ip ,;" wiP)iIPIf EHK5.A7fc?S m r&WW&HffVSJM f--V Vli Lh'W'Hffl "Mr- HZk Vy ' f i '- 1. 1 rrm V I V, " rW.? VBNI1W PTJBLIO EEDGBBHTOAPBHIA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1ft; 1922 By Sidney 8$ THEttllMPS-luMt PlmlH IMU MUllUt THE WORLD OUTSIDE -,. CI 0 . r , HI. ' ' .7 "i A 'a. - -- ------''a-a- "'', - - ..... , -,., -r-r-r. rrr CTWlaCBBm - -TTwaaaaaaasacsBs ' .- i i w s r.."'.-MaBBBBi By HAROLD MacGRATH CeswrteM. ! sw iloreM VdcOralk wsiva WHO IN Tin fM wzm lh wait. -jftWJ5iSWS BWwWKWiRW iffi c Lx,ti Br.L(MJL,Ui,a rt- Wen tke De4 "-- - . ,. At. LL, that will M P" et wc & m vntiv TKcnar nercr Kitatrf. But get this feel Idea J?..' money out of your head. I HS",u once before, that It Is a moral fflJuen te humanity. If you de net ISmi this obligation you'll be for !S contemptible than you belief your PXi. ! and you haven't thu "I.T nnd It. Bah! You're 2e, you'll wake up presently. fEFvtbeen reading tee much and talc M for leipel fact what la merely the- "Perhaps." But doubt began te edge tain the young men'a mind. Snell might Si right. Meral obligation; te direct St8.werthy channels that which hed m out of bad. ,, "De jeu knew what these seven mil. 1-rrtpresentr went en Snail. "The atatdr employment of three or four taoeMnd men. when millions are out el work, when the financial world Is mllnc around like a drunken man. loe, the getting ofraeney is nearly nl wi tainted In the beginning; It's what man does with It afterward that MUBti. Teu're unbelievable: you're one t of ten million boys. They would hoop 'er up for a couple of years, then git down te brass tacks, leu're a I had a queer father." "But he stuck; he was en the Jeb when he died. New, are you going te ii.Lt Anv man who Is ready te de ". "-;: .i .... .. T id AM girl ngainai luur muga vi a ,i hnii it (a same. This money dlitiiteful te you, but you can make u white as snow iy keeping It mev- toward the Detterment 01 numnn ,mm a evten nsanniMV aan rni UK Ltn jellars than he is In receiving It as n rift. Fix It te that three or four thou Stail men cnn go en corning living tlttt until the end of their days. The image man does net want chnrlty; be mats a Jeb. Take these millions and Mm thorn into a thousand mere Jobs thin your father did. A job is a man's wlf'Kspect. And you'll lexe yours if tm threw ud thlfc Jeb. I'm an old me; I knew this world from contact tad observation. If your father ever Committed a dishonorable net which 111 sever admit he did you, his son, a wipe it off the slate by manfully icceptlng the obligation thrust upon jeu. You've been living in a dream world of fine books; you've seen the world enlv In the nrlnted neire: and ten want te run deck ie your nermira era the moment tbe first rub comes. After the first of th year take n trip w one of your cargo ships ; go up te rwr great legging camp; go down uwng men. That'll cure you of this ttntenae." "All right," said Bancroft; "I'll tk, even though I don't want te." "And one of these days you'll thank (or thin Btraixht talk, if your rather id Kennedy whoever he was It was honorable debt, lour father bought lit house from the bonk." "But there is thnt mini who entered thli very room Jehnsen's mnn. What bout Mm?" "Seme crnnk, probably." "He came in here te kill mv father." "Why should any one want te kill your ntneri ' "venienee." "Mere book stuff." "Ne. Fer the same mnn is coin te try te kill me," sold Bancroft quietly. ''Whnt the devil are you talking IDOUIT" "Battle, murder, and sudden death. My father rsrnped ; se I've get te pay the debt myself, nenslbly." "Hare you nlgncd nny document?" fcmandtd Snell. "I'm net telling you another word, Mr. Snell. I've get te go through this 111 alone. New, I went you te jet ttwn the hpqucNta in my will. Yeu Mrer can tell," "A will?" Why net? (let te mat one some time, and this happens te be a geed ttm. I'll be in Monday te sign It. Te Mils Nancy Bewman." "Yeung mnn, I'm going te hove you wed up until I've Investigated this tmlntis!" Bancroft laughed. "That'll be wast Jfl time. The game would start ngeln tt moment I was free." Hare you deeded away nny of your pJeperty?" . 1 honestly don't knew. But what I did I had te de." ..j d '?" ctM 8ne,1 tfrewlng mere Jd mere bewildered. "Hew about that WdaTlt you had me draw up?" ( It may serve; I don't knew." Why can t jeu take me Inte yeul tWBdrnce, son? I might be able te 2y neraeimni." This boy was be Wad him. .il .ij1!'' rm "erry Yeu wuW SSL!.!.10 my ''"Acuities and perhnpi mm them I'll tell you this much: want te be absolutely sure that a Hlht my father's life. I have a "j goeu warranty for believing 1 "?i DUt I mUSt llBVB till, nrnn I'm filX?.' ,hre,,,(h ,,fe ,oek ew my ffif" v" "? 'ether must hove. I'm . ,.K0Ter wh new." e Inl" Snell celled. Imuatlent. "A . T?..,lever wh new." . ic in j aneu cailei Vi In Snun'si. n i. i. JehnJn lrn1!.,er you ,lr'" announced SB1 .fc"ek.,Bf out hu"X he Srteer. ' ceun'cnnn; of tiS rlpped Pcn tn J-e'Iew en &flahL,mi m1tPnr'n'"'. Ue. gwernia for his heulth. Geed JPat is It?" fnVLl'n'f1 !i ymrKt t"-cltedly. kwit ' of the 'eram read os fel- ?iWlSd,in.c.!SM ? jetHn" ,n no,e en'. r.iry tetnlly forget It. When a Zi.fi0V .went t0 "n'P Siles gave "Ite the hnv". L'. 8n e 8ur? .ne. my private tin In the safe te Bancroft. Oversight. pnima.Ti S"lTe thn lin.1. . """" l Bure ne u iZ,Te ti'I. i inn t r i."". n hour i.t.. v.. "A"! .. SS 1': 'h face hidden in hli fc of wZhS" iwh e Hnell, hi. eye " tainnni. . " le 'rove timt only fl hand nB,yTf"V,n L',,00,l wll jmXrl '.'.'"I en the bv' ukni.i.i.. t.Mu" b unshliie eneunh. e'ftei And nil the while came the boy's muf. Mm W&5.h sold, gjjatheri VSA ?,l" caw IS!4. 'And 1 1 !. fl a i j...t. .7T "uumea -w Knew a in t;:r: Ira fail 7LW '... " .'f..,T" .' Ei.TTTf geed basis 1 ynu were hMtnnlns tri Sri.2? B.l,.e.tI5'.,f 'ou w,Bt te Mw'" .,Tht iritlfnl btttrl All, all alone, atand. Mlsunderttnerf ait du u. . miser I The called him miser, and I ji """" , my lamer i un, 1 f.0""" what happens newl" rals ma neaa. ni'--'" 'f'J yen what en w'" Diogenes' Untern and chuck It into the !'h i?f "' t8,? ,,ht . aawmlng .1Wl,l"?.h, d,d net '' ATb world la full of Innocent bystanders. It al waa has been, and always will be. We Judge actions without the least cencep. tlen of the motives that energise them. But It seems pretty tough that Johnny Jonas, of Seuth Dakota, perfectly con' !".? wwhand, should rest his bones wn$i A.7enne, simply because one William Moheniellern had grandiose k51" j et. ni! Importance. Innocent bystanderal Yeu "have been one, your father, his MmM ' Bancroft Jumped up and cleared his -i. ?0APU we utter into an in ner pocket. '.'.Wh't are you gelne- te de. son?" -. ? S01" t0 nunt "P h ethn POOr devil nf a tiatatita.a.l. din before he does something he'll always &""?' J?rV Ged " '"" reddenlna his hand- with m rath.'. bleed. There's no doubt new that ,,iB,VJl window te kill my u' lvt "n ldcn I'd he" hurry' can'?U':..W,th yettI W "- 1 "Ne." Bm ?"nPMft Id net find Stewart at his lodgings. Stewart had moved out, though his belongings, neatly boa ed, were still n evidence. Ner did nancreft flnrl him at the office of the Belivia Emerald Company. Stewart had sold out. . Bancroft comprehended at once; the bow something fantastic and incredi blewas shortly te fall. There would be no way of anticipating It ; he would have te awnjt It. But If the peer mad man struck from behind? and never learned the truth? Thnt was Ban tl, L! ?fle 'ety: he waa prepared for eny thing but a blew from behind. or all that, his new found buoyancy carried him te a pathway among the stars, and he stepped, one te the ether, indifferent te the Immeasurable abysses DetVen. .H? haA new what he had prevleualy Imitated confidence in him self. In the future. He no longer re Bret.tcd &" h? wn" without creative S'r'j"-,1"'8 future WB" cut and dried did net distress him. His father by the strangest sacrifice had creat te meae minions; nis son would ad minister them, turn them loose in pro ductive sallies upon a broken world, build up little communities et wage earners, create Jobs as ether men creat ed music, literature, art. Why, there was nothing finer in all this drab earth than te make oneself a useful citizen. That would be his business in life. He went te the theatre ' that night. Ills applause was thunderous ; he could net keep still in his chair; his face waa like a beacon. He did net exactly annoy any one, but he attracted some amused attention. People smiled in dulgently et "the young man with a girl in the show." They could even pick out the girl. Se far as Bancroft was concerned, be waa all nlena In the orchestra and Nancy was all alone en the atage. He left his chair nt the beginning of the finale, begging perdens by the wholesale -as he maneuvered past the cramped knees. He trod en one gentle man's feet. "I hope your oysters .choke yeul" snarled .the victim. "That's remarkable, sir. Hew did you knew that I bad oysters In mind?" surrendering te a flashlight-heated deviltry. "Yeu trod en my feet." "I beg your pardon. I'm sorry. But wiiuiu you mina toning me just new that would suggest oysters?" "Oct out, get out! Before you step en the ether feet I" Reses for Twe Glrlst Bancroft reached the aisle without Inflicting upon the remnant of the row anything mere serious tbau obstructed view. He hurried off te tbe nearby florist, who, he remembered, was si wnys open late e nights. He purchas ed two desen American Beauties and had them separately boxed. Neit, he ran around te the stage entrance and boldly entered for the first time. He paused before the Cubbyhole; of the ancient Cerberus. "Wet a pencil?" "A pencil? Yeu can't get by here, young man," said the watchdog, feeling his dignity grossly affronted. A pen cil! "Whadda yuh think thla la, a posteffice?" "I'll give you $5 for a pencil!" with a gesture and tene perhaps net unlike that used aforetime by the desperate ltlcherd, seeking te evade tbe wrathful Lancaster. "Well, of course " A stub was produced and paid for. On each box Bancroft wrote; "Supper at the Rita. Jerry." "Please deliver these," he sold, "All right. But I've dumped mere roses in the sshenn for Miss Bewman than you get hnira en your head. I nevcr saw you before." "And "you may never see me again. That's the md pert of life. Here to day, and gene tomorrow." u Well, I'll take the flowers in; but they'll be heading for tbe ashcan, if I knew anything." These two boxes of resea met odd re reptlnns, Jenny frowned. Nancy sighed. i Jenny touched the soft petals, eyeing them with that fixity of gaze kneyn of the crystal gazer ; indeed, she Vetild penetrate the future te tbe extent of an assurity that these would be the (irst and lest resea she would ever re ceive from Jeremiah the Queer, as she suddenly dubbed Bancroft; net par ticularly happy ever the gift, certain that Nancy would possess the like or better. All right: she would wear them, she would go te the Hits ; but she would also give the thoughtless nut a piece of her mind for net tipping her of ae she could have dressed for the part. Nancv slahed: but with happiness. Here were roses she might keep. She held tliem te her face and Inhaled the delicate perfume. Jerry was becoming thoughtful, the peer boy ! . Whatever was alie going te de with blm? Never n ulan. never n word, and yet Hut supposing the declaration had been due te n twist et his peer bruised head? She hoped ae. She Hid net want te hurt Jerrv. It seemed te b fatality that she must hint these shs liked. She was new convinced that she and hurt Prate ! net ileenl)'. DCrllllPr). but 0 hurt. nevertheless. What u mad thing she had been! Hew bitterly she would always hate herself for that unbeliev able moment I She wanted a long time te paaa be. fnM ha mv Crule again. Whether aha hud hurt him deeply or lightly, .shs never could meet his eve again, villi, a recurrence of the bitter si She drcHBcd, and was pinning the roses te her corsage, when Jenny knocked. . A . . ., "Wnat are we going ie u wna tnis xniny ueuare ier reasai ,- ""n f aT" . MM mi N f ma amis I rAtt ni -' """ we- tent MVVt uevt Mt. r ' X "vf4illnH eCM JnH WKT V I ? Of l - VM HO TOUTtOMM Tl OMCt-ttMtf I VwM4T TtOvVt I M tt t HlkVt. TtttV TO t 'BssB 4elfl 4wS ffitfwirvB Mt ' Vl 'n yr- . W tgC1Ot HOWj J HdT0 M OH TMt J 15 f fatfm fUtBltJl H aaav xVsaWaSS M 'lgagk. v Hll J .SSBlBalssssSBV I OfSiiMlli l M S? V& fttAXiXyC -Tsl V I IL LT If" -ICaaawJ L 0 9 aftJII 0 jl g9ggggfek .gglgggggggk i i H ' a aa-aaai iiwa ai i li j SOMEBODY'S STENOGTht Dignified Buslnet Man By Hayumrd tUriEJu mveSBu BUM TUt UtTlXRCE HOWtttl THltOrTll HAS BBsM FOLU OF PBOPUa Tt rTfeArvfirVCT IMPORTANT eU5lA5S M YOU iiiLjeaai. 'l3Mllurl , VHW .Wwn n MJ saP"jJ . , 2 ! lUctstarea V. a. Patent Offlea - -.-aaaaaaaaaaWsaaMsaawaassaasaamwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSawaSaa m " " a aaaaa J l ' ....ijmh JT- MAJ.tA'. AAAR.&mi lS.U.7Hsf. II r TDUrtG AytAAIUHCMTDUrTsl IMWD06M I rTuaamlVst lh -Ti MW" 'v'air'i 1 ' "W j"uv5.PMlhTAkK. A WEJLKtOFF 1 1 wSiB 5i LlVAlTlCfi TfcLL Mi&fMl 1 uMauCAMiTlM ksaaaa. i .'Sfi ft & l&ifzm- A I W. "TUM rl-f SHsltCAM'atA ' a "1 I fi..fucis'njCU'S OOHi I nsLATT I ly SHAMPOO, r1 WMk mCS!tJy ,M1 VISCT HER AMBLY WSmetlT I ML L-,OF TMt BILLIOAI COMXtfl. I J I ,'t1ssBBaBBSa I yj J I Ofpfcllj " " Mr A a, HArfva.)a Ut I " I 'I I 1 L . . I .. I The Yeung Lady Acreia the Way hnv. Jenny? Uat.inlau mlatlt.. t ...aM AllMiniMtf." saaaajai v - riCONTINyI i.y""? v. Aid m TialWa TjU?Sa?J The young lady across the way saya she believes football Is a cleaner game than baseball and you never bear of a fielder robbing a batter of a bit or anything like that In tbe football season. TOMBOY TAYLOR Bt FONTAINE FOX N sS- sB Hr g "SsaW frjlgl MOST MA tftlrl AT MAtT'j) vfiftTM fleyj CwTMiMfc ftiN Irt that AMC "f'aH.eW THf LiAOlU en rteaktu SKATCS WHICH "Tenter TAYkefV iMTfleOUCIO. P aaauva 5SifrJi.8ffii? sure H " ? It "-,'T"- SCHOOL DAYS 5" J"- --'aiaT-aal Bw DWtO It leaflKft. tJte. --, HOr RWV. ...'' TB-H . ,. -. naj iHvst BiVV aakaJv.aa'liaV. ". U. rt.. tm jpNH ."""n.. 'tatfSftau ORMt " WalBlBIBlBlHBBlB'BlBBaK.aBlBBSDHVaSBW'A.BB A ',', 'JTi lssBaar fiOOD' CaaaiaaBBaa y v Ri;t-. -SSaaYasaSk. af -ilaaSalBlBBsSBBgsV' rr '-ISu-uZiii! J i ftr'.r . a-- , O mm "....X 'v "aa S aCaaaa I PjnanMgaylaqgN , fUwHHGPBaaiaasaSJ?f r CRmfcttpf lllLai w s ter eJbCrVOOU ,tv rrf att)etflb 1sv CCaMTm cui wse ymaM WWM,.aa SSTPvtNWT OH t t3r-wp. . sjr PETEY Funny, the Way Thing$ Happen WMCeeaf l camY Steep at ah -"TOese Viiiainc Oec Cwe Mr AC VORSTVAki useteaa- We T50MK Me 1010 MG HCO (Wl HV IUA0MK11A "KM1 AVMV I'LL Ce 'ftOUMO ItlK rtff&r IHIM6M1HC HtTRVUMCAM HIM A PIBCB OF" i v S "HJ A "TCic DocTem I iRty n i' l.rjz zJ . j -a .aaawa aw . ... 1 aasi J aalaWalaWalaWalBB .aWataat l " tt' wn cr jm m -17 -gM7 i m i )fl.w f DTM IwaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaWaslllH -- v)T I WT QttJglwsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssl VI T'.V V I laWaWasaWaWasaWaWasaWaWasaWaWal ? t W&f &aJL TSyT3rSiK 'ill e .1 n&sillrKri i9y C. a4. FeiT GASOLINE ALLEY Did Yeu Get a Manicure, Walt? - SJ i a-j -a - -aaavav a BnaBBBMaaBHataaaaaaBB iuTeuMiMVrJMewi C - Wm CMuce He's or of j ( .'vv v W'JMW 1 JBBBssBB awESSSafaV1 a " il fl a? BIBISSSSSSSSBV B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1B1bV BVKU NfltO It WAtT ' HOWABI TOUf w ' v"1" I aaalflMajuiaia.taVi " -- TiBmitTSTsaT I Ti tllF i 'Hrl iBHaWW-, 'A ,... 'vT. ?'U7TTrn t,. v' J "(,.. HI MS OXOSSOMf THtt - e, rHiimr oeoil THAT .50001 PONT FOtCtT TOV MAVf A ChtfTt WTPHi Mt FOR THUIWDrVf WIQKT. ' sjQy voetomr? I WOutDfiT eMCt O, Hit rMli gutr. in we. TUCKIO ante, tUQt WILL. CtOODBNT I i..'. LO.J !?' i H I 'ii s Ml I ! ti ..if :'?j.'iiv;; fitt;7 wf "1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMMJ;aaaaaaaaaaaaana..,1w.u-. , .jfr-wfi-i , -'' V,,aWagk..J.7,--:-.llaJvj