. I The reinevnl of debrln in the nfllieled ' tegien has been tnrted with the help Of wddlers. Eighty per rent of tlie i duuiiui-m nre down nnd the ethers nre greatly dnumeed. Soldiers nn1 tm trol ling the towns by day nnd the police by night. Tile .-tnte of siege Is lieing main tained. Many small Inland villages nenr Ce- Jilape were detreed. San I'Vrnande in ruins. Twenty-three persons were killed there. At the village of Tlerra Amnrilla four persons are dead nnd half the town Is in ruins. ,t San Antonie seven nre dead and the town ASKS "EYE FOR AN EYE" OF HAMMER CASE JURY Murder Trial of Mrs. Clara Phillips li Nearlnfl Clese. Les Angclra, Nev. lB.(Iy A. 1'.) Only the Judge's Instruction te thp Jury remained today before that body re eelved the ense of Mrs. t'lnrn l'liilllps, charged with having klllitl Mrs. Al berta Meadows, twenty -year-old widow, with a hummer. Arguments were competed yesterdny, Charles V. l'rieki'. Deputy Dfstrlet At torney, concluding the State's appeal that Mrs. Phillips be made te pay "an rye for an eye, n teeth for a teeth," for the murder charged te her. The crowds trying te get into the courtroom have become se large that the county beard of supervisors. passed an ordinance forbidding loitering In the Hall of Itecerds, where the trlnl Is In progress, Deputy Hherlffs have con siderable difficulty !n enforcing It, being greeted with "bees" and hisses. Will Held Rummage Sale The ladles of the St. Ignatius Heme nnd l'nrm Auxiliary will held n rum mage sale at Jl'.'W Market street No vember -I nnd 24. , 'A. C. HUMORIST, ENDS LIFE Arthur Crawford. 'Man of Punny Ideal,' Pound Dead In Bronx New Verh, Nev. IB. Lying In a He eluded ravine in the Hrenx, a cigarette dangling from his smiling lips, the lifeless body of Arthur Crawford, actor, humorist, 'the man of n wealth of funny ideas," was found yesterday, a bullet wound In the heart. A revolver lay nt his side, In Crawford's pocket wns found a letter, addressed te Ids son. nn instruc tor In physical education nt Columbia rnlverslty, nnd n will. The letter con talned a key te a safety deposit vault and Informed the son he would flrd $8000 In the'Itank of Montreal. Crawford was widely known as "A, C." . Fer years he had furntalMd artists with Ideaa for mnny of their best pieces and behind the artist's name en such drawings, after a plus sign, appeared his Initials. STORM FUNERAL MIDAY Paris, Nev. IB. The funeral of Bel lamy Storer, lnte American diploma tist, who died here Sunday, night will be held Friday in the Church of Halnt W'hllllpe. with Monslgner Ccrrettl, the papal nuiu-iu in tans. PROFESSOR AND WIFE SLAIN Japanese Idueater 'Stabbed te Dsafh by Student llenelut, T. H., Nev. 15. (Br A. P.) Prof. Hashimoto, of the Wesedn Middle Scheel, Teklo, and his wife were stabbed te death by a student by the name of Tnkeuchi, who later committed suicide, according te a cable dispatch from Teklo te the Nlppu JIJI, local ver nacular newspaper. Takeuchl was a student at the Im perial Tnlverslty of Teklo and n brother of l'ref, Katiiynmn, f Waseda Uni Is a wreck. Casualties mi far reported from (Vplnpe number the dead at ci.rty and the Injured at 110. Travelers arriving from Channrcllle. a mining town In the I'revlnee of Ata cama. Fay the i-nrtluunki wns felt there with great Intensity. The shocks upcucd deep tis-ures In the hills and caused frightful notees. Latest reports from the town of Vallennr place the number of luuh klllisl and injured there at 1!H10. It is believed ( that the total killed and injured In the nllcnar Valley will reach l.'OO, The full extent of the disaster which Centeri'd upon the Provinces of Atncaui.i and Cfulmlie beciinie mere fully kiieuu. tednj with the niipetiitu of telegraphic cominunicntiens with North Chile. Drnth List Increases j In these two provinces the victims1 number l.'en, se far a Is new known. but It is expected the number of lieiul I will be substantially increased when communications an- resumed with many I small villages in the interior whose fate ' remains unknown. Dispatches today from I.a Serena tnl 1 of serious damage which the earth quakes Indicted ujvin the Tope mines. ' law has been declined at Vallennr and In Copiape owing te the ( looting which bandits lime been perpe. tratlng upon the distressed population, j The bandits nre believed for the most l part te be prlseneis who escaped frem1 tne jniis tears felt for the safety nf thi Chilean steamiT Itcunlcn when It was rrpprte.1 that she had failed te ntiswer I Wireless calls following the earthquake of last Saturday, were dispelled today when her agent", stated that the vcsel had departed from Coipilmhe and was I midway en her vevage te Valnar.iie. The stenmur Is due there some time to day. Rnnta flnrn. Calif.. Nev. 1.1. Al though sun spots had something te de with the disastrous earthiiiake and coiiRce.uent tidal wave tl Chile, the moon also was a contributing factor. In the opinion nf rather J. S. Itlcard. of the I'lilversity of Santa Chiru Oh Oh servntery. Fnther Itlcard is n hading ex ponent of the tlesiry thai sun spots have a direct relation te the we.nher and Issues n monthly puhlhatien known as the Sun Spot. "Ill our observatory nt Santa Clara we have alwajs held that great sun spots en becoming central are a partial 'cause of ciirth.iiakes," s:,id r,,ther Iliciird. "Uhen the Chilean earth quake eccurrd a great miii spot, lati- TOde six degrees tout h. was In nine,. siriKe tiie earth, l-or nun tli.m te twenty-two jenrs tliis coincidence ).... I tween malignant sun spots nnd earth- i qunkes has been repeating itself. A coincidence thus indefinitely . maintained is in itself a proof. I "On the ether hand, it cannot be denied that the moon acts at an angle of 4B degr , where, unopposed bv j gravity, it lifts net only the water's of the ocean, but le the earth. This opens fissures in the mm bottoms where the water, tillering in abundance, is turned Inte Miller-heated steam ami ex- pledcs, thereto, lifting enormous musses of solid material which begin te oscil late, nnd that Is the earthquake." SWIMS THROUGH TIDAL WAVE SAFELY Coqiilmhe. Chile. Nev. IB. dly A. P.) Captain Stuart Campbell, of the Chilean schooner Mnrtn, swam out from the Coquimhe mole, in the face of the tidal wave aerempnning the earth quake, te his vessel lu the bay when he saw it wus in danger, it became known today. I He wns waltlns near the mole for the return of hi ship's beat when he ' n w tlie lights en liis schooner moving about in an extraordinary manner. lie announced his intention of bearding tlie Mnrtn by swimming, despite the en treaties of his wife and child, who were i with him. Leaving them, he preccedid te the mole, where lie wns caught In1 the first tidal wave, which was net very strong, but held en te the rails of the mole. On the return wave he swam out about twenty-five yards. There lie touched ground, where erdlnarllv there were six futhnms of water, suddenly finding himself Mantling with no water! between him and the land. Frem e,i. . ward, however, a towering wave then rushed upon him, into which lie dived. ' mi coming te me surtace he swum nbeut twenty-live minutes, eventually reaching his schooner. Captain Camp bell said today he found the water te be warm. ILIADOR SAILS TO U. S. "Mysterious Menk" Desires te De Literary Werk In America I , Rlgn, Latvia,. Nev. IB. (Ily A. I'.) ' -Illader, the "mysterious monk" of i IlusMa, has received nn American vise te Ills passport and will sail for New Yerk en beard the steamer Lltliunnln ' today. i Illader was arrested here by the Lat vian authorities in July while en his Wy te the I'nlted States te preach pmiliai jiuiKui'VIKiii, V cjilll hi, ,1,.. te buy a farm ami settleJre the tea, where he could carry en wera, lie uas been in ! attest, awaiting a ekaace ,;..! MBaisiasaHMsaBiasaifaMiBiiiaBBBaaaHMBBSBBBaaaaas fSSSZSEEmmSZEESSESSSmmESSESSSSSESSSSSSEESSE wiysBBBMBBtBNBBa?eaB46eBBBBarlBBBBB JlvW S " J Copyright 1922 Hart Schaffner & Mux' Your dress clothes are correct if Hart Schaffner & Marx make them Thats the most important part of dress clothes; they must be correct in style, fit, quality, tailoring; it's the only way you can have com fort in mind or body Our dress clothes are right in every detail and in price, tee Full dress Cutaway frocks Tuxedos ' Strawbridge & Clothier Exclusive Philadelphiajpiatributera of Hart, Schaffner & grx Clethes 111.. " i fcL f SfSSZakWzsfzZssssz 4 Netice the Lighting Equipment' Special Announcement! 7E are pleased te announce that the in W crease in our sales of electric lighting fixtures has se lowered our cost of doing bust ness that we have been able te REDUCE OUR PRICES OU are respectfully' renuested te visit I our show rooms and see for yourself what wonderful lii being; offered you ghtlncr fixtures values are at SKLAK'S. Merris Sklar Ce. ARTISTIC LIGHTING FIXTURES RuUtttM CtmmntM 10181020 Arch Street Sefsrieyi (IM 5; 39 F. M. Appearance Is Half the Battle Smart and well-groomed appearance makes for buslnett and social success. Sending us veur clothes REGULARLY insures you that well-turned-out loe and .the cost is se small that it is hardly an item in the effect achieved. Nete these sample priceit i LADltV SUITS OR COATS.... LADIES' DRESSES, MEN'S SUITS OR 0'COATS.. Ktla0fl tad Wtik Branches: Phene Poplar 7660 - for Aute te Call rWleeVsMa's QaaMy Cfeeaeis i Dym 1 161628 N. 21st St., PhflatMphl IKS Chestnut St and SIIT Osrmantewn Ave. TAKE A DAY OFF! One Day Trips Frem Philadelphia via "The Reading" Ceal Region SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19 MIIAQVA tee $Q,25 MAJUH0T 0ITT 3 0ILBEBTOH - arA RfEeSQeSO Bpttlal tnia lTM READIN9 TEKKWAL 1.00 A. St.. tUpplw t ClmW A?.r Huntlntltm Stxtt, Kiniruak, OonihekkB tad Mirtli Mirtli tewa (D Xtls St.). BOUND EVERY aVNDAY $1.50 AtlanUc City Ocean City Stene.' Harber 00) m. wiidwoed Cap May Jk .it ffltt tun Chutnut and rrrUs fir ATtAJtTtd OltY T . rt OTHIK SEASK0XE atlOBT. Itata OkMbiHt ft. fiiTir rte A. M.. ttulh SI. rjrnrjJlull. ATLANTIO eTrr. . J.1I V. it. SESOBTS "l.MP. 1. (MIKr B0VND New Yerk Sunday, November 26 $3.00 'THE CITY OF WONDERS'l Sit tha ftnaaa akvieraaar k llnti er lAfnrt mint imi en nrta Avtaui snaai tint tu lUktiMlas tai villi- SUtut Ttmil TUIB triaadi. Saaclal . .train liatta BMINAX..S.0S A.M.. Wayaa raai't Aftna.flM.viw ..b.. " iravfi jaaetifta. j t.. BlTOBHU BSD 8TBEET. Mil. M.I L1BERTT iUl CilaiaUa A .Hentlftadi iUBUOB. iijfjin ua lEiuanutu. aval weir READIXO ippiaa ai Jaakta. EXBEET. S.S0 T. M. Fer detailed information regarding abort Excursions consult Agents See Flyers. Tickets may be purchaaed prier te datea of Excursions. Philadelphia & Reading Railway Travel en "The Reading" kftSimmSmmmmWSffS you may never again be able te buy this splendid electric washer $99.00 1 1 N I for IIm1 viity T hink of it enlv $99 for a strietlv hiath- grade, full-size, six -sheet, rnnner tub. Electric Washer A B C make, one of the best en the market! Here is certainly a splendid washer value; one which we unhesitatingly recommend te our customers. Wee "after Sntsflg! """ UPW C'nn0t fUmnt" ' m;.btf.Mti1,i ,f you wi!n t0 buy en convenient, easy pay ments, you can de se at only a very alight extra charge. Only $1.50 jfi pays for this splendid labor-saver considerably less thsn it eE? tEEa'a-fl Z'S 0t 'und""- These .i? nesptfeMLW be b. d Z'A Vuthrc ,ew Pr,.ce of the w"h. the machine wlU ce paid for almost before you knew it. TODAY-. Call Telephone Write tfalnut 4700 The PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY, TENTH AND rurtTMiW .,... ' a s. aeik x ..u.,. -----.nwi aiMbia S.jtS. 5$X V eKlJJr'AW C0UW2, UtCTKJ COaWANV rrankferd Ave. and Orthsdes It II. CuaU. Aa. Ave. BreaA mI WlhWteaP - MtaWfaWWsM If .y.j...:.J.-wJji BVi..-v.,--i .,-, -i' yv.M. .' ,i ii'??'!fi' iil - XiWM